September 29, 2024

"September 27th is the most important day in the Middle East since the Abraham Accords breakthrough."

"I have spent countless hours studying Hezbollah and there is not an expert on earth who thought that what Israel has done to decapitate and degrade them was possible. This is significant because Iran is now fully exposed. The reason why their nuclear facilities have not been destroyed, despite weak air defense systems, is because Hezbollah has been a loaded gun pointed at Israel. Iran spent the last forty years building this capability as its deterrent...."

President Trump would often say, “Iran has never won a war but never lost a negotiation.” The Islamic Republic’s regime is much tougher when risking Hamas, Hezbollah, Syrian and Houthi lives than when risking their own. Their foolish efforts to assassinate President Trump and hack his campaign reek of desperation and are hardening a large coalition against them.
Iranian leadership is stuck in the old Middle East, while their neighbors in the GCC are sprinting toward the future by investing in their populations and infrastructure. They are becoming dynamic magnets for talent and investment while Iran falls further behind. As the Iranian proxies and threats dissipate, regional security and prosperity will rise for Christians, Muslims and Jews alike. Israel now finds itself with the threat from Gaza mostly neutralized and the opportunity to neutralize Hezbollah in the north. It’s unfortunate how we got here but maybe there can be a silver lining in the end. Anyone who has been calling for a ceasefire in the North is wrong. There is no going back for Israel. They cannot afford now to not finish the job and completely dismantle the arsenal that has been aimed at them. They will never get another chance. After the brilliant, rapid-fire tactical successes of the pagers, radios, and targeting of leadership, Hezbollah’s massive weapon cache is unguarded and unmanned. Most of Hezbollah fighters are hiding in their tunnels. Anyone still around was not important enough to carry a pager or be invited to a leadership meeting. Iran is reeling, as well, insecure and unsure how deeply its own intelligence has been penetrated. Failing to take full advantage of this opportunity to neutralize the threat is irresponsible. I have been hearing some amazing stories about how Israel has been collecting intelligence over the past 10 months with some brilliant technology and crowdsourcing initiatives. But today, with the confirmed killing of Nasrallah and at least 16 top commanders eliminated in just nine days, was the first day I started thinking about a Middle East without Iran’s fully loaded arsenal aimed at Israel. So many more positive outcomes are possible. This is a moment to stand behind the peace-seeking nation of Israel and the large portion of the Lebanese who have been plagued by Hezbollah and who want to return to the times when their country was thriving, and Beirut a cosmopolitan city. The main issue between Lebanon and Israel is Iran; otherwise there is a lot of benefit for the people of both countries from working together. The right move now for America would be to tell Israel to finish the job. It’s long overdue. And it’s not only Israel’s fight. More than 40 years ago, Hezbollah killed 241 US military personnel, including 220 Marines. That remains the single deadliest day for the U.S. Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima. Later that same day, Hezbollah killed 58 French paratroopers. And now, over the past six weeks or so, Israel has eliminated as many terrorists on the US list of wanted terrorists as the US has done in the last 20 years. Including Ibrahim Aqil, the leader of Hezbollah’s Islamic Jihad Organization who masterminded the 1983 killing of those Marines.


tim in vermont said...

What a surprise, another call for open war with Iran. And when the war starts, we will all be assured that "Iran started it!"

Achilles said...

Iran would fall on it's own without Obama regime support. The people there hate the Mullahs.

There is no need for war. Just being the price of Oil down and stop giving the Iranian regime billions of dollars.

doctrev said...

Jared is not going to be in a second Trump administration, possibly because divided loyalty would be an improvement. And yet President Trump is going to note the killing of the fiftieth Hezbollah leader of the week even as Israel begs the United States to "support" the invasion. There are too many similarities to Zelensky, even as both Israel and Ukraine focus mainly on a narrative of invulnerability while bond markets run away frantically.

Dixcus said...

We're not going back to the Trump years Tim, when there were no wars and Peace Accords were being signed in the Middle East.

Vote Kamala and get your own bomb you can sign.

Dixcus said...

Barack Obama should be the first person Donald Trump puts in Guatanamo Bay, Cuba for providing cash to a terrorist nation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most of the Iranian people would love to rid themselves of the mad-Mullahs.
Backwards women-subjugating Jew-hating a-holes need to go.

Jersey Fled said...

Israel would be wise not to listen to Biden, Harris and Blinken. And Nod for that matter. But of course they know that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

100%. American leftist corruptocrats LOVE to fund Iran. It's their hobby.

Leland said...

Breaking news, another helicopter crash in Iran with top generals and Houthis leaders onboard. They need better aviation safety in Iran.

Dude1394 said...

I like the cut of this Jared persons gib. We should probably have him negotiating in the Middle East.

tim in vermont said...

Ain't that the truth.

Lyle Smith said...

Tim… that’s not a call for war against Iran. It’s a call to get out of Israel’s way as they do Hamas and Hezbollah what Americans did to the Red Sticks, Comanche, and others.

tim in vermont said...

Fine, do it without our weapons, our carriers, our sailors, our pilots.

tim in vermont said...

Hitler was a big fan of American history during the Indian Wars too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Political Junkie said...

I agree with Jared 100%.

Michael K said...

I have still never figured out why Obama took Iran's side in all this. Maybe his time in the madrassa in Indonesia has something to do with it.

Michael K said...

Tim, notice that they have been ? While our own military has been destroyed ?

Freder Frederson said...

You do realize that Jared Kushner is Donald Trump's son-in-law. How on earth can you imply voting, based on this tweet (or X or whatever we are supposed to call it), for Harris increases the chances of war? Also it wasn't Harris who said: “I would tell them, if you do anything to harm this person [a candidate for or former president], we’re going to blow your largest cities and the country itself to smithereens”, that was Trump.

tim in vermont said...

Trump didn't start any wars, that's why he had to go, he was cramping the "endless war" style of the neocons and neolibs. Now that he's gone, we are back to business as usual on the endless warfare front. Maybe his rhetoric was part of the reason that no new wars started, but Trump didn't start any wars and tried to end a couple.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The truth is - the American left and some on the right - want Israel to lose.
This isnt about war - this is about the American left supporting the Terrorist regime. The top tier of the old guard White Male Islamist-supremacist /Nazi Jew haters - the Ayatollahs.
American leftists are the party of war. They want the war.
Israel's people and many all over the ME want peace and modernization.

tim in vermont said...

It's amazing how effective the Mossad is.

Of course Epstein's father in law was a Mossad spy chief, that's well known. And Epstein had dirt on people powerful enough to have a high profile prisoner murdered in Federal Prison under everybody's noses, and to keep everybody who mattered quiet about it, even a Special Counsel, but I am sure that Israel doesn't use any such kompromat on powerful Americans for any purpose that runs counter to the interests of the United States of America, I am sure of that.

Ampersand said...

Most American people who express aversion to war are expressing hostility to the use of American troops in war. Iran has been waving proxy wars against Israel for several years, and Israel is about to achieve victory. Lots of suddenly pacifist humanitarians are horrified that the need to appease Iran will no longer exist. Iran has oil money, a secular population at odds with the government, and a third rate military. What Iran needs is internal change. Israel is creating the conditions for that.

Ice Nine said...

Kushner's words are sure to annoy the PTB in Iran, especially coming from a guy who has worked hard for amity between Israel and Arabs.

Hmm, might (perish the thought) Jared become an alternate punitive target of the Iranian assassination team(s) here in the country when they can't get to Trump? I don't think it's implausible.

Quaestor said...

tim in vermont writes, "...we will all be assured that 'Iran started it!'"

And thereby reveals his complete ignorance of the recent history of the entire Middle East.

Some advice to tim in vermont: To cure the ravages of Dunning Kruger, the victim (i.e tim in vermont) must appraise himself of the background of any situation somewhat deeper than 36 hours ago. In the matter of Iranian relations with Israel start with 1979 or earlier.

tim in vermont said...

Like I said, we will all be assured that Iran started it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ding ding ding!

Grandpa Publius said...

Ah, I know this is crazy talk, but … is Israel actually trying to WIN? What a concept.


Lyle Smith said...

Tim -- Yes, Hitler used America's expansion to the West as part of his rational by lebensraum. So what? The Red Sticks, Comanches, and others were anathema to the 19th American way of life, just as much as Hitler, Hamas, and Hezbollah are anathema to Israel's way of life today... and ours too.

Michael K said...

Field Marshal Freder has announced his foreign policy. Elect (If possible) Kamaladingdong and all will be sweetness and light. Brilliant, Freder !

Michael K said...

Agreed. And, if the Dims continue to destroy our own military, we may need Israel's help one day soon.

Mr Wibble said...

Michael, it was a mixture of natural left wing reflexive anti americanism, combined with an insane idea that Iran would be made into a responsible regional power. The goal was to basically hand over control of the ME to the mullahs and walk away.

Michael K said...

Yup. Ukraine funders most affected.

Readering said...

What is the status of the Abraham accords? In terms of Iran remain a success. In terms of Palestine?

jaydub said...

Obama supports Iran because of his house guest, principal advisor and director of his "foundation", one Valerie Jarrett.

Michael K said...

Tim, Iran started all this in 1979 when the mullahs overthrew the Shah and took our embassy hostage. Remember ?

Michael K said...

We will find out if Trump is re-elected. If not, never.

William said...

There's no calculus where this is a victory for Hezbollah, and for just that reason, they will win the hearts and minds of Columbia coeds......The left likes victims more than victors. I suppose if the Islamomanics ever succeeded in their ambitions to make 10/6 a daily event, the Israelis would receive a great deal of sympathy from Columbia coeds. The Israelis would be treated with the same sympathy that was extended to, say, all those people who were killed by the Khmer Rouge. No doubt many Israelis would be welcomed here as refugees. Not Netenyahu supporters, but many of the others.

Freder Frederson said...

So what? The Red Sticks, Comanches, and others were anathema to the 19th American way of life

So, now we have progressed past the point of advocating genocide through references to ancient Rome and Carthage and go full blown that genocide is "unavoidable, and provoked, perhaps, but genocide nonetheless" (quoting one of Ann's favorite fellow law professors).

Dr Weevil said...

What a surprise. 'tim in vermont' thinks that if we allow Ukraine to use American weapons to strike the bases from which Russia is slaughtering their civilians every night, the US will be at war with Russia. But he doesn't seem to know that, by the same standard, Iran is already at war with the United States. All the weapons the Houthis fire at US Navy ships in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf are supplied by Iran, who are obviously hoping they will sink American ships and kill American sailors. Can he really be that ignorant? Or is he just a hypocrite, who consistently assumes that everything the US and its allies do is wrong, and everything the enemies of the US does is right?

Dr Weevil said...

Women in Iran celebrated the death of Nasrallah - at home, of course, but they posted the videos on social media. Both sexes were out in the streets celebrating in Tripoli, Lebanon (Sunni Muslims) and Idlib, Syria (free Syrians) and no doubt other places. The only place I know where they mourned his death, other than Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon, was Columbia University.

Wince said...

Freder does not grasp the concept of deterrence.

Freder Frederson said...
How on earth can you imply voting... for Harris increases the chances of war? Also it wasn't Harris who said: “I would tell them, if you do anything to harm this person [a candidate for or former president], we’re going to blow your largest cities and the country itself to smithereens”, that was Trump.

Big Mike said...

The war has been going on since 1948. Time to end it. I don’t care whether it ends with Iran’s theocracy negotiating its surrender or with the theocracy dying to the last man huddled in their bunkers. But end it.

narciso said...

narciso said...

yes the abraham accords were made moot by the action of the administration to attack the Saudis and the UAE while benefiting the Iranians and their proxies,

Lyle said...

Yeah, Texas frontier settlers weren't going to tolerate themselves being scalped, raped, killed, or their children enslaved.

tim in vermont said...

"But he doesn't seem to know that, by the same standard, Iran is already at war with the United States."

We are not just talking about supplying weapons in Ukraine, we are talking about American personnel programming the missiles with the targeting data and the paths around air defenses required. We know from a leaked phone call from a German general, that the Ukrainians cannot operate these missiles themselves. That's the real issue, that US soldiers are directly attacking Russian territory and killing Russians on Russian territory. It's no longer a proxy war.

Why does Ukraine matter more to you than the US? Is it that domino theory that got 50k American boys killed in the '60s that proved to be bunk?

narciso said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not to worry Tim. the democrats and puppets in Leftist power right now have too many strings attached - to give Israel what they need.

tim in vermont said...

That hostage crisis was settled decades ago. Iran's internal affairs are really none of our business. Why was the overthrow of an Iranian leader such a blow to the US? Was it that he was a puppet of ours? Why was it of such concern? Are we really that worried about how the average Iranian lives? If we were, we wouldn't try to turn every protest over an issue they may have with their government into an attempt to re-install a US and Israel friendly regime.

If we left them alone, they would have more freedom, not less, since every dispute would not be about regime change.

Do you really want the US involved in a war with Iran for the benefit of Israel? I don't.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

They/Them (improper grammar) cross-dressers, luggage thieves and insane asylum / criminal inmates in need to sex change operations - and males who insist on taking away women's privacy in their locker-rooms --> will not be denied!
Diversity is our strength - or something.

tim in vermont said...

BTW, the German Chancellor agrees with me, that it would be a violation of German law, for example, to assist Ukraine in launching missiles against Russia, since it would be involving German soldiers directly in an act of war against Russia. So maybe you need to take your argument up with Scholz and Putin, and explain to them that they are both wrong.

The Vault Dweller said...

I've never understood the rationale for why Democrats supported giving aid to Iran. The best explanation I could come up with is that they don't want any nation or group of nations in that region to have regional hegemony. So they give support to Iran to ensure that Israel and the Sunni states don't come to a largely peaceful arrangement that minimizes the Iranian threat in the region. I don't see how this benefits America though unless it is about creating a demand for US military systems to be bought by those countries.

lonejustice said...

"The right move now for America would be to tell Israel to finish the job. It’s long overdue."

Jared Kushner is spot-on.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Obama-Biden-Harris are on the wrong side of history in backing Iran, which not only engages in international terrorism, but is basically at the level of the taliban in terms of oppression of its women.

Dr Weevil said...

Poor 'tim in vermont' hasn't heard that Iran has a ship loaded with electronic equipment in Yemen, doing the targeting for the Houthis. What he says the US will have to do for Ukraine, Iran is already doing for the Houthis, and that doesn't bother 'tim' a bit. Why is that?

As for the "German general", I note that 'tim in vermont' can't be bothered to provide a link to back up his assertion, which is implausible on the face of it. Did he get it from Zero Hedge or Kim DotCom? Ukraine has had no difficulty hitting targets as far away as Murmansk with drones: why should they be unable to target American missiles accurately? Are Ukrainians some primitive tribe that counts "one, two, many"? Are American missiles designed to be inoperable by non-Americans, so the Pentagon can approve targets on a case-by-case basis, like LBJ selecting sites to be bombed in Vietnam? Do they need to do that, so they can leak the target list to the Russians and help them move things out of the way?

By the way, was the Domino Theory "bunk"? It looks to me like it was confirmed as more than just a theory when South Vietnam fell, and Cambodia and Laos quickly followed, with the massacre of roughly three million people. If that had happened ten years earlier, would Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines have followed? Seems likely.

And only an idiot would think I've ever written anything to suggest that Ukraine matters more more to me than the US. Helping Ukraine defend its independence - and its very existence as a state and a culture - seems to me obviously the right thing to do for the US. I've argued this dozens of times here, but 'tim' just pretends not to hear and makes the same stupid arguments over again, after they have been repeatedly refuted.

And no, I am not in fact Ukrainian, by nationality or ancestry, as the lying weasel alleged on a previous thread.

Quaestor said...

When Freder signs over his real estate, bank accounts, and all financial instruments to a certified Indian nation, I suggest the Mandans of North Dakota, then and only then will I consider him more respectable than my cat.