September 29, 2024

"The woman is more important than the man, but it’s bad when the woman wants to be a man."

Said Pope Francis, quoted in "Pope criticized for giving ‘reductive’ view on women’s role in society/A Catholic university took the rare step of criticizing Pope Francis, saying that he called women 'a fertile welcome, care, vital devotion.'"
Andrea Grillo, professor of sacramental theology at the Anselmianum, a pontifical university in Rome, said that Francis’s statements sounded “as if a woman can only be a mother, wife, daughter or sister — roles that are always beholden to man. Whereas men are free to be what they will. … It’s a very old kind of 'wisdom' that the contemporary world has walked past.”


Dixcus said...

Pretty sure men are forced to be father, husband, son or brother.

Beholden to women.

AlbertAnonymous said...

This will be another of many stories where the writer knows better than the Pope, assumes he understood him correctly (but didn’t - probably doesn’t even speak the same language and read a translation) and has ZERO understanding of the faith. I’ll pass…

RideSpaceMountain said...

Ladies, if it's any consolation, the current pope is not Catholic. Feel free to disregard this marxist-in-sheperd's vestments at your leisure.

Shane said...

I read this as an entirely gender-based comment by the Pope, who I consider as does RideSpaceMountain. In the first part of the statement he used "the man", but in the second he said "a man." As specific and vetted as formal Papal statements are, if he had used "the man" in both instances the implication would have been "role assumption"?

n.n said...

Nature's plan for binary sexes. Gender (e.g. sexual orientation) is, of course, an intrinsic quality of fitness.

Dr Weevil said...
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Dr Weevil said...

I'm absolutely sure you can be a sister without being "beholden to a man", if all your siblings are also female.

Oh, you mean "beholden to a man" as in you must have had a father, even if you never met him, or don't know his name, or even your mother doesn't know his name? Then every man is "beholden to a woman" in exactly the same way, and to a greater degree: his mother. The Pope's statement can certainly be criticized, but the self-appointed critic's statement is idiotic.

Earnest Prole said...

Mmmm, fertile welcome — sounds yummy!

Wince said...

Shane said...
In the first part of the statement he used "the man", but in the second he said "a man."

The Pope or Neil Armstrong?

Paul Zrimsek said...

It’s a very old kind of 'wisdom' that the contemporary world has walked past.

And look at it.

planetgeo said...

Indeed. This strategy has become popular lately, wherein a mortal enemy of some historic institution somehow is able to become its leader in a masterful display of stealth shape-shifting. Obama as the President of the United States is another good example. Kamala Harris, not so much, because the stealth is so retro-fitted. You never do retro-fitted stealth.

tim maguire said...

I was going to complain about the mis-placed “but” between two statements that are complimentary, but then I caught Grillo’s silly criticism. None of those terms define women in relation to men any more than the equivalent male terms define men in relation to women. But he conveniently forgets that part.

I sat let’s not dwell on that, let’s get straight to the excommunication.

Wince said...

A Catholic university took the rare step of criticizing Pope Francis, saying that he called women "a fertile welcome, care, vital devotion."

"Well, I just mean that, you know, you look bountiful. Okay? Fruitful. Fertile."

Ampersand said...

I imagine Andrea Grillo, the leftist holder of some academic sinecure, floundering about, trying to phrase some sort of critique of a tautology. Francis is bad. Andrea is worse.

narciso said...

so they paraphrase the pope, and then criticize him for their statement,

yes this pontiff is woefully out of his depth

n.n said...

Those are the singular and exclusive roles of women. For men it is father, husband, son, and brother. As a person, the male and female sex present other value. This is why while persons in the transgender spectrum (e.g. homosexuals) have no redeeming value to society or humanity as couplets, but do as persons serving in other roles. This only became controversial when Democratics legalized queer sexual orientations: pedophilia, polygamy, sadomasochism, homosexuality, incest, etc. on penalty of hate crime (e.g. witch hunts, warlock trials - cancelation). Can liberals perform human rites, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too?

Aggie said...

The unmarried, celibate Pope tells us all about women.

effinayright said...

I dunno...maybe all the Pope meant is"Without women there would be no humans." Kinda mundane, even if true.

rhhardin said...

Like women's chess.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

In the animal kingdom, gender roles are well delineated and females are, almost invariably, the nurturers of the young. Since humans evolved from animals, it is not surprising that the same has been true for humans in virtually all civilizations throughout the millennia. While women can and often do pursue lifestyles that don't include being a wife or mother, it's hard to dispute that so-called "traditional" gender roles are baked into our DNA as a species.

n.n said...

Sex dysphoria is an insidious social dysfunction normalized in handmade tales.

n.n said...

The Pope offers an affirmative tautology of the sexes in Nature. WaPo brays in critical journolistic fashion that is alienating its audience, claims the editor in chief.

rehajm said...

What part of the ‘The woman is more important than the man’ shit did they not understand?

Narayanan said...

that mean big tits and wide hips

Lazarus said...

My first reading was, "The woman is more important than the man, but it’s bad when the man wants to be a woman." That makes sense. Girl power is everywhere. Women are leaning in and asserting themselves more and more, all the time. Why wouldn't a man want to join the winning, "more important" side, even though it's bad? Why not get a piece of the pie?

Then I realized he was talking about something else. In the Christian (as opposed to the post-Christian) world, transsexuality isn't a burning issue ... or not quite so burning an issue ... yet.

tcrosse said...

In the past, the Church had many burning issues, which involved high stakes.

Shouting Thomas said...

You gotta give liberal women a lot of credit for transforming bitching into an ideology. Bitch away, ladies!

Dixcus said...

The writer, or any other woman, can start their own religion whenever they want. This never occurs to them. Don't like a male-dominated religion? Start a female one. Quit trying to take over what WE built already. Get up off your lazy fat behinds and build something yourselves, ladies.

n.n said...

In pride parades, women often serve as aunts to raise the Posterity of fertile females. In liberal societies, as womb banks to infertile couples and couplets. With social progress, as affordable, available, reusable, taxable commodities of State. You've come a long way, baby... fetus.

narciso said... is the Pope catholic, not rhetorical

Leland said...

"as if only a woman can be a mother, wife, daughter or sister" fify

rhhardin said...

If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution.

The most innocent of dances would thwart the assignation a residence, escape those residences under surveillance; the dance changes place and above all changes places. In its wake they can no longer be recognized. The joyous disturbance of certain women's movements, and of some women in particular, has actually brought with it the chance for a certain risky turbulence in the assigning of places within our small European space (I am not speaking of a more ample upheaval en route to world-wide application). Is one then going to start all over again making maps, topographics, etc.?distributing sexual identity cards?

Choreographies read 5 or 6 pages, ignore the occasional jargon. It's about true feminism vs what it's turned into.

Michael K said...

Agree about the Pope and Obama.

Michael K said...

Did they interrupt the Palestinian riot to say that ?

Zev said...

Grillo is being deliberately obtuse (or maybe he can't help it).
The pope wasn't discussing careers or the like.
In terms of matters of sexuality and family structure, it's entirely correct that these are the only available roles for women.