November 29, 2020

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want. 

The photo above is today's sunrise, taken at 7:13. I never got around to showing you yesterday's sunrise, so let me put that here too, because I have a certain feeling about completeness and want to document all the sunrises that meet me at my sunrise run. This was also done at 7:13:


And please think of supporting this blog by doing your shopping through the Althouse portal to Amazon, which is always right there in the sidebar. Thanks!


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Joe Smith said...

It looks like a great lake for rowing.

Too cold now?

Birkel said...

Wouldn't it be nice if the local five & dime had a program for online purchases.
I might use that.

Political Junkie said...

Pretty photo.
What are the 3 "smokestack like" items to the far left?

Birkel said...

Old people are dying from loneliness because politicians are abusing them.

Somewhere Karen B and tim in vermont are proud of themselves.

Jupiter said...

"... because I have a certain feeling about completeness..."

Althouse, you've posted on this blog every single day for -- what? Fifteen years? Your "certain feeling about completeness" is obsessive-compulsive disorder. And I mean that in a good way. Or maybe you just score very, very high on what JP calls "conscientiousness".

Ask yourself, would you skip posting tomorrow for ... $500? $5000? $50K? To save a little bunny from being eaten alive by a hyena? Look at the warts on that hyena!

madAsHell said...

We are helping a close relative navigate schizophrenia.

The worst part isn't the patient. It's the secondary people, the loved ones that emphatically confirm the delusions, and repeat them.

Joe Smith said...


Am getting a ton of 'Whoops' errors today...not sure why but thought you should know.

madAsHell said...

Here's a little thought experiment.......

Watch a schizophrenic present symptoms, and then watch the evening news.

The schizophrenic refers to "unnamed sources" as The Voices.

madAsHell said...

Ya' know that annoying girl from high school.

You haven't unfriended her on Facebook, but you got tired of listening to her outrage.

I don't know.....but that behavior has gotta be on the schizo spectrum.

madAsHell said...

Am getting a ton of 'Whoops' errors today...not sure why but thought you should know.

Me too! Safari v.13.1.2

FullMoon said...

Althouse, you've posted on this blog every single day for -- what? Fifteen years? Your "certain feeling about completeness" is obsessive-compulsive disorder. And I mean that in a good way.

Admirable continuity and resolve. The attitude of inventors and explorers. The perseverance that made America great.

Through thick and thin, hot and cold illness and good health and bad.

Money cannot buy it.

One tough cookie, for a girl.

FullMoon said...

Am getting a ton of 'Whoops' errors today...not sure why but thought you should know.

Me too! Safari v.13.1.2

Dominion/Russian interference.

J. Farmer said...

It seems clear to me that the post-Trump GOP has three main branches. The status quo ante GOP (Never Trumpers) and then the Trumpism faction and Trumpist faction. Trumpism is pretty critical of Trump and is based on ideas about trade, immigration, and foreign policy. Popularly, this is people like Ann Coulter, Mickey Kaus, Tucker Carlson. Mark Krikorian, and Ryan Girdusky. The Trumpist faction are the Ever Trumpers, less attracted to Trump's policies than his style and unified by partisanship and antipathy to the cultural left. Sean Hannity is an exemplary member.

As a member of the Trumpism faction, I am fairly pleased by the election outcome. Going forward, among the names you hear, Nikki Haley broadly represents the Never Trumper, Tom Cotton the Trumpist, and Josh Hawley the Trumpism factions. Marco Rubio is metamorphosing into a populist, but it isn't clear where he will end up.

Jaq said...

The first solid thing to come out of this election fight is that PA courts have found that the rules changes Democrats made to enable absentee fraud are unconstitutional in PA, which will make tightening up elections there much easier. I think we owe that to Trump’s personal fighting spirit. I think he should keep fighting, which he will. Maybe he can even win. He won’t win if he quits. Trump is flawed, sure, but nobody else has stepped up for the fight.

Michael K said...

Interesting news which, if true, could disappoint Farmer and others.

As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.

One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being “killed in Somalia.” Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a “helicopter crash” in Egypt.

Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump’s private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored.

Life is still interesting.

Dave Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

Michael K.

If true, Trump better produce the servers early next week. Time is running out.

Dave Begley said...

The CCP must be laughing their collective asses off. They bribe a senile old man via his coke head son. They then unleash covid on the US that causes people to turn on the President and crash the economy. The Dems use covid for the mail-in ballot scheme. Biden then steals the election.

The amazing thing to me is that the Dems are on the side of China. Fucking traitors.

mccullough said...


Hawley seems more Trumpist than Trumpism.

Cotton straddles the line. He’s more pro war than Trumpism, which actually makes him less of a Trumpist. But he’s better on immigration than any GOP Senator. And has more discipline than Trump and a lot more spine and intellect than the usual GOP Senator.

Readering said...

Michael K, if it turns out not true might scales fall from your eyes?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Fellow Althousians: When you read in the "news" something like "Unemployment Claims and Food Pantry Lines Grow Due to Covid-19,"

Please amend to read "...Due to Government Action Regarding Covid-19."

madAsHell said...

Dominion/Russian interference.

I have posted photos to Facebook, and then watched the advertising in the margins change.

Photos. Photos without text. Try it yourself.

Inga said...

I don’t recall what ‘“type” of sunrise the first photo is but those are the types that are among my favorites, the sun bursting through remnants of dark clouds.

J. Farmer said...



Hawley seems more Trumpist than Trumpism.

I agree Hawley is closer to Trumpist tban Trumpism. I was trying to keep it confined to elected officials. In reality, Trumpism doesn't have a candidate. The closest national figure to embody the idea is probably Tucker Carlson. Unfortunately, Trumpism doesn't really have any institutional support. Institutionally, the GOP is still dominated by the fusionism of traditionalism with economic libertarianism. I think that needs to move in a more Christian Democratic direction.

Inga said...

First the bombshell that George Soros has been arrested for election tampering and now Michael K’s fantastical link to a story of the CIA and DOD firefight over a server that shows Dominion election meddling. What next? Seriously folks, this sort of thing is why we Democrats and liberals wonder about the right’s penchant for conspiracy theory.

Jaq said...

"Photos without text. Try it yourself.”

I have been served up advertising based solely on an avatar that I once used to comment here.

Jaq said...

"Michael K, if it turns out not true might scales fall from your eyes?”

Did the scales fall from your eyes when Hunter’s laptop came to light?

narciso said...

like those gru bounties, that were paid to the taliban, I thought it more likely that they hired ksk (cashiered german special forces) as security, for the scytl facility, the somalia and egypt story seems far a field, but scytl being taken over by an irish firm, paragon, which in turn is owned by an american hedge fund capital, a month before the election is curious,

J. Farmer said...

Interesting news which, if true, could disappoint Farmer and others.

Yeah. Although, "if true" is a pretty big caveat. We could also be witnessing the birth of the 2020 Truther movement. Like its 9/11 predecessor, this one could also spawn a small cottage industry of publications proffering ever more exotic explanations for how the election was stolen.

The problem with Trumpists is they're in love. And you can't tell someone who's in love that he's not.

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...
Michael K, if it turns out not true might scales fall from your eyes?

I am prepared to see Trump lose, even if by fraud.

My cataracts were removed about 10 years ago. How about yours?

Michael K said...

The problem with Trumpists is they're in love. And you can't tell someone who's in love that he's not.

The problem with neverTrumpers is that you cannot see a positive even if it is in front of your eyes. I like Ann Coulter but ever since she got into trouble for turning on a fire hose in a hotel where her boyfriend had someone else in bed with him, I have discounted her a bit for her instability.

narciso said...

is that what that was, I always thought she went far beyond what her researcher found, also that the wall faced greater obstacles then she was willing to accept, the possums in the house and senate, were unhelpful,

wildswan said...

A new phenomenon in Milwaukee? Thanksgiving Day coming back after dark I saw a car without lights race through the intersection ahead at 70 or more MPH. And then seconds later came another similar car, also lightless, chasing? racing? the first car. I was told this happens now in Milwaukee City. Check at intersections and don't assume cars racing in on the side will stop for STOP signs.

Birkel said...

I only care about the results of policies. So far Trump has given a wall, lower illegal immigration, lessened legal immigration, fewer regulations, wage growth for the broad middle class, and federal criminal justice reform.

I have no idea where the silly labels offered above would place me, but I's say unless they are related to policy outcomes, they're useless.

Jaq said...

Maybe it’s all over, but it doesn’t seem like it.

HARRISBURG) – Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-25) has issued the following statement regarding the PA Supreme Court failing to uphold the election law to allow for fair elections.

“The actions of the PA Supreme Court this week threaten our democracy and have once again trampled the Constitution. On Monday, four of the PA Supreme Court Justices agreed that the Election Code is clear and unambiguous that it is mandatory to fill out, sign and date mail in-ballots. However, while Justice Wecht agreed with this holding, he inappropriately declared that the mandatory signature and date will not apply to the 2020 election but will apply moving forward and refused to invalidate ballots

narciso said...

just eight months ago, hbo aired 'kill chain' which included hursti's report about insecurity of machines that use dominion code, just a month ago frontline had a similar piece, so they patched up all the gaps in the system, seriously,

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

The problem with neverTrumpers is that you cannot see a positive even if it is in front of your eyes. I like Ann Coulter but ever since she got into trouble for turning on a fire hose in a hotel where her boyfriend had someone else in bed with him, I have discounted her a bit for her instability.

I'm not sure what definition of "Never Trumper" could ever apply to me or Ann Coulter. And as for Ann, her position has been quite stable and consistent from Adios, America on. Trumpists attack Coulter not because she's unstable but because she criticizes Trump.

Michael K said...

Inga's deposit for the day.

What next? Seriously folks, this sort of thing is why we Democrats and liberals wonder about the right’s penchant for conspiracy theory.

Says the devoted believer in the Russia Hoax.

narciso said...

what the heck does that mean,

there are various components of trump's philosophy, trade policy is part of it, upholding cultural standards (in shorthand) an enforcements of section 230 provisions to allow for a fair information landscapes (that's hawleys deal) prompt and effective law enforcement,

320Busdriver said...

The Republicans in the PA legislature are just as much to blame as the cheating Dems for their failures with regard to Act 77.

Trump sounded 95% defeated in his interview with Maria this AM.

Michael K said...

Trumpists attack Coulter not because she's unstable but because she criticizes Trump.

But she is unstable. Her criticisms, I am not authority, sound to me like "Daddy are we there yet?" Trump has accomplished a lot in spite of the administration bureaucracy being 100% opposed. Second term should offer much more but fraud leaves us uncertain. You like it.

Jaq said...

Inga, we wonder how the left can cover its eyes and ears and actively suppress the news stories when Hunter BIden’s laptop surfaces and confirms all of the stories about the corrupt BIden family hat have been regularly appearing in “respectable” media like the New York Times, Politico, The Hill over the years.

narciso said...

does she provide some magic solution, bannon was another who was too impatient about the sanctions regime, and that caused him to inappropriately confide in the likes of michael woolf, but he understands whats' at stake, both here and in europe,

J. Farmer said...


I have no idea where the silly labels offered above would place me, but I's say unless they are related to policy outcomes, they're useless.

I take your point, but you can't make a political movement out of a single presidency. Reforming immigration or trade or foreign policy will require legislation. The GOP is still itching to do an amnesty.

narciso said...

we see now that the indictment by the sdny was vapor ware, like the sanctions against the dissident ukrainian law maker, to punish those who challenge the status quo

narciso said...

she used to be concerned about voter integrity, not so much anymore, maybe she's been outclassed by emerald robinson and julie kelly, in the punditry game,

in this new body, there are very few brave figures in the senate, perdue is ok, loeffler is well dissapointing, we see the swamp's influence in the rebellion against judy shelton, who is an unorthodox economists, the new crop in the house is more impressive,

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

But she is unstable. Her criticisms, I am not authority, sound to me like "Daddy are we there yet?"

Even if that were true, it wouldn't demonstrate instability. Just the opposite, in fact. She has been holding Trump's feet to the fire and was one of the earliest to point out Jared's malign influence in the administration. Coulter would be the first to admit the obstacles Trump faced, but that still would answer her critiques regarding Trump's strategy or tactics.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where is Bobolinski.?

.btw- he did not kill himself.

Francisco D said...

Whatever happened to the Johns Hopkins research paper in which it was asserted that there are no excess deaths from Covid this year?

Brett Weinstein alluded to Google forcing it to be taken down. He would not be specific for fear that their Dark Horse Podcast would also be taken down, as was his FaceBook page and YouTube channel earlier this year. Brett and Heather are lefty academics who criticize the intolerant and authoritarian Left and (as life long Democrats) criticize the corrupt DNC/Biden fools.

It interests me because I predicted several month ago that Covid would cause an increase in excess deaths nowhere near the reported numbers. That is because of comorbid conditions among the dead and because people dying WITH Covid are not the same as people dying OF Covid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Biden, Inc.
Biden, Inc.

surprised that isn't suppressed and censored.

narciso said...


narciso said...

but it certainly has been,

Michael K said...

Even if that were true, it wouldn't demonstrate instability.

No, I pointed out my reasons for the other opinion. She is volatile.

You think I am a die hard Trumpist. I'm not.

There is my first observation on Trump. I was pretty skeptical at first. I saw Trump as a brick through the window of the Establishment. I have multiple degrees and an IQ over 150 but I still identify with working people. Especially with small business owners, of which as a doctor, I was once one. There is a vast difference between someone who has signed the front of a paycheck and someone who has always been an employee.

Joe Smith said...

"Whatever happened to the Johns Hopkins research paper in which it was asserted that there are no excess deaths from Covid this year?"

Have deaths from 'regular' flu been reported?

More/less than most years?

Are those numbers folded into Covid now?

FullMoon said...

I like Ann Coulter but ever since she got into trouble for turning on a fire hose in a hotel where her boyfriend had someone else in bed with him, I have discounted her a bit for her instability.

Seems like a relatively moderate reaction. News to me and disappointed search did not provide more info.

Birkel said...

So the FBI requested Matt Baynard's info on voter fraud?
Down the DC Memory Hole is goes.

Joe Smith said...

So no photos of the kiddies on Santa's lap this year due to Covid?

Pervy mall Santas hardest hit.

Peak 2020.

Birkel said...

Coulter criticized Trump for the failures of Paul Ryan.
She had her chance to convince me and failed.
Trump's wall is real.

Birkel said...

Granted, Paul Ryan's failure can only be seen from my perspective.
From Paul Ryan's position he suffered many rousing successes.

Michael K said...

Seems like a relatively moderate reaction. News to me and disappointed search did not provide more info.

The hotel did not think so. I couldn't find the story with a quick search either. It was about 10 or 15 years ago.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

You think I am a die hard Trumpist. I'm not.

In all honesty, I don't. I apologize for the confusion, but when I wrote earlier, "The problem with Trumpists...", I did not mean that to refer to you.

There is a vast difference between someone who has signed the front of a paycheck and someone who has always been an employee.

I agree with that. I grew up pretty middle class but between family, friends, and work, I'm not far removed from working class concerns. I've never had a "regular" job but have been a small business owner since I was 21.

p.s. For what it's worth, I have never doubted your intelligence. But I do think you have a tendency to personalize disagreements and attribute differences of opinion to malice or ignorance.

J. Farmer said...


Coulter criticized Trump for the failures of Paul Ryan.
She had her chance to convince me and failed.

The criticism of Trump was that he embraced Ryan's legislative agenda, which was pretty much the opposite of what Trump campaigned on.

Birkel said...

And was bull shit from soup to nuts, Smug.

mockturtle said...

Pervy mall Santas hardest hit.

I remember a mall Santa smelling strongly of whiskey, too. Where do they get these guys? Was John Wayne Gacy a Santa, or just a clown?

D.D. Driver said...

The CCP must be laughing their collective asses off. They bribe a senile old man via his coke head son. They then unleash covid on the US that causes people to turn on the President and crash the economy. The Dems use covid for the mail-in ballot scheme. Biden then steals the election.

The amazing thing to me is that the Dems are on the side of China. Fucking traitors.

The most hilarious part of the insane conspiracy theories is the sincere belief that the democrats are both smart and competent.

FullMoon said...

As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.

One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being “killed in Somalia.” Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a “helicopter crash” in Egypt.

Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump’s private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored.

That seems like crazy talk. Of course, has been a crazy November, for sure.

Michael K said...

The most hilarious part of the insane conspiracy theories is the sincere belief that the democrats are both smart and competent.

Don't you understand that neither characteristic is necessary for a drone ? Biden is a drone with no thinking apparatus.

J. Farmer said...


And was bull shit from soup to nuts, Smug.

My apologies, but I am not totally clear on what this is referring to. That Trump embraced "Ryan's legislative agenda" or that this was "pretty much the opposite of what Trump campaigned on"?

Michael K said...

But I do think you have a tendency to personalize disagreements and attribute differences of opinion to malice or ignorance.

Fair enough. My basset hound knows I am a nice guy. There has been quite a bit of provocation around here.

Jaq said...

I guess if Althouse is deleting my comments, I have to take that as a hint. Maybe Google’s blogger deleted it because I included the “fORbiDdEn lInK” I bet my social credit score has just taken a dive for that.

Anyway if you look at this graph:!/vizhome/COVID_excess_mort_withcauses_11252020/WeeklyExcessDeaths

And click on the tab on top labeled “Percent Change This Year” and what you will see is that a lot of the causes of death, from Alzheimers to Ischemic Heart Disease and Hypertensive diseases not only track each other, but track trends in cases of COVID. Cancer deaths remain stable, as do some other causes of death.

If you click on the “Weekly Number By Age” tab, you will see that compared to the previous five years, deaths are higher for pretty much the duration of the pandemic so far for every age group over 25. COVID deaths tail at the end, and that could be because treatments are greatly improving, or a lag in the stats, IDK.

Both of those graphs undercut assertions made in that webinar. I think you can find a link to it on Instapundit if want it.

If this comment gets deleted, I will assume it was by the hand of Althouse, not the tech censors, and shut up on this topic.

D.D. Driver said...

Don't you understand that neither characteristic is necessary for a drone ? Biden is a drone with no thinking apparatus.

So who are these evil geniuses that are pulling off the biggest crime in the history of crime? Certainly George Soros couldn't have pulled it off all on his own. This is an Ocean's 11 style heist.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

with Jen Psaki as his choice of Press Secretary

...Joe-mentia must be getting 'weaty psalms' over the pronunciation.

"C'mon, man! Do I pronounce the 'P' or not??"

walter said...

Where is Eric Coomer?

FullMoon said...

First, Iranian nuclear scientist killed by stray bullet
now, Joe Biden sees doctor due to "strained ankle while playing with dog"

Coincidence, or related to USA attacking Germany and confiscating servers?

Not to mention dramatic increase in Covid positives.

Must be something in bible predicting this scenario?

walter said...

Oh to be a fly on the wall as Joe's handlers worked to expunge "expodentially" from his vocabulary.

Birkel said...

Coulter's assertion that Trump embraces Ryan's goals was bull shit.
I have been quite explicit but your Smug ass always pretends not to understand.

Trump did not understand the depth of the treachery of anti-American Republicans.
But he got to work on his wall and got it done in spite of that.
Almost 750 miles will be finished and nobody really advocates for fencing the Rio Grande.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Fair enough. My basset hound knows I am a nice guy.

I have no reason to doubt his intuition. This may be wildly off base, but you strike me as the kind of gruff exterior/affable interior kind of guy.

There has been quite a bit of provocation around here.

I agree. I've been an occasional contributor myself. Nonetheless, I don't judge you or anyone else here. For one, it isn't my place. For two, I don't really know you to judge you. And for three, whether you're a good, bad, or indifferent person is irrelevant to the logical validity of any statement you make.

narciso said...

well fergusons mixed up fairy tales have to be proven right, so you dial up the number of cycles in the test regiment, if you're going to do the 'great reset' you have to have a pretext to shut down,

FullMoon said...

tim in vermont said...

I guess if Althouse is deleting my comments, I have to take that as a hint.

I did it, accidentally. Restored now.

Whiskeybum said...

mockturtle said...
Pervy mall Santas hardest hit.

I remember a mall Santa smelling strongly of whiskey, too. Where do they get these guys?

Hey! Are you accusing me of being a pervy mall Santa?? I've never been a mall Santa in my life! ;)

Michael K said...

I agree. I've been an occasional contributor myself. Nonetheless, I don't judge you or anyone else here. For one, it isn't my place. For two, I don't really know you to judge you. And for three, whether you're a good, bad, or indifferent person is irrelevant to the logical validity of any statement you make.

Says you ! Just kidding.

Michael K said...

So who are these evil geniuses that are pulling off the biggest crime in the history of crime? Certainly George Soros couldn't have pulled it off all on his own.

For a hint, look at the funders of Black Lives Matter.

J. Farmer said...


I have been quite explicit but your Smug ass always pretends not to understand.

This routine of ours has gotten quite boring and stale. Let's just give each other the benefit of the doubt and have a conversation. If that's not something you're interested in, I respect that, too.

Coulter's assertion that Trump embraces Ryan's goals was bull shit.

While the source may be off putting, Matt Yglesias wrote a good piece back in 2018 detailing how Trump had embraced Ryan's legislative agenda. You can read it here. Kist ignore the "racism" and "authoritarianism" boilerplate. I grant that "embraces Ryan's goals" is probably overstating it, but I think it's fair to say he deferred to Ryan on much of the domestic legislative agenda.

But he got to work on his wall and got it done in spite of that.
Almost 750 miles will be finished and nobody really advocates for fencing the Rio Grande.

That is true, but that figure comes overwhelmingly from new fencing that replaced older or from the addition of secondary barrier to areas with primary barriers. And while I readily concede that replacing inferior barriers and adding additional barriers is an important part of the project, very little new barrier has been constructed.

D.D. Driver said...

So who are these evil geniuses that are pulling off the biggest crime in the history of crime? Certainly George Soros couldn't have pulled it off all on his own.

For a hint, look at the funders of Black Lives Matter.

Funders. Cool.

(1) Who are the boots on the ground?
(2) How many people are involved (ballpark)?
(3) Why do none of the people in question 2 have any interest in the million dollar reward?

Qwinn said...

The Dems aren't smart or competent. They only have one skill. Infiltration, using tactics they pretend to despise as "McCarthyism". When the targets of this tactic never even resist, no other skills or competency are required for complete success of their goals. Makes it easier when their goals are to destroy and steal rather than create anything of value.

Whiskeybum said...

BidenFamilyTaxPayerFundedCrackPipe said...

Biden, Inc.
Biden, Inc.

surprised that isn't suppressed and censored.

Binden...CrackPipe: it isn't suppressed because this is the beginning of the Slow-Joe takedown in order to bring Kamala for the forefront. All is proceeding as foreseen.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

The server thing doesn't sound logical. If you are at the point of having a firefight over a server, a machine gun can quickly destroy a disk to the point nobody is going to reconstruct it.

Besides, I would expect all the disks to be encrypted in that situation anyway.

narciso said...

do they use floppy disks, mostly likely they used memory sticks to transfer the data, they tell us there is no scytl facility in frankfurt but their corporate map says differently,

steve uhr said...

Quinn. If we’re not smart or competent how did we just pull off the greatest fraud in history? Give us somecredit.

Birkel said...

What you call older fencing I call a single horizontal beam four feet from the ground.
Forget about it.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Paul Ryan laid out a legislative agenda that would fulfil Trumps agenda. Ryan didn't carry out that agenda, but delayed and deferred items. Like Lucy and Charlie Brown and the football. All talk, no action.

narciso said...

i don't know about you, but that looks like frankfurt, even though the legend says paris,

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Dems want to terminate student debt. That's fine, as long as Harvard, Yale, Colombia, and the like buy the debt from the Treasury. They can then cancel the debt all to the heart's content. Just watch out for the alumni blow back from those who actually paid back their own debt without help.

narciso said...

the immigration ban, that ryan and mcconnell strenuously opposed, came from the omnibus legislation that they themselves had written as criteria, for those seven countries,

narciso said...

Au contraire mon a mi, (I've been watching the suchet poirot series) they have no intention of burdening universities, specially ivy league ones,

Francisco D said...

Michael K

I really don't understand why you play Farmer's game.

He is a passive-aggressive pedant who needs conflict to enrich his otherwise unhappy life.

J. Farmer said...


What you call older fencing I call a single horizontal beam four feet from the ground.
Forget about it.

As I said, "I readily concede that replacing inferior barriers and adding additional barriers is an important part of the project..."

Nonetheless, those areas of the border that had no barriers when Trump took office largely continue to have no barrier. I think overall Trump's record on immigration didn't turn out as badly as I feared. His negotiations on the Migrant Protections Protocol, the settlement on the Flores Agreement, and the public charge rule were all accomplishments.

n.n said...


Influence peddling, yes. Social justice adventurism (e.g. wars without borders, elective coups, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform), yes. Adjusting claims, redistributing fungible funds to finance social justice adventurism (e.g. transnational terrorism), yes. Is it just his son who is a pedophile? I though Obama was the crackhead, or some other over the rainbow, through the looking glass, psychotropic drug user living at the rising ocean's edge.

J. Farmer said...

@Francisco D:

He is a passive-aggressive pedant who needs conflict to enrich his otherwise unhappy life.

Not a bad hypothesis. I'll take "passive-aggressive" and "pedant." But I do utterly reject "needs conflict." I'm most often the one calling for less conflict and emotionalism over differences of opinion and not taking shit personally. If Chrome has an extension for filtering out ad hominems, I'd be all over its. I'll happily concede any adjective you wish to attribute to me. It's about as worrisome as a cloudy day. As I've said a million times, just tell me why you disagree with me.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Quinn. If we’re not smart or competent how did we just pull off the greatest fraud in history? Give us somecredit.

The fat lady is coming and boy is she pissed !

Michael K said...

DD Driver, whoever you are, you are not worth a response. The thought has crossed my mind that you are a bot or a paid commenter.

Jupiter said...

"I like Ann Coulter but ever since she got into trouble for turning on a fire hose in a hotel where her boyfriend had someone else in bed with him, I have discounted her a bit for her instability."

If nobody got killed and she paid for it, I say we were all young once. Hell, I'm just glad to learn she's not a lesbian. Not sure why.

Joe Smith said...

There was a thread/comment some months back (I think about the most famous person you've encountered up close.

My comment was Tiger Woods...but I thought of another one even more famous in her heyday.

Shirley Temple Black. When she was acting, she was arguably the most famous person in the world.

It was at a small jewelry store in Menlo Park. I was looking at watches and she was picking up something.

She was incredibly elegant and impossibly classy.

I was too scared and too shocked to say anything but 'Hello.'

D.D. Driver said...

DD Driver, whoever you are, you are not worth a response. The thought has crossed my mind that you are a bot or a paid commenter.

LOL. Whatever. You have responded to me plenty. Clearly I am "worthy" of you response. You just have no answer to three very basic questions:

(1) Who are the boots on the ground?
(2) How many people are involved (ballpark)?
(3) Why do none of the people in question 2 have any interest in the million dollar reward?

Birkel said...

"...inferior barriers..."

What was replaced cannot qualify as a barrier by any definition that is useful.
This is embarrassing for you.

Birkel said...

Interest in the million dollar reward?
What an awkward way to ask that question.
I am sure they are interested.

What would keep them from coming forward?

Their own criminal behavior indicates an unlikely motive to come forward.
Second, they want their rewards for participating.
Third, they would be scared to piss off the other conspirators.
Fourth, they are committed partisans who believe BAMN.

I could list more but you fall into category (4) and have no intention of considering an alternative point of view.
And if you were honest that would prove my point.

D.D. Driver said...

Their own criminal behavior indicates an unlikely motive to come forward.
Second, they want their rewards for participating.
Third, they would be scared to piss off the other conspirators.
Fourth, they are committed partisans who believe BAMN.

So no jealous step brothers? No nosy babysitters or eavesdropping Uber drivers? Seems unlikely. Just saying.

Qwinn said...

Sorry, Steve. Acquiring power merely by infiltrating institutions built by the blood, sweat and tears of far better men and women then your lot, cannibalizing that power and cooperating in a criminal conspiracy with other captured institutions doesn't require smarts or competence, only the kind of animal cunning and nihilistic morality that kept the Soviets going as long as they did. You'll all eventually destroy yourselves one way or another, but the damage you're doing to Western Civilization in the process is unforgivable.

Qwinn said...

DD Driver: Sorry, you don't get to keep using the trite "a conspiracy this vast would have tons of witnesses" defense when there are literally hundreds of sworn affidavits on the docket as we speak.

D.D. Driver said...

DD Driver: Sorry, you don't get to keep using the trite "a conspiracy this vast would have tons of witnesses" defense when there are literally hundreds of sworn affidavits on the docket as we speak.

Sweet! Hundreds of Millions of Dollars of Rewards!

Qwinn said...

And no one gets that cannibalized power from the leaders of the criminal conspiracy unless they voluntarily provide life-shattering kompromat. Like takes place on visits to Epstein's Island. If you don't turn on them, you are guaranteed to never go to jail for anything, because the FBI, CIA, etc. were also all captured quite early on.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I have run into Sandra Day O’Connor, Paul Hornung, Trumps gorgeous 2nd wife, David carradine, Honey Suckle Divine, Darren Daulton, two of JFK’s sisters at the same time. Trumps 2nd wife is the best looking woman I ever saw in person. I am getting bad with names or my list would be longer.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Marla Maples. Had to use the googles.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Biden’s appointments were labeled “Swamp Things 2” by Kevin Williamson. Great tag IMO. It’s a very unimpressive bunch so far.

J. Farmer said...


What was replaced cannot qualify as a barrier by any definition that is useful.
This is embarrassing for you.

So I take it that's a no on just conversing like adults. Snide crap, it is. In any event, a few points:

(1) I said in my first comment that the replacements and upgrades are an important part of the project, but that is not the same thing as "built the wall."
(2) There is not a monolithic "what was replaced" but a variety of structures and designs in various locales.
(3) I don't see any reason to bother with the minutiae of what is and is not a "a barrier by any definition that is useful." Especially sense I said from the beginning that this construction was important.
(4) And even granting all of that, it still does not answer Coulter's criticism of Trump vis-à-vis Ryan.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.”

It does sound like a crazy conspiracy theory. But, special operations was pulled out of the various services, into their own command. Flynn, after having been sidelined for almost four years, is now back on the playing field, after Trump’s pardon. There are rumors that the people following aircraft tail numbers noticed a huge spike in trips to GitMo by, essentially, air ambulances. What if Gina Haspel, after having run the CIA side of SpyGate against tTrump in London, was rewarded by becoming Director, and decided to turn the resources of her agency against Trump being reelected? Europe would be the perfect place to run that sort of operation.

When the plot was explained to me by a good friend, I thought it far fetched. But maybe not. Oh, and one of the people near the top of the new special forces command is supposedly a Flynn protege AND Q. As I have been suggesting for some time, military intelligence assets backing Trump against civilian intelligence assets trying to take him down.

Birkel said...

Most famous people I have met?
John Kennedy Jr.
Lech Walesa.
Yasser Arafat.
Lots of senators, congresscritters, governors, federal judges.

Michael Jordan.
James Worthy.
Tom Brady.
Steve Melnyk (golf announcer and British and US amateur golf championship - easily a minus-5 golfer at Augusta from the men's tees)

The Smothers Brothers
Joan Jett
Ray Stevens (singer)
Quincy Jones

Thinking about it, that's an eclectic bunch.

Birkel said...

Sure, Smug.
Replacing the lies of "barriers" that restrict no human movement with the truth of a barrier that stops humans is exactly the sort of bull shit people like Coulter were criticizing. It's bull shit.

Meanwhile, there are places in the Americans Southwest where the terrain itself stops most humans. The need for additional barriers there would be a waste of resources.

Personally, I am in favor of fencing that bisects the Rio Grande several feet above and below the water line to make it harder for the coyotes Democraticals claim don't exist.

All that said, Trump had very few trustworthy folks on whom to depend. Flynn was taken out by a disinformation campaign. Others too, I would imagine, were taken out or discouraged from participating in the MAGA agenda. And all Coulter had was sniping from the sidelines. She turned and ran away from the only game in town. She cried about her half loaf. And she begged others off the cause. It was a pathetic showing.

I say this as somebody who bought her first six or more books. But she was a pussy in this particular fight. I have no use for her after seeing her lack of contribution. No more books and no more clicks from me.

DavidUW said...

St. Kitts passport is issued.

Bye bye suckers.

Darkisland said...


JHU put the paper back online though not in the newsletter. They also put a big "retracted" across it. You can download it here:

You can also read the reason why they took it down. Not because it has bad data or faulty reasoning. Here's what they give as the reason for taking it down 45 minutes after they posted it (According to the Wayback Machine)

"Yadda, yadda, yadda it doesn't fit the narrative" (And they didn't even mention the lobster bisque!)

That's a condensed version. You can read the whole page or so of excuse here:

I have still not read the paper itself. I do have it on my tablet and may get around to it eventually. I already know that the kung flu panic is a hoax. I suspect that this paper will just further confirm it.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Full Moon,

I knew about the raid on Scylte's HQ in Frankfurt to seize the server. I thought it odd that, when asked at that Thursday presser with Rudy et al Sidney Powell confirmed it had been seized but didn't know whether it had been seized by the good guys or the bad guys. She didn't say who either were.

A few days later she was saying that the good guys have it.

I'd not heard about the CIA vs Army battle. I have heard a lot about a battle, in general, between CIA and DIA that has been raging for quite a while now. No actual firefights that I've heard of.

I have read that the reason for Flynn's persecution (no typo) was because he knows where all the bodies are buried, so to speak.

Do you have a link to more info about the firefight? I agree it sounds nutty. But not any nuttier than a lot of other stuff that has happened in the past 4 years.

John Henry

John Henry

MadisonMan said...

Worst time of year IMO. Madison's earliest sunset -- 4:22 PM -- is looming on December 8th. We're only a minute or two from that today. (Sigh)

narciso said...

Scytl has a facility in frankfurt, i think they would have used contractors for security like from the cashiered ksk unit.

narciso said...

This one

I'm Full of Soup said...

Birkel: I did not meet any of the people I listed except the Kennedy sisters, I just crossed paths with the others and said “Yo” it appropriate. Like “Yo Sandra Baby” when I saw her at a Trader Joes in Phoenix.

J. Farmer said...


Replacing the lies of "barriers" that restrict no human movement with the truth of a barrier that stops humans is exactly the sort of bull shit people like Coulter were criticizing. It's bull shit.

What percent of that 750 miles figure you mentioned earlier do you think falls into the category of replacing "barrier that stops humans"?

And all Coulter had was sniping from the sidelines. She turned and ran away from the only game in town. She cried about her half loaf. And she begged others off the cause. It was a pathetic showing.

I don't have much of a problem with "sniping from the sidelines." That's all any citizen really has. I tend to share Coulter's criticism of Trump over his handling of the government shutdown, which inspired Trump's infamous "whacky nut job" Tweet. Granted, you may be referring to a different critique she made.

I have no use for her after seeing her lack of contribution.

Ehh. I think this is part of the larger dynamic I was trying to describe earlier of Trumpism vs Trumpist.

narciso said...

Good question

FullMoon said...

Do you have a link to more info about the firefight? I agree it sounds nutty. But not any nuttier than a lot of other stuff that has happened in the past 4 years.

Nope, just followed link provided by Doc K.
Sure seems that USA firefight in Germany would be all over the internet.

Interesting news which, if true, could disappoint Farmer and others.

Original Mike said...

Blogger MadisonMan said..."Worst time of year IMO. Madison's earliest sunset -- 4:22 PM -- is looming on December 8th. We're only a minute or two from that today. (Sigh)"

Why do you hate the night sky? ;-)

D.D. Driver said...


That's a really cool list.

J. Farmer said...

I think the most famous person I've ever met is also the only famous person I've ever met. Dolly Parton. Although, I'm pretty sure I once shared an elevator with either Dom Deluise or Paul Prudhomme.

narciso said...

So damavand the province where fakrezedeh met his maker was a site of sizable protests last year, which suggests there was a sizeable base of support for a network as weve seen with the hit on al masri.

Darkisland said...

In 1989 my family and I were connecting on Delta in LaGuardia. There in the waiting area at the gate was Hulk Hogan.

My son, about 12 at the time, made me take him over and introduce him. Nice guy, said hello but we left him alone. He was just sitting there reading a book, no entourage or anyone else that we noticed with him.

He did stand up and I was duly impressed. I am 6'1 and he was way bigger than me. He may be the biggest, tallest, certainly the baddest, person I've ever met.

And then I think of Andre the Giant throwing him around like King Kong with a rag doll. That guy must have been really huge.

I know he was big but I've always had trouble imagining exactly how big he must have been.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

I did meet Shigeo Shingo's son at a conference a few years ago. I presented him with a copy of my book on SMED and got some pictures.

John Henry

Birkel said...

I care about outcomes.
Coulter has produced no positive outcomes.
She has yapped like a small, worthless bitch.

Birkel said...

My spouse has met and interacted with loads of very famous people.
More and better than my list, in my opinion.

Then, my spouse's talents are brilliant and sublime.
I was merely there.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I also saw George Brett on a flight to KC. And dropped in to Wilt Chamberlains sports bar near Palm Beach and Wilt was sitting at the bar signing autographs.

Birkel said...

John Henry:
Andre the Giant was 7'5" and weighed anywhere from 550 to 750 pounds, depending on his activity level in the preceding months.

When he held a 12oz beer it looked like a 7oz juice can in the hand of a normal big man.
He once drank 6 cases of German beer in a night (allegedly).
He was known to drink two case (24 bottles of wine) in a night.

Hulk Hogan was severely injured when he attempted to lift Andre the Giant for a body slam.
And that was with Andre's help.

Andre the Giant was known as a very gentle soul.
He also hurt many wrestlers who were overly aggressive with him, thinking they could not hurt him due to his size.

Readering said...

Just watched Krebs interview on 60 minutes. Appointed by Trump, unanimously confirmed by Senate. Enormously impressive. His authoritative answers on the conduct of the election point to the mendacity of Trump, Pence, Ellis, Giuliani, Powell, Loeffler, Purdue and others spouting nonsense and drivel about the election. And AA commenters just a sample of those being driven looney by their lies.

narciso said...

Dominion is on the same council that certifies these results so is the fmr official that bought these machines.

narciso said...

A clear conflict of interest,

Francisco D said...

The most famous person I ever met was Jerry Rubin. He was an asshole.

I also met Tom Jackson (ex-NFL player and announcer) in Hawaii. He was a really nice guy.

I went to school with people who are now famous, but that doesn't really count.

Qwinn said...

Rendering thinks anyone denying the fraud has any credibility left. It might work if they could actually come up with plausible explanations for all the impossibilities that keep cropping up in the data,, but they don't even try. "If you don't trust us utterly and completely, if you ever even suspect that we would treat the voting system with anything less than the utmost respect even as we - in broad daylight - purposefully disabled ALL voter integrity checks on an unconstitutional mail in ballot scheme, you deplorable Nazi chumps, then you're clearly insane!". Pretty damn funny.

narciso said...

Kind of curious

Readering said...

The "data" is all internet bs.

Birkel said...

Readering now has gaslighting half off.
Cut rate prices.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am still betting the elections were stolen the old fashioned way - by literally stuffing Extra ballots In several states. The guy on 60 minutes is taking about cyber security Readering. So what he thinks is irrelevant if I’m right.

narciso said...

Its a 50/50 deal you need the machines and the inscrutable code to cover up the steal. Which the tech manuals show ots done.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The Philadelphia Inquirer has spent Zero man hours looking into ballot fraud which is about how much time it spent on Hunter Biden laptop found just 20 miles away from the papers office. Ask yourself why Readering.

J. Farmer said...


I care about outcomes.
Coulter has produced no positive outcomes.
She has yapped like a small, worthless bitch.

I take your point about being results-oriented, but I think it's fair to say she helped contribute to Eric Cantor's loss in 2014 and Trump's win in 2016. I applaud her for not being a Hannity-esque hack and for holding Trump's feet to the fire.

narciso said...

Nothing new under the sun

Birkel said...

Better than Hannity is an exceedingly low bar for anybody to suggest to me.
Coulter has provided no wins and you offer none as examples.
I accept your concession.

DavidUW said...

The election was stolen in the following, multipart manner:
1) the lead in: all the dead people that were registered, all the out of staters, etc etc got to vote first.
2) thanks to mail-in balloting records, the counters had the knowledge of who had voted and who hadn't.
3) at midnight, stop counting. invent a bullshit excuse like a water main or just government workers are tired. The counters now know how many of the "hadn't voted" ballots needed to be recorded.
4) Record ballots from those who "hadn't voted" yet.
5) Surprise! it's enough to push Biden over the top in the states that mattered.

Next to impossible to prove.
But I guarantee you this is what happened.

Howard said...

Obviously, Ann Coulter is a Suppressive Person

Qwinn said...

I'm Full of Soup: I think (and Powell said as much) that they tried to do it just via hacking, but Trump's lead became so much larger than expected that the steal would have been too obvious without support from tens of thousands of haztily concocted ballots being stuffed on election night. So, it's one of those "embrace the healing power of 'and'" moments.

J. Farmer said...

Andre the Giant was known as a very gentle soul.
He also hurt many wrestlers who were overly aggressive with him, thinking they could not hurt him due to his size.

I can't remember when, but I was listening to an interview with Roddy Piper, and he was making the same points about Andre the Giant. He also seemed quite tortured over the negative attention his gigantism brought. In an odd way, he reminds me of John Candy. Both were almost universally liked and good-hearted but always seemed a bit down on themselves.

Narr said...

Famous folks who have met me?

Leaving aside governors, senators, and other political riffraff, and defining 'met' as being in the same space long enough to shake hands and say a few words--

Xi of China. Yep, he was FM then, and gave a public talk on our campus followed by a quick stroll through the "new" library. I can no longer recall whether our recently aborted (finally) Confucius Institute began before or after his visit.

The late Ben Hooks; the late Ernest Withers; the late Rufus Thomas, the late Shelby Foote.

Historians famous to other historians, too numerous to mention.

Ben Stein was friendly and funny in person, much like on his quiz show. Ken Burns was friendly and tiny.

By way of Foote, I'm two jumps to Jeff Davis and Bedford Forrest

J. Farmer said...


Better than Hannity is an exceedingly low bar for anybody to suggest to me.

Ha. Fair enough. I at least added an "esque."

Better than Hannity is an exceedingly low bar for anybody to suggest to me.

Well, she's a writer, so I'm not sure what those "wins" are supposed to look like.

Readering said...

All these different wonderful theories from crazy land. Looking forward to the dismissal of Powell's lawsuits and the additional ones promised this week by Trump. (If they are filed. He notoriously promises suits that never materialize.) My favorite part of his bonkers interview this morning: Assuring us he has Supreme Court advocates lined up. He must have them hidden by the witness protection program.

The Godfather said...

RE: the Never-Trumper, Trumpist, Trumperism spectrum (or however you want to express it):

During the 2016 Primaries I was an almost Never-Trumper, primarily because I thought Trump was a NYC liberal in right-wing clothing, and if he by any wild chance were elected, he'd start making deals with the Dems. When he was the last Republican standing, no, I wasn't going to embrace (yuck!) Hillary.

But I was wrong about how Trump would perform as President.

I think it's hard, at least for me, to separate Trump's policies and personality, the Trumpism from the Trumpist. And (assuming the Angel Gabriel doesn't come down from Heaven and annoint some True Believer) maybe it's not necessary. Trump has created a kind of right-wing populism. The Democrats have tried, by nominating Biden, not to create the opposite, left-wing populism. But I don't see how the Democrats' approach can work. If the Republicans have any chance of regaining power, it will be right-populism v. left populism. I think there are a few Republicans who could carry that flag succesfully in 2024. It won't, sadly perhaps, be Trump.

Qwinn said...

"He must have 6hem hidden by the witness protection program."

I certainly hope so. I don't think there's a single person actively involved in fighting the fraud who hasn't received threats to themselves and their families from you animals.

narciso said...

Thats why they want an unverifiable way ti steal the election, 'this is not the test of the emergency broadcast system, this is an actual emergency'

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am watching the DIY tv show Building Alaska. Once true social justice is achieved, I expect to see all the races represented on these shows.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Forgot my Sarcasm Tag.

Readering said...

It's the election officials and their families who can be identified and who are being threatened. Not the loonies.

Readering said...

Looking forward to Trump announcing his 2024 election campaign, freezing all the ambitious politicians who think they can beat Biden. I hope he does it on Jan. 20 per rumors he's floating.

Inga said...

“Just watched Krebs interview on 60 minutes. Appointed by Trump, unanimously confirmed by Senate. Enormously impressive. His authoritative answers on the conduct of the election point to the mendacity of Trump, Pence, Ellis, Giuliani, Powell, Loeffler, Purdue and others spouting nonsense and drivel about the election. And AA commenters just a sample of those being driven looney by their lies.”

It’s astounding that Trump’s followers continue to believe this fraud nonsense, that they’ve been so sucked into the ever expanding and elaborate conspiracy theories. I saw the interview, do Trumpists truly believe that Krebs is a part of this supposed massive fraud, a part of the “deep state”? Seriously? And then they don’t like being labeled as crazy conspiracy theorists?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


...are we going to be talking about laches?

"Laches! Ooh, I hate laches!"

narciso said...

Is that like badgers, 'because we dont need to stinking badgers'

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

no. it's some sort of funky pretzel*-like legal thing.

...happening in PA court. (*PA, where the pretzels come from.)

@narciso-- if 2020 is made into movie, who directs it?

narciso said...

Roland emmerich maybe m night shymalan

narciso said...

Although parts of it might fall under mcquarrie cruises director.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Besides, I would expect all the disks to be encrypted in that situation anyway.”

The NSA is now apparently, fully within the DoD. I expect that this was part of that turf war between Defense and civilian intelligence agencies that has been raging at least since the civilian side took out one of military intelligence’s key players, Gen Flynn, days into the new Trump Administration. I would suggest that if military intelligence, with the help of the NSA, can’t break the encryption, then no one in the world can. I also suspect that military intelligence has been eavesdropping on the CIA for years. Some of what they did to the FBI was almost scary - according to Q, they apparently were able to intercept the communications of top FBI officials, as they plotted to get Mueller appointed special counsel, despite the FBI people using aliases and communicating over a Star Wars (or Star Trek) roll playing back channel (or something just as obscure).

If the CIA knew about the election fraud, and didn’t say anything until too late, or worse, actively participated, we have a very serious problem with our federal government, and it’s out of control bureaucracy. One question is why CIA Director Gina Haspel hasn’t been seen in public for a bit. We were expecting her firing, and maybe that of FBI Dir Wray, right after the election. They didn’t happen, despite having given Trump more than adequate cause. Is she in hiding? Has she already been apprehended by military intelligence and their special operations colleagues? Or is she just sitting back, not making waves? (FBI Director would be much harder to apprehend, heading an institution with maybe 20,000 armed agents. The CIA Director would be easier, because her agency isn’t supposed to operate within the US).

Readering said...


narciso said...

So i went down this rabbit hole

And i notice the first company is colocated in frankfurt.

narciso said...

Like the previous cia director who hacked the senate intel committee, what was his name again brennan?

Joe Smith said...

"Trumps 2nd wife is the best looking woman I ever saw in person."

I was going to a play in San Francisco once, many years ago.

I was waiting at a red light to cross the street.

I looked up and there was a woman standing there...dark hair, at least 6 feet tall.

I was stunned. It was an out-of-body experience. She didn't look real.

When the light changed it took me a few seconds to remember to move.

Same thing happened a few years later in Ebisu Station in Tokyo.

A woman not of this world walking through the turnstile.

There are angels among us...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Dominion's owners

Staple Street Capital is a private equity firm founded in 2009 based in New York. The co-founders Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh are veterans of The Carlyle Group and Cerberus Capital Management, also the Board members of Dominion Voting. The official website of Staple Street Capital has deleted the team introduction.

Rt41Rebel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

I know irony is crunchy if they didnt bury the trail i would be a little less suspicious.

Joe Smith said...

"Steve Melnyk (golf announcer and British and US amateur golf championship - easily a minus-5 golfer at Augusta from the men's tees)"

That would be a plus 5 other words, he would shoot 5 strokes better than par.

"The Smothers Brothers

Met them also when I worked at the front desk of a Holiday Inn. Nice guys. Went (not sure if they ever graduated) to my Alma Mater, San Jose State.

While working at the hotel I had a brief conversation with Joe maybe him and Shirley Temple are neck-and-neck for most famous?

I think Shirley Temple wins as she was international.

Drago said...

Inga the Russian Collusion Truther Dead Ender: "It’s astounding that Trump’s followers continue to believe this fraud nonsense, that they’ve been so sucked into the ever expanding and elaborate conspiracy theories."

Just sit back and take that one in.

The best part?

Right now, at this very moment, Inga still believes, passionately believes, every single conspiracy theory that has been launched and debunked in the last 5 years.

Every. Single. One.

Without exception.

And readering is right there with her.

Of course, by now we are all quite beyond astonishment at the out of this galaxy hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness.

But still, every now and again, both Inga and readering provide new fodder of which we must make note.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Inslee: High transmission risk at restaurants until we ‘invent a way’ to eat with a mask on

Plastic Straws!!
Perfect for the Great Reset Gruel we'll be slurping

Readering said...

Inga, Drago whines about us in a single post. The honor is mine.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

pt 8

why, there's Jeffrey Dean again!

narciso said...

Here we go

NCMoss said...

Well done to whomever re-directed this thread to "famous people I've met". I also saw, though didn't meet, Shirley Temple Black and she "was" classy as described before. Trolls are free to join in too; don't worry, there will be plenty of political dreck tomorrow to opine about.

Sara D said...

I had Montgomery Clift onboard a Pan Am flight from Frankfurt to New York in early 1966, he had just finished filming "The Defector". Sadly he died a few months later.
Also had Rudolf Nureyev onboard from London/ New York,very nice man. In the late sixties, I was sitting with the rest of the crew in the lobby of the beautiful Phoenicia Hotel in Beirut, waiting for our ride to the airport, when (OMG ) Omar Sharif walked in, he was there for a Bridge Tournament. Big excitement. The Phoenicia Hotel was destroyed during the civil war that started in Beirut in 1975. Sad.

rhhardin said...

Bongino Report now

"England to Send 2.5 Million Venerable People Vitamin D Pills"

Jaq said...

"that they’ve been so sucked into the ever expanding and elaborate conspiracy theories...”

We all remember Inga.

“Russia Russia Russia! Secret server! Secret server! Polly wanna craker! Braacch!"

Jaq said...

"The Philadelphia Inquirer has spent Zero man hours looking into ballot fraud”

This is from Snopes, so you can trust it.

When the Inquirer went looking for Republican voters in some of those divisions, they couldn’t find any:

Eighteen Republicans reportedly live in the nearby 15th Division, according to city registration records. The 15th has the distinction of pitching two straight Republican shutouts — zero votes for McCain in 2008, zero for Romney. Oh, and 13 other city divisions did the same thing in 2008 and 2012.

Three of the 15th’s registered Republicans were listed as living in the same apartment, but the tenant there said he had never heard of them. The addresses of several others could not be found.
- Snopes

Nothing to see here! Move along! Where did these fraudulent registrations come from? Who cares?

For a newspaper named “Inquirer” they sure are incurious. What would have been interesting is to see if any of those Republicans who could not be found had actually voted.

Rusty said...

"The most hilarious part of the insane conspiracy theories is the sincere belief that the democrats are both smart and competent."
Oh, no. More like dishonest and easily led. I met a lot of 'get out the vote' types in Chicago. Those that weren't raving drunks were all nice people. You just wouldn't leave any change on the table. If you could reliably get drunks, prostitutes and old people to the polls to vote democrat you had a job for life. A job you never had to go to. That's democrats. Their moral compass always points to where they moved the magnet. So, I'm going with a democrat stolen election because that's what you guys do.

J. Farmer said...

@The Godfather:

I think it's hard, at least for me, to separate Trump's policies and personality, the Trumpism from the Trumpist. And (assuming the Angel Gabriel doesn't come down from Heaven and annoint some True Believer) maybe it's not necessary. Trump has created a kind of right-wing populism.

I agree that Trump's candidacy and presidency created a kind of right-wing populism. Or at least demonstrated that it was an effective campaigning strategy. The challenge now is to define what that right-wing populism is. Once you remove Trump from the equation, it isn't clear how much Trumpism and Trumpists have in common. Trump cannot be counted on to lead a movement or point a way forward. His worldview is muddled and incoherent, and he is too driven by ego and self-aggrandizement.

I think both parties are experiencing the degradation of an old coalition and the formation of a new one, typified by the insurgent candidacies of Sanders and Trump in 2015. Though they were on different ends of the political spectrum, they were unified by anti-elite sentiment. That's why the Bernie Bros got added to the basket of deplorables.

The Clintonite core of the Democratic Party is ferociously resistant to leftward pull on its ideology. It developed in response to the Carter and Mondale losses, and its ideological roots are centrist, "third nay" neoliberalism. They have a ton of support within elite institutions, and it was recently all hands on deck to derail the Sanders campaign. The Biden/Harris ticket was yet another establishment success in fending off its left wing. Biden is a classic DC establishment type, and Harris is an empty vessel.

How long the Democratic Party will be able to contain these tensions remains to be seen. Without Trump as a unifying enemy, we'd expect them to fray. The 2020 election was already a repudiation. The Democratic Party is basically a white, college-educated, upper class party that has to rely on identity politics to stitch together a coalition of single women and ethnic minorities. For years that strategy has required ginning up a near constant antipathy towards the "straight white male." But it turns out most blacks and Latinos don't give a shit about identity politics. They care about jobs and schools and neighborhoods. The Democrats haven't seemed to figure out that gender non-conforming black lesbos don't exactly have their thumbs on the pulse of black America.

The reason we've all heard about "white privilege" and "white supremacism" so much recently is because white power is at its nadir in America. Ironically, the demographic transformations that the Democrats have been relying on (and even bragging about) has helped demolish the "single white male" bogeyman that the Democrats have relied on to hold their coalition together.

Jaq said...

"The challenge now is to define what that right-wing populism is.”

The challenge now is to co-opt the movement!

It’s easy to define Trumpism.

-No military adventurism abroad.
-Free trade is a bust for working Americans, protect their jobs from competition from slaving countries like China
-Energy independence.
-Protect the American working classes for competition from illicit labor (scabs) from Central America in order to raise wages.
-Minimize regulation.

It’s not hard to define what Trump stood for. All of these points infuriate the globalists who own the media.

Jaq said...

Instapundit is once again flogging that stupid webinar, calling it a “study” when there are zero citations of data or other studies.

noticed that instead of the expected drastic increase across all causes, there was a significant decrease in deaths due to heart disease. Even more surprising, as seen in the graph below, this sudden decline in deaths is observed for all other causes.!/vizhome/COVID_excess_mort_withcauses_11252020/WeeklyExcessDeaths

Go to the tab that says "Total Number Above Average by Group.”

Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.

Go to the tab that says “Weekly Number By Age” to have this one debunked.

Bruce Hayden said...

The person who has met a lot of famous people in her life is my partner. She was a beautiful young woman in Las Vegas 40-45 years ago and was positioned to meet a lot of celebrities. Ditto a decade later in Phoenix. Sexiest was Elvis, who gave her and a friend backstage passes. She got a scarf, that he had worn out on stage, out of it. Got to know Bill Cosby and his family fairly well. Mother knew the real Col. Sanders well, and her father knew Harry Reid. Their families socialized with hers on multiple occasions. Ann Margret was a raging bitch to everyone, Cher not much better, and Willie Nelson’s entourage routinely drank more beer than anyone else. He tipped extremely well though. Michael Jackson’s were violent thugs, who committed kidnapping and extortion while in Vegas on one of his visits. Lee Majors asked her first husband, and Tom Selleck asked her second husband, how such ugly guys got such a beautiful wife. Majors also asked him how he got one who was beautiful, smart and drug free. He said he got the first, but not the latter two (he was married to the blond Charlie’s Angel at the time). She has lost count how many times she has been asked “Do you know who I am?” Her usual response was “No, and I have no interest in finding out.” Unless it meant free tickets up front and backstage tickets to their Vegas show. She had a run, in her 40s, of meeting formerly famous rock musicians in airports, no doubt when they could no longer fly privately. Some of meeting celebrities was because she and her first two husbands were in the business of serving them, at least in part. First one was executive banquet chef at one of the big Vegas venues, so his people delivered the pallets of beer to Nelson (and he showed up for the tips), while she ran the flower shop in one of the others. Flying with Majors as his private chef was a side gig for him. And she will admit to wrangling being brought along when one of her husbands was working with/for hot male stars, like Selleck, whom she thinks has just gotten better looking over time.

Me? Her, because of all the famous people she has met, and that is about it. She has met more than enough for both of us.

She would tell you that one reason that she met so many famous men is that rich, famous, and powerful men are most often pigs, routinely trading their fame or power for sex. #MeToo just exposed the reality of this. When she was 15, she wanted to dance in Vegas. Her mother, a choreographer there, got one of the guys she worked with to give her an interview. Afterwards, he told her that she danced well enough, and was good enough looking, now how about some T&A? It worked, just as her mother planned. Several years later, she was working for a national modeling agency in Vegas, and they were desperately trying to get her to move to NYC. Nope. No interest. She wanted husband and kids, not fame. And, ultimately ended up with me, plus some kids of her own (and helped raise several others), grandkids, and hopefully not too soon, great grandkids (she has her eye on one of her grandsons, whose girlfriend seems a little too eager).

Jaq said...

What did Johns Hopkins say about why they retracted the article?

As assistant director for the Master’s in Applied Economics program at Hopkins, Briand is neither a medical professional nor a disease researcher.

That fact doesn’t prove it’s wrong, but it does come into play when you look at the criticisms of the article below.

Briand was quoted in the article as saying, “All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers.” This claim is incorrect and does not take into account the spike in raw death count from all causes compared to previous years. According to the CDC, there have been almost 300,000 excess deaths due to COVID-19. Additionally, Briand presented data of total U.S. deaths in comparison to COVID-19-related deaths as a proportion percentage, which trivializes the repercussions of the pandemic. This evidence does not disprove the severity of COVID-19; an increase in excess deaths is not represented in these proportionalities because they are offered as percentages, not raw numbers.

Briand also claimed in her analysis that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may be incorrectly categorized as COVID-19-related deaths. However, COVID-19 disproportionately affects those with preexisting conditions, so those with those underlying conditions are statistically more likely to be severely affected and die from the virus.

Because of these inaccuracies and our failure to provide additional information about the effects of COVID-19,

Funny that these are pretty much the same criticisms I had been making all along just from reading it and comparing it to the CDC data. That is not the same thing as removing it because it hurt the narrative.

Qwinn said...

I have no doubt that excess deaths increased... mostly from the lockdowns. Suicides, delayed medical care, a dozen reasons, mostly related to the response to the virus, not the virus itself.

The proportion of deaths, rather than the raw count, is very useful toward determining what proportion of thee excess is strictly from the virus rather than the response. Their reasons for withdrawal of the paper suggest that obfuscating that is their primary concern.

rhhardin said...

Biden fractured his hind leg

Breezy said...

We’re supposed to follow the science, but there is no science to follow. As others have noted, we need more than case counts to judge where we are at with this virus. In fact, the higher the case count w relatively stable death count, the less lethal this virus becomes. Seems to me we can all get back to being human, except for the elderly and those w significant afflictions.

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