December 4, 2020

At the Sunrise Café...


 ... you can talk about whatever you like.

And please think of supporting this blog by doing your shopping through the Althouse portal to Amazon.


Yancey Ward said...

Some businesses are more equal than others

Remember, we are all in this together. If Governor Newsome and Mayor Garcetti where gang raped to death by the Hell's Angels, it would take a heart of stone to not laugh about it.

William50 said...

My wife is working on a crossword puzzle. She just looked at me and said, "I just had Whats Up Tiger Lily in my puzzle" to which I replied "name 3 presidents."

Yancey Ward said...

When the line between parody and reality disappears.

stevew said...

Today's pre-sunrise was more dramatic and photogenic than the sunrise.

No matter what they say I will not lockdown. I will not stay inside. I will go for walks and out to get a coffee and to shop for groceries. I will go to my grandson's birthday celebration tomorrow in another state. When I return I will not quarantine. I am not at risk, and I am not a threat to your health. Please don't be offended when I ignore your pleadings. Arrest me at your peril.

To all the Karen's I see on my mask-less walks, those that stare at me, some sternly, some pleadingly, I say: if you are so concerned about your health, stay home. Don't expect me to do so. I am not infectious and I'm not at high risk.

Josephbleau said...

Regarding the officials who violate their own covid orders, just what is the f'ing use of being a goddam elite if you can't do things that other slobs can't do, anyway? Right gov. whitless?

I'm Not Sure said...

"Some businesses are more equal than others"

I'm hoping she's never voted for members of the political party that is screwing her. Otherwise...

Breezy said...

If I were a legal voter in one of these compromised states, I’d be raising holy hell with my state rep to make sure the state vote is legit. What good are they if they can’t enforce basic election laws they voted for?

John henry said...

If anyone should need a reliable Nigerian prince to assist in any business dealings, Prince Ayotunde Adebayo is your man.

Call him at 410-365-0562

John Henry

Michael K said...

We are planning Christmas in CA. Now, we have to learn what Gruesom has planned to thwart that,

Inga said...

The Trump campaign and its Republican allies lost four legal challenges to the election in four states in a little more than an hour on Friday evening as President Trump’s attempts to use the courts to overturn the election results drew ever closer to an end.

Are Trumpists getting tired of all the winning yet? Oh never mind...sorry...not sorry.

No, I am am sorry, that was mean of me, but it seems like Trump is going to win in a landslide...any day now, so I guess you Trumpists will be fine.

Carry on.

narciso said...

Brashler voted against paper backups in ga so no surprise

narciso said...


Inga said...

Here’s the one from Wisconsin, my favorite.

“Not long after 6 p.m., the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued Republicans their fourth defeat of the evening. In a scathing order, the court dismissed an attempt by a conservative group, the Wisconsin Voters Alliance, to overturn the state’s already certified election results and let Wisconsin’s presidential elections be chosen by the state legislature instead.

“Such a move would appear to be unprecedented in American history,” Judge Brian Hagedorn wrote for the court.

“One might expect that this solemn request would be paired with evidence of serious errors tied to a substantial and demonstrated set of illegal votes,” Judge Hagedorn added. “Instead, the evidentiary support rests almost entirely on the unsworn expert report of a former campaign employee that offers statistical estimates based on call center samples and social media research.”

Freeman Hunt said...

"To all the Karen's I see on my mask-less walks,"

People wear masks outside on walks in other places?

narciso said...

Hagedorn ratifies evers steal.

narciso said...

Josephbleau said...

"We are planning Christmas in CA. Now, we have to learn what Gruesom has planned to thwart that,"

I have been becoming addicted to Newport Beach AirBnB's. Not since covid. There is a reason why Cali keeps hanging in there, unrelated to government.

Titus said...

I can’t stop watching Rudy farting clips.

Inga said...

People wear masks outside on walks in other places?

A List of Face Mask Orders

Not here in Wisconsin, unless they want to.

Titus said...

Freeman. Everyone wears a mask outside here. Walking, running, any activity. We are 2 different countries Arkansas redneck.

John henry said...

Wed night we were discussing small hydro. Last night I linked to a paper on it.

One of the companies mentioned in the paper was Gravity Renewables which finds old hydro sites and develops them to sell the power. Their site is here

It has some interesting pictures of some of their projects but not a lot of specifics.

I am always wondering about the economics of things and mused a bit on these dams. Where an output is given it is in the 1-2MW range. 2MW is about the power of 3 large trucks. 2MW, operating at 50% capacity factor would put out a bit less than 9,000,000kwh. If they can sell the power for 10cents/kwh, that would be about $900,000/yr total revenue. After all the expenses, I wonder if it turns a legitimate profit? I also wonder if it runs at 50% capacity factor over the course of the year.

A more concrete example is their Comtu Falls project in Downtown Springfield VT. They say that one produces 2.5mm KWH/Yr. At 10 cents, that would mean total revenue $250,000/yr. I can't believe it can be profitable on electrical sales. I suspect there are a lot of subsidies, direct and indirect, tax writeoffs and more to make it worthwhile.

I go gaga over old machinery, dams, powerhouses and the likes. I enjoyed looking at their pictures. I would have been interested to read more about the economics.

A lot of people don't realize what an industrial powerhouse Vermont used to be, a lot of it powered by water. at one time some very large percentage of the world's gears were made on Fellows gear hobbing machines, in Springfield. Before they closed in the 60's they had something like 5000 employees. Some pics and info here

John Henry

narciso said...

wildswan said...

Remember those great guys back in the civil rights days doing sit-ins to gain the right to eat in restaurants? which other people more politically connected just went to whenever they felt like it? Long ago in a country far away.

Titus said...

We also live on top of each other. I wouldn’t wear a mask outside in some deplorable flyover place where no one lives. And we take buses and trains and subways where you can’t get on any of these places without a mask. Our homeless even wear masks!

And we are going to be delivering one of the vaccines to you flyovers. You ain’t getting the vaccines from the south. No you are getting them from the people’s republic of Cambridge. You are welcome. Nighty night.

John henry said...

A lot of people don't realize what an industrial powerhouse Vermont used to be, a lot of it powered by water. at one time some very large percentage of the world's gears were made on Fellows gear hobbing machines, in Springfield. Before they closed in the 60's they had something like 5000 employees. Some pics and info here

A lot of other large tool makers were in Vermont building mills, shapers, lathes and all kinds of machine tools.

One of the most interesting museums I've ever visited in the American Precision Museum located in the old (1836) Robbins & Lawrence factory in Windsor VT. R&L made machine tools. The museum has a really impressive collection of old and new machines.

If you find this kind of thing interesting and are in the area, be sure to visit.

John Henry

Jupiter said...

Here is a video of two women stealing Georgia's electoral votes for Biden.

No evidence.

MadisonMan said...

Some businesses are more equal than others
What a ghastly thing for that poor woman. She needs to (1) Identify the movie company being made and (2) call out the actors in the movie. Bad PR can torpedo projects.

mockturtle said...

Titus, you know where you can inject your vaccine, right?

John henry said...

some very large percentage of the world's gears were made on Fellows gear hobbing machines, in Springfield.

Badly worded.

Gear hobbing is a machining process for cutting teeth into a steel, brass, plastic or other material to make a gear. Fellows made gear hobbing machines in Springfield. A large percentage, perhaps the majority of gears produced in the world at one time were made on Fellows machines. The machines came from Springfield, the gears were made all over the world.

There are still Fellows machines over 100 years old in daily production use. They just sit there going ka-chunka, ka-chunka all day long and seldom break.


John Henry

narciso said...

Time for another

rcocean said...

The GA Senate Candidate Perdue is now bragging about how he's going "cut deals with Biden". This after voting for 500,000 H-1B visas for Indian H-1b's. no doubt, he supports Amnesty too. And hey, he's been mighty silent on the election fraud in GA, hasn't he?

Bottom line: Its irrelevant whether these two R Senate Clowns get elected or not. They're just more of the same ol' Chamber of Commerce Globalism and sellouts. You might as well shoulder the D's with the responsibility of having the House, POTUS, and Senate.

rcocean said...

If the Republicans aren't willing to fight election fraud, the party might as well close up shop. They died out in California, and seemed to be happy to do so. Looks like it will happen on a national level too. Take out Trump, and the R's are the party of Mitch McConnell, romney, and Jeb Bush.

IOw, a bunch of losers, who stand for nothing except tax cuts for the rich, and wars in the middle east. But that's what they want. they wanted to lose in 2016, but Trump foiled them. Now, they can get their wish of Being the "Loyal Opposition".

Inga said...

“The GA Senate Candidate Perdue is now bragging about how he's going "cut deals with Biden"”

But wait...didn’t Trump win in a landslide? What about all those videos of vote counter fraud?

BUMBLE BEE said...

wildswan... remember the Free Speech Movement in Berkeley CA? Hell, I'm so old I remember when dems actually valued Free Speech. ACLU too! I must admit, it is hilarious to watch the worm turn. Now they shit on every veteran's grave who fought for them.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

will the burgeoning displays of election corruption eventually
trigger the legal framework — and national security provisions
(laid out in EO 13848**)
necessary to allow the Secretary of Defense to activate military processes?

"The only conceivable reason why you would block commonsense measures to verify legal eligibility for voting, is you are trying to encourage, enable, solicit or carry out fraud."-- Potus

Sec. 2. a (i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

d) the term “election infrastructure” means information and communications technology and systems used by or on behalf of the Federal Government or a State or local government in managing the election process, including voter registration databases, voting machines, voting tabulation equipment, and equipment for the secure transmission of election results;

Dominion executives confessing to engineering backdoors into the systems, which has also been acquired.
Packet analysis results from “white hats” who intercepted all the real-time vote rigging traffic, which includes the specific instructions from CIA servers to add the hundreds of thousands of votes in real time to Dominion tabulation machines in swing states. (publicly confirmed by Col. Phil Waldron.)

8 days prior to EO 13848, Trump designated elections infrastructure as “critical infrastructure.” The election theft was cyber warfare against critical U.S. infrastructure.
Will this authorizes all kinds of national security activities?


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Harrison Deal didnt kill himself"

...was he dating Kemp's daughter?

Anonymous said...

Mockturtle -Titus, you know where you can inject your vaccine, right?


The Godfather said...

What I don't understand is why government officials who violate the lockdown rules -- like Newsome, Pelosi, Whitmer, de Blasio, Northam, etc., etc. -- aren't punished. Does this mean that the lockdown rules, the mask mandates, and so forth, are just advisory, not mandatory? So if I reserve a banquet room at an expensive restaurant to entertain a dozen or two of my friends and associates, will I not be punished, beyond a tsk, tsk tsk? The high government officials impose "mandates", which means a "command". Do they mean a "command for thee, but not for me"?

All the restrictions that have been imposed on us are based on the supposed need to reduce the spread of a deadly disease. Some people go so far as to say that if you even QUESTION the lockdown rules, much less violate them, you will be responsible for hundreds or thousands of deaths. Yet high government officials violate the rules and all we do is embarrass them? Why aren't they impeached, fired, censured, arrested, perp-walked out of their homes at 6 am? Isn't that what we do with criminals?

Or maybe we should follow the lead of "our betters" and ignore the lockdown rules when they are inconvenient?

Readering said...

Sorry to read reveal that roomrater is a nut job. But i suppose there were signs.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Do they mean a "command for thee, but not for me"?"

Of course they do. One of the perks of being a "public servant".


I'm Not Sure said...

" Why aren't they impeached, fired, censured, arrested, perp-walked out of their homes at 6 am?"

I'd suggest considering public hangings, but that would probably trigger a lot of people.

Big Mike said...

I'd suggest considering public hangings, but that would probably trigger a lot of people.

But no one who doesn't fully deserve to be triggered.

walter said...

"Like I told Inga, if I reach something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."

Joe Smith said...

My Amazon purchase via the @AA portal arrived today.

So when you're doing your holiday shopping, click on over there you cheap bastards and give the gal a break!

bagoh20 said...

What kind of a person makes a concerted effort to be despised with absolutely nothing to be gained by it? It's psychopathy. Does anybody else regularly hang around with people who hate them and try to make that animosity stronger every day? It must be an internet thing. You never see that in person to person relationships outside of a bad marriage.

Joe Smith said...

Best thing I've seen regarding 'We're all in this together.'

Babylon Bee so a safe click...

Readering said...

Spend less time coming up with your own takes on so-called election fraud and more reading the detailed decisions where Trump is running 1 to forty-something in terms of wins. As the defeats keep piling up, if you say it's all deep state maybe you should move and leave the space for the immigrants clamoring to come in. I read these comments. Sheesh.

walter said...

It's all for show, readering. Enjoy.

bagoh20 said...

I don't believe that mask mandates or lockdown are working, and the numbers support that. Regardless, I will wear a mask everywhere I go 7 days after the last government official gets caught breaking their own Covid rules.

Funny how the Karen brigades don't seem to have much anger toward these hypocrites in high places. It's almost like they don't believe the bullshit anymore than the rest of us, but just love bitching at regular people going about their day.

bagoh20 said...

And by the way, If there is a 7 day period with no hypocrites getting busted, I still won't keep my promise. I'll just say that I regret my mistake. That seems to cover it.

I'm Not Sure said...

"after the last government official gets caught breaking their own Covid rules."

But see- they don't look at it that way, as their rules for you don't apply to them.

No sarc tag this time. Not needed.

Clark said...

@narciso - I just finished the fifth Cormoran Strike novel. (I have been laid up with Covid 19 and when I have been awake and not delirious I have done quite a lot of reading.) You will be happy to learn that there is an easter egg just for you on the last full page of the book.

narciso said...

I'll look forward to it. Jks other writing projects like crimes of grindewald have suffered some

I was reviewing charles stross laundry series before he went insane witn brexit and trump derangement starting with the jennifer morge.

walter said...

Local grocery store just put out a Farcebook post complaining that their shoppers have only been at 99% compliance masking, and that they will be cracking down from here on out. I note some of their staffers opt for the face shield..which..come on, man! And oh, if you enter an aisle where more than one stocker is chatting, heads swivel and masks get pulled up.

narciso said...

He went off keel around the 5th book, life having become too absurd.

mockturtle said...

My Amazon purchase via the @AA portal arrived today.

Got mine yesterday.

Inga said...

Kellyanne Conway, ever the opportunist. Good thing she resigned...

“The president wants to exhaust all of his legal avenues, as he has made clear many times. His team is doing that, and that is his right,” Conway said in an interview with The 19th’s Washington correspondent, Amanda Becker, that aired Friday. “If you look at the vote totals in the Electoral College tally, it looks like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will prevail. I assume the electors will certify that and it will be official. We, as a nation, will move forward, because we always do.”

Conway also pledged to work with “future administrations,” saying: “If there’s anything I can ever do to help … they can count on me.”

Rt41Rebel said...

John Henry, thank you for your history of gears and Fellows. If there was no Fellows, we would never have had Cogswell Cogs and Spacely Sprockets to take us into the future.

walter said...

Predict the disease Joe will contract at said difference of moral principle.
Oh wait..that's not possible.

narciso said...

One interesting thing, rowlings aversion to transgenderism relates to a tome two books ago if not more, now they notice.

Terry Ott said...

Is it not obvious now 1) that as in numerous past “historic” elections, the Democratic Party does anything to win, thumbing their noses at election law and protocol; and, (2) that there is no appetite at the state level, or in the federal courts, to take on this tradition of cheating?

As the details of Election 2020 trickle out over the next year or two via books, interviews, investigative reporting, and articles in the non-mainstream media, it will be interesting to see what the reaction is to Democratic Party overtures to “unify the country”. After what the Democrats and their compliant media did to delegitimize Trump, from even BEFORE he took office and going on for all four years (yeah, Nancy, rip up that SOTU speech for all the world to see) — and then to rig the election in key states — I envision a big middle figure being extended skyward in the direction of the Democrats.

At my advanced age, I was prepared to just take seat and read novels. watch movies, and enjoy the next 3 generations of my family, while professing my lack of interest in politics from 2020 and beyond. But I can’t. I figure there will be a lot of us who don’t go quietly into the night under POTUS Harris. No f—king way.

narciso said...

She has been a little too clever by half though on social media and in her follow up films.

narciso said...

But writers block is a little trick after chapter 18 and some 250 pages im a bit stumped in my writing project.

narciso said...

Back before universal consumed scifi network

Yancey Ward said...

Never watched Farscape, will put it in the queue for binging. Was interesting to see Ben Browder and Claudia Black in the clip- I am guessing the abrupt cancellation at the end of Season 4 freed them up for Stargate SG-1.

John henry said...

I just purchased Dirt by Bill Burford via the portal.

It arrived before I even bought it. That's how fast Amazon is!

Merry Christmas Ann and Meade. At the rate I consume books, you'll probably get a couple more gifts from me by the 25th.

John Henry

Yancey Ward said...

I had thought SyFy had gotten their act together a few years ago, but they are right back to cancelling things abruptly.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Satan dates 2020 -- spoof vid

dont worry--It's in English, fratello.

Yancey Ward said...

I will make a prediction- Asshat beats Perdue 56-44, the other race will be closer, but Loeffler will lose 51-49.

Yancey Ward said...

In 2022, the Democrats win 40 House seats and at least 4 Senate seats. The Republicans have literally cut their own throats open in laying down on the absentee ballot thing. If they don't fight it now, nothing will stop the Democrats from flooding the land with absentee ballot fraud from now on.

walter said...

The easy choice is MCI. Full blown (vascular) dementia if hasty exit required.

John henry said...


Just write something, anything. Even "Mary had a little lamb" 20 times. Words on paper of pixels on screen. My first drafts are always shite.

Don't stop to think of the perfect word, wonder if you need a comma or the distance between Paris and Lyon. Put something, highlight it if need be to look up later but keep going.

When I get going I can write 1,000 words in an hour or so. Then I spend a couple hours editing, looking up the distance between Paris and Lyon and slashing the 1000 words down to 500.

My big problem is finding a topic to start with. Sometimes what I finish with has little or nothing to do with what I started writing about.

Just write. I've seen what you can do and you have talent.

John Henry

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Embryo frozen for 27 years born to Tennessee couple, setting a world record
Technically, 29-year-old Tina gave birth to a 27-year-old daughter

"Come In From The Cold'-- Joni Mitchell

narciso said...

Thanks just trying to wrap this project up.,

Qwinn said...

Ace has a great main quote tonight. First read this years ago and it becomes more obvious every year.

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

narciso said...

I think vaclav havel came to similar conclusions some 25 years earlierm

walter said...

apparently narciso's err..concise..posts here have a far more verbose counterpart. ;)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

good evening!
it's a sad joke--
Perdue's a chicken, someone's gonna be Loeffering their Ossoff

narciso said...

When you tell a story that covers a sizable span of time, sometimes briefly yoi need to go into some lenght.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

One of the best Amazon review comments I read went in the opposite direction. Unfortunately I can't find a link now, but it was approximately:

[Of the very prolix late-stage David Weber]: "When you have writer's block, you should stop typing"

narciso said...

Well you can just put words on a page (see star trek discovery) but it should make some kind of sense, setting the scene in an unfamiliar environment takes time.

walter said...

Peter Navarro
What I'm seeing: Affidavits, testimony, video, photos, court filings. What's wrong: outright fraud, mishandled ballots, due process fouls, Equal Protection violations, voting machine hijinks, statistical anomalies.

Qwinn said...

And Yancey, Farscape is a must watch. One of my favorite series ever.

I really enjoyed Babylon 5 too, though my wife hates it (she can't abide Delenn, which I can understand actually).

Yancey Ward said...

I loved Babylon 5, too.

John henry said...


For me at least the key is the editing. Writing is easy. I can turn out words on demand by the yard.

Turning them into something that my editor will accept is harder.

John Henry

narciso said...

It was great at world building and believable characters even the villains like the peacekeepers werent stereotypical.

Similar with babylon 5 the shadows were sort of pure evil, the other aliens were not entirely noble like the narn a persecuted people like jews or armenians, the centauri were not entirely evil but arrogant to a great degree.

narciso said...

Then you come to the human character michael o hare was a little hard to read as sinclair (i see why now) boxleitner was more approachable as sheridan a reluctant military man forced into political leadership.

Chennaul said...

2020: COVID-19 vaccine
In May 2020, Pfizer began testing four different COVID-19 vaccine variations to help end the COVID-19 pandemic and planned to expand human trials to thousands of test patients by September 2020. The pharma company injected doses of the potential vaccine BNT162b2, which was developed by the German biotechnology company BioNTech (NASDAQ: BNTX) based in Mainz, Germany, into the first human participants in the U.S. in early May. Based on the results, Pfizer said they "will be able to deliver millions of doses in the October time frame" and expects to produce hundreds of millions of doses in 2021.

I’m not seeing anything about Boston or Cambridge in there. Unless you are talking about that AstraZeneca debacle, but then that would be Cambridge—England. No one from there would be bragging about homeless on the subways.

narciso said...

Will jordan (the critical drinker) doesnt just talk about characters hes written 8 ryan drake novels in a span of not too mamy years.

Yancey Ward said...

Been reading articles about the Great Conjunction of 2020. These people are fucking nuts. They seem to really believe the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter will somehow be dazzling as a combination of the two planets' apparent brightness- it won't. Sure, this is the closest apparent separation in a long time, but they are still going to be separated by 6 arc minutes which is about 1/5 the apparent diameter of the full Moon. And Saturn isn't all that bright right now from what I can see- well below it's maximum brightness which is about -0.6 magnitude when the rings are tilted toward the Earth and in opposition to the Sun, which it isn't even close to opposition right now. I doubt it is even negative magnitude right now- I thought it might be a star a few weeks ago when I first noticed it close to Jupiter.

However, at 6 arc minutes, you can probably catch both planets and their brighter moons in the same viewing field of a modest telescope- that would be cool, and makes me wish I hadn't given mine away. However, a pair of binoculars is good for this, too- you can definitely see the 4 big moons of Jupiter with binoculars, and Saturn's moon Titan is visible with them, too, though harder to pick out- better with a telescope.

narciso said...

Thats probably too short a period, like with the h1n1 vaccine.

Yancey Ward said...

I love "The Critical Drinker". Best movie reviewer ever.

narciso said...

That includes not just jupiter and saturns mass, but the orbits of their moons?

narciso said...

Well theres a bunch if you want prolix there is mauler callum edwards, he slices and dices like a samurai and occassionally offers praise.

narciso said...

After seeing looper i thought rian johnson had some talent, comprehension is not one of his gifts.

narciso said...

They arent really good at this.

narciso said...

Among the things they dont understand is the orbits are in three dimension thet are a different planes to each other, in a ddition to distance.

Yancey Ward said...

It's funny- when I watched "Looper", I liked the movie (saw in a theater when it first ran). However, I caught the very end of the movie a couple of weeks ago while channel surfing and realized I had no idea what the fuck was going on in the climatic scene where Bruce Willis' younger version commits suicide to save the boy. I have completely forgotten the entire plot of the movie, which means either I am going senile, or it wasn't good enough for me to remember.

narciso said...

Well he has to close the loop, the injured child would otherwise be the vengeful overlord, that rules this mid 21st century dystopia that he inadvertently created.

narciso said...

At least thats my best reading of it.

Yancey Ward said...

Ok, that sounds vaguely familiar. I guess I will have to rewatch it at some point and see if it holds up as well as I had convinced myself 8 years ago.

I find myself realizing that a lot of the movies I liked years ago don't really hold up well on rewatching, while some of the ones I didn't like have risen in my regard as I have gotten older.

narciso said...

It takes a while to figure it out, its left unclear how the boy becomes the big boss, and how willis character is responsible in an earlier age.

narciso said...

So the earlier event, creates a branch reality that can only be averted is gordon levitts character dies

Yancey Ward said...

A target for celestial viewing in the Winter for people in the Northern Hemisphere is Canopus, the next brightest star after Sirius, but you can't be further north than about 35-36 degrees north latitude. I can see it on the horizon here in Oak Ridge, TN starting in late January, if I get some elevation and a clear view of the southern sky. I remember the first time I ever saw the star with my own eyes- I was on a mid Winter vacation in the Florida Keys about 20 years ago. While I knew about the star, I had never seen it, and was puzzled for about an hour at what star it could be that was that bright when it suddenly occurred to me that I was far enough South that Canopus would be easily visible well off the horizon.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Terry Ott and Yancy... It seems to me the unabated violence going unpunished did what the dems intended. Like the brown shirts of Germany, Antifa and BLM have intimidated politicians on both sides of the aisle. Seems the Constitutional Republic is in it's death spiral. From the assassination attempt at the baseball diamond and crazed attack on Rand Paul forward dems and liberals have been silent as the vermin have pillaged our civilization unrestrained. Prove me wrong? Watch the outcome of the election.

Gospace said...

The Godfather said...
What I don't understand is why government officials who violate the lockdown rules -- like Newsome, Pelosi, Whitmer, de Blasio, Northam, etc., etc. -- aren't punished.

Reason 1: Because they control the people who would do the arresting and charging.
Reason 2: Because even if I tried to raise a mob with pitchforks and torches to assemble outside Dictator Cuomo's place, enough people wouldn't follow to make it possible to get to him. A crowd of 100- his bodyguards would fire upon to disperse. A crowd of 10,000? They'll be looking for ways to get away safely, with or without Cuomo. Somewhere between 1000 and 10000 is the minimum number to accomplish what is needed. So let's say you'd need 10,000. This would work at any state officials residence.

Think you could get 9,999 people to follow you in a mob?

alan markus said...

@Hercules, not that one though said...

Mockturtle -Titus, you know where you can inject your vaccine, right?


Based on Titus comments from the past, I would conjure that he has experience injecting viruses into the part of the anatomy that you allude to.

Rusty said...

John Henry. You can still find Fellows gear hobbers at auctions some times. If I remember correctly there was a separate gear apprenticeship as well as screw machines. If you're ever in Carlsbad California(I Know) visit The Craftsmanship Museum. A lot of metal working projects on the display.

Michael K said...

A lot of other large tool makers were in Vermont building mills, shapers, lathes and all kinds of machine tools.

Have you ever been to Simon Pearce in Vermont ?

Nice old water powered glass blowing mill, plus a great restaurant at street level.

Chuck said...

Donald Trump; David Perdue; Kelly Loeffler. Three great statesmen, engaged in the delicate rhetorical task of energizing the Trump base to vote in the runoff election, while maintaining the myth that the November general election was stolen from Trump by some vaguely generalized forces controlled by Democrats.

What could possibly go wrong?

bagoh20 said...

"A majority of Georgia voters believe the 2020 presidential election was compromised enough to alter the results of the election, a Trafalgar Group survey released Friday showed.

Robert Cahaly, Trafalgar Group’s chief pollster, added that the survey “shed some light on Georgia voters opinions of whether the #Presidential elections were compromised enough to change the outcome.”

A majority of voters, 53.2 percent, said “yes,” while 37.9 percent said “no” and 8.9 percent indicated that they remained unsure. The majority is even greater among GOP voters exclusively, 74.6 percent of whom expressed the belief that the elections were compromised enough to change the outcome:

The survey’s margin of error is +/- 2.89 percent."

Michael K said...

What could possibly go wrong?

You coming back ?

The Senate is trying to suppress the GOP vote in GA with stuff like Lee's bill on H1B visas.

Lee’s S.386 bill helps the Fortune 500 and Silicon Valley firms to annually trade green cards to 140,000 mid-skilled foreign workers in exchange for taking the starter jobs and routine jobs needed by U.S. graduates of all ages — especially as the country emerges from the coronavirus crash.

The bill is carefully designed to help the Fortune 500 companies reward their imported workforce of roughly 400,000 Indian workers who are waiting to get the green cards they expected in exchange for taking jobs from Americans years ago.

Under current rules, U.S. companies can only provide about 70,000 green cards to foreign workers per year, with a maximum of about 11,000 for Indian workers. But the Lee bill would bump that number up to a maximum of 140,000 cards, including perhaps 100,000 cards for Indians per year.

More importantly, the tenfold increase in green cards for Indians will allow U.S. companies to recruit and import many more lower-wage graduates from India via the uncapped Occupational Practical Training (OPT) work permit program.

This what Trump opposed and will probably result in both elections being lost.

Chuck said...

OMG this Trump / GA rally.

Not a mask anywhere. Like 4500 Imperial Japanese soldiers on their own Pacific island, awaiting further orders from the Emperor.

This is going to be fantastic.

Freeman Hunt said...

Titus made me laugh.

Freeman Hunt said...

"A List of Face Mask Orders"

Thanks, Inga. So it looks like California and Massachusetts are the only states that expect people to wear masks outside even if they aren't near other people.

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