February 5, 2019

"I got a boo."

Said Cory Booker on a radio show today, using cutesy slang to let us know he has a girlfriend. (Booker is 49 and never married.)
“Before I declared for president, I’m dating someone that’s really special to me,” he said, not revealing her name. Booker was asked whether being a “bachelor in a basement apartment” could impact his chances of winning the 2020 presidential race.

“First of all, there’s two more years until I might fulfill this duty, so give me some time,” he responded. “My girlfriend might listen to this. I think that if Donald Trump can get elected president at this point with the personal life that he has, then anybody can.”
But this need to tell us that he has "a boo" is not the most embarrassing thing that happened to Cory Booker today. That would be this Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the woman Trump has nominated to replace Brett Kavanaugh on the Court of Appeals:


Anonymous said...

He's got a boo.


As Inigo Montoya once said, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wow - he's a total moron. Good to know.

Skeptical Voter said...

I got a Boo? What the heck does that mean in the English language? He's a Senator, albeit dimmer than the average Senator. Of course I think I identified Maisie Hirono sitting next to him, so he's not the dumbest person on the Committee.

Jaq said...

Well now I know what Kevin Hart was talking about in The Upside when he kept calling Nicole Kidman “boo."

Bay Area Guy said...

Senator Spartacus no longer has to grope women, cause he got a boo.


Jaq said...

I guess now that everybody knows what “shorty” means, they had to come up with something new.

madAsHell said...

Booker: "Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?"

Rao: "Senator, I've yet to be a judge. I don't have law clerks."

Booker: "So, the answer is no. Have you always been homophobic?"

William said...

Smarmy. ‘Nuff said.

robother said...

So, Ms. Rau, you ADMIT that you have no LGBT law clerks!

walter said...

Spartacus is using "urban" lingo.
Trump should find a way to congratulate him tomorrow.

stevew said...

You know, people that talk like children often think like children. The person that should be most embarrassed by this guy, Booker, is the one that lost the election to him.

madAsHell said...

I got a Boo? What the heck does that mean in the English language?

My wife referred to me as her beau before we were married. It is supposed to mean a male admirer.

Maybe this explains why he is so concerned about homosexual clerks......

walter said...

Better than saying "I got a shorty"

SteveR said...

Run Baby Run

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I’m dating someone that’s really special to me,” he said, not revealing her name.

Let me guess. None of us know her because she lives in Canada?

The Bergall said...

Rumor is Lena Dunham?


Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Boo or beard?

Chuck said...

I learned of that Judiciary hearing embarrassment for Senator Spartacus earlier today. Didn’t spoil the mastery of this blog post for me. Brilliant, Althouse.

btw, for those interested in federal judicial selection; it was a festival of Democratic embarrassments. Senator Hirono criticized the nominee’s trial court experience. The D.C. Circuit is an appellate court.

And Senator Harris posted a Tweet with video. The text of the Tweet scolded the nominee for supposed victim-blaming in a writing from her college days. Meanwhile the video from today’s hearing was Ms. Rao, saying that we should prosecute the perpetrators of sex assaults and not blame victims. The Twitter backlash is delicious.

iowan2 said...

Every day President Trump is in the Oval, Democrats get a little more stupid.

Bay Area Guy said...

Can I make a statement for the record?

It's very fun to make fun of these Democrat candidates.

I say this not as a GOP lapdog (I'm much more main street, than wall street), nor with high confidence that Trump will win (I think's its a slightly less than a 50-50 bet.)

But I get a lotta joy of making fun of:

1. Elizabeth "Paleface" Warren
2. Cory "Spartacus" Booker; and
3. Kamala "Where's Willie?" Harris

So, I anticipate a lot of joy throughout this campaign season.

That is all.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Booker seems to think it's appropriate to inquire.

Booker: "Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?"

Rao: "Have you ever had any LGBTQ boos?"

BUMBLE BEE said...

He needs a teleprompter... already?

John henry said...

I thought booker had come out ad gay?

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftists are simply;y vile vile vile. Deceptive assholes up and down.

Bay Area Guy said...

Cory really puts the "Boo" in Booker.

David Begley said...

Booker played football at Stanford. Did he have girlfriends in college? He was also a Rhodes scholar. Any babes in England?

Rick said...

Best Answer:

At what point in the interview do you think it appropriate to ask the candidate about their sexual preferences?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here is the beginning of Booker's pathetic inquisition:

Cory Booker Launches Inquisition Against Trump Nominee: 'Are Gay Relationships ... Sinful?'

Rick.T. said...

Hmmm. I always pegged Booker for the bottom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When did you stop beating your wife?

YoungHegelian said...

I wonder is Corey Booker goes back to Newark & gets in front of the black congregations who voted overwhelmingly for him & tells them to their faces that there's absolutely nothing wrong with one guy sucking another guy's cock. Jesus is just fine with it.

I'd pay really good money to be sitting in the pew to witness that event.

Birkel said...

So the Democrats have proven their respective paths of office were lies. We knew they wanted to subvert the First, Fourth, Fifth, and 14th Amendments. That has always been clear. But now they wish to enforce religious tests on Article III judges? And they want those same judges to assert power over the legislature and the president.

And Mitch McConnell wants to keep troops in theater when he is not commander in chief.

It's almost like Democrats and eGOP leadership are power mad fools.

More deregulation, and faster, please!

Amadeus 48 said...

When the bachelor Jim Thompson was running for governor of Illinois the first time, the legend is that his campaign manager told him to get married and have a kid as soon as possible. He did.
Sounds to me like Booker is playing the same game.

Rick said...

Rumor is Lena Dunham?

Rosario Dawson.

Quaestor said...

Baby talk issues from a baby brain.

walter said...

Rao: Have you ever had a BLT? Delicious!

Birkel said...

And Second Amendment too.

narciso said...

this is purportedly a Rhodes scholar, he could have asked the question less stupidly, who did he recommend for law review, but that is beyond him.

walter said...

As part of the whole unity thing tonight, Trump should give Cory props for having a shorty.

Unknown said...

anyone who wants into the club

that badly

will never be let into the club

Kevin said...

Boo means booty call.

Where is Crack to translate when we need him?

Big Mike said...

Props to Ted Cruz for reminding Booker and the rest of the Dumbocrat senators about Article 6 of that pesky little thing called the US Constitution. How about you, Althouse? I doubt that the Founders expected that it would someday be used to protect devout Christians, but its plain language quite clearly forbids discrimination against Christians every bit as much as it once forbade Protestants from discriminating against Quakers and Catholics, and all three from discriminating against Jews.

Howard said...

Hopefully the DNC will dig up some nasty on Cory before he makes a deeper national impression.

magamamma said...

He got a beard.

Gunner said...

EDH: If she said that, the Dems would reach for their smelling salts and whine about her bad temperment as the reason to reject her.

Virgil Hilts said...

I used to like Booker. I will think had HC chosen him as running mate (rather than [trivia Q answer]) she would have won. He used to be kind of a cool guy, but he's gone off the rails a bit.

Unknown said...

Cruz absolutely hammered Booker for his attempts to reject Christians as unqualified for a judge today. Booker had to backpedal furiously.

Of course, he was probably wishing he was molesting someone, like he's already admitted to.


Unknown said...

I have a girlfriend

in Canada


Virgil Hilts said...

Re "beard" comment - I actually think this is kind of mean. Unless someone comes out as gay (and who the hell cares anyway) I think it is kind of weird to try and peg and uncloset them, whether from the right or left (Senator Graham). This may be one issue on which I have become a little bit PC.

Douglas B. Levene said...

I saw Booker about 18 years ago, he came to Ridgefield, CT to speak to my synagogue. He was just starting out in politics then and was very interesting, very open to new ideas. I thought he had a bright future because he seemed to be very smart and open minded, liberal but not wedded to liberal nostrums. Either he's changed or my judgment then was very poor, probably a combination of both.

Yancey Ward said...

His boo would have been at the interview, but she had to attend a funeral.

Daniel Jackson said...

Boo Who?

Bo(z)o The Clown

Yancey Ward said...

In Canada.

Unknown said...

> Unless someone comes out as gay

He's an urkel

Yancey Ward said...

And you know Canadian funerals can take several months or years to complete.

Kevin said...

Elizabeth Warren’s campaign just got a boo boo.

mockturtle said...

Booker: "Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?"

The proper answer would be: "I really don't know. My law clerks' sexual preferences are none of my business."

Unknown said...

Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie...

before appearing in Notham's yearbook

Yancey Ward said...

I think Booker was probably always stupid, but with more exposure it becomes harder to hide.

Unknown said...

> I think Booker was probably always stupid,

He has to play to his base

Banning Catholics and demanding gay clerks is their litmus test

walter said...

"I don't know. With some people it's hard to tell, right? But it really shouldn't matter."

Bay Area Guy said...

If the Boo turns out to be Rosario Dawson, I'm gonna have to change my negative opinion of Senator Spartacus.

If the Boo turns out to be Lena Dunham, well, the status quo will prevail.

If the Boo turns out to be an imaginary Canadian female, then we have entered into an odd Manti Teo-like Twilight Zone. .

What do we want? Pictures of your Boo!

When do we want it? Now!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rao - after being asked moronic leftwing bitch-meat question from moron Sparticus...

"To be honest I don't know the sexual orientation of my staff. I take people as they come. Irrespective of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, I treat people as individuals. Those are the values that I grew up with and those are the values I would apply if confirmed.

--Noemi Rao

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tedd Cruz - who should be our president - took Idiot Moron Spartacus to the woodshed.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) slammed Booker for his line of questioning, arguing that questions about what is sinful should be utterly off-limits in confirmation hearings. He cited the Constitution's ban on a religious test for public office, and declared, "I don't believe this is a theological court of inquisition."

"The Senate Judiciary Committee should not be a theater for twisting nominees' records or views, nor should it be an avenue for persecution," Cruz declared. "We have seen a growing pattern among Senate Democrats of hostility to religious faith. I was deeply troubled a few minutes ago to hear questioning of a nominee asking your personal views on what is sinful. In my view that has no business in this committee."

Friendo said...

We are so fucked. What an embarrassment. There is no way that the republic will survive this level of SJW absurdity. Good Lord.

mockturtle said...

Thank you, Dickin'.

Unknown said...

> If the Boo turns out to be Rosario Dawson, I'm gonna have to change my negative opinion of Senator Spartacus.

I saw that headline...

but recalled

> Michael Jackson married Lisa Marie...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

He needs to update his slang dictionary, now a days it's a 'Bae', 'Boo' is so 1990's!

mccullough said...

Booker is Cesar Romero

walter said...

It's "bachelor shaming".

Jaq said...

Either this is a forgery, or Warren has taken one amidships. Which given the way her campaign already seemed to be foundering, is no surprise.

State Bar of Texas Registration

Ryan said...

More embarrassing that a freaking circuit court nominee has never been a judge.

holdfast said...

Both “Boo” and “Bae” are terms used by a female to describe her significant other. I have never heard a straight man use the term. Ever.

A straight man would say “I got me a sho’ty”.

walter said...

You mean like some SCOTUS justices?

Jaq said...

Like I said, Kevin Hart kept using the term in the movie “The Upside,” he was supposed to be a parolee, and now it makes sense to me.

Fernandinande said...

"Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?"

Face palm.

Henry said...

"Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?"

"How would I know?"

Sebastian said...

"Booker: "Have you ever had any LGBTQ law clerks?"

Rao: "Senator, I've yet to be a judge. I don't have law clerks.""

He was a Rhodes scholar, you know.

John Marshall Harlan, Byron White, Guido Calabresi -- and Corey Booker.

Drago said...

Rosario Dawson is embarking on her most ambitious acting role yet: the "girlfriend" of totally straight Cory Booker.

And for those who say asserting someone as gay when it is ambiguous at best, I would say this: One set of rules for all sides.

Just one set.

And the dems and their LLR lap poodles have established the standards.

Now the dems/LLR's will be held to that standard. Alinsky for everyone....or no one.

walter said...

Is that why it's a secret? Negotiations with her agent not finalized?

mockturtle said...

I just now read and then watched Cruz's remarks. Excellent. And--hey!--I like the beard, too!

Spiros Pappas said...

Corey Booker was accused of sexual assault by a gay man. But was it fake news?

mockturtle said...

John Marshall Harlan, Byron White, Guido Calabresi -- and Corey Booker.

Don't forget Bubba!

Known Unknown said...

Quota Nation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You're most welcome, MockTurtle.

narciso said...

Back to the sideshow:


rcocean said...

Joe Biden said a stupid thing, every other day. When he talked Constitutional law with SCOTUS nominees he said something dumb every 30 minutes.

Yet, he was VP for 8 years and leads the D Polling for POTuS. I don't think D voters care about "Dumb" - Booker will do Ok on that front.

But are we ready for our first Black, Gay, Buddhist, Torah quoting President?

rcocean said...

Warren is just a silly old white woman. She has no chance with Black voters or Hispanics.

Harris is the leader. Don't know who the Anti-Harris will be.

rcocean said...

"I don't believe this is a theological court of inquisition." "The Senate Judiciary Committee should not be a theater for twisting nominees' records or views, nor should it be an avenue for persecution,

I Thought we all agreed it was a Clown show, Senator Cruz.

rcocean said...

Just go back to written questions and answers. Private individual interviews with Senators. Enough of the Senate Judiciary Circus!

Senator Flake and his scared look has to the ultimate in Konfirmation Komedy.

n.n said...

Booker is Pro-Choice, a rabid diversitist, and politically congruent.

n.n said...

Senator Spartacus no longer has to grope women, cause he got a boo.


Positive or merely monotonic? Time will tell if there is a conservation of principles.

Chuck said...

Ryan said...
More embarrassing that a freaking circuit court nominee has never been a judge.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg = Never a judge before she was nominated to the same (D.C.) Circuit.

Stephen Breyer = Never a judge before he was nominated to the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

Elena Kagan = Never a judge before she was nominated to the effing Supreme Court of the United States.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Should be one of the blanks on the Employment Application and kept on the Personnel Record by HR: Name, birth date, sex, sexual orientation.

Then Rao would not embarrass herself displaying ignorance of the sexual orientation of her employees.

gspencer said...

"Confirmed bachelor" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) gets temporary "girlfriend" for duration of his campaign.

Fernandinande said...

"Confirmed bachelor" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) gets temporary "girlfriend" for duration of his campaign.

Troy McClure and his fish

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Booker's gayer than Obama. Like, RuPaul gay.

n.n said...

RuPaul gay.

Transgender as in spectrum as in rainbow from mental (e.g. sexual orientation) to physical attributes. Still male or female sex, but gender (i.e. sex correlated attributes) divergent.

They're all Pro-Choice (i.e. selective-child) as in trans-human.

FIDO said...

Let's not be petty. Booker had two more years to embarrass himself

Ryan said...

Ok I didn't realize it was that common. Thanks for the info.

Drago said...

Its adorable when LLR Chuck goes all pretend-conservative!

It never lasts long so enjoy it while it lasts!

wendybar said...

Bahahahahhaha. Corey has a BOO alright, and it is NOT Rosario Dawson like he claims. I'm from New Jersey. It isn't a secret.

Herb said...

well based on the stories ive heard from a few people that have run into him on vacation, Boo might be boyfriend instead of girlfriend.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

He got boofed.

walter said...

He's glad spotlight has shifted to SOTU

Static Ping said...

Taking the Jim McGreevey political route, I see.

walter said...

I see..

Partner: Mark O'Donnell (2005–)
Spouse: Dina Matos (m. 2000–2008),

MadisonMan said...

He needs to update his slang dictionary, now a days it's a 'Bae',

It was Bae 5 years ago.

I've no clue what it is now (kids are too old).

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