February 5, 2019

"Joshua Trump is a 6th grade student in Wilmington, Delaware."

"He appreciates science, art, and history. He also loves animals and hopes to pursue a related career in the future. His hero and best friend is his Uncle Cody, who serves in the United States Air Force. Unfortunately, Joshua has been bullied in school due to his last name. He is thankful to the First Lady and the Trump family for their support."

I like the stylish Official White House photographs — by Keegan Barber. You can see all of Trump's SOTU guests here — all photographed in a dark square like that.


n.n said...

A color judgment and close association. The same treatment was directed to people near and unrelated to the "White Hispanic".

Browndog said...

Liberal media wouldn't stoop so low as to bully the kid that got invited to the SOTU because he was bullied.

Ha. Of course they are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Radical leftwing fascists are bullies and anti christian bigots

Matt Sablan said...

I don't see how anyone thought this would reduce the bullying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michelle Grissom has a disgusting vile radical leftiwng twitter account - and she's a teacher in Douglas County Public Schools in Colorado.

She doxxed an innocent kid. Her twitter account is filled with radical leftist garbage and hate.

Jim at said...

You leftists must be so proud.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump will be president for a maximum of eight years. Michael Hunt and Richard Head have to live with those names their entire life.

Jim at said...

I don't see how anyone thought this would reduce the bullying.

Maybe that's not the intent of inviting him. Maybe because it's a nice thing to do for an innocent kid who gets all kinds of shit from left-wing assholes simply because of his last name.

Gunner said...

The libtards at Splinter already want to dox and beat this kid.

rhhardin said...

bump, chump, clump, crump, dump, flump, frump, glump, grump, gump, hump, jump, klump, krump, kump, lump, plump, pump, rump, schlump, scrump, shlump, slump, stump, sump, thrump, thump, whump

Kids do mostly rhymes.

mccullough said...

Hopefully Sen. Romney doesn’t hold the lad down and try to cut his hair.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Clinton Crime Loyalty Party Loyalists has morphed into a national cancer of leftist bullying and hate.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Give the kid Secret Service for a month, should sort a few issues out doncha think?

Big Mike said...

Liberals are scum. Duh!

Browndog said...

You don't mess with Pelosi. She invited the president of Planned Parenthood to remind the little brat he's lucky to be alive.

Unknown said...

Resident leftist Freder shows exactly the kind of tolerance and love that we all expect from leftists

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Liberals are not liberals. "Liberal" is too good of a word. Progressive leftwing fascists are most of the modern democratic party. They are a modern radical hate and lie filled cancer.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There are 4,788 poor souls named Trump in America...”

Poor kid! I wonder how all the rest of the poor Trumps are faring. I’d say be kind, they can’t help that they share a name with Trump, not their fault for pity sake.

Howard said...

The pic makes Jeremy by Pearl Jam come to mind.

Chuck said...

I genuinely thought that you would be looking askance at this one, Althouse.

I recognize that Melania Trump’s motivation may be purely to honor and care for the kid. But that doesn’t require a SOTU invite.

I really thought you might (rightly) give this your “kids in politics” disapprobation tag.

Darrell said...

I feel for all the "Hillary Felons" of the world.

Darrell said...

But that doesn’t require a SOTU invite.

In your fucking opinion, Chuckhead. Which doesn't count for much.

This is a perfect example of the kind of insanity that characterizes the Resistance. Why not spotlight it for the world?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

As a purely political move, a net vote getter.

Rob said...

Trump should have invited Nick Sandmann. What a missed opportunity to have liberals' heads explode.

Chuck said...

Darrell I happen to be a huge fan of Althouse’s intellectual rigor when it comes to objecting to kids in politics. Maybe she just didn’t consider that angle here. Maybe she did and for reasons of her own (probably interesting and credible reasons) chose not to apply that tag or pursue the issue.

All of that makes for interesting discussion. You, on the other hand, almost never make for interesting discussion.

Btw, Althouse; I also appreciate your observations about the official White House photography in this instance.

Darrell said...

You, on the other hand, almost never make for interesting discussion.

In your fucking opinion, Chuckhead. Which doesn't count for much.

Darrell said...

Schmear Merchant Chuck.

JaimeRoberto said...

I wonder how all the rest of the poor Trumps are faring.

They probably would be faring just fine if it weren't for a bunch of assholes trying to make their lives miserable.

Howard said...

Pap Schmeer C(h)uck

Darrell said...

Dewey, Cheathem, and Howe.

Which one is Chuck?

Sebastian said...

Progs bullying! Say it ain't so!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bullying kids. Leftists do it best.

Leftwing fascists are all about punitive everything. They are the new Nazi. No cliche. Straight up.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I’d hate to have had the last name of Obama during his Presidency.

Let’s not pretend that the right doesn’t have assholes too, don’t add hypocrisy to your assholery.

n.n said...

Liberals are divergent. Progressives are monotonic. Conservatives save state. Principles matter.

n.n said...

Pelosi... invited the president of Planned Parenthood to remind the little brat

#CecileThe... #CecileTheCannibal? of selective-child and recycled-child federation fame.

Michael K said...

Blogger Rob said...
Trump should have invited Nick Sandmann. What a missed opportunity to have liberals' heads explode.

If I'd been his parent I would have declined. The kid has had enough for now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All of those "poor souls" named Trump deserve a good Doxx, right? or a twitter twat 8 seconds of distortion as proof of a crime...

Curious George said...

"Inga...Allie Oop said...
I’d hate to have had the last name of Obama during his Presidency."

One thing for sure, Obama wouldn't have reached out to help him. I mean he wouldn't even reach out to his half brother.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Leftism is a disease -- Trump is the cure

le Douanier said...

Did Melania tell him that she'd be hooking up w/ him soon?
