So now Congressman Adam Schiff announces, after having found zero Russian Collusion, that he is going to be looking at every aspect of my life, both financial and personal, even though there is no reason to be doing so. Never happened before! Unlimited Presidential Harassment....
....The Dems and their committees are going “nuts.” The Republicans never did this to President Obama, there would be no time left to run government. I hear other committee heads will do the same thing. Even stealing people who work at White House! A continuation of Witch Hunt!
Democrats at the top are killing the Great State of Virginia. If the three failing pols were Republicans, far stronger action would be taken. Virginia will come back HOME Republican) in 2020!
PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! It should never be allowed to happen again!
February 7, 2019
"PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT! It should never be allowed to happen again!"
Trump, this morning, on Twitter:
1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»This should be very interesting. Let the comments begin.
that's only true of democrats,
Seems like he buried the lede.
Call Cindy.
It would be great if Trump started these tweets with “Hear Ye Hear Ye”
Schiff for Brains, Pelosi, and The Senators.
Trump needs better adversaries.
That's how the Left rolls. They lose the Presidency, they lose the Senate, they lose a majority of the Governorships, they lose a majority of state legislatures, but they win the House and think its a YUGE victory giving them unfettered power to target their political opponents.
What legislation does Adam Schiff and his Dem colleagues expect to pass this term?
I suppose they'll point to the Clintons in the 1990s as the precedent. Both the Clintons versus their opponents and various political groups against the Clintons. (I'm guessing Democrats would focus on the latter.)
Most of that wasn't Congressional committees, though.
Pointing out the obvious but I do not agree with his last line.
No Kings or Queens.
This is not working for the people. There’s a laundry list to get done because Ryan failed.
Trump’s right, up and down the line.
No President is above the law.
"I suppose they'll point to the Clintons in the 1990s" They'll probably point to more recent investigations, like Benghazi and the personal charity foundation stuff, too.
I'm guessing.
Adam Schitt is a legendary Schiffty-eyed turd. The best thing to do is to ignore him which I wish Trump would've done here. But that's his style.
Inga-oh yeah? What about Obama's executive orders--doing by pen and phone what he couldn't get through Congress?
Once again, all the Democrats had to do is not be crazy, and they would win.
They couldn't even manage that.
Have you seen AOC's Green New Deal? It reads like a middle school science project, done by someone who is not the brightest light of their class. Good. Lord.
At least it is not as bad as the Benghazi special committee which dragged on for three years and issued no indictments while the Mueller investigation has already convicted multiple Trump campaign officials. But it will be over soon and we can concentrate on more important issues like Trump's tax returns.
Did Althosue truncate this message from DJT?
Where's the part where he states that he has nothing to worry about because he's not crooked?
God Bless him - he spelled harassment correctly.
Adam Schiffty-D is the left's offical harasser. Up next on CNN!
Good for the president! This is how dirty rat Democrat party members harassed Sarah Palin out of the executive role in Alaska. Far past time for Americans to thwart the destructive behaviors of Democrat party members!
Leave Trump alone!
Elevating Schiff is a smart move. Schiff is not ready for prime time. Same with The Virginians.
Trump is saying, Media: Highlight these guys for me and make them the face of the Democrats for the next week.
Trump picks his opponents.
Remember, Democrats genuinely believe they have a divine right to rule, and that laws only apply to the little people who are not Democrats.
Inga, R/V, et al honestly and truly believe that no Democrat ever does anything wrong and that no Republican should be left alive. And that Pol Pot, Castro, etc were heroes.
As A. Lincoln said, "The best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend."
As A. Lincoln did, "The best way to destroy your enemy is with bullets, bombs and fire."
Meanwhile,. Hillary(D) remains un-indicted for setting up and using a Private Server while head of the State Department and using it to secure millions in Secret Russian backroom deals.
Also, why didn't Althouse object to DJT calling folks 'nuts?' She doesn't like that sorta thing because it inadvertently takes a shot a actually nuts people. Well, sometimes she objects, sometimes she doesn't. She's got a curvy wall that adjusts the rules so that she can find a way to give aid and comfort to racist POTUS.
When they hold Obama accountable for Fast & Furious - something that could not have occurred without coming from inside the Oval Office - I will hold Trump accountable for his fake Russian collusion and pee-pee tape. It's only fair.
Unfortunately, the 2018 midterms showed that the Dems can act however corrupt and childish they want, and get away with it.
Most voters don't follow any of this stuff and only know, "Republicans are racist and conducting a War on Women".
Why don't we dig into Adam's Schifty-D's past? I'm sure, since he's a fascist corruptocrat, and that fact alone means that he broke the law as some point, that he is guilty of something. Sure of it. Lets investigate.
Trump is right, the utter corruption of the Democrats, morally, ethically, and financially, is why I vowed to never again vote for one. The only good thing about the Democrat House is that they may be too busy throwing shit to do anything truly awful.
Well, r/v, it is true the Mueller investigation has resulted in criminal convictions for a number of Trump administration officials and their acquaintances. Trouble is, so far none of these convictions are for crimes Mueller was supposed to be investigating and in fact, a number seems to be for "crimes" that normally would just draw an admonishment from the judge during trial - certainly not anything the FBI would have been bothered with in the past.
Harassment? So take the Eric Holder approach and tell the D committees to go shove it. Let them issue all the contempts of Congress they want.
"Inga...Allie Oop said...
No President is above the law."
What crime has he committed?
In Jonathan Turley's phrase, "These 'crimes' appear to be products of the investigation itself rather than uncovered misdeeds committed in the past," or something like that.
It will stop when the quality of soap opera women improves.
This has happened previously to President Nixon and to President Clinton.
In each of the three cases one accusation opened the door to investigate anything and everything about the elected President.
It's dirty politics.
At least it is not as bad as the Benghazi special committee which dragged on for three years and issued no indictments
Congress can't indict people, genius. The issue there was deliberate incompetence: they knew there was a security risk and they did nothing, allowing four Americans to die, including the first ambassador to die on-duty in decades.
Of course, that's no big deal if there's a D after your name. The media will cover for you; it's all good.
In this case with President Trump, the major dirty actors are Rod Rosenstein and Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller.
If either of those two men had been non-partisans with principles of integrity and decency, we would not be in this situation now.
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...”Why don't we dig into Adam's Schifty-D's past?”
That’s what Dems did to Darrell Issa so turnabout is fair play. I look forward to reading more about Schiff, no matter how trivial.
Thank God the Democrats always overreach. The way they handle the slightest amount of power always returns to show Americans why they need voted out. This is good for Republicans, who can never convince the voters of what the Dems really want. Only the Dems can do that, and they always do. Schiff and Pelosi are the best things the GOP has going for it. More Democratic seats across the nation have been lost under Pelosi than anybody in history.
Too bad our President is such a victim. Maybe he can find someone who help him.
Harass away! Only the Dems could make Donald Trump a sympathetic character in need of protection.
Trump has a history of talking tough to Congress and then caving. Lets see if he does anything to the D's in the House other then tweet.
So take the Eric Holder approach and tell the D committees to go shove it. Let them issue all the contempts of Congress they want.
I've wondered why this hasn't happened as well. It's theatre- don't be willing thespian.
He's right.
Again notice the difference. When R's controlled congress, their Base and Trump had to BEG them to go after D corruption. And they'd reluctantly do something, in a half-assed reluctant way, with RINO's like Gowdy dragging their feet.
The D's immediately go after Republicans and take no prisoners.
What kind of bully harasses an elderly man with bone-spurs.
All politics aside, I'm just amazed at how tone-deaf this is. When your investigative strategy is to blindly fling poo until something, anything, sticks, then you've already lost the battle your fighting. If for instance, you thought Trump's taxes were dodgy, you would focus specifically on those and, win or lose, have some credibility. But if your strategy is taxes and golden showers from Russian hookers, the absurdity of the hookers thing armors your target against anything you may turn up regarding taxes.
This is such basic, basic gamesmanship and the indiscipline of the Dem approach really suggests that they've simply gone batshit.
Leftist love a good slogan. They are not bright enough to understand the slogan, which leads to hilarity.
No President is above the law.
Inga, cite crime. Cite the basis of a credible accusation.
In absence of that, just stop sloganeering, until you understand what you're saying
Jeff Sessions was tricked into recusing himself, because he assumed that the DOJ/FBI leadership comprised non-partisan, fair-minded, decent professionals.
At that time, it was already obvious to many people (including me) that this investigation would be a malicious fishing expedition to find anything and everything about Donald Trump, his family and all his associates
Sessions should have taken two or three weeks to study the basic documents. Then he should have announced publicly that the current investigation was similar to the FBI's dirty effort to remove Martin Luther King from the leadership of the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960s.
Similar to that previous situation, the FBI was using supposed Russian meddling in US politics as a pretext to personally ruin political leaders that the FBI did not like. Using the Russian-meddling pretext, the FBI wiretapped the disliked leaders in order to find dirt and to leak that dirt to journalists.
Sessions should have explained that the FBI was wrong to do so against King and wrong to do so again now against Trump.
Sessions should have announced that he was terminating the current investigation, assigning a Special Counsel to investigate DOJ/FBI misdeeds, and beginning to declassify all relevant documents swiftly.
If Sessions had done so, we would not be in this situation where the elected US President is being harassed without end by Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller, an extraordinarily despicable person.
Furthermore, the public would know much more how this seditious conspiracy began and developed within DOJ/FBI.
No President is above the law.
Inga means except for Barack Obama, Blll Clinton, and president wanna-be Hillary Clinton.
No President is above the law.
Inga, however, is beneath contempt.
don't think Trump was pleading, think he was taunting
What kind of bully harasses an elderly man with bone-spurs.
Did the elderly man wear high heels at one point, Howard?
What happened in the 2016 erection should never be allowed to happen again!
Never happened before! Unlimited Presidential Embarrassment....
The more Schlump is tied up in investigations into his criminality, the less time Schlump and his criminal cartel will have to commit further "great" felonies against the American people. The cultural chasm between Schlump's redneck backers and normal people is as wide as ever and unbridgeable. Build the WALL along the Mason-Dixon line. Give the South its own country that it has long desired - to destroy as it sees fit.
Historically, whenever a representative Assembly has tried to rule without an Executive, they are hopelessly weakened by deadlock until an Executive arises from among them and uses bigger guns on the others in the Assembly. Vive Napoleon.
“Well, r/v, it is true the Mueller investigation has resulted in criminal convictions for a number of Trump administration officials and their acquaintances. Trouble is, so far none of these convictions are for crimes Mueller was supposed to be investigating and in fact, a number seems to be for "crimes" that normally would just draw an admonishment from the judge during trial - certainly not anything the FBI would have been bothered with in the past”
I think more accurately, that a singe Trump Administration official (Gen Flynn) resigned, as a result of a perjury trap set by the DDir of the FBI, and that probably the only way they got the conviction was by threatening Flynn’s son. An actual prosecution in court would very likely have blown up, with the FBI people having violated his civil rights with their lying to get the appointment, lying about why they were visiting him at the WH, advising him not to have an attorney present, failing to advise him that lying to the FBI is a criminal offense, and then using an illegally unmasked conversation he had with the Russian Ambassador to find the “lying”. Everyone else caught up in the investigation was either a low level campaign worker, or a Trump Associate.
It's kind scary to think that all these unending investigations could set a precedent of Democrats doing this to any future Republican President. There doesn't have to be anything specific, just some sort of vague notion of potential crimes.
Just keep digging and digging, harrassing and harrassing, subpoenaing all sorts of people who are even tangentially related to the President's campaign, plaguing them with early morning raids and dragging them in handcuffs in their pajamas in front of TV cameras, inditing various people for idiotic process crimes like being tricked into lying to the FBI, ruining lives... all without any consequences. If this is the new normal, we should just declare that it's a crime to be a Republican presidential candidate.
Limited blogger: "don't think Trump was pleading, think he was taunting"
There is a "briar patch" quality to what we are beginning to see "behind the lines" with the Mueller hoax collusion/democrat-LLR-FBI-CIA-Fusion-MI6 conspiracy to frame an American candidate and President and the now sudden leaks beginning to emerge out of the FBI which exposes what they and Nellie Ohr and Bruce Ohr over at DOJ/NSD were up to.
Right at the moment that Barr will be sworn in and pick up where Whitaker had stepped in and Mueller is clearly winding down (staff lawyers leaving and the dem hack team headed up by rabid dem partisan Andrew Weissmann signalling to the dems to keep screaming to see the entire innuendo-laden "report").
I'm sure Obama "not even a hint" of knowldedge whatsoever of it..but Sharyll Attkisson's DOJ/FBI suit might be interesting.
but but but... It's illegal to build tall buildings in Moscow.
Quite alright to pocket Russian money from Uranium sales, tho.
Waiting for someone to connect the dots and to show that all this harassment originated in SDNY and comes from a massively butthurt Preet Bharara (D).
Presidential harassment is lame. The glory years came when that Bill hick was bangin interns. AMIRITE
The simple counter argument is that Republicans looked into the Clintons financial dealings prior to becoming President. But then Democrats had long running special counsel investigations on Reagan and Bush during their respective Administrations. Obama was the first to get a pass on the things he did before office.
Presidential harassment is lame. The glory years came when that Bill hick was bangin interns. AMIRITE
Mr. Hardon watches daytime television. Days of our Lives. PWND
Surely it's time for some high-theorist pooh-bah to announce that "Presidential Harassment" is not even possible so long as Trump is President?
Just as only some can commit racism and only some can commit sexism, surely Trump's white-maleness (as well as his, well, Trumpness) means that whatever is done could not possibly be harassment?
Wsn't "harassment" re-defined as an exclusively male sin, as "her-assment," following Anita Hill's j'accuse drama?
Politics is war by other means.
The federal government in recent days has been issuing settlement checks to 100 right-of-center groups wrongfully targeted for their political beliefs under the Obama administration’s Internal Revenue Service, according to an attorney for the firm that represented plaintiffs in NorCal v. United States.
Three of the claimants in the $3.5 million national class-action suit are based in the Badger State.
“This is really a groundbreaking case. Hopefully it sets a precedent and will serve as a warning to government officials who further feel tempted to discriminate against U.S. citizens based on their viewpoints,” Edward Greim, attorney for Kansas City, Mo.-based Graves Garrett LLC told MacIver News Service.
Lerner claims she did nothing wrong. In clearing her of wrongdoing, an Obama administration Department of Justice review described Lerner as a hero. But she invoked her Fifth Amendment right in refusing to answer questions before a congressional committee. The plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit took the first and only deposition of Lerner, a document that the former IRS official and her attorneys have fought to keep sealed.
“At one level, it’s hard to even assess a dollar amount to what they did, it’s so contrary to what we think our bureaucrats in Washington should be doing. It boggles the mind,” Greim said.
I voted for Donald Trump because I believed it was imperative to keep the Clinotns from the White House. As SecState Hllary had demonstrated her incompetence and utter dishonesty.. Now the Dems are continuing their disgraceful high school performance which is bringing out the best in Trump. His State of the Union was the best in a generation. f this continues, which it will, we will a Const. Convention within a decade. It is imperative that we do. When the Soviet Union collapsed we when on a party, engaged in stupid wars without objectives, needlessly killing innocent Americans, squandering vast resources. We need to reestablish the Republic and reduce the Federal government by at LEAST 50%. While many Americans are busy inventing new genders we need to resume educating our children whose skills are decliining for many reasons. It is reversible and ESSENTIAL for our future well being.
The worst thing about all of this political obfuscation and obstruction by the Democrats is that there are many things that NEED to be done.
Bills to be written and voted upon.
Issues that affect their States and Constituents that should be addressed
That little job of representing their voters in Congress
National emergencies like Immigration, Military readiness, Social Welfare bankrupting the nation.
OH.....and that itty bitty thing of a National Budget.
But no.....they want to waste time in crazy meetings, witch hunts, grandstanding. Chasing rabbits down tunnels.
Other than wasting time and showing up for parties...WTF do they do anyway?
"No President is above the law."
Bless your heart, Inga, that's not the issue. The issue is that this particular president has been assaulted by an historically disloyal opposition and by intelligence and law enforcement agencies who have used their offices and the law as partisan cudgels. And, they have done so without the slightest regard for the damage they are doing to the fabric of the society and the rule of law. When they are done there may be no law at all until all the scores are settled. That's what worries me, and that's what should worry you. But, you don't seem to have thought that far ahead.
"God Bless him - he spelled harassment correctly."
Why the capital B, genius?
"It should never be allowed to happen again!"
It's simple, really. As long as the Althouses of the world, the not-crazy liberal women, vote Dem, it will happen again, and again.
Keep setting these precedents, leftists.
It would never, ever come back to bite you. Promise.
Other than wasting time and showing up for parties...WTF do they do anyway?
Collect the taxpayers money in many ways including salary and benefits, travel on the tacpayers’ Money, pad their retirement accounts with TM, and get rich while soaking the taxpayer.
No President is above the law.
Well, then it's a good thing nobody's saying that, isn't it?
The Democrats seem determined to burn up better than two centuries of tacit agreements between the parties for short term political advantage. Trump is getting his judicial nominations confirmed at a much more rapid rate than Obama ever did, and a good part of the reason is that Harry Reid blew up the judicial nominee filibuster. Then they tried to slow things down to a crawl with hearings. Now that has been overcome. A week or two ago, they lost Blue Slips by the two Dem Senators from CA demanding one liberal whack job be paired with a more conservative nominee for a CA “seat” on the 9th Circuit. They would love to stop the Indian-American woman, Trump’s regulatory czar, from being confirmed to Kavenaugh’s old seat on the DC Circuit. They won’t be able to. The Trump White House is likely salivating, anticipating getting their regulatory czar onto the court that handles most of the litigation involving federal agencies. And the Dems can do little to stop them, thanks to Dem Harry Reid blowing up the judicial nominee filibuster.
The reality here is that this is likely to hurt the Democrats worse, in the long run, than the Republicans. And that is because they are the party of corruptocrats. Republicans are more likely to earn their money outside the government, then move to DC for a short bit to make the country a better place, while the Democrats are more likely to make their fortunes through graft and corruption enabled by their government power. For example, the Clintons left the WH supposedly almost penniless, yet by the time Crooked Hillary lost the 2016 election, their personal net worth was > $100 million, and they controlled a > $billion$ foundation in their name. All apparently from selling, or promising to sell, official favors (such as $145 million in trade with the Russians for 1/5 of our uranium). In short, the Democrats very likely have a lot more dirt than the Republicans that has been hidden, up until now, by tacit agreements of restraint. Think of it as MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) where neither country launches a nuclear attack, because they know that the other country will launch a devastating counter strike - and we very much appear to be at the point of Russia having launched nuclear tipped missles, and our SLBMs are rising to launch depth, covers coming off our ICBM pads, etc. (This thought a result of reading yesterday about the mechanisms for PDJT launching nuclear weapons against a enemy).
At least it is not as bad as the Benghazi special committee which dragged on for three years and issued no indictments while the Mueller investigation has already convicted multiple Trump campaign officials. - R/V
Maybe you could enlighten us as to how many ambassadors and American servicemen died as a result of this alleged Russian collusion?
Trump should've blamed the whole thing on some damn video nobody's seen and we'd move on to other things, right?
Major heroes in this situation have been Devin Nunes and his fellow Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee.
The Republican on the Senate Committee have been useless. Maybe Senator Lindsey Graham will change that inactivity.
Some unknown government employee has been leaking transcripts of the Congressional testimony of key persons -- Nellie Ohr, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Lisa Page, etc. -- to Jeff Carlson, who has published detailed summaries of that testimony. That leaker too has been a hero.
Rod Rosenstein and Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller feel that they have been doing necessary work to undo the results of the 2016 Presidential election. However, Rosenstein and Mueller have poisoned US politics and ruined the DOJ/FBI reputation for decades to come.
No President is above the law.
This is the first cousin of Civility Bullshit. It only applies to the Other Guy, never to Our Guy. Call it Justice Bullshit.
Executive Privilege.
Schiff won't get shit from Trump.
When they are done there may be no law at all until all the scores are settled. That's what worries me, and that's what should worry you. But, you don't seem to have thought that far ahead. - jaydub
Careful. That's crazy talk.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
No President is above the law.
This person voted for Bill Clinton.
She continues to support hodgkinson.
She continues to support menendez.
They are just not good people.
Rod Rosenstein and Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller have arranged a situation in which they never have to explain anything to anybody -- because there is an "investigation".
Meanwhile stuff is seized from lawyers' offices, suspects are kept in solitary confinement, homes are raided in the early morning, and defendants are forbidden to speak out.
Police-state stuff.
You have no effective rights against your governments operational discretion.
None of you can fight a hostile bureaucratic whim without incurring great loss, or with much prospect of success.
Most of you are protected only by anonymity, not attracting attention.
If Schiff and co. get their way, ultimately, this may not continue to be the case.
"Police-state stuff."
Exactly so. And more, I have lived in actual police-states, and this sort of thing was quite rare even in those. Such things were not done, usually, as they would have been considered disruptive and embarrassing.
DBQ; your list is good, but it really is even worse than that. I watched during the shutdown former NASA employees, who proudly claim to be part of #RogueNASA "The Resistance!". They spend their time, which was paid for by us at a later date, complaining about the President, how stupid his supporters are, and that they need to get back to work doing "Rocket Science".
While SLS starts it 6th year since Preliminary Design Review and is now $5 billion over budget with no flight planned until 2020; SpaceX is moving forward with launching their 2nd and 3rd Falcon 9 Heavy this year, on a vehicle that cost less than a billion of private investment to design, develop, and test launch by 2018.
That's the waste of just one federal agency. Maybe fewer witch hunts, but imagine what could be done if they too quite wasting time in meetings, grandstanding, and chasing rabbits down tunnels. Quit resisting, especially when no one is asking you to change your stated goals, and do your job.
Not even protected by anonymity, via Insty: MORE EVIDENCE THAT “THE INTERNET OF THINGS” SUCKS: Discarded smart lightbulbs reveal your wifi passwords, stored in the clear.
“She continues to support hodgkinson.
She continues to support menendez.
They are just not good people.”
Nutso, simply nutso.
Well Marcos was more of an ideological renewal regime in herman Kahn's phrasing
Keep setting these precedents, leftists. It would never, ever come back to bite you. Promise.
But it won’t. The media certainly wouldn’t cover it, and the GOP are a bunch of milquetoasts anyway, and the Dems know it.
"I voted for Donald Trump because I believed it was imperative to keep the Clinotns from the White House."
Thanks for nothing!!
Inga...Allie Oop said...
No President is above the law.
Curious George said...
What crime has he committed?
iowan2 said...
Leftist love a good slogan. They are not bright enough to understand the slogan, which leads to hilarity.
No President is above the law.
Inga, cite crime. Cite the basis of a credible accusation.
As usual
"Well Marcos was more of an ideological renewal regime in herman Kahn's phrasing"
Marcos' system was a kleptocracy, pure and simple. It used ideological justifications for its acts drawn from socialist-nationalist third-worldism, popular in the day. A lot of what Marcos and his people said overlaps well with, for instance, Hugo Chavez, much later. Or, perhaps, more currently, what Venezuela's various governments said and did in the 1970's, such as those of Carlos Andres Perez. Marcos also nationalized and cartelized whatever he could.
Pushing my MAD analogy a bit. In the past Republicans have been unwilling to retaliate, even when justified - somewhat akin to the paries being reversed as to foreign policy. The Iranians seized our embassy because they ( justifiably) believed that he wouldn’t do anything about it. They gave up their hostages (justifiably again) believing that Reagan would. 9/11, and our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan May have been a result of our enemies’ complacency after 8 years of Clinton, not factoring in that the new President was the son of the Desert Storm President. And we may have seen a similar miscalculation by the Russians when our forces destroyed their mercenaries in Syria. Trump warned them, but Obama had drawn a lot of red lines that turned out to be just bluster. Getting back though to my MAD analogy, in the past, the Democrats have lied, cheated, defamed, etc to achieve and maintain power. The Republicans have responded with civility, inevitably turning the other cheek. Most often taking the high road to the low road taken by the Democrats. Trump, of course, refused to play their game, but most of the way through his first two years, Congressional, and esp Enate, Republicans kept playing along, as the Democrats played dirtier and dirtier. This really came to a head with the Kavenaugh hearings. Desperately trying to stall the confirmation until the next Congress, Feinstein sat on Ford’s unsubstantiated accusation of attempted something bad throughout the hearings, and only sprung them after a vote had been scheduled, demanding that the hearings be reopened. They were, and Ford was joined by two other accusers who likely had never been within a couple miles of Kavenaugh in their lifetimes, until those hearings. And with all of these (obviously fraudulent in the second and third cases) accusations, the Democrats were demanding further delays. Finally the Republican leadership was pushed too far, pushed back, and got Kavenaugh confirmed in short order. And the world didn’t end. Instead, former GOPe stalwarts like Lindsey Graham became almost folk heroes of the Republican base for finally standing up to the Democrats. The emperor was wearing no clothes, and turning the other cheek to the Democrats now probably means a primary challenge.
Note that Inga cannot deal with reality.
The enemies of freedom have to be completely dishonest about who they are and what they want.
They cannot accept who they actually are.
It's possible that Ann is posting this item to advance her argument that the president is an honest man, a decent man, and a first-rate businessman and executive, but it may also be because she gets her news from the Daily Mail and Powerline and only reads the NYT and WaPo for their gossip coverage.
But, Ann, just to recap: several of President Trump's closest associates, including his campaign manager, his deputy campaign manager, his national security adviser and his personal lawyer, have all either pleaded guilty or have been convicted of felonies related to the role they played in conspiring with Russia to help throw the 2016 election. Paul Manafort, his campaign manager, for example, is in solitary confinement in federal prison and is going to die behind bars. You know how Roger Stone, the president's long-time pal and advisor, used to complain about how Mueller wasn't interested in interviewing him? That's because Mueller was INVESTIGATING him. Now he's indicted as well and has to decide whether to start singing like a birdie. You know who else hasn't been interviewed by Mueller? Former AG Jeff Sessions and current VP Mike Pense. Why not? Because they are the objects of criminal and counter-intelligence investigations. It's quite likely that President Nancy Pelosi will be in the Oval Office by the time November 2020 rolls around.
Ann has also failed to notice the myriad criminal inquiries being conducted by federal prosecutors in SDNY, Washington DC and Northern Virginia involving the president's business dealings, including a years-long tax fraud scheme and a wholly criminal operation known as the Trump Foundation, run by three of his children: Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric. All of those people face serious criminal liability and may well also be jailed themselves when their orange hued dad -- by that time as whitened as Paul Manafort -- himself expires behind the bars of a federal pen.
You know who aren't shaking in their boots? Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, two Americans who understand the meaning of patriotism.
I voted for Donald Trump
You and a bunch of others. And yeah, keeping Hillary, who should have been prosecuted for mishandling classified information, out of public office was a bonus. At least you knew with Trump that nobody with let him hide his work on his private server, safe from FOIA requests. And that's the thing, if Donald Trump is burned at the stake; he's not a real loss to the Right. He's exceeded expectations, and I'd vote for him again. But he isn't the last final hope for the American people. He's the last final hope for DC to get over itself and realize they work for us.
Slumming again, eh Pickering?
Pickering: "But, Ann, just to recap: several of President Trump's closest associates, including his campaign manager, his deputy campaign manager, his national security adviser and his personal lawyer, have all either pleaded guilty or have been convicted of felonies related to the role they played in conspiring with Russia to help throw the 2016 election."
John Pickering said....2/7/19, 2:31PM. Truly curious how you come to conclusions about President Trump's associates being convicted of "conspiring with Russia to help throw the 2016 election...?" Please provide evidence! I read both liberal and conservative news sources and have not seen/read anything of your premise. Trump's so-called associates have be indicted/convicted of personal process crimes, like lying, or other criminal crimes not related to the 2016 election. Interesting that you use fiction as facts. Truly amazing how people like you continue the propoganda narrative when even top Democratic Politicos deny the "Russian Collusion" fake story.
"No president is above the law" is an astounding thing to hear from someone whose presidential candidate of choice literally broke federal laws (proven and documented) and was allowed to skate.
You voted for a person who literally was allowed to be above the law and have the gall to use that line to justify two years of investigation searching for a crime that you still have no proof even happened.
Cracker Emcee Plus says a bunch of confusing stuff that makes me wonder about whom he speaks:
"All politics aside, I'm just amazed at how tone-deaf this is. When your investigative strategy is to blindly fling poo until something, anything, sticks, then you've already lost the battle your fighting.
TCER apparently has missed the GOP strategy of falsely charging everyone tasked with completing Special Prosecutor Mueller's investigation - if you will, blaming without factually finding criminal activity by the FBI, the DOJ and Dems on the House Intelligence Committee who were excluded from participating in the Committee's investigation. When Trump's staff refused to answer questions, Committee Chairman Kevin Nunes would go no further. When Trump didn't want someone questioned, they were not questioned, nor was the likes of Don Jr brought back for further questioning when he lied. GOP 's Nunez didn't allow official hearing testimony to be referred to Mueller. Then there was Nunes' "no there there" document designed to lie to the American people.
Lots of unanswered questions such as : "Why did Trump resist every action taken to get to the bottom of the Russian incursion into our election?" "Why were so many Trump staffers found guilty of crimes?" Why were Trump staffers talking to the Russians?" Why did Donald Trump break the law bribing his whores just before the election? Why did Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort and Mike Flynn find it easy to make money from foreign actors ?" Why was the Trump Family lying about occupancy numbers in its sales pitches at Trump Soho? How long has the Trump Laundromat been providing Russians with a means to make their illegally obtained cash to be hidden away inside of commercial transactions? Bob Mueller, my friends, knows all these answers and more.
Benghazi special committee which dragged on for three years and issued no indictments
I'm a little fuzzy on the hard numbers, but I remember the first 5? investigations concluded with no emails from the SoS, because the request to The State Dept for all emails pertaining to the Slaughter of Americans, returned ZERO emails hmmm? Reminder, it is a violation of the federal records act, that the State Dept did not have those e mails in hand. Holder and Lynch turned their back on that one simple crime.
Yes I am still waiting for a named crime having anything to do with President Trump and the hard facts to support that accusation.
The Poor Man's LLR Chuck-gadfly: "TCER apparently has missed the GOP strategy of falsely charging everyone tasked with completing Special Prosecutor Mueller's investigation - if you will, blaming without factually finding criminal activity by the FBI, the DOJ and Dems on the House Intelligence Committee who were excluded from participating in the Committee's investigation."
Literally every lefty talking point embedded here was blown to smithereens months and months ago, if not years.
Just when you think gadfly cannot sink any lower, and still smarting from the No-Kidding failure of his/her/xer own little blog some time back, he/she/xe amazes you again!!
Well played gadfly. Pickering no doubt had to be praying you would pop on by to make him look good by comparison!
hstad: "Please provide evidence! I read both liberal and conservative news sources and have not seen/read anything of your premise"
You are barking up the wrong tree.
Inga and gadfly and Pickering are only here to fill in for LLR Chuck until he returns from Media Matters with new talking points.
"Bob Mueller, my friends, knows all these answers and more."
Careful gadfly, you're treading on Inga's trademark.
Gadfly, you are going to have to name dates, places and persons. The list you have is chuck full o innuendo, and absent specifics. It's a huge waste of time to respond to each lie, because you don't care, and the sane commentators here can see the lie. I don't remember any person refusing to come before any congressional committee, Except Comey and Rosenstein.
tcrosse nailed it with "Justice Bullshit".
Nobody on the left will ever, ever take seriously the idea that a Democrat brushed up the edge of the Logan Act, or other such nonsense they try to pin on Trump and his people.
None of this is based on concern for the law, or any other principle. It starts at the insistence Trump did NOT win the election fair and square, he does NOT have the right to exercise the office of president, and working backward to find any possible rationalization for that stance no matter how flimsy or stupid or hypocritical it may be.
It would be nice, once and for all, if Inga, Trumpit, and the rest would offer us some real concrete examples of what Trump has done that is so bad, let alone criminal. It's easy to dislike his persona, he's crude and a bit of a slob, but so what.
Why not ditch the sloganeering, as someone suggested, rub your two or three existing brain cells together, and give us some examples.
I'll hang up and let you answer.
“Rod Rosenstein and Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller feel that they have been doing necessary work to undo the results of the 2016 Presidential election. However, Rosenstein and Mueller have poisoned US politics and ruined the DOJ/FBI reputation for decades to come.”
I actually am not convinced of this, esp in regards to DAG Rosenstein. I think it more likely that his underlings, esp FBI DDir McCabe and his cabal, put together a compelling story about Trump/Russian collusion and obstruction of justice with the Comey firing (actually done by Rosenstein) around McCabe’s $70k conference room table and sold it to Rosenstein. Turns out that Steele, Fusion GPS, and even Clinton operatives like Darth Blumenthal, had dirt coming into the FBI from every which direction. There was so much smoke, there must have been a fire.
As for Mueller, it appears that his team was put together, and then he was selected to run it. Essentially just as it’s face. The frontman. Two of his prosecutors were apparently involved with the Steele Dossier well before there was any thought of an independent prosecutor. Lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman apparently was meeting with Steele and Simpson (along with his boss, ADAG Bruce Ohr) as early as August, 2016, three months before Trump was elected.
One of the fascinating things that came out in the leaked transcript of (Strzok’s boss) Bill Priestap’s closed session testimony is that much of what was going on with the entire Trump/Russia scheme by the DoJ and FBI could not be disclosed to Congress, according to the FBI attorneys advising him, because of the Mueller investigation. We suspected that, but this was the confirmation of why Congress was being stymied getting to the bottom of the scandal - it was being prevented by the Mueller team, even as late as December.
Eventually, God help us, we'll probably end up with another Democrat president. The Congressional Democrats should keep that in mind with whatever precedents they choose to make with their actions. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Why that is their default so they call the investigators senile (the late gerald walpin) , ignore contempt of Congress, do whatever is needed.
Lots of unanswered questions such as : "Why did Trump resist every action taken to get to the bottom of the Russian incursion into our election?
Gee, President Trump resisted getting to the bottom of the Russians?
I dont remember that, but if you think that, maybe it's because President Trump took his information from Obama himself???
Who is Christopher Steele, the British dude who has caused so much trouble?
He served as a British Intelligence officer in the USSR during 1990-1993. During that period he was 26-29 years old.
Steele retired from British Intelligence in 2009. Since then he has not been in Russia. That was ten years ago.
After he retired, he supposedly provided the FBI with valuable intelligence about Russia involvement in an international soccer scandal. No Russians were exposed, indicted or punished in that scandal. Steele's information had ZERO effect on investigations and prosecutions in that scandal.
Sine he retired for British Intelligence, Steele has been in the business of getting lots of money from rich people who want him to dig up dirt and to cause trouble for other people. He dishes his dirt secretly to journalists. If he does not cause the desired trouble, then he does not get repeat business from the rich people.
In this particular case, Steele earned a lot of money by claiming to have obtained secret information from several Russian Intelligence insiders, identified only as
* Source A
* Source B
* Source C
* Source D
* Source E
Base on Steele and his anonymous sources, the FBI searches and seizes all communications -- past, present and future -- from various US citizens associated with Donald Trump.
This is happening even though the US Constitution forbids unreasonable searches and seizures.
One or a few persons can cause a lot of trouble by lying.
One rambunctious Indian elder -- Nathan Phillips -- recently caused a lot of trouble by lying about some innocent Catholic schoolboys.
Back in 2014, three Black youngsters -- Dorian Johnson, Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell -- caused a lot of trouble by lying that they had seen police officer Darren Wilson murder Michael Brown, who supposedly was standing still in the middle of a street with his hands in the air and trying to surrender. Their lies caused racial strife, riots and massive arson.
Now again we are seeing a very few liars causing a lot of trouble.
One of them maybe a Ukrainian fixer Sergei shevchenko who preferred certain 'ledgers' of dubious veracity.
Never forget that people like McCain wanted to keep the filibuster of nominees even AFTER Reid got rid of them. And some wankers over at NR agreed!
That's why the D's ALWAYS break norms, rules, and traditions. Because they know the RINO's don't want to retaliate. The "Mavericks" on working for them - undercover.
BTW, why doesn't that Bitch from Alaska turn Democrat? If lisa murkowski won't vote for Bush Conservatives like Kavanugh, what good is she?
iowan2: "The list you have is chuck full o innuendo, and absent specifics."
Well played.
On the plus side, I think all this Democrat craziness can be a good thing in some cases. For example, Blue slip. Why should trump have to negotiate with Diane Fienstein about who to put on the 9th Circuit? No one elected Diane Fisenstein to pick Federal judges nor the constitution give two senators veto power over Judicial picks.
The blue slip tradition has been honored and not honored depending on the Chairman. It was also - in the past - used sparingly. Not as an ideological veto, but as patronage. A senator would say, hey I'll vote for X, if you nominate my good buddy Y, who agrees with you Mr. President, to the District Court. The D's have just used to block anyone they disagree with.
Trump keeps raising the stink of collusion by his actions towards and with Putin keeping the record from his one on discussions hidden and covered up. Frankly This alone merits congressional oversight. But yes so far this seems not a crime, and we are left with only a trail of money and foreign contacts left by a scrum of liars in the Trump circle.
the US Constitution forbids unreasonable searches and seizures
It also requires due process and prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, but under the Twilight Amendment (e.g. Pro-Choice), both, and more, have been made quasi-legal.
"Achilles said...
Note that Inga cannot deal with reality."
Inga is so dumb she could be three villages' idiot.
But it won’t. The media certainly wouldn’t cover it, and the GOP are a bunch of milquetoasts anyway, and the Dems know it.
I'm not so sure any more about some members of the GOP. Trump - for all his warts - is changing the dynamic. Whether he serves one or two terms, the Republican Party will never be the same.
It's quite likely that President Nancy Pelosi will be in the Oval Office by the time November 2020 rolls around. - Pickering
And people call Trumpit a parody troll?
Welcome to Jeopardy!
Mike Sylwester, "I'll take Foreign Collusion for $500 dollars"
Alex: "The only foreign entity known to have worked for a Presidential campaign during the 2016 election."
Who is Christopher Steele, the British dude who has caused so much trouble?
Clinton keeps raising the stink of collusion by his/her actions towards and with Putin keeping the record from their one on discussions hidden and covered up .Frankly This alone merits congressional oversight. But yes so far this seems not a crime, and we are left with only a trail of money and foreign contacts left by a scrum of liars in the Clinton circle.
Isn’t this the way it ends? With Mueller outlining a case that nails Trump beyond any reasonable doubt on a dozen or two sleazy, greasy federal felonies; the USA for the SDNY announcing similar charges in an emergency unfiled criminal information; and the New York Attorney General filing a state criminal indictment on numerous charges related to some of the same/related things, but for which Trump enjoys no privileges or immunities and cannot pardon himself. Much like Michael Cohen. And “Individual 1.”
“Collusion” will be beside the point. I doubt anyone will care. I won’t.
And then, it will be clear that the Republican Party will simply need a new, better 2020 nominee.
Several of Ann's readers are baffled that they haven't seen the evidence that links President Trump to the crimes that will result in his going to jail. Without putting too fine a point on it, folks, evidence is the stuff that prosecutors gather to present at trial in the hopes of gaining a conviction. If you want to read evidence about the crimes that President Trump's convicted associates have committed, you could choose to go to the dockets of the various federal courts, or even, read the New York Times. I'd give you my Pacer login but it might get too widely distributed.
But there are certainly crimes of president Trump's that are being investigated and for which it's highly likely evidence will come forth. Here are just a few of the crimes, by the way also cited as the basis for impeachment:
Bribery. President Trump has likely solicited money from various foreign governments and potentates, laundered either through his hotels in Washington and New York, his country clubs in Florida, New Jersey and elsewhere, and through his inaugural committee. It's also likely that President has offered bribes to do such things as build his Trump Tower in Moscow. Has it been proven? No. That's what trials are for.
Treason. Several of the presidents associates have pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the US in the Russian meddling investigation, a charge which may well envelop the president rather soon. It's unclear, and the president refuses to say, what he talks about with Putin of Russia, which he does frequently. Was it Putin who ordered the Syria pull-out? Was it Putin who engineered the reduced sanctions on Mnuchin's pal Deripaska? What hold do such characters as Erdogan and the Saudi princeling, not to mention Kim Jong-Un, have on Trump? I suppose it's a good thing that he's said to be too lazy to read his briefing books, but what if he's just passing them on to the Russians? Incredible? Outrageous? There may yet be evidence.
High crimes and misdemeanors. Emoluments clause violations. A multi-year tax fraud scheme. A corrupt personal foundation that his kids ran as a self-enrichment operation. Kidnapping asylum-seeking children from their parents and either refusing to give them back, or just losing track of them altogether. Lying. Obstructing justice. Basically, an executive failure of staggering proportions, utterly unable and unwilling to live up to his oath, which is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
You may not like it, but folks, it's going to get a lot worse for President Trump, who is very likely, just like his campaign manager, to die in prison. His kids, his former Attorney General, and his current VP also face some serious criminal liabilities. Viva President Pelosi!
Yipee! the tin foil hat brigade has arrived! They are loud and proud and wont take second place to the Bigfoot chasers, Area 51 aficionados, fake moon landing dolts, and Oak Islands believers.
Shorter Pickering: In my hate-filled tantrum there's no crime I would not ascribe to Trump.
There are hundreds of different crimes committed by President Trump(when does he have time to eat his second scoop, or watch TV) Hundreds of different crimes, but can't bring themselves to name a single one.
Time for Donald to put on his big boy pants. They play hardball for keeps in DC. He instead chooses a wastrel feminine approach by bitching unfairness and you people think that's being a real man. Textbook mark behavior inside the long con
“Time for Donald to put on his big boy pants.”
That should keep him from grabbing his own pussy.
Textbook mark behavior inside the long con
Chances are that Trump is the one running the long con. He has decades of experience in an environment where candy asses do not thrive.
They are serving up ergot by the bushel aren't they?
“Several of Ann's readers are baffled that they haven't seen the evidence that links President Trump to the crimes that will result in his going to jail. Without putting too fine a point on it, folks, evidence is the stuff that prosecutors gather to present at trial in the hopes of gaining a conviction. If you want to read evidence about the crimes that President Trump's convicted associates have committed, you could choose to go to the dockets of the various federal courts, or even, read the New York Times. I'd give you my Pacer login but it might get too widely distributed.”
Exactly, you’d think that by now they’d know that they don’t get to know about Trump’s crimes until he gets indicted of them or Mueller’s report gives details of them based on his investigation, not even mentioning the SDNY investigations.
"roesch/voltaire said...
Trump keeps raising the stink of collusion by his actions towards and with Putin keeping the record from his one on discussions hidden and covered up. Frankly This alone merits congressional oversight. But yes so far this seems not a crime, and we are left with only a trail of money and foreign contacts left by a scrum of liars in the Trump circle."
Lets examine what the God Emperor has done to aid Putin.
Armed the Ukraine which Obama refused to do.
Forced deadbeat NATO countries to increase their defense spending.
Shined a light on the corrupt German/Russian energy deal that makes Germany dependent on Russian energy.
Smashed Russian mercenaries in Syria.
Opted out of a nuclear treaty that Russia was violating to their own benefit.
All things a Russian Puppet would do. Right Roachy>
People like Roachy and Pickledick are almost as ridiculous as AOC. I have no doubt that they support some of her bright ideas like subsidizing people who refuse to work and replacing air travel with high speed rail and spending trillions on the phony global warming bullshit.
You people are just pathetic.
I hope that the Democrats investigate away. There is nothing to find there. If they are kept occupied with these phony investigations they will not pass any bills that will endanger our country.
If they want the God Emperor's taxes that badly I would propose that they pass a law that every member of Congresses tax returns be released as well. I want to see how Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters accumulated so much money on a politicians salary. Lets look at all of it.
While we are at it lets release the details of the settlements for sexual harassment paid out for Congressional miscreants. I am sure all of you feminist cunts would love to find out about that.
I know that Jerome Waddler had to pay off a bunch of money for harassing some buffets in the Washington DC area.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Time for Donald to put on his big boy pants.”
That should keep him from grabbing his own pussy.
So....when has any woman claimed and offered evidence that Trump ever forcibly assaulted her sexually?
Hint: "they let you grab them" isn't any statement of a crime.
When Paul Ryan was House Speaker he got 15 major bills on tea party and other issues from drafted, sent to committee and on to floor vote where they passed. The Senate killed them. But they still exist. The Repub house should go over them, decide which bills a majority will actually vote for still, then introduce and try to pass those bills. And talk about them in the House in floor speeches. That would give them a plan for constructive action even though they will not be able to get their bills into committee hearings. Meanwhile Occasional will be trying abolish cow farts and planes, Schiff and every other committee and chairman will be calling in witnesses from here there and everywhere. (Republicans, lawyer up, I beg you) The Dem Congresspersons will be unprepared for actual committee work and generally waste time in camera-cavorting. But the Repubs will have an action plan to carry out which will look good compared to Harris's lip compression, Pocahontas's cheek bones, and Biden's Hamlet, etc.
Inga: Exactly, you’d think that by now they’d [AA's commenters] know that they don’t get to know about Trump’s crimes until he gets indicted of them or Mueller’s report gives details of them based on his investigation, not even mentioning the SDNY investigations.
Then you really need to explain to us why the MSM has kept claiming, for two years now, that Trump committed crimes and "collusion" without a single shred of evidence.
Can you do that, Inga?
When you look at the Progressives you find lots of interesting things.
Virginia governor wearing black face.
Virginia Lt Governor forcing a college professor to give a blow job.
Kameltoe Harris advancing on her back by screwing Willie Brown to get a "Head Start" in politics.
Uncle Joe Biden molesting children at photo ops and swimming naked to harass female Secret Service agents while his kids wife swapped.
Pocohontas putting down that she was an Indian on every application up to and including her Costco membership.
AOC stealing tips when she was a bartender.
The hits keep on coming. The only difference is that with the internet the enemy of the people press can not control the narrative and hide the facts to protect Democrats the way they used to do.
Tcrosse: no doubt that's what Trump thinks. The question is did he bite off more than he could chew?
If Howard has any big boy pants, they're likely hand-me-downs he can't wear. Inga is beyond stupid. Pickering is the dumbass who thinks he's a genius. Chuck is delusional. Did I miss anyone? If all you have are put-downs and name-calling, you lose. The Dems aren't concerned with right or wrong, or truth. All they care about is power, and any means to get it is acceptable. That only works when the other side stays out of the fight. Trump fights back, which is why he's "evil". The contempt I have for all of you knows no bounds, but I'm sure you don't care, because you have to have a heart and a brain to care.
The difference between the God Emperor and someone like the Virgina Lt. Governor or even Bubba Clinton is that he paid off his side pieces. Now a smart politician like Willie Brown did the same thing. He gave Kameltoe a couple of jobs and got her started in her career. The God Emperor didn't have to grab their pussy. They offered it up. For cash and prizes.
Thats the way the world goes round.
I think someone should investigate AOC and her work as a bartender in Queens. I bet there was a bunch of drug use and nasty sex details that would be interesting reading. Lets get that out before the people.
We already know that her co workers hate her because she stole tips. Lets talk to some bar backs and porters to find out what she really thinks about illegal aliens.
The people have a right to know!
“If Howard has any big boy pants, they're likely hand-me-downs he can't wear. Inga is beyond stupid. Pickering is the dumbass who thinks he's a genius. Chuck is delusional. Did I miss anyone? If all you have are put-downs and name-calling, you lose.”
alan has no idea what he just said. Hahahahaha!
Inga: "Exactly, you’d think that by now they’d know that they don’t get to know about Trump’s crimes until he gets indicted of them or Mueller’s report gives details of them based on his investigation, not even mentioning the SDNY investigations."
Hoax dossier girl would like to lecture others about jumping the gun or assuming things.
Keep hope alive, Inga.
You know who didn't give a rats ass about Congressional oversight? The lady who deleted tens of thousands of emails, many of which have never been recovered, from s time she was taking hundreds of millions from foreigners who had business with the state Department.
So spare me R/V.
Inga: "Exactly, you’d think that by now they’d know that they don’t get to know about Trump’s crimes until he gets indicted of them or Mueller’s report gives details of them based on his investigation, not even mentioning the SDNY investigations."
Gal who asserted boldly that Trump would not make it to his own inauguration/Last 6 months/Last 12 months/Last 18 months/make it to the midterms would like to lecture others about jumping the gun or assuming things.
Lead prosecutor Andrew Weissman apparently was meeting with Steele and Simpson (along with his boss, ADAG Bruce Ohr) as early as August, 2016, three months before Trump was elected.
The last time Weissman had a big case, the USSC threw it out 9-0. He should have been disbarred but we know how that works.
what do we have here, after Richard burr, botched the back channel to steele, other measures had to be taken
Thanks narciso
Proof that Schiff is the one colluding with the Russians. Matt Whittaker needs to start a new special counsel investigation, before he leaves.
Adam Schiff meeting secretly with Simpson/FusionGPS
Bruce Ohr meeting secretly with Simpson/FusionGPS
Andrew Weissmann meeting secretly with Simpson/FusionGPS
3 of the Trump Tower/Dem Frame-up attendees were FusionGPS affiliated
Veselnitskaya, former FusionGPS employee, gets obama admin special VISA to zip into the US and meets with Simpson/FusionGPS immediately before the Trump Tower meetig and immediately after the Trump Tower meeting
FusionGPS employee Nellie Ohr feeding Simpson/FusionGPS/Dem oppo research to Bruce Ohr who feeds it to....Strzok and Weismann
FBI and DOJ-NSD hiring FusionGPS and the other big dem oppo firm Crowdstrike to coduct massive secret FISA702 database searches....
Mark Warner, caught using a FusionGPS cutout in attempting to meet secretly with Deripaska....who has stated publicly that the FBI (who else? Strzok!) wanted him to lie about dealings with Trump
Oh yeah, this is, like, a totally on the up and up sort of "investigation" and totally not a setup or anything.
Benghazi - everyone gets immunity!!
Keep hope alive, Inga.
Make it comfortable and let it die.
Wow, Drago should volunteer his soooooper doooooper sleuthing to Mueller!
One thing even my liberal friends are finally conceding is it doesn't make much sense to try to initiate impeachment proceedings with less than 2 years to go in the presidency. They freely admit its a means of driving Trump out of office. They usually go mute when I ask them if they will be upset that this is the new normal going forward. That from day 1 when a democrat takes office that republicans refuse to work with them and openly talk about impeachment until they can find something. More blank stares.
Ah, but the strawberries, that's, that's where I had them, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the ward room icebox did exist, and I've had produced that key if they hadn't pulled the Caine out of action. I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officer.
Oh yes, they have him now!!
Inga: "Wow, Drago should volunteer his soooooper doooooper sleuthing to Mueller!"
Photographic proof of the Schiff/simpson meeting in aspen.
Testimony under oath by direct participants involved in the Mueller team/FusionGPS hookups.
Text messages from Mark Warner personnally to others attempting to set Deripaska/Fusion meetings.
Actual texts, actual photograpic evidence, actual under oath testimony by the direct participants.
Yep, sounds like conjecture alright!
Remember, Inga is the rocket scientist who asserted just days ago that 100 million killed in the 20th century by commies was "propaganda" and a "lie".
100 Million Non-Heather Heyers were unavailable for comment.
“Photographic proof of the Schiff/simpson meeting in aspen.”
So what? What do you think this proves?
Inga was also the one laughing at the Angel moms who dared to be upset at Ingas and Pelosi's "spark of divinity" illegal alien murderers who butchered their children.
But hey, just think of those "spark of divinity" murders as 44th trimester abortions.
“Inga was also the one laughing at the Angel moms who dared to be upset at Ingas and Pelosi's "spark of divinity" illegal alien murderers who butchered their children.”
Drago resorts to lies when he’s cornered.
Inga: "So what? What do you think this proves?"
That Adam Schiff was meeting secretly with the ringleader who was coordinating the hiring of a foreign former intelligence service Trump-hater who worked directly with Putins pals to compile a hoax dossier that was used to weaponize federal law enforcement agencies against a domestic political opponent.
Just another day in East Germany.
“That Adam Schiff was meeting secretly with the ringleader who was coordinating the hiring of a foreign former intelligence service Trump-hater who worked directly with Putins pals to compile a hoax dossier that was used to weaponize federal law enforcement agencies against a domestic political opponent.”
Proves nothing of the sort. But keep hope alive.
Inga thinks that just beause history begins anew each day for her that no one can recall what she has written.
LLR Chuck does that alot too....hmmmmm
“Inga thinks that just beause history begins anew each day for her that no one can recall what she has written.”
Go and find what I said that made you lie that I laughed at “Angel” moms. Then copy it and paste it here. Or you could just stop lying.
Drago, you’re flailing again.
Inga doesnt seem to realize that Steele has already submitted testimony under oath in a British court and Bruce Ohr has already testified under oath that Simpson hired Steele abd Steele used Putin affiliates to compile the hoax dossier.
Inga is also unaware that Steele has already provded testimony under oath that the hoax dossier was unverified...testimony that mirrors Ohrs testimony.
Little Bruce also testified that at Muellers teammates knew the dossier was unverified.
So there it is, mere photograpic proof and under oath testimony by those directly involved.
But hey, it wasnt Buzzfeed so how can it be true?
Again, you have to remember: Inga went "all in" on the hoax dossier. It was amazing to watch in real time.
Perhaps Inga is just confused because the dems in the picture didnt look like one was in blackface.
Holy crap. Schiff met Simpson on the side? When did this happen?
Last July, before the midterms in Aspen colorado,
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“If Howard has any big boy pants, they're likely hand-me-downs he can't wear. Inga is beyond stupid. Pickering is the dumbass who thinks he's a genius. Chuck is delusional. Did I miss anyone? If all you have are put-downs and name-calling, you lose.”
alan has no idea what he just said. Hahahahaha!
Funny that you cut my post there, instead of showing all of it, since that first part was obviously sarcastic, but you are apparently too clueless to know that.
Seems to me Schiff should step aside as chairman. Sauce for the goose.
Republicans should bring this up at every hearing with Schiff, that he should step aside like Nunes did "until a complete investigation is done" but you know he won't. So why not have fun at every hearing and bring it up? It would never get old for me and I watch lots of dry stuff on CSPAN.
Lavrentiy Beria is supposed to have said, "show me the man and I will show you the crime." This is what is happening here. The investigators have never had any evidence to justify their accusations that Trump colluded with the Russians although there is proof that the Clinton campaign and the FBI colluded with foreign nationals from Great Britain and Russia against the Trump campaign. Anyone who
The Congressional Democrats and the new Democrat AG in New York State are not trying to hide the fact that they are opening a fishing expedition into Trump's businesses in the hope that they can find something to charge him with. If a persistent prosecutor looks closely enough at any business they can probably find something where someone made a mistake, upgrade it to a felony and charge them with crimes, destroy them financially and then give them a reduced sentence if they plead guilty whether they have done any crimes or not. They then force them to make allegations against other targets for a reduced sentence. In a politically motivated prosecution it doesn't matter whether the allegations are true or not since destruction of political opponents rather than justice is the goal.
The Clinton investigations were started after plausible allegations were raised about their activities while in office in Arkansas and beyond. I don't remember any fishing expeditions based on no evidence whatsoever like we have against Trump.
“Schiff, that he should step aside like Nunes did "until a complete investigation is done" but you know he won't. So why not have fun at every hearing and bring it up? It would never get old for me and I watch lots of dry stuff on CSPAN.”
And Democrats will laugh in their faces. There is nothing for Schiff to step down over, nor will he, but keep hope alive.
Original Mike: "Holy crap. Schiff met Simpson on the side? When did this happen?"
In 2018..and Schiff never disclosed this meeting as he required to do.
Likewise Mark Warner took active steps, outlined in his texts, to try and hide the meetings he was trying to setup secretly with Fusion AND Deripaska.
But Inga says these things for which photographic evidence, text evidence and under oath evidence exists never happened.
But Trump is a traitor based on Buzzfeed anonymous "reports".
If you are thinking: hey, thats insane, well, I wont argue with you.
“The investigators have never had any evidence to justify their accusations that Trump colluded with the Russians...”
And just how do you know this? Inside info? Guessing, wishing? Is the Mueller investigation over?
“But Inga says these things for which photographic evidence, text evidence and under oath evidence exists never happened.”
Liar. Where did I say the meeting didn’t happen? I said, “So what?” I asked you what you thought it would prove.
Inga: "There is nothing for Schiff to step down over, nor will he, but keep hope alive."
It is perfectly normal for congressional ivestigators to meet secretly with witnesses.
For those just tuning in, this is another in a long long long string of actions taken by dems which have always been against the established rules but are now totally cool....because, whatever.
Drago said...
“Photographic proof of the Schiff/simpson meeting in aspen.”
Inga said...
“So what? What do you think this proves?
2/7/19, 7:07 PM
Inga: "And just how do you know this?"
Notice how seamlessly Inga transitions from conspiracy mode to outright denial of clear physical evidence and direct under oath testimony by principals.
Which is invariably followed by Inga lecturing others for what she is doingin real time.
This is all on top of other hilariously moronic utterences by Inga that it is cities that provide jobs and opportunities whereas businesses do none of those things but instead only offer misery.
If you want to know why dems believe the American public is dumb enough to bite on post-birth abortion and full-blown socialism, there you go.
The fellow who runs the libby shop that hired Christopher Steele, which also ran an info OP against the magnitsky act
“The investigators have never had any evidence to justify their accusations that Trump colluded with the Russians...”
Inga responded to above comment: "And just how do you know this?"
Drago babbles...
“Notice how seamlessly Inga transitions from conspiracy mode to outright denial of clear physical evidence and direct under oath testimony by principals.”
Really? What testimony Drago? Go find it and post it here.
What testimony
Even Comey said Trump was never the subject of the investigation. Are you, Inga, claiming that Trump was the subject of an FBI investigation into Russia collusion. If so, please provide the criminal statute backing such a claim? Or, if you want to go the foreign surveillance route; provide the FISA warrant to tap Trump as a subject. I'm sure Congress would like to see that evidence. I know I would.
It was back in July 2017s deposition of fusion which was released months later that one wonder discovers the funding behind the dossier.
It took more than a year, for the text of the Comey memo to be revealed, illustrating how Richman and wittes 'mischaracterized' leading to the appointment of mueller.
Inga: "What testimony Drago?
Bruce Ohr's, Lisa Page's, Bakers and Steele's in London.
But I get it. You'll wait for the real scoop fro Buzzfeed.
Next up for Inga: hey, Warren really does have high cheekbones: PRESTO! Native American.
Too funny.
Really? What testimony Drago? Go find it and post it here.
You ignore the facts now. Present more fact, you just change the subject.
The simple fact is, there is not a hint of anything that warrants a special counsel.
Instead of the all the conspiracy theories, just come up with something that warrants the special counsel
Remember, for over a year Hillary and the hack dems lied publicly about their funding the dossier.
And Inga believed them.
I'm still waiting for Inga to admit the commies killed 100 million in the 20th century, but I dont hold out much hope.
'Cuz that's our Inga!
The model is the zinoviev letter, it was a document put together by some Russian emigres, distributed through the conservative parties research arm that alleged a Soviet insurrection of British sailors, as a result there was a snap election and the labour govt fell.
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