July 29, 2018

"The internet has always been lawless, but the chaos of the Trump era has worsened online nastiness to the point where even I, a verifiably snarky internet writer..."

"... have grown sick of it all. Desperate for an antidote, I started dabbling in wholesome activities: bicycling, crossword puzzles, baking and writing in my journal. 'Oh no! You’re becoming a hippie,' my mother said after I informed her of my new hobbies. In these efforts to self-soothe, I made a life-changing discovery: Making sourdough bread is the opposite of using the internet...."

From a NYT essay by Eve Peyser, "I Wanted a Dog. I Bake Bread Instead." The headline highlights the dog/bread alternatives as opposed to the escape-from-the-internet theme. I'm guessing that's because dog gets hits... on the internet.

Anyway, I'm blogging this because of the mother's concept of "hippie" and the idea that it could include crossword puzzles. But I like the idea of the younger generation rediscovering the hippie lifestyle, especially if it's envisioned in positive ways — with "wholesome activities."

Also, this article fit with something else I was just reading, "In a divided U.S., therapists treating anxiety are hearing the same name over and over: Donald Trump/'Trump Anxiety Disorder' may not be an official diagnosis, but therapists know the symptoms" (Politico), which chimed with something I'd already blogged this morning, Trump himself using the term Trump derangement syndrome.

Isn't it interesting that therapists are seeing the reaction to Trump as a disorder?! And that Politico framed it that way.

Maybe mainstream media is noticing a lot of people who feel the way I do, that the antagonism to Trump is so over-the-top that it's weirder than Trump. We turn away... and toward the man we originally resisted because he was too weird.

I tried to find a picture of a hippie doing a crossword puzzle, but my search had the serendipitous effect of turning up this New Yorker humor piece from last February: "Former Hippies Put in Horrible Position of Rooting for F.B.I." ("'I always dreamed I’d spend my retirement surrounded by my grandchildren, telling them that the F.B.I. were fascist pigs,' Carol Foyler, a former hippie who lives in Santa Cruz, said. 'That dream has been shot to hell.'").


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Sprezzatura said...

According to you, the folks w/ torches jacked the very fine folks who protested a local government voting for the removal of their local statue that was originally installed to protest the granting of civil rights to all Americans.

According to me these folks and DJT are POSs, and it was the woman who got run over who was working to hijack that bigotry effort.

She was very fine. IMHO.

buwaya said...

After soaking in history long enough, one begins to note a large number of things that are under-documented, or unexplained. Quite large things really, where the chains of events, or more usually the decision making process are untraceable.

And then when digging into details of even accepted narratives, many odd details emerge.

One starts smelling rats.

In the present situation where history is being made (and towards which a healthy suspicion is due in any case) it is prudent to be paranoid, so much being obscure, and just enough of what was asserted as truth is obviously not.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

The Althouse comments pages are now filled with nasty, brutish bullies who will accept nothing less than complete support for Trump. And anyone who questions Trump is attacked personally and largely without limit.

There are other "derangement syndromes" out there, no doubt. On the Left and on the Right. But on these pages, the most obvious instances of derangement are on the part of the Trump fans.

Chuck parrots the lefty talking points.


Thank you President Trump for taking the masks off the cuck wing of the democrat party.

It is our party now Chuck.


Pookie Number 2 said...

According to you, the folks w/ torches jacked the very fine folks who protested a local government voting for the removal of their local statue that was originally installed to protest the granting of civil rights to all Americans.

Nope. I get that you thrive on misrepresentation, but that’s not why the statues were installed, and not why their removal was being protested. But good try.

According to me these folks and DJT are POSs

Well, you voted for Farrakhan’s buddy, so you’re clearly not a terribly good judge of character. (Or actually opposed to bigotry.)

, and it was the woman who got run over who was working to hijack that bigotry effort.

Could be. Or she could have been another shallow SJW whose death was still unfortunate.

narciso said...

Well not paranoid, but diligent, if the same story is being told by 100 parties in the same words be wary.

Now the proximate cause of Charlottesville was McAuliffe wanted a standoff in the self proclaimed capital of the resistance, so he told the state police to stand down. That was the blood price to keep the governor's mansion

Michael K said...

That group chanting "Jews will not replace us" was organized by Occupy wall street.

The punk who alleges that is just copying leftist smears. The organizer is an agent provocateur who organized Occupy Wall Street, but the chant, which I heard on the video, was "YOU will not replace us," meaning white males that are under attack from the left. The substitution of "Jews" for YOU was some extra propaganda but we should not be fooled into using it.

It is just more hate from the lefty radicals. They have a few pretenders here, like PB&J.

Achilles said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

According to you, the folks w/ torches jacked the very fine folks who protested a local government voting for the removal of their local statue that was originally installed to protest the granting of civil rights to all Americans.

According to me these folks and DJT are POSs, and it was the woman who got run over who was working to hijack that bigotry effort.

She was very fine. IMHO.

She went there looking to beat other people up. All of the leftists were there with the intent to cause violence.

They wanted to fight a group of people organized by Occupy wall street that was unequivocally denounced by Trump and almost all of his supporters.

Two groups of leftists united by hate and racism.

You still support BLM, La Raza, Antifa, The Nation of Islam, CAIR, the SPLC, Hamas and any number of leftist organizations that spout hatred and racism on a daily basis.

Robert Byrd was a grand dragon KKK leader. A democrat til he died. You all loved him.

Michael K said...

According to me these folks and DJT are POSs, and it was the woman who got run over who was working to hijack that bigotry effort.

She was very fine. IMHO.

Creepy punk who seems to be imitating Ritmo. Weren't you PB&J in the last sock puppetry ?

narciso said...

I don't think so, in heyers case, but the left has ginned up this whole bamiyan moment since Charleston, that she was compelled to join In, a little like Miriam Carey who got caught in that dc roundabout.

Michael K said...

Now the proximate cause of Charlottesville was McAuliffe wanted a standoff in the self proclaimed capital of the resistance,

As I recall, the Mayor was the proximate instigator, no doubt with the encouragement of McAuliffe and his 50,000 voting felons.

narciso said...

Yes that yutz mayor, Thomas Jefferson must be screaming in the ether.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...

And Ronan Farrow is working for someone, obviously.
He is being helped, and fed info, and is serving as a "face" for a larger operation.
Who for?

And so too any number of "public" people in these wars, wars in the shadows.

We can only guess at what is going on.

It has been years since I told everyone Trump was taking on and destroying the media and the grip it has on our country. 10 people have owned the entire mainstream media in this country through generations.

Such a small group cannot hold onto that power given the changes in technology.

Now we are moving on to a new group trying to centralize power. I find it entertaining watching the EU attack Google/Facebook. Rearguard actions by the old elite against he new elite.

The mass media/culture will be unrecognizable in 10 years.

Darrell said...

In the future, the unemployed Media will march on Washington like Coxey's Army. No Wizard of Oz will be written about it.

Big Mike said...

@Chuck, Achilles has a point. It is Donald Trump’s party now. My local Congress Critter, allegedly Republican, voted for the GOP budget and the tax reform, and the latter, especially, is A Good Thing. But she is for open borders and voted against AHCA. I think she’s hosed herself this November.

narciso said...

Yes but the low hanging fruit, are exponents of crime think, what's already referred to as 'fake news'

narciso said...

This is why Cambridge analytica had to be utterly smashed but haklyut (downers firm) is not touched.

narciso said...

're Qatar's method public relations along with black ops, well that's how Strauss Khan got out of a jam, Weinstein took careful notes, that why Vance was investigating the lead victim for years.

Big Mike said...

Yes, anti-de Sitter, let us all doff our hats for Heather Heyer, the good communist who gave her life for a cause, that cause being urban rioting. It’s all a lot of fun until someone gets hurt.

langford peel said...

Omelette. Eggs.

It's an old story.

langford peel said...

The fact is the police were at fault.

Police in blue cities are told to stand down. Soon enough they will cover up rape gangs of Muslims like they do in England. The media will help them.

The drive to destroy the police has been very successful. Look at Baltimore. Chicago. Scan Fransico where they shit on the street. If you vote Democratic it is coming to your town.

San Fransico values.

Achilles said...

Big Mike said...

@Chuck, Achilles has a point. It is Donald Trump’s party now. My local Congress Critter, allegedly Republican, voted for the GOP budget and the tax reform, and the latter, especially, is A Good Thing. But she is for open borders and voted against AHCA. I think she’s hosed herself this November.

Trump's scalps:

Bush, Clinton, Rubio, Ryan, Flake, CNN, another 2-3 dozen members of the cuck wing of the democrat party have retired. Soon there will be 60+ republican senators and 1 of them will not be McCain. NR has been driven out and surrendered. Boot, Kristol, Will, Rubin, French and numerous others have committed public seppuku.

Nobody is more useless in DC than the neocons.

Gone forever and forgotten.

narciso said...

Yes, in part because they forgot that military intervention was the last resort,
Then again I don't know what vat of crazy George will has been soaking in lately.

FIDO said...

Emperor Gao, Founder of the Golden Han Dynasty in China, was quite the Trumpian figure.

He cursed, he bathed in front of 'academics', he was hyperbolic, when told by an enemy that he was going to cook Gao's dad into soup, he famously said 'send me a cup!'

And, despite his boorish ways, he won. He founded THE Chinese dynasty from which all of them want the claim their ancedents.

I have not seen a lot that Trump has done that is anywhere near illegal, but is distinctly things 'Chuck doesn't like'.

Show me a crime and evidence before I listen to any of the constant character assassination of Trump.

That is how you our system works. And Chuck, a supposed lawyer, SHOULD be defending this process.

Chuck doesn't

Jon Ericson said...

"There are trillions at stake."

Bad Lieutenant said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
"Sure, if you dishonestly define “hang out with” so you can smear people who disagree with you. It’s a good trick."

Marching alongside w/.

7/29/18, 9:58 PM

You know who also reportedly spent time in the company of sinners, and supported and defended mixed assemblies of flawed people?


I bet you thought I was going to say Hitler.

Donatello Nobody said...

Christ, Chuck -- give it a rest, willya?

Big Mike said...

Gone forever and forgotten.

NEVER count on that! They’ll be back.

And I think part of my point is that whenever a party holds the presidency, the President becomes the de facto leader of that party. Gerald Ford was the only exception in my lifetime, though Kennedy nostalgia forced Lyndon Johnson to work harder at taking the reins of his party than he probably expected. I think Trump is going to campaign for Republican candidates in key states going forward, and he will have a Republican Housevand Senstevthat will have members who owe him, cementing his leadership.

Bad Lieutenant said...

PBJ, sorry, I can quote clean:

'Certainly you would not wish to associate with a malefactor; though I believe there is an excellent precedent for doing so, as your chaplain may tell you.'

Desolation Island
Patrick O'Brian

Darkisland said...

Point of order, Sitter

She didn't get "run over"

In fact, there is no video/photo evidence the car even touchef her.

John Henry

MB said...

This month, the Party's position is that the FBI has always been the defender of freedom against tyranny.
Next moth? You'll have to read next month's bulletin.

sparrow said...

I've never agreed with the politics, but I've always had a romantic sympathetic view of hippies. Those I've known that fit the bill were warm and friendly, although self-destructive. Now I recognize the naive idealism was delusion, but I still think that hopeful optimism has its place if rightly ordered. In other words I think there's something of value to be distilled from the movement, or at least some strains, even if much of it was just hedonism. In fact I think most destructive social or political movements have within them a small core of truth which is surounded by layers of lies and distortions. So for example communism is only successful as a means to power and has killed millions. Yet at its core is a call to equity echoing biblical teaching of compassion and care for the least among us. This is in keeping with the understadning that evil is a distortion, warping or brokeness of what is good rather than a new thing on it's own.

RMc said...

Isn't it interesting that therapists are seeing the reaction to Trump as a disorder?!

Therapists see everything as a disorder. Hammer, nail.

ballyfager said...

Trump is better than his predecessor and better than the person he was running against. Those of you who can't see that are truly ignorant.

Sprezzatura said...


I was surprised it took that long for the Alex Jones POV in this thread.

Jack Klompus said...

"Yes, anti-de Sitter, let us all doff our hats for Heather Heyer, the good communist who gave her life for a cause, that cause being urban rioting. It’s all a lot of fun until someone gets hurt."

Her parents and those of Rachel Corrie should get together and try to figure out where they went wrong.

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