July 29, 2018

Lawyer on lawyer on lawyer on lawyer action.

ADDED: Funny that Trump himself uses the term "Trump Derangement Syndrome."


rehajm said...

Didn't there used to be an organization that held the ethics of lawyers to a high standard- like if you broke the law? Like, they wouldn't let you be a lawyer anymore?

Chuck said...

Wait; did Trump read Dershowtiz's book? Has Trump read a single one of Dershowitz's 30+ books?

rehajm said...

Wait; did Trump read Dershowtiz's book? Has Trump read a single one of Dershowitz's 30+ books?

Like because Trump is too dumb to read or he looks at the pictures and has someone else read them to him because he's so dumb or he just likes television instead because he's so dumb. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Mike Sylwester said...

Last night I was reading a book about the Salem witch-hunt, and I realized that I need to adjust my comparison of that witch-hunt with the RussiaGate witch-hunt.

Puritan girls who alone see witches seen by nobody else = Christopher Steele

Odd, helpless females accused of being witches = George Papadoloulos and Carter Page

As the Salem witch-hunt developed further, the accusations moved higher and higher in the local social hierarchy. Ultimately even very rich and prominent people were accused of being witches. Soon afterwards, the hysteria collapsed.

That ultimate stage of the witch-hunt corresponds to the accusations against President Trump.

rhhardin said...

It's called ethics but it's just rules of the trade.

rhhardin said...

Whatever happend to barratry.

Ken B said...

If lawyers were beef, Dershowitz would be Filet Mignon and Avenatti would be ... Chuck.

Shouting Thomas said...

I see the Love Train eventually chugging into the lives of Trump Derangement sufferers.

"Please grab my pussy!" they will cry. "Is my pussy not worth grabbing?"

Ken B said...

Mike S
No. They started with Trump. The final stage is when they reach Obama.

mccullough said...

All the King’s Shysters

Dershowitz is sketchy but not as sketchy as Cohen and Avenatti. Those guys are scumbags even worse than the usual lawyers. They aren’t as big of scumbags as Big Law Firm partners who represent Scumbag Companies while touting Socisl Justice bullshit. It’s fun to watch the Millenials take down Big Law.

Roger Sweeny said...

Not funny at all. He wants the term to get wider exposure. Once people have an easily remembered name for it, they are more likely to see it.

NKP said...

Forget any laws about recording conversations without the knowledge of one of the parties. The bedrock of the attorney/client relationship is confidentiality. Cohen made a mockery of this in order to hopefully save his ass from whatever Mueller threatened him with. An ethical legal establishment would have disbarred Cohen immediately.

Mueller has had every resource he wanted to make a case against Trump's collusion with Russia. After more than a year, he has NOTHING. The mission of the 'Special Prosecutor' is simply to discredit Trump. If it had ANYTHING to do with political activities to wrongfully influence the election, he would be putting people from Clinton's campaign on the hot seat. Crickets.

The one thing I fault the Trump Administration with is not charging people who obviously broke the law. 'Prevent Defense' always loses. Get aggressive, dammit!

P.S. Avenatti. Seriously? The new Gloria Allred.

Mike Sylwester said...

Michael Cohen secretly recorded Donald Trump's conversations during a time when many people's phone conversations were being secretly recorded.

The FBI was secretly recording ALL the communications of Carter Page -- in particular, all of Page's conversations with Trump's associates.

That is a circumstance that should be kept in mind.

Michael K said...

Has Chuck read Dershowitz's book?

Maybe it would cure his TDS but, then again, that is all Chuck has.

John henry said...

What books did you read last week, Chuck

John Henry

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey Chuck, I have it on sound authority that Trump has, in fact, colored every one of those books :)
Dersh was the kind of liberal that made me proud to be a democrat when I was young. Move out of the basement Chuck.

narciso said...

From some one who has been there:


gilbar said...

Ken B said...
If lawyers were beef, Dershowitz would be Filet Mignon and Avenatti would be ... Chuck.
Wow, so you're saying that Avenatti is some creep that Brags about sexually assaulting women while pretending that he is a member of the bar? That stings!

narciso said...

What is the criminal offense that Mueller is investigating as pretext,

Anonymous said...

Avenetti confirms Dick the Butcher's view of lawyers every time he opens his mouth. Certainly the Mueller witch hunt is not doing anything positive for people's view of lawyers as sleazy and unprincipled. It is a bit strange that Avenetti seems to have gotten a free ride for a number of ethical and tax matters.

Anonymous said...

One must give Dershowitz a great deal of credit for being intellectually honest - a rare commodity in the law (or, it seems, anywhere else) these days : see Lawrence Tribe.

Wince said...

As I said before, I think the lawyer most ethically compromised at this point is Lanny Davis.

He’s contributed to Cohen’s breach of his ethical duty to Trump, and is hopelessly conflicted in his representation of Cohen by his representation of the Clintons.

Yancey Ward said...

Hey, Chuck....I just forwarded your question to Bob Mueller. Perhaps Mueller can ask him at Trump's interrogation.

Yancey Ward said...

Roger Sweeny is, of course, right- you use the term to fix it in people's minds, and they will start identifying it for themselves and others.

Wince said...

"Lawyer on lawyer on lawyer on lawyer action."

Add the word “Hot” to the beginning and you’ve got a functioning porn promo.

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Francisco D said...

"If lawyers were beef, Dershowitz would be Filet Mignon and Avenatti would be ... Chuck."

That's very clever. I like it!

One problem - Chuck pretends to be a lawyer. Not much about his on-line person seems to be true.

MikeD said...

I'll take creepy porn lawyer for $500 Alex.

Sam L. said...

It ain't FUNNY, Ann; it just shows how cool the Trumpster IS.

Molly said...


Awkward that Michael Cohen previously testified under oath that Trump Sr. didn't know about Trump Tower Russkie meeting.

Awkward that, amid all his tapes, Cohen has no tape of the meetings he supposedly attended where it supposedly was made clear that Trump knew about the Trump Tower Russkie meeting.

Awkward that Cohen told Chris Cuomo he wasn't taping their conversation--and then taped it.

I'm not a fan of Roger Stone, but I think he got this right: "This is not proof that the president did anything wrong. This is proof that the president may have had a moron working for him."

Michael said...

If you doubt the existence of TDS just have a look at book reviews in the TLS, the NYT, the WaPo or the NYRB. I don't care if the reviewer is discussing a book on bird watching in the 19 th century she will find a way to insert the phrase " in the age of Trump" Scan the article titles in Vanity Fair or the NYT and you will see it. It is beyond funny. Looking back in a decade I wonder if these people will feel in the least bit ashamed.

n.n said...

".... This is proof that the president may have had a moron working for him."

Either that or there is a material risk to him, his family, or friends, that broke his integrity.

Bruce Hayden said...

What bothers me is that I have spent my life around lawyers and their ethics (my father practiced a bit too vet a half century. One of my licenses shows Retired, the other Inactive. Next brother still has an active law license). This whole thing stinks to high heaven. The entire Mueller team should probably be disbarred, as well as Cohen and Avenatti. Why did Trump waive privilege on those taped discussions with Cohen? Apparently because they expected that those conversations would have been leaked by the Mueller team to the MSM if they didn't, and notably the NYT. Leaked attorney/client privileged conversations that the Mueller team shouldn't have legally or ethically had in the first place. Ethically, every attorney who listened to those tapes, or looked at Trump's files, before confidentiality was waived, should be disciplined by their respective bars. But we should have expected nothing less than that from Mueller, who is infamous for the innocents he sent to prison to burnish his reputation, or Weissman, who routinely failed to provide exonerating information and evidence to the defendants he was prosecuting. These aren't hard driving attorneys who push things up to the ethical limits, but, rather, unscrupulous attorneys who routinely cross the ethical line, and then depend on their power to keep their jobs and legal licenses.

Bruce Hayden said...

Let me add that it appears that one of the reasons arch liberal Dershowitz has come around to Trump's side here appears to have been the rampant legal and ethical corruption that we have all see with the Mueller prosecution team, as well as the DoJ and FBI employees, past and present, working with them, and against Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Funny that Trump himself uses the term "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

How is it funny? It shows that he's just as delusional as you are.

Why do you find it so normal to defend everything said by an inveterate liar? Has he ever said anything accurately in his life?

Among so many others, the man can't even manage to keep a decent LAWYER working for him. And yet, here you are... a law professor bringing him up every day or multiple times each day, and never failing to find whatever you think is the spin that will turn his latest abomination away from any criticism of him.

MayBee said...

(how weird is it that Avannatti is trying to make #Basta happen?)

Molly said...


Maybe Avenatti and Cohen can team up to represent Stormy Daniels in her divorce case.

Jim at said...

If lawyers were beef, Dershowitz would be Filet Mignon and Avenatti would be ... Chuck.

That's perfect. Well played.

Iowan2 said...

Dershowitz has explained in print, video and audio, that he is defending the constitution, not President Trump. Lying scum that continue to criticize Dershowitz, without pointing out where he misreads the constitution, are stupid. As in lacking mental capacity to learn. Or just lying. So all Dershowitz ‘s detractors, explain which you are.

Trumpit said...
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Iowan2 said...

Trumpet, I asked for just one place Dershowitz is wrong on the Constitution, or the law. You validate my conclusions that you are stupid. ie, unable to learn.

Trumpit said...

Irish-French Alain Douche O'Witch is pro-Trump, and pro-OJ Simpson. How did he get past immigration considering he comes from a shithole country like Iraq. Yes, he's a Franco-Irish Iraqi. He's been called a scholar of the U.S. Constitution. He sullies it with every breath he takes. Maybe, he's an expert in constipation, who sullies his underpants. That I'd believe from his angry scowl. Why is he given so much press time? Because supporters of Trump are so few and far between among educated people, the corporate-controlled press falls back on a slime ball who allegedly taught at Harvard. A good case can be made that they should lose their endowment; Trump brags about his endowment. His tiny hands belie his "No problem down there" assertion. He's must have meant Down Under there, home of the orange-winged kookaburras.

Rusty said...

Trumpit. I'd like you to meet ritmo. Ritmo meet trumpit. You two have a lot in common.

GRW3 said...

I’d like to see Dershowitz appointed to lead a commission to ensure Americans will never have the state intelligence mechanisms levered against them for political reasons.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...

Wait; did Trump read Dershowtiz's book? Has Trump read a single one of Dershowitz's 30+ books?

Trump is far more intelligent than you are Chuck.

He is smarter than you in every way.

Jon Ericson said...

Judge Smails: Oh Porterhouse, look at the wax build up on these shoes I want that wax stripped off there, then I want them creamed and buffed with a fine chamois, and I want them now. Chop chop.
Smoke Porterhouse: Yes judge, right away judge.