The inspiration comes from "Found guilty of downloading 24 songs, a woman is fined $1,900,000. Chip says:
This RIAA case and the outrageous irrational verdict reminds me of Obama killing that fly. How so? — you ask. This is how.
AKA overkill.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
This RIAA case and the outrageous irrational verdict reminds me of Obama killing that fly. How so? — you ask. This is how.
Now that is pretty funny. If Chip Ahoy sends that off to several websites, it might go viral.
He might even get the usual crowd of identity politics folks screaming it is a racist attack because the female decoy fly looks like a minstrel, or Michelle Obama with a wig on..
everybody knows that anvils
have to say 'acme' on them
Someone said of my dog, "she wouldn't hurt a fly."
Take that, Peta.
Any idea what these and other prosecutions are costing the owners of the property? Is it appropriate for the loser to pay at least court costs, if not real damages?
Anyone know if they had been given an opportunity to settle? What was the amount way back when?
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