January 29, 2025

Sunrise — 6:52, 6:59, 7:19, 7:25.





Write about anything you want in the comments. And please use the Althouse Amazon link if you've got some shopping to do.


Clyde said...

I think that Hollywood's days may be numbered. Just as 'video killed the radio star,' so AI may soon kill the Hollywood movie. Recently, I've been seeing short AI video clips on Facebook Reels, and I'm sure they are out there on other similar outlets. A year ago, it was AI making pictures, now it's video clips. How long will it be until AI (with proper prompting) can create a coherent, full-length feature with an artificial cast? It costs Hollywood millions of dollars to make a movie, with a large cast and crew. AI can do it for almost nothing by comparison, and in one take. Hollywood will not be able to compete with this.

Gospace said...

So far all the people saying "It's in there! Birthright citizenship! It's in the 14th amendment! It's in the 1952 Citizenship Act!" don't have any actual arguments based on original intent or the actual words in either to support their contentions. Worse then that- they can't explain the status of American Samoans... American nationals but not citizens. Any absolute birthright supporters here got a coherent legal argument they can present?

Leland said...

The progressives probably won’t learn the problem with their tactic as we saw earlier with Althouse post on Tapper vs Miller. Here is another attempt to suggest “these people will suffer” when those people aren’t the issue: https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/1884729114340569310
Doctors should physically see and assess patients. Sure, there is telemedicine, but Doctors are not the federal employees being impacted by being forced to return to their offices, clinics, or hospitals. And if they are impacted, then yes they need to be fired.

Hassayamper said...

Saw a report that Trump is approaching a 60 percent approval rating, and that this is true of blacks and Hispanics as well as whites.

We are seeing a preference cascade taking place before our eyes. People are sick to death of coercive wokery and a government that has become the tail wagging the dog. With the wind of public opinion at his back, control of Congress, and a friendly Supreme Court, Trump has the opportunity to take a place in the top rank of the most consequential Presidents, alongside Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.

I hope he doesn't blow it, or worse, suffer the fate of Julius Caesar. And make no mistake, these historic days we are living through now will be remembered for thousands of years. The name of Trump will be discussed alongside those of Caesar and Napoleon.

FormerLawClerk said...

Word out tonight that Meta (Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook) is paying Donald Trump $25 million dollars for cancelling his account while he was President in his first term.

That's on top of ABCNews and former Clinton spokesman George Stephanopolis paying $15 million to Trump for defamation of character in falsely claiming he is a convicted rapist.

Let's hope that Elon Musk gets on the lawsuit train for falsely accusing him of being a Nazi and starts spending these assholes to death.

There's a GOLD MINE for smart lawyers out there willing to take on the dying media.

narciso said...

I thought my link was very clear on the intent the ngo media complex was trying to deny jews their critical part of the holocaust

Now i know the oun the ustachi the milice

Clyde said...

Here is a good example of what's possible right now, from Fredrik Jonsson and pillart.ai. It's just little disjointed scenes at this point with background music, but it's only a matter of time until it's full-length features with dialogue.


Clyde said...

Here is another one from Fredrik Jonsson. If you like his work, click on his home page and look at the reels.


rhhardin said...

DVDs from the 90s to 2016 are good. Random recommendation In a Day (2006) and maybe 50 others that I remember fondly.

Rocco said...

Ok. We've discussed the Caroline with a C or a K issue. What else we got to talk about?

Enigma said...

Trump is already one of the top 10 most consequential Presidents in history. That does not make him 'good' or 'bad' -- just consequential. He brought forth the end of post-WW2 globalism, fights inherently self-imploding Wokeness, and initiated a home focused era. I'm not sure whether Trump caused anything, or in the right place when the need for change was strong.

Naive Obama 2008 said "Change" and made "black guy wins" symbolism hip, but let the evil Deep State take control. Biden revealed how shallow, clueless, and corrupt they all had become. If Hillary won in 2016, she may have governed like Biden and led to a Trump or Trump-like win in 2020.

Trump's assassination photo, mugshot, and comeback will be remembered and studied for thousands of years. Yes.

Enigma said...

AI and all new creative content must fight the back catalog. There are a limited number of dramatic plots (i.e., seven), and many stories have been told several times. The classics became classics for being first. So, the general issue is that old competes with new and new simply isn't worth much money or time. Once you've seen it and get bored, you move on. Diminishing returns.

Look to music for what'll happen to movies in the next 20 years. Music is relatively cheap and easy to produce. AI is not yet a significant factor AFAIK.

Flat Tire said...

I see that Vogue has decided to trash Melania. What a joke they are. They should still be hiding their faces over the fawning coverage of Bashar al-Assad's wife Asma "The Rose of the Desert".

narciso said...

When they are screaming or crying youre usually over the target and zeroing in on their grift, their indifference their criminalitu

Mason G said...

At the RFK Jr. confirmation hearing...

Sen. Whitehouse: "Mr. Kennedy, I only have five minutes with you, so. And I've got a lot of experience with CMS, so you're just going to have to listen."

How do you determine if someone is competent to hold any particular position in the government if you require the nominee to sit and listen to you make a speech?

narciso said...


wildswan said...

I just watched the first White House briefing. It was great not to be embarrased by a woman doing a job, in this case, the WH press secretary, Karoline Leavitt. She was good. What I noticed particularly was that the legacy media asked "gotcha " questions where the others - the bloggers and the back row reporters KFP ignored - asked for information. Moreover, as Karoline Leavitt repeatedly pointed out, Gotcha Gang members were repeatedly asking the same question and she had the facts at her fingertips - "You asked Trump that two days ago, me that yesterday, me that again to day." Like that. That is stronger than saying: "As I have repeatedly said." You do get the feeling, as you watch, that the Gotchas are time-wasters. They have the best seats, they get called most frequently and yet they just repeat questions and try to lay traps. They're in their own little FearlessMe mini-dramas in their heads rather than trying to be informed so they can inform us in turn. ""Has the Presidet stopped being a Fascist?" "Can the President swear than not one single beautiful Monarch butterfly will be harmed by the exhaust of the jets cross-crossing the sky as they carry children separated from their parents and carrying their puppies which ICE agents kicked as they were boarded?"

RCOCEAN II said...

Why are they called quarter notes?
Because the guy who wrote the song got 25 cents for each of them.

RCOCEAN II said...

If you're going to tell jokes about eyes,
The cornea the better.

narciso said...

https://www.youtube.com/live/-qWSXJ61GbM?si=pfw_rO9FKUNVc-YF ais their smallest problem

Aggie said...

Ummm.. I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat.

Ampersand said...

When it comes to corny jokes, I'm all ears.

Sebastian said...

John Hinderaker at PowerLine says he's stunned a top NYC law firm has agreed to handle Trump's lawfare case appeal. So am I. Regardless of outcome, a good sign.

Drago said...

Interestingly, this is something LLR-democratical Rich asserted would never happen.

But then Rich asserts many things that end up being pure failure, doesn't he?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

You can find movie DVDs at Dollar Tree. I rescued Woody's 'Another Woman' (1988) for $1.25

Deep State Reformer said...

So I read that DoD pulled exGen.Mark Milley's limo & security detail. I'm cool with that but now I wonder how many more of these hacks also have limousines and security details too. For Pete's sake somebody ought to investigate that angle. It used to be that the media love jumping on stuff like this now barely a peep out of them.
link here

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Politics continues to make strange bedfellows. Latest exhibit: Elizabeth Warren defends big Pharma over a Kennedy constituent. I bet nobody, I mean NOBODY, had that on their bingo card. Hating Trump is the best thing that could've happened to this country.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Gallup Polling approve 47% disapprove 48% another record by the head of the gang that cant shoot straight, no president in history has been underwater this early in presidency..Now thats some mandate.Unconstitutional, never mind, that's not what I meant.. you aint seen nothing yet ,wait till you watch the gang that cant shoot straight shut down government a trump and republican favorite F those people affected they'll eventually get paid,,F the government rating,,we'll show em...My god madge a lame duck authoritarian wanna be trashing the china shop

Kakistocracy said...

At last someone who is willing to stick to their principles and do their job.

Trump Lashes Out at a Favorite Nemesis: The Federal Reserve ~ WSJ

Although in this instance, the Fed really didn't have any choice other than to stay on hold today and make some mildly hawkish noises, since they have already slashed rates by 100 bp over 4 months and inflation is stubbornly refusing to come down.

The 5-year breakeven inflation rate was 1.85% before Jerome Powell went overboard with the jumbo rate cut in September, and this same 5-year breakeven inflation rate has been climbing steadily since then, currently at 2.52%.

So while Trump and the stock markets would love to get lots more rate cuts in short order, the trend in inflation means that if the Fed obliges, the bond markets are going to keep raising long-term rates, at a time when the US already has massive borrowing requirements, even without taking into account the forthcoming large tax cuts and the rollover of expiring tax cuts from Trump 1.0.

So the Fed is really stuck between two unhappy choices -- get roasted by Trump by not cutting rates or get roasted by the Bond markets by cutting rates despite the elevated inflation and inflation expectations and expected large fiscal excesses.

They have chosen to respect the Bond markets for now, although it is difficult to forecast how long that resolve will sustain. when Trump directs the full force of his considerable and unrestrained ire at them in the coming months.

The bond markets speak softly but carry a big stick -- unlike the loudmouth in the White House who brandishes a very small one…


"The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds. ' ~ Will Durant, American Philosopher

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

This is the 10th Anniversary of one of the most unusual press conferences ever conducted in the annals of promocional publicity.  

john mosby said...

ref last night's boat story, from the Telegraph: "The French navy is full of ships named after men who beat us. Don’t rename HMS Agincourt"



Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Science Video: A test about self awareness using children

The next group science will attempt to test will be typical TDS voters. 😉

Eva Marie said...

The 2 nominees that seem to be having the hardest time are the 2 Democrats - Tulsi and RFK. Message received: Don’t leave the cult.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Video: Little wonder why some women find these men irresistible.

They are today's Jene Kelly and Fred Astaire.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Video: #Not All Drones

This is an Aww video. You probably seen it already.

James K said...

Helicopter-regional jet collision over DC. From the video it looks like the helo T-boned the plane. Hard to imagine how that could happen accidentally. But maybe I'm seeing it wrong.

effinayright said...

Thanks for the political glossolalia, Dinky. You can put that snake down now.

Eva Marie said...

@lem: good videos. For the baby video, one of the comments was something like: O my God, they’re becoming self aware! lol

effinayright said...

Here's how it happens. Plane A is going East-West. Plane B is going N-S at the same altitude and directly into A' s flight path, or at angle to it.

They collide.

Or vice versa. It's happened many time before.

Anita said...

Thanks for sharing. That first kitty looks a lot like my little cat Pepper.

Jim at said...

Gallup Polling approve 47% disapprove 48%

What's President Harris' approval rating?

Mary Beth said...

It was a commuter jet and a military helicopter.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A draft of an affidavit. It's not Hunter's laptop, but it's all we got, and all we got is better than nothing.

As my favorite American philosopher Donald Rumsfeld said; “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


wildswan said...

There was a crash into the Potomac years ago, the Fourteenth Street bridge crash, when the water was equally icy. One woman was drowning because she couldn't hold onto the rescue ring a helicopter dropped to her. Her body and her hands were too frozen to grip. A man named Lenny Skutnick jumped in the Potomac and swam out to her and dragged her to shore. I remember watching this video back then. The Lenny Skutnick rescue starts at 2:12-4:32.


Dr Weevil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James K said...

It hasn't "happened many times before," and in this case "Plane A" was a helicopter. So my question is how the helicopter did not see the plane, or ATC not keep it away. Now I'm hearing that ATC did warn the helicopter.

wildswan said...

When you watch the Lenny Skutnick video you can see what conditions must be like on the Potomac right now. Once again the Potomac is frozen. Back then the plane smashed through the ice so that's why you see slush and lots of ice floes. People still had little chance of survival because they began to get hypothermia almost right away. That's why the woman in the water couldn't hold onto the rescue ring.

Jupiter said...

The thing is, I don't want to bring this guy to justice. I don't want to hale him in front of a judge, and have him sentenced to be confined for a brief period. I want to kill him. I think it is not merely my right, it is my duty to kill this POS. It burns in my breast that I have not carried out that duty. His existence is incompatible with a tolerable order of society. This town is not big enough for the both of us.

effinayright said...

You said you could hardly see how it could be an accident. That's a fuckuvalot different from now asking why a helicopter (on a training flight) did nt see the plane. LAME.

And yes,mid-air collisions have happened many times. Here are just some of the Big Ones:

"The 1996 Charkhi Dadri mid-air collision near New Delhi, India is the deadliest mid-air collision. A Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 747 collided with a Kazakhstan Airlines Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane, killing all 349 people aboard both aircraft.

The 1956 Grand Canyon collision saw two commercial flights (United Airlines and TWA) collide over the Grand Canyon, killing all 128 people aboard both aircraft. This crash led to major reforms in air traffic control systems.

The 1960 New York mid-air collision occurred when a United Airlines DC-8 collided with a TWA Constellation over Staten Island, killing all 128 aboard the planes plus six people on the ground.

That doesn't include military accidents, general aviation and the like.

Here are some notable helicopter collisions:

The 2009 Hudson River collision in New York City occurred when a tourist helicopter collided with a small private plane, killing all 9 people aboard both aircraft.

In 1986, two UH-1 Iroquois military helicopters collided during an airshow at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, killing 8 people.

A particularly tragic incident occurred in 2018 in Mexico when two news helicopters covering a police chase collided in Mexico City, killing all occupants including both news crews.

In 1983, a Sea King helicopter collided with another helicopter over the Persian Gulf during a British Royal Navy training exercise, resulting in multiple fatalities.

In 2008, two police helicopters collided in Phoenix, Arizona while covering a police pursuit, killing all four officers aboard both aircraft.

The 2002 Überlingen collision, while primarily known for the passenger jet collision, actually involved rescue helicopters colliding in the chaos of the response, though fortunately without fatalities.

You must be a kid.

Jupiter said...

Multiple times, in multiple places, humans have evolved the same system, of clan, and feud. An offense against a member of your clan, by a member of another clan, will be avenged against all of his clan. The drawbacks of this system are well-known, but it is also the reason that a 16-year-old Scots maiden could take her yarn to market, and walk home unmolested with her ribbons. She wore the tartan of the MacGregors, and they were a fearsome clan in feud.
The modern State assures us, that it will fill the role of the clan, only better. Everyone will be protected, as a "citizen", and any harm against a citizen will be avenged. Well, if that were true, then the law would be a fine thing. But it is a lie, and the Law is a tool of deception.
The woman in that video is courageous, and determined, and she saved that little girl from being raped, and probably either murdered or sold, by that POS. Which took courage, and I commend her. But that is the role of a woman. The nature of that thing is not changed. It should be destroyed. A man should destroy it.

Ampersand said...

Why was a military helicopter anywhere near the Reagan International Airport landing flight path at 10pm? There is something weird about this.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A marksman missed Trump from a few hundred feet.
A helicopter and a plane did not miss each other over DC.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Like the draft of the affidavit says, I like to ‘re-jiggers the facts, or makes them up, and rush to tell as many people as he can so that is the version of reality that gets distributed in people’s minds....’ I love that vibe.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I propose a Ramadán like pause in the DC Trump fighting. A chance for Americans to mourn and bury their dead. Let’s do the right thing here.

wendybar said...

THIS is what a scumbag Kennedy looks like. JFK would roll over in his grave if he ever saw his prancing little grandson who in his 30's acts like an idiot. Can we deport him and keep some of those hardworking illegals?

Nicole Saphier, MD
JFK’s grandson, Jack Schlossberg, posted a video mocking RFK Jr’s spasmodic dysphonia, a disabling neurological disorder.

Family members attacking their own family says more about them than RFK Jr.


Money Manger said...

But 5-year 5-year forward breakeven rates are at 2.28%. The market thinks President Vance will really get inflation under control !

wendybar said...

Incredible that Gold Bar Menendez is crying about his trial being political after what he and his party did to Trump. Now he is begging Trump to save him. The big difference is, Menendez IS corrupt and has gotten away with more than he ever got charged with. He deserves prison.

Molly Crane-Newman
Replying to @molcranenewman
Some stunning remarks from Menendez outside court: “President Trump was right. This process is political, and it’s corrupted to the core. I hope President Trump cleans up the cesspool and restores the integrity to the system.”


Clyde said...

Yeah, it's like the biggest turd in the cesspool piping up about cleaning up the cesspool.

Enigma said...

They fly security missions, they carry politicians, and they do other spooky military stuff. Perhaps they were exactly where they were told to be, or perhaps the helicopter pilot made a mistake.

There are all sorts of commercial large, commercial small, and military airports in and around DC. Zoom in on this Drone no-fly map to DC -- stuff everywhere.


exhelodrvr1 said...

Probably a normal training flight

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

The Coast guard has an air base at Reagan international that includes helicopters used for airspace incursion. The small international airport near where I live in center Mass has a Air national guard base on it. Having military bases at airports is a very common thing. If you knew anything about the masculine arts of aviation and/or the armed services instead of being a commie pinko manbaby, you would know this.

wendybar said...

"New York Magazine has been caught red-handed editing black people out of its coverage of a young conservative bash in Washington, DC.

People of color — including, astonishingly, the party’s host — were cut from the print magazine cover picture and the narrative of the magazine’s story, titled “The Cruel Kids’ Table” about young conservatives celebrating Donald Trump’s return to the White House.

“It would have undermined this entire narrative that they wanted to perpetuate, which is that MAGA is some racially homogenous movement of people,” party host CJ Pearson told The Post."


Howard said...

The way you frame the question indicates that you know nothing of the dangerous manly pursuits. The way you friend your question you sounded like a San Francisco suburban housewife who campaigned heavily for Kamala Harris

Howard said...

The Bill Maher podcast with Matt Gaetz was very enlightening. Joe Bob says check it out.

hawkeyedjb said...

I wonder if Dwight Eisenhower had a limo and security detail when he left the military. I don't know the answer, but I'm guessing not.

hawkeyedjb said...

The people at New York Magazine don't care that they were "caught." Theirs is the noble lie, in service of the greater truth. The Narrative must be fed with chopped-up little pieces of The Truth. That's how The Narrative grows.

Jaq said...

Remember when they told us the election was too close to call?

Maynard said...

At least Sheldon didn't read for RFK Jr's high school yearbook and ask him what "boof" meant.

Jaq said...

If you are having coffee at a sidewalk cafe in Winooski, you often get treated to the show of five F-35s taking off or landing in sequence. Of course a lot of locals do not consider it a "treat."

Saint Croix said...

ha ha ha

Saint Croix said...

Dude! Too funny

Leland said...

It is great to see progressives excited about polling still. Here's the latest Quinnipiac University Poll. Let's look at some of their comments:

Just over a week after being sworn into office, 46 percent of voters approve of the job Trump is doing, while 43 percent disapprove and 11 percent did not offer an opinion.

I'm sure that gives Dinky Dau joy to see Trump under 50%. And since he trusts polls to make him feel better, there is this tidbit:

In today's poll, 31 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party, while 57 percent have an unfavorable opinion. This is the highest percentage of voters having an unfavorable opinion of the Democratic Party since the Quinnipiac University Poll began asking this question.

Oh dear...

Rusty said...

It looks like the plane started to rapidly lose altitude at 400 feet. The Blackhawk stated they could see the aircraft and were trying to manuver out of the way. It looks like it didn't move fast enough and the plane hit the helicopter.
In aviation things happen very fast at low altitude and loss of control. Gravity always works.

James K said...

Seems like some here like to project straw men just to be able to show how clever and snarky they can be. What was "hard to imagine" was a helo beelining into a commercial jet. I'm well aware of all the helo-helo collisions, or helo-small private plane collisions. So far there are no clear answers as to why this helo, in contact with ATC, turned right into the path of the jet. I was not asserting that it was intentional, just that it was, well, "hard to imagine."

Rusty said...

James. At 140 knots and a few hundred feet of clearance things happen real fast. I'm just gonna guess here but lets say the helo was going 120. The closing speed was 260. Giving the full four hundred feet the helo pilot had seconds to outguess the jet pilots manuvering.
The jet pilot lost control. He and his copilot are struggling to get the plane under control. They aren't looking for a helocopter. In fact they might never have seen the helo.
Let's not start laying blame until we know all the facts.

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