November 1, 2024

President? What President? We have a President?

Screen grab from NYT home page just now. It links here, where Michelle Cottle writes: "It is time for Democrats to stop putting a mic in front of President Biden unless absolutely necessary.... With just a few days left in this race, I’d like to request — ever so gently — that Biden keep those lips zipped on political matters. Things are crazy enough out here without his help."

Either he's President or he isn't. He's made a mess of everything and deprived us of a normal process of selecting a President. And the Democratic Party candidate for President is entirely implicated in the dangerous, outrageous situation, and you just want to shut him up for a few days?! No, the entire shit show is the responsibility of Democratic Party that is aggressively seeking power over his half-dead body. Why should we look away?


Political Junkie said...

Imagine if the parties were reversed. Media would be nonstop. R candidate for president would be polling in the 20s.

John henry said...


John Henry

Dave Begley said...

That’s it! That’s the theme and way to get the vote of Dems. Penalize Harris as retribution for depriving the Dems of a normal selection and nomination process. Heck, Kennedy or Shapiro would be the nominee if the Dems had primaries and Biden withdrew a year ago.

typingtalker said...

"Between 73 and 79 days after the presidential election, the president-elect of the United States is inaugurated as president by taking the presidential oath of office. The inauguration takes place for each new presidential term, even if the president is continuing in office for a second term."

We've got him for a while yet. What would it take to remove him from office before January? But then, even if Trump wins, we'd still have some time with Kamala ...

Quaestor said...

Biden has spent the last 3.7 years ruining the United States and getting Americans killed uselessly. We’re told without evidence he’s a good Catholic. If true then he understands the concept of atonement. For the sake of his immortal soul, he needs to atone for the damage he’s done to the nation, and the best way to do that is to ruin the Democratic Party.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The best way to stop embarrassing President Biden moments and their attendant electoral hits to Harris's campaign is to admit he shouldn't be President. But that would also reflect poorly on Harris's continued insistence he's in fine form.

Democrats, I'm so insincerely sorry this is happening to you!

Oh well. On with the election! (Go Brandon!)

BUMBLE BEE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I look forward to the inevitable "They're eating the babies! They are eating the babies!" memes.

rhhardin said...

Althouse has decided that the Democrat party doesn't mean well.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

And their cabal wants Que-Mala to be another clueless puppet for the next four years. I voted for Bill Clinton twice -- different elections, please note -- and today's Democrats bear no resemblance to those times, let along the America-loving Democrats of the JFK era.

Today's Dems need to join the Whigs on the rubbish-heap of American political history. Who better to drive that "garbage" truck than President Trump.

BUMBLE BEE said...

It does explain the state of the nation, however. Barack's dem party are simply unqualified f*ck ups!. Bill Clinton got his jab in by saying the country was doing better under Trump. All the dems had/have is hate for America. Alinsky's rules.

BUMBLE BEE said...


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

A big part of Michelle Cottle's job is bossing people around without them knowing it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Well now... Buy war bonds!

Jaq said...

Joe Biden is actually pretty good at communicating exactly what he wants to communicate. Most of the time it's diametrically opposite to the truth, he is highly skilled at spouting projection as if he believes it, for example. All of this stuff, the nazi stuff, the garbage stuff, is intended to give permission to his most rabid followers to "vote early and vote often."

rhhardin said...

I-bonds aren't bad, up to $10,000 once a year. Inflation protected, plus some small interest that doesn't matter much in comparison.

There are also TIPS Treasury Inflation Protected Securities but (1) they might carry an interest rate less than zero and (2) you pay income tax on the inflation portion each year even though you haven't been paid the money.

traditionalguy said...

Just woke up. Did Althouse just say, “Fight, Fight, Fight”?

Quaestor said...

“We’ve got him for a while yet.”

And what will Biden do with those lasts days in power? Mostly issuing blanket pardons for himself and his cokehead offspring. The only way we’ll know the sordid details will be to bring the former President before a joint Congressional committee for some richly deserved grilling. That will set a very unwelcome precedent, but without a trial over the crimes exposed by the laptop Mac, the United States will end up like Russia, a country with huge gaps in its history — the national memory replaced by national amnesia. Fortunately, Biden won’t be able to hide behind the Fifth Amendment because by pardoning himself he will have already incriminated himself. Unfortunately, he’ll lie under oath or plead idiocy.

gspencer said...

". . . and you just want to shut him up for a few days?! No, the entire shit show is the responsibility of Democratic Party that is aggressively seeking power over his half-dead body. Why should we look away?"

Good for you, AA.

Jaq said...

Yeah, we should fight WWIII over the insult to Ukrainian dignity of having their neighbors in their country, who live in their ancestral homes, which were in Russia for centuries, speaking their ancestral language, which is Russian.

Leland said...

Let this sink in, not even the President is allowed the freedom of speech.

Breezy said...

Paraphrasing Gutfeld yesterday: We imagined he was eating baby food but not that type of baby food…!

Heartless Aztec said...

Althouse insults "shit show" by comparing it to the Democrat Party an organization that at the very least should be RICO'd.

Breezy said...

Harris has the best surrogates!

Rusty said...

And now we're dealing with, "assistant moron".

Christopher B said...

This is not on Biden but he's a co-conspirator, not a pawn. It is on the Democrats in their entirety.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Keeping Biden off her campaign is the only good decision Kamala has made. Which mean the president has to be in really bad shape.

That gaff Biden made, calling the deplorables garbage, completely undid the MSG comedian flub about Puerto Rico.

My theory is, and I could be wrong; if Biden has dementia, the deterioration of his cognitive abilities means, the ability to censor himself is also deteriorating, so, if that is true, that means, the Biden that was gaff prone before, with dementia he becomes Gaff Man on Steroids, which makes me wish he was out there campaigning. Kamala is just terrible for keeping our president on White House arrent. She can't contain the prosecutor in her or something.😉

Curious George said...

He's not a good Catholic. He's not a good anything.

Ralph L said...

Next, he'll eat the cats and dogs of the people that live there.

Kate said...

He's either the POTUS or he's an old, declining father. If the latter, then Kamala is the surrogate daughter who needs to respectfully manage his final days. Has she no affection, no sense of duty? Or is he one of the men she's learned to hide from?

Christopher B said...

Out : eating cats and dogs
In : eating babies

Curious George said...


Steve said...

I am stunned that nobody seems to care about Harris's participation in hiding Biden's obvious mental decline. The press should be asking every day "who is really in charge?" and "how long have you known about his decline?" If a real crisis happens (Iran attacks US ships, China goes into Taiwan, etc.) I do not think Biden is capable of doing his job.

Curious George said...

No if.

tcrosse said...

What we need is some mechanism for sidelining a President who is unable to do his job. Maybe it would take a constitutional amendment.

Jaq said...

I have a better idea, can't somebody keep this man away from children?

gspencer said...

Through and through rotten to the core. And people actually believe that Democrats really, really mean it when they take the oath to obey the Constitution. Ya know, that documents which is supposa LIMIT fedgov. Democrats would fedgov you 24/7, just like in Red China.

Jaq said...

The reason that they prefer this method of communication is that they rule by befuddlement.

Hassayamper said...

Althouse has decided that the Democrat party doesn't mean well.

She’s always had a marvelous talent for poking holes in the Left’s narrative, even when there is reason to believe she shares their goals. Cruel neutrality and all that. But lately she is really letting her frustration at being lied to and manipulated seep into her comments. This post and the one before make no effort to conceal her contempt.

Bill R said...

Re: "No, the entire shit show is the responsibility of Democratic Party"

There's a story from the Battle of Gettysburg. As Pickett's charge was ending, a determined confederate flag bearer heard a sudden silence. Looking around, he found himself alone, his comrades having all been shot or driven away. The Federals had stopped firing and one of them gestured to the low stone wall that was the front line. "Why don't you step over to the side of the Lord", said the Yankee, mildly.

Sizing up the situation, the color sergeant did just that.

Welcome, Professor Althouse, to the side of the Lord.

Oh Yea said...

If Kamala does win, I hope there is a movement for Biden to step down immediately. No reason to wait until January for her to start her To Do List. Too many critical problems to be solved to delay.

Jaq said...

The problem with the 25th amendment is that it requires the people benefiting from his disability to remove him. Lottery winners don't look for reasons to return their winnings, either.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

He's not a good anything.

He's a good "Worst President ever!". In fact, he may be the all time greatest!

Tank said...

Hey, sharp as a tack !!!

FormerLawClerk said...

"He's made a mess of everything and deprived us of a normal process of selecting a President."

Two thoughts on this:

1) Biden is the victim of a coup, engineered by Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and a few other co-conspirators in which they THREATENED to remove him from the Presidency if he didn't get out of the race. So Joe Biden didn't "deprive" us of anything.

2) It's a very normal process to walk into a voting booth and vote for Donald Trump. That's how you get a President.

It's only abnormal if you're voting for a Democrat.

Jaq said...

Democrats are just following Machiavelli's dictum: "Give me the power to nominate, and I will care little for your power to elect." The power to nominate is far too important to be trusted to voters, even if they are all Democrats.

Iman said...

News reports indicate the amount of candy handed out on Halloween last night increased by 7.3% compared to both 2022 and 2023. Experts say this usually portends well for Republicans in an election year.

Gusty Winds said...

Why would you want to hide a President who received 81 million votes? More than any President in history???

Iman said...

Democrats and their destruction of Title IX. Because of their idiocy, the term “bonus hole” has entered the lexicon.

So women have been reduced to the last hole at the local miniature golf course.

Gusty Winds said...

He's made a mess of everything and deprived us of a normal process of selecting a President. 1) The Americans who wanted to just "move on" from the obvious absentee 2020 voter fraud also deprived us of a 'normal' process. 2) So did all the clerks and crooked vote counters that helped implement it. 3) So did the people who set up J6 and the corrupt J6 committee.

Ballot harvesting in the park in Madison, WI summer 2020 deprived us of a normal process. Just like the WI recall against Walker in 2011, driven by Madison, WI. There's a chance the fraud apparatus is still in place and will again rob us of a normal process. Libs LOVE IT.

Yes, Biden took the oath of office knowing full well he was installed rather than elected. But there were plenty of complicit Americans who installed him. Did anybody think this "man of honor" wasn't going to fuck around after being thrown to the curb?

Gusty Winds said...

The guy that took the oath of office, knowing full well he was installed via voter fraud and not elected... is now the 'victim' of a coup. Kick ass.

Aggie said...

Every gaff that Biden has made since endorsing Kamala has been expertly timed to damage her campaign. Biden has been hiding behind his dementia ever since campaigning from his basement in 2020. Sure, he has dementia, sure, he's a feeble old guy - but he's still the nastiest piece of work in Delaware, and he's been 'getting even' his whole career, as he 'gets ahead' with his family's overseas business deals. He's relied on the strength of the Democrat Party to keep this under wraps, but he won't have this protection much longer. I think this is his payback to Obama, accepting the bum's rush but handing him back a sh*t sandwich as he's pushed out the door.

pacwest said...

It's not Joe, but Obama acolytes who will remain in power for 2 month after Trump is elected. They will spend the next two months throwing as many wrenches into the day to day working of government as they can. It won't be petty stuff like removing w's from keyboards this time. A prime target will be to exacerbate the looming dockworkers strike to disrupt the supply chain to the greatest extent possible.

Gusty Winds said...

Last night Nicole Shanahan (RFK Jr. VP pick, and once liberal mega donor; now MAGA supporter) called out Jill Biden for wearing the panda costume. She thinks it an in your face child abusive pedophilia symbol [two black eyes on the panda].

It took people a long time to accept the fact that priests were abusing children for a long, long time, at very high volumes. I don't think it's that big of a leap to see the same in our Epstein Island visiting elite, and Hollywood stars. We KNOW its going on. We KNOW Epstein was killed. We KNOW Ghislaine Maxwell is remaining silent to remain alive.

Perhaps the Biden's are sending this message: "If we're going down, we're taking you with us."

typingtalker said...

The democratic party is putting party over country. And Biden is with us until January 20, 2025, when someone else will be sworn in as president.

Iman said...

Biden is pissed and he’s not mincing his words…

wendybar said...

Don't look away. Push their noses in it like an unhousebroken puppy. Keep reminding them that everything happening is happening because they caused it, abused it, and hoped the tide wouldn't turn. It did. Payback is a bitch, and victory will be watching them all have the meltdowns that are coming.

wendybar said...

Oh Yea, and just WHAT are those things she is promising besides reversing Roe, and amnesty for the illegals they ushered in???

RCOCEAN II said...

Biden didn't have the guts to stay in. The people who wanted him gone would've pulled back once he made it clear, he was going to have to be forced out. A convention battle would've split the party, and never would've happened.

Biden was a corrupt coward to the end. No doubt a threat to his pocketbook by the Billionaire donors sent him running.

pacwest said...

Perhaps my ass. If we burn you burn with us will be the motto of the Obama acolytes for the remaining 2 months of Obama's third term. The first six months of Trump's term will be consumed by putting out the dumpster fires.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

No, the entire shit show is the responsibility of Democratic Party that is aggressively seeking power over his half-dead body. Why should we look away?

Did you vote for Trump? Or did YOU "look away" once you got into the voting booth?

MadisonMan said...

I read quite a lot of anger in that final paragraph. Head Democrats (whomever they are!) deserve all that anger and more. I'm waiting for Hunter's pardon to come out post-election. What has Joe got to lose at this point?

MadisonMan said...

But will that value be adjusted downward when all the data are in?

MadisonMan said...

That's making me laugh.

Bob Boyd said...

"over his half-dead body"

Biden already has a pre-postmortem coin on one eye.

Joe Bar said...

There is one particular gruesome AI video out there. I'm sure you can find it.

Lazarus said...

"When you strike at a king, you must kill him."

If he's still hanging around, it can be really embarrassing.

Joe Bar said...

Why do they care? They'll just alter the transcript, like they did with the "Garbage" comment.

Narayanan said...

so who will prepare the paperwork for pardon etc? and put in front of FJB to sign?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A guy on the radio said if Trump wins and pardons himself he’s going to be president for 6 months, tops and then hand it over to JD.

Sebastian said...

"He's made a mess of everything" Not everything. Compared to other countries, the economy has done OK. Should have been the Dems' main pitch.

"And the Democratic Party candidate for President is entirely implicated in the dangerous, outrageous situation" The most outrageous aspect is the constant propaganda that Joe was fine until the moment he wasn't.

"the entire shit show is the responsibility of Democratic Party that is aggressively seeking power over his half-dead body." Right. But their lust for power overrides any tender feelings about sh*#, and their voters don't care. If you are going to degrade the entire country, why worry about the niceties of political process? Saving "our democracy" justifies dispensing with actual democracy.

Disparity of Cult said...

Après moi, le déluge

mezzrow said...

Nodding here. I get the vapors when you reach the level of eloquence you find at the end of this, Althouse.

My fingers start typing the words out on an air keyboard.

RMc said...

Why should we look away?

Because shut up, you racist.

RMc said...

Trump will not be the 47th president...he'll be the 48th, after Biden resigns and Kamala gets a few months to put her stamp on things whilst becoming the answer to a trivia question.

Josephbleau said...

Major finally got around to training Beiden to bite people.

Jupiter said...

"Why should we look away?"
She isn't suggesting that we look away. She's suggesting that her colleagues should join her in keeping the truth from reaching the public. Although "join her" might not be the right phrase. In her desperation to generate more publishable garbage for her execrable employer, she has called attention to what she urges others to hide.

PM said...

Whatever group or individual who's been telling Biden how to conduct his Presidency is going to perform the same labor for Harris if she's 'elected'. It'll be a smooth transition.

MadisonMan said...


planetgeo said...

It's hard to joke about this situation in which the country is without a President. And it's utterly shocking that the entire Democrat Party is without a care in the world about it. No problem, apparently, it's only a few more months, eh?

I can think of numerous situations that would put millions of our people in life or death peril because of this lack of concern. Why isn't Congress demanding to know who exactly is constitutionally able to make a "launch" decision at a moment's notice right now?! It's absolutely clear that Joe Biden is no longer competent to make that decision.

Who, dammit?!

Rocco said...

White House press release coming soon: “Biden is no longer at the White House and living quietly elsewhere with family and friends.”

loudogblog said...

The Democrat party should have no say regarding whether the media is allowed to talk with the President of the United States or not. This reminds me of when the Soviet Union communist party leaders suddenly decided that Gorbachev needed a break and hid him away from the world in order to attempt a coup.

Christopher B said...

Bret Baier asked her.
Her answer, predictably.... "But Trump!!"

mikee said...

Why should we look away? Because it worked in 2020, when dementia Joe was hidden from voters for a year before the election, and he won off mail-in ballots.

mikee said...

The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is one of vicarious atonement that is complete with full value for the redemption of the human race. Individual atonement for sins isn't a Catholic thing, it is a Protestant thing. Catholics do penance to reconcile with God, not fellow humans.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Never fear. Mark Cuban is ready and willing to step into the breech

rehajm said...

Playoffs? Play-offs? Playoffs? You kiddin’ me?

Gospace said...

RMc- you are likely correct. But I suspect it's more likely he'll be deceased. He's not healthy in more ways then his head.

JAORE said...

Too impaired to run for POTUS. But not so bad he can not BE the POTUS.

Now he's too impaired to speak to the public, but STILL he's OK to be POTUS.

Tina Trent said...

If Trump wins, one of the many benefits accruing will be the invention of a new phrase for electoral disaster: “Biting the Baby.”

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