October 31, 2024

A dark sunrise — 7:23, 7:24.




Original Mike said...

"A dark sunrise"

We received 2.6 inches of rain last night at our house.

Kay said...

Happy Halloween I just realized I love it because it’s the only holiday that’s truly for all ages. It’s so sweet honestly, older people get to give out candy to kids, if you’re at a partying age you can do that, kids get candy, it’s very crafty…it’s for movie nerds too. People even give gifts? It’s just a random holiday people do anything for

Kay said...
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mikee said...

A dark sunrise? What's next, a well-lit sunset?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Halloween is, curiously, the most civic of American holidays (if it can be called a holiday). Children call at stranger's houses to good-naturedly receive treats, It's a heartening remnant of the high-trust society I knew as a child, and I find it discouraging that there seem to be more dark houses every year.

Real patriots hand out candy.

Inga said...
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FormerLawClerk said...

We really don't care who you ditzy broads vote for.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Speaking of a dark sunrise, we watched The Innocents from 1961 not too long ago, a surprisingly good movie.

rehajm said...

In our area there’s too much wildlife and it’s too dark because of rules against light pollution. Lots of stuff to trip on. The kiddos do something in lieu of door knocking. A party, whatever…

RCOCEAN II said...

This reminds me of:

It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind that swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.

Often mocked by "Peanuts" and others, I always the sentence and the novel. I think Bulwer-Lytton got a bad rap.

RCOCEAN II said...

So, I left out that I Liked it. And I like dark moons and dark sunrises too.

Inga said...
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Inga said...
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Inga said...
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The Vault Dweller said...
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The Vault Dweller said...

During Halloween instead of answering the door every time a group of Trick or Treaters rolls by, I will frequently leave out a bowl of candy so I can work on other stuff. I just got to hear from outside a kid excitedly shout, "Guys, guys it says take THREE!" It's nice to hear kids being excited and happy like that and it was really nice to hear that their instinct was to only take a single piece of candy, rather than just grab fistfuls or empty the whole bowl.

Narr said...

Meh. Six year olds as superheroes is one thing; strapping seventeen year olds dressed like thugs is another.

Not enough of the former nowadays, and too many of the latter.

effinayright said...

Just yesterday, resident Squatting Troll Igna told us how decrepit Trump looked getting into that garbage truck.

Today we see him on video getting in, and talking about it at his rally.

No decrepitude seen.

I'm wondering if Inga will be collecting unemployment when her trolling gig ends.

MadisonMan said...

Milwaukee got next to nothing. Very tight eastern gradient to the precip totals.

rehajm said...

Will the people that have been in charge of the executive leave peacefully before inauguration day? They strike me as the kind of people to pull a stunt…

Maynard said...

Isn't it time for your evening meds, Inga?

The mania is becoming obvious again.

JaimeRoberto said...

If the threat of men intimidating their wives is so great, maybe we shouldn't have mail-in voting.

ga6 said...

Inga the man hater.

gadfly said...

What is this "We" shit, Dixcus. Where did you come from anyway? Inga has been hanging around on this blog for a very long time - and now, here your are - hogging space, twisting facts and attacking people. "Ditzy Broad" is fully misogynistic - ugly hatred and prejudice toward women.

All she ever did was offer an opinion with which you disagree. But there is never an attempt on your part to support a position.

Christopher B said...

Rainy Halloween in north central Kentucky. Lotta angst from the residents over when to do trick or treating, and feelingly somewhat curmudgeonly about it. Trunk or Treats have become a thing on the weekend prior to Halloween so we don't see many coming to our door, and we bailed on passing out candy due to the weather.

Early voted today. Much busier than I remember previous years though we did go at mid-day on the first day. What that portends for the outcome I can't say. Will be interesting to see what our day is like next Tuesday.

NKP said...

If Liz called Kirk a “twit”, is it fair to call Liz a “twat”?

Back in the day I had a class with her Dad. Small group. Lots of discussion. Dick came off as a bit of an “insider” but was anything but an “influencer” I can’t say I actually knew him. I can say there was nothing about him that made me want to know him.

Clyde said...

Happy Halloween! For my costume today at work, I wore a garbage bag and a Hatch Act-compliant red cap (Kansas City Monarchs, if you're curious). Lots of positive feedback from my coworkers. Thanks to the current occupant of the Oval Office for making me do it!

Iman said...
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Iman said...

"McMillan & Wife" Dark Sunrise (TV Episode 1977)
Kim Basinger is a college student who's staying at Mac's apartment but it's not for what you might think. A bomb explodes…


“Mac comes home from a weekend fishing trip and walks right into his own funeral. On the night he was away, his apartment was annihilated by a bomb, along with a man and a young woman.”

Iman said...
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Original Mike said...

Jesse Watters was joking, Inga. That's what he does.

Original Mike said...

Madison weather not very pleasant for Trick & Treating. Very windy and chilly.

Original Mike said...

But my wife is manning the door.

Original Mike said...

"Very tight eastern gradient to the precip totals."

I noticed that. I was watching the radar last night and the storms over Madison were all trending NNE.

Eva Marie said...

A dark sunrise foretells a dark MAGA rising
Trump/Vance 2024

MadisonMan said...

We have 120 full-sized bars to give away. And I'm not sure they're all going to be given away. Very slow.

MadisonMan said...

Tomorrow is the darkest Friday morning of the year.

Gospace said...

From an MSNBC report:

“Donald Trump has spent a decade trying to keep the American people divided and afraid of each other,” Harris told a crowd estimated at over 75,000 supporters who stretched from the Ellipse to the grounds of the Washington Monument. “I am here tonight to say: That is not who we are.”

Unsaid is what she was thinking as she finished- "And you garbage people and Nazis supporting Trump better fall in line!"

I like how that crows has steadily grown and is now >75,000 people. Just yesterday I read 50K. So figure in reality 25,000 or less.

TickTock said...

Making a table in the driveway in a small town in the Sierra. Waiting for the first small kids to arrive. Candy for them but wine for the parents which keeps them coming here after they are done with the merchants downtown.

Original Mike said...

"No decrepitude seen."

I've come to not believe Inga (to put it mildly). Today I saw that video and sure enough, her description of it was deceptive. Trump fumbled with the door handle.

Mad Anthony Wayne said...

Happy Halloween! Rainy in the Cincinnati area, but had decent turnout for trick or treaters. Just a few minutes til I close up at 8 on the dot.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Headline: "Supreme Court's conservative justices leave in place Virginia's purge of voter registrations"

I get the feeling the losing side can't show a single voter who has been harmed. Reminds me of one the Trump cases.

Narr said...

We had some rain this afternoon but it has cleared off and there was some trick or treat activity while I walked my evening mile. Maybe one out of eight or ten houses were celebrating, and there were a few groups of kids alone, more with parents walking or driving nearby, and my favorite--the distinctly tall and aromatic youngsters who were car-dashing from place to place, filling their pillowcases.

We didn't even buy any cheap just-in-case candy to hand out.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Started watching Netflix "Ancient Apocalypse"

Ancient Apocalypse: the Americas

"Some men see things as they are..." if you want to be able to, you got to keep an open mind.

rehajm said...

Does Trump have a ‘New York’ judge in Texas for his $10 billion suit? That’s a slam dunk for him if he does…

n.n said...

The boys and ghouls are frolicking. The candies are mysteriously disappearing. It's the thriller of all Hallow's eve. Ah ha ha ha ha.

rehajm said...

…certainly Texas judges may apply objective valuation methods and conclude &10 billion is not high enough…stare decisis and all

Rusty said...

Inga. Were you belted to your broom as you flew around Waukesha County tonight?

Rusty said...

Rained last night and was windy, increasingly so as the day progressed. I thought I'd see little trick or treaters blown along the sidewalks. More kids than we've seen for awhile. every one polite and well behaved. Tomorrow I mow the lawn for the last time this season.

Peachy said...

Eight years ago today, Hillary tweeted that "computer scientists" had uncovered a Trump-Russia link. What she did not mention was that those "computer scientists" were her own campaign operatives and that she had orchestrated the entire hoax. No one has ever been held to account.

Peachy said...

Jenna Griswold(D Partisan Hack CO secretary of State) George Brauchler

CRS 1-13-708(2): "Any person who knowingly publishes or causes to be published passwords...relating to a voting system shall immediately have their authorized access revoked and is guilty of a class 5 felony."

Jenna Griswold Just broke the law.

Peachy said...

Everything presented by the modern left is a lie.

Iman said...

Be strong, MadisonMan!

Breezy said...

Well, Mark Cuban blew up the thought of any woman being smart around Trump. He said that to Alyssa Farrah Griffin, who served in Trump’s first term, let alone Conway, Ivanka, Sanders, McEnany, etc. What an ass.

Drago said...

How timely now that we have hit the anniversary of another of the moronic Hillary-created hoaxes that Inga went so hog wild over for years.....and even after it was all debunked...under oath..in a courtroom.

It's the very hoax for which I've bestowed Inga with the moniker of P-Inga..the hoax created out of whole cloth by Hillary operatives and executed by them and amplified by our Pravda-media that claimed secret Trump Tower servers were linked to Alfa Bank servers in Moscow via secret "pings" allowing Trump and Putin to collaborate in their collusion. All a lie of course, but one P-Inga swallowed so deeply on it came out of her ears.

"Eight years ago today, Hillary tweeted that "computer scientists" had uncovered a Trump-Russia link. What she did not mention was that those "computer scientists" were her own campaign operatives and that she had orchestrated the entire hoax. No one has ever been held to account."


Just one of the hundreds of lies/hoaxes/Rupar-ed editing lies/etc that the P-Inga's and gadfly's and LLR-democratical brigade members (Chuck, Rich, lonejustice), Dumb Lefty Mark, Freder, victoria, etc have pushed for almost a full decade now.

Drago said...

The Hopeless Cat Lady Soy Boy gadfly: " hogging space, twisting facts and attacking people...."

Do you still believe Trump colluded with Putin?
Do you still believe the hoax dossier was proven "true"?
Do you still believe Trump told people to "drink bleach"?
Do you still believe Trump called nazi's "fine people"?

This list of questions could have included about 200 entries, but we'll just leave it right there for now.

Peachy said...

Tax payers paid how much for the Mueller BS? 'WE thought he was guilty - but we just could not find anything. oops. But thoughts! The corrupt FBI and media were all in.

effinayright said...

Hancock's crackpot ideas have been blown to smithereens again and again.

Anyone who is an ADVOCATE for a theory he spends his life trying to PROVE is NOT a "scientist".

But if and when he can provide concrete evidence on the ground, he should produce it.

He says, "Archaeology says if there were a lost civilization, they would have found it already."

BULLSHIT: Archeology has been finding "lost" civilizations year after year, all over the globe---only NONE of them are "advanced" or "alien."

And THAT's what Hancock pushes. His "evidence"? The ancient civilizations archaeology has found show buildings and artifacts HE says are beyond their capabilities.

IOW: those ancients were too primitive to have done what we see today, so they MUST HAVE had help from.....more ancient civilizations more advanced than the ones that followed.

And if archaeologists object the known data disproves his speculations? Well, that's because they are part of a gigantic conspiracy!

Open mind....hole in your head? Take yer pick.

n.n said...


n.n said...

Head like a hole. Black as your soul

Drago said...

Cuban has vomited up a "walkback" X post where he dances around an apology to women while still trying to attack Trump!

It's hilarious how this marketing only buffoon, who made his millions from a one time "success" in an organization that was acquired for far, far, far more than it was ever going to be truly worth (and did crash shortly thereafter) during the chucklehead acquisition days of the dot com boom just prior to bust (for the loser companies) is now so jealous of Elon and Trump that he is running around beclowning himself on huge range of issues, included DEI which was classic, just to be put on TV as some sort of politico-magnifico!

Hey, I could have sworn that the idiot gadfly, who has a hard time just changing out his army of cats litter boxes, LLR-Democratical Rich (operating on a new name every week or so), and Dumb Lefty Mark in particular were adament 18 months ago that X would die a horrific business death...with almost daily pronouncements on the impending doom....but yet all these conversations are happening on X while X builds itself out in a foundational way to become primarily a fee for services platform in addition to the worlds most consequential town square discussion platform.

Perhaps one of our astonishingly stupid lefties (there are so many!) could explain that explanatory "miss".


n.n said...
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n.n said...

Take a knee before the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve.

Head like a hole. Black as your soul.

Jupiter said...

We just had our first pair of trick-or-treaters.
In 2022, we had one trick-or-treater. One. With a parent hovering at the end of the driveway.
Last year, we had no trick-or-treaters.
I have long made it my practice to buy a dozen serious candy bars -- Three Musketeers, Babe Ruth, Butterfingers, etc. -- so the kids go "Wow! Look at those candy bars!". The older ones always grab one quick, while the young ones' hands hover over the plate, unsure what might be in those packages. No one ever takes more than one, and they always say "Thank you". I think that is the larger point of this public exercise; we interact with our neighbors' children, demonstrating to both sides that such interaction can be orderly and mutually rewarding. But last year, zero. My kids had to eat the candy bars. I suppose it's possible I ate one.
But this year, two so far, and they were properly appreciative. And the younger one hovered. Perhaps our long national nightmare is coming to an end?

Jupiter said...

Aaaaagh! It's Igna, here at my front door!
Oh wait. That's just your costume. You're dressed as Igna! Oh, wow, good one! You really scared me! Here, have a Hershey bar!

Jupiter said...

There is an innocent pleasure in watching the perplexity of the young ones, recognizing, from their elders' reaction, that a magnificent opportunity has opened up before them, yet unsure as to how they might take advantage of that opportunity, and nervously aware that they only get one choice from the over-flowing plate. "Giving candy to a baby", we call it.
Just had a couple more, I can hear my wife talking with them. "Trick or treat! Oh, WOW! Thank you!".

Jupiter said...

"Inga [sic] has been hanging around on this blog for a very long time - and now, here your are - hogging space, twisting facts and attacking people."

Don't you just hate that, Gadfly? When a bunch of criminal, alien vermin invade your territory and abuse your womenfolk?

Gospace said...

I read recently that Republicans outreach coordinators have a problem. Things the Democrats are actually doing are so far out that many people refuse to believe it.

Like for example, Democrat support for boys in girls sports- or males in female sports at any level. Despite all the evidence out there that this a Democrat supported policy- many refuse to believe it. It's too outrageous to be true.

Actually had an example the other day on this very blog when I posted about how NY Proposition 1 would mandate that males identifying as female at any age would be allowed to participate in woman's sports- or use women's facilities and training rooms (though that didn't come it would) and other such nonsense. How I was asked? And I've been asked that on Faccebook-0 it's just mandating equal rights. No, it isn't. It's mandating special rights for the mentally ill. The pro-1 forces don't mention that at all- they mention that it protects ABORTION rights. Only by penumbras and emanations- because NY courts will rule that abortion is a civil right. Gender identity and gender expression are in Prop 1. Can't discriminate against people who think they're other then their real gender.

Then there's the secret transing of children. No way ANYONE could support that! Tried looking up Brent Bowlby- and nothing in the MSM, just reports on X, such as- Brent Bowlby lost his kids because he refused to comply with state sanctioned grooming & transing of his CHILD. So h0ow could people hear of it if actual cases can't be found. What's interesting though is if you search "secret transing of children" you do get mixed results. Like from CNN: Fact check: Trump revives his lie that schools are secretly sending children for gender-affirming surgeries Don't have a full quote since it's behind a paywall but from the Dallas News: Parents of trans kids have a right to know
A New York Times investigation published Sunday found dozens of cases in which schools facilitated social transitioning for transgender students ...Aug 14 (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Monday ruled that a group of parents could not challenge a Maryland school district's policy against telling parents if their children identify as transgender or gender nonconforming. As an aside here- the court affirmed Youth Protection Standards for Scouting say very specifically that keeping secrets from parents or encouraging children to keep secrets from children violates YPT standard... But for a school to do it? Hmmm... makes you wonder.

The average person doesn't even want to think about such things. Much less believe politicians and teachers would support such things. And though there's plenty of proof it's being done- no, it must have been reported wrong. They don't want to believe it, so they don't. Of course, until it affects them personally, then there's nothing they can do about it.

Jupiter said...

”I think it’s so gross ..."
I got that far into Igna's bleat, when my mind reminded me that
"I think it's so gro...
...ovy now, That people are finally getting together,
Think it's wonderfuller now ..."

Reach out in the Darkness, Igna.

Jupiter said...

Eeeeeeeeeeh, I don't really think so. From time to time, our Igna has claimed to have descendants. I suppose it's possible that she was strapped to the bed, but my intuition says that Igna has been prepared, from time to time, to reflect that a hard man is good to find. Correct me if I'm wrong, Ig.

Gospace said...

J L Oliver said...

Halloween in Western Twin Cities, 1inch soggy snow. Certainly dampened visits.

Inga said...
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Inga said...
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walter said...

You're right Inga. They should tell their husbands directly.

n.n said...
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n.n said...

Tonight, progressive sects celebrate their dark religion, with the performance of human, reproductive rites for social, clinical, criminal, political, and climate progress. Beware liberal nurses, employees and investors of Planned Parenthood umbrella corporation, wielding scalpels. Boo!

Drago said...

I am very glad Tucker does not shower with his adolescent daughters and sexualize them at an early age in the way biden did of which P-Inga ended up approving so strongly she called biden an "honorable man".

Not surprising considering P-Inga also strongly approves of the New Soviet Democratical border policies which has allowed 400,000 children to be sexually and work slave trafficked into the US with no govt follow up.

And don't get me started on her strong support for explicit sexual material to be made available to small children in elementary school along with men being in women's bathrooms with girls.

There's certainly a consistency to those positions, wouldn't you say? Some might argue its a demonic set of policy positions........

gadfly said...

Amazingly, Jesse Watters sees his wife’s vote as his personal property. “If I found out Emma was going to the voting booth and pulling the lever for Harris, that’s the same thing as having an affair,” MAGA Fox News host Jesse Watters said on air.

Is there a fancy German term for “proving the point you are purportedly trying to refute?” Indeed the word is "Zirkelschluss" - German for "circular reasoning."

Watters was previously married to Noelle Inguagiato. She filed for divorce in 2017 after she discovered husband Jesse was having an affair with a coworker named Emma DiGiovine, who was an associate producer on "Watters World." Watters informed the network about his adulterous affair shortly after his wife filed divorce papers. In December 2019, Emma and Jesse were married.

Drago said...
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Drago said...

Interestingly enough, the soy boy gadfly's explicit support of joey biden showering with and sexualizing his adolescent daughter actually outdid P-Inga's vocal support for biden and was on a par with victoria of pasadena.

Vety, very sick indeed.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Trump: they said sir the suit makes you look thinner. Let me see that suit again. 😆

Ralph L said...

Straighten up.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Looking at an elaborate Halloween decoration I realized a witch’s brew is a sexist trope!? I guess, I’m not really sure.

wendybar said...

Progressives ARE nuts. They really are. There is no other way to put their new way to describe women. Gotta protect the tranny fakes!!! Don't want to offend the men!!1
The Heretical Liberal 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈
New definition for women just dropped y'all.

Men, have you told the Partner With Eggs in your life how much you appreciate her?


☘️𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕪 Ƒʉͫcͧкͭιͪηͣ 𝕄𝕔𝔾𝕖𝕖‎
So what do we call menopausal women who no longer have eggs? 🤨

Listen, I have this really crazy idea…. But hear me out. How about we just simplify things, and call humans with XY chromosomes one thing, like MEN, and those with XX chromosomes another thing, like WOMEN.

I know it sounds crazy, but we should try it.

wendybar said...

They LIE about EVERYTHING, and then wonder why nobody trusts ANYTHING the lying corrupt propaganda media spews anymore. The media suicided themselves. Good riddance suckers.

They are blaming a meth head who killed her baby on Roe...when she killed her baby before the case passed. What a fuking liar.
"Experts" Posting Their Ls
Nicholas Kristof has 2 Pulitzer Prizes and is an opinion columnist for The New York Times.

He is getting obliterated by this Community Note. @elonmusk @CommunityNotes


gadfly said...

Biden appears to say: “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters. His, his, his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable.” The controversy centers on an apostrophe the White House communications team added to “supporters” in Biden’s remarks.

Folks, we are talking about Joe Biden, who stammers—so the lack of an apostrophe is not the only problem in the transcription. No period should appear after "supporters" and the unneeded notation of the stammer "his, his. his" should have been excluded using "..." in order to provide clarity to the President's intent. Additionally, the stammer word ends in an "s" which makes it unclear whether "supporters" may have really been "supporter" even after listening to the video clip.

Biased MAGA critics who saw no problem calling Puerto Rico a "floating island of garbage" during Trump's rally at MSG even though the use of the word "garbage" was shown in Kill Tony's transcript added to the teleprompter there despite disapproval of calling Harris a "cunt".

wendybar said...

You are just a person with eggs Inga. Not a big deal. Tranny's are more important than women in your party, because your side fights so hard to offend real women whilst protecting the men who dress up and pretend they are women.

wendybar said...

I do the same. They start here around 3 pm, and all the real littles come out then. They are so cute and fun to watch. Dinnertime, I put the bowl out. (I take care of my mother, so I get her dinner, and help her get ready for bed)
I buy BIG bars and BIG boxes. I have a note next to the bowl that says take a piece of candy....and funnily enough...they take one only!! I remove the note towards the end of the evening, so all the candy goes. I have only about 6 boxes of Sour Patch kids left....but the kids across the street are special, and they get the leftovers every year!!

wendybar said...

I'm bug bombing my 150 houseplants in the garage...before I bring them all in the house for the winter!!

wendybar said...

Progressives can't take a joke...EVER. No wonder why you are all so miserable, angry and hateful all the time.

wendybar said...

Again...YOU can't take a joke. EVER. Go on with your miserable life and be unhappy and nasty the rest of your life. Just leave the rest of us alone.

wendybar said...

And Kamala IS that. When you lie and spew hate like she does...you are what you are...just ask her staffers who left in droves...

wendybar said...

Still relevant from Andrew Breitbart after all these years....


wendybar said...

"So, in final desperation, Harris is smearing Trump as a fascist, even though, ironically, he has been the target of fascist machinations from her own party and supporters for nearly a decade."


Mr. Forward said...

I see Inga isn't worried about wives that don't know how their husbands are voting. Oh that's right, there isn't any.

Kakistocracy said...

Is it unfair to say that Trump's strategy is to claim that if he wins -- everything is fair and above board, but if he loses the election was chosen via fraud?

This perfectly describes the philosophy of a narcissistic disorder.

jaydub said...

For Halloween, Inga dresses as an A/H, IOW same as every day

Christopher B said...

So now we get the stutter defense. I've been around for all three of Joe Lunch-Pail-Head's Presidential runs and thing I noticed about all of them was the plagiarism, fabulism, and bizarre insults directed at voters ... never a stutter.

Instead of focusing on an inaudible piece of punctuation, how about we focus on the basic word he chose, 'supporter'. Now if he had said 'Trump' or 'that comedian' nobody would be debating this at all. But he deliberately included 'supporter' in that statement. No stutter or stammer can paper over that and it fits very well with his habit of insulting ordinary voters who oppose him.

Old and slow said...

Hundreds of trick or treaters in my historic neighborhood as usual. Too many "adults" in costume for my tastes, but whatever makes them happy I suppose.

Old and slow said...

gadfly said...
"What is this "We" shit, Dixcus. Where did you come from anyway? Inga has been hanging around on this blog for a very long time"

I seldom find myself agreeing with Gadfly, but in this case he is on the mark. Dixcus is a moron and a blight.

Tina Trent said...

My husband has me fill out a sample ballot for him. I get his advice on judges’ races. We share information on ballot measures. We respect each other’s areas of expertise. But we would never coerce each other. I deeply resent all the jerks on this thread who think it’s feminist to depict Republican women as abuse victims. That’s insulting and sick.

MadTownGuy said...

Newsom Signs Executive Order Targeting California’s High Electricity Prices

"The governor’s order does not state how much Californians might save on their bills each month once the measures are enacted.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on Oct. 30 aimed at reducing electricity prices for Californians, which are the second-highest in the country, and directed state agencies to find ways to lower costs.

Newsom’s office said in a statement that the executive action “encourages electric bill relief” while also maintaining the state’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality and “100% clean electricity” by 2045.
“We’re taking action to address rising electricity costs and save consumers money on their bills,” Newsom said. “California is proving that we can address affordability concerns as we continue our world-leading efforts to combat the climate crisis.”

The governor’s order directs the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to identify “underperforming” energy programs and return any unused program funds to customers via credits on their bills.

It also asks the CPUC to evaluate electric ratepayer-supported programs and make recommendations on additional ways to save consumers money, while directing the commission to pursue federal funding options to help lower electricity bills for Californians.

Newsom’s order directs the California Air Resources Board to work with the CPUC to determine ways to maximize the California Climate Credit. Californians typically receive this credit, funded by the state’s Cap-and-Trade program, twice a year via their electricity and gas bills.

More at the link. Wouldn't surprise me if Newsom's solution is to make the utilities state-owned. Cubans can tell you how well that has worked out.

Jaq said...

A lot of times hackneyed clichés come from what was, when it was created, great art.

Jaq said...
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Jaq said...

Biden is a stutterer. LOL. Get better talking points.

Jaq said...

So first you put words in his mouth based on your own prejudices, then you diagnose him. What you are doing is known as an "attribution fallacy,"


Rusty said...

These people are the face of evil. Truly evil.

Rusty said...

LOL!. . Wendy. The last kid to my door got half of a giant bag of candy. Don't want it in the house.

Mr. Majestyk said...

It depends on the facts. If Harris wins after five massive Democratic ballot counting facilities in swing states (but only in swing states, not in deep blue NY, Illinois, or California) simultaneously announce their closure for the night when Trump is ahead, Republican observers leave, and then counting resumes, and Harris miraculously starts getting an overwhelming percentage of the secretively, late-counted votes, then, it would be entirely fair for Trump to claim the election was unfair. Or suppose the Democrats running these massive ballot-counting facilities block Republican observers from observing the signature verification process, either by restricting them to a corner of tbe giant ballot-counting room or by excluding them entirely and putting up cardboard over the windows so they can't see what's going on inside. Or suppose, ballot-scanning machines in heavily Republican areas of a swing state stop working on election day, effectively disenfranchising Republican voters disproportionately. Other scenarios are possible and, I suspect, will be seen this election.

FullMoon said...

Candy for kids, condoms for adults

NMObjectivist said...

I love these photos.

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