October 26, 2024

Joe Rogan talks to Donald Trump for 3 hours.

I'm one hour into it, and the 2 men have great rapport.

He courted the show’s young male audience by floating the idea of eliminating the income tax, talking about mixed martial arts fighters, praising the military skills of Gen. Robert E. Lee and speculating that there was “no reason not to think” there could be life on Mars and other planets....

Why not say he "courted" the old women (like me) by talking about the length of the bed in the Lincoln bedroom and how badly depressed Mary Todd Lincoln was after her son Tad died?

Mr. Rogan seemed to back Mr. Trump’s questioning of election processes, at one point likening those who raised concerns over elections to those who questioned coronavirus vaccines.

“You get labeled an election denier,” Mr. Rogan said. “It’s like being labeled an anti-vaxxer if you question some of the health consequences that people have from the Covid-19 shots.”...

What I thought was so interesting was the first topic: how Trump felt when he found himself suddenly President. If that's not a topic for women, I don't know what is, especially when Trump centered the description on his interest in seeing the Lincoln bedroom and imagining the feelings of Abe and Mary. I loved Trump's (seeming) openness, as he repeatedly described his subjective experience as "surreal."


rehajm said...

Watching. Interesting to listen to Trump in the context of the rats fleeing the bad ship Kamala. I suppose when you need to turn on a dime from ‘Will Trump accept the results of the election?’ to not accepting the results of the election, you must believe you need to shift early, long before the results are in…

rehajm said...

Debunked never happened. Vote fraud is real Democrats made it their top priority

rehajm said...

What I thought was so interesting was the first topic: how Trump felt when he found himself suddenly President. If that's not a topic for women, I don't know what is

Interesting…Trump’s a feminine guy, ya?

Enigma said...

I'm watching it. I think most people who watch for themselves will key in on how The View hosts flip flopped about Trump. The segment comes up early and builds a foundation for Trump's assertions about unfair mainstream / establishment treatment. Recall that Madonna wanted to burn down the White House, Kathy Griffin made a fake bloody Trump head, and NYC play actors "killed" in a play...then real assassination attempts... Trump mentions the number of Presidents killed in office...the world's most dangerous job...

Regarding The View, he said Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters "loved" him in 2015 when he first ran for president. "Then the machine took over" and changed the message because Trump threatened the establishment.

A 2018 story about his visits to The View:


Most assassination efforts against US Presidents targeted Republicans, with JFK a notable exception (insert Deep State theories as desired):


Ann Althouse said...

"Interesting…Trump’s a feminine guy, ya?"

I've talked about Trump's feminine side a few times on this blog. There's something womanly about him. Some of the aversion to him is based on the dissonance people feel (as exhibited in the fuss over his hair, which predates his political phase).

Ann Althouse said...

The aversion is homophobic/misogynistic, by the way.

gadfly said...

Yeah, and Trump was really serious in his imagined choces when sharks and boats with electric motors came together. Talking for three hours is crazy in and of itself, Ann.

And then there was infamous town hall north of Philly where he said: "You know, people talk about Hannibal Lecter like he’s real...but he's not!" Trump rambled, leaving many attendees scratching their heads. The mention of Lecter was entirely out of place as Trump transitioned from there to reading answers to approved questions from has teleprompter to taking shots at political opponents.

One rally-goer remarked, "It was strange—he kept talking like January 5th was election day. I hope people don’t actually get mixed up by that."

As the rally wound down, Trump’s confusion seemed to deepen when he acted uncertain about ending the event. After someone suggested it was time to conclude and play a walk-off song, Trump appeared to hesitate before standing frozen in place on stage. Supporters began filing out of the venue, but Trump swaying silently as music played for over 30 minutes. It appears that Trump's doctor needs to increase his daily Rexulti dosage.

Michael said...

This is the last election where the corporate media plays a significant role.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

More people believing a lie doesn't make it the truth.

ron winkleheimer said...

I don't know if it is feminine, but some people just have the gift of gab.

KJE said...

When you finish the Rogan interview, go find and listen to the interviews he did with Theo Vonn and Sean Ryan. He’s not the same brash Trump that the media makes him out to be, he’s far more feeling, reflective, and insightful, whether you agree with him or want to vote for him or not.

Iman said...

‘fly on his home turd… er, turf…

Glenn Howes said...

Rogan called it at 28:29 when saying

“they're going to take what you said about Robert E Lee oh Donald Trump Wishes the South won”

I’ve watched the first hour or so, and it’s been just an interesting conversation, and it’s a conversation that goes both ways. Trump was interested in finding out about Rogan. That story about landing a blacked out Airforce One in Iraq was one I’d never heard before, for instance. Well worth a watch.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump/Rogan interview is worth watching. I watched the first hour last night. I was surprised by what Trump had to say. He spoke at length about political and economic history, and the merits of tariffs versus income taxes, as well as the history of assassination of presidents. I’d sort of bought into the left’s insistent claim that Trump wasn’t well read. That’s BS. I’ll watch (or rather listen) to the rest of the interview over the next couple of days. This interview might reach 80 to 100 million people.

Breezy said...

I appreciate that he is a student of American history. When he drops these nuggets and reflections into a conversation, you can tell he has read a wide range of books on the subject. It’d be good for both he and Vance to lightly weave our history into their speeches and answers whenever it fits the topic.

ChrisC said...

He is the wrong person to ask if he will accept the results of the election. What are the pussy hat wearers going to do this time?

ron winkleheimer said...

I'm now twenty minutes into the podcast. Apparently acknowledging an historic fact, that Lee was an excellent general, is now "praising" his military skills. The South did have excellent military leaders. The North won because of it had far superior manufacturing and transportation infrastructure.

Aught Severn said...

The aversion is homophobic/misogynistic

She claimed, without evidence.

In my opinion, [t]he aversion is homophobic/misogynistic [...]

She declared.

Rocketeer said...

Projection is a hell of a drug, Rich.

john mosby said...

Prof, I think part of Trump’s feminine side comes from the Manhattan finance thing of behaving in a very self assured macho way while simultaneously being very fastidious about one’s appearance, home, possessions, etc., which is usually associated with femininity. And of course as a sales guy being able to show empathy and interest in others’ stories, which is also seen as feminine. If you see the dissonance as insincere, it’s definitely offputting. But even if you like him, i can see how it could be weird for people who are not used to this sort of people.

Something similar happens with military men: simultaneously assertive and dominant, but also almost maternally caring about subordinates and obsessive about neatness, cleanliness, exact arrangements of things, etc. one online military cartoon had a recurring series of “It’s Already Gay” cartoons when Obama was trying to repeal DADT.


Aught Severn said...

Don't forget Lincoln's secret weapon: General McClellan. Without him, the south may have thought the north was, you know, competent and been more cautious in their choices of battles.

rehajm said...

Yah, I would need that claim explained. I would agree Trump displays certain feminine qualities and perhaps the contradiction of masculine/feminine is confusing to some, but how that equates to misogyny/homophobia is not apparent to me..

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Now you're just jacking off.

Sella Turcica said...

I think most everyone, both men and women, are combinations of both “masculine” and “feminine” traits. In fact, I don’t know which traits are “masculine” or “feminine.” Is being artistic or literary feminine? Most famous artists and writers were men. Is athleticism masculine? The Olympics would suggest otherwise. How about extroversion?

But I really don’t care if our president is masculine or feminine, articulate or inarticulate, or anything like that. I’m more concerned if he or she will lead us towards peace and prosperity, or towards war and economic ruin.

Michael said...

DJT went to a military academy as a teenager. No doubt in his history classes he learned about the brilliance of Robert E Lee. During his presidency, Eisenhower had Lee's portrait prominently hung in the Oval Office.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump is well read in economics, political history and all the issues. The left’s portrayal of him as an illiterate yahoo gets busted by the Rogan interview.

mezzrow said...

"He courted the show’s young male audience"

I'm watching while writing this and I feel almost sixty again. I'll be feeling about 57 by the time I'm done, and that's not a bad thing. Both Rogan and Trump are older and wiser people than the ones we saw four years ago. Change is good.

wendybar said...

How's that Russian Collusion working out for you??

ron winkleheimer said...

Which means of course that Eisenhower must have wanted to re-enslave all the blacks. That's why he mobilized the Arkansas NG and sent them to Little Rock. I know, its confusing, but trust me on this.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Trump is so different one-on-one. He comes off much better than he does when giving a formal speech. The shouting tone of voice in a speech is very off-putting.

Harris is the opposite. One-on-one she's very cringey, but she is quite good in giving prepared speeches.

Michael said...

Nazi generals far outshone their American counterparts.. We overwhelmed the Wehrmacht with our industrial might.

Temujin said...

Jeez. Just as I'm reading about real-time fraud going on right now in Pennsylvania- in multiple locations, the NYT is out there talking about the 'debunked' claims from the last election.
Nothing was debunked. And you don't get to just say it's a done topic by you declaring it 'debunked'. It was simply not investigated.

I'll be listening to Joe Rogan's podcast this morning. I'm not a young male voter. I'm an older guy. And I already voted. Nothing any of them have to say can change that. Not even Bruce Springsteen. Hilarious.