October 26, 2024

"Trump... took the stage to ominous instrumental music. He stood on stage for several minutes as it played out."

Writes Jake Traylor (of NBC News) on X, inviting the world to look upon Trump and wonder at his weirdness... ... which is going to feel different to different people, perhaps depending on whether the music has any context for you. Me, I know the music is called the "Undertaker" theme, and though I know what an undertaker is — and I don't think you want the leader of your country analogized to a professional who disposes of the dead — I don't know who "The Undertaker" is — some movie/TV/video game character? Just off-hand, I'm reading Trump's message there as a threat to his antagonists, the so-called "enemy within," to whom he's going to say "You're fired" when he wins, which he wants them to believe he will. It's some scary music for them, but it's delightful to his admirers.

I got to Traylor's tweet from "Meanwhile in Michigan, Trump has finally arrived" (Intelligencer): "He made it to the stage of his Traverse City rally three hours late, then stood there as they played the full Undertaker theme song (instead of the typical Lee Greenwood)."

The link on "Undertaker theme song" to YouTube: "WWE The Undertaker Theme Song 'Rest In Peace.'" We can listen to the song, which takes 6+ minutes and look at an image of a sneering man in a black leather hat and a low-cut black leather coat. Presumably, this person is a wrestler with the stage name The Undertaker. 

But let's read his Wikipedia page. I don't follow wrestling — not since the days of
Gorilla Monsoon and The Golden Terror
— but I don't want to be a complete ignoramus about a significant cultural figure, and I can see from Wikipedia that he was a big star in World Wrestling Entertainment. The character, The Undertaker, played by Mark William Calaway, persisted for 3 decades, and I'm not going to try to summarize how that got started and changed over the years. It's a complicated story that's been entertaining people for a long long time. I suspect that those people look with disdain on callow newsmen who hear the theme and call it, generically, "ominous instrumental music."

Let's remember that Trump will put on the biggest show of his campaign tomorrow at Madison Square Garden, and Madison Square Garden is the biggest wrestling venue of the modern world. I think Trump wanted to establish that great wrestling theme as his theme so it will work especially well when it plays over his entrance into Madison Square Garden.

Perhaps the newsfolk who'd be inclined to just call it something like "ominous instrumental music" will be up to speed by tomorrow. But perhaps not. They might prefer to string along their own followers with whatever descriptions they can type out that make Trump seem weak, weird, and confused. They're so dishonest!


Will Cate said...

The Undertaker -- legendary pro wrestler.

gilbar said...

RIP democrats!

tcrosse said...

There's a professional wrestling script where the Good Guy gets hammered mercilessly by the Bad Guy, but then at the last minute revives and kicks ass, to the delight of the crowd.

mezzrow said...

That crowd would never fit in the Tampa Sportatorium.

Wince said...

Please don't forget to pay your respects to the Undertaker's urn-clutching manager/side-kick, Paul Bearer.

Kate said...

I don't know The Undertaker either, but I read that Trump just did his podcast.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Ominous portends something bad imminent. I'm not sure what you call music that say something bad is happening right now. Whatever the word, it does not describe John Williams playing Bach.

Temujin said...

Frankly, I thought it a bad choice. His campaign has been so 'up' these last couple of weeks. He's been funny and engaging. The Lovable Trump that appeals to so many. And all week the left has had the tops of their heads exploding off as John Kelly proclaimed Trump really IS Hitler. They've been doubling down hard on Trump being evil. Evil Trump instead of Lovable Trump.
So what does his team do: Play Evil Trump music and lose their upbeat, we're above the fray appearance.

I thought it a bizarre, wrong move. Keep it upbeat. Ignore the bullshit.

Saint Croix said...

Trump has swapped out his trademark red tie for a yellow one. I wonder why?

mezzrow said...

Aaaand with this, even Zeihan concedes that Harris is toast. If he didn't see Trump as inevitable, he wouldn;t be posting this video. He makes some good points in this one regarding the Ukraine mess and NATO's options under a Trump administration.

Europe Takes One Step Closer to Nukes...

Wince said...

Possible themes: Halloween is coming up? Kamala is toast?

Yellow tie matches lettering on Dark Maga hat?

ron winkleheimer said...

It made me think that The Undertaker had died. But, nope. He had Trump on his podcast and endorsed him.

Dixcus said...

The music is ominous to the people Trump will take out once he regains complete Presidential immunity, brought to you by the new Supreme Court.

Democrats are FOR complete Presidential immunity when Barack Obama is the one doing the killing of American citizens who haven't even been convicted of any crimes, much less charged with them. They were for that then and they're for it now because they obviously haven't arrested Barack Obama for those killings. They're legal.

And they're gonna be legal when Donald Trump does it too.

That's ominous. To them.

Dixcus said...

It reflects light back into the night-vision scopes of the assassin's that will be lining the rafters of Madison Square Garden shortly.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Harris campaign hasn't been hacked?
Must be that Tampon Tim is on speed dial.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And highly popular monster truck too.

Dixcus said...

They have been hacked. A bunch of people showed up to a Harris campaign rally in Houston and suddenly Willie Nelson and Beyonce started giving a concert, totally drowning out Harris' speech.

You can tell because CNN has no accounts of her speech. She said nothing of note that could be heard by the audience owing to these two hackers taking over her rally.

Achilles said...

The Undertaker had Trump on his podcast. An he endorsed Trump.

People still cannot figure out why Trump got millions more votes than their stuffed shirt GOPe cuck losers.

Bob Boyd said...

Awesome and for me, very educational. Thanks Wince!

Ann Althouse said...

"I thought it a bizarre, wrong move. Keep it upbeat. Ignore the bullshit."

When he does upbeat, like "YMCA" and "God Bless The USA" and does his little dance, they portray him as a lightweight clown.

Whatever move he makes will be the wrong move.

But that's a wrong move for them — them = the elite media — because they've turned him into an underdog. That's why it looks like I'm promoting him. I just follow the elite media and pick on their lies/distortion/bias.

Breezy said...

Trump changes it up so you can’t get bored with his rallies.

Dixcus said...

You are platforming Literally Hitler™ by discussing the Democrats lies/distortion/bias, acting as an agent of Russia, if not in actual fact being one. Your posts have all the hallmarks of Russia Collusion, Ann. You are a threat to OUR Democracy™.

See how easy this is once you get their lingo down?

Bob Boyd said...

The Undertaker theme is tongue in cheek, obviously, but your Trump-hating, humorless scold doesn't appreciate the joke. Trump's rally-going supporters think it's hilarious and fun. Like the Devil, Trump's haters can't stand being laughed at. That's not to say there aren't some pants being pissed in Washington DC right now.

wishfulthinking said...

Early voted and stood in line for over 40 minutes. Actual voting took about 10 mins max. The process was flawless. It's been a while since I had to wait in line to early vote at a presidential election. Never have i seen the large number of people in line using walkers and wheelchairs. Even in Florida this was unusual. The line was as long when I was done and leaving as it was when I got to the early vote location.

Derve Swanson said...

I think TheUndertaker, I think the monster truck, but that's me...

tim in vermont said...

Obviously the fight is over low engagement men. Harris offered $20K "repayment optional" loans to black men, she frets every day about not being able to reach men, no matter how many times she calls them sexist and racist. This is how Trump does it. Trump doesn't think all the time in indicative and declarative mode, you know, the way AI does. He is not a simple-minded and "humorless scold," like Harris. He uses irony, he uses drama, and the conclusion these low engagement men draw from this performance by Trump, even subconsciously, is that he sympathizes with them, he doesn't hate them, he likes them.

Leland said...

Here is Undertaker taking on the Hot Ones wing challenge.

ron winkleheimer said...

Speaking of a humorless scold


Dave Begley said...

One key to understanding Trump was his foray with WWE. White collar people really look down on it, but it is essentially melodrama that appeals to our lizard brains. I stopped watching it at about 13.

Iman said...

“And highly popular monster truck too.”

Our 5 year old grandson would be losing it over this.