September 28, 2024

"Hezbollah on Saturday confirmed the death of Hassan Nasrallah, its longtime leader, in an airstrike on the organization’s underground headquarters near Beirut, hours after Israel said he had been killed."

The NYT reports, just now.
The death of Mr. Nasrallah is a major escalation in Israel’s rapidly expanding campaign against the Iran-backed group.... Beirut was gripped on Saturday by a feeling that the capital was no longer safe after months of Hezbollah clashes across the country’s remote border with Israel. Thousands of people from outside Beirut spent the night sleeping on the streets and beaches of the capital....


Jason said...


Kassaar said...

Another austere religious scholar gone.

cassandra lite said...

Someone doesn’t know what “escalation” means. Or what the road to peace, actual peace, looks like.

Third Coast said...

Just wondering if the Hamas leadership, what's left of them, might be reconsidering their decision that led to the October 7 attack.

J Severs said...

Major escalation? I scoff.

Temujin said...

I don't often wish for the end of a person. But I've been wondering about this guy for years. He was the man behind the misery and death of so many people through so many years, not the least of whom were Arabs- both Muslim and Christian, in addition to Israelis, Americans, and Europeans.

I know the usual suspects will be decrying this action by Israel. They decry all actions by Israel short of Israel disappearing itself. But those people, by decrying Israel, are the ones pumping and supporting this ongoing war, this never ending destruction. If they cannot stand up to terror, to evil, to wrong, they should be nowhere near the leadership of free people. You don't negotiate with a thug calling for your death.

Remember the country called Lebanon? Iran, through Hezbollah, stole Lebanon decades ago. Perhaps the Lebanese would like their country back?

Sally327 said...

There's no question the Israelis are executing brilliantly an amazing plan but it seems like there's been a great deal of treachery along the way that might explain some of that as well. Whoever's left in Hezbollah, I don't think you want to trust the guy next to you. It's almost like if you're still alive you're probably a traitor or been compromised in some fatal way.

Kai Akker said...

"Celebrations in Syria: Outrage has been widespread in the Middle East in recent days, but some celebrated Hezbollah’s misfortune. The group was key in helping President Bashar al-Assad of Syria crush his political opponents, and in some rebel strongholds there, people danced and sang in the streets."

Always illuminating how taking one difficult but necessary action can reveal new layers of reasons for the utility and virtues of that action. You can't bomb out hate but eliminating the worst haters might go far enough to deliver a peace and an opportunity for some different and better order of life.

Dave Begley said...

Good. There is a God. The God of Abraham.

Achilles said...

Israel has finally internalized that there is no real benefit to restraint.

The people who are "decrying" this killing are the people that made it this way. Any reasonable observer would realize Israel has been the most restrained and reluctant country in the world.

If they wanted Israel to stay that way they should have rewarded that.

Former Illinois resident said...

But what about the half-million "recently-arriving migrant" criminals allowed to roam here, unfettered and free? Biden awards Ukraine another $8 billion, and Israel another $8 billion, added to multi-billions already granted to both countries, while our country has a roaming band of gangbanger criminals.

Crime spike already noted in our small Wisconsin city. Weekly knifings, bi-weekly shootings, car break-ins and petty thefts. It's not the Scandinavian Lutherans, or the German Catholics suddenly embracing a criminal lifestyle. Meanwhile, our public library has become immigration welfare station, free Zoom calls to home, free sleeping spots in upholstered chairs, free bathing in public rest rooms. Civilization, as we know it now.

mezzrow said...

How does one say "enough" in Hebrew? This is how.

There is more where this came from. Much more. I suspect this is neither the beginning of the end nor the end of the beginning. Eventually, maybe the Lebanese can take their country back from the Iranians. Inshallah.

n.n said...

Netanyahu Unchained. Produced by the UN, starring NGOs, directed by Hamasidols.

Iman said...

“Yalla ya Nasrallah,
We will f*ck you Inshallah,
We will return you to Allah,
With the entire Hezbollah”

—— the people of Tel Aviv

William said...

I wasn't grief stricken upon hearing the news, but neither do I think that this moves the world closer to peace.....I suppose it's theoretically possible that after a certain level of death and destruction some people's world view can change. It happened in Germany, Japan, and the Abbasid Caliphate, but this was a feather stroke compared to the Mongols and Curtis LeMay.

Iman said...

Suck on that, Lloyd Austin.

Breezy said...

The Trump (et al) doctrine of dealing with these things quickly and decisively, finally. What next in Gaza?

Iman said...

Suck on that, Lloyd Austin.

GatorNavy said...

Good for Israel. Hopefully they do not lose their resolve and continue to press the Iranians and other assorted terror groups.

Chest Rockwell said...

I live in Dearborn and am on the large , primarliy Arab, Dearborn Instagram page. Dearborn is heavily Lebanese and Shiite. The comments are absolutely hilarious.
Shiites are a minority in the Muslim world and are considered heretics and are persecuted. They loathe ISIS, but don't recognize the Ayatollahs as the same in kind. They view Hezbollah and Nasrallah as a ... savior of some kind. It's been funny watching the whole thing unravel in the short span of a week. Hopefully, no one blows themselves up here.

James K said...


n.n said...

It curbed Iran's activity in Iraq and contributed to the abortion of Islamic State progress in the Middle East.

Lee Moore said...

Note that yesterday Iran said Nazrallah had survived. Reminding us once again what value to put on Iranian statements.

tim in vermont said...

You reap what you sow.

Michael K said...

I have had friends who lived in Lebanon but were forced out by the Muslim invasion. It was once a beautiful country.

Michael K said...

And Biden and his regime.

Michael K said...

Next do Tehran.

Earnest Prole said...

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Jupiter said...

"Beirut was gripped on Saturday by a feeling that the capital was no longer safe ...".
Yeah, I've always pretty much equated "Beirut" and "safety".

n.n said...

That's one less terrorist in Lebanon, one giant leap for peace in the Middle East.

Howard said...

Filed under self-defense that we approve of

Oso Negro said...

Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, heyaaa, goodbye!

Breezy said...

All of the people lamenting this attack on Hezbollah think, "If only Israel didn't exist, all would be well". They're not seeing that there will never be "be well" with this terroristic ideology alive anywhere. Its aim is to destroy all of the West. Israel is just seen as easiest first kill.

Birches said...

The death of Mr. Nasrallah is a major escalation in Israel’s rapidly expanding campaign against the Iran-backed group

Killing terrorists is now escalation? Never change New York Times, never change.

AMDG said...

The Biden/Harris policy is weird. There is a religious belief in a two state solution and yet they don’t comprehend that the only possible path to that requires the elimination of the satanic scum of Hamas and Jezabelloh.

tim in vermont said...

It would be none of our business if they left us out of it. But they want our weapons, and even our boys, so, like it or not, people are going to ask themselves whether a war like this is in the best interests of... you know, The United States of America?

Iman said...

Bombs went BOOM!!!

Earnest Prole said...

The Biden/Harris policy is to say one thing and do another. If they didn’t want Nasrallah assassinated they wouldn’t have handed Israel the weaponry required to accomplish the assassination.

cubanbob said...

We spend in excess of eight hundred billion dollars a year in defense along with God knows what on intelligence. And what for and whom against? Russia, China, Iran and Islamic terrorists. People who complain about funding arms to Israel and Ukraine should consider those countries by greatly diminish their enemies are also greatly diminishing our enemies. And comparing to what we spend of useless nonsense, fairly cheap. China who copies Russian weapon systems is watching what second hand American weapons can do to what is better than what they have and what we can arm Taiwan with. Russia is losing the war albeit slowly. Give Ukraine longer range weapons, lift the restrictions and adequately supply them and the Russians will see the light and return to the international borders. Putin's nuclear threats are as much a threat as Obama's redlines. Israel besides the fact that it is defending itself is also weakening an avowed enemy of ours. The Iranians aren't joking when they chant "death to America". A diminished Russia, Iran and a cautioned China is nothing but a blessing for us. No America troop deployment needed.

Jerry said...

Far as I'm concerned, they've been epically restrained and precise in their targeting. Especially the 'From the Liver to the Knee' beeper program...

Jerry said...

They're likely quite unhappy that Israel didn't let them know before the attack.

Pretty soon the money from Iran will stop flowing, and then where will they be?

Earnest Prole said...


If I could see it coming, surely they could see it coming.

Big Mike said...

In the news: Hezbollah has replaced Hassan Nasrallah with Hassan Khalil Yassin.

Also in the news: Hassan Khalil Yassin has been eliminated.

Gospace said...

Which is the point of leaving some alive...

Gospace said...

In 1958 it would have been mostly correct. Most people who remember that era are now gone.

Yancey Ward said...

I have started the rumor that Hillary Clinton is the new leader of Hezbollah- pass it on.

James K said...

Israel is doing the civilized world a big favor, at great cost to themselves in lives and resources. I for one am happy to subsidize their efforts. Your mileage may vary.