July 24, 2024

Kevin Piette, paraplegic, used an exoskeleton to carry the Olympic flame.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


MadisonMan said...


Aggie said...

Exollent !

RideSpaceMountain said...

He's more machine now than man.

RMc said...

He's got my vote!

wendybar said...

And the black Kamala supporter that put out a music video showing him assassinating Trump was picked to run the last leg going into Paris.....which is sickening....



rhhardin said...

The grace under pressure guy was the wheelchair bound flaming arrow archer who lit the olympic flame. This one's more like a victim.

Todd said...

It took a bit of digging but I was able to find this, as I was wondering if "he" was walking or if someone else was controlling it on his behalf:


It works by using 12 motors: six at the hips, two at the knees and four at the ankles, which makes the movements feel more natural.

The user controls the exoskeleton with a remote and a sensor that sits at the back, which is controlled by upper body movement.

I believe the back sensor is used to assist in auto-balancing the exoskeleton and the remote to control mobility.

Once this is linked into Elon's brain implant...

rhhardin said...

Live, Die, Repeat (Edge of Tomorrow) 2014 was good, for exoskeleton fans. Needs a sequel except they'd screw it up. I have the structural plot for one if a scriptwriter needs a clue.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

A young man at our church is now paraplegic after a car accident this year. His doctors tell him he will not walk again, but one of the MDs told us that this is to manage expectations, not make predictions. "Look at the advances in medicine in the last fifty years! He's not repairable by current methods, but he's 17. He'll walk again. He'll run. It might be thirty years, but he'll walk."

Narr said...

I hear they're scheduling wheelchair water polo.

Tina Trent said...

And the terrorist protesters descending on the DNC, but thrilled that Kamala! refused to meet with Netanyahu, but will still burn Chicago down, (Food Not Bombs), set fire to an Olympic torch runner in Canada, injuring her badly. Let's not forget that, for a change. Let's not forget all the Olympics terrorists, and to which side they belong -- the DNC.

Lets talk about the mass of Muslim on native white gang rapes (videotaped, promoted, as in Israel) in Paris lately. Let's talk about the massive EU police forces trying to lipstick that pig of their own perverse creation. Let's tell the truth.

It's all the same internationale movement. No #youtoo for Israeli nor French nor British rape victims.

john mosby said...

Black Sabbath would have been better background music:



Leland said...

The Olympic torch run is a popular event. I’ve seen it twice, once in the US and once in the UK. Most of the carriers have some great backstory for why they were chosen. It is a good thing.

This year, I just don’t care about the Olympics. The IOC and USOC have done all they can to make me disinterested in their product. Most recently, the WNBA All-Star game, which featured Team USA vs WNBA All-Stars, which is essentially all the players that were not selected for Team USA. Team USA lost. We aren’t sending our best. We are sending political preferences. There is enough politics this year without adding the Olympics.

Narayanan said...
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Rusty said...

That is inspiring!

Achilles said...

Good first cut.

In 5-10 years these devices are going to be so good that healthy people use them.

Old and slow said...

Snoop Dogg is a surprisingly good runner for a pot smoker of his age. He ran 34.44 for 200 meters at the Olympic trials. I was impressed!

Old and slow said...

Healthy people are already using powered exoskeletons for industrial applications.

Kate said...

"Most recently, the WNBA All-Star game, which featured Team USA vs WNBA All-Stars, which is essentially all the players that were not selected for Team USA. Team USA lost."

The All-Stars, who are now on a two week vacay, don't need to stay healthy and don't need to learn to play as a team against other organized teams. They were told to have fun and they did, hot-doggin it up. The game was a blast to watch. That doesn't mean the Olympic team is comprised of worse players. Apples and oranges.

Aggie said...

Snoop Dog is running the torch? And what merits were presented to qualify for this, one wonders?

Richard Dolan said...

Sometimes good intentions can go awry. But good for him nonetheless.

The Godfather said...

Thanks, Althouse. Good news on a Wednesday!

Narr said...

Got the backup tech right at hand--note the lady with the wheelchair.

boatbuilder said...

Damn that's cool. Is it dusty in here?