July 24, 2024

"North Korea has released more than 3,000 of the trash balloons since May, many of which have reached the South after floating across the Demilitarized Zone...."

"They have landed on trees, farms and urban side streets, their payloads bursting and spilling out waste paper, used cloth, cigarette butts and compost​. On Wednesday, for the first time, some of them landed inside the sprawling compound in central Seoul that includes the office of President Yoon Suk Yeol... one of the most tightly guarded places in South Korea. Officials said they waited for the balloons to land before sending a chemical, biological and radiological response team to inspect their payloads, rather than blast them ​— and scatter their​ suspicious payloads ​— from the sky. The team found 'nothing dangerous or contaminating'...."

From "North Korean Trash Balloons Hit South Korean President’s Compound/Officials found nothing hazardous in the balloons’ payloads, as the North’s slow barrage of airborne garbage showed few signs of letting up" (NYT).



Jamie said...

Because it's sh*thole country?

Jamie said...

I'm thinking in fact it's a "cry wolf" thing. Watch out, South Korea.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If China can fly them unmolested over the continental USA, then why wouldn't NoKo send there trash south? I thought I'd seen a report some balloons carried sewage, but I hope it was erroneous. Talk about a shitty policy!

MadisonMan said...

What Jamie said. Do this for a while with trash, then start doing it with something more harmful.

Sebastian said...

Next question: how would SK deal with armed drones? How would we?

n.n said...

We did the same, albeit by ship, with Green (recycled) waste to take advantage of labor and environmental arbitrage. NK does it to take advantage of technical resources that are more affordable and available in SK. Something similar happens with China dumping Fentanyl precursors in South and Central America, which are processed and migrate across the border through immigration reform. Some do it for economic reasons, others fir redistributive change, others yet for retributive change.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...


Maybe they don't scare the South anymore and the best they can do is annoy them?

Aggie said...

It costs them almost nothing to conduct this psy-ops warfare, plus it takes out the trash. As Jamie says, it's also useful as a conditioning exercise.

North Korea has one submarine, is that right? Why not sink it, while it's underwater. I'm sure naval ordnance has become sufficiently sophisticated to do it quietly enough where it could escape North Korea's detection capability.

Would he be doing this if Trump were in office? Hmm.

dbp said...


See if it works with trash, then load the balloons up with murder hornets.

MadTownGuy said...

From the article:

"Officials said they waited for the balloons to land before sending a chemical, biological and radiological response team to inspect their payloads, rather than blast them ​— and scatter their​ suspicious payloads ​— from the sky. The team found 'nothing dangerous or contaminating'...."



Because they can. They're sending trial balloons.

Eva Marie said...

Trash talk

Ann Althouse said...

Kim Jong Un is TPing Yoon Suk Yeol.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Compost = (ahem) Turds

BUMBLE BEE said...

BTW RIP John Mayall


blahg said...

NK claims it's retaliation against SK for similar actions, including blasting propaganda near the border.

God of the Sea People said...

This strikes me as geopolitical trolling.

Static Ping said...

North Korea is pretty much the definition of living in a bubble, the closest we have to Oceania in 1984. The people there, including the leadership, do not understand how the rest of the world works, including their fellow Koreans to the south. It is like trying to understand the logic of space aliens.

Someone thought this was a good idea. That's all the logic you get. It is quite possible that this was a test to see if they could send something far worse in the next batch. It could be their leader said something offhand as a joke and they took it seriously. Who knows.

tim maguire said...


Joe Bar said...

South Koreans send balloons with contraband into the North. Stuff like newspapers, books, and thumb drives with K-Pop music.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I get a feuding relatives vibe.

Quaestor said...


Because Kim Jung-un can't key Yoon Suk Yeol's limousine.

planetgeo said...

Isn't that what leftists do to normals everywhere? Including here on Althouse's DTZ (Demilitarized Thought Zone)?

“Bad Genes” said...

Showcasing some of the advanced technology Russia will hope to gain from North Korea!

Howard said...


- We're still trying to figure out the meaning of that last phrase, sir.

- There's nothing to figure out, General.

- This man is obviously a psychotic.

- Well, I'd like to hold off judgment on a thing like that, sir, until all the facts are in.

Ice Nine said...

Geopolitical childishness.

Quayle said...

The answer is because South Korea is sending leaflets over to the north talking about how the south is free and prosperous. North Korea North consider The leaflets to be trash so they’re responding in kind.

Quayle said...

The answer is because South Korea is sending leaflets over to the north talking about how the south is free and prosperous. North Korea considers the leaflets to be trash - rubbish - so they’re responding in kind.

ron winkleheimer said...

I'm going to point you to a couple of NK propaganda videos.


I have heard that even Chinese communists find North Koreans weird and off-putting.

Regarding the third video, the US also thinks that if NK attacked it would start out with an artillery bombardment which would devastate the northern portion of SK. Seoul is well within artillery range of the northern side of the DMZ and NK has hollowed out mountains to protect their artillery from counter artillery fire. Its been estimated that NK could inflict 200,000 casualties in one hour in such a scenario.


Quaestor said...

"Kim Jong Un is TPing Yoon Suk Yeol."

Is Great Leader Kim experiencing a sugar rush?

Tina Trent said...

First, stop underestimating this.

They're terrorists.

On the one hand, it's communists have run out of other people's money. On the other hand, worse may be coming.

Jimmah Carter's policy of sucking North Korea's you know what, shares blame on his bloody deathbed.

Achilles said...

Why are they allowing this?

They should be shot down before they cross the border.

This is 100% a test of boundaries.

This is what a bully does before they punch you. They push you first.

baghdadbob said...

This is Kim's version of lighting a paper bag of dog poop on fire on a neighbor's porch, and giggling from the shrubs when the homeowner stomps it out.

But seriously, this might be a test drive, not unlike the Chinese spy -- er, weather -- balloon.

Old and slow said...

Great N Korean videos! After operation "Fiery Courtyard",I suspect that the 50,000 soldiers pouring over the border won't actually be much of a "surprise", but other than that it seems like a good plan!

jaydub said...

"Its been estimated that NK could inflict 200,000 casualties in one hour in such a scenario."

Actually, the Norks would cause at least 5 million casualties in such a scenario. The deterrent to this approach is that all but 200,000 of that 5 million would be Norks.

Rusty said...

Quayle said...
The answer is because South Korea is sending leaflets over to the north talking about how the south is free and prosperous. North Korea considers the leaflets to be trash - rubbish - so they’re responding in kind.

Yeah. This.
South Koreans send cool stuff into the North. The North sends garbage because that's all they've got.
The average South Korean doesn't want anything to do with North Koreans.

Scott M said...


It's probably because North Korea secretly loves South Korea but they are too emotionally immature to put it into words so they pull ponytails instead. What North Korea should really do is ask Japan to find out if South Korea like-likes them.

Yancey Ward said...

Why? Because they can.

ron winkleheimer said...

"Actually, the Norks would cause at least 5 million casualties in such a scenario. The deterrent to this approach is that all but 200,000 of that 5 million would be Norks."

Probably why they haven't attacked yet. And if they believe that their army is as capable as they claim then they are delusional. They can't even feed their troops decently.

Yancey Ward said...

What North Korea is doing is trolling South Korea. North Korea is like Howard and Rich.

ron winkleheimer said...

"Great N Korean videos! After operation "Fiery Courtyard",I suspect that the 50,000 soldiers pouring over the border won't actually be much of a "surprise", but other than that it seems like a good plan!"

Nah. The bombardment would be terrible, but everything after that is delusional. They can't even feed their soldiers decently. Even if they could field 50000 infantry troops (they can't) most of them would be untrained and unfit for duty. In addition, if they started amassing that many troops then the US and SK would know it, and have to decide if a preemptive strike should be undertaken. As for all the claims of vast amounts of mechanized infantry pouring into the south, it doesn't exist. Finally, every male in SK is drafted at 18 for two years and gets plenty of hardcore training. That urban warfare that NK thinks will go well for them, not so much. Oh, and one more thing, the infrastructure in SK is designed to support military reaction to a North Korean invasion. Bridges and overpasses will be mined to prevent advances and highways are designed an built so that military jets can land and takeoff from them.

Temujin said...

I fart in your general direction.

john mosby said...

California Republicans could adapt this technique with San Francisco street poop.

Sort of like Abbott busing illegals north out of Texas.

I can see the headlines now as other big city mayors hold press conferences to plead for federal assistance in the Caca Crisis.


Scott M said...

"Actually, the Norks would cause at least 5 million casualties in such a scenario. The deterrent to this approach is that all but 200,000 of that 5 million would be Norks."

Actually, they prefer to be referred to as "bark-eating norks", sir.

The rule of Lemnity said...

When I've met Koreans and they tell me they are Korean, they don't say I'm South Korean. They just say I'm Korean.

Hassayamper said...

Kim is a gold-plated weirdo, and so too are the people over whom he rules. The two Koreas are so remarkably different.

Rusty said...

That's because you will never meet a North Korean.
The reason South Korea doesn't want anything to do with North Korea is because the North Koreans are backward, disease ridden and ill educated. They don't want their hard earned treasure spend on remedying that.

The Godfather said...

There's nothing surprising about this. All nations seek to export their best domestic products. French wine, German beer, South Korean cars, North Korean trash. It's a matter of national prestige.

The Godfather said...

There's nothing surprising about this. All nations seek to export their best domestic products. French wine, German beer, South Korean cars, North Korean trash. It's a matter of national prestige.

The Godfather said...

Sorry. I didn't post that comment twice, the machine did it.

Mikey NTH said...

Because the DPRK is a brat of a country that needs others paying them off to survive.