June 27, 2024

Let's watch the big presidential debate.

I don't know if I'll comment. It's a bit late for me. Maybe I'll have to comment tomorrow. But I wanted to put up a place for you to talk about the debate.

ADDED: My son John is live-blogging at Facebook, here.

AND: After the debate, the commentators on CNN seem to all be on the same page proclaiming that Biden was dismal and that Democrats are panicking and planning to figure out how to replace Biden. I didn’t think Biden was that bad. I thought it was bad, but not that bad. So it seems to me that the commentators and the Democrats — these panicking Democrats — were ready to go with this attack. This seems completely phony and planned to me.


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wendybar said...

Mika is crying that Trump was lying all night long, but ignores the lies of her savior Joe Biden. They claim Joe is a decent man!!! What a load of bullshit. I can't stop watching!! Love watching their meltdown this morning, and can't wait to see the meltdowns and riots when Trump takes his rightful place at the White House after this stolen election put this delusional old man in there doing Obama's bidding. Fundamentally transform THIS Obama!!

Saint Croix said...

The fundamental problem for the Dems right now, is after that performance how can Biden drop out yet still serve out the rest of his term in the White House?

Depends on how Biden feels about Harris.

If he wants to go with Harris, the move is to resign and let her be president for a few months. That's her campaign, right there.

If he doesn't want to go with Harris, the move is to announce that you've decided not to run for re-election. And that means open convention, and the nominee will be whoever the Democrats decide to throw out there.

john mosby said...

Morning Joe has become Mourning Joe today. Sharpton is in an all-black 3 piece with black tie. Donny Deutsch is sitting shiva unshaven.

If you’ve lost Scarborough, you’ve lost the blob.

Speaking of the blob, St Croix, there’s nothing illegal about a political party having Big Beasts who set the tone for the elected members. With our federal system breaking up government into a 3 by 3 matrix of separated/distributed powers, it’s one way to get things done across all the compartments. Many European countries and US states have operated like that. See, e.g., the Trades Union Council running the UK Labour Party in the golden age of British socialism, or various state party machines here. Truman was always accused of being s front for the Pendergast machine.

The Big Beast system is inherently unstable because eventually the elected officials realize hey, people voted for me, not you. Biden is obviously past that. Trump, on the other hand, as a guy used to breaching contracts, realized that he didnt need to fall in lockstep with the GOP. Then once out of office he realized he could be a Big Beast.

And Obama’s Big Beastliness is about as secret as his sexuality. One side has been saying it for four years. The other would be surprised and afraid to find out Obama isnt pulling the strings.

And it’s not illegal, as long as the actually elected people sign/repeat the orders. Oh, and as long as theyre actually elected.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

They got their 10-15 million illegal aliens inside the border.
Do they need the mob-husk-crook-puppet anymore?

Jamie said...

The thing about 2020, is that everything was already known about Biden before the primaries, the laptop was already out, when the Democrats could have picked someone else, who might be coasting to a second term right now, but for some reason, we can all guess at, it was a matter of "fierce urgency" that Joe Biden, and only Joe Biden, be president.

I never understood it. Biden? JOE Biden? Why?!

The answer is Obama, I suppose.

I noticed that the couple of times Trump used his new "I didn't want to run again, but look what he's done to our country" tactic, he was careful not to say he would have preferred to retire - just that he could be in lots of nice places. He's not that much younger than Biden, do he knows he has to address his own age - but has the contrast between the two ever been so stark?

donald said...

The entire apparatchik class at CNN, MSNBC, CBS, The Times, The Post, the Gaurdian are calling for Joe Biden to withdraw from the race. The talking point, which went out before the end of the debate was “panic”.

Sounds pretty clear to me Mark.

Breezy said...

Bernie was winning the Dem nomination in 2020. Obama and Clyburn couldn’t have that, so they manufactured the remaining primaries to vote Biden. Biden was seen to be the only one with name and experience to beat Trump. His moderate history fell by the wayside though, as the deals with the devil-progs to get the nomination caused our national declining situation today.

donald said...

Scarborough yesterday: Joe Biden is at his mental peak right this second. I know, we hang all the time.

Today: Oh boy, where’s my damned clown nose.

Humperdink said...

Who knew a woman getting raped by her sister was a thing? Apparently Joe Biden knows.

JAORE said...

Follow the money!

Can you imagine asking a major donor to "invest" in Biden winning?

Old and slow said...

When you lost the Irish Times as a Democrat, you're finished...


Old and slow said...

Blogger Inga said...
Woof woof, that magical dog!

Is this an inside joke we are meant to understand, or have you lost your mind entirely?

MadisonMan said...

I did not watch the debate. We'll see what happens in the aftermath. The only question is: Is Biden more like Yuri Andropov or Konstantin Chernenko?
Chernenko was 73 when he died, Andropov was 69; Both almost a full decade younger than Biden! But in my mind, they seem to have been impossibly old when they passed.

JAORE said...

"Scarborough yesterday: Joe Biden is at his mental peak right this second. I know, we hang all the time."

I watched Morning Joe this am. Summary:
I love Joe B. Great man. Great president.... but... that was bad. We have to consider removal because Trump is worse, that LIAR!!!!

Only reference to his very recent Joe is a dynamo is that he spent hours with him in March and he was sharp as a tack.

Sure Joe it's RAPID onset dementia. So in 3-4 months he went from Einstein/Schwarzenegger to Jo-Jo the pin head (sorry, not sorry)? But that makes removal even more imperative, doesn't it?

Saint Croix said...

And it’s not illegal, as long as the actually elected people sign/repeat the orders.

au contraire

it's not criminal

but it's unconstitutional as shit

for Obama to try to run the country a third time, a fourth time, a fifth time

go the fuck home

and if it's all fine and dandy for Obama to be a secret commander-in-chief

fucking announce it then

why is it secret?

I have no patience for secret cabals and assholes who hate the voters and the American people

Saint Croix said...

Obama is the first ex-president to stay in Washington D.C.

JES said...

After ten minutes into it, I had to turn it off. Sick to my stomach. We, USA, that is, is in a bad spot.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The Biden campaign's biggest mistake was accepting having a debate with Trump at all. This bell can't be unrung. They can no longer hide and stage-manage their candidate. Most of us have known for a long time that Biden is not suitable for the job now, much less until January 2029. This debate just showed that to the entire country in real time.”

Trump is the one I would never want to play poker with. The rules were horrible. There is evidence that the CNN (as apparently is usual) gave FJB the questions in advance. Seeing the looming pileup CNN tweaked the debate even more against him this last week. And Trump just smiled accepted the ridiculous debate rules, accepted it, got ready, and then pulled it off. Trump bet the ranch that FJB couldn’t pull it off, and he was right.

Rusty said...

Rich said:
Good thing we didn't bet. You'd be out a couple of K.

No, Mark. You and your irrational friends will put him in the White House. This is what happens when you go full Ethel Merman. Never go full Ethel Merman.

Iman said...

“I'm figuring he'd been out in the rain somewhere”

Quite the metaphor, lol!

JohnJ said...

"This seems completely phony and planned to me."

Maybe, but what do you make of the "Cheap Fake" claims of the past few weeks? Why risk insulting a significant % of the electorate with the reprimand that they are not to believe what they see with their own eyes? And, why bother with such a ludicrous spin if the fix was in for Thursday night?

My take on last night is that it may have been Biden's final opportunity to demonstrate nominal cognitive functioning--a low bar, but essentially the metric applied to him the past three years. He failed bcs the drunk-on-skates never actually falls.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Chuck said...
Trump's lying again. There was no offer of 10,000 troops. That's a pure, total lie.

Bullshit. The aid testified to teh troop offer, and to Pelosi turning it down

Trump is lying about the January 6 Committe destroying all of its evidence. A pure, total lie.
They encrypted it, and refused to pass on teh keys to the GOP

That's "destroyed"

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