June 28, 2024

I want the names of everyone who is covering their ass by acting surprised that Biden performed the way he did at the debate last night.

Biden beat my expectations.

I expected the CNN panel to spin for Biden, just like his wife did:

Those who have had access to Biden over the last 2 years knew what everyone could see last night, and they choose to gaslight America, saying he's just fine — he's very sharp. They kept him away from any serious interviews, anything that would expose his weakness, but they sent him out for this debate. My hypothesis is that the debate was a set up, and the panic response — reported by the CNN commentators immediately after the debate — was not sudden and emotional but a cold sober plan to cover up 2 years of lying about Biden's condition.

In the last few weeks we've been scolded about believing our own eyes, told what we were seeing were "cheap fakes." These were people using Biden for their own concerted purposes, and now they'd like to drop him. They would have Weekend-at-Bernied him over the finish line if they could, but it seems they decided to wheel him out in public on one big occasion, let us watch him for 90 horrible minutes, and then act as if they suddenly realized this man can't do the job.

Meanwhile, he is the President of the United States, and he will be for 7 more months. That's the immediate emergency. Beyond that, I want responsibility. Shine a light on those who covered for him and who faked surprise last night. How did Democratic Party characters communicate with CNN and how did the CNN panel hit the ground running, all on the same page, all with such intensity? I want to know. So untrustworthy!


Duke Dan said...

“I want responsibility”

Bless your heart.

Dave Begley said...

And who has been the real President? Jill Biden! I’m thinking she set this up so that she can be the nominee.

It will be an open convention and the following will seek the nomination: Dr. Jill, Harris, Clinton, Newsom, Whitmer and Mayor Pete.

Dr. Jill would be historic as the first female President and with a doctorate!

Shouting Thomas said...

So, who or what has really been president the past few years?

The 2020 election was rigged and sabotaged by the Intel agencies allied with the DNC.

Another “conspiracy theory” that we now know is true.

rhhardin said...

All non-questions. The whole thing was aimed at women.

But they've run out of "seems to mean well" territory.

Rt41Rebel said...

Cruel neutrality!

rhhardin said...

Trump is boring, Biden is senile.

imTay said...

Why is it an "immediate emergency"? Whoever is running the government now has been running it for almost four years. Well, they have made a mess of things, I can see that. But they don't care, they have their bunkers, their supplies. They will not pay the price. And if you are asking me who "they" are? Well, I wish I knew.

Temujin said...

Precisely. Every word of what you wrote.
But I'd go a bit further. A light should be shone on the cabal who fronted him to begin with. Those who realized they could put in into place, and run the government from behind the curtain. Let me offer up two names to start: Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett.

These people changed the course of our nation and the world- and not for the better. Not in any sense. The US is in chaos right now, with 12 million unaccounted for people now within our border, many of whom no doubt have bad intent. Our economy is in a massive struggle, despite what the stock pricing of NVDIA, Apple, Meta, and Alphabet says. Our schools are awful, the streets of our cities are rife with crime.
And internationally, there are wars going on, with threats of other wars coming that would not have been had Biden been the 'Old Man in Charge'.

This cabal who fronted Biden, did so by keeping a 'lid' on his during 2019 and 2020. He rarely spoke with the media and if he did, it was only on script, with Q&A carefully arranged, like a dance. He didn't even have to campaign because the Democrats were so busy picking at Trump's carcass over Russia, Russia, or calls to Ukraine, impeachments and everything else. All created to elect the guy we saw last night.

We are in an awful place right now. And the Democrats answer is going to be to front Gavin Newsom. There is no end to the bullshit.

Kate said...

Someone in last night's comments suggested that a contingent of Biden's team has been worried for a long time but couldn't get traction. It's a helluva story if the debate was a stealth runaround by a crew trying to replace Biden and let the public know the truth.

Dave Begley said...

Over at The Drudge Report they have a picture of Biden with that stare. That’s the exact same stare my aunt had 48 hours before she died.

Greg Hlatky said...

Dr. Jill would be historic as the first female President and with a doctorate!

Woodrow Wilson had a Ph.D.

Dave Begley said...


But Wilson was a man.

Reddington said...

How did Democratic Party characters communicate with CNN and how did the CNN panel hit the ground running, all on the same page, all with such intensity? I want to know. So untrustworthy!

This kind of chicanery is modus operandi of the Democratic Party. How anyone can ever support their candidates is beyond me.

Dave Begley said...

You want names? Start with Morning Joe. Joe said he loves Biden and he has been a great President, but he can’t be the nominee. Wife Mika says wait a few days.

Lilly, a dog said...

"You did such a good job. You answered all the questions."

The look on Joe's face after Jill talks to him like he's a mentally challenged child reminds me of this heartwarming moment:

Sloth loves Chunk

mezzrow said...

Think of all the ways this could get seriously worse, perhaps existential, between now and next January. Biden will be POTUS until then, no matter what, until he leaves voluntarily or is taken out by the 25th.

The world is chock full of those who hate us and wish we were all dead. The next few months represent the best opportunity they are likely to ever have to succeed in this. The people Ann is calling out are the ones responsible for this situation. Like her, I want names. Who is actually running this damn thing?

Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one-way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there

Jamie said...

Why is it an "immediate emergency"? Whoever is running the government now has been running it for almost four years.

Because with it out in the open, we're staring down the barrel of the 25th, with Harris poised to take the reins. And foreign powers are watching.

Humperdink said...

"You want names? Start with Morning"

Yep. Scar'bro has been carrying Biden's oxygen tank and diaper bag for three years now.

JZ said...

Did Biden spend the last week working on his dumb looks?

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

Anyway I am charmed by the childlike naïveté of anyone who thinks that Trump relentlessly lying would matter to anyone capable of voting for Trump.

exhelodrvr1 said...

At this point, I hope they keep him as the nominee.

Leland said...

This is the first recap of the debate I read, and it suggests the debate was exactly what I thought.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"The next few months represent the best opportunity they are likely to ever have to succeed in this."

The world has known about this for years - the next few months won't matter. Maybe if someone other than Harris would be taking over.

Sally327 said...

I think they need to be careful about the backlash. I can't stand Biden and yet I now am feeling a bit sorry for him.

Plus I'm starting to wonder about the deep fake. Is Biden actually a captive here, is someone doping him up, not to make seem like he's okay but the oppposite, to make him seem old and senile? Who was at Camp David during that week of debate prep and what exactly where they doing to this man, that he should come out of all that prep and present so disastrously? Tailor-made to fit the current narrative. So convenient.

There are malevolent forces at work here, but perhaps not in the way we are being manipulated to think.

Saint Croix said...

I expected the CNN panel to spin for Biden, just like his wife did:

Jill Biden: You did a great job! You answered all your questions!

She's talking to him like he's an invalid. And she's his nurse.

Those who have had access to Biden over the last 2 years knew what everyone could see last night, and they choose to gaslight America, saying he's just fine — he's very sharp. They kept him away from any serious interviews, anything that would expose his weakness

His wife is the one who's doing this stuff, way more than anybody else.

A lot of blame should be thrown her way.

Loves the power, can't give it up.

She's telling Biden what he wants to hear. Keeping his delusions intact and his pills available.

Oh Yea said...

2 Years? They ran him from the basement 4 years ago with COVID as the excuse. They knew then. They only wanted a figure head and with the right people in the administration they could run it from the background. I think they figured get him past the finish line in November and at the appropriate time he would step down or pull a 25th Amendment if necessary.

Dave Begley said...

Eric Trump just made a great point. The entire Democrat party set this up and killed their own candidate. The Dems have something up their sleeve.

Line of the debate: Beat Medicare!

Limited blogger said...

Appoint Trump president by acclamation.

Saint Croix said...

Who is actually running this damn thing?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ann - you need to calm down and take some Bidenica.

Drago said...

It should be noted Rich was one of the biggest pushers of the biden-is-fine-its-just-a-stutter BS for 4 years.

But when the party leaders go Full 4-legs-bad-2-legs-good the democratical party NPC's dont even miss a beat as they execute a 180.

Dave Begley said...

Kamala and Pete are threatening Jill right now with the 25th Amendment.

Saint Croix said...

They can't tell you it's his third term.

Because it's illegal.

But that's who's calling the shots, I suspect.

Oh Yea said...

My local paper headlines, straight from CNN last night:

"Debate takeaways: Trump confident, even when wrong, Biden halting, even with facts on his side"

Christopher B said...

And I'll keep maintaining just the opposite. Willful denial is a powerful drug. I think it was Nate Silver's post this morning that noted Biden debated better as recently as 2020 than he did last night, and 81 is a real inflection point in aging. Biden had good days and bad days, and now he has bad days and worse days, but it's easy to keep adjusting the expectations down subtly over time. The SOTU gave them hope that amped-up Angry Brandon was going to work, and that persona probably would have in the standard PDC format, but the side-by-side press conference they designed wound up tamping down all of Trump's bad habits and amplifying the distinction between Trump and what was probably one of the worst Biden performances of recent memory.

I think you need to provide some supporting evidence that Team Biden didn't do this largely on their own initiative. They thought the debate challenge could work out to Biden's advantage, and probably would have if Trump had gone off the rails or if he had refused to debate. Is there any evidence that the clown show in the White House is capable of pulling off something like this, and why would they go along with somebody else's plan to defenestrate Biden?

Those talking heads aren't sitting in the studio waiting for press reports, or fed some line prior to the debate. 90% of reporting now is just repeating social media talking points, and they were watching their phones blow up in real time with the texts and the memes and the X posts about how people outside the inner circle were shocked at exactly how bad Biden could be.

wendybar said...

Ask Morning Joe and Mika. The whole channel is having a meltdown this morning, and it is glorious to watch. Afterall, it is Joe Bidens favorite morning show!!!

Kevin said...

Captain Renault: I'm shocked! Shocked to find Biden isn’t up to being President.

bob said...

Now that the truth is undeniable, the people in charge need to be asked: whose been running the country for the last couple years?

Chuck said...

Those who have had access to Biden over the last 2 years knew what everyone could see last night, and they choose to gaslight America, saying he's just fine — he's very sharp. They kept him away from any serious interviews, anything that would expose his weakness, but they sent him out for this debate. My hypothesis is that the debate was a set up, and the panic response — reported by the CNN commentators immediately after the debate — was not sudden and emotional but a cold sober plan to cover up 2 years of lying about Biden's condition.

Those who have had access to Trump over the last 2 years knew what everyone could see last night, and they choose to gaslight America, saying Trump's just fine — he's just misunderstood in the way that he speaks and uses facts. Trump's been kept him away from any serious interviews, anything that would expose his lying and sociopathology, but he went out for this debate. My hypothesis is that Trump doesn't care in the least about being accused of, and being caught, lying. The debate was more of the same, and the gloating response — reported by the pundits across television immediately after the debate — was not sudden and emotional but a continuation with the fascination over how candidates appear on television.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

They got their 10-15 million illegal aliens inside the border.
Do they need the mob-husk-crook-puppet anymore?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck - the topic here is Crook Joe.


Rory said...

"Beyond that, I want responsibility. Shine a light on those who covered for him and who faked surprise last night."

It's the same people who promoted Trump nine years ago. No light shone on them yet.

Kay said...

Very interesting.

Saint Croix said...

In the last few weeks we've been scolded about believing our own eyes, told what we were seeing were "cheap fakes." These were people using Biden for their own concerted purposes, and now they'd like to drop him. They would have Weekend-at-Bernied him over the finish line if they could, but it seems they decided to wheel him out in public on one big occasion, let us watch him for 90 horrible minutes, and then act as if they suddenly realized this man can't do the job.

I disagree. The Democrats who were covering up -- Kamala, Dr. Jill, others in the White House -- are still trying to spin it.

The freak out came from Democrats who are not in the White House. The panic is from Democrats in office who are now worried about losing their jobs in November because Biden is (obviously) unfit to be the top of the ticket.

So there are two groups of Democrats -- the ones who have been covering up how bad he's gotten. And the other, much larger group, who were disturbed when they saw the truth.

doctrev said...

Oh yes, the pressure is on Doctor Jill. But she can pressure back. Pardon Hunter Biden. Fire Merrick Garland and drop all charges against Trump. The Bidens can ruin the Democrats for a generation before being forced out. For that matter, the oligarchs don't even have the juice to force Kamala to step down- not without destroying the Administration.

This is well-deserved, and it's only going to get worse for the chuckservatives.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC Rich - Why would any thinking person agree to the lies you and the lying liar left push every day?

Aggie said...

Oh. You mean they lied to us, they've been lying to us, and now - they're lying to us? Maybe they're just looking after us.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
..but it seems they decided to wheel him out in public on one big occasion, let us watch him for 90 horrible minutes, and then act as if they suddenly realized this man can't do the job.

Similarly, my immediate reaction at the conclusion of last night's debate was that the debate outcome hit Trump's sweet spot.

Meaning the debate showed Biden was compromised, but not enough to turn his supporters against him, so that Biden would make it until November.

Echoing Althouse, the harshly negative reaction among Biden supporters to Biden's performance caught me by surprise.

Was their quick abandonment of Biden the plan all along?

Every facet of Trump's opposition seems to have a diabolical element to it.

Gusty Winds said...

Many of us here have been saying for months we expect Gavin Newsome to be plugged in. Maybe the put in someone else, but we have also been saying Joe won't be on the November ballot.

I smell a severe Biden health crisis coming. He'd better hire a food taster.

They will replace Biden with a nominee that didn't receive one primary vote. All in an effort to "protect democracy". They've been planning this for a long time.

How do you feel this morning if you are a loyal Democrat voter?

Scott Patton said...

The whole crew should double down, claim debate victory and go all George driving to The Hamptons.

Alexander said...

2 years?

There's no emergency here, or at least no new emergency. Yes, we've been openly run by a deep state for the past 3.5 years with a braindead man puppeted out every now and then, but nobody in any position of power was fooled by this.

What, we think Putin or Xi woke up this morning and went, Wow! Biden is a dead man walking, this changes everything!


Likewise, does anyone really think the actual people in power are going to hand it over to Kamala Harris because she's (technically) less braindead than Joe?


This is the circus they wanted, this is the circus they got. Fake elections have consequences lol. Republicans shouldn't let the Dems invoke the 25th - nothing has changed between Joe today and Joe a week, a month, a year ago.

Humperdink said...

Shorter Chuck: "Look squirrel!!"

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Meanwhile, he is the President of the United States, and he will be for 7 more months. That's the immediate emergency."

This is the man who has the nuclear codes, and I seem to recall copious kvetching between 2016-2020 of how Trump having access to the nuclear football would result in WWIII. Good times. Good times.

We are closer to nuclear brinksmanship with Russia than any since before the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the President of the United States has pudding where his brain should be. To anyone and everyone who tried to cover for this catastrophe, FUCK YOU.

Breezy said...

“They will replace Biden with a nominee that didn't receive one primary vote. All in an effort to "protect democracy". They've been planning this for a long time.”

Anyone - Any ideas how will they handle the teeny issue that Biden has already won the virtual nomination to get on the Ohio ballot? The new person needs that ballot access too.

Aggie said...

Let there be no mistake, neither candidate did well last night. Trump could have nailed the election beyond any reasonable doubt if he had stayed on topic and refrained from swapping infantile insults with Biden. Biden's condition is self-evident, and not for the first time. All Trump had to do was be mildly confrontation to the moderating toadys, answer the questions succinctly, and then spend the remaining alloted time extemporizing on the state of the nation - without insult. He didn't, or couldn't. One the one hand, we have Biden talking about being the envy of the world, the most powerful nation, etc. etc., and then the Presidential Debate: all about golf handicaps,Joe is the worstest, Donald is the Convicted Felon. It was a deeply disappointing experience for the 50% of my attention span that was allocated.

narciso said...

Where did orange man touch you chuck

Seriously how else do you explain the brokem border the kabul capitulations the march of kiev kiryat arba etc

Drago said...

Gusty Winds: "How do you feel this morning if you are a loyal Democrat voter?"

Loyal democratical voters are awaiting instructions from party leaders on how to feel.

As always.

Meanwhile , despite an entire global audience that witnessed the truth with their own eyes, pathetic far leftist gaslighters like Chuck are actually trying to put the "clothes" back on their emperor dementia-glitch boy!

Kate said...

I'm with @Christopher B. This shock from the Left was genuine. They believed the Biden spin because Orange Man Bad overrides everything and shuts down their brains. To them, Trump lies, therefore Biden is fine.

Some people have seen Biden in person, though, and know he's too old. These are the gaslighters and elder abusers. Gov Newsom is looking particularly oily.

Birches said...

She's an evil woman and we have an evil ruling class.

Jamie said...

Trump relentlessly lying

About what, of substance? Not about the border. Not about the economy (I know you believe otherwise about the state of the economy in January 2021, but be honest with yourself - didn't things immediately start to rebound as soon as each state began to reopen? Or maybe you live in one of the states that didn't, so your perception really was that January 2021 was worse than June 2020). Not about his position on abortion - that he wouldn't support a "national ban" but rather supports the Constitutionally sound Dobbs decision. Not about the simple fact that neither the Ukraine invasion nor the Oct. 7 terror invasion took place on his watch. Not about police, border patrol, or military members' opinions of each man.

He hit violent crime committed by illegal aliens harder than I think he should have; I think he should have emphasized the numerically bigger issues of the fentanyl pipeline and the effects on wages of Biden's open border. But he wasn't lying about violent crime committed by illegal aliens - only choosing the most emotional but realistically least salient argument against that open border.

Biden, meanwhile, was thrown back on old tropes like the "very fine people" BS to try to delegitimize his opponent altogether - something Trump touched on only once, in response to Biden's "he's a convicted felon" delegitimization attempt, when he alluded to the possibility that Biden could be a convicted felon very shortly. Which is certainly true; now that Biden's DOJ has broken the seal, a future president's DOJ could - openly or through proxies - go after Biden, either for his dereliction of duty at the border or his obvious decades-long selling of American foreign policy or for his gross mishandling of classified documents or all of the above.

What were the relentless lies that matter?

narciso said...

Some people cant take the win trump showed magnanimity to someone who has enabled the destruction of this country who has brought us to the brink of world war 3

MayBee said...

What’s the problem? Just run Kamala


Sebastian said...

"they choose to gaslight America, saying he's just fine — he's very sharp."

Correct. Now generalize: what else do they gaslight America about?

My hypothesis is that the debate was a set up, and the panic response — reported by the CNN commentators immediately after the debate"

Very plausible hypothesis. But the consternation seemed a little too real to be set up. At least not every public Dem was in on it. Plus the big reveal now exposes them to the Althouse revulsion--a big risk, since they'll need some of the Althouses in November.

"Meanwhile, he is the President of the United States, and he will be for 7 more months. That's the immediate emergency."

Why emergency? How does it differ from the last three years? OK, the emptiness has been fully and undeniably exposed, that's different. But in practice the prog cabal has run things all along. It has worked out well for them: senile Joe willingly turned left.

"Beyond that, I want responsibility."

OK, fine. But they are Dems. They don't do responsibility. They have contempt for you and your standards. All they want is your vote, and they think they might still get it--abortion, you know. The only way to hold them accountable is to vote them out--not once, but consistently.

Scott Patton said...

The media could continue to lie to the opposition. They can't do that to all the normies that tuned into the debate. That's the difference between yesterday and today.

Drago said...

Aggie"... and then the Presidential Debate: all about golf handicaps..."


The Presidential Debate was "all about golf handicaps..."?

You know, I am going to disagree with that particular hyperbolic analysis.

Humperdink said...

@Drago. A slight correction - the emperor has no diaper.

planetgeo said...

Welcome to reality, Ann. I hope Meade takes a picture of the dawning of you.

rehajm said...

When you get away with historic lies, big historic lies and the people you are duping are vigorously defending you, it becomes difficult to understand there’s a limit to what you can get away with. I’m sure the people running the executive were convinced they could prop up Joe long enough to get to the steal…

I’m still not convinced of the replacement theory- it would mean a Democrat power struggle, perhaps something too difficult to coordinate as convincingly as will be needed. Plus the people in power, or at least some of them, will be out of power…

…they’ve been doing a good job hiding Kamala though, yes?

Patentlee said...

So we all saw what Hur was talking about in his report, and why the Biden Administration is pulling out all the stops to keep the audio tape of Biden’s interviews with Hur under wraps.

Jamie said...

I smell a severe Biden health crisis coming.

Immediately after the debate, my husband said the White House was reporting that Biden had a cold. Minutes later, it reported that he was taking a COVID test. Anyone hear about this?

Dave Begley said...

Pete is appointed VP by Kamala after the 25th is invoked. That’s the deal. And they become the most historic ticket ever!

Breezy said...

“The candidacy has fallen. Okay? Van, I know you're speaking from your heart. I'm worried about the President we should pray for the President. I think his advisers, I think the White House, and I think his family have a lot of explaining to do to their party and to the American people.

This night, one night was caused by and asked for by the Biden team. They wanted this night. And this is what we got. We've been told for weeks, weeks by Democrats who say, “Oh, in private meetings, I've seen Joe Biden do cartwheels and handstands while doing trigonometry while solving all the nation's problems. We now know that every single person who said that has been lying to the American people.”

- Scott Jennings, after the debate

gspencer said...

"Beyond that, I [AA] want responsibility."


Responsibility? That's a four-letter word to Democrats. It's always someone else to blame. Ducking responsibility is stock-in-trade for all Democrat pols and their client captives (from the welfare gimme guy & gals to anyone else sucking off of the public).

MayBee said...

This is a great post though, Althouse. The maddening thing truly is that we’ve been told for years that we aren’t seeing what we are seeing, that Biden is sharp and kind and people who say otherwise are dangerous deepfakers. Meanwhile we have obviously been in some Soviet-like political state where the Party is in charge and the head of the party is less important. And then the same people running things like that tell us we must vote for their guy because Democracy! Is at stake.

I’ve all but checked out but it really is serious

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Fundamental Transformation moves forward unabated.

BUMBLE BEE said...

How is Martial Law going to work under Kamala?

narciso said...

Marc elias enabled this fraud others continued it

ThreeSheets said...

Sotomayor announces she is stepping down. Biden nominates Kamala and then nominates Gavin for VP. At the convention, Biden announces he is freeing his delegates to vote for Gavin.

Jamie said...

All they want is your vote, and they think they might still get it--abortion, you know.

Jon Stewart's bit on the debate - "A! to the B! to the O, to the R, to the T! YESSSS! Our strongest issue!"

I do not understand how we got from "safe, legal, and rare" to "shout your abortion!" I mean, surely even the most rabid abortion enthusiasts know that if an abortion doesn't take place, the eventual result is undeniably a baby. Which, even if you don't like babies, is it a good look, politically, to be glad that they're never born and to celebrate their demise?

Do Republicans as a group have such a position on some issue? Something where - absent the spin from either side - they're objectively rooting for the ability to plan and carry out the end of hundreds of thousands of lives a year, however you characterize the creature whose life is ended? Truly, I can't think of one.

Tank said...

Ok, I admit I was wrong. I said that they'd drug him up and he'd talk, talk, talk (lying and making stuff up) for 90 minutes. Nope. He's passed that now.

planetgeo said...

Chuck, Inga, Rich...our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time for your alternate reality.

TickTock said...

Well before the debate It was clear to anyone who cared to think about it that this was a set up to get rid of Biden. Don't know why so many people are suddenly surprised.

Yancey Ward said...

I don't think there was a grand plan to get Biden to an early debate so that Democrats could replace him. The way the debate came about suggests very strongly that this originated inside Biden's actual supportive inner circle as a way of dispelling the questions about his mental competency- the real plan was for Trump to decline the challenge- that was why it was CNN with all the rules that were specifically added to make the offer to Trump even less appealing. It went off the rails when Trump just called the bluff within an hour.

The really hilarious thing to me is this- I thought Biden did a lot better than my expectations- he was definitely less confused than he normally is in unscripted environment (probably because it was scripted last by having the questions beforehand and in the exact order and I do think he had an earpiece he was trying to listen to at times). However, I was also surprised at how weak and infirm Biden appeared- I thought for sure they would have him amped up the SotU level. But the really devastating thing is that Biden spent far too much of his time blaming Trump for Biden's own failures in the last 3 1/2 years- an incumbent President doesn't get to pass the buck that way since everyone knows who is sitting in the Oval Office today.

Replacing Biden has no easy answers if Harris doesn't play ball and gives up on being President. Sure, you could open the convention up after Biden steps aside but what are the Democrats going to do if Biden endorses Harris and resigns from office? Replacing Biden at this point is an admission of guilt and incompetence on the part of the entire party itself.

Saint Croix said...

The panic is from Democrat officials from around the country who might lose their jobs in November.

The cover-up is from Democrats in the White House who have been lying for months and months.

Two different groups of Democrats.

The media -- also made up of Democrats -- shocked me by being honest about Biden's condition for once. They decided not to spin it. So that's the surprise, that the lying media told the truth for once.

Drago said...

BUMBLE BEE: "How is Martial Law going to work under Kamala?"

I will try and answer this im Kamala and LLR-speak; The President and I, we were all doing a tour of the nation and talking about the significance of martial law, right?
The significance of martial law. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to martial law in terms of what we need to do to lay these laws in a very martial way, which is a little different type of lay, but that is a discussion for a another day. What we need to do to create effective martial law, and there is such great significance to martial law when we think about a day in the life of our country, is to get those martial laws into a framework of martial lawness and have those lawness thingies guide us in a martial way.

Bob Boyd said...

Agree with your assessment that the debate was a set up to build support for replacing Biden, Professor, but I will take it a step further.
I would say those behind Joe already know who they intend to replace him with.

Those behind Joe, the Regime, as it were, will not want to relinquish power, control and safety. Joe has been their tool and they will replace him with another tool. The complicit media will dutifully embrace the replacement tool.
And so will most rank and file Dems.

Xmas said...

You have to be cynical to think they put the debate on the week before a Thursday 4th of July holiday week to minimize the news cycle that this debate would fall into during a week of lowest news viewership.

Of course, anybody flying this weekend will likely have debate clips and analysis playing over and over again while they wait at their gate. Without sound, mouth-agape Joe will be the epitome of Presidentiality.

Political Junkie said...

Dave B at 656 - The funny thing is Dave, out of all the other D politicians you listed, I think Dr.Jill (sarc) would be a better president than all of them. How did we get to this place in America?

wendybar said...

Sally327 said...
I think they need to be careful about the backlash. I can't stand Biden and yet I now am feeling a bit sorry for him.

Remember....Jill Biden did this. WHY is she letting her husband be used this way, other than to cover up her families crimes or she loves the lush taxpayer funded lifestyle too much to let it go. SHE should be embarrassed. Conservatives are only saying what the left has been lying and telling us is deep fake. It isn't. THIS is what they pushed on us. All anybody with brains has to do is open their eyes.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

For a long time I thought Althouse was pretending (for whatever reason) to be shocked by the bias in the NYT, the thirst for power of the Democrats and the totalitarian bent of the progressives.

But now I'm thinking she really is this stupid.

GingerBeer said...

Who in the D party will step forward and tell Jill Biden EdD it's time to step down?

Scott M said...

Beyond that, I want responsibility.

In 2024 America? lolololol

...oh, wait. You're serious? Allow me to laugh even harder. LOLOLOLOL

Kevin said...

You want names? We have the names of 51 liars from last election.

We have the names of the "Russian Collusion" perpetrators from the election before that.

Nothing happens to these people. They just keep getting voted back into power.

Saint Croix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher B said...

Breezy said...
Anyone - Any ideas how will they handle the teeny issue that Biden has already won the virtual nomination to get on the Ohio ballot?

The deadline for Ohio ballot access is August 7th. I know the Democrats have announced a plan for a virtual nomination ahead of that date but I don't see any reports that it has been done, and the Democrats have several weeks before it becomes an issue.

Maynard said...

Dave Begley said:"Pete is appointed VP by Kamala after the 25th is invoked. That’s the deal. And they become the most historic ticket ever!

Whether they use the 25th Amendment or not, that is the most likely Democrat ticket.

There will be a continuous uproar of excitement from the Media and Hollywood about this historic ticket. It will be the bestest thing evah!

Leland said...

I saw this yesterday from Instapundit: LEAKED: Joe Biden’s Presidential Debate Prep Footage.

It is meant to be funny and I though it was, but I also thought number 2 under "Don'ts" seemed a bit far afield, err uttermost thing to occur. Then I see Instapundit today. 17 minutes in and "he did the thing".


wildswan said...

Biden showed up as unfit. That's the key point. That alters it all. The Dems were telling one big lie - that he was fit. When that's known to be a lie it changes the terrain on which all their other statements and/or lies rest. Trump has policy differences with the Dems which the United Media have been calling "lies." But the Big Blue Lie about Biden makes it evident that the Dems and their media allies will lie about major issues.
For exapmle, Trump says there is a problem at the border. The Dems call that a lie - but they also said Biden was fit when they all along had the same uninterrupted view of Biden which the voters only got last night. Dem leaders amd lackey reporters knew all along what the whole country only knew and agreed on last night. The whole damn bunch lied about Biden's fitness; they would lie about the border or anything else. That's where the voters are.
The Dem voters want a choice. Althouse is outraged that they are being denied a choice by occult machinations, And it's the truth that Dem Voters have been, and are being, denied a choice. And the Dem voters see it. Whatever the Dem Lie Machines spews out will now cause the country to ask in unison whether this is another lie. You can't fool all the people all the time and this is no longer fool the people time. "This is fool me twice, shame on me" time.

donald said...

It was a bloodbath!

Aggie said...

@Drago said 07:40: "You know, I am going to disagree with that particular hyperbolic analysis...."

You're going to cherry pick a few words out of a comment, place them out of context, and then call the words 'hyperbolic' and disagree with them? OK, then. You are unserious, and spoiling.

In a debate between US Presidential Candidates, where the direction of the country, its present condition, and its putative fate are front & center for discussion, to divert the conversation into a back & forth on personal gold handicaps and other swapped insults, is disappointing to say the least and negligent, to be accurate. One of them is still competent enough to know better. There - I've spelled it out for you. You've been drawing attention to these things for years, and yet you disagree?

mezzrow said...

But now I'm thinking she really is this stupid.

You are playing yourself here. Do better.

What level of cynicism is required to be lived through and discarded to reach a point of "cruel neutrality"? It is possible to pass through the cynical view and arrive at a different place, one that is invisible to those of us still captured by our cynicism regarding politics, particularly when politics is in this badly degraded state. Our political system has let us all down, no matter what position any of us may take on policy. Last night the whole thing slapped us in the face.

Remember, Biden outperformed AA's expectation and we all saw they same sad spectacle. That's realism. I'm amazed they have kept that lonely plate spinning on top of an ever lengthening pole as long as they have - for years, but we saw it fall off and crash into a million pieces last night. Now, it's a matter of now what?

Leland said...

Blogger Humperdink said...
"Look squirrel!!"

Meade and Althouse ought to edit his comments to just that. It is his entire purpose for being here, and those so easily distracted by him should be ashamed to realize that is what they are doing.

Rory said...

"the last few weeks we've been scolded about believing our own eyes, told what we were seeing were "cheap fakes.""

Let's not forget all of his groping pictures.

William said...

Will anyone apologize to Robert Hur? He came in for a lot of criticism, especially from the left. They claimed that Hur's reporting on Biden's mental status was prejudicial and inaccurate.....Who would want to sit in the car while Granddad drives to the supermarket? And Granddad isn't driving to the supermarket. He's in some kind of Formula One contest down the twisty roads of Monaco. Well, we've gone this far with Grandpa behind the wheel. No need to change drivers mid-race.

Rory said...

"That's the immediate emergency."

"Why emergency? How does it differ from the last three years?"

In some respects, things are improved. Our adversaries have known about our lack of leadership, but most our subordinate leaders have had to act like we were in normal times. Now our people can stop pretending.

Oligonicella said...

What you never hear from anyone is a direct acknowledgment of "I was wrong." It's always a deflection into other issues or simply avoiding their previous stances. Biden, border, Covid, whatever; never a "Shit I was taken in like an idiot, I'm sorry.", many times a doubling down.

Sebastian said...

"everyone who is covering their ass by acting surprised"

Of course, it's obvious to reasonable people like Althouse and most of the commenters that no one should be surprised and that therefore the sudden Dem shift is a CYA maneuver. But the power of delusion over there is strong. No doubt Joe Scarborough meant it when he said on MSNBC not long ago, "Biden is far beyond cogent. He is better than he has EVER been intellectually, analytically. He is the best Biden ever." Etc.

Saint Croix said...

Leland at 8:32!

that was hilarious

I loved the giant closing eyelid

great cinematic techniques in that gag

thank you

Oligonicella said...

I think they need to be careful about the backlash. I can't stand Biden and yet I now am feeling a bit sorry for him.

Plus I'm starting to wonder... but perhaps not in the way we are being manipulated to think.

Don't let your feelsies interfere with your rational thought.

pacwest said...

Meanwhile, he is the President of the United States, and he will be for 7 more months. That's the immediate emergency.

There is a lot to unpack in this statement. A lot. I'm not entirely sure how dire the warning Althouse is intended to be. Is it that we are leaderless for the next 7 months? True, but we've known that for 4 years. Or is it more a fear that the people pulling the strings are realizing that proles finally see the emperor has no clothes and they have only 7 months to finish the Goddamn Amerikka job they started 16 years ago? The latter is my fear. They've already shown us they are willing to burn down cities to achieve their ends. How far are these people really willing to go? I'm not talking about removing the w's off of keyboards. I hope I'm wrong. I'm afraid if I'm not.

Oligonicella said...

I do not understand how we got from "safe, legal, and rare" to "shout your abortion!"

Because they lied to you.

Drago said...

Aggie: "You're going to cherry pick a few words out of a comment, place them out of context, and then call the words 'hyperbolic' and disagree with them? OK, then. You are unserious, and spoiling."

You should relax more. That was actually a very fun brief departure.

Sebastian said...

"My hypothesis is that the debate was a set up"

Maybe. But besides the signs of genuine panic over the last 24 hours, and the very high potential costs of removing Joe that way, it doesn't fit the Dem playbook of the last 4 years. They succeeded with Joe and his basement campaign in 2020, they did pretty well in the midterms, they ramped up the lawfare to solidify anti-Trumpism, and with Joe as figurehead they've been able to turn the federal farther to the left than ever before. They cleared a path for Joe, gambling that he was capable enough to hold on until November, and then they'd be home free. The debate format was designed to make things easier for Joe, and the early date meant a bad impression could still be corrected, as Obama had done.

No, until yesterday Dems wanted Joe (and not Kamala). It only looks like a set up in retrospect.

Drago said...

pacwest: "Or is it more a fear that the people pulling the strings are realizing that proles finally see the emperor has no clothes and they have only 7 months to finish the Goddamn Amerikka job they started 16 years ago?"

They started long before 16 years ago, though I get your point that it all clearly accelerated starting in 2009 but with all the tools provided for an authoritarian state passed in 2002.

Robert Cook said...

I didn't bother watching the debate, as I knew it would be a wreck: a bloviating, narcissistic lying old man against a frail, cognitively hindered old man, neither fit for office.

What's really shocking and outrageous is that the Dems did not privately go to Biden at least two years into his term and tell him--in no uncertain manner--that he would not be the Democrats' candidate for 2024. I can only wonder if they don't really want to keep the White House in the next term...or maybe they just don't care either way.

It goes to show that, no matter what kind of governmental system, over time the existing power structure becomes too old, too corrupt, and too disinterested and incompetent to function competently. We're at the point where our nation is teetering on catastrophic decline. This is the space age, the age of speed! Is it any surprise we didn't make it half as long as Rome?

Joe Smith said...

For years on this blog I’ve been saying Joe is a drooling old fool and the lefties here would always argue the point.

Where’s my apology?

Doug Hasler said...

Is KJP's next presser going to be "must see" TV, or what? "I want to be really clear on this point. American's should not believe what their lying eyes saw on TV last night. Next question."

Doug Hasler said...

Will KJP's next presser be must watch TV, or what? "I want to be very clear. Americans should not believe what their lying eyes saw on CNN last night. Next question. Please."

Michael Fitzgerald said...

That 17 second video- so presidential! You answered the questions, Joey! You get ice cream!
Then the evil kindergarten teacher turns to the class and asks the kiddies: What did Trump do, everybody? He! Lied! Hoooooray!!!!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
For a long time I thought Althouse was pretending (for whatever reason) to be shocked by the bias in the NYT, the thirst for power of the Democrats and the totalitarian bent of the progressives.

But now I'm thinking she really is this stupid.

6/28/24, 8:16 AM

I have to align with Bill here. The politics of the democrat party are absolutely deranged, suicidal, and wicked- from mutilating children and celebrating killing babies, to mandating racial hatred, to the corrupt machinations of an evil government. At what point does a person's moral compass read true north? What's it gonna take to make people who think they are so smart and good to realize that malevolent people are prospering and our country is in peril while people like Dr. Jill play patty-cake?

Narr said...

Best take (I commend whoever posted it): The emperor has no diaper.

I wasn't going to watch, but my wife turned it on and I saw about half--in three chunks including the last 15-20 minutes.

No surprises or sudden enlightenments. FJB was never an impressive figure at his best, and he's years past his use-by date. Never the brightest bulb, now dimmed with years . . .

Trump was Trump in low gear--he didn't mug as much as he could have, and pointedly ignored some of the more obvious needlings from Biden and his colleagues.

IMHO they're both too old, but Trump has some mental acuity left.

PackerBronco said...

The 25th amendment requires 2/3 of both houses to replace the president.

Now game plan that out. If you're a Republican what do you do? Well, it would be a really good idea to have a lot of hearings and get people in the administration on the record regarding Biden's competency. Those hearings will be amazing.

"When Biden did the President startshowing signs of mental incompetence? Who was making decisions when he was in that state? How do you explain your public statements that he was perfectly fine? Who was actually running the government? Can we go over that again, on the record?"

Oh, they'll vote to replace him. But they'll make sure they get their pound of flesh in the meantime.

So forget about the 25th amendment. It ain't going to happen.

gilbar said...

will be President for the next 7 months...
OR, until the day he TRAGICALLY DIES*.. Which Ever comes 1st

TRAGICALLY DIES* by the end of the 1st night of the convention.. possibly on TV

Narayanan said...

TRAGICALLY DIES* by the end of the 1st night of the convention.. possibly on TV
could even happen while accepting nomination!

then chosen VP nominee can step up!

Narayanan said...

Dr. Jill would be historic as the first female President and with a doctorate!
since she has already measured the drapes, extra yards of fabric can be for her wardrobe!

Skeptical Voter said...

I listened to the Fox spin people for a while--Hannity is a Trump honk after all. So I turned to CNN to see what the Dems thought. And there was a panel composed of sharks turning on Biden like he was chum in the water. Still at some point when the king has no mental clothes, one has to admit the obvious.

Narayanan said...

TRAGICALLY DIES* by the end of the 1st night of the convention.. possibly on TV
could even happen while accepting nomination!

then chosen VP nominee can step up!

Dr. Jill would be historic as the first female President and with a doctorate!
since she has already measured the drapes, extra yards of fabric can be for her wardrobe!

mikeski said...

I do not understand how we got from "safe, legal, and rare" to "shout your abortion!"

Because they lied to you.

Just like they lied to everyone about "how does this affect your marriage, hater? Love Is Love."

And now we have men leering at women in locker rooms and pride shit everywhere that must be worshipped.

Milo Minderbinder said...

I've been reading the good professor's blog for many years. Her post this morning, this post, is the most startling of all. I'm surprised, pleasantly. I welcome all who now realize how the most transparent administrations in history have been lying to us. What more are they hiding?

The only responsible course forward is for the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and install Kamala. Perhaps a political disaster, granted, comparable to installing Ford in 1974. But democrats, the media and the establishment made this bed. They've lied and lied and lied. Now it's time to sleep in it.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Forget it, Jake. It's the Swamp.

Would You Like Fascism With That Hat said...

I think come November, Trump will wholeheartedly thank Joe Biden for securing his re-election to the White House.

Then again it's Trump...... but Biden ought to have known better!

gilbar said...

KJP's next presser..

i ASSUME that she will say that The Entire Debate was deepfake AI russian misinformation.
something along the lines of: "pay No Attention to the man behind the curtain"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Ask the caddies!


Joe's six handicap?

Narayanan said...

Biden nominates Kamala
AND she gets a hearing? or we get to listening?

Narayanan said...

Biden nominates Kamala
AND she gets a hearing? or we get to listening?

Narayanan said...

TRAGICALLY DIES* by the end of the 1st night of the convention.. possibly on TV
could even happen while accepting nomination!

then chosen VP nominee can step up!

Dr. Jill would be historic as the first female President and with a doctorate!
since she has already measured the drapes, extra yards of fabric can be for her wardrobe!
Biden nominates Kamala
AND she gets a hearing? or we get to listening?

Mikey NTH said...

Sally327: You may feel sympathy for grandpa, but you still take away his car keys.

Maynard said...

@ Robert Cook

Give me three examples of Trump lying in the debate. (crickets)

OK. Then give me two examples. (crickets)

Well, at least try to give me ONE example.

Candide said...

A word of warning for Professor.

Russian media reports on last night debate basically boil down to two points:

1. Biden performed better than expected and perhaps deserves respect for surviving on stage for almost 2 hours without collapse;

2. The real criminals are those who abuse and manipulate elderly Biden and lie to US public.

So, Professor can be credibly accused of “parroting Russian talking points”.

Just a word of warning.

Original Mike said...

"Any ideas how will they handle the teeny issue that Biden has already won the virtual nomination to get on the Ohio ballot? The new person needs that ballot access too."

That's not much of a problem. They weren't likely to win Ohio anyway. Though I have no problem seeing a court order Ohio to ignore the law.

Original Mike said...

The democrats hold Our Democracy to be sacred. I fully expect them to honor Joe Biden's almost 4,000 primary delegates and proudly advance to the general election with President Biden as their standard bearer. Because principles matter.

pacwest said...

You're right that 2009 wasn't the start date of course, but I'd argue it preceded 2002. The Clinton Machine preceeded that, and you could push it even farther back, but the Clintons (and Holder) set up the mechanisms we are seeing play out today.

Original Mike said...

"It goes to show that, no matter what kind of governmental system, over time the existing power structure becomes too old, too corrupt, and too disinterested and incompetent to function competently."

Well, we could try the governmental system the founders actually wrote. For a change.

Original Mike said...

"It goes to show that, no matter what kind of governmental system, over time the existing power structure becomes too old, too corrupt, and too disinterested and incompetent to function competently."

We could try the limited government our founders actually wrote. For a change.

Drago said...

@pacwest, correct.

Lots of tentacles and merged actions over decades got us to this point.

who-knew said...

Milo Minderbinder said :"I've been reading the good professor's blog for many years. Her post this morning, this post, is the most startling of all. I'm surprised, pleasantly" That was my reaction as well and I've been reading the Althouse blog since the Wisconsin Uprising in 2011. To be honest, I didn't think I was reading Althouse's own words, I kept expecting to see some mediaswines name at the end and was wondering why it wasn't indented. I agree with everything she said except for the part where she says "Biden beat my expectations". He did even worse than I expected. I guess I had too much faith in the ability of his handlers to drug him up and the amount of effort CNN would put into bailing him out. Both of those underperformed my expectations. It's interesting to me that Althouse's expectations were even lower than mine. Except for those predicting he'd die on stage, I thought my expectations were as low as they could be.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

They started long before 16 years ago, though I get your point that it all clearly accelerated starting in 2009 but with all the tools provided for an authoritarian state passed in 2002.

I can pretty solidly say this started at Ike.

There were shenanigans in the 1960 election that got Kennedy in. Kennedy spent the first two years chasing women while on Test injections. After he stopped taking those he settled down and ended up with the Cuban missile crisis and the bay of pigs. He was set to tear the CIA a new one for what they did and he was shot shortly afterwards.

They installed the man who started the Vietnam war and the War on Poverty which have been historically bad actions.

Then Nixon was dismantling their wars and they removed him leading to ford who was just the first Bush.

The people struck back with Reagan and they had him shot. God probably intervened there.

Then we had 24 years of Clinton Bush Obama and they were set to finish us off with Hillary.

Trump and people like Musk are the only thing between us and a techno fascist state right now.

Achilles said...

Blogger Candide said...
A word of warning for Professor.

Russian media reports on last night debate basically boil down to two points:

1. Biden performed better than expected and perhaps deserves respect for surviving on stage for almost 2 hours without collapse;

2. The real criminals are those who abuse and manipulate elderly Biden and lie to US public.

So, Professor can be credibly accused of “parroting Russian talking points”.

Just because Russia said something doesn’t make it wrong.

The last refuge of tyrannical governments is to declare their political opponents as traitors.

Russia is the historical norm. They have an ethnonationalist leadership that is ruthless in enforcing tribal superiority. Every other country in the world is like this except for the ones trying to be like the USA.

The latest entry to the world political sphere is a globalist oligarchy that wants to destroy any opposition that actually represents little people.

Trump represents a broad range of Americans who want our free high trust society back.

Biden is a puppet of the globalist oligarchs who want to turn the world into a feudal empire with rich elites and serfs.

Putin is a Russian ethnonationalist who runs a strongman regime and uses a tribal spoils system to maintain power.

The globalist oligarchs are the worst of this bunch. The fact that Putin is better than them and more honest than them doesn’t make him good. But it isn’t a crime to agree with him.

Leland said...

Rush Limbaugh was known to have used Althouse for show-prep. Now, it is Bari Weiss: They Knew

"It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, basically doing handstands while peppering his staff with tough questions about care for migrant children and aid to Ukraine."

Rusty said...

SAy, Rich. Some of the other folks on this blog are getting together for a friendly game of Poker. Would you like to join us?

mikee said...

Those proposing accountability to the press, the administration, the elite, the progressive left and the rest of the Democrat Party for the foisting of sock puppet dementia patient Joe Biden on the American people are going to be completely unsurprised when absolutely nothing happens to any of those who are to blame. Nothing. They know that, yet they blather on about accountability. There is none. NONE.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Reality check:
They can't dump Joe
Kamala Harris is worse. She sucks at talking, and her poll numbers are lower

And if they kick her to the curb so some cis het white (fe)male can take the job, they'll lose at least two votes from their base for every one vote they pick up.

Dr. Jill is not giving up her gravy train

Anthony said...

So imagine the Democrats dump Biden and run Newsom instead, and he gets elected.

The good news: Gavin Newsom would actually be the President.
The bad news: Gavin Newsom would actually be the President.

John Clifford said...

The people who are shocked, SHOCKED! that Joe Biden is too senile to win re-election aren't shocked about that. They've known it all along. No, they're embarrassed that Biden figuratively pulled their (and his) pants down in front of the world Thursday night. What was seen cannot be unseen. The secret's out, their lies about Biden's acuity have been exposed. Now they're scrambling to mitigate the damage so they can retain the White House... and their power.

Are they really going to replace their primary winner, the guy who received the majority of delegates' votes, at or before the convention? That is the most undemocratic thing they could do. Talk about ignoring the will of the people, or at least that of Democrat primary voters. It makes you think about the difference between democracy and Our Democracy (tm)... it's okay to destroy democracy if it saves Our Democracy, voters be damned.

And then to hear on Friday about how Democrats should focus on Biden's policies and not his acuity. In short, vote for the Party, not the man, and the Party willl provide. How anti-democratic, how un-American is that? It's like everything they said about democracy being on the line in this election is true... if they win. All the scare-mongering about losing our freedoms is projection.

In my lifetime I've seen the voters blow it, repeatedly. Americans seem to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Carter, Clinton, Obama, and now Biden. Propaganda, lies, ad hominem attacks, they all work with low information voters, and America is mostly low information voters. We are doomed, and most of us stupidly hasten our colective doom.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Anthony said...
So imagine the Democrats dump Biden and run Newsom instead, and he gets elected.

Thank you, John Lennon.

If the Dems boot Harris for Newsom, they will lose Wi, MI, and PA.

They'll probably also lose MN.

Because black voters will be pissed, and WWC males aren't going to vote for Newsom the way they voted for "working class Joe"

Then there's NV and AZ, both States full of people who fled CA because of Newsom.

So yeah, I do Hoppe the Dems try that

Caroline said...

@drago 8:01: pitch perfect word salad. Hit the spot.