ADDED: My son John is live-blogging at Facebook, here.
AND: After the debate, the commentators on CNN seem to all be on the same page proclaiming that Biden was dismal and that Democrats are panicking and planning to figure out how to replace Biden. I didn’t think Biden was that bad. I thought it was bad, but not that bad. So it seems to me that the commentators and the Democrats — these panicking Democrats — were ready to go with this attack. This seems completely phony and planned to me.
1 – 200 of 421 Newer› Newest»rumors are flying that CNN is not allowing any witnesses or press as witnesses?
Also a 2 minute delay?
in the tank for Husk-puppet much? So Soviet.
Gotta admit, it's darkly humerous that Chuck and Rich and the rest's great hopes lie with a man whom even the candidate with the brain eating worm is more coherent than.
"Let's watch the big presidential debate."
Let's not. Enough people will, however, and anything worth hearing about will be commented on.
How long ago did CNN provide the debate questions to Biden's team? A week? Two weeks?
I'm still debating whether I'm watching the debate. I usually find these things painful.
How about that VP naming? The wife says the Pundits are now saying it should wait for the convention . But why waste time. No need to barter convention support. It’s a done deal.
Come on. Do it now and give Vance more speech giving time. Theirs only 4 months left.
"How long ago did CNN provide the debate questions to Biden's team?"
Biden's team provided the questions to CNN.
Now with the 2 minute delay AND no press witnesses?
I sure hope Team Trump is filming it so we can see any shenanigans.
Kusoa to pedjt for taking the bait and walking into the lion's den. I think he is going to show that he can take their absolute worst and still turn it into lemonade.
This kabuki was never meant to happen. I won't be terribly surprised if it still doesn't. But if it doesn't, it won't be because of pedjt
John Henry
Elderly man with poor memory won the debate.
What's with the time delay? Has CNN provided a reason?
"Elderly man with poor memory won the debate."
I hear Fox is already calling Arizona for Biden.
Meh. I’ll wait for the lowlights…
Leaked transcript from the debate:
"President Biden, what is your favorite color?"
"Blue, Jake, just like the blue on Old Glory."
"Prisoner 58008, what is the capital of Assyria?"
Hasn't CNN denied that there is to be a 2-minute delay?
Shouldn't it be easy to confirm? Either it starts at 9:00, or it starts at 9:02.
I'm trying to figure out why all the photos of Trump on the front digital page of the NYT right now are flattering.
I know very well what a limb I am going out on here, but I still say that the way for Biden to open the debate is by reading Trump a kind of a Miranda warning. Mr. Trump, I understand that you are presumed innocent in your several criminal cases. All of us as Americans cherish the presumption of innocence, and you are entitled to it like any other American... And as much as you and your supporters might like to think that I am leading the efforts to prosecute you, I have no role in those prosecutions. But what I can tell you is that you have the absolute right to remain silent and not say anything about your criminal charges. But as procedurally sound as that may be in a criminal prosecution, it is a disaster in an electoral campaign. You should be answering all of the public's questions about these cases. You lawyers might not want you to do that. Voters expect you to do that. They have legitimate questions. Did you declassify the documents at Mar-a-Lago? Were those documents classified, before you declassified them? Did you tell Walt Nauta to move boxes of classified documents after the FBI/DoJ/and or the National Archives asked you to return them? Did you know about the felony-charged elector schemes in Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia? What exactly did you know? Again I say to you; be very careful how you answer. You do have the right, under criminal procedural law, to remain silent. Voters will decide apart from the criminal law.
I watched a bit of the MSNBC panel. Those people are truly crazy.
Never watched a presidential debate before. Feel no need to start now.
Will check in for commentary after working in the yard while enjoying a frosty, cold one.
Trump says something. Moderator calls it a lie. Trump starts to say why it is true, but speaks out of turn. Moderator cuts off Trump's microphone.
Too cringe.
I'll watch reax on X.
Repeated technical errors where they fail to mute Biden's mike.
I sure hope the moderators raise the all-important issue of contraception. /s
CNN showing video of Trump deplaning at Atlanta airport.
Trump is in great shape and sharp as a tack. This will be a technical knock out.
It will be so one sided even CNN will not be able to spin it any other way.
Trump was a fool for agreeing to these stupid debate conditions, just like he was a fool for his previous stupid Cabinet appointments. Stupid is as Stupid does.
Dave Begley said...
"I watched a bit of the MSNBC panel. Those people are truly crazy."
Why don't you sue them for $787 million dollars like somebody did with your channel?
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Trump was a fool for agreeing to these stupid debate conditions, just like he was a fool for his previous stupid Cabinet appointments. Stupid is as Stupid does."
As a far left democratical, you should be pleased.
Exit question for the LLR-democratical Brigade: will the supporters of Biden (Rich, Chuck, lonejustice) follow George Conway's example of skipping the debate entirely to watch Only Fans videos by George's daughter while defending biden showering with his adolescent daughter for years?
Mutaman: "Why don't you sue them for $787 million dollars like somebody did with your channel?"
Sweet Jesus. Mutaman STILL thinks Fox is some sort of conservative channel!
He must be drinking too much bleach!
Jim at: "Never watched a presidential debate before."
It's not a "debate".
It begins.
Oh cripes, Biden has a cough, and his eyes are blasted open.
Today is June 27th which is the day Shirley Jackson chose as the day when The Lottery would annually be held. Her short story was published in The New Yorker on June 26, 1948.
I would choose anyone from the Biden Crime Family.
Cap rents?!
Drago, if you are going to watch the debate, then you have to log out of Porn Hub and stop watching porn videos of Stormy Daniels.
Oy vey. Biden is C3PO.
Just watched Biden walk out. Whatever drugs they gave him it wasn’t enough.
Wow Biden looks and is acting shockingly bad. No way he makes it 4 more years . Maybe not 4 months.
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Drago, if you are going to watch the debate, then you have to log out of Porn Hub and stop watching porn videos of Stormy Daniels."
And to think you actually thought that would be effective! It's quite clear why you remain the runt of the LLR-democratical Brigade litter.
I'm surprised LLR-democratical Rich and LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck haven't shown you the door yet! I suppose good help is simply hard to find and so they tolerate you.
Drago said...
Sweet Jesus. Mutaman STILL thinks Fox is some sort of conservative channel!
He must be drinking too much bleach!"
I'd like to get Drago in a courtroom. Too bad he's judgement proof.
Biden looks like a programmed deer in headlights.
Mason G at 6:56 !
It as tortuous to watch the debate as it is to read the parrying here with the usual democratical suspects.
And Biden is already stumbling verbally
BLINK, Mr. President!
If we went to 24% tax on billionaires we could WIPE OUT the debt.
Oh Lord. Make it stop. This is dreadful.
I love 'Debate Trump'
Biden looks bad
Trump is remarkably restrained
Mutaman: "I'd like to get Drago in a courtroom."
There is no doubt New Soviet Democraticals want to get any and all opponents into a New Soviet Democratical "courtroom".
You don't have to convince anyone of that.
Speaking of getting someone into a courtroom: can Mutaman provide the Trump quote about drinking bleach?
Here we go with the Trump lying; abortions "after birth." Trump should not be able to get off the stage with that howlingly bad lie intact.
You lying fucking freak. Tell us where that has happened.
The CNN 'rules' have so far kept CNN out of the debate.
People being raped by their brothers and sisters!!! Biden rocks
Biden: in 6 weeks you don't even know if you're pregnant or not and you can't even see a doctor about the pregnancy....
....that you don't know about!
Chuck - tell us where people are being raped by their sisters.
Chuck said...
"Here we go with the Trump lying; abortions "after birth." Trump should not be able to get off the stage with that howlingly bad lie intact.
You lying fucking freak. Tell us where that has happened"
Called partial birth abortions.. some were killed AFTER they were born. Documented.
Biden scores the first own-goal: brings up illegal immigration in the middle of the abortion segment.
Uh oh.
LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck's anger level is rising....
....a potentially very dangerous harbinger for any children that may or may not live in close geographic proximity to him.
As always, our thoughts and prayers go out to those innocents that they may survive the night without incident.
Morning Joe is gonna have to triple his usual propaganda spewing tomorrow.
Trump's facial expressions are perfect for the situation.
Biden not so much.
Paul (to Chuck): "Called partial birth abortions.. some were killed AFTER they were born. Documented."
Of course they are documented. Chuck knows that. You just have to understand that what you call "partial birth abortions" where the children that survive the procedure are left to die, alone, on a table somewhere, Chuck likely simply calls "good clean fun".
Trump should be eviscerated on this between now and election day. Claiming that Roe v Wade allowed/allows "abortions after birth."
did Trump just call him Brandon?
This is a disaster for Biden.
I think the "no interruption" rule, enforced by the mic cutoff, are actually working to Trump's advantage. It makes him speak in non-stream of consciousness declarative sentences, with no interruptions, and ends of making him look more "presidential".
i think Biden's handlers rehearsed him too much, and they exhausted his voice. It's like he's got laryngitis.
Paul said...
Chuck said...
"Here we go with the Trump lying; abortions "after birth." Trump should not be able to get off the stage with that howlingly bad lie intact.
You lying fucking freak. Tell us where that has happened"
Called partial birth abortions.. some were killed AFTER they were born. Documented.
Do it. Document it. Tell us about elective, non-medically-necessitated abortions "after birth."
Tell us where it is happening in states where abortion rights have been protected.
Poor Chuck. Its so unfortunate for him that Ralph Northam's quote is there for all to see.
Perhaps Chuck should increase his anger level to mirror biden's drugged up level to try and bluster his way through his "kill the kid at anytime" position.
Let's see how it goes.....
Almost feel sorry for old brokedick P0TATUS Biden. What a nightmare for him. Harris has to be cackling’ her fat ass off.
The restrictive format is playing to Trump's advantage.
Trump covers so much ground during his minute, it is incredible.
Biden can't keep up.
Holy crap. I just clicked over at 24 minutes after the hour. Trump was being reasonable talking about the border. Then stopped when his time was up. Then Biden spoke. My god! Biden did not get the good medicine. Just a minute and it was just sad. I stopped it.
Biden looks like he got to the rest home cafeteria right after they gave the last ice cream to someone else.
Stills of his facial expressions would make cheap Trump campaign posters.
Here we go! Bring Beau into it!
Here's hoping Biden is a disaster but not a total disaster. I do not want him replaced.
Angry Brandon is making an appearance
General Kelly has to come out tonight ans confirm that Trump said, "suckers and losers."
Poor old P0TATUS. The lying prick…
@chuck: Former VA Governor Ralph Northam's statement on post birth abortion will live in infamy.
President Bone Spurs goes all military.
Orange man cooking with gas!
CNN gave Trump the 'town hall' of the century.
They are now giving him the debate of all time.
Chuck said: "General Kelly has to come out tonight ans confirm that Trump said, "suckers and losers."
And everybody that was with Trump denied it. You remain a loser Chuck.
You lying fucking freak. Tell us where that has happened.
Kermit Gosnell you disingenuous shit.
Humperdink said...
@chuck: Former VA Governor Ralph Northam's statement on post birth abortion will live in infamy.
And it wasn't law; it wasn't policy; Ralph Northam isn't even the governor of Virginia anymore.
It's all you dumb fucking freaks have on this subject. One old throwaway quote.
And this asshole was checking his watch while our miltary members’ coffins were being off loaded. Say it, Trump!
Tell us where it is happening in states where abortion rights have been protected.
Here ya go:
[Third trimester abortions are] done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s nonviable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
Recall the reception Trump when visiting the troops. Then do Obama, who received stone silence.
Abortion is now a state issue. In NJ abortion is legal at all stages of pregnancy.
Afraid I've never heard of Keeve.
I thought they would dick around with the sound quality of Trump's mic. It's the opposite, his vocals are super high quality.
Trump is easily winning the image contest.
Whoa - Trump will have Ukraine/Russia settled before he takes office?!
LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "President Bone Spurs goes all military."
On the same stage with 5 deferment Biden! Whose son, Beau, died in "combat" in Iraq, and Syria, and Afghanistan, and at Pearl Harbor, and at Normandy, and then, was eaten alive by cannibals along with biden's uncle in the Pacific!
And now would be a good time to remind everyone just how passionately and emotionally Chuckle's literally defended the Stolen Valor multi-year lies by Senator Dick Da Nang Blumenthal!! Not even a mama bear defends her cubs with the passion Chuck showed for Stolen Valor Blumenthal!
But that's not all!
Chuck also went to bat, hard, for Dick Durban when he called US Troops Nazi's!!
Oh, Chuck was in his element in defending those democraticals and more!
“The restrictive format is playing to Trump's advantage”
Jesus, Trump came to play. The astonishing difference in verbiage delivered.
It’s an interesting tactic. Say so much, Biden can’t even begin to respond to all the charges.
The single most devastating thing about this event is just the picture and sound of Joe Biden. Mouth agape. The vacant stare. The slow motion movements. The barely audible husky voice. Good Lord, everyone who's visited their parents in a rest home recognizes it.
That side-by-side picture as each talks is the killer shot that simply can't and won't be forgotten.
I have been trying to hold my eyes open for as long as Biden is. It is a challenge.
Ralph Northam isn't even the governor of Virginia anymore.
So what, Chuck? He was a fucking pediatric neurologist and he knew of what he spoke. That was the reality of life (and death) in the delivery room in even a Southern state like Virginia under Roe v Wade!
The side-by-side is a destined meme template.
LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "General Kelly has to come out tonight ans confirm that Trump said, "suckers and losers."'
Trump did no such thing.
Kelley isn't the only General that was turned by the deep staters and embarrassed himself. To Kelley's partial credit, he held out as long as he could probably, given that ALL other witnesses and those present said it was complete and utter BS, but in the end, even he gave it up.
And knowing as many Marines as I do, the disappointment among the combat arms ranks was palpable.
Trump smiles, winks, purses his lips!
This is f**king great!
I was wrong.
I thought Biden would be ok in the debate the way he was fine in the State of the Union Address and the way he was fine in the 2020 debates. I thought the clips of him being feeble were cherry-picked and so exaggerated the situation.
But this is sad. No, its cruel. Biden is a human being and this is cruel.
And Trump is such a buffoon with all the hyperbole.
The Dems have to pull Biden. How can you vote for the Biden we see today? How can he sit behind the desk in the oval office?
Chuck said...
Trump should be eviscerated on this between now and election day. Claiming that Roe v Wade allowed/allows "abortions after birth."
The Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which every single Democrat in the Senate voted against, was about blocking abortionists from killing babies that made it out alive despite all teh abortionist did.
Your'e a sick fuck, Chuck, and a complete lying sack of shit. Why are you doing it with lies that are obvious?
Quick fun aside: what's the over/under on how many pitchers of gin and tonics will Chuck be slamming tonight?
I'll put it 4. That seems like a safe number.
Chuck said...
"Do it. Document it. Tell us about elective, non-medically-necessitated abortions "after birth."
Tell us where it is happening in states where abortion rights have been protected."
Just google "partial birth infanticide".. "live birth", that is after the baby has left the mother's body, and then killed, are well documented. I don't care what happens in your abortion friendly states.
Yes they kill the baby after it is born (inadvertently as they meant to kill it before it was born.) It is called INFANTCIDE.
Finally, the chance to refute the "pull out of NATO" thing.
Greg: "Your'e a sick fuck, Chuck, and a complete lying sack of shit. Why are you doing it with lies that are obvious?"
Greg, in all seriousness, I think we need to start embracing the likely reality that LLR-democratical And Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck derives a great deal of pleasure from simply the thought of what happens to these unfortunate children that are deemed non-human by Chuck and his psycho sicko pals.
Biden claiming he's trying to avoid a "major war in Europe"! We ONLY have major wars in Europe when the democraticals are puttering about with their color revolutions by the "best and brightest".
"Patriot" is now officially a dog whistle.
Tell us where it is happening in states where abortion rights have been protected.
Kermit Barron Gosnell is an American serial killer and former abortion doctor. He provided illegal late-term abortions at his clinic in West Philadelphia. Gosnell was convicted of the murders of three infants who were born alive after using drugs to induce labor, the manslaughter of one woman during an abortion procedure, and of several other abortion- and drug-related crimes.
Everybody thought Trump wouldn't be able to do sound bites, they're talking about 'Rally Trump'.
This is 'Debate Trump'. He is pumping out sound chunks that will be bouncing around all the way to election day.
Tell me when it’s over.
and there it is. The convicted felon card.
Trump is following the rules so closely, he's making CNN uncomfortable.
I like Trump’s litany of how great the country was on January 6. Bordes, economy, international reputation, etc.
He should do that more often. Really redefine the terms of the discussion.
Trump's lying again. There was no offer of 10,000 troops. That's a pure, total lie.
Trump is lying about the January 6 Committe destroying all of its evidence. A pure, total lie.
Biden turns his back to Trump. What is that about?
Put some ice on it, Chuck0.
Hitler card.
Do we want to start placing bets on when the Democratic Party power brokers start to move to replace Biden?
Oh, my God, if they do, that's gonna get ugly, as in civil war within the Democratic Party ugly. Too many people have too much to lose and no vox populi vox dei mandate to back any of them up. I'm serious, people will end up dead.
Chuck should simply lie back and think of England.
Yeah, Biden looks off into the distance away from Trump. Is someone from his staff over there giving him signals?
He's confusing J6 and Charlottesville.
Get your hoaxes straight!
This is bad. Like a slow motion train wreck filled with malarkey. The text and phone calls going one among DNC leadership right now could collapse the network.
Biden sounds horrible. He is also vomiting out words - he answers each question with a single run-on sentence.
Can't believe they coached Joe into using Charlottesville 'Fine People' hoax one last time. Geez - it was just put into the grave with a wooden stake through its mummified heart by Snopes, two days ago. Someone is not paying attention, or someone just set somebody up.
I recall watching a cartoon where the villain is grimly hanging on to the edge of the cliff. That would be Chuck in this give-and-take. His responses are laughable. "What killing of babies post birth?"
Yep... Biden will be replaced with... Newsom? hahahaha... Hillary? Ouch! Maybe Soros will run! Heck... this is gonna put the DNC in a real pickle. Either replace him or Trump wins 48 states and both houses go red.. And Trump gets ANOTHER SCOTUS pick!
Gotta say tho - It's a good thing that 'None of the Above' isn't on the ballot.
Trump is lying about the January 6 Committe destroying all of its evidence.
So, you're saying they produced the evidence as requested by the new Republican Speaker, right? He does have the right as Speaker to see it, right, Chuck?
Oh, wait, they never handed it over did they? Now what reason did they give for not handing it over, I wonder?
I recall watching a cartoon where the villain is grimly hanging on to the edge of the cliff. That would be Chuck in this give-and-take. His responses are laughable. "What killing of babies post birth?"
How many face palms do you think the Biden camp is doing right now?
Biden is not on the ballot come November. That's why the "debate" is early.
Seems like CNN is trying to take him out too.
Beau died in Iraq again!
That guy gets around!....somehow. And why shouldn't he really? After all, he's still voting dem.
CNN obviously didn't know it when they conceived it, but this format is utterly destroying Biden.
Biden keeps saying “the idea” but then he stumbles attempting to say what the idea is.
Not watching the debate but its pretty obvious how its going by the desperation in Chuck's comments.
Call the debate now.
It IS OVER—for Biden.
Aggie said...
Can't believe they coached Joe into using Charlottesville 'Fine People' hoax one last time. Geez - it was just put into the grave with a wooden stake through its mummified heart by Snopes, two days ago. Someone is not paying attention, or someone just set somebody up.
Snopes: "Editors' Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump's characterization was wrong."
I have to give Biden credit for one clear accomplishment:
"Look, we finally beat medicare."
Run on THAT Joe. You beat something!
I am watching from Guatemala with my visiting Nicaraguan friend. He knows some criminals who've relocated to the US. Two hours earlier here, by the way.
Potty break - I hope Trump continues in this general vein, although he could do better to stay away from the extremes (such as "abortion after birth" even though Northam's comments are a clear problem for the "no holds barred" states, and the violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants when he could hit the effects of illegal immigration on wages to greater effect).
But whoa. Biden looks awful.
CNN is doing surprisingly well.
Pineal extract for Biden during the break not working
This has been hard to watch. I'm beginning to think this was intentionally set up by the Democrats to get Biden off the ticket. I can see no other reason to have this debate.
And I know one of the commenters here pointed us to the All-In Podcast with Trump on X the other day. Thanks to whomever it was. That was a very worthwhile hour.
The question about the state of black Americans asked at 9:55 EDT to Biden and his response makes it pretty clear that CNN gave the Biden campaign the questions in advance. Biden wouldn't reel that answer off unless he knew it was coming.
Hey, CNN has done it before.
BLACK childcare costs? Is that what he just said?
BLACK homeowners get a $10,000 credit? Can that possibly pass constitutional muster?
Oh, Trump - BLACK jobs?
You guys, stop it!
Jamie: "BLACK childcare costs? Is that what he just said?"
Hey, those black kids can be just as smart as white kids. My word as a biden!
50% unemployment?
More cops on the streets?
MountainMan: "And I know one of the commenters here pointed us to the All-In Podcast with Trump on X the other day. Thanks to whomever it was. That was a very worthwhile hour."
You are most welcome. It was an incredibly revealing and informative hour with terrific hosts and relevant questions.
Every time Biden says “the idea” I’m taking a sip of tea.
Comment seem to be disappearing.
Trump senses the debates over, he is switching over to Rally Trump
You know Chuck, you're absolutely right. I'm really really glad they coached Joe on it. Winning !
DJT is winning And the nasty Liar in Chief is steaming angry about it.
The idea!
Trump fielded the climate/environment segment pretty well, but i wish he would just say global warming is crap.
The idea!
He can’t say that John Mosby, however true. The propaganda has crossed the aisle
I don’t think there’s enough tea in china for this debate.
Is there a 10 run rule in debates?
Oso, true dat. But Trump has shifted so many Overton windows, he could shift this one. But one battle at a time, I guess.
Tapper prompts Biden. That's why they wanted this on CNN, the knew the could count on Jake and Dana to try and save Biden.
Biden just said "Illegal Aliens" LOL
Keep shoveling Chuck.
Didja hear that the Biden Campaign now has a new theme song?
'The idea!'
If you had this in your drinking game you'd be on your way to the ER...
This is so pitiful that I feel sorry for Chuck.
I just noticed a suspicious 6 second silence mid-sentence from Biden listening to it on SiriusXM.
I know there's a huge delay.
Did CNN dump a Biden freeze?
The first actual Biden smile of the evening!
he answers each question with a single run-on sentence.
He was like that posing questions at Senate hearings 30 years ago.
Presidential historians are voting for Joe Biden. Nice.
The lying liar left still running on Charlottesville. LOL. Losers.
Chuck doesn't seem to have made any comments about what a fine job Brandon is doing in the "debate".
Probably just an oversight.
I think whoever up there was right about Trump going to Rally Trump - hang in there, Mr. Trump! You've got him on the ropes.
The lying liar left still running on Charlottesville. LOL. Losers.
I'm liking Trump's latest hair style. A little shorter.
They are stuck on mirror mirror on the wall who’s the worst president of all.
The fact that Biden is the President of the United States of America is a pretty scary thought.
He is living in the past, unsure of today, and has no idea there is a future.
While Chuck is overcome with grief, Rich is feeling happy..
Rich said...
My wife once asked me when did I feel happiest? Upon consideration, I responded when I wept... It was when I felt much alive.
5/6/24, 9:07 PM
Tell us more about this incredible dog.
Gerda Sprinchorn said...
I was wrong.
I thought Biden would be ok in the debate . . . .
But this is sad. No, its cruel. Biden is a human being and this is cruel.
I went to a debate watch event tonight (hubby was the organizer)and only intended to stay for 1/2 hour. But I had to walk out at the 20 minute mark - it was like watching a horror movie - and I HATE horror movies (forever scarred by "Psycho" as a teen). It WAS cruel - forcing a man who is likely suffering from Parkinson's disease to memorize 2 minute speeches, but unable to rebut or respond - just kept to the memorized talking points, slurred speech and totally garbled what Roe V Wade. Jill Biden should suffer for this - because no loving wife would ever, ever subject her husband to this.
Either one of them could be declared the Winner just by actually answering the freakin' question that was asked - instead of just insulting their opponent.
They are stuck on mirror mirror on the wall who’s the worst president of all.
That is true.
I mean, what can we expect?
What's going to happen tomorrow? My bet is that Trump will be campaigning, and Biden will be resting up. The difference in energy is palpable.
Are we going to put those fentanyl "machines" at all the Eagle Passes along the border? I don't understand.
Trump saying he’ll do things before he takes office is probably illegal. But it might be advantageous to put in the minds of listeners the idea that he’s going to be president.
I really hope that Trump asks if you're better off than four years ago.
A golf match!
That would be can't miss TV.
It's over
Biden just got a nice attempt at an insult in.
And now the golf stuff.
Are we done?
Biden can’t face Trump when Trump is talking about him.
I wasn't really paying attention and had it on as I was doing some dishes. My main take away is that Biden sounds so old, tired, and feeble. In comparison Trump seem so energetic. I will say Biden doesn't sound as confused as I expected. He still looks confused and out of sorts just not as badly as I expected.
The idea.
Ok, one thing Trump has not done is to allude to the puppet masters actually running this administration. Even though I think such people are in charge, I'm glad Trump has pretended that the guy at the other podium is the Chief Executive.
Joe's 8-handicap is probably in miniature golf. Man, I'd love to see him ace the windmill hole. Or best of all, the volcano last hole.
Ugh. I hope Junior' is included in the next debate, if there is one, and whether Biden is there or A. Nother.
Has the fat lady sang yet?
Are we allowed to say that?
The golf thing is lame, and I say that as an 8hcp.
That said, Trump would hit it pretty far.
I don't know that Joe could make contact.
As for carrying clubs, really?
Joe has to take the 'Big Boy' stairs on AF1 now because he kept falling down the usual ones.
He might be able walk 18 (not really) but it would take him 7 or 8 hours.
Debate results:
Winner - President Trump
T2 - CNN
T2 - Biden
Keeping the debate going is tantamount to elderly abuse.
Biden: Trump is a whiner, a child, and fat.
Trump: Did he insult Biden? I don't remember any insults.
Woof woof, that magical dog!
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