May 24, 2024

The saddest, loneliest Althouse blog tag: "Biden the healer."

I created this tag on November 8, 2020, and I don't create a new tag unless I think there will be a good number of other posts that will support that tag. I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer. I went back today, looking for "Biden the healer" in my archive, because I've been thinking how much better Biden might be doing — and, more importantly, how much better this country might be doing — if Biden had followed the path of healing — of bringing us together. But Biden was and is a divider. Maybe January 6th was too much of a temptation, such great raw material for tearing us apart. He could have said — like Lincoln — "with malice toward none, with charity for all" and forgiven everyone involved and called upon all of us — on his side and the other side — to "bind up the nation's wounds." But he didn't do it. And now it's too late.

Here's my November 8, 2020 post. Read it and weep. It's title is an eloquent quote from someone who has gone on to distinguish herself for her comical lack of eloquence:
"Joe is a healer, a uniter, a tested and steady hand, a person whose own experience of loss gives him a sense of purpose that will help us as a nation reclaim our own sense of purpose, and a man with a big heart who loves with abandon."

In that one crowded sentence, Kamala Harris — in her victory speech last night — stated the theme for Biden's presidency. 

I see the laying-on-of-hands concept that we were talking about yesterday. Remember? The writer in The Atlantic — Franklin Foer — talked about Joe's "effort to heal... to wrap himself around others in mourning." He saw "something religious in this laying-on of hands... an act of communion." Because we are "desperate" and Joe is the "parental figure," what is required of us is "an almost irrational faith in healing."
Kamala presents Joe the "healer" — using his "tested and steady hand." But she doesn't, like Foer, make it sound like any sort of miracle or anything religious. She grounds the power in Joe's real-life experience — "experience of loss " — and his "big heart." 

Now,  the word "healer" is problematic in speech. It has a homophone...


A fine dog, but you don't want to call your President a dog. Especially not a "heeler." To heel is not to lead. To whom is he heeling? 

Ah, but the dog that is called a "heeler" is not called that because he heels. The Australian cattle dog is nicknamed a "heeler" because he moves cattle along by biting at their heels! That's leadership of a sort.
It is good with older, considerate children, but will herd people by nipping at their heels, particularly younger children who run and squeal.... The ACD was originally bred to move reluctant cattle by biting, and it will bite if treated harshly. The Australian Cattle Dog's protective nature and tendency to nip at heels can be dangerous as the dog grows into an adult if unwanted behaviours are left unchecked.

You'd better train this dog! It's not time for "irrational faith."  



1. Well, we didn't train that dog, and now, he's gnawed at us far too long, and we're about to re-home him.

2. Joe had trouble with his own dogs, and we're forced to infer that he failed to take care of the most basic responsibility within his personal household: Train whatever dogs you may have.

4. These days, the notion that Joe could be engaging in the "laying on of hands" just sounds like the set-up for a sex-predator joke.  

5. This is the second post today where  communion has come up. Earlier this morning there was a woman who grabbed at the communion wafers and was, for her sin, bitten by the priest. And here, we have Franklin Foer writing "something religious in [Joe's] laying-on of hands... an act of communion." Franklin Foer isn't Christian. His family is Jewish (his mother the daughter of Holocaust survivors and his brother the novelist Jonathan Safran Foer). I don't know how precisely he meant to connect the laying on of hands — which is a Jewish and a Christian tradition — with communion — which is only a Christian tradition. I'm not sure what Foer thought Biden could have done that would be analogous with communion, but I do feel safe saying that whatever it was, Biden did not do it.


kylos said...

Is that dog's name Bandit, by any chance?

Jersey Fled said...

Boy, were you wrong.

Try to do better this time around.

Iman said...

“I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.”

What on Earth would ever prompt you to do that? All evidence to the contrary.

It’s the same bullshit fed to Democrats each election cycle. And then after the victory, the backstabbing of America begins in earnest. Every. Fucking. Time.

Dave Begley said...

You misjudged Joe Biden. I don't, however, blame you. We've all made mistakes in judgment.

Biden is a puppet for the far leftwing of his party. Open borders. Men in women sports. CAGW. Trans stuff. Backing Hamas. A healer would never have taken such positions as the vast majority of the American people are against the Left on these issues.

Joe will do anything to achieve power and stay in power. And, of course, he's been bribed with millions of dollars in money and bitcoin.

You also, I suspect, were turned off by all of the Trump drama and crassness. Lots of people were and are.

The key thing here is to get Biden out of office. My fear is that he will perform so badly at the debate that the Dems will force him out. Gavin at the top of the ticket and Harris stays at the bottom of the ticket where she belongs and how she got her start in politics, on her back. Harris changes her residence to DC so that there's no Electoral College issue over both being residents of the same state. It will be a massive bait and switch.

Skeptical Voter said...

Our host--and the nation--have been the victims of a bait and switch about Biden. The Dims kept him in the basement in Delaware during the 2020 campaign. Hiden the real Biden as it were.

And if you've looked at many of his public appearances--the disgrace at Morehouse College last Sunday, you'll see a snarling, snapping, biting Biden--a vicious bad dog. I've always thought that dogs reflect the character of their owner (it's a question of training and attitude on the part of the owner). And so naturally "Commander" and "Major' bit the heck out of anyone who came their way.

Biden is a heeler, not a healer.

joshbraid said...

" Earlier this morning there was a woman who grabbed at the communion wafers and was, for her sin, bitten by the priest"

Ann, you are mischaracterizing the priest. He did not bite her "for her sin". Really.

Kevin said...

Joe believes he united the country back in March of 2024.

FACT SHEET: President Biden’s Unity Agenda for the Nation

The rule of Lemnity said...

“Boy, were you wrong.”

It’s a benign kind of wrong. We want, at least most Americans, to expect the better angels in our president to prevail, even when we didn’t vote for them.

Reminds me of that time after Obama won the first term, Rush said on his radio show “I hope he fails”. We knew that Rush meant that he hoped Obama’s policies would fail, but still, it came off badly, because even Dubya stepped in and rebuked Rush’s statements.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer."

The man who said Romney was going to put black people back in chains? That Biden was going to be a healer?

Biden has a long history in public life and there's not a hint of "healer" in any of it.

rhhardin said...

Women vote for whoever seems to mean well.

Original Mike said...

"Maybe January 6th was too much of a temptation, …"

His campaigning on "Charlottesville" predates January 6th.

Kevin said...

"It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again," Mr Biden said, without mentioning his rival in the election. "And to make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies."

What he means is "you listen to me and stop treating me as the enemy", because there was never an instance where he stood up to or gave any such instructions to his own party.

Joe doesn't have a Sister Souljah moment in him.

US election: Joe Biden vows to 'unify' country in victory speech

boatbuilder said...

I applaud your honesty.

As one on the 'right' who has had the scales fall from my eyes about...well, just about everything in politics, but about the verities I formerly believed about the Republican party...over the past eight years, I get it. (although I do wonder why you didn't see it sooner).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe lost a bunch of children and that is sad... but so what? Many families experience profound loss. Joe actually lies about how his children died.. Again- because Crook Joe is a liar and a fraud.

Joe ia a liar, a fraud, a plagiarist, a known international pay to play crook who is protected by a corrupt system of justice. Joe operates above the law. Joe canceled Trump's successful closed southern border- and opened it up illegally on purpose to get illegal entrants to vote for him and other corruptocrats.

Joe and his party spend us into oblivion - giving endless amounts of money to items and projects that only help the corrupt left gain more power.... and destroy the middle class.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Dave Begley said...

You misjudged Joe Biden.

I don't know. I think Althouse was somewhat misled. It's obvious that the current Democrat meaning of "unite" is not the OED meaning that most of us (including Althouse) understand. I think in this case "unite" has been redefined to mean "place ourselves in power over the American people, who are inferior us in all ways." If you follow that line of thinking that's what the Biden administration has been trying to do all along.

Rick67 said...

I'm not going to give you a hard time about this. People also had high hopes for the Obama presidency.

Biden the president is what he always was. He was never a healer. What especially annoys me is his foreign policy. I don't think he's ever been anything except spectacularly stultifyingly disastrously wrong.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.

Your optimism is admirable and touching. Your willingness to share such a painful memory is helpful to the others out here struggling with the realization that he was selling snake-oil all along. I was wrong too. I thought the classic Connie Chung video that derailed his 1988 attempt to be president would have more impact, remind people how Joe has always been an unrestrained liar on matters small and large alike and an unapologetic plagiarist.

Worse for America, Biden has demonstrated just this week how he's the polar opposite of a healer, a craven racial hustler like Al Sharpton, just like his old boss Obama.

Note: Edited to correct two small errors. The original will disappear shortly.

Original Mike said...

"Joe actually lies about how his children died.. "

Yeah. Who does that? Certainly not someone of good character.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The missing link to all this is that, Biden didn’t win, legitimately win. So maybe it could be argued he’s better angels never had a chance. Of course, I’m no theologian. So don’t take my comments as gospel.

Meade said...

“His campaigning on "Charlottesville" [hoax] predates January 6th.“

An excellent observation.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The forgiveness was offered but not accepted. The other side had no desire to be forgiven.

Meade said...

I’m willing to vote for Trump for one good reason alone: Make Joe Biden a one-termer.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden as a healer is the funniest thing I will read all day long. The man has always been a divider and always will be, and that would apply even if he wasn't demented.

Ann Althouse said...

"Boy, were you wrong."

Quote what you think is wrong.

I think it's true that Kamala laid out that theme in her victory speech and that Foer had come up with a similar theory.

It is true that that is a path that was available and that was presented as a promise.

I didn't say I trusted them to keep the promise. Read the last line of the post.

Again, explain the wrongness you perceive.

Yancey Ward said...

And fuck you, Left Bank- you can take that pretend forgiveness and stuff it up your sorry ass.

rhhardin said...

I never understood the fine people hoax, unless it meant that the guys with the tiki torches weren't fine people because they're FBI guys.

You can talk to anybody and the necessary presupposition is always that they're fine people.

Ann Althouse said...

Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers, not demonized and persecuted them. The same with Trump. He should have moved forward and generated optimism. He went for Dark Brandon.

Oligonicella said...

That's OK Althouse. Remember, American politics is just a lab experiment.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Doesn’t Joe have a Lincoln bust in the Oval Office?

TrespassersW said...

I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.

I have to ask: why would you imagine that, when absolutely none of his words or actions in his decades-long history in politics indicates any trace of "healer?"

deepelemblues said...

"Quote what you think is wrong."

"I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer."

Is "imagined" supposed to be weaselly? At least the Professor didn't bury the lede, although she then went on at length with, I believe, the intention to distract from that lede. She imagined Biden was something that a large number of people imagined he was not. And they were correct. Blog posts like this one from the Professor are kind of annoying, because she declines to focus that cruel neutrality on herself. A cruelly neutral perspective would be, well, a lot more cruel.

Ann Althouse said...

"The same with Trump" = Biden should have pardoned Trump.

Hubert the Infant said...

Stripped of all the pretense, I see this as part of a much bigger problem: Good and Evil have been redefined to mean "I agree with you" and "I don't agree with you." The corollary is "You are evil because you disagree with me." By 2020, it was clear that Biden had done many things that objectively indicated serious character flaws: plagiarizing, claiming that the other driver in the accident that killed his first wife was drunk and to blame, etc. Yet, rather than supporting Biden as the lesser of two evils, the media and others who wanted him to win portrayed him as a kindly grandfather. The same goes for the anti-Israel protesters. There is very little of the "both sides are wrong" that you would expect when terrorists are involved but you think they might have legitimate grievances. (Like, for instance, what happened after the Charlie Hebdo attack.) Instead, the protesters are unabashedly pro-Hamas. Moral relativism has triumphed after all.

gadfly said...

Weird stuff, Althouse. Healer or heeler? Heelers, of course, are Australian Cattle dogs.

You are pushing the "Biden is a healer" deal - but he has used "healing the country" once in a speech from four years ago, referring to a "time to heal" not declaring himself as a healer.

And as always, I need to remind you that neither Biden nor Trump are healers - they are politicians - but Trump is a self-serving politician.

mindnumbrobot said...

I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.

We should all respect the fact the professor is clearly opening herself to criticism. While many understood the "Biden as healer" narrative was nothing more than shallow, meaningless, campaign pap (Biden has always been a unimpressive, vindictive A-hole, and his declining mental state made the perfect empty vassal to carry out the radical Left's agenda) it takes a big person to admit they were mistaken. Kudos.

Tina Trent said...

Heelers are a far more intelligent breed than Bidens.

Ann Althouse said...

"'I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.' I have to ask: why would you imagine that, when absolutely none of his words or actions in his decades-long history in politics indicates any trace of "healer?""

Kamala's speech presented a vision. I was able to understand her speech. I therefore could see — imagine — the path described. I did not say I was confident the path would be followed, but it was important to see it and remember it as something that was held up as something like a promise. Promises are promising. That doesn't mean you can be complacent.

The last sentence proves that I did not trust Biden to keep the promise: "It's not time for "irrational faith.""

I meant: Prove it. We need to watch and hold you accountable.

And by the way, I didn't vote for Biden.

MadTownGuy said...

"The saddest, loneliest Althouse blog tag..."

Is it, then, the Maytag tag? The loneliest tag in town.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

"I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer." For me, his centering his campaign on stirring race hate in America by pushing the C-ville "fine people" lie, meant he'd be just as divisive and nasty as he turned out to be. That close, well meaning, friends of mine couldn't/can't see that baffles me.

Ann Althouse said...

If you say you never take anything they say seriously, you can't hold them accountable. It's all just gibberish. They're all a bunch of crooks. If that was my position, I wouldn't write about it at all.

Meade said...

rhhardin said...
“ I never understood the fine people hoax, unless it meant that the guys with the tiki torches weren't fine people because they're FBI guys.

You can talk to anybody and the necessary presupposition is always that they're fine people.”

What Trump meant and should have said is: “On the civil debate about whether or not to legally remove a statue, there are fine people on either side. But when it comes to the protesters, both permitted and not-permitted, there are absolutely horrible violent nasty vicious sons of bitches on both sides.

kylos said...

Heelers healing

Ann Althouse said...

"For me, his centering his campaign on stirring race hate in America by pushing the C-ville "fine people" lie, meant he'd be just as divisive and nasty as he turned out to be."

No one took a stronger position against Biden for this than I did: "I blogged in April 2019, "If Biden does not come forward and retract [a video relying on the Charlottesville hoax] and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President." Now, more than a year later, Biden has done the opposite. He's doubled down on the lie and he's making it the centerpiece of his campaign!"...I can't imagine what Biden could do to win my confidence. I'm not going to bother to put in a request this time, because I feel completely hopeless that he will try. He has decided to run on — his people have decided to run him on — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred. He could have run on just not being Trump — the simple dream to make America normal again. But he has chosen an eyes-closed nightmare."

mindnumbrobot said...

Flounder, you can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You fucked up. You trusted us! --Otter

Couldn't resist an Animal House quote.

n.n said...

Diversity is a bloc event and the quotas are exclusive.

kylos said...

The saddest, loneliest heeler

RMc said...

Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers, not demonized and persecuted them.

The left wing of his party -- and, let's face it, it's all left wing now -- woulda BBQ'd Biden at the stake for that. He would've been impeached in 24 hours.

Howard said...

Kamala Harris is comedy gold. It's comforting to know that she's just a single heartbeat away from having her fingers on the nuclear football.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden's corrupt regime are hunting down and ruining the lives of Lawyers who were hired by Trump.

Soviet masterminds - that they are..

Yancey Ward said...

"And as always, I need to remind you that neither Biden nor Trump are healers - they are politicians - but Trump is a self-serving politician."

Ok, I thought "Biden is a healer" would be the funniest thing I would read today, but someone must have held Gadfly's beer for him.

Seriously, Gadfly, do you really mean to imply that Biden isn't a self-serving politician?


Rusty said...

Fortunately, Left Bank, I have done nothing to be forgiven for. You lot, on the other hand, Owe us a lot for foisting Biden on the country.
When for 45 years your candidate has been nothing but a grifting political hack and you elect him a president anyway. Then that's on you. No. I won't forgive you.
I warned you about Obama, but you should have known about Biden.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"Biden was and is a divider."

Right. Always was. The tag should have been: #healing bs.

"Read it and weep."

Weep? Nah. We stone-cold cynics don't do tears.

But how many nice people now say: sure, the entire Biden campaign was BS, sure, he rules as a mad lefty, sure, he is borderline senile, therefore, let's vote for Trump?

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

That's what baffles me - that you said that and then thought it possible he could be a healer. Maybe we just have different views of human nature. I'd never thought a politician evil until he did that, and once he crossed that line, it never entered my mind he could change.

Yancey Ward said...

"Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers, not demonized and persecuted them. The same with Trump. He should have moved forward and generated optimism. He went for Dark Brandon."

I don't disagree, but this gives Biden more agency than he likely had in January 2021 and certainly more than he retains today. The power of his office is being wielded by others while Joe enjoys his ice cream cone.

All that really needed be done after January 6th was to do nothing at all for the most part- just ensure the security was better next time while prosecuting the people who assaulted other people that day.

Original Mike said...

"And as always, I need to remind you that neither Biden nor Trump are healers - they are politicians - but Trump is a self-serving politician.". (emphasis added)

Huh? Biden is the one raking in millions for his family from foreign interests.

Milo Minderbinder said...

A journey: my wife wrote in Hilary in 2008 and 2012. But by 2016 she was so disgusted with everyone she didn’t vote. By 2020, she voted Libertarian, still refusing to listen to Trump, and appalled with Biden. Last night, she switched from playoffs to coverage of Trump’s Bronx rally, curious. She watched it all, smiling throughout….

gadfly said...

Ann Althouse said...
Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers, not demonized and persecuted them. The same with Trump. He should have moved forward and generated optimism. He went for Dark Brandon.

Criminal violation of the law needs to be punished, especially since the defeated President incited the failed putsch on January 6, causing violence, death, and destruction in America's first experience withstanding a fascist overthrow attempt to end our democracy. This incident was not Biden against the world. Now we have fascist SCOTUS justices prohibiting Trump's trial.

It is too bad that Liz Chaney isn't running as the Libertarian presidential candidate. Then I would have someone to select on my ballot.

walter said...

pedofly said...
You are pushing the "Biden is a healer" deal - but he has used "healing the country" once in a speech from four years ago, referring to a "time to heal" not declaring himself as a healer.
Does your LNP riddled brain remember "Unity'? Most recently revisited at SOTU.

If not Pedo Pete or Joementia, call him Old Yeller.

Ampersand said...

Calls for national healing and unity stray toward civility bullshit. The politician making the call is always saying, sotto voce, give up your past beliefs and join me in my superior truth and goodness. Not an attractive offer.

Politicians calling for unity can't say that they plan to move toward centrism, because the politician's support from the ideological fringes will evaporate, and the politician will be stuck with a less enthusiastic, less committed power base.

Calls for national unity will only work when there is a common enemy of existential significance.

Fandor said...

I understood that The Laying On of Hands rite is performed as ministrations for the sick
The analogy is to the country.

tcrosse said...

What do we talk about when we talk about Biden? President Biden is a fabrication, a fictional character being played by a walking corpse. Biden is a collective noun for whatever éminence grise is running the executive branch.

narciso said...

Like the arquillian ambassadof in men in black

narciso said...

Franky foer is perhaps the silliest mark

Chuck said...

The Lincoln (Second Inaugural) is both interesting, and entirley twisted in Althouse's reference of today.

Lincoln's Second Inaugural could never have been given in his first term. As Lincoln took office, they were preparing to fire on Fort Sumter. The Second Inaugural came after Antietam, and the Wilderness, and Gettysburg.

Let me tell you about the Biden "Second Inaugural" that I am looking forward to. It is when Trumpism is defeated as surely as the Army of Northern Virginia. It will be after Trump is convicted, and sentenced, and he surrenders himself to the Federal Bureau of Prisons at Appomattox Court House. Then, at that point, I'll help Joe Biden write a dandy "Second Inaugural"-type speech urging a national reconciliation.

Yancey Ward said...

"It is too bad that Liz Chaney isn't running as the Libertarian presidential candidate. Then I would have someone to select on my ballot."

Poor Gadfly- too stupid to realize that he can write in Ms. Cheney?

BUMBLE BEE said...

IEEEEE! It's back. It ain't nothin bad about Joe, It's the damn Russians again.

Mollie nails it.

gadfly said...

Yancey Ward said...
"And as always, I need to remind you that neither Biden nor Trump are healers - they are politicians - but Trump is a self-serving politician."

Seriously, Gadfly, do you really mean to imply that Biden isn't a self-serving politician?

Obviously, you don't understand Trump's love for Trump. Malignant narcissism is insurmountable. At least Biden mourns his dead son. I worked for a malignant narcissist but I resigned from a high-paying job rather than continuously putting aside my ethics to meet his demands.

Rabel said...

"...I've been thinking how much better Biden might be doing — and, more importantly, how much better this country might be doing — if Biden had followed the path of healing..."

Curious as to what prompted this.

TickTock said...

Begley said, " My fear is that he will perform so badly at the debate that the Dems will force him out. "

That is my fear as well. I worry that Biden was set up by an advisor who knows he can't win, and wants an open Democratic convention.

narciso said...

Oh noes

Meanwhile if it wasnt for gazproms bribes to biden putin wouldnt have had the money to pay for the ukraine war

narciso said...

So was it with the direct contributions to hamas and the oil revenue that iran was allowed

effinayright said...

Chuck is angling for the coveted Droolcup Emptier position in the Biden campaign.

Two-eyed Jack said...

"Joe Biden" posts this on X.

I cannot imagine a better summation of what it means to be an anti-healer. Nathan Bedford Forrest was more of a healer than this man.

Jupiter said...

"But Biden was and is a divider."

Biden was and is a Democrat.

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers...

"All" of them. ALL of them. Including the ones who speared police with hockey-stick "flagpoles," who sprayed police and others with pepper spray, who attacked journalists and their equipment, who hit/choked/kicked/dragged members of the Capitol police... and who erected a mock gallows in front of the Capitol building. To say nothing of mass damage to the Capitol, and the violent interruption of the business of Congress.

All of them.

That's an acknowledgment that the CAUSE of January 6 was valid. That a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g done in furtherance of that cause -- including acts of criminal violence -- are all part of the same thing. Saying "all of them" is of course very different from saying, "Use prosecutorial discrection to absolve those who merely set foot on the grounds or in the building, to voice a protest." I don't even accept that latter notion, but Althouse makes it really easy by saying that she wants "all of them" pardoned, even including the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters and Oath Keepers, whose members have gone to trial on insurrection charges and been found guilty by criminal juries.

Hundreds of J6 rioters have pleaded guilty, in open federal court, with the benefit of appointed or retained counsel; Althouse would be pardoning them as well.

Chick said...

Just a typo, you likely meant Heel.

Jersey Fled said...

“I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.”

That part.

narciso said...

People who burned down dc in 2017 had all charges dropped and their records expunged

Meade said...

“Hundreds of J6 rioters have pleaded guilty, in open federal court, with the benefit of appointed or retained counsel; Althouse would be pardoning them as well.“

Stick to her hypothetical, Chuck. Althouse wasn’t president; Lincoln was. Lincoln and Biden. Compare Biden to Lincoln; not to Althouse. You dope.

narciso said...

Men who werent even on the Capitol steps were charged with ridiculous charges like the decorated navy officer with a security clearance

RCOCEAN II said...

Biden isn't an outlyier (sic), he's an example of the rot in our political class. How many of Governors, Congressmen, and Senators aren't 2nd rate partisan clowns? How many care about the country and not their power and pocketbook?

Thats why we got Trump in the 1st place.

What shocked me about J6, is not one of these Republican clowns in Congress had the brains or the guts to simply address the protestors. You know, show some leadership. Instead, they wet their pants in fear of average Americans protesting a possibly stolen election and then sent in the Police to shoot a couple and cracks some skulls. Others, like McCarthy were crying and cursing Trump. And Mittens refused to leave his "safe space" and get on a bus because as he screamed at a CP Policeman "We'll be sitting ducks!"

If Biden had tried to the President of all of America, instead of the 50 percent who voted for him, he's be cruising to re-election. But he's been the exact opposite. Throwing abortion protestors in jail for 10 years. Trying to throw Trump in jail. And sneering and insulting anyone who disagrees with him.

RCOCEAN II said...

Its easy to laugh at Harris and her inability to talk but in terms of policy she agrees with 99 percent of what Biden does. She will be Biden II if she ever becomes President. There's not much difference on policy between them.

Mr. D said...

Anything that might have been part of the “Biden the Healer” tag would properly belong in the “Civilty Bullshit” tag. Alas.

Jim Howard said...

"It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again," Mr Biden said, ..."

I guess we are supposed to forget that 'blood speech' he gave in Independence Hall, the one that could have been staged by Leni Riefenstahl. Blood red lighting, people in USMC uniforms at parade rest behind a fist waving, screaming dime store imitation of Mussolini, almost calling for Republicans to be sent to camps.

And now he's a healer?

And of course his party's thugs is all about calling anyone they disagree with Nazis, and poopoo heads.

All the while he's lecturing Israel about who they should vote for, while his people wave the flag of the current Nazi party, Hamas.

It's enough to turn your stomach.

narciso said...

As if ap who rents from hamas csn be trusted about anything

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Obviously, you don't understand Trump's love for Trump. Malignant narcissism is insurmountable."

Trump's narcissism is different from our narcissism. His crimes are different from our crimes. His methods are cruder than our methods. His bloviating is different from our bloviating. Our narcissism, crimes, methods, and bloviating are all benevolent in nature. Why oh why can't the peasants see this?

Michael K said...

The real Biden is the one we saw in 1998. The liar, plagiarist, the one who live a fantasy world where he is not the failure in life that he is. Walter Kitty come to life.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, on J6 Adam Kinzinger was so afraid of his own Republican voters, that he barricaded himself in his office and got out a pistol and was determined to shoot the first protestor that came through the door.

They weren't going to take him alive! He was going to sell his life at a dear price.

Kinzinger is gone. But there are more like him. These are the sort of clowns we have in Congress.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

While Antifa and BLM looters, rioters, property destroyers and arsonists - cause billions in damages.. and were given no jail time... and even sprung with funds collected with Kamala Harris' urging... The left are all A-OK with that.

people "STORMED THE CAPITOL!" or... "INSURRECTIONISTS!" (without guns - cool) including people who barely did anything wrong... like walk thru an open Capitol door... are being prosecuted, harassed, and sent to prison for long periods of time.

Chuck and his fellow NBC Soviets are cool with it.

walter said...

Chuck! pretends pleading guilty under the weight of federal government in a DC court equals guilt.
Lawfare Chuck! slams his Tanqueray bottle on the table for punctuation.

Worst insurrection ever.
More shots fired daily into Joementia's neck to keep him upright for a few hours.
Four more years!

rhhardin said...

Dementia is just a way of leaving slowly instead of all at once.

narciso said...

They saw half the country burn down the minneapolis police station hasnt been rebuilt no one will sign up as police in mogadishu north who are you kidding

I called j6 delta house hijinks except the black neidermeyer went fatal

tim maguire said...

Chuck said..."All" of them. ALL of them. Including the ones who speared police with hockey-stick "flagpoles," who sprayed police and others with pepper spray, who attacked journalists and their equipment, who hit/choked/kicked/dragged members of the Capitol police...

All none of them? Yes, all none of them too.

and who erected a mock gallows in front of the Capitol building.

Of course. That's not illegal.

Mason G said...

"Obviously, you don't understand Trump's love for Trump. Malignant narcissism is insurmountable."

Trump's policies made America a better place for regular people who have been overlooked for years by The Swamp and the creatures inhabiting it. If he wants to think highly of himself over that, I don't have a problem with it.

Dude1394 said...

We haven’t had a democrat even close to a “healer” since Clinton. Obama was a complete divider and so has every Democrat been since Obama.

Narayanan said...

Oh my !!
Professora never believed FJB drove wife to suicide by Truck Driver and revelled and crowed about it by calling poor victimised truck driver a murderer against all evidence

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Biden definitely is uniting Americans: in support of Trump. Probably not what Althouse expected but it's better than other possible outcomes. TGIF!

Kevin said...

I think Althouse does an enviable job of stating when she was wrong in the past, when she clearly doesn't owe it to us to do so.


Jim at said...

I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.

I'm just curious what would give you the idea that Biden wouldn't be anything but what he's been during his entire 50 years in office.

He is what he is and always will be ... a dumb, braying jackass. Except now he's senile, too.

Christopher B said...

There was no bait and switch on Biden. He has always tacked to the center pole of the Democrat party from his days opposing bussing for racial integration and sucking up to the last remaining Dixiecrats to supporting Three Strikes legislation to enabling rapid departure from foreign conflicts. The current Biden persona perfectly encapsulates the swirling currents of Democrat party positions, his attempts to be both pro-Jewish and pro-Hamas being one very visible example.

Narayanan said...

Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers, not demonized and persecuted them.
could he pardon them by speaking like pharaoh > so let it be done so let it be written?

and staying the groping around tentacle of DOJ and FBI

or will there have been paperwork involved which could have been dragged out? while they langusihed in prison!

Jim at said...

At least Biden mourns his dead son.

What does that even mean? That Trump wouldn't?

And lying about how he died sure seems like a strange way to 'mourn' him.

Narayanan said...

interesting comment by Chuck
... Lincoln's Second Inaugural could never have been given in his first term. As Lincoln took office, they were preparing to fire on Fort Sumter. The Second Inaugural came after Antietam, and the Wilderness, and Gettysburg....
I can now see ballot harvesters and poll workers and voting machine operators and tabulators as D's 'Union Army' devastating the Confederates in various states that are striving to put y'all back in chains

rhhardin said...

I don't understand the inclination to respond to "Chuck." Let him say what he wants and forget it. People learn where to go for interesting insights and what to skip. Don't put yourself on the skip list by way of avoiding both "Chuck" and you.

walter said...

I don't understand the inclination to police posts. Especially by someone so skip worthy.

Hassayamper said...

Fuck unity. Unity is for anthills and beehives and police states. I don't want to unite with communists.

Iman said...

Walter Kitty?

That’s purrrfect for P0TATUS Biden!

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JRoj said...

If he was actually President I might care. He’s less President than my dead dog. Let’s see how Obama’s fourth term goes after Joe is re-selected. The amount of pretending required to live in this place formerly known as a representative republic is disgusting.

doctrev said...

"Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers..."

Wrong. Ray Epps and every fed in the riot should be exposed, fired, and left to take the consequences of their advocacy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

who erected a mock gallows in front of the Capitol building?

Yeah I'd like to know if it was the undercover FBI or the undercover Capitol Police too. I'm impressed, if Chuck wrote that. He's the first leftist I've ever heard (read) ask that question. Charlie Kirk has. Dan Bongino has. Glenn Beck has. Lefty media are curiously incurious.

Quaestor said...

LBotC writes, "The forgiveness was offered but not accepted. The other side had no desire to be forgiven."

That is demonstrably false and villainously mendacious, Left Bank, given the "Russia, Russia, Russia" calumnies, the iniquities inflicted on thousands by a corrupt government. The Democrats under the domination of the Clinton-Obama-Biden axis are far, far less sinned against than sinning.

Is that a beam in your eye, Left Bank, or a lumber yard?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Just saw a Biden commercial during the wife's soaps on ABC.
Trump is a madman bent on revenge.
He wants to destroy the Constitution.
He has said he is going to be a dictator.
"It'll be a BLOODBATH."
Paid for by Biden. A pic of Joey Shitspants saluting.
It was fully narrated by some other - It didn't say he "approved this message"

mezzrow said...

When I think of Biden as a healer, I think of Ernest Angley asking the viewer to press the prayer cloth against the screen for magical healing through prayer. Not sure why, but I do. Ernest was a man of the people like our President.

Y'all let Chuck blather. If he was actually doing stuff instead of typing out corrections to our worldview it would likely be even worse for humanity overall. There's a certain purity to his particular brand of foolishness. I look forward to some terrific Baghdad Bob moments between now and 2025. He does go on, though.

Wa St Blogger said...

Hundreds of J6 rioters have pleaded guilty, in open federal court, with the benefit of appointed or retained counsel

Hundreds were faced with the choice of a 20 year sentence or pleading guilty to a smaller one. Given the tenor of the DC population, they probably felt they had no choice. Pleading guilty is no longer an indicator of actual guilt. And since many were charged with elevated crimes for peacebly assembling or touring the building, your statement is disingenuous.

Oh Yea said...

The only tag sadder and lonelier would have been: "Obama the racial healer."

imTay said...

"Maybe January 6th was too much of a temptation, such great raw material for tearing us apart."

Yeah, it was a very productive false flag psy op. Yeah, lots of naive people got duped, and crumbled when facing the full "majesty of the law" as the Biden/Obama Department of Just Us has wielded it since they seized power. It's the same kind of false flag that Hitler used to consolidate power with the Reichstag Fire, and that the Right Sector used in Kiev to overthrow the democratically elected government in 2014.

Oh, I forgot, the US has magic dirt, and nobody would ever used the tool of false flags that have been used by governments for thousands of years, here in the United States. Of course not. We know that Joe Biden is far too honorable a man to have stooped so low! We have his word on his "honor as a Biden." If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that the government would never lie to us.

Quaestor said...

Althouse writes, "Joe had trouble with his own dogs, and we're forced to infer that he failed to take care of the most basic responsibility within his personal household: Train whatever dogs you may have."

Forced is an interesting word in this context. The less forced inference is the nasty behavior of the Biden curs is not the result of neglected training, but rather the application of perverted training. Over the decades Biden has frequently used "tough guy" language against his critics, especially anyone who calls out his stupid, pointless lies and clumsy evasions. The threadbare heroics of the Cornpop fantasy are diagnostic of the typical passive-aggressive narcissist, as is the preference for bad dogs. Biden's favorite military-flavored pooch names nail home the diagnosis from mere musings to near certainty.

Meade said...

“I don't understand the inclination to respond to "Chuck." Let him say what he wants and forget it.”

*sad lute music*

Joe Smith said...

Biden is a senile, low-IQ dinosaur.

He was a 90 IQ guy in the prime of life on his best day.

He's managed to parlay no talent and no brains into the presidency and millions of dollars.

Shame on this nation for falling for the grift all these decades...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did we miss talking about Biden “laying on hands”?

Pretty sneaky sis.

khematite said...

There's also the "ward heeler"--a pejorative term applied to a low-level local politician who's expected to turn out his ward's vote for the party's election ticket. Biden probably was a ward heeler in the late 1960s, when he was a cog in the New Castle, Delaware Democratic party machine and was rewarded with a seat on the city council. Pity he never really was able to make the transition to national healer. Just a mediocrity to the end.

Narr said...

"*sad lute music*"

May I suggest Alberto Crugnola on BWV 1003?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Saw the ad again. Joe did own the message.
Now, about these Chechen utility workers... A chef from Moldova starts a Utility company?
Taking pictures at Fort Bragg?
Joe Biden has aborted the United States.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Google Utilities One.

Mike Petrik said...

What Ann said. Each and every comment.
What Meade said. Each and every comment.
In their eagerness to criticize Ann, too many commentators read carelessly and reason sloppily.
One cannot be too eager to criticize buffoon Chuck.

boatbuilder said...

He didn't need to pardon the J6ers. He needed to tell Garland to give the trespassers slaps on the wrist, and to charge and prosecute the people who broke things and engaged in violence with reasonable charges and the ability to plead out. He needed to tell Pelosi and her horrific Committee to knock it off.

He, and his party, did the opposite.

But you are right--pardoning them, and Trump (who didn't commit any crimes) would have been politically brilliant, with the side benefit of being good for the future of the country. (Trump would have done it, if the sides were changed).

alanc709 said...

Why do people think Althouse was misled on Biden? How about, she was wrong about Biden, despite all evidence of his partisan nature. That says more about Althouse than it does Biden.

boatbuilder said...

All" of them. ALL of them. Including the ones who speared police with hockey-stick "flagpoles," who sprayed police and others with pepper spray, who attacked journalists and their equipment, who hit/choked/kicked/dragged members of the Capitol police... and who erected a mock gallows in front of the Capitol building. To say nothing of mass damage to the Capitol, and the violent interruption of the business of Congress.

Hey Chuck--who are those people. There's reams of film. Why weren't they charged? Why don't we know who they are?

We know one for sure--Ray Epps. Remember him?

Sheridan said...

I recall reading that Lincoln knew that a primary driving force in people was self-interest. Self-interest above nearly everything else including self-denial and personal honor. Lincoln also knew, I read, that politicians were the most vocal proponents of personal self-interest above everything. I believe that Lincoln could have conducted a master-class on the Tenth Commandment. I'll try and find my sources regarding Lincoln.

Mason G said...

"He's managed to parlay no talent and no brains into the presidency and millions of dollars."

Might be a reason the Democrats attract so many "no talent and no brains" people to the party.

Dave Begley said...

Blogger Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Biden's corrupt regime are hunting down and ruining the lives of Lawyers who were hired by Trump.

Soviet masterminds - that they are..

5/24/24, 12:27 PM


The Dems have an organization and website detailing their efforts. I was telling someone about it yesterday and I couldn’t recall the name. John Eastman is a target. And I told this person that it was Soviet. Do you know the name? One of the worst things the Dems have done.

Sheridan said...

The source for my prior comment about Lincoln is "Differ We Must" by Steve Inskeep. Penguin Press 2023.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Bach on the lute tends to be awful, and I speak as a lute player. Stick with Dowland.

As for BWV 1003, Tatyana Ryzhkova on guitar offers a visual distraction, plus the more sustained guitar strings do better than lute.

Yancey Ward said...

"Obviously, you don't understand Trump's love for Trump. Malignant narcissism is insurmountable. At least Biden mourns his dead son. I worked for a malignant narcissist but I resigned from a high-paying job rather than continuously putting aside my ethics to meet his demands."

That is some hilarious shit, Gadfly! Which of Trump's dead sons has Trump failed to mourn? Why, do you suppose, Biden publicly mourns Beau at every opportunity? Do you not find that behavior odd? Really not?

Mike Petrik said...

@boatbuilder — you are not wrong, but Ann’s political instincts are spot on.

friscoda said...

Professor, surely you jest?! A man who exploits his son’s death for political gain - a healer?!

The Joe Biden who was on the Senate Judiciary Committee was not a healer. No one who saw him question any judicial nominee could believe that this man has the qualities necessary to unite our country. He is an opportunistic, moronic gasbag - a low IQ pedant who believes that he is smarter than anyone else in the room, when he is quite often the dumbest person there. (Obama had bad policies but he wasn’t stupid.).

Lincoln was a highly intelligent and principled man who believed in the United States and acted to preserve it - including by extending an open hand to the defeated CSA. Biden isn’t fit to clean Lincoln’s shoes and the thought that he would be able to emulate the Great Emancipator is pretty far-fetched IMO.

Professor, you could not actually believe that this man would suddenly turn into a healer!?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

TrespassersW said...
I imagined Biden stepping up to the role of healer.

I have to ask: why would you imagine that, when absolutely none of his words or actions in his decades-long history in politics indicates any trace of "healer?"

Because he's old and should have mellowed.

Kathryn51 said...

Meade said...
"I’m willing to vote for Trump for one good reason alone: Make Joe Biden a one-termer."

I live in Cobalt Blue WA State, so wrote in a name in both 2016 and 2020. I almost voted for Trump in 2020 until he attacked and talked shit about Don McGahn - the White House Counsel who literally saved that SOB's ass as Trump was attacked from all sides.

In 2024, my vote once again will not matter in WA state. But I'll vote for Trump because it's the only way to give my tiny, teeny middle finger to the Lawfare Corruptocrats.

Rabel said...

What boatbuilder said at 5:49.

A petty, vindictive bully and his familiar, Merrick, showed their true natures. Hundreds of citizens are doing hard time after spending their savings defending themselves for simply walking into the Capitol after the gates were taken down.

Dave said...

I thought the same thing because it would have been smart. Imagine Biden coming in and saying The Bad is over. The Covid is Over. The Long National Nightmare is Over.

They had it all set up for that. It was teed right up for them to knock out of the park. Seriously, Tee Ball level politics to come in and pitch optimism all the time, after four years of negative stories on the previous administration.

I did expect gas to go up, so in February of 2021 I traded my truck for a small, gas efficient 5 speed hatchback.

Leland said...

Blogger alanc709 said...
Why do people think Althouse was misled on Biden?

Now do you, but with W., McCain, and Romney. I regret every one of those votes.

“Bad Genes” said...

Kamala Harris is the uncle ruckus of politics.. she has no substance and despite her shape shifting by appealing to African Americans and Indians and women whenever faced by the said group by crying out loud how she is one of them she isn't recognized by either. The reality is she is the very personification of a mediocre diversity hire. Inspires no one except social climbers..

320Busdriver said...

This was the moment I went from disliking the President to literally hating the man.

gilbar said...

Ann Althouse said...
Biden should have pardoned all the January 6-ers,

for FUN! let's play.. What IF

What IF..
Biden pardoned all the January 6-ers..
Biden pardoned Trump..
Biden Actually TRIED to Unite the country..
Biden Actually acted as a moderate, instead of a Bernie in senile clothing..
What IF??

IF Biden did all that, WHO would be running against him now? NO ONE.
Biden could have been the most popular President in modern history..
But, instead; he settled for ice cream while O'Bama's people ran the country into the ground

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Corrupt Democrat Justice System:

"THE DEMOCRATS’ CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Ex-prosecutor Marilyn Mosby sentenced in scheme using COVID funds to buy Florida condo. “The ex-prosecutor was found guilty of multiple felony charges in two separate trials, one that took place this year and one last fall.”

As a black Democratic woman, she received no prison time. Privilege."

Narr said...

Good one, rhhardin. She's new to me.

Mason G said...

"Imagine Biden coming in and saying The Bad is over. The Covid is Over. The Long National Nightmare is Over."

That's the last thing the Democrats want. You might as well imagine pigs flying. Here's their preferred vision:

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

And they're the boot.

n.n said...

Kamala is a woman of many talents. Sincerity is not one.

Michael said...

Church. Now why on earth would you plead guilty “in open court (Lol)”. When well over 90 percent of the accused lose in Fed Court. You plead or go broke

Michael said...

Bidens speeches, growing in anger, are not drug driven but a feature of his worsening dementia. A common feature

Jimmy said...

Bidens entire life, almost 50 years of sucking on that big federal dick. He has always been a nasty, not very bright thug.
Love how leftists on this blog forget all that.willful ignorance is the choice of Chuck and others. So sad
Biden has accomplished nothing, in 50 years, other than to enrich himself, maybe that what the leftist apparatchiks on this blog love so much. brute power, vindictiveness, poorly planned assaults and character assassination are joes stock and trade.
he has been a creepy piece of crap his entire life. After TWO failed attempts at conning America, he managed to be a prop for more evil and powerful men and women.
How the hell anyone, anyone at all, could find Healing in the 2020 election is beyond ridiculous. NOTHING in his history suggests that he was anything other than what he turned out tjo be. A low life, thug, grifter, and coward.
When he dies, NO ONE will actually care-except people he was fronting for in the grift, and they will find another venial POS to fill his place.

Quaestor said...

"Kamala is a woman of many talents."

They say one specific talent made her prosecutorial career.

It's not incisive cross-examination, however.

Bunkypotatohead said...

He's a heel alright.

: a contemptible person : a person who is self-centered or untrustworthy

Donna B. said...

OhMyGoodness! How naive does one have to be to think that any politician is out to "heal" whatever ails the voters. I'm OLD and have never witnessed a political solution to our problems -- not even the civil rights movement. Some tried but could not overcome the fact that social problems fuel political divides. Politicians will obviously take advantage of that.

Jerry said...

Obama was supposed to be a 'healer' after Bush.

Biden was supposed to 'heal' us after Trump.

All I've ever seen from both was division and anger. Ripping off bandages, throwing salt in the wounds - because Obama and Biden and the people under them knew that there was a political advantage to having groups angry at each other.

I fully expect the upcoming election season to be full of anger coming from the D side, attempting to stir up the passions that worked before. I'm already starting to see some of it. They don't have anything else they can point at that worked. Economy? World situation? Border? They're trying to say that everything's fine, when it's very clear that things aren't.

I wish that Biden and Obama had been the 'healers' they were portrated as. As it is, they're feasting on our seed corn, and blaming everyone for noticing.

Tina Trent said...

Dave Begley: regarding an organization targeting lawyers who represent Trump or others with the threat of disbarment: it's called The 65 Project. They are ABA leaders and also generally involved at the highest level of ABA certification of Law Schools.

They claim they are working to expand and create new disciplinary rules for state bar associations to disbar lawyers 'who work to overturn valid elections.' I assume their mission spread will eventually include new fitness rules to exclude certain students from being admitted to the Bar in the first place.

Obviously, their real goal isn't protecting election integrity: it is an effort to deter certain people from finding legal counsel by threatening lawyers with disbarment if they represent certain clients or take certain political stands contrary to the raw leftist bias of the ABA and the law schools.

What I find particularly pernicious about them is their blunt presentation and tone. They aren't even pretending very hard to be creating professional rules that will apply equally to every lawyer or relevant case: they are openly making lists of political opponents to disbar for partisan reasons. Their organization is structured like scores of other powerful leftist nonprofits embedded in academia and certifying associations.

This is mafia stuff, political hit men posing as experts conducting ethics reform. Nobody disputes that even the worst serial killers deserve legal representation and that the lawyers who represent them should have no fear of being disbarred for vigorously defending their clients. But the 65 Project is trying to suppress free speech and the right to legal representation by threatening lawyers' ability to even take certain clients. Chilling stuff. You can imagine the potential trajectories.

Amusingly, considering the blog post, I'm awake writing this in the middle of the night because my heelers are being neither healing nor heeding: they're howling impotently because the woods are crawling with does and fawns eating my rye.

wendybar said...

Greg Price

I can't think of a better contrast between the candidates for president than these two clips from the last week.

Joe Biden went to a commencement at a historically black college. He told them they're victims and that America is an evil place that will always keep them down.

Donald Trump by comparison went to a rally in the South Bronx, a predominantly black and hispanic community, and told them that it doesn't matter what race you are, "we're going to pull together as Americans."

Unity vs. division.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Despite mass leftist -Democratic lies from the media -

Putin and Xi do well under Biden.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

It was Obama the healer that was the great missed opportunity. Imagine America without the anti-white racism.

Richard Aubrey said...

I can wish for something. That doesn't and shouldn't imply I see a tiny, at least, possibility of its happening.
And it should follow that if I want something, it must be at least possible, if improbable, so I'll vote for it, irrespective of what happens when the whole thing collapses as it seems most likely to do.
Wishing doesn't make it so. Just for some people it seems like it. Plus, while sitting among the ruins, they can absolve themselves because they voted for the Right Thing.

Narayanan said...

Patrick Henry was right! said...
It was Obama the healer that was the great missed opportunity. Imagine America without the anti-white racism.
were any of the people projecting wishes on him > Imagine America without the anti-white racism.?
it was clear from day -000 what his schtick was!

Josephbleau said...

Everyone loves a working dog, but almost no one can use one.

bagoh20 said...

Healing only comes after the infection is cleared. This country has a bad infection of dishonesty, delusion, and mental weakness.
We stopped educating and training our replacements for a couple generations now.