April 11, 2024

Sunrise — 6:32, 6:35.




TickTock said...

Cool blues. A pleasant change from bright reds and yellows.

Lucien said...

If the governing body of a sport established an “Open” division, and “XX chromosome only” division, would there be any basis for opposing that?

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

No need.
My understanding is that before women's leagues were established, what were in effect men's leagues were actually open, and still are. There was and is no language forbidding a woman from competing in the PGA or NFL or MLB, etc., there just weren't any women who were willing or able to run with the guys. Women's leagues were established as tacit acceptance that, with very rare exceptions, women and men are fundamentally different animals when it comes to physically demanding activity.
Until 20 minutes ago, the word "women" was considered synonymous with XX chromosomes.
The delusional and anarchistic segments of society must not be allowed to control our thoughts or language. We already have Open and XX leagues. Just as with so many other things in modern society, a postulated but fraudulent need for additional rules and laws is cover for more control of normies by the self-anointed.

gilbar said...

U.S. Navy Facing Major Shipbuilding Delays While China’s Navy Expansion Accelerates
The review shows the Navy’s Block IV Virginia [attack] submarines, which were bought from fiscal 2014 to 2018, are running 36 months behind schedule….

[T]he Block V [Virginia class] boats bought from FY19 to FY23 projected to be about 24 months behind schedule….
The Navy’s next nuclear-powered aircraft carrier…is also delayed. The future Enterprise, CVN-80, is expected to deliver 18 to 26 months late….As a result, the Navy is delaying buying subsequent ships CVNs 82 and 83, pushing their procurement from FY28 to FY30….
The first Constellation frigate, built in Wisconsin by Fincantieri’s Marinette Marine shipyard, will deliver 36 months later than its contractual delivery date….
As for the more mature surface ship production lines — the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock and America-class amphibious assault ships at Ingalls Shipbuilding, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers at Ingalls and General Dynamics’ Bath Iron Works and the John Lewis-class oiler at General Dynamics’ NASSCO — the Navy notes these ships are predicted to deliver later than what’s outlined in their contracts.

BUT! don't worry! we ARE spending BILLIONS on The Ukraine War.. which we are LOSING
Welcome to the New America! The PILE of SHIT

MadTownGuy said...

No discernible sunrise here in S Central PA, but a surprisingly nice drive on a secondary state highway winding through a state park and forest with lots of rustic log cabins, tall trees, and four deer which I didn't hit because I'm very careful around those parts.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I like these two.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the blues are luscious.

Howard said...

Gilbar looks in the mirror and thinks his unsat sorry pathetic self represents the United States.

Trump enables this whiney bitch mentality because he is actively sabotaging the United States because he wants to replicate what Putin has done for the USSR here in the USA.

Life has never been better. You're just too lazy and stupid to take advantage of it. So instead you blame it on the dirt poor immigrants who are trying to get into this country to create better lives for their children, you pick on the marginalized people who have none normal sexuality, you are hyper critical of women's athletic performance of course at the same time while completely lacking any measure of human physicality.

wendybar said...

I'm sorry, but if you want to know why so many women are stupid nowadays, just take a look at what goes on, on one of the top rated shows on ABC daytime, where they spew misinformation and lies everyday, and people actually believe these shrews when they have no fucking clue what the hell they are talking about. Blaming grocery stores for Bidens inflation is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. WHY is this allowed to stay on the air, and be a part of ABC NEWS DIVISION?? WHERE ARE the Disinformation police??


gadfly said...

gilbar said...
U.S. Navy Facing Major Shipbuilding Delays While China’s Navy Expansion Accelerates

The review shows the Navy’s Block IV Virginia [attack] submarines, which were bought from fiscal 2014 to 2018, are running 36 months behind schedule….

President Joe Biden submitted his fiscal year 2025 budget proposal on March 11, including a request for $850 billion in discretionary budget authority for the Department of Defense. Republicans have dragged their feet so FY2023 and FY2024 budgets were approved through continuing appropriations only - 2023 included the Navy's procurement of only one Columbia Class Submarine.

wendybar said...

Speaking of stupid women, what is up with ugly Progressive women accusing Pro Lifers (who want to SAVE THE BABIES THEY WANT TO KILL) of being the Taliban or Iran??
SHE knows better, but when you are a Progressive, the lies justify the party intent. Demonize the other side for what YOU yourselves are doing...

Bunch of ugly shrews


The rule of Lemnity said...

Via the NY Post: “The family of Ron Goldman, who was stabbed to death alongside Nicole Brown Simpson, mourned OJ Simpson’s death only as the end of hoping for “true accountability — but scathingly blasted his passing as “no great loss.”

“The news of Ron’s killer passing away is a mixed bag of complicated emotions and reminds us that the journey through grief is not linear,” Kim and Fred Goldman offered in a statement Thursday, hours after news broke that Simpson had died of cancer at age 76.“

The rule of Lemnity said...

Minority Report / link on OJ’s death: ”OJ Dies from cancer…”

wendybar said...

Last one. Idiot Maxine Waters who was spewing hate to her supporters to get into Republican Congress-peoples faces is CRYING that it happened to her, and EVEN THOUGH they didn't say anything RACIST, there was RACIST INTENT to the REAL RACIST crying over what she told people to do...

I love it when Karma smacks them in their STUPID faces...

“As a member of Congress, when people, you know, who evidently had a racist attitude, and recently one of them even confronted me in a restaurant. And they don’t say racist things, but what they say is they don’t like something I said, they don’t like a position that I took, but you know that, you know, if you were not black, you would not be approached that way,” Maxine Waters said.

Rusty said...

If you had bothered to look beyond your tribal predjudices you would of found out that it isn't congress that is holding things up, but rather supply chain issues and the lack of skilled labor. You can googlefu "The Defense Department" and get the correct answer.

Enigma said...

@gilbar BUT! don't worry! we ARE spending BILLIONS on The Ukraine War.. which we are LOSING
Welcome to the New America! The PILE of SHIT

Every major new US Navy ship program has been delayed or failed over the last 25 years. This includes:

* Zumwalt class: Meant to be a futuristic stealth destroyer with 36 ordered. None of the systems worked, and each shot from its overengineered guns cost $1M. The order was cut to 3 research vessels, with only 2 active now. They then updated the old Arleigh Burke class.

* LCS (Littoral Combat Ship aka Little Crappy Ship): First, they were small, had minimal weapons, and weak armor. Second, they let contracts to two firms for two separate designs. No one could figure out why the trimaran version was selected, as complex and as attackers could hide underneath. Lots of defects and cracks and delays and self-destructing parts.

* Ford Aircraft Carrier: Lots and lots and lots of engineering delays as they couldn't figure out how to 'electrify' every system. Then, at the last minute the elevator contractor couldn't figure out how to install the parts...congress then called it a billion dollar barge...

Let's not forget this week's story about a Navy commander shooting a rifle with the scope on backward and the grip placed in an unusable position. It had the arrogant, clueless, and comical caption of being "ready for service."


Now, Navy's new subs have issues. Surprise surprise. If you think Boeing has engineering problems, they have Apple-like quality versus the utterly broken US Navy. Welcome to Uniparty corruption with overpaid but incompetent engineers and managers. The Military-Industrial complex is real, and it sucks. All of D.C. has become like this, per deep deep deep corruption with a DEI face that obscures the underlying cause.


BUMBLE BEE said...

Faith in our NAVY?



BUMBLE BEE said...

Secretary Booty Juice?


gilbar said...

i pointed out, that our Navy's shipbuilding efforts are Years behind schedule..
gadfly responds, saying: "Well, if they'd Just Get Even MORE Money!!"

MadisonMan said...

Entering into my favorite time of year. So nice to see the early morning dawn now when I get up early.

MadisonMan said...

@MadTownGuy, say Howdy to the Juniata if you're passing near it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

AI in student writings?


WK said...

@Lucien said...
If the governing body of a sport established an “Open” division, and “XX chromosome only” division, would there be any basis for opposing that?

I compete with USA Powerlifting. They have Male and Female divisions based on sex and an MX division based on gender identity. A court case in Minnesota has resulted in the organization being prohibited from holding competitions in Minnesota for not being inclusive. Case seems to be on going. Additionally, there is an extensive list of banned substances for which competitors are drug tested. Competitors undergoing transition may run into issues with banned substances regardless. Looks like going to “Open” only solves the issue but will hurt female competitors. https://www.usapowerlifting.com/mx-faq/

Josephbleau said...

I wonder what the little red light is. The Madison red light district?

WK said...

Probably more info than you wanted about powerlifting. There are also a number of formulas developed to compare lifters across sex, weight class and age group. Usually used to recognize “best lifter” in a meet as opposed winner of a weight class/age group or sex division. Formulas developed using results from years of past competitions. More info on the basis of these here.

Rusty said...

gilbar said...
Except it's not about money. It's about materiel availability and labor shortages. If the steel mill is runing at capacity no amount of money is going to get them to make steel faster.
Same thing for labor. It takes time to train people. It takes a lot longer to train them right. No amount of college degrees are going to make you a good pipefitter.

Dr Weevil said...

gilbar (9:12pm) writes with his usual idiot orthography:
"we ARE spending BILLIONS on The Ukraine War.. which we are LOSING"

In fact, the US has sent Ukraine almost nothing in the last six months - something under half a billion in ammunition in February, and that's it. And the total we've sent (75 billion or so) is more than any other country, but as a percentage of GNP, puts us in 20th place out of 21 countries (link). People who say "why don't the Europeans pay if they care so much?" are liars or fools: they're doing far more than we are.

The result of this cutoff of aid, particularly air-defense resources, is hundreds of Ukrainian civilians slaughtered in the nightly bomb and missile attacks on civilian neighborhoods and hospitals, and millions without power because Russia is hitting power plants. There are over 100 Patriot systems in the world, and the manufacturer can make 1 more every month, but has no orders. Ukraine has 1 in Kyiv which is out of ammunition. Seven would protect the entire country, and save thousands of civilian lives. Why aren't they already on the way? Because our leadership in D.C. - both parties - are morons and assholes.

On the battlefield, Ukraine is not "LOSING" but holding steady, despite a severe shortage of ammunition and massive pressure from Russian "meat assaults". And "WE" aren't doing a damned thing to help them, in fact, the White House is openly telling them they're not allowed to strike military targets inside Russia. It's hard to say whether Congress or the White House is more contemptible, but we do have a treaty obligation to provide aid.

The silence of Bill Clinton, who convinced Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons, long-range bombers (same model Russia is using on them now), and long-range missiles in 1994, is particularly contemptible. He's alive and well enough to raise money for Biden: why isn't he at the White House and Congress twisting arms and explaining to them that they're making a laughing-stock of the US and (for the Democrats) of him, Clinton, in particular? Failure to help Ukraine defend itself, as we are required to do by treaty, is making the world a far more dangerous place.

Narr said...

The reflected cloudfront looks like a breaking wave.