April 17, 2023

At the April Snow Café...


... you can write about anything you want.


wendybar said...

They are NEVER going to stop with the grooming. This is DISGUSTING. Homeschool. Save the Children.

"A middle school principal is facing discipline for an inappropriate, “sexualized” licking game between students and staff. The video will make you sick.

How are these adults in charge of kids?"


wendybar said...

Talk about EVIL. When the left tells you who they are, believe them!!

wendybar said...

Sharyl Attkisson


UPDATE on my computer intrusion lawsuit vs. the govt.
A hearing on some procedural disputes was held today in NY Southern District. We won across the board.
· CBS must produce the intruded-upon computer hard drive they've been withholding by April 27.
· CBS must make a good faith review and identify any and all communications between CBS and govt. and/or Congress that took place discussing Sharyl Attkisson and the computer intrusions by May 5. (There's an interesting story behind those communications that we learned about for the first time in recent depositions.)
Small victories in such an uphill battle are appreciated!
Thanks to my attorney and 4th amendment advocates on both left and right who are supporting the case. https://gofund.me/9ec5bb15
No press advocates ever helped or expressed any interest.
Maybe not, but they should be ashamed of themselves.

traditionalguy said...

The Globe must still be cool. I can’t wait until the ice and snow melts as it comes down and it becomes rain. But farmers need dry fields to plant seed.

Narr said...

Saw my first Ron DeSantis commercial.

I laughed. Even if I liked him, and agreed with him on more things, it would be risible.

Good luck to Attkisson; I'm somewhat surprised she has got this far.

Jaq said...

Two months ago the sovereign country of Sudan made an agreement with Russia for a naval base on the Red Sea.
Lo and behold, now we have an attempted coup and a civil war there led by a private army. This is the "rules based order," we make the rules and we give the orders. I guess that's fine, it's the pretending that it's about democracy and human rights, and not about raw. grabs for power and resources that are not within our borders that sticks in my craw. The worst part, as an American is that they are now using these same techniques domestically against any opposition to their war mongering.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

10 years ago today.

Obama was less than memorable.

Chuck said...


The Trump Wing is complaining about “grooming”?

First Matt Schlapp and now Ali Alexander:


robother said...

Be straight with me. Does this beer make me look fratty?

Original Mike said...

Tucker Carlson interview of Elon Musk tonight was interesting. Talked about the threat posed by AI and what he'll seek to do about it (and painted a very dark picture of Google's and Microsoft's AI programs), admitted voting for Biden, and discussed Twitter (why he bought it (free speech), what he leaned about government involvement, only has 20% of its former workforce (which he calls sufficient)). Second hour of the interview is tomorrow night.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Via Scott Adams: "Your primary care provider was bribed to suggest you should take the COVID vaccine."

Link to what appears to be an offer doctors couldn't refuse

At any other time in history, this would be big news.

Humperdink said...

During the Carlson interview with Musk, Musk stated Larry Page labeled him a speciesist*. Well, yeah. This confirms many things about the two men. Lines continue to be drawn.

*Speciesist refers to the widely held belief that the human species is inherently superior to other species and so has rights or privileges that are denied to other sentient animals.

Lurker21 said...

I couldn't get through The Whale. I'm not saying it was a bad picture, but two hours of an enormously fat guy who can't get up out of his chair without help talking (and eating) was such a downer that it didn't seem like anything could compensate for the gloom. Maybe it was a little too close to real life, like spending time with the portrait of Dorian Gray.

I'm not sure I watched all three hours of Damien Chazelle's Babylon, but I did have the TV on throughout. A victory, I suppose, but whatever I got from the movie wasn't much. I never thought I'd see a film that would make Baz Luhrmann's movies look understated and historically accurate, but this one did. Luhrmann could get away with having fin de siècle Parisians singing Nirvana lyrics because he did it first and because imitators like Chazelle would make his films look good by comparison.

The dialogue and the references didn't really fit the era. I don't understand how Chazelle, a Harvard man, could get the 20s so wrong, but I suppose having the confidence of a Harvard man had something to do with it. We know that Hollywood shocked and scandalized the country in the 1920s, but shocking then and shocking now are different things, and Chazelle's version of the epoch was excessive and disgusting. Maybe the point wasn't historical accuracy, but I am interested in the period, and a little authenticity would have made it easier to get through three hours of Margot Robbie's performance.

I did sort of like Sam Mendes's Empire of Light, a drama set in 1980s Britain in a seaside town's movie theater. The critics didn't like it. Apparently, it's the first time Mendes was directing a script that he wrote wholly on his own, and it's a mess. True, but I liked some of the parts very much -- cinematography, design, casting, Olivia Coleman's performance. The movie did go over the top with the mandatory racial theme, turning what had been working into something forced and insincere. The critics noticed that as well, which I didn't expect.

Rt41Rebel said...

When you consider that our POTUS and his family have received $31,000,000 from China, Ukraine, Russia, et al, world events and our foreign policy make much more sense. When you consider that our alphabet agencies that attacked Trump for 7 years, and have known about Biden and Clinton corruption for at least as long and have done nothing, you know the fix is in.

The AR15 isn't the best weapon for hunting, or protecting against home invasion, or preventing a mugging. But it is absolutely the best weapon that's still legal for defending against a Stasi. We need to ban and confiscate all of them immediately.

gadfly said...

wendybar said...
A middle school principal is facing discipline for an inappropriate, “sexualized” licking game between students and staff. The video will make you sick.

Licking foamy canned whipping cream from plexiglass is strange but it is not students tongue-licking teachers or vice versa. There must have been plexiglass laying around after the covid pandemic.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

1. Evans Chebet, Kenya, 2:05:54 WINS 2ND YEAR IN A ROW almost 1 minute faster than previous year. I ran Boston in 2000,2001 2003 and 2004.Weather each year 2000, 47(very cold in morning sitting in tent waiting for start time in Hopkinton, 2001,54 degrees, perfect,2003 59 degrees good and the dreaded 2004 86 degrees ,brutally hot and over 1000 people went to tents from dehydration, my slowest finishing time but most satisfying after pacing myself to ensure I completed and didn't bail out.10th year memory of the 2013 bombing. Races always a challenge for the weather at that time of year in Boston area. The favorite finished 6th in 209 and change the 1st to run under 2 hours for a marathon. Hellen Obiri won womans race in 2:21 and change, Kipchoge struggled in the Newton hills, HEARTBREAK ONE OF THE 4 MAJOR HILLS ON THE COURSE.(nevr as bad as the earlier hillsI thought just coming at the time of race mile 20 and change then downhill where I cramped hamstrings all 4 times and had to run them out,painful.My moms lived in Marblehead and then Rockport so it was easy to get to course for the race on race morning.Miss those days.I will always keep Boylston street in my heart and Suffolk Downs RACE TRACK to wager on some thoroughbreds and oh that giant CITGO SIGN that just never seemed to get closer and Fenway on Kenmore Square as crowds come out after 1100 oclock game,,loved it.

gadfly said...

So, if Elon Musk thinks AI is dangerous, why has he formed a new AI company in Nevada called X.AI Corp.??

Crazy World said...

What a day in this new America, you go Wendybar!

Crazy World said...

Perverted States of America! Horrific

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Matt Taibbi: “The press is now also the police”

“Would you even consider going to the New York Times or the Washington Post after this? Would you risk going to MSNBC, with its fleet of ex-prosecutors on staff…”

If you had a conscience, like say Edward Snowden, who exposed our government’s massive surveillance program…

“The public interest” is being reinvented without as much as a public notice, a town hall even.

wendybar said...

"The media is a major participant in the destruction of American culture and politics.

They participated in spreading the lies about Russian collusion and calling Trump an illegitimate president for years to divide and conquer the public.

They still participate in covering up for the Biden family corruption, which is massive."

Humperdink said...

It has been reported Jeopardy has signed three top Democrats, President Biden, Senators Diane Feinstein and John Fetterman to a special edition of the game show. The agreement was reached when Jeopardy consented to limit the topics to zoo animals.

It should be noted that President Biden will have an assistant whispering the questions in his ear while Fetterman will have a five (5) second head start on the questions. Jeopardy declined to Feinstein's request to have one of her Chinese staff relaying questions to her. In order to avoid confusion and delays, footprints have been added to the stage floor to direct the contestants to their respective podiums. In a first, elementary students have been banned from the audience so as not to distract the president.

Christopher B said...

gadfly said...

Licking foamy canned whipping cream from plexiglass is strange but it is not students tongue-licking teachers or vice versa.

Okay, Groomer.

wendybar said...

Licking foamy canned whipping cream from plexiglass is strange but it is not students tongue-licking teachers or vice versa. There must have been plexiglass laying around after the covid pandemic.

4/18/23, 12:52 AM

And HOW is that not perverted?? Students and teachers were licking each other THROUGH the glass. Disgusting. Pigs. Groomers. Homeschool your kids. Save them from Progressive perverts.

Humperdink said...

gadfly asked: "So, if Elon Musk thinks AI is dangerous, why has he formed a new AI company in Nevada called X.AI Corp.??"

Did you watch the interview? I am thinking you did not. Or if you did, your comprehension skills have completely evaporated.

Josephbleau said...

Looks like the Beiden admin is going to keep inflation high in order to reduce the level of recession we will have. Just wait until after the election then we will get it good and hard.

BUMBLE BEE said...


How about some Memphis style BarBQ mRNA?

Big Mike said...

I feel for the type of girl we used to call a tomboy. Wore jeans, not skirts, and could hit a baseball farther than most of us guys. These days they’d decide she has gender dysphoria and start pumping her full of hormones and start carving off parts of her body.

Humperdink said...

Why would the Chi-Com government have a police force in NYC? To crack down on US based Chinese dissidents, that's why. Apparently the FBI has known about the foreign police for awhile now.

Humperdink said...

"I feel for the type of girl we used to call a tomboy. Wore jeans, not skirts, and could hit a baseball farther than most of us guys. These days they’d decide she has gender dysphoria and start pumping her full of hormones and start carving off parts of her body."

And sterilized for life.

Curious George said...

"gadfly said...
Licking foamy canned whipping cream from plexiglass is strange but it is not students tongue-licking teachers or vice versa. There must have been plexiglass laying around after the covid pandemic."

Says the guy who thinks it's normal for Joe Biden to shower with his daughter.

Old and slow said...

The Chinese have police stations all over the world. They have (had? not sure) one in Dublin. We may think we are the world's policeman, but they have actual policemen on the ground all over the world. Considering the fact that the US insists on collecting income tax from its citizens no matter where they earn it, perhaps we should have remote IRS offices. Never mind, we probably do...

Iman said...

Get yer freak on, gadfly!

iowan2 said...

Licking foamy canned whipping cream from plexiglass is strange but it is not students tongue-licking teachers or vice versa. There must have been plexiglass laying around after the covid pandemic.

On the whole, more than half of public school students cannot read or cypher at grade level, yet you defend what ever this is. Taking the place of reading, or maths.
Kids average less than 6 hours a day inside the building. They have lots of free time to develop their own fetishes, without needing a teacher.

donald said...

Uncle Dave’s Waycross Stagecoach and the incredible Pine Box Dwellers got to Joshua Tree yesterday. They’re all deeply in to the Gram Parsons Cult so they’re all staying in room #8 at The Joshua Tree Inn. They’re gonna play Thursday in Pioneertown, though not at Pappy and Harriet’s. If you’re in the area, go. Tears are gonna be shed.

donald said...

Uncle Dave’s Waycross Stagecoach and the incredible Pine Box Dwellers got to Joshua Tree yesterday. They’re all deeply in to the Gram Parsons Cult so they’re all staying in room #8 at The Joshua Tree Inn. They’re gonna play Thursday in Pioneertown, though not at Pappy and Harriet’s. If you’re in the area, go. Tears are gonna be shed.

Original Mike said...

Blogger gadfly said..."So, if Elon Musk thinks AI is dangerous, why has he formed a new AI company in Nevada called X.AI Corp.??"

He explains that in the interview.

Rusty said...

gadfly said...
So, if Elon Musk thinks AI is dangerous, why has he formed a new AI company in Nevada called X.AI Corp.??

So that he can have some control over how AI is developed. I would think that would be obvious. I guess not.

Rusty said...

Well put.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

It's 8:30 a.m. PDT and snowing. Temperature is 39F. The temperatures are about 20F below normal. We should be seeing temps in the 70s, instead we're lucky to reach 50F. So much for the global warming hoax.

n.n said...

"I feel for the type of girl we used to call a tomboy. Wore jeans, not skirts, and could hit a baseball farther than most of us guys. These days they’d decide she has gender dysphoria and start pumping her full of hormones and start carving off parts of her body."

The age of confusion, where girls become women, and Levine dreams of herr Mengele.

Carving and amendment (e.g. penis envy) to realize trans/neo progress.

Gahrie said...

Two months ago the sovereign country of Sudan made an agreement with Russia for a naval base on the Red Sea.
Lo and behold, now we have an attempted coup and a civil war there led by a private army.

Because of course Sudan has no history of coups and private armies, this just sprang up out of nowhere. Except of course, for the inconvenient fact that the government you are so worried about came into power with a coup in 2019. The current fighting is between the number one and number two man in the forces that led the coup.

Mason G said...

"They have lots of free time to develop their own fetishes, without needing a teacher."

But teachers are needed in order to insure they develop proper, government approved fetishes.

Bryant said...

Was reading an article about one of our local lakes in California today and thought you would enjoy this.


The manager of the Casitas Municipal Water District Board is named Mike Flood. :)

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