October 14, 2022

"Drink wine and look at the moon and think of all the civilizations the moon has seen passing by."


Achilles said...

Joe Biden is doing everything he can to support the Iranian Regime.

Anyone that supports Biden supports the Iranian Mullahs by their actions.

Their words are meaningless.

RideSpaceMountain said...

This is now the 3rd time in 12 years that there's been major demonstrations (with loss of life) in Iran, all them faded because the Revolutionary Guards are unsentimental, and they haven't even started yet...

"Drink wine and look at the moon and think of all the demonstrations the moon has seen passing by."

Smilin' Jack said...

“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”

― Omar Khayyám

Narr said...

A statue to Khomeini (or any other Muslim leader) seems to me a contradiction to Islamic strictures about idols . . . but I'm an outsider, so what do I know?

I ran into an ex-colleague, a music faculty prof (a lady from Iran) who says she has taken a lot of heat for not expressing the approved opinions in the approved ways on social media.

Original Mike said...

Meanwhile back home, protesters are tearing down statues of abolitionists.

rcocean said...

CIA agent? Soros funded? Hope not.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The Cheney family industrial war complex is pro Mullah.

Lurker21 said...

Throw in a few "Spo-Dee-O-Dees" and you've got something.

Michael K said...

If only Obama had supported the revolution in 2008 but he chose the mullahs. Many Iranians still had friendly feeling toward the US, even after Khomeini. When Mark Bowden, who wrote "Guests of the Ayatollah" visited the former US embassy in Tehran as part of his research, the guards, as he left, said "George Bush" and gave thumbs up.

Biden has destroyed the last vestiges of any relationship with the Iranian people. The mullahs, who he and Obama courted, are 7th century ignoramuses. The Iranian people are very smart and could have made a good ally.

Ampersand said...

The regime in Iran is ruthless. The bravery of those who confront the regime is undeniable.

veni vidi vici said...

Once again, the people we claim to support are rising up and looking for some help from those solicitous westerners who love to tell them "We're on your side!"

Once again, the western leadership cartel is working overdrive to revive failed "deals" naively engineered to prop up the despised Iranian theocratic regime so it can keep its boot firmly on the neck of the people we claim to support.

Yeah, at this point nobody else believes the westerners are "naive" in their dealings with Iran. Wouldn't hurt if someone in the cartel even attempted a non-intelligence-insulting explanation of its accommodationist position though.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

All well and good... but, not good news if we hope for a negotiated resolution between Ukraine and Russia.

Regime change is intoxicating all right.

Sebastian said...

A bit premature perhaps, but: would a non-Islamic republic in Iran give up on its nuclear program and hatred of the zionist entity?

Narr said...

One of the decorations on the otherwise strictly utilitarian east (or was it west?) entrance to the Sea Isle Elementary School building circa 1961 was a bas-relief and the Kayyam quote, "Myself when young did frequent,
Doctor and saint, and heard great argument
. . ."

I can't recall if they included the punchline,
"But oft came out the same door as in I went."

Probably not.

rhhardin said...

The moon is always female.

Achilles said...

But we must send billions in aid to Ukraine and make some sort of deal to give the mullahs their money too.

Foreign aid to corrupt regimes is how our corrupt regime launders our tax dollars back to themselves.

If the Iranians are overthrown the Obama lackeys will lose a source of grift.

Temujin said...

Biden and his team (which includes the despicable John Kerry) are still working on a 'deal' with the Mullahs in Iran, looking to send them boatloads of more money in exchange for....for....what?. A promise from a failed authoritarian regime?

'Feckless' doesn't even begin to cover this administration.

There should not be another Democrat elected for any office for two years. It'll take at least that long to clean that party out.

minnesota farm guy said...

Unfortunately over the next few months I am afraid we will see Obama's analysis of Joe being able to "fuck everything up "come true in international affairs as well as domestic affairs. There is no question in my mind that we are seeing the advance of perhaps the worst administration in American history. It will be hard work, but I think Biden is on track to beat out James Buchanan who has the distinction "As President, Buchanan intervened to assure the Supreme Court's majority ruling in the pro-slavery decision in the Dred Scott case. He acceded to Southern attempts to engineer Kansas’ entry into the Union as a slave state under the Lecompton Constitution" thus welcoming in the Civil War.

Josephbleau said...

"The moon is always female."

The moon is a harsh mistress.

Quaestor said...

The moon is always female.

No so. There are masculine moon goods as well, though they are a distinct minority.

veni vidi vici said...

The moon is always buttocks.

Josephbleau said...

Omar Khayyám Is appealing and poetic. Sensual and hippiephilic. Best used to seduce philosophic young girls. Perhaps with a bottle of Portuguese rose. Oh you bad assistant professors.

tim in vermont said...

Lol. Iran was no problem for Biden until they sold some drones to Russia that have proven highly effective, now the people of Iran need a new government. This is a color revolution, same as Ukraine, Pakistan, etc, etc. They are also trying to run one in Belarus, which is what the “peace prize” was about. It’s our government trying to create another banana republic. We can’t fix every problem in the world and our motives are anything but pure.

john burger said...



gilbar said...

Ampersand said...
The regime in Iran is ruthless. The bravery of those who confront the regime is undeniable.

Let's do a comparison contrast!
*Ukrainian people are fighting against having russian stuff in there country (or something?)
*Persian people are fighting for their lives (LITERALLY, their lives)
*Ukrainian people are doing the fighting with american money, america material, american weapons, american intelligence, and to so REAL extent; american personel
*Persian people are fighting with the skin of their teeth
*Ukrainian people have STATED, OPENLY; that they do NOT care if their conflict goes nuclear**
*Persian people want to live in peace

Which side are WE supporting?

goes nuclear**

gilbar said...

oh! i forgot!
*Ukrainian people Overthrew a democratically elected government
*Persian people are TIRED of not having democracy

Rusty said...

Sebastian said...
"A bit premature perhaps, but: would a non-Islamic republic in Iran give up on its nuclear program and hatred of the zionist entity?"
Under the shah they got along quite well.

john mosby said...

Incident at Neshabur, a great Santana piece:



Original Mike said...

"It’s our government trying to create another banana republic."

You're saying this is the CIA too?

Narr said...

Luna is a bitch.

Against the cool glass,
Pressed hams of hairy asses.
Keg party highlight.

chickelit said...

“The moon is always female.”

Not so in German (and in Greek).

Unknown said...

Iranian poet? or Persian poet?

narciso said...

Yes the germans and the french kickatarted their program in the 60s

Andrew said...

The moon (female) reflects the light and glory of the sun (male).

n.n said...

Iranian poet? or Persian poet?

Native vs indigenous? Yeah, she is a probable colonial, of the Arian order, no less.

Robert Cook said...

"Ayatollah Khomeini was a man who used religion to terrorize people."

Isn't that always the way with religion?