May 30, 2022

"I’m beginning to question the idea of sex segregation in sport. We need to learn to sit with discomfort."

Said Anna Posbergh, a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland, "a former pole-vaulter who studies the mechanics of human movement and gender and athletes [who] sees notions of gender disadvantage in sports as rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve."

Quoted in "What Lia Thomas Could Mean for Women’s Elite Sports/Although the number of top transgender athletes is small, the disagreements are profound, cutting to the core of the debate around gender identity and biological sex" (NYT).

What do you do with discomfort? Sit with it?

Ah! I see it's mental health jargon:


Harsh Pencil said...

Sports are a great way to force most people to confront reality. (Although some are just immune). They see right in front of their faces that men are stronger, quicker, and generally more coordinated. (Why are men better golf putters for instance?). These are just facts.

Same thing with race. We are constantly told race isn't a useful concept by academics but then we see with our own eyes that every NFL cornerback for the last twenty years is black. Nearly every 100 meter Olympic finalist is black.

JAORE said...

Not paywall breaching for me.

Just a simple question, if the article is by a female pole vaulter, does she even remotely believe women can compete against men in that event?

Can the difference really be just "notions" that are "cultural"?

Or is the narrative all?

Another student where I do NOT want to be on the hook for any loans.

John Borell said...

“…sees notions of gender disadvantage in sports as rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve.”

Objectively, the average male is faster and stronger than the average female. If all sports teams are co-ed, from puberty on, few to no biological women will be playing soccer, basketball, hockey, swimming, etc.

This is reality.

Jamie said...

So, she sees notions of gender disadvantage in sports as rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve.

Which means she doesn't see reality, I guess. Is there any physical pursuit in which men and women follow the same rules where women hold records over men? Any? At any level?

I've heard it said that women have greater endurance than men. (I haven't seen it demonstrated, but I've heard it said.) If true, maybe long-distance running or swimming, with no points awarded for speed, only for distance, would be the thing. (How does a "race" like that end? With the deaths of all the participants besides the winner?) But that sport doesn't exist in the world of competitive sports as far as I know (which means that if it does, it's darn niche, and I would infer further that if it does, it's specifically to create a sport in which women have any shot.)

You can wish all you want that women were as physically strong and fast as men. That doesn't make it so. The only thing that would make it so would be to allow men to "define" themselves as women, so the only physical difference between the men-men and the women-men would be their cosmetic appearance, like the star-bellied sneeches.

JPS said...

Ms. Posbergh "sees notions of gender disadvantage in sports as rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve."

That's very open-minded of her. But if I buy wholesale into the notion that gender is all in the mind, it does not follow that the physical differences between biological men and women are too.

Gosh, I wonder if there's any reason besides smug patriarchy that there have been men's and women's teams all these years? I'd say Chesterton's Fence may apply, but I hear he was problematic, so we don't need to consider what he had to say.

robother said...

There goes 50 years of Preparation H advertising.

Michael said...

I’m all for it if we start with boxing.

Mary Beth said...

I looked up men's and women's pole vaulting records. The men's is slightly under one meter higher than the women's. This difference is cultural? It sounds like a backhanded way of telling women that they just need to "try harder, biology is irrelevant".

Rollo said...

Why sit with discomfort when you can dance with it?

Truthfully, the only time you must sit with discomfort is when you can't get up to pee.

Bob Boyd said...

We need to learn to sit with discomfort.

Those who weren't born with a dick and balls need to learn to sit in the bleachers? Is that what she's saying?

Ironclad said...

Hopefully this “doctoral candidate” gets pushed into the trash heap of discredited and foolish ideas. But most likely they will be awarded their participation trophy degree with honors. It’s certainly true that only the “smart” ones can believe such tripe, and try to explain how allowing biological differences to be minimized. But hey, by distribution of characteristics in humanity, you can probably find one or two females that can compete equally with typical males. You only have to look at the never ending descent of standards in the military to push the women across the line.

Peak insanity. Just wonder if the author wonders why it’s always men trying to compete as women rather than the other way around.

Michael K said...

This woman is just trying to get accepted by the crazy cult. Maybe they could breed a race of superwomen. Except nobody on the left can define "woman."

Mark said...

"sees notions of gender disadvantage in sports as rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve."

With that statement alone I can't take her seriously.

Quaestor said...

Reasonable people know that someone who wears a black bicorn hat and keeps his hand shoved in his waistcoat isn't necessarily Napoleon.

rcocean said...

We're only talking about this crazy crap because NYT's decided to.

Humperdink said...

When the left is totally off base, they double down. Maybe they should ask parents of female athletes their thoughts.

rhhardin said...

It's not the outdated view of what women can achieve but the modern women's view of what women are achieving.

Zach said...

"a former pole-vaulter who studies the mechanics of human movement and gender and athletes [who] sees notions of gender disadvantage in sports as rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve."

Women's pole vault world record: 5.03 meters.
Men's pole vault world record: 6.19 meters.

The first man to break the women's world record was Brian Sternberg, in 1963.

Last place in the Men's 2020 Olympics: 5.75 meters.

A "desegregated" pole vaulting competition would in fact be perfectly segregated. There would be no women at all.

Wa St Blogger said...

Sit with it?

That's just:
Modern American culture's anodyne pop-culture platitude. Will it lead to a Good life?

Heartless Aztec said...

To sit with discomfort results in hemmeroids. Of one kind or another.

Kate said...

So, triggering is out?

ga6 said...

Anna ponders: What can I do to draw attention to myself and perhaps attract some grant money?

I Know she exclaims as the light bulb goes off...

Barry Dauphin said...

The doctoral candidate is restating Scott Adams’ position. Remember to cite him!

First casualty of the new policy: Lia Thomas.

Sitting isn’t usually associated with sports, except for spectators.

Zach said...

There's this weird futility in looking up records to prove something the Posbergh, a former pole vaulter, obviously understands far better than I do.

But I think the point here is that Posbergh, as a current doctoral candidate, now feels like the butter is on the other side of the bread. She has to deny something she knows perfectly well is true, and destroy something that used to be important to her to get ahead.

And the second attitude, that you have to be willing to destroy something that used to be important to you to get ahead, is the actual thing that bothers me.

Gospace said...

So I can't read the article- behind a paywall. But let's look at sex segregation in sports. Why does it exist?

Pretty much to allow women fair competition. In contact sports, women competing on the playing field against men would suffer far more physical damage. In non-contact sports- there would be constant reinforcement that men are, in fact, physically superior in sports.

But are men really physically superior? Well, men can't bear children or feed them naturally... Men and women are built differently for different functions. Biology 101. Neither is superior or inferior, but are instead specialized for what they're expected to do. Designed by God or forced by evolution? Doesn't matter, the end result is the same.

But yet we maintain separate records for men and women in non physical competition. The top female chess player is currently Yitan Hou. Currently 100 on the list or all chess players, though she has gotten as high as 74...

In Go, IMHO an incomprehensible game, males similarly dominate. And in looking this up, I found the same is true in shogi, which I had never heard of until today.

I thought the competition was more even on poker- but apparently i was wrong just looking at the numbers from Poker News-

But why isn't the playing field level in mental sports? Well, it is- but- there's that bell curve thing going on. Assuming the peak for men and women is at exactly the same spot on the IQ curve (it isn't, but close enough) the curve is higher and more narrow for women. The men's curve stretches further to both the right and the left. This means there are more really smart men then really smart women, and also, more really dumb men then really dumb women.

Bell curves predict a lot of things. The IQ peak for blacks is to the left of the IQ peak for others; there are no blacks in the top 100 chess, go, or shogi players, men or women. The male/female difference for blacks is the same as for others, with the female curve being narrower and higher, though. But if the peak is further to the left, even though there are an equal number to the far right, the far right doesn't extend as far, and it shows.

So if you want to watch females compete- in athletic sports, competitions must be kept separate. I don't watch much in sports in any event. But if I'm watching tennis, I much prefer to watch females play. There's usually more play for each point, the ball spends more time travelling back and forth over the net.

And really cementing the difference between male and female physical sports difference, from 2017: FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage Under 15, not yet at their peak, boys beating the US women's national team.

Eleanor said...

So women should just sit down and shut up?

Gator said...

Nice to see a FORMER female athlete that likely benefitted from sex segregation now finding Jesus since it no longer applies to her.

Reminds me of when Roy Williams (the college basketball coach) left Kansas to go to North Carolina somewhat rushedly and there was a meeting about Kansas' next steps. One person complained that Williams left without finding the successor, to which the father of one of the recently graduated parents yelled "You don't now what the hell you're talking about!", to which the initial spokesperson yelled back, "why do you care, your kid just graduated!"

- paraphrasing all quotes of course, don't remember the exact quotes. Anyway Kansas eventually got Bill Self.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Fairness is not just an idea.

Fairness is so fundamental; all you need to do is ask if children at play to sit with unfairness.

You seek to make a sport less fair, and you are guaranteeing it's doom.

I would even make the assertion that if a sport is made less fair it ceases to be a sport.

Dagwood said...

I'm beginning to question the idea of doctoral candidates.

gilbar said...

outdated view of what women can achieve.
yep! Many women are just as big, and just as strong, as men.. 'course; them chix got dicks

Maybe we quit segregating by sex? And start segregating by penis?
Or, maybe (just maybe) we all grow up and QUIT PRETENDING that boy are girls?

Not Sure said...

Varsity sports are mostly about competition, while intramural and club sports are more about recreation. It looks like women's varsity sports can no longer be both in the woke era.

That leaves two options: Make varsity sports nonbinary and open to all, while allowing club and intramural sports to be sex-specific--which would pretty much exclude cis-females--or let varsity sports be sex-specific, with club and intramural sports being trans.

The second option lets women keep their Title IX athletic scholarship cross-subsidy from men.

Temujin said...

It almost sounds as if reality is something she doesn't agree with. But wait...she's a doctoral candidate at Maryland. How can that be?

Wince said...

"Sit on it, Potsie!"

Amadeus 48 said...

Here is some discomfort I'll be happy to sit with:

Sports competition among biological males and biological females is absurd. Serena Williams admitted she would be number 700 on the men's tour. A team of under-15 Texas schoolboys easily defeated the US National Women's Soccer Team. Lia Thomas, a no-hoper in men's competition, becomes a world-beater in the women's competition, setting new records in the Ivy League and challenging the times of Katie Ledecky.

These are facts that the gender-benders can bully weak-minded people into ignoring.


Iman said...

All these accommodations made for aberrant, delusional behavior that denigrates and destroys the athletic accomplishments of REAL women.

Breezy said...

Just curious if she has actually gone out and talked with a lot of female athletes….

Ex-PFC Wintergreen said...

I’m the parent of a female (XX) competitive swimmer. Based on those experiences and some research, my opinion is: If women’s sports are to exist, the lines should be drawn to encompass the natural variation within the XX-female chromosome community. If this means that XY-males who have, say, full androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS), who are physically much more like XX-females than XY-males and are usually successfully raised as female, can’t complete in women’s sports, so be it. If Caster Semanya, an XY-male with intersex genitalia who was assigned the female gender at birth, wants to compete in women’s sports, sorry but she’s not a biological female. If ex-men such as the XY-male Penn swimmer want to compete in women’s sports, too bad, so sad (not). Conversely, if there’s an XX-female out there with naturally occurring high testosterone who wants to compete in women’s sports, have at it.

But if we’re not willing to draw some biologically meaningful line between men’s and women’s sports, then just have SPORTS, with no barriers. The only purpose of the barriers is because the average man is stronger than the 97.5th-percentile woman, so any sport based on a correlate of strength - e.g., basically every Olympic sport except things like rhythmic gymnastics - will be completely dominated by men, especially when you take into account that physical strength is pretty much normally distributed in a population. This is a big part of why, for example, the Aussie women’s championship soccer team got shellacked by a team of 15-year-old boys (very good 15-year-old boys, but 15-year-old boys nonetheless, still well short of complete physical maturity).

So that’s the choice IMHO - limit women’s sports to XX-females aka biological women, or get rid of it. Personally, I think the world is better off with it - as long as there is a bright line regarding who’s eligible. But without that bright line…it’s meaningless.

MartyH said...

Dr. Posbergh is pulling the ladder up behind her. She is no longer competing; she is not part of the "we" who needs to learn to sit with discomfort.

Furthermore, she received funding from the American Association of University Women for her dissertation. Unlike sports, the differences in intellectual capacities between men and women are negligible. If there is no need for women's sports, why is there a need for women's academia?

Dr. Posbergh's sport was the pole vault. The women's record pole of 16'7" was set in 2009; the men's record pole vault of 20-4" was set two months ago. The gap between the best men and the best women in her chosen sport is growing. The reason for that is biology, not culture or misogyny.

farmgirl said...

Sit w/it =
Suck it up, Buttercup.

Lucie said...

It is not sitting with discomfort. It is sitting with injustice. Should Rosa Parks have sat with discomfort? Lucie Marsden

Owen said...

Jargon is a source of power. It makes mysterious what is obvious and banal. It puts the listener into a submissive/defensive mode, pausing to wonder at the terminology and what means, and searching for differences that aren’t there. The old words were good enough but the new words are being imposed, and the listener in good faith assumes that the new words must mean something new; otherwise why would the speaker use them? But what is the new meaning? It’s embarrassing and tedious to stop the speaker to ask what xe means, so the listener may simply submit and struggle onward, feeling imposed upon and even resentful but unable to say so.

Sebastian said...

"I’m beginning to question the idea of sex segregation in sport. We need to learn to sit with discomfort."

Actually, you need to learn to sit down with discomfort.

Of course, men and women can run marathons together, and some sports (korfbal, anyone?) allow for mixed teams, but in competitive sports, especially team and tournament-style sports, no sex segregation means male dominance.

Which reintroduces sex segregation: men on the field, women in the stands.

rrsafety said...

Definitely in the treatment of eating disorders, discomfort and learning to be ok with it is very important. If a person will h an eating disorder is not uncomfortable, then they are likely not doing the things they need to be doing.

Aggie said...

Again, with the substitution of irrational desire and imaginary things as a replacement for substantive, measurable, verifiable biological facts. If you dare to object to the fantasy-as-reality, you will be cancelled. It only stops with forceful confrontation. Start imagining that.

ccscientist said...

Just to note that there is not a single women's sport record that beats a male record. In many cases, the high school males (e.g., track) beat the olympic women's record. She can't be serious. In mixed sports, say football or soccer or basketball, the men are so much bigger and stronger that women would get seriously hurt.

PM said...

It's just another way to say 'wait it out' as we have seen with other proposals where the prevailing sentiment was 'that won't fly' but ultimately does.

Achilles said...

"a former pole-vaulter ..."

She got her chance to play.

Fuck all the future generations of girls.

n.n said...

Trans/social, transgender spectrum, excluding trans/homo, trans/bi, and similar, certainly.

That said, the social order normalizes a favorable juxtaposition of the sexes, where women and men are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature.

We need to learn to reconcile with reality and put away childish musings.

WK said...

Since most sports were developed as competitions between men -it seems her efforts should be devoted to developing sports/competitions that focus on natural athletic advantages that women possess. Instead of just creating leagues of women playing games developed by and for men - invent something new. That men can’t be as good at.

Narr said...

I've been mulling something about Lia Thomas.

Do you think 'her' father is proud of 'her' achievements?

Robert Marshall said...

"Rooted in culture."

Seriously? The Olympics brings together virtually every culture in the world, and yet the women's records in various timed or measured events (e.g., track and field, swimming, weightlifting, speed skating, downhill racing and slalom) are significantly worse than the men's records.

If there's no culture producing women's performances that are equal to men's, I would say "rooted in culture" is a pretty weak hypothesis for the difference.

Why can't anyone be honest about this?

Scotty, beam me up... said...

A question for the lawyers who comment on this blog:

Would it be possible for a Female to Male transgender athlete to sue a school, high school or college, for discrimination under Title IX if they attempt to make a boys’ / mens’ and they fail to make the team, especially if the F-M transgender athlete still has all or some of their female body parts.

I know that sounds crazy, but in this screwed up day and age if identity politics, along with “diversity, inclusion, and equity - DIE” (yes, I deliberately misordered it), to me it no longer seems out of the realm of the impossible. I am not an attorney, but I can easily see the political hacks on the left, along with lefty bureaucrats in the government, and the Biden Administration pursuing this illogical idiocy.

Joe Smith said...

Since this trans-mania has begun, I have been advocating for one team only. Either make it or don't.

Of course, after about 5th grade there will be few biological girls playing sports, and by 7th grade there will be zero biological women playing sports with the exception of certain gymnastics events.

But this is what the freaks on the left want, so let them have it.

Tim said...

Well, this speaks volumes about the University of Maryland if she is a doctoral candidate. Because she is totally clueless about the biological difference between men and women. And I bet you a sawbuck against a Krispy Kreme donut she never actually played collegiate sports. Not worth following the link. When the other side demands their own facts, which have no relationship to reality, how do you engage?

walter said...

Lia know the thing!

Earnest Prole said...

You can sit with discomfort all you want but it’s not going to change the fact that sixteen-year-old high-school boys have vaulted higher than the female world record holder, as have hundreds college men. If there were no sex segregation in pole vaulting there would be no women competing in the sport, period.

TerriW said...

I guess "put up with it" has too much connotational baggage.

Howard said...

Isn't that what Preparation H is for? No one needs to sit in discomfort. Ask a truck driver.

Gk1 said...

No. No, we won't sit in "discomfort" while a bunch of weirdos try to over turn society because of their own mental illnesses.

I suggest the 1.012% that suffers for gender dysphoria learn to "sit with it"and leave the rest of us alone. Those institutions that want to cater to these delusions need to be replaced or reformed.

Richard Aubrey said...

Outdated view of what women can achieve? Are we going to pretend 80 meters is 100 meters if a woman is running it?
Is it true the top women's soccer team keeps its skills up trying to beat a boy's high school team?
I recall reading that the fastest 400 meter time for women in the world would be about 450th in high school boys' track.
Somebody needs to have a chat with this lady's doctoral adviser.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Said Anna Posbergh, a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland, "a former pole-vaulter who studies the mechanics of human movement and gender and athletes [who] sees notions of gender disadvantage in sports as rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve."

Hey Anna, let use know when you start being competitive with male pole vaulters.

Or when you've trained other biologically female pole vaulters to be competitive with biologically male pole vaulters.

Until them, your "seeing" is just proof that you're blind
5.06 m (16 ft 7 in)[7] Yelena Isinbayeva Russia Zürich, Switzerland 28 August 2009 17
5.00 m (16 ft 4+3⁄4 in) Brian Sternberg United States Philadelphia, U.S. April 27, 1963[1] 1
5.08 m (16 ft 8 in) Brian Sternberg United States Compton, U.S. June 7, 1963[1] 2
6.20 m (20 ft 4 in) i p Armand Duplantis Sweden Belgrade, Serbia March 20, 2022 4

So, the current women's world record in pole vaulting was beaten by Brian Sternberg of the United States on June 7, 1963.

The current men's world record is 25% greater than the current women's world record

But, according to Anna Posbergh, a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland, that difference is entirely "rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve".

Just for fun, the 2022 NCVAA indoor championships in pole vaulting:
1 Sondre GUTTORMSEN Princeton [JR] 5.75m 18-10¼
2 Zach MCWHORTER BYU [SO] 5.70m 18-8¼
3 Clayton FRITSCH Sam Houston [SR] 5.70m 18-8¼
13 (tied, there were two) Trevor STEPHENSON Michigan State [JR] 5.35m 17-6½

1 Rachel BAXTER Virginia Tech [SR] 4.62m 15-1¾
2 Sydney HORN High Point [FR] 4.46m 14-7½
3 Julia FIXSEN Virginia Tech [JR] 4.46m 14-7½

The worst performing males (who cleared anything) beat the best performing female by almost two and a half FEET.

But it's entirely "rooted in culture and an outdated view of what women can achieve".

Anyone who was actually interested in going after "misinformation" would censor everything she writes

Clyde said...

"Sit with it, Pottsie!"

Michael said...

We follow science, don’t we? Every scientist in the article confirmed that trans “women” are advantaged.

Clyde said...

And in this case, it means "sit with it" at the back of the bus, because that's where female athletes will end up in direct competition with male athletes who are bigger, stronger and faster. There was a soccer game back in 2017 where the U.S. Women's soccer team played a practice game against FC Dallas U-15 boys academy team and lost, 6-2. An article at the time said:

"Of course, this match against the academy team was very informal and should not be a major cause for alarm. The U.S. surely wasn’t going all out, with the main goal being to get some minutes on the pitch, build chemistry when it comes to moving the ball around, improve defensive shape and get ready for Russia."

But what would have happened if they had played, say, the U.S. Men's soccer team? It would have been a lot worse than 6-2. And that's why men and women play in separate leagues, because the biological differences between elite athletes of the sexes are so great.

Jupiter said...

I think she (he? it?) means that once you get your head far enough up your ass that you begin to think you can see daylight, you need to sit down, so as to seal the deal.

I note that she (he? it?) is a former pole vaulter. I guess she (he? it?) didn't have what it takes.

Jupiter said...

And there is certainly an argument to be made that sex segregation has no place in sports. Really, the only reason it exists is so women can participate. Same as in chess.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well today's Los Angeles Times sports pages have a story about a senior girl in one of the region's high schools. She's a pitcher for the boy's baseball team. She made varsity in her freshman year, and this year is the ace of their staff. Throws in the mid 70s which is good enough to make high school batters strike out. Where does she go from here? College women play intercollegiate softball. There are more than a few high school pitchers who throw mid 70s---but most of them don't develop into the MLB fireballers who throw high 90s heaters, and even fewer who can touch 100.

Now in professional sports what are the chances of a Megan Rapinoe- a good and tough female soccer player--successfully lining up across the scrimmage line from say either Joey or Nick Bosa? Ms. Rapinoe will have discomfort and a lot of bruises. But all three of them are very good at their chosen sport.

Freeman Hunt said...

"outdated view of what women can achieve"

What planet is this person on? Does she watch sports? Does she really think that the women simply aren't trying hard enough to compete with men?

Stephen St. Onge said...

        And there it is: anyone who does not agree with their nonsense is crazy.  And the reality that in almost all sports relatively mediocre men beat world champion women is politically incorrect, and not to be discussed.

Yancey Ward said...

Good grief- what a dolt that writer is. Perhaps women shouldn't be writers.

Yancey Ward said...

"I've heard it said that women have greater endurance than men. (I haven't seen it demonstrated, but I've heard it said.) If true, maybe long-distance running or swimming, with no points awarded for speed, only for distance, would be the thing."

I have heard the same thing repeated ad nauseum, but have never seen it confirmed anywhere. When you check out the data that is available, the men usually swam longer distances and at quicker pace in the marathon events. Ocean swims can be deceiving, though, since nothing is ever said about the current being swam with/against. Olympic pool swimming would seem to be the benchmark.

What seems to happen is this- at ultra-long marathons of swimming or running, there are more women doing such competitions at a high, competitive level, but the very top of the scale is still dominated by men.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Maybe they could breed a race of superwomen..."

You mean something other than men? I know I am old-fashioned, but for thousands of years men and women worked together very well. Let's go back to that.

Spiros said...

Adult males do no compete against little boys, heavyweights don't fight lightweights, etc.

Pettifogger said...

If we allow XY-chromosome people to compete in women's sports, there's no longer any point to women's sports. That does not grieve me greatly personally, because I'm not a fan of any sports, male or female. But it grieves other people, especially would-be female athletes, and it seems so unnecessary. I can't believe these people actually believe what they say, but I am then at a loss for what they might be trying to accomplish.

takirks said...

The whole issue represents an intentional crashing of the system, to what end I think even the idiot like this supposed Ph.D couldn't even articulate.

I mean, let's set this out from first principles: What's the point of sport, in the first place? Is it mere male preening behavior, meant to impress the girls with their intrinsic genetic superiority for breeding? Is it meant to achieve that noble Greek goal of a fit mind in a fit body? What is it, exactly?

Figure that one out, then get back to me with how we go about integrating male and female body types into it all. Because, without determining what it is you're doing with sport in the first place, you're essentially wasting your time arguing about externalities and "fairness" in regards to things that simply do not matter in the context of sport.

If we are to conceptualize the existence of sport in general as a part of mating behavior, males demonstrating their fitness as potential genetic contributors against other males in order to perpetuate their gene-lines, then the presence or absence of females from the competition is essentially meaningless. If your "sport concept" is that it's meant to encourage a sound mind in a sound body, then what justification is there for excluding women and segregating them from the males in the first place? Shouldn't they be perfectly content in simply taking part in these things, even if they're not competitive?

Explain to me what sport is supposed to do, what it is meant to accomplish in terms of social function... Then, let us rationally discuss how to accommodate the sexes within that framework.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'm waiting for the women in a swim meet with Lia Thomas to not enter the water after the gun/whistle and then yell out "Fuck you, [his original name]". He, of course, would have already dived into the pool and be swimming for all he's worth. It wouldn't be until he does his kick-turn that he'd realize there's no one else in the pool with him. Then, he'd look around and demonstrate what a fool he is.

retail lawyer said...

People! The author will soon be defending her PhD dissertation. Any acknowledgement of objective reality, history, or logic on her part can only reflect negatively on her work and her future in academia. So give the poor girl a break.

Gahrie said...

Guys, guys, guys,....

The answer's simple!

Affirmative Action.

Narayanan said...

suppose "sex segregation' is pitched as affirmative action for the weaker sex who have been historically marginalized by the stronger sex etc. >>>> how would the writer's narrative and argument proceed?

madAsHell said...

<>invent something new. That men can’t be as good at.<>

Two words: Lingerie Football.

Scott Gustafson said...

Check out the wikipedia page for ultra marathon winners. In every case men out perform women. I see no evidence that women have more physical endurance than men.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

In running, men beat women. Even in the "ultra-marathons", male performance is better than the female performance at every level

Women do better at swimming long distances (more body fat means less effort keeping yourself afloat, therefore more effort can go to the "going forward" part)
Manhattan Island Swim Records
First overall: Robert Dowling (1915)
First double circumnavigation: Julie Ridge (1983)
First triple circumnavigation: Stacy Chanin (1984)
Fastest: Oliver Wilkinson (5:44 in 2011)

Fastest double circumnavigation: James Loreto (19:36 in 2020)
Fastest triple circumnavigation: Skip Storch (32:52 in 2007)
Most Circumnavigations
Kris Rutford (23) [Male]
Fastest woman: Rondi Davies (5:44 in 2011)
Most circumnavigations (female): Julie Ridge (11)

So the time difference between the fastest male and the fastest female is less than 1 minute, out of 344 minutes, and they both did it the same year

But I don't think you're going to find anything else where the women beat or even hold their own with the men

Gahrie said...

males demonstrating their fitness as potential genetic contributors against other males in order to perpetuate their gene-lines,

I don't know about that, but I started playing football in 8th grade to impress the cheerleaders.

Gospace said...

Just to mention- pole vaulting today is as much science and technology as athletic ability. Poles today aren’t as primitive as the poles of 1970. As Zach said above the current women’s world record was achieved by Brian Sternberg in 1963. If he was using the poles of today- he’d have done much better.

Equipment upgrades can totally change a game. There’s a reason MLB still uses wooden bats.

And how the event is regulated. IIRC in the original Olympics the long jumpers carried weights in their hands and threw them backwards and down at some point in their jump, increasing their distance. Not allowed today. It would, IMHO, be interesting to see what would happen to long jumping records if this were allowed. It would require a different jumping technique.

I’m old enough to remember the Fosbury Flop and the controversy surrounding it. Wasn’t fair, it was different than everyone else was doing it, and he was jumping higher! Now it’s the standard high jump technique.

madAsHell said...

hmmmmm......I messed up the html tags!!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

She sounds full of shit. We might not be able to save Title IX from the Woke.

Maynard said...

Has anyone here tried competitive pole vaulting? I did my sophomore year in HS. It is insane.

If women who are generally lighter than men had the same muscle mass as men, they might become competitive pole vaulters. Of course there is that pesky difference between estrogen and testosterone that inhibits women's muscular development.

Maybe we should emulate East Germany and feed women testosterone from a young age in order to create gender equity is sports. What could go wrong?

Anonymous said...

I think the people needing the mental health consult re: transgender has been misdiagnosed.

Jamie said...

Check out the wikipedia page for ultra marathon winners. In every case men out perform women. I see no evidence that women have more physical endurance than men.

Yup. I was creating a hypothetical, based on an often-repeated but never-demonstrated "fact" - that women simply have to be better than men at some sport, so how about super-endurance? Note that in my original comment, i said that speed couldn't be counted as part of a win, only endurance... and also that it seemed to me that the only way to determine who won was if all the other competitors dropped dead.

In other words, it's a joke. Not a funny one, but none of this is actually funny if you are, or if you love, a girl or woman who wants to be competitive in sports.

Nicholas said...

How does « sitting with discomfort » sit with the Woke shibboleth of « safetyism « ? If a female soccer player can e crushed by a male, with impunity, nay, approval, how can a talk by Jordan Peterson be cancelled for making anyone feel « unsafe »?

Jaq said...

Threads like this are just an invitation to bash women, Women are great, just not in sports.

iowan2 said...

This is informative and strangely entertaining. Gold medal women watching men doing their routines. uneven bars, beam, floor exercise. They are in awe of what the men do, that they would never attempt at their peak.

I normally never follow video links, not sure how I found this one.

Danno said...

"... [who] sees notions ..." Somebody needs to disabuse her of that stupid notion.

iowan2 said...

I don't know about that, but I started playing football in 8th grade to impress the cheerleaders

I started to date a girl from another school in August. She came to see one of our early games, without telling me she was going to be there, and met me on the field while still I was still soaked in sweat, before I'd pulled my pads off. Still there after the showers and we went for a drive. In short, she turned into the aggressor, rather than willing participant. Made me see the value of the August two a days.

iowan2 said...

Women are great, just not in sports shorts.

Browndog said...

. Instead of just creating leagues of women playing games developed by and for men - invent something new. That men can’t be as good at.

We already have plenty of competitive baking shows, thank-you.

mikee said...

Sit with discomfort is a good line. It reminds me of the late 1980s Russians, who could evade blame for economic, military and political failure by decrying "external realities" beyond the control of socialist ideology, like people wanting to eat even though the crops failed.

n.n said...

Threads like this are just an invitation to bash women, Women are great, just not in sports.

Women are great, in sports, competing with other women, and neither man nor woman are confused or discomforted through a reconciliation of equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature.

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