So in the continuing Love American Style marathon, there was this vignette about investigating an athlete in women's track and field who is accused of being a man.
Today in history: Hillary and Norgay are first to summit Mt. Everest
"New Zealand's Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay stand at more than 29,000 feet atop the highest spot on earth. They remain on Mt. Everest's summit just 15 minutes before Tenzing leaves an offering of chocolate, and Hillary a cross, and then begin their long, arduous descent."
This morning when I got back from my first morning walk, I heard a lot of loud chirping and other bird commotion somewhere in the back yard, but I was out of sight and went in without thinking much about it. A while later I went out to the backyard with the dog and heard the same noises from the vegetation this side of the back fence.
As my eyes adjusted I realized that a small flock of bluebirds was trying to harass something among the branches, doing quick hit-and-runs from all angles and squawking like mad. Cat?
No! Suddenly a big kite or hawk came out of a holly tree and flew over me just a few feet above--could have caught someone with a net, there were so many angry birds after him. I don't know if he had already dined or not, but he had no take-out that I could see.
So now I'm parsing the lady theologian's phrase about how modern American culture transforms -nearly- every philosophical or spiritual tradition into shallow and easy to master glop.
Maybe she listed a few exceptions--you know, as a sort of control group.
Mennonism? Theosophy? Christian Science?
I'm a pretty strict Existinctualist if I say so myself. The core of that doctrine and practice is 1) we pretty much can't and don't know shit, and nonetheless 2) most of us ought to be prepared for a world of hurt eventually.
Someone mentioned on an earlier thread that fossil fuel producers would be viewed in a better light if it was not labelled "crude" oil. Pennsylvania crude oil is very light, tannish in color, not the heavy black goop typically seen on television. It is also of high paraffin content (wax) used to make candles and cosmetics.
Some dog owners are morons. While fishing Saturday evening with my son and grandson along a creek with a hiking trail beside it, I hear loud barking heading our way. Looking behind me, I see an unleashed huge Doberman coming hard, followed by a German Shepherd. Trailing the dogs is a lady shouting the now famous phrase: "don't worry, their friendly". Fortunately they motored on by.
As an owner of a large German Shepherd myself, I am cognizant of peoples fear of of dogs and keep my leashed at all times away from home.
Narr, thanks for that vignette. Reminds me of a similar scene I saw as a teenager in the 80’s. A hawk had moved into the neighbourhood and was eating the other birds. One night—same thing—we heard a big commotion in the trees that went on for a while. All the other birds got together and were driving it out.
There was some real coordination and courage. A smaller bird would draw its attention. As it went after that bird, another one would swoop in and peck it in the back of the head. As it turned to refocus on the attacker, the next bird would swoop in and peck it in the back of the head. It was a dangerous maneuver as every bird took its turn in the hawk’s sights and relied on the other birds to save it. It worked, that night the hawk moved on to some other neighbourhood.
Narr said... So now I'm parsing the lady theologian's phrase about how modern American culture transforms -nearly- every philosophical or spiritual tradition into shallow and easy to master glop.
Menonism? . . .
I'm a pretty strict Existinctualist if I say so myself. The core of that doctrine and practice is 1) we pretty much can't and don't know shit, and nonetheless 2) most of us ought to be prepared for a world of hurt eventually.
A "meninist" is someone who—wait for it—believes men are victimized by feminism and that attention needs to be called to what they believe are the struggles of being a man in the 21st century.
I can only speculate that a "menonist" supports the concept of "bases loaded" or perhaps refers to the "missionary position."
Existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre said: "My purpose here is to offer a defence of existentialism against several reproaches that have been laid against it. First, it has been reproached as an invitation to people to dwell in quietism of despair. For if every way to a solution is barred, one would have to regard any action in this world as entirely ineffective, and one would arrive finally at a contemplative philosophy. Moreover, since contemplation is a luxury, this would be only another bourgeois philosophy. This is, especially, the reproach made by the Communists."
As for your "Existinctualist" philosophy, I am confused. The word implies "existence" and "extinction" which cannot happen at the same time.
The TikTok w/the sugar maple moth? The pink and green one? Come to find out, it’s coloring mimics the sugar maple seeds! So, they aren’t so vulnerable, after all.
So the constitution of Ukraine was changed in 2019, by the government we installed and support, to include a provision to protect the Ukrainian gene pool. Can't have miscegenation going on watering down their pure white blood. We are arming white supremacists because the globalists want Russia removed as a center of power on account of a multipolar world is harder to manage.
Don't worry though, we aren't the baddies just because we are fighting alongside white supremacists in a bid to conquer and rule the world, and by "we" ruling the world, I mean them, the Davos set. But go ahead and lap up the propaganda, it's good for you. Putin bad.. Trump bad... any leader who actually likes his own people? Bad!!!!
The most impactful election interference in 2016 from foreign powers came from Ukraine on behalf of Hillary orchestrated by Joe Biden's office of the VP, the "whistleblower," and Vindman, BTW. Anybody wants to argue this, I will be more than happy.
Tim - Just curious why you never responding to issues I raised regarding the Mules movie - after you volunteered that you had expertise on the relevant technology and were glad to answer any questions re same?
Summary: We’ll need ~ 2,250 terawatt-hours of electricity per year to move the people and the goods around. And how much new generation will this require? Well, by comparison, the US currently uses about 3,800 terawatt-hours per year, so we’ll need a huge, unimaginable 60% increase … and that just for electric cars and trucks and nothing more.
How much generating capacity will that take? We’ll need an additional ~ 570 gigawatts of generating capacity. And how long do we have to do that?
The only currently available technology capable of delivering that is nuclear. And it takes about ten years from conception to completion for a nuclear power plant.
So … to provide for an all-electric transportation fleet, starting tomorrow we’d have to build a new 2.7 GW nuclear power plant each and every month for the next 215 months … and those are huge plants, 20% larger than the giant Diablo Canyon power plant in Californa.
Oh, and besides building 215 new giant nuclear power plants at the rate of one per month every month for the next 18 years starting this month, we’d need to upsize our entire power grid by 60% from end to end, all the way from the generators down to the transformers and the electric wires feeding your house.
Which Biden administration department is in charge of auditing the $40 bil we are sending to Youkraine? Maybe Hunter Biden could take a poke at it. As I understand it, his financial skills are second only to his father.
People are crazy stupid about their dogs now. Frighteningly so. The doberman could be eating your face off while the owner assures you it's okay. Total denial.
It's as if their dogs are a covert expression of the owners misanthropy.
It's ruined any sentimentality I ever had for dogs. I carry a .380 on my walks.
I went to the science museum for the first time in fifty years. A lot has changed there since the 1970s. It looks like a shopping mall or Epcot. There are a lot fewer real objects and a lot more computerized displays with buttons to push. I would have thought people were sick of looking at screens and pushing buttons, but the museum doesn't.
I liked it when I was a kid, but when I was a kid I didn't realize the museum was basically for kids. Kids like to read directions and may even enjoy figuring things out. Adults don't, or I don't or, I wasn't in the mood for it at the time. The animals, living and stuffed, were nice, though. So was the electricity show.
Tips for phone mounted GPS travelers. You know how apps, especially the ones you use most often, always pop-up messages. This can be annoying while you are using the GPS. If, like me your iPhone is an older model, unloading and reloading these apps is impossible. I can't unload whatsapp, for instance, and my problem is compounded by the fact that my family uses whastsapp in bursts of hours at a time. So, yea, very annoying.
Go to iPhone Settings and then scroll to Cellular and then scroll down to the listed offending app and slide the cellular data off. This way the app will still work, but only when you are within a wi-fi range you have to approve.
Gadfly, old bean, I wrote Mennonism. It's a thing. Look it up.
As for the contradictory, incoherent, and confusing nature of Existinctualism, have you signed up for my newsletter yet? It's a bargain at only $49.99 per year, and will clarify any questions you may have.
I understand that you are a veteran, gadfly. Thanks, and the same to all the other veterans here, whether I agree with you or not about this or that.
Which Biden administration department is in charge of auditing the $40 bil we are sending to Youkraine? Maybe Hunter Biden could take a poke at it. As I understand it, his financial skills are second only to his father.
That'll a be a perfect fit for Hillary Clinton. She'll only take a 50% cut. After all, Ukraine is the feed trough for Joe, Hillary, Barrack, Kerry and all of the rest of the prominent Democrats. Ukraine for Democrat payoffs is the official motto of the Democrat party.
William50 said... Electric Transportation By 2050 Summary: We’ll need ~ 2,250 terawatt-hours of electricity
William50? i realize that you're trying to scare people (which is Violence! i've notified the authorities)
But your scare tactics WON'T Work. You are making unrealistic assumptions. 1st of all. You are assuming that today's cars will ALL be replaced by electric cars In reality; Only Party Members will be allowed cars 2nd of all. You are assuming that today's electric use will be there in the future In reality; Only Party Members will be allowed electric lights/friges/Computers/ etc
Party Members will Only constitute about 1% of the population, and of Those; only INNER Party members will receive full electric benefits Proletariat will live in their tents and shanties (And Be GLAD of it!), Without electric.
So, Total electric production will be able to EASILY be met through renewable sources such as bioprocessing of excess population
The Green New World will be a WONDERFUL and GLORIOUS place FOR ALL! It will just be a little More Wonderful and Glorious for Party Members.. Which is Only FAIR! LONG LIVE BIG BROTHER!!!! ALL HAIL THE STATE!! THE STATE IS YOUR MASTER!!! THE STATE IS YOUR LORD!!
I've been thinking about real (that is, organic and having stood the rest of time) vs. pop religion and philosophy. This isn't a terribly well thought-out idea, but it struck me that real religion and philosophy are kind of fractal: no matter what frame of reference you use in examining them, they are equally valuable in providing a framework for living. You can focus just on the basic tenets of a religion, say the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment, for instance, and just by following those eleven "life hacks," you can lead a morally upright life.
Or, you can study Jewish or Christian thinkers and theologians as your life's work, deeply learn these religions in all their complexity and in their many interpretations, and by following them as closely as your studies have revealed them... you can lead a morally upright life that is substantially similar to how you'd live following the simpler version.
Is this true of pop religions? Can you learn a little about Scientology and lead a proper Scientologist's life, or do you have to get up to the umpteenth level or whatever before you can be a "real" Scientologist?
Wokeism: do the shallow Woke lead the same life as the deeply Woke? And what do those terms mean with regard to Wokeism - "shallow" and "deep"? Wokeism might be my big exception, if there is a real difference between understanding wokeness in a shallow versus a deep sense, because it does seem to me that both shallow and deep practitioners of Wokeism are leading the same kind of life. (The other possiblity is that there is no "deep" - only "less steeped in jargon" and "more steeped in jargon." If this is the case, then Wokeism still fits my definition of a pop religion or philosophy.)
And then - what do I do about Mormonism? I have a lot of respect for mainstream Mormons, but from what I know of the religion (one class in college plus a little independent reading, so not a lot), it certainly seems to have started as a cult by the standard definition.
Or maybe I'm just trying to hammer a useless idea into the semblance of utility!
As an owner of a large German Shepherd myself, I am cognizant of peoples fear of of dogs and keep my leashed at all times away from home.
My basset hound, on a leash, was badly mauled by an unleashed dog that looked like a lab/rottweiler mix. I could not get the dog off her and she was totally passive. Finally, the owner came out and got the dog off her. We spent the afternoon at the Animal ER. She was so traumatized I was afraid she would die. The owner's teens had let the dog out. At least they paid the $1400 ER bill.
But that’s based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data, which is not precise enough to confirm that somebody deposited a ballot into a drop box, according to experts.
I am an "expert" and I already explained why it actually is precise enough, but I can't respond to "according to experts" unless I am provided with the technical basis of their objections, which are nowhere in your links. I had waited a day and stopped watching the thread, BTW, when there were no takers at that time.
If you average a large number of measurements taken in the same way, the result becomes increasingly precise.
The LLN is important because it guarantees stable long-term results for the averages of some random events.[1][2] For example, while a casino may lose money in a single spin of the roulette wheel, its earnings will tend towards a predictable percentage over a large number of spins. Any winning streak by a player will eventually be overcome by the parameters of the game. Importantly, the law applies (as the name indicates) only when a large number of observations are considered. There is no principle that a small number of observations will coincide with the expected value or that a streak of one value will immediately be "balanced" by the others> - Wikipedia
The "experts" objections, as far as I can gather, are based on the problem of accuracy with small numbers of cases, e.g. a single phone, which does not apply, in other words, it's an intentionally misleading objection, not to mention that the odds of people moving from the vicinity of drop box to vicinity of drop box by coincidence is near zero. One person just possibly, two by an extreme stretch, but large numbers of them? No and once you have triangulated large numbers of them moving from "nearby" one drop box to "nearby" another drop box and then a third? It beggars belief, as people say. It would be interesting to take that same data from after Election Day and see how many cell phone users appear in that pattern once the boxes were gone. I don't think that there is much doubt that you would find none, but it would be interesting to do the experiment to shut up the deniers.
If you have some kind of cogent critique of my logic as laid out, please put it in your own words, and not in the form of links that will entirely miss the point. You can support your objection by links, that's fine, just put it in your own words. If you can't, that should bother you; it should bother you that you are having a hard time thinking for yourself.
The rest of the Denver Post article is nothing but spin as well, at a minimum, law enforcement should be investigating this information, and the fact that they are not is evidence in itself that elections are rigged and since this stuff has never been allowed to go to court, arguments that the courts have found no evidence of election tampering are hollow.
It's interesting as well that the vast majority of the legally required surveillance footage from the drop boxes was unaccountably deleted. At some point these things add up to not just the preponderance of the evidence, but a strong case,
My favorite bit from the Denver Post article is "we don't know the political affiliation" of these 'mules.' his right! An investigation is in order, and if you don't think that there should be an investigation, then it's pretty plain that you don't want to know.
It is a tip-off that many of these same cell phones were at Black Lives Matters demonstrations, though, doesn't "prove" anything, just more circumstantial evidence to throw on the growing pile.
Tim, All judges shrank from the mobs and declined, on various grounds, to review the facts. Even the Supreme Court ignored Pennsylvania's defiance of Alito's order to segregate late "absentee" ballots.
GPS accuracy for a cell phone is +/- 12-ft. Good enough to see if a person visits multiple drop boxes and NGO locations. Especially so if that person repeatedly targets drop boxes and NGO locations. Couple that with surveillance cameras and the case is made.
The lie-stream media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. They don't need explicit instructions on how to cover up Dem election fraud. That's part of their DNA.
The same gang who said the election was not fixed told us the Wuhan virus did not start in the lab, masks are effective, vaccines work, the Afghanistan retreat was a logistical success, gas prices rose because of Putin, Trump was not spied upon (say hi Morning joe), Hunter Biden's laptop contents were Russian disinformation, the southern border is secure.
Wait until Trump is blamed for the baby formula shortage. The Commie-Pinko left is a creative bunch.
The worst thing is people with unleashed pit bulls and rockwielers. Yes, I know, some of them are sweet lovable and wouldn't harm a fly BUT - it'd be better if people kept their big or dangerous dogs on a leash.
We had a bassett hound for years. They are great dogs, and she was very good with my child. The only problem is she wanted to go for walks and then would get tired and beg me to carry her home.
I wanted to not talk about the shooting but as usual I'm amazed at hatred directed at the police. It seems to be class related. Journalist, lawyers, and members of the chattering classes seem to have some real dislkie and contempt of the police.
The same characters who wanted to execute the 4 policemen over George Floyd, are screaming "coward" at the 19 Texas police who stood down while the shooting was going on. I don't have all the facts, but I'd assume that 18 of those 19 policemen were just doing what they were told and obeying the chain of command.
Whoever was in charge of the crime scene was the man responsible. My assumption is he, was simply "going by the booK" aka contain the shooter, call in the experts: SWAT and negotiator. Only this wasn't the situation where "the book" applied.
In the past two years, the Uvalde school district has hosted at least two active shooter trainings, according to reporting by The Times. One of them was two months ago. Current protocol and best practices say officers must persistently pursue efforts to neutralize a shooter when a shooting is underway. This is true even if only one officer is present. This is without question the right approach. We need to understand why that protocol was not followed in Uvalde.
I dropped by to check in because Driscoll posted this at instapundit:
Climate activist treats Mona Lisa to pie in the face.
When it's art or aesthetics related, I always come here to see.
"Which Biden administration department is in charge of auditing the $40 bil we are sending to Youkraine?"
If it is the same government department that has audited the books of the War Department and the multiple Intelligence agencies for the last many decades, we can be sure the blatant (not to mention not-so-blatant) fraud, graft, double-dealing, embezzlement, and who knows what or how many other forms of financial fraud will go on will never be found, or if found, will be covered up.
Humperdink said...Some dog owners are morons. -- Indeed. Jogging a week ago, got bit by a Boxer/Pug mix right in front of the owner. Dog kept running around barking while he yelled at it to no effect. Came back towards me and I naturally start to move away and owner shouts "Don't run! Don't run!" Said he usually grabs him when he sees me coming down road. Yet this whole time he doesn't lift a finger to chase down and control the thing. Arms limp at his side. Eventually it got distracted and I was able to go home, get in my car and drive over to ask shot status. Dog was still running around like a maniac in his neightbor's yard. You'd think when they left records in my door they would have included an apology. The degree of stupid in the situation makes me want to stay well clear of any further interaction. But I've got 4 tooth holes on my calf to keep reminding me about it.
Wiki hits the nail on the head: "The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories."
In this case, a video purporting to show illegal ballot activity in Detroit actually depicts a photographer from television station WXYZ wheeling his equipment into a ballot-counting location in a red wagon. The video, posted by the conservative website Texas Scorecard and allegedly filmed by a member of Lawyers for Trump, has been shared online many thousands of times on YouTube. The Texas Scorecard video shows light reflecting off the top of a Pelican case, consistent with the decals on the case shown by WXYZ. Around the 40-second mark, outlines of both the Pelican and WXYZ decals are visible.
Dishonesty needs to be replaced to return Conservatism to the right side of the ledger. Abandoning crazies grifting the misinformed is a good place to start.
"We are arming white supremacists because the globalists want Russia removed as a center of power on account of a multipolar world is harder to manage."
"But go ahead and lap up the propaganda, it's good for you. Putin bad.. Trump bad... any leader who actually likes his own people? Bad!!!!"
So, are you saying that the Ukrainian regime is bad because it is a Jewish cabal taking advantage of a white nation, but it would be OK if the President and his backers were not all Jews?
real (that is, organic and having stood the rest of time) vs. pop religion and philosophy....You can focus just on the basic tenets of a religion, say the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment, for instance, and just by following those eleven "life hacks," you can lead a morally upright life. Or, you can study Jewish or Christian thinkers and theologians as your life's work...
Of course, there is first the problem of definition of terms, e.g. "religion." The other faith groups, or religions if you will, can speak for themselves, but as for Judaism and Christianity, with all respect, the basic tenets of them are not the Commandments or any other Law or rules. Just looking at them and you can see the unifying thread which does lead to the basic tenets, namely, relationship. Having a relationship with God and having a relationship with other human beings.
The Covenant, which defines Judaism, is all relationship - You will be my people and I will be your God. The family of Abraham, the people of God.
Jesus Christ, who defines Christianity, is all relationship - He is Emmanuel, God who comes to dwell with us, who gave His life to reconcile our broken relationship with God. Relationship with the Logos, living Creative Reason.
Yes, both have teachings and ideas and elements of philosophy and ways of living, but they are both oriented toward that end of relationship with God who is Love, God who is Truth, God who is Life. They are both profoundly human. They are both about relating to God, others, the world, and ourselves in a way so as to be true to who we are supposed to be. And this is learned not so much from books, but from person-to-person encounters.
Wokeism isn't religion at all -- despite all attempts by its detractors to call it a religion. That is because they themselves think religion to be irrational and blind faith. True religion is not irrational blind faith. Rather, wokeism is POWER POLITICS, period. Wokeism is the fruit of the Tree being peddled by the serpent - eat it and your eyes will be "opened." Yes, a lot of good-faith people have been suckered into believing it is about waking up to seeing injustice, but at its root it is about destroying the existing order to obtain and keep power. Wokeism is not religion, it is ideology.
My mother's big brother died in the cockpit of a P-38 on 1/6/1943 in the Pacific theatre. That left an inconsolable hole in our family. I appreciate Meade's contribution to this Memorial Day. Don't lets piss this country away.
"and since this stuff has never been allowed to go to court"
Have any but the tiniest fraction of allegations ever gone to trial and been judged based on introduced evidence rather than being dismissed outright on procedural technicalities? When I hear someone say "But the courts have ruled...", it's hard to take the rest of their argument seriously.
The election was decided through irregularities, fraud, misinformation (e.g. transposition of blue and red), and disinformation (e.g. journolistic predictions/influence).
That said, democracy is disenfranchised in darkness, demos-cracy is aborted at the twilight fringe.
The Alfa Bank hoax, which was based on obvious nonsense was ‘investigated’ for years even though the FBI concluded that it was nonsense the first minute an agent with the relevant expertise looked at it. Obviously the point was to entrap Trump with a process crime, but these credible allegations must be studiously ignored because cell phone data cannot prove, in and of itself that the mules deposited the ballots and were not simply on collection of highly improbably routed joy rides, given that the video evidence required to be kept was in fact deleted while under government control, kind of like what happened to the camera in Epstein’s cell. or all of those IRS phones issued to key figures that failed in a highly improbable pattern that kept investigating authorities, sadly, blind to what actually happened.
Phone messaging is another area I have knowledge of, go ahead and ask me why the destruction of those phones hid the truth from Congress.
They are lying to you, Jim, and one day you are not going to be happy about it over some issue, like maybe when they kneecapped Bernie Sanders to install corrupt Joe Biden, owned by corrupt Ukraine, as candidate.
Dishonesty needs to be replaced to return Conservatism to the right side of the ledger. Abandoning crazies grifting the misinformed is a good place to start.
Azov Nazis have partly substituted “mongrel Russians” for Jews, but their hero Bandera collaborated in the holocaust whole heartedly, and he is widely honored in Ukraine. Interesting that accusations and personal attacks is all you have.
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Oh, wow!
So in the continuing Love American Style marathon, there was this vignette about investigating an athlete in women's track and field who is accused of being a man.
East German.
Remember when that was a thing?
I can sure see wings in the 2nd photo.
The difference between the complicated and the complex, In relationship to twitter
Today in history: Hillary and Norgay are first to summit Mt. Everest
"New Zealand's Edmund Hillary and Nepal's Tenzing Norgay stand at more than 29,000 feet atop the highest spot on earth. They remain on Mt. Everest's summit just 15 minutes before Tenzing leaves an offering of chocolate, and Hillary a cross, and then begin their long, arduous descent."
Sunstunned again.
This morning when I got back from my first morning walk, I heard a lot of loud chirping and other bird commotion somewhere in the back yard, but I was out of sight and went in without thinking much about it. A while later I went out to the backyard with the dog and heard the same noises from the vegetation this side of the back fence.
As my eyes adjusted I realized that a small flock of bluebirds was trying to harass something among the branches, doing quick hit-and-runs from all angles and squawking like mad. Cat?
No! Suddenly a big kite or hawk came out of a holly tree and flew over me just a few feet above--could have caught someone with a net, there were so many angry birds after him.
I don't know if he had already dined or not, but he had no take-out that I could see.
That was cool.
So now I'm parsing the lady theologian's phrase about how modern American culture transforms
-nearly- every philosophical or spiritual tradition into shallow and easy to master glop.
Maybe she listed a few exceptions--you know, as a sort of control group.
Mennonism? Theosophy? Christian Science?
I'm a pretty strict Existinctualist if I say so myself. The core of that doctrine and practice is 1) we pretty much can't and don't know shit, and nonetheless 2) most of us ought to be prepared for a world of hurt eventually.
Someone mentioned on an earlier thread that fossil fuel producers would be viewed in a better light if it was not labelled "crude" oil. Pennsylvania crude oil is very light, tannish in color, not the heavy black goop typically seen on television. It is also of high paraffin content (wax) used to make candles and cosmetics.
Some dog owners are morons. While fishing Saturday evening with my son and grandson along a creek with a hiking trail beside it, I hear loud barking heading our way. Looking behind me, I see an unleashed huge Doberman coming hard, followed by a German Shepherd. Trailing the dogs is a lady shouting the now famous phrase: "don't worry, their friendly". Fortunately they motored on by.
As an owner of a large German Shepherd myself, I am cognizant of peoples fear of of dogs and keep my leashed at all times away from home.
Narr, thanks for that vignette. Reminds me of a similar scene I saw as a teenager in the 80’s. A hawk had moved into the neighbourhood and was eating the other birds. One night—same thing—we heard a big commotion in the trees that went on for a while. All the other birds got together and were driving it out.
There was some real coordination and courage. A smaller bird would draw its attention. As it went after that bird, another one would swoop in and peck it in the back of the head. As it turned to refocus on the attacker, the next bird would swoop in and peck it in the back of the head. It was a dangerous maneuver as every bird took its turn in the hawk’s sights and relied on the other birds to save it. It worked, that night the hawk moved on to some other neighbourhood.
Narr said...
So now I'm parsing the lady theologian's phrase about how modern American culture transforms -nearly- every philosophical or spiritual tradition into shallow and easy to master glop.
Menonism? . . .
I'm a pretty strict Existinctualist if I say so myself. The core of that doctrine and practice is 1) we pretty much can't and don't know shit, and nonetheless 2) most of us ought to be prepared for a world of hurt eventually.
A "meninist" is someone who—wait for it—believes men are victimized by feminism and that attention needs to be called to what they believe are the struggles of being a man in the 21st century.
I can only speculate that a "menonist" supports the concept of "bases loaded" or perhaps refers to the "missionary position."
Existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre said: "My purpose here is to offer a defence of existentialism against several reproaches that have been laid against it. First, it has been reproached as an invitation to people to dwell in quietism of despair. For if every way to a solution is barred, one would have to regard any action in this world as entirely ineffective, and one would arrive finally at a contemplative philosophy. Moreover, since contemplation is a luxury, this would be only another bourgeois philosophy. This is, especially, the reproach made by the Communists."
As for your "Existinctualist" philosophy, I am confused. The word implies "existence" and "extinction" which cannot happen at the same time.
The TikTok w/the sugar maple moth? The pink and green one? Come to find out, it’s coloring mimics the sugar maple seeds! So, they aren’t so vulnerable, after all.
Pretty cool.
Narr, I once saw orioles mobbing a raven, like a Baltimore gang war.
“… of Americans who died true and brave…”
Lem said...
Today in history: Hillary and Norgay are first to summit Mt. Everest
wow! that was So Long Ago... She hadn't even moved to Arkansas yet :)
“As for your "Existinctualist" philosophy, I am confused. The word implies "existence" and "extinction" which cannot happen at the same time.“
It may not happen at the same time(although we grow and die w/e/breath)- it definitely happens given time.
@gilbar LOL
So the constitution of Ukraine was changed in 2019, by the government we installed and support, to include a provision to protect the Ukrainian gene pool. Can't have miscegenation going on watering down their pure white blood. We are arming white supremacists because the globalists want Russia removed as a center of power on account of a multipolar world is harder to manage.
Don't worry though, we aren't the baddies just because we are fighting alongside white supremacists in a bid to conquer and rule the world, and by "we" ruling the world, I mean them, the Davos set. But go ahead and lap up the propaganda, it's good for you. Putin bad.. Trump bad... any leader who actually likes his own people? Bad!!!!
The most impactful election interference in 2016 from foreign powers came from Ukraine on behalf of Hillary orchestrated by Joe Biden's office of the VP, the "whistleblower," and Vindman, BTW. Anybody wants to argue this, I will be more than happy.
Happy Memorial Day to all who served.
Tim - Just curious why you never responding to issues I raised regarding the Mules movie - after you volunteered that you had expertise on the relevant technology and were glad to answer any questions re same?
Electric Transportation By 2050
We’ll need ~ 2,250 terawatt-hours of electricity per year to move the people and the goods around. And how much new generation will this require? Well, by comparison, the US currently uses about 3,800 terawatt-hours per year, so we’ll need a huge, unimaginable 60% increase … and that just for electric cars and trucks and nothing more.
How much generating capacity will that take? We’ll need an additional ~ 570 gigawatts of generating capacity. And how long do we have to do that?
The only currently available technology capable of delivering that is nuclear. And it takes about ten years from conception to completion for a nuclear power plant.
So … to provide for an all-electric transportation fleet, starting tomorrow we’d have to build a new 2.7 GW nuclear power plant each and every month for the next 215 months … and those are huge plants, 20% larger than the giant Diablo Canyon power plant in Californa.
Oh, and besides building 215 new giant nuclear power plants at the rate of one per month every month for the next 18 years starting this month, we’d need to upsize our entire power grid by 60% from end to end, all the way from the generators down to the transformers and the electric wires feeding your house.
Which Biden administration department is in charge of auditing the $40 bil we are sending to Youkraine? Maybe Hunter Biden could take a poke at it. As I understand it, his financial skills are second only to his father.
"Some dog owners are morons".
People are crazy stupid about their dogs now. Frighteningly so. The doberman could be eating your face off while the owner assures you it's okay. Total denial.
It's as if their dogs are a covert expression of the owners misanthropy.
It's ruined any sentimentality I ever had for dogs. I carry a .380 on my walks.
I went to the science museum for the first time in fifty years. A lot has changed there since the 1970s. It looks like a shopping mall or Epcot. There are a lot fewer real objects and a lot more computerized displays with buttons to push. I would have thought people were sick of looking at screens and pushing buttons, but the museum doesn't.
I liked it when I was a kid, but when I was a kid I didn't realize the museum was basically for kids. Kids like to read directions and may even enjoy figuring things out. Adults don't, or I don't or, I wasn't in the mood for it at the time. The animals, living and stuffed, were nice, though. So was the electricity show.
Named my new Angus calf Sir-loin. He has subsequently been de-sirred. He can compete in the heifer Olympics.
Looks like Althouse is traveling.
Tips for phone mounted GPS travelers. You know how apps, especially the ones you use most often, always pop-up messages. This can be annoying while you are using the GPS. If, like me your iPhone is an older model, unloading and reloading these apps is impossible. I can't unload whatsapp, for instance, and my problem is compounded by the fact that my family uses whastsapp in bursts of hours at a time. So, yea, very annoying.
Go to iPhone Settings and then scroll to Cellular and then scroll down to the listed offending app and slide the cellular data off. This way the app will still work, but only when you are within a wi-fi range you have to approve.
Happy Memorial Day!
Gadfly, old bean, I wrote Mennonism. It's a thing. Look it up.
As for the contradictory, incoherent, and confusing nature of Existinctualism, have you signed up for my newsletter yet? It's a bargain at only $49.99 per year, and will clarify any questions you may have.
I understand that you are a veteran, gadfly. Thanks, and the same to all the other veterans here, whether I agree with you or not about this or that.
gadfly: "I can only speculate that a "menonist" supports the concept of "bases loaded" or perhaps refers to the "missionary position."'
I speculate your "speculation" reveals more about yourself than the "meninists".
gadfly: "As for your "Existinctualist" philosophy, I am confused. The word implies "existence" and "extinction" which cannot happen at the same time."
Schrödinger's cat would like a word with you.
Which Biden administration department is in charge of auditing the $40 bil we are sending to Youkraine? Maybe Hunter Biden could take a poke at it. As I understand it, his financial skills are second only to his father.
That'll a be a perfect fit for Hillary Clinton. She'll only take a 50% cut. After all, Ukraine is the feed trough for Joe, Hillary, Barrack, Kerry and all of the rest of the prominent Democrats. Ukraine for Democrat payoffs is the official motto of the Democrat party.
William50 said...
Electric Transportation By 2050
We’ll need ~ 2,250 terawatt-hours of electricity
William50? i realize that you're trying to scare people (which is Violence! i've notified the authorities)
But your scare tactics WON'T Work. You are making unrealistic assumptions.
1st of all. You are assuming that today's cars will ALL be replaced by electric cars
In reality; Only Party Members will be allowed cars
2nd of all. You are assuming that today's electric use will be there in the future
In reality; Only Party Members will be allowed electric lights/friges/Computers/ etc
Party Members will Only constitute about 1% of the population, and of Those;
only INNER Party members will receive full electric benefits
Proletariat will live in their tents and shanties (And Be GLAD of it!), Without electric.
So, Total electric production will be able to EASILY be met through renewable sources such as bioprocessing of excess population
The Green New World will be a WONDERFUL and GLORIOUS place FOR ALL!
It will just be a little More Wonderful and Glorious for Party Members.. Which is Only FAIR!
jim5301 said...
Tim - Just curious why you never responding to issues I raised regarding the Mules movie -
we're STILL waiting you to raise a single issue Jim. You have only posted links to GOD Knows what
I've been thinking about real (that is, organic and having stood the rest of time) vs. pop religion and philosophy. This isn't a terribly well thought-out idea, but it struck me that real religion and philosophy are kind of fractal: no matter what frame of reference you use in examining them, they are equally valuable in providing a framework for living. You can focus just on the basic tenets of a religion, say the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment, for instance, and just by following those eleven "life hacks," you can lead a morally upright life.
Or, you can study Jewish or Christian thinkers and theologians as your life's work, deeply learn these religions in all their complexity and in their many interpretations, and by following them as closely as your studies have revealed them... you can lead a morally upright life that is substantially similar to how you'd live following the simpler version.
Is this true of pop religions? Can you learn a little about Scientology and lead a proper Scientologist's life, or do you have to get up to the umpteenth level or whatever before you can be a "real" Scientologist?
Wokeism: do the shallow Woke lead the same life as the deeply Woke? And what do those terms mean with regard to Wokeism - "shallow" and "deep"? Wokeism might be my big exception, if there is a real difference between understanding wokeness in a shallow versus a deep sense, because it does seem to me that both shallow and deep practitioners of Wokeism are leading the same kind of life. (The other possiblity is that there is no "deep" - only "less steeped in jargon" and "more steeped in jargon." If this is the case, then Wokeism still fits my definition of a pop religion or philosophy.)
And then - what do I do about Mormonism? I have a lot of respect for mainstream Mormons, but from what I know of the religion (one class in college plus a little independent reading, so not a lot), it certainly seems to have started as a cult by the standard definition.
Or maybe I'm just trying to hammer a useless idea into the semblance of utility!
"Just curious why you never responding to issues I raised regarding the Mules movie"
I didn't see them, I will have a look.
As an owner of a large German Shepherd myself, I am cognizant of peoples fear of of dogs and keep my leashed at all times away from home.
My basset hound, on a leash, was badly mauled by an unleashed dog that looked like a lab/rottweiler mix. I could not get the dog off her and she was totally passive. Finally, the owner came out and got the dog off her. We spent the afternoon at the Animal ER. She was so traumatized I was afraid she would die. The owner's teens had let the dog out. At least they paid the $1400 ER bill.
Hmmm, I'm surprised no one here is talking about Paul Pelosi's DUI arrest in Napa, CA.
TMZ broke the story, but even WaPo, NPR and CNN are carrying it. Color me shocked.
Ok, I went to one of your links, The Denver Post/
But that’s based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data, which is not precise enough to confirm that somebody deposited a ballot into a drop box, according to experts.
I am an "expert" and I already explained why it actually is precise enough, but I can't respond to "according to experts" unless I am provided with the technical basis of their objections, which are nowhere in your links. I had waited a day and stopped watching the thread, BTW, when there were no takers at that time.
If you average a large number of measurements taken in the same way, the result becomes increasingly precise.
The LLN is important because it guarantees stable long-term results for the averages of some random events.[1][2] For example, while a casino may lose money in a single spin of the roulette wheel, its earnings will tend towards a predictable percentage over a large number of spins. Any winning streak by a player will eventually be overcome by the parameters of the game. Importantly, the law applies (as the name indicates) only when a large number of observations are considered. There is no principle that a small number of observations will coincide with the expected value or that a streak of one value will immediately be "balanced" by the others> - Wikipedia
The "experts" objections, as far as I can gather, are based on the problem of accuracy with small numbers of cases, e.g. a single phone, which does not apply, in other words, it's an intentionally misleading objection, not to mention that the odds of people moving from the vicinity of drop box to vicinity of drop box by coincidence is near zero. One person just possibly, two by an extreme stretch, but large numbers of them? No and once you have triangulated large numbers of them moving from "nearby" one drop box to "nearby" another drop box and then a third? It beggars belief, as people say. It would be interesting to take that same data from after Election Day and see how many cell phone users appear in that pattern once the boxes were gone. I don't think that there is much doubt that you would find none, but it would be interesting to do the experiment to shut up the deniers.
If you have some kind of cogent critique of my logic as laid out, please put it in your own words, and not in the form of links that will entirely miss the point. You can support your objection by links, that's fine, just put it in your own words. If you can't, that should bother you; it should bother you that you are having a hard time thinking for yourself.
The rest of the Denver Post article is nothing but spin as well, at a minimum, law enforcement should be investigating this information, and the fact that they are not is evidence in itself that elections are rigged and since this stuff has never been allowed to go to court, arguments that the courts have found no evidence of election tampering are hollow.
It's interesting as well that the vast majority of the legally required surveillance footage from the drop boxes was unaccountably deleted. At some point these things add up to not just the preponderance of the evidence, but a strong case,
Interesting video of ballot stuffing in Detroit.
My favorite bit from the Denver Post article is "we don't know the political affiliation" of these 'mules.' his right! An investigation is in order, and if you don't think that there should be an investigation, then it's pretty plain that you don't want to know.
It is a tip-off that many of these same cell phones were at Black Lives Matters demonstrations, though, doesn't "prove" anything, just more circumstantial evidence to throw on the growing pile.
Tim, All judges shrank from the mobs and declined, on various grounds, to review the facts. Even the Supreme Court ignored Pennsylvania's defiance of Alito's order to segregate late "absentee" ballots.
GPS accuracy for a cell phone is +/- 12-ft. Good enough to see if a person visits multiple drop boxes and NGO locations. Especially so if that person repeatedly targets drop boxes and NGO locations. Couple that with surveillance cameras and the case is made.
The lie-stream media is just the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. They don't need explicit instructions on how to cover up Dem election fraud. That's part of their DNA.
The same gang who said the election was not fixed told us the Wuhan virus did not start in the lab, masks are effective, vaccines work, the Afghanistan retreat was a logistical success, gas prices rose because of Putin, Trump was not spied upon (say hi Morning joe), Hunter Biden's laptop contents were Russian disinformation, the southern border is secure.
Wait until Trump is blamed for the baby formula shortage. The Commie-Pinko left is a creative bunch.
"ballot stuffing in Detroit."
Michigan uses signature verification so probably all but her own ballot were rejected.
At least they would have been in my state. Don't know how they roll in "urban" areas.
The worst thing is people with unleashed pit bulls and rockwielers. Yes, I know, some of them are sweet lovable and wouldn't harm a fly BUT - it'd be better if people kept their big or dangerous dogs on a leash.
We had a bassett hound for years. They are great dogs, and she was very good with my child. The only problem is she wanted to go for walks and then would get tired and beg me to carry her home.
I wanted to not talk about the shooting but as usual I'm amazed at hatred directed at the police. It seems to be class related. Journalist, lawyers, and members of the chattering classes seem to have some real dislkie and contempt of the police.
The same characters who wanted to execute the 4 policemen over George Floyd, are screaming "coward" at the 19 Texas police who stood down while the shooting was going on. I don't have all the facts, but I'd assume that 18 of those 19 policemen were just doing what they were told and obeying the chain of command.
Whoever was in charge of the crime scene was the man responsible. My assumption is he, was simply "going by the booK" aka contain the shooter, call in the experts: SWAT and negotiator. Only this wasn't the situation where "the book" applied.
Free NYT Op-Ed MSN repost: I Created the F.B.I.’s Active Shooter Program. The Officers in Uvalde Did Not Follow Their Training.
In the past two years, the Uvalde school district has hosted at least two active shooter trainings, according to reporting by The Times. One of them was two months ago. Current protocol and best practices say officers must persistently pursue efforts to neutralize a shooter when a shooting is underway. This is true even if only one officer is present. This is without question the right approach. We need to understand why that protocol was not followed in Uvalde.
Watch the Justice Dep whitewash this tragedy.
I dropped by to check in because Driscoll posted this at instapundit:
Climate activist treats Mona Lisa to pie in the face.
When it's art or aesthetics related, I always come here to see.
"Which Biden administration department is in charge of auditing the $40 bil we are sending to Youkraine?"
If it is the same government department that has audited the books of the War Department and the multiple Intelligence agencies for the last many decades, we can be sure the blatant (not to mention not-so-blatant) fraud, graft, double-dealing, embezzlement, and who knows what or how many other forms of financial fraud will go on will never be found, or if found, will be covered up.
Humperdink said...Some dog owners are morons.
Indeed. Jogging a week ago, got bit by a Boxer/Pug mix right in front of the owner. Dog kept running around barking while he yelled at it to no effect. Came back towards me and I naturally start to move away and owner shouts "Don't run! Don't run!"
Said he usually grabs him when he sees me coming down road. Yet this whole time he doesn't lift a finger to chase down and control the thing. Arms limp at his side.
Eventually it got distracted and I was able to go home, get in my car and drive over to ask shot status. Dog was still running around like a maniac in his neightbor's yard.
You'd think when they left records in my door they would have included an apology.
The degree of stupid in the situation makes me want to stay well clear of any further interaction. But I've got 4 tooth holes on my calf to keep reminding me about it.
tim in vermont said...
Interesting video of ballot stuffing in Detroit.
Wiki hits the nail on the head: "The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories."
In this case, a video purporting to show illegal ballot activity in Detroit actually depicts a photographer from television station WXYZ wheeling his equipment into a ballot-counting location in a red wagon. The video, posted by the conservative website Texas Scorecard and allegedly filmed by a member of Lawyers for Trump, has been shared online many thousands of times on YouTube. The Texas Scorecard video shows light reflecting off the top of a Pelican case, consistent with the decals on the case shown by WXYZ. Around the 40-second mark, outlines of both the Pelican and WXYZ decals are visible.
Dishonesty needs to be replaced to return Conservatism to the right side of the ledger. Abandoning crazies grifting the misinformed is a good place to start.
"We are arming white supremacists because the globalists want Russia removed as a center of power on account of a multipolar world is harder to manage."
"But go ahead and lap up the propaganda, it's good for you. Putin bad.. Trump bad... any leader who actually likes his own people? Bad!!!!"
So, are you saying that the Ukrainian regime is bad because it is a Jewish cabal taking advantage of a white nation, but it would be OK if the President and his backers were not all Jews?
real (that is, organic and having stood the rest of time) vs. pop religion and philosophy....You can focus just on the basic tenets of a religion, say the Ten Commandments and the Great Commandment, for instance, and just by following those eleven "life hacks," you can lead a morally upright life.
Or, you can study Jewish or Christian thinkers and theologians as your life's work...
Of course, there is first the problem of definition of terms, e.g. "religion." The other faith groups, or religions if you will, can speak for themselves, but as for Judaism and Christianity, with all respect, the basic tenets of them are not the Commandments or any other Law or rules. Just looking at them and you can see the unifying thread which does lead to the basic tenets, namely, relationship. Having a relationship with God and having a relationship with other human beings.
The Covenant, which defines Judaism, is all relationship - You will be my people and I will be your God. The family of Abraham, the people of God.
Jesus Christ, who defines Christianity, is all relationship - He is Emmanuel, God who comes to dwell with us, who gave His life to reconcile our broken relationship with God. Relationship with the Logos, living Creative Reason.
Yes, both have teachings and ideas and elements of philosophy and ways of living, but they are both oriented toward that end of relationship with God who is Love, God who is Truth, God who is Life. They are both profoundly human. They are both about relating to God, others, the world, and ourselves in a way so as to be true to who we are supposed to be. And this is learned not so much from books, but from person-to-person encounters.
Wokeism isn't religion at all -- despite all attempts by its detractors to call it a religion. That is because they themselves think religion to be irrational and blind faith. True religion is not irrational blind faith. Rather, wokeism is POWER POLITICS, period. Wokeism is the fruit of the Tree being peddled by the serpent - eat it and your eyes will be "opened." Yes, a lot of good-faith people have been suckered into believing it is about waking up to seeing injustice, but at its root it is about destroying the existing order to obtain and keep power. Wokeism is not religion, it is ideology.
My mother's big brother died in the cockpit of a P-38 on 1/6/1943 in the Pacific theatre. That left an inconsolable hole in our family. I appreciate Meade's contribution to this Memorial Day. Don't lets piss this country away.
"and since this stuff has never been allowed to go to court"
Have any but the tiniest fraction of allegations ever gone to trial and been judged based on introduced evidence rather than being dismissed outright on procedural technicalities? When I hear someone say "But the courts have ruled...", it's hard to take the rest of their argument seriously.
Interesting video of ballot stuffing in Detroit.
The election was decided through irregularities, fraud, misinformation (e.g. transposition of blue and red), and disinformation (e.g. journolistic predictions/influence).
That said, democracy is disenfranchised in darkness, demos-cracy is aborted at the twilight fringe.
The Alfa Bank hoax, which was based on obvious nonsense was ‘investigated’ for years even though the FBI concluded that it was nonsense the first minute an agent with the relevant expertise looked at it. Obviously the point was to entrap Trump with a process crime, but these credible allegations must be studiously ignored because cell phone data cannot prove, in and of itself that the mules deposited the ballots and were not simply on collection of highly improbably routed joy rides, given that the video evidence required to be kept was in fact deleted while under government control, kind of like what happened to the camera in Epstein’s cell. or all of those IRS phones issued to key figures that failed in a highly improbable pattern that kept investigating authorities, sadly, blind to what actually happened.
Phone messaging is another area I have knowledge of, go ahead and ask me why the destruction of those phones hid the truth from Congress.
They are lying to you, Jim, and one day you are not going to be happy about it over some issue, like maybe when they kneecapped Bernie Sanders to install corrupt Joe Biden, owned by corrupt Ukraine, as candidate.
William50... All subject to EMP I suppose.
Dishonesty needs to be replaced to return Conservatism to the right side of the ledger. Abandoning crazies grifting the misinformed is a good place to start.
I agree. You first.
Azov Nazis have partly substituted “mongrel Russians” for Jews, but their hero Bandera collaborated in the holocaust whole heartedly, and he is widely honored in Ukraine. Interesting that accusations and personal attacks is all you have.
Different video, gadfly.
Gateway Pundit didn't make the video.
Anybody else try and catch the meteor shower? I saw one real bright one in ana hour.
I heard about the meteors on the radio but was told they would probably be faint and sparse, and I'm in a light dome anyway.
Also, I forgot.
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