September 25, 2021

"But the assumption that these tactics would go unchallenged when deployed by a Democratic administration, as was often the case in the past, appears to have been a serious miscalculation."

"The spotlight that Trump shined on the southern border for four years is still plugged in. The public is still paying attention. And images that evoke the era of slavery—with fair-skinned men on horseback rushing Black migrants, whiplike reins flailing behind them—have added to a long-simmering push from the left to consider immigration policy not simply in terms of economics or national security, but also in terms of race.... Members of the Congressional Black Caucus were whisked to the White House for a meeting this week, and Al Sharpton, who traveled to the border recently, told The Washington Post that, like thus-far-unsuccessful efforts toward police reform, the treatment of Haitian migrants was an example of how Biden was failing Black Americans. Biden 'said on election night: Black America, you had my back, I’ll have yours,' Sharpton said. 'Well, we’re being stabbed in the back, Mr. President. We need you to stop the stabbing—from Haiti to Harlem.'"

ADDED: Biden resorted to attacking the agents. BBC reports:
"I take responsibility," Mr Biden told reporters at the White House on Friday. "It was horrible to see, to see people treated like they did, with horses nearly running them over. People being strapped. It's outrageous.... I promise you those people will pay. They will be investigated. There will be consequences."

Will pay... will be consequences... That sounds completely unfair. As the Atlantic article points out, horses have been used in this function for over a century and the agents were doing what they were ordered to do by supervisors who serve under the power of the President. Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them. 


rehajm said...

How dare the Biden administration not grant law-breaking Black Americans from Haiti the same immunity granted to law-breaking Black Americans from America.

Tomcc said...

And now they realize, the ice cream is only for the President.

Bob Boyd said...

Hey, I got an idea. How about building a wall?

Richard said...

Will there also be consequences for blowing up a car and killing 10 innicent Afghanistans including 7 children?

Mary Beth said...

Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them.

Joe Biden needs to suddenly stop acting like Joe Biden.

Lars Porsena said...

" longer willing to give him the benefit of doubt" Benefit of doubt about what? Open borders with no consequences for violations?

Original Mike said...

These problems would not occur in the presence of a wall.

R C Belaire said...

The entire "Homeland Security" operation is dysfunctional from top to bottom, from Biden to Alejandro Mayorkas.

zipity said...

"Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them."


Althouse begins her career in stand-up comedy.

Fernandinande said...

"The photographer behind images depicting Border Patrol agents on horseback told KTSM things are not exactly what they seem when it comes to the photos." = nobody was hit, whipped, or short of cash, er, I meant "strapped".

the treatment of Haitian migrants was an example of how Biden was failing Black Americans

Thus spake a genius and a racist.

Gahrie said...

Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them.

Seriously? The central point of Leftist dogma is that no one on the Left should ever be accountable for anything.

Big Mike said...

Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them.

Is he not a Democrat? In what fairy tale land do Democrats ever take responsibility for the failure of their policies?

rhhardin said...

They have to use cats. Dogs have long been out, and now horses are too.

Michael K said...

Who cares what lies come from Biden? I doubt he even knows what he is saying. He is given a script and that is what he says,

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The spotlight that Trump shined on the southern border for four years is still plugged in. The public is still paying attention.

Trump didn't cause people to pay attention to the southern border. People paying attention to the southern border* caused Trump

*amongst other things

Achilles said...

These people coming in are not Black Americans.

They are illegal immigrants breaking the law.

I want a system where anyone can apply to come here and give them a 5-10 year period where they prove they can be an American Citizen.

Any laws broken and any receipt of Government Assistance would break the contract and they would be deported.

But the aristocracy wants serfs. It wants people who are unable to speak english. It wants to replace Citizens with these serfs.

It is soon going to be time to deal with this corrupt group of shitheads.

pacwest said...

Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them.

Haha. Good luck with that. The "I take full responsibility, it's someone else's fault" line is almost ubiquitous in his rare appearances. Not a good look.

loudogblog said...

I really hate articles like this where they intentionally paint a law enforcement organization, like the Border Patrol, as being all white. "The most common ethnicity among border patrol agents is White, which makes up 64.3% of all border patrol agents. Comparatively, there are 21.1% of the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and 8.8% of the Black or African American ethnicity." (" Also, horses are a very efficient way to travel across rough terrain where there are no roads. Plus, I'd bet that if the Border Patrol had been on dirt bikes instead, that there still would have been outrage about it with comparisons to Nazis riding around on motorcycles. And the false whipping claim has already been debunked.

Temujin said...

IF our lame Congress and our comatose President or the Vice Cackler would have dealt properly with illegal immigration properly over the past few years we would not be in this position. Biden, for his part, has overseen the lack of respect for immigration laws already in place for decades. At least Kamala has an excuse. She's a figurehead, but no one's sure they want her to show up anywhere at this point.

The Democrats have illegal immigration all over their faces. They are treating this exactly as they treated the full on riots that took place across our nation in the summer of 2020. They encourage it, promote it, act like supporters of it, then when it blows up and gets something on them, they scream Racism!.

Always, but always the race card. Well, this is an urgent national security problem. Democrats have for decades taken the side of intruders to this nation over their own citizens. We've seen what happened in Europe and we are up to our eyeballs with our feckless leaders. Sure, send Al Sharpton to represent you at the border. At least he's not Kamala. But it won't help. This is not about race. It's about our country and it's integrity as a nation.

You either have secure borders or you cease to be. Those screaming loudest to leave the borders open are those who are least likely to have any of these newcomers moving next door to them, entering their kids schools, taking beds in their hospitals, or having their mothers/daughters/sons raped by a group of them.

The Strange Death of Europe, which you can purchase through the Althouse portal

PJ said...

a long-simmering push from the left to consider immigration policy not simply in terms of economics or national security, but also in terms of race

It's been simmering since about 2001, when The Emerging Democratic Majority hit bookshelves in the wake of Al Gore's loss to GWB. Before that, the racial narrative was that illegal immigration harmed African-Americans (remember Barbara Jordan?), resulting in the bi-partisan 1996 immigration laws Democrats have in the current century condemned as inhumane.

William said...

All the Haitian I've known in NYC were decent enough people. That said, why do Haitians have the right to mass at our border and enter the country.....Haiti has been a screwed up country for as long as I have been alive. They can take pride in being the only country in history to have ever had a successful slave revolt, but not in anything that's ever happened there since.....I'm sure you can find many instances where America has wronged Haiti, but, when it comes to screwing Haitians, Haitians are the true masters of the art.

Quaestor said...

That sounds completely unfair.

That also sounds completely typical of every soi-disant progressive, every socialistic race hustler, every climate con man, every alphabet soup pervert, every degenerate defiler of our hallowed traditions. Cowards, backbiters, and shameless traducers every one.

The only government that governs justly is one that lives in sweaty dread of the governed. Biden is beginning to sweat. The bile-tinged taste of fear is in his mouth. But he's too fucking stupid to heed the portents, to save himself from the reckoning to come.

Owen said...

“I take responsibility, but not the blame.” - R. Nixon

William said...

Here's something I would never say out loud. In his autobiography, Malcolm X looked upon a group of Hungarian refugees who were granted asylum after the uprising in Hungary against the Soviet Union. He looked upon them and said that in two weeks time, they would be calling him the n-word.....I have similar reservations against many recent refugees. They don't consider the United States as a shelter for their woes, but rather as the source of all their problems. The Cubans that have sought asylum here have been treated better than the Haitians, but, at least, they don't hold the United States responsible for Castro.

Clyde said...

The entire “just like slavery” canard is false from beginning to end. Slaves were captured and brought to the Western Hemisphere in chains to work for someone else’s benefit. The Haitians have come to our border of their own volition and seek to get benefits from the work of tax paying Americans. Not the same at all!

Jaq said...

This is Judge Roy Bean style justice. "The hangin' won't happen until the trial is complete! Whiskey all around for the jury!" And of course next the hanged man is fined all of the money in his pockets and his horse and saddle.

Skeptical Voter said...

It is never! Scranton Joe's fault.

cassandra lite said...

"I take responsibility" is never the operative clause in a politician's declaration of faux leadership. There's inevitably an implied "But" with a statement that supersedes and obviates it. And if it's a Democratic politician, that will be good enough to change the narrative.

The press treats "I take responsibility" the way they do the 2nd Amendment's prefatory clause: as an irrelevance.

Captain BillieBob said...

If you are waiting for Biden to take responsibility you will be waiting for a long long time. He didn't last fifty years in DC by being responsible for anything.
Border insecurity brought to you by Joe Biden, Democrat, member of the party of slavery.

Are there any honest Democrats? Any who are not evil to their core? Any who will fulfill their constitutional duty and condemn Biden's and the democrats corruption? Any honest liberals?

Not holding my breath.

CWJ said...

"with fair-skinned men on horseback"

Ah, the white Hispanic returns.

"whiplike reins flailing behind them"

Compared to the initial accusations of actual whips, intentionally whipping, I guess this half-hearted node to reality could be considered progress.

Lyle said...

Did you see this dandy of a tweet from Joe Biden?

"I'm heartbroken by the treatment of Haitian migrants at our border — and I acknowledge it is only the latest of many historic indignities that Haitians have faced. We will continue to offer assistance and investigate wrongdoing. I remain committed, as ever, to Haiti's future."

Treason, no?

michaele said...

The exaggerated hysteria about the actions of the border patrol on horseback seems to ignore the question of "where did the guys get the horses?" Hmm, the truth is that the horses belonged to the government and were part of the tools of the trade for the agents to try to maintain control of and order at the border. The only reason this has generated such a reaction is because the people on the ground were dark skinned.

Achilles said...

All of this is cover the the aristocracy's attempt to replace uppity Citizens with poor uneducated Serfs.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I notice that to the Atlantic, it's still basically Trump's fault for starting this, and the inertia of what he started is being carried on by Democrats who should know better (and will surely come to their senses soon!) and Biden just hasn't "adjusted" somehow.

I hold grudges a long time. I remember Bill Clinton campaigning in 1992 that he would never do the cruel things that Bush 41 did to the Haitian boat people, turning them back. So immediately after his inauguration Haitians flooded the waters coming to America (who wouldn't?) - including the father in one family we knew. The Clinton administration of course turned them back, he drowned, and his children were fatherless.

I hate these people. They use the poor and immigrants instrumentally for their own power in Washington, but nothing that they do suggests that they care what happens to them.

David Begley said...

Biden is a fucking liar. There was no whipping.

Fuck Joe Biden.

John Borell said...

“ Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them.”

That’s not how it works for the left. They never take responsibility for the consequences of their actions, rather they use those consequences as an argument they need more power.

See, e.g., California and almost every big city.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"As the Atlantic article points out, horses have been used in this function for over a century"

Even in peaceful situations. Spend Thanksgiving weekend in New Orleans when Southern plays Grambling in the Bayou Classic (Go Tigers!). You'll see thousands of black folk in the Quarter and cops on horseback. Never heard any complaints or comparisons to slavery. It is a great weekend to be there.

An aside: One year we stayed at the Hilton Riverwalk, which also happened to be the official hotel of Grambling alumni. I brought my German shepherd; this was back when Hilton still allowed pets. My dog -- who was so sweet she once made me stop gardening and led me to an injured baby bird -- and I were on the elevator heading down to the lobby when the door opened. More folks got on including a woman, who upon seeing my dog, screamed and ran out of the elevator. Even dogs endure prejudice.

Sebastian said...

"That sounds completely unfair . . . Let the President take responsibility for everything that is going on at the border, not blame others and vow to punish them."

I appreciate Althouse's sense of fairness. The world would be a better place if it were more widely shared. I also don't want to abuse the privilege of commenting on her blog by being snide.

But--it's a little late to accuse the Dem destroyers of being "unfair," to call on Joe to take "responsibility." Etc. etc. The "unfairness" is there MO. They are perfectly fine with being responsible for erasing the border. They will exploit any remotely racial issue to raise the specter of racism. Their sense of fairness and responsibility is the exact opposite of Althouse's. They are rational: they sometimes miscalculate, but they never let up in the quest for power and the work of destruction.

daskol said...

Make them play by their own awful rules: deBlasio’s vaxx requirements for restaurants/theaters/gyms/etc are racist by today’s doctrine of disparate impact. With only 38% of black NYers vaxxed, deBlasio has banned the majority of black NYers from dining, working or going out, and Biden’s guidance cum requirement that employers with > 100 employees mandate the vaxx and terminate employees who refuse will disproportionately cost black people their jobs. Meanwhile > 90% of affluent whites in the city are vaxxed. This is racism today, and Biden(‘s handlers) and deBlasio are racists, and not merely in their pandering bigotry of low expectations, but in making life worse for black people. And they know it, which is why Biden’s handlers are desperate to scapegoat their own border agents to distract from the real harm they’re visiting on the black community. And Waters and Sharpton’s grandstanding bullshit is part of the distraction—they’re helping the administration, or trying to in any event. Appears to be working based on the conversation round these progressive parts, which is all about the border incident.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

We are a reality show culture and we have reality show politicians. It's a reality show all the way down. Trump and Biden are, unfortunately, what we deserve. Most of us are wealthy, especially relative to the rest of the world, and we have too much to lose to apply the appropriate pressure. There will probably never be reform and there certainly won't be any reform/revolution while those with intelligence and courage are fat and rich.

Tina Trent said...

They’ll pay right after Al Sharpton pays his taxes and Cuba returns multiple-cop killer Assata Shakur.

We’re fed up with this garbage person Biden.

hawkeyedjb said...

Perhaps far off, in the unimaginably distant future, will come a day when Joe Biden or his administration will accept responsibility for something. But probably not.

JAORE said...

When Biden says the buck stops here he is referring to under the table foreign money filtered through Hunter.

Nobody in a high position will pay. (See Afghanistan.)

Low level guys, especially those that can be branded as cops and cowboys... different story.

Critter said...

Biden has shown a constant practice of blaming others for his failings, whether it is Trump for Afghanistan, Trump for the border crisis, Border Patrol for doing their jobs, COVID for the economy, unvaccinated for COVID, the U.S. press for asking uncomfortable questions (unbelievable given how little challenge is even tried), white people fo worsening racial relations, white people as the most terrifying domestic terrorists, etc.

What an ass!

StephenFearby said...

"Biden says Border Patrol agents 'will pay' after whipping at Haitian migrants while charging them on horseback"

"Border Patrol union chief says Biden admin using 'whip' furor to deflect from handling of migrant crisis"

Biden Ramps Up Border Patrol Whipping Lie: ‘It’s Outrageous’ And ‘Horrible’

'President Joe Biden deepened his administration’s lies that mounted Border Patrol agents used “whips” against Haitian migrants at the southern U.S. border on Friday by claiming that “people were being strapped” and run over by horses.

“It was horrible to see. To see people treated like they did? Horses running them over? People being strapped? It’s outrageous,” Biden claimed.'

"...NEW: The photographer who took the now-infamous photos of mounted Border Patrol agents in Del Rio says he and his colleagues never saw agents whipping anyone and the photos are being misconstrued."

Will Biden apologize? Probably not. Just like Trump, Biden has too big an ego to apologize for anything he has said or done.

Jaq said...

Is it true that the next sequel to Alien is going to be called Migrant? Enquiring minds want to know.

Jaq said...

There is a limit to how many people can be assimilated to the point where our system of laws can operate, without creating a massive police state or allowing the US to devolve into failure. Without common understanding, our laws cannot work. If a woman can't walk in the supermarket parking lot alone, because such a behavior is an invitation to rape in many parts of the world and we have brought that world here, in unmanageable numbers...

Jaq said...

The problem isn't the horses, the problem is that these Haitians, who mostly were living comfortably in Chile, and who threw their IDs and passports on the ground before crossing the border, decided to fight their way in. But we live in a propaganda state now, and Party media will have it the Party's way.

Michael said...

Our president is a dipshit. A really horrible person.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

"Democrats’ Free Pass on Immigration Is Over"

Nice headline, Ms Dickerson. Tell us more about this free pass. When was it granted, by whom, and why? Has your own writing on this and other political subjects been unbiased?

Ann Althouse said...

My last sentence is not a prediction that Biden will take responsibility. It is not written with hope that he will take my advice. It is laying down the foundation for judging him to have fallen short.

Bob Boyd said...

I take full responsibility for burning the witches our witch hunters found.

MikeD said...

Of course all these Haitians fled Haiti many years ago & now figure progs are giving them a much better deal than their resident country, Brazil.

cubanbob said...

Ann Althouse said...
My last sentence is not a prediction that Biden will take responsibility. It is not written with hope that he will take my advice. It is laying down the foundation for judging him to have fallen short."

Anyone with a cursory knowledge of Biden's behavior over nearly fifty years in public life would have never assumed he would have risen to curbside.

I had no great expectations of Trump in 2016. The fact that he wasn't Hillary was sufficient and I was proven right about that. She would have been a worse president than Biden is. Hillary isn't really any brighter than Biden pre-senility and she is certainly as corrupt at best as Biden and evil and power hungry to boot. If Jill Biden is reprising the role of Edith Wilson she sure is making a hash of it.

I'm beginning to believe Trump is seriously considering running in 2024. Trump likes revenge and Biden and the progs are setting the stage for Trump's comeback. A Trump lead retaking of the Congress in 2022 followed by Trump retaking the White House in 2024 would be sweet, sweet, sweet. However I want my governor, De Santis in the White House in 2028.

MadisonMan said...

Wait a minute. I thought K. Harris was put in charge of the Border. Is this yet one more thing she has mismanaged?

Lurker21 said...

Democrats’ Free Pass on Immigration Is Over/As he extends Trump-era policies, President Biden discovers that many voters are no longer willing to give him the benefit of the doubt

I would think that three or four or five or six times as many people are angry about Biden ending "Trump-era policies than are angry about his "extending" them. Take pretty much everybody who voted for Trump and add a quarter or a third of the non-voters and set that against maybe 5% of the population that wants even more illegal immigration than Biden has allowed. And that 5% is only temporarily upset, while the 50% or so has been angry for some time and stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt months ago. The remaining Biden voters are so narcotized by their media that they probably don't know any of this is happening at all.

Lurker21 said...

We are in the position of tsarist Russia -- people complaining "If only the tsar knew ..." and thinking that if the autocrat knew how conditions really were he would fix everything.

Biden doesn't know what's going on, but he doesn't care either. He's programmed and closely controlled, but Mr. Honesty and Empathy, he isn't -- and wasn't even when he had more of his faculties.

Narayanan said...

It is laying down the foundation for judging him to have fallen short.
So what foundation was laid that Biden rose above to merit a vote to be President?

MikeR said...

Meh. The default assumption on this story should be the same as any Joe Biden story: He had no idea what was going on. Men on horses, hitting the immigrants with reins?! Outrageous.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

The border should be defended by the military. “Halt, or I’ll shoot.” Those refusing to stop should suffer the consequences. That should put a stop to these invasions. Does that sound harsh? I think not. Heck, unarmed Americans attempting to enter areas illegally are shot and it’s considered justified. Certainly it should be considered justified when thousands of foreign nationals attempt to enter the country illegally. Race is a red herring.

madAsHell said...

with fair-skinned men on horseback rushing Black migrants,

It kinda has a "Planet Of The Apes" vibe........but Roddy McDowell was in ape face.

DanTheMan said...

>>"whiplike reins flailing behind them"

If the reins are flailing behind you, you are sitting backwards on the horse.

DanTheMan said...

>>Is it true that the next sequel to Alien is going to be called Migrant?

Undocumented Extraterrestrial

Lawrence Person said...

Why do you keep pretending that Democrats care about securing the border.

They don't.

They never will.

How many times does this need to be explained?

The Democratic Party views every illegal alien as a potential Democratic Party voter after an illegal alien amnesty.

Democrats don't care about enforcing border controls because it goes against their business model.

What's unclear?

Rt41Rebel said...

"The Democratic Party views every illegal alien as a potential Democratic Party voter after an illegal alien amnesty."

It's more than that. While scolding and requiring taxpayers to get vaxxed, the Biden Admin is deliberately creating a huge slow rolling super spreading Covid event, complete with multiple variants from around the globe. Lockdowns, free $, and mail in ballots will continue and intensify right up to the 2022 election. I'll let you do the math on what happens next.

Unknown said...

Interesting that Democrats believe it is legitimate to shoot and kill a US citizen for attempting to illegally enter a portion of a government building (Ashli Babbitt) but it is not legitimate to use horses to prevent non-citizens from illegally entering the country.

Quaestor said...

It [fair-skinned men on horseback] kinda has a "Planet Of The Apes" vibe...

According to Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan is Ape-Talk for white skin. Also according to ERB, Viscount Greystoke was the best horseman in the West Country.

Breezy said...

The panel on The Five has been highlighting the fact that the Media and Dems have not paid any attention to the border crisis, despite the huge humanitarian cost, since it looks horrible from a PR POV for them. That is, until this horse episode popped up and they could focus on a race issue within it. They are a fickle and sick bunch, and hopefully the polls will continue to drop and people will be more and more vocal about regretting any vote for Biden.

I also hope the media will start turning on this administration more widely, especially since Biden has been dissing them specifically - referring to the recent 1x1 meetings with Johnson and Modi. I know this is not likely.

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