ADDED: My hypothesis has been that if there had been a plan, the FBI would have known about it and it would have been defended against. If the government has evidence of a plan now, my question is why didn't they know in advance and defend the Capitol properly? The simplest answer is that there was no plan.
September 25, 2021
"But statements from the informant appear to counter the government’s assertion that the Proud Boys organized for an offensive assault on the Capitol intended to stop the peaceful transition from Mr. Trump to Mr. Biden."
"On the eve of the attack, the records show, the informant said that the group had no plans to engage in violence the next day except to defend itself from potential assaults from leftist activists.... Then, during an interview in April, the informant again told his handlers that Proud Boys leaders gave explicit orders to maintain a defensive posture on Jan. 6. At another point in the interview, he said that he never heard any discussion that day about stopping the Electoral College process.... According to the records, the informant first began to tell the F.B.I. what he knew about Jan. 6 in late December after a pro-Trump rally in Washington that month turned violent.... [T]he records contain no indication that the informant was aware of a possible plot by Proud Boys leaders to purposefully instigate those normal Trump supporters — or what members of the group refer to as 'normies'— on Jan. 6."
The narrative being fed to us is that the FBI had an insider of a far-right group feeding information to the FBI but given the repeated lies fed to us by the FBI and federal officials it seems more likely the FBI had people undercover inciting a protest group to riot.
Theory: The plan was to have undercover people working for the FBI placed in the crowd to incite unlawful activity. It was a trap.
Count the number of times that "alleged" is not used and you will see that this is a propaganda play modeled on the one the Nazis used to take control of the government; to shut down freedom of speech, the press, and assembly; and to give untrammeled powers to prosecutors pretexted on the Reichstag Fire.
The only plot was by Pelosi, her brown shirts and the FBI to instigate a riot then blame Trump and his supporters. So far they have succeeded.
What we see on the videos is men in black (not Will Smith) breaking down the doors and windows to allow the rest of the crowd to enter. Whose uniform is black, head to foot: The fascist bully boys of antifa.
There was no plan. But there were informants. And is it too much of a stretch to say that if there were informants, there were also Federal provacateurs? I don't think so.
And as one of my former senior partners used to say, "Even paranoids have real enemies".
My hypothesis has been that if there had been a plan, the FBI would have known about it and it would have been defended against.
Call me cynical, but my hypothesis has been that if there had been a plan, it would have been proposed and advocated for by an FBI informant.
I suspect that about 1 in 3 Proud Boys were advocating for an offensive assault at the Capitol.
I also suspect that about 1 in 3 Proud Boys are FBI informants or agents.
The plan was to use the protest as Hitler used the Reichstag Fire.
And Nancy nixed having more security so she could gin up this fake "insurrection" complete with political prisoners.
There was no plan by Trump supporters who were only protesting an unfair process. The plan, if any, was by FBI agents and associates. More likely, ANTIFA groups planned disruption of any pro-Trump rally. It is interesting why Pelosi rejected offered security help.
There was a plan.
By our government to stage a Reichestag Fire event. The videos from January 6th all show obvious provocateurs and government agents in the lead of the "insurrection." They are liars from top to bottom. They are corrupt grifters running both parties.
The issue now is that we know they are illegitimate and they know we know they are illegitimate.
It is all out in the open now.
The only people who don't get it are the people lying to themselves to avoid the conflict we all know must come.
In the end it may finally be proven that Capitol Police were ill prepared for a mob that would reach a hysterical state and charge the capitol. There were individuals who were lost in violent fantasy, obviously. There are always crazies at huge public events. Was it a real insurrection or a mass of people who met very little serious resistance? Those who breeched the Senate knew better and should be held accountable. Entering Speaker Pelosi's office was unacceptable even if it was unintended. President Trump and his 'helpers' incited the crowed and should be held accountable. The real threat here is that January 6th proved that the capitol was vulnerable to attack. That must near be tolerated again.
There was no plan. Antifa and the Feds were in the mob and were the troublemakers. This was all a setup.
There was a plan alright, but the plotters are not the ones in trouble now. The Pelosi Principle: accuse your opponents of what you’re doing, however implausible it may at first seem, and get your media chorus to repeat it long and loud enough until it drowns out everything else. These are not Occam’s times.
"The simplest answer is that there was no plan."
But there was a plan: to pin any mayhem on Trump, whatever it was, to hit him good and hard on the way out.
I thought Proud Boys was just strong guys who liked to punch out Antifa girly men when both showed up for a fight.
They were so busy infiltrating the Proud Boys they had no one left to check on what BLM and Antifa were planning.
Simpler explanation: The FBI instigated it as a political act.
Can we please get some clarity on who all the black clad ninjas were?
The January 6th arrested are political prisoners- nothing more and nothing less.
New name for the FBI: Federal Bureau of Insurrections.
I always assume there’s an informant in the room. Or chat room. Or blog. Anyone want to out themselves here?
I'm no military strategist or radical group commando. But if I PLANNED to take over the Capitol I'd know there would be substantial security. So I'd have more people. I'd have armed people. I wouldn't have my people milling about taking selfies. And I sure as hell would not have that guy in the buffalo hat leading the way.
But, like so many things, we've been taught this was a violent resurrection and nothing will change that. (See the POTUS lying about "good people on both sides".)
Also makes me wonder about the "justified" shooting....
Your take re: “a plan” seems likely, Althouse. In my book, this 1/6 related garment rending, gnashing of teeth is so much horse excrement… especially in light of all the “riots” that went on in DC off and on over Trump’s first term and the murders, ransacking, burning that went on in blue cities with the tacit support of lefty Democrats.
Kudos to Althouse for employing a simple piece of compelling logic. But of course today's main stream media never questions the regime's narrative. But your point does reveal what the Pelosi investigation is all about - an attempt to dredge up enough information to layer on a conspiracy narrative. Never mind that the FBI also told us there is no indication of a conspiracy. But in today's world, the Democrats have to keep pushing just to have something to make Trump and his supporters appear untrustworthy. Witness what we now know about the origins of the Russia conspiracy accusation.
The Democrats strategy tells us that they don't believe that their policies are popular with Americans so they need to drag the Republicans down into a mud fight. What happened to a Democrat party that actually identified problems that the federal government should address and propose policies? It seems Democrats have worn thin on patience for democracy.
Shocking. Just shocking.
Perhaps another "simplest answer" is that the FBI allowed these events to unfold in order to, once again, metaphorically beat up Trump, his supporters, and ratchet-up security concerns nationwide. And now look where we are today...
Is this the same FBI that knew in 2016 that Russian Collusion was BS? And then blew smoke about it for the next four years? Lol
The reason the FBI would have known about a plan if there were a plan is that it would have been the FBI’s plan. At least that’s what past experience says.
>>President Trump and his 'helpers' incited the crowd
Can you provide some evidence for this assertion. An actual quote would be nice.
President Trump and his 'helpers' incited the crowed and should be held accountable.
It would be interesting to see your evidence. Of course, I don't expect any.
There were tens of thousands on the street that day. If there was a nefarious plan to take down the government most were not informed. But had those tens of thousands decided to act like mostly peaceful BLM rioters the city of DC would still be rebuilding.
The unspoken is that there are people still in jail over this non insurrection. Appalling.
Lets see. The prevailing slur against Trumpsters, (also expressed here), is that they're all old white people. Indeed, friends of mine who attended local rallies said it was like a rock festival, but fifty years older. The climbing all over the face of the building was pure Hollywood. The films brought roars of laughter from attendees. Adam Schiff's wet dream.
Is the head of the Proud Boys still locked up? Oh... right.
“appear to counter”
That’s as far as the NYT can go.
The editors are furiously shaking their magic eight ball hoping for a different answer.
As you say:
..If there was a plot and the FBI did not know of it, the FBI is incompetent;
..If there was a plot and the FBI knew of it but took no preventative action, the FBI is corrupt;
..If there was no plot and the FBI claims without evidence that there was, then the FBI is corrupt;
..if there was no plot and the FBI makes no claim of plot then we are in an alternate universe.
OR,there was a plan,but the FBI thought it was bigger and more violent than it turned out to be and chose to let it go ahead, expecting to use it to justify, if not outright repression, at least a bigger budget. They seem to have guessed wrong
Ann's hypothesis: If there had been a plan, the FBI would have known about it and it would have been defended against. If the government has evidence of a plan now, my question is why didn't they know in advance and defend the Capitol properly? The simplest answer is that there was no plan.
Marcy Wheeler's analysis: The Proud Boys used Baofeng radios set to specific channel(s) (which prosecutors knew) to coordinate their plan to split up into groups and attempt to break into the Capitol building from as many different points as possible in order to prevent the Joint Session of Congress from certifying the Electoral College results. A special channel available to Proud Boys leadership stated that there was no specific plan - likely to provide some cover when the shit hit the fan.
It was obvious that the government was well aware of Proud Boys activities. On January 4, 2021, Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, the self-proclaimed “Chairman” of the Proud Boys was arrested shortly after arriving in Washington, D.C., pursuant to a warrant issued by D.C. Superior Court. In communications between Proud Boys members following Tarrio’s arrest, it was acknowledged that Ethan Nordean would be among those that led the Proud Boys on the ground on January 6, 2021. Nordean, dressed all in black, wearing a tactical vest, led the Proud Boys using encrypted radio communications and military-style equipment.
BTW, to whom does the FBI report? Methinks the leadership starts with the Trump-appointed Acting AG and ends up in the Oval Office.
Ms A: never trust the Feds.
James Ellroy's novels are closer to reality than what appears in the Washington Post, the NYT, Boston Globe, and LA Times.
This posted by an old man whose experience with the Feds started in the fall of 1964 in the Tonkin Gulf, then to the peace keeping expedition to the Dominican Republic to secure it for Resorts International, to 32 of 37 years as a criminal investigator in the largest city between New York and LA.
So what needs to happen now? Here's my suggestion:
1. Some judge needs to order every one of the January 6th defendants released, unless the FBI can show film of him/her clearly visible and identifiable in the act of physically assaulting an LEO. Even then, they need to reveal all the film taken before and after, to make sure someone throwing a punch at an LEO wasn't reacting to a previous beating from said LEO or one of his colleagues.
2. Everyone released needs to be compensated for pain, suffering, time in jail, loss of jobs and probably in some cases houses and spouses, legal bills, and so on. It seems to me that $10,000 per month served would be a bare minimum.
3. The taxpayer should not be on the hook for any of this. Every penny should come out of the salaries of FBI employees - proportionately, of course. Google tells me there are ~600 defendants and ~24,000 FBI employees, so $80,000 would come to $2,000 each from the FBI, lots less for the secretaries and janitors, lots more for the 7th-floor assholes. They can afford it. Some of them haven't been in for the whole 8 1/2 months since January 6th, and some (the violent ones - assuming there were any who were not undercover FBIsts) would not be getting out, or getting any money, so the FBIsters would be on the hook for a bit less than $2,000 each - IF they let them out now.
4. Firings, loss of pension, and prosecutions of FBI employees need to follow. Those fired would still have to pay their share of the compensation, even if that means getting a job as a door-to-door stationery salesman, like Alger Hiss after he got out of jail for being a spy for Stalin. These people are every bit as traitorous as Hiss.
The PLan is right here.
The plan to overthrow the government on January 6 like the Russian collusion is entirely made up as a propaganda measure to justify de-platforming the political opposition and the endless investigation and prosecution of political opponents. I believe that it is not convincing most Americans. I am hoping for electoral results repudiating these tactics and the eventual extirpation of the people who think like this from powerful positions.
This is juist terrible writing: "As more and more Proud Boys have been arrested in connection with the attack, the group has been increasingly plunged into an atmosphere of suspicion about the presence of informants in their ranks."
Increasingly plunged into an atmosphere?!?
Well this certainly helps make the case to defund the FBI and the Capitol Police.
blah blah blah
we are all so calm.
You, dear Althouse, so collected and calm.
Year zero has muffled and stilled us, as if we are set in aspic of incapacity.
i grieve.
The Poor Man's LLR Chuck, gadfly: "Marcy Wheeler's analysis:...."
Marcy Wheeler! EmptyWheel!
The biggest hoaxing russia russia russia collusion truther liar EVAH!!
We have the actual words of the guys involved in the Jan 6 democratical/LLR-democratical "Insurrection" hoax but No! Gadfly reaches deep into the russia collusion truther well to pull out another deranged Marcy Wheeler theory!!
Congratulations pro-marxist LLR Chuck! Gadfly has regained his status of the most gadfly-iest gadfly commenter on Althouse!
It's going to be tough for LLR Chuck to top that! (but I suspect he'll be giving it a shot shortly)
BTW, in the last few weeks we also had the collapse of multiple gadfly/LLR Chuck long running lefty lies regarding:
- The faked up Alpha Bank - Trump "secret server" hoax
- The incredible FBI-conceived/driven/executed Whitmer kidnapping hoax (which closely approximated the 2016 Hutarree militia FBI hoax which collapsed under court scrutiny
- Hunter Biden' laptop which both pro-marxist LLR Chuck and gadfly both claimed was russian disinformation
And now we know that George Soros himself paid for the private investigator who worked directly with John McCain and the Senate Intel Committee to push the Trump frame up agenda.
No amount of moronic Marcy Wheeler lies on top of her mountain of previous lies can cover all this up.
And there are still American citizen hostages in Afghanistan....something pro-marxist LLR Chuck and gadfly claimed would never happen under their amazing and wonderful "Norms restorin'" Dementia Boy administration.
No one should delude themselves that either pro-marxist LLR Chuck or his li'l mini-me gadfly are going to be able to internalize the facts as we now know them to be and adjust their commentary accordingly.
They are both little lefty cultists and that's that.
David said...
In the end it may finally be proven that Capitol Police were ill prepared for a mob that would reach a hysterical state and charge the capitol. There were individuals who were lost in violent fantasy, obviously. There are always crazies at huge public events. Was it a real insurrection or a mass of people who met very little serious resistance? Those who breeched the Senate knew better and should be held accountable. Entering Speaker Pelosi's office was unacceptable even if it was unintended. President Trump and his 'helpers' incited the crowed and should be held accountable. The real threat here is that January 6th proved that the capitol was vulnerable to attack. That must near be tolerated again.
Does the FBI read Althouse blog?
Most of the protestors showed up to support Trump. They weren't violent and they didn't have any plans for insurrection. Some showed up for a confrontation. But the expectation was that the confrontation would be contained. Why it wasn't -- why the Capitol police weren't capable of controlling the situation -- is the real mystery. Some people like to show up at barricades. It's their thing. Why there weren't barricades or why they weren't sufficiently defended is what ought to be explored.
It's going to be like the Dreyfus case. The Dem-led government, choking with mindless rage due to TDS commits itself to a false narrative and imprisons people. Then over years the truth leaks out while the Dem-led government continues to lie and harm people. And in the end the whole truth comes out including the damage done to individuals and the lies by Dem-led agencies and this irrevocably damages the Dem brand. The narrative that the Dems on orders from the top will lie and harm citizens will be established. This wasn't done by rogue workers in Cincinnati. This was the full force and credit of the Dem-led US government being used to call citizen-protestors "insurrectionists" and to imprison them without trial for years in DC Bastilles.
Heywood Rice said...
The PLan is right here.
what would have happened if Pence did not show up to preside the festivities? since he was out of a job and was not going to help Trump?
"Trump and his helpers..." LOL
Remember when Trump offered up National Guard troops to protect the Capitol Building and Pelosi told him no? You don't? You didn't hear about it from your news sources? Well, it's a matter of public record. It's almost as if she wanted it in order to create a pretext to shut down all protests against the conduct of the election. Impossible? Political actors have been using these kinds of tactics for as long as we have a history of politics.
The idea that a group of insurrectionists could take over the Capital and declare anyone President is absurd on it's face.
In fact, so absurd that only a Democrat could believe it.
Heywood Rice: "The PLan is right here."
I see we have another contender for The Most Gadfly-iest Commenter Competition.
According to our latest contest entrant, Heywood Rice (which sounds suspiciously like "LLR Chuck"), attorney John Eastman is now a Proud Boy!
Yes, this is literally what passes for commentary amongst our resident leftists/LLR-leftists.
"The question of whether extremist groups like the Proud Boys conspired in advance of Jan. 6 to organize the worst assault on the Capitol in more than 200 years is one of the most important avenues of inquiry being pursued by the authorities. But the records describing the informant are only one piece of a much larger puzzle that includes other information about the group." When facts contradict one's religion. Must be hard for them.
How can anyone be opposed to the Proud Boys? According to their name they are just boys who are proud. What's wrong with that?
“ What we see on the videos is men in black (not Will Smith) breaking down the doors and windows to allow the rest of the crowd to enter. Whose uniform is black, head to foot: The fascist bully boys of antifa.”
Also known as unindicted coconspirators.
Jersey Fled: "The idea that a group of insurrectionists could take over the Capital and declare anyone President is absurd on it's face.
In fact, so absurd that only a Democrat could believe it."
The idea that a group of insurrectionists could take over the Capital and declare anyone President is absurd on it's face.
In fact, so absurd that only a Democrat or LLR could believe it.
David @ 1:16 PM,
"The real threat here is that January 6th proved that the capitol was vulnerable to attack. That must near be tolerated again."
Words cannot begin to express how thoroughly I disagree with this. You might want to live in a country where the rulers hide inside fortresses and hire Palace guards to protect themselves from the common people... But I greatly resent anyone even hinting that our representatives (not "rulers") should be able to do anything remotely like this, rather than maintaining themselves accessible to we the sovereign people.
There is indeed a certain amount of vulnerability that goes along with this, but that is inseparable from the accessible part.
Connect the dots.
Remember that “klan rally” in North Georgia some quarter-century ago? It was used to justify the implementation of the Hate Crimes Industry NGO thuggery, the complete destruction of equality before the law, and the beginning of the destruction of all the progress made during the civil rights movement.
I know one of those “klan” members pretty well. He was on the police force and was assigned to join the local klan (all of whose five bloviating members did exist). He wasn’t the only law enforcement undercover member. They had GBI, FBI. All for show. It was mostly Dixie Mafia anyway, still running moonshine to the (black) illegal dealers in Atlanta.
And quite a show it was. Oprah and Al both showed up to monetize it. People eagerly brag about showing up to “fight the klan.” Which was a handful of local rejects and a fistful of undercover officers.
Meanwhile, the real klans, Crips and Bloods and MI5, were committing real violence all over Atlanta, some of it exacerbated by the fake klan performance upstate. Al and Oprah were unavailable for comment. Ditto Clinton.
The "Brooks Brothers Riot" was about the recount being done behind closed doors with only partisan Democrats in attendance. It had nothing to do with stopping the recount. Election observers are standard everywhere but in heavily Democratic precincts in the United States. But you go ahead Heywood, and believe whatever Blue-Anon tells you.
Oh yeah, and Heywood, is that the same FBI investigating the Proud Boys and Roger Stone that withheld the truth that Hillary was behind RussiaGate from the American People for years? The same FBI that just informed us that the Proud Boys had no plans for any kind of insurrection?
Since when does the fact that the FBI is investigating anybody prove anything other than that the target has no in with the Democrats?
The Trump-Eastman plan was to have Mike Pence refuse to accept enough electoral votes so that Kevin MCCarthy could decide the election in the House. Deploying the Proud Boys in a defensive posture would be perfectly consistent with that plan. But Trump had to change the plan when Pence wouldn’t play along, and announced the change in plan from the podium during his rally. That’s not to say that some of the groups at the rally did not have advance word of the new plan, or have their own plan to attack the Capitol with no direct knowledge of Trump’s plan. But it would be my assumption that the coup plotters would have figured the Proud Boys to have been infiltrated by the FBI, and not shared the full plan with them until the day of the rally.
I have a slightly different point of view than most others here: I think Trump should have seen this coming a mile away and should never have had a rally in DC on January 6. He didn’t know who was in the crowd (Antifa? FBI? Daughters of the American Revolution? Black Hebrews? Kids from Covington Catholic? Etc.). He didn’t know what would happen after his rally broke up. And what would the purpose be of a crowd appearing at the Capitol? Didn’t he recognize all the dirty tricks that had been played on him by the Dems were not going to stop until he had been prosecuted and convicted (cf. General Flynn)?
The point about this is, as said by many here, it was a trap. Trump should have seen it, but he didn’t. So now we have to live with this stupid “insurrection” meme. Trump has another grievance and he wants vindication, but he hasn’t gotten any smarter. He thinks it is a good plan to attack Mitch McConnell, instead of focusing his fire on the Democrats.
"But Trump had to change the plan when Pence wouldn’t play along, and announced the change in plan from the podium during his rally."
What part in your fantasy does Pelosi's denial of Trump's offer of National Guard troops to protect the Capitol Building come in?
LOL CNN is connecting the dots!
Amadeus 48 - I have similar feelings. I'll bet Trump regrets it, too. I listened to his rally speech and while there was not a thing in it that inspired or asked for ANY violence (as the liar press insists) Trump touched on false hope with Pence - and that was a stupid thing to do. Yes - I do think there was targeted vote cheating in targeted areas around the nation - and the left got away with it. This is what people were upset about. I doubt the rally goers had any intention of storming the Capitol. I think it was a combo of group-herd mentality, ease of entering the building, provocateurs and FBI fakers instigating bad actions. Foolish actions. Yes - with some crazy Trump supporters mixed in. We all know animal skin guy didn't do much other than stand there for a photo - all while John Sullivan smashed windows and is on tape asking for violence. Which of the 2 are rotting in jail?
Clues: FBI created the Whitmer kidnapping BS - FBI ignore Biden family international corruption. FBI allow Hillary Clinton to use a private server while head of the State Department - and The Clinton foundation profited mightily off of secret Russian deals. FBI - OK with all of it.
I think "proud boys" is a scapegoat.
tim in vermont (to Left Bank): "What part in your fantasy does Pelosi's denial of Trump's offer of National Guard troops to protect the Capitol Building come in?"
Now that the government has been forced to admit that previous lefty/LLR-Lefty conspiracy claims and claimed "plans" were not true, Althouse lefties seamlessly move to brand new conjured up conspiracies.
Left Bank introduced a couple new lunatic comspiracies and a couple new "plan" lies in the course of one post!
I am only surprised that Left Bank didnt wrap in new Russia Russia Russia conspiracy lies as well.....because Left Bank STILL believes in the russia collusion and ukraine lies to this very day.
But then again the day is young so lets give Left Bank a tad more time.
I don’t think there was an organized plot with the specific intent to by force stop Congress from certifying the election. Instead, President Trump and his allies were just stirring the pot, making inflammatory speeches and false charges about election fraud and a stolen election, and hoping that the ensuing demonstrations and protests would influence the GOP members of Congress and Vice President Pence to reject Biden electors and throw the election into the House of Representatives. Their view, apparently, was that if the campaign of lies generated some violent disobedience, well, that’s just how it rolls. Note, I think that’s bad enough. It’s not necessary to fantasize some plot to physically overthrow the government to be completely appalled at Trump’s attempt to subvert the election.
Questions the hack press won't touch.
"President Trump and his allies were just stirring the pot, making inflammatory speeches and *allegedly* false charges..."
It's true that observers were prevented time and again from witnessing the counting. Twitter and Facebook assured us that these safeguards were in force and that therefore there were "strong protections" against election fraud, where in the real world? Not so much. That's just one thing, and it's a matter of public record.
It's also a matter of public record that one of PA's Supreme Court 'justices' is the brother of a mob leader who has served time in prison for ballot stuffing.
None of the court cases were ever thrown out on the basis of the evidence.
"But Trump had to change the plan when Pence wouldn’t play along, and announced the change in plan from the podium during his rally."
It's impossible not to notice that as more facts come out, your conspiracy theories become more baroque and seem to always involve actions that are not part of any public record. The more the space for your nonsense is constrained by increases in public knowledge, the more complicated your theories become. Blue-Anon has got you worked up into an illogical lather. Did you ever take a basic course in philosophical logic? It would help you navigate this nonsense without making a fool of yourself.
Douglas B. Levene: "Their view, apparently, was that if the campaign of lies generated some violent disobedience, well, that’s just how it rolls. Note, I think that’s bad enough. It’s not necessary to fantasize some plot to physically overthrow the government to be completely appalled at Trump’s attempt to subvert the election"
Filed Under: Making up the premises you need and engaging in mind-reading to reach the political conclusions you wished to reach.
OT: Russell Brand cracks the code on our corrupt media peddling lies for corrupt Hillary and her corrupt camp.
About an FBI informant:
The informant, who was associated with the Midwestern chapter of the organization, told the FBI that members of the Proud Boys were following the mob but maintained the group didn't have plans to attack the US Capitol.
The nutcase theory about radio-coordinated assault at multiply points of entry is highly unlikely. It looks like some protestors were in a confrontation on one side of the Capitol while people not violent and not in riot gear were peacefully entering through other entryways. If the surveillance footage is released we'll know more about all this, but the idea of a coordinated assault isn't likely to stand up.
I don’t disagree with Amadeus.
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