April 25, 2021

Some snippets of comments — emailed in and added to various posts over the last few days.

These are snippets, not necessarily comprehensible without clicking through. I'm just showing you where to go to read comments! 

1. "What ticks me off... is that now if people start hearing the female voices... pop up in their feeds, they'll assume this is a cloying 'eat-your-vegetables' directive and resent women vocalists." 

2. "I've spent some time watching bartenders up close and I think bartending should be a prerequisite to being NYC mayor." 

3. "Welcome to the real world Joe, or whoever your ventriloquist is." 

4. "So who hires these cops? Who trains them? Who disciplines them? Who provides their rules of engagement? It’s Democrats all the way down." 

5. "And yet, when assessing the Court-created right of an individual of the same age to seek an abortion, Members of this Court take pains to emphasize a 'young woman’s' right to choose." 

6. "Who would have thought that I could have gotten written up in New Scientist for it though?" 

7. "And I associate lilacs with my mother (who turns 74 in a couple weeks) – who had a lilac tree in the backyard of the house we grew up in." 

8. "I think DiAngelo is deeply, profoundly wrong, and it is my sincere hope that the Al Sharpton view will become (return?) to the predominant view...." 

9. "[I]t is easy to see that modern men and women need at least a balance between the vita activa and the vita contemplative, the active and the contemplative life, if they are not to atrophy spiritually." 

10. "Mike sends this apt bit from George Carlin...." 

11. "I am struck by the complaint 'They allowed him to win awards' by one of the plaintiffs." 

12. "[A]t that time, the talk of gayness was so pervasive, so unrelenting, and so over the top that I was just tired of it." 

13. "[I]n my experience in writing novels, writing was not treated as work by the people around me and my time spent writing was not respected unless I protected it." 

14. "After about a month of this, the first girlfriend put the second girlfriend's clothes in an old bathtub in the back yard and set them on fire." 

15. "But you can't say any of this in public anymore. If you do, you are a privileged jerk...." 

16. "It's always best to stay out of other people's divorces.... And their civil wars." 

17. "Just listening to traveling types describe their plans, designed with near military precision to fit it all in, is annoying."