The change comes amid a massive push to get kids back in the classroom, from lawmakers to parents. Multiple studies have shown increases in depression and anxiety among children during the pandemic. And a survey from NBC News and Challenge Success, a nonprofit affiliated with the Stanford Graduate School of Education, found lower stress levels among students who have been able to spend time in the classroom, compared with peers who are virtual learning exclusively.
March 19, 2021
"CDC relaxes distance requirements in schools from 6 to 3 feet/The change applies only to students, not teachers or other adult staff..
NBC reports.
Still not close enough for those 30-something (mostly women)teachers to have proper sex with their students.
Almost close enough for the students to touch each other but still far enough to keep them out of the reach of teachers...
Given that the whole "6 feet" thing wasn't really based on any actual hard research... whatever... I guess.
Just two weeks to flatten the curve!
Why do people listen to "experts" about this -- when good common sense works? I'm reminded of the meme I saw: Titanic sinking, text says "Built by experts"; Wright Brothers flying, text says: "Built by hobbyists"
But...but..,Bed-wetting Tim in Vermont has been telling us there's REAMS of data supporting the 6-feet rule, and that kids have been dying in such numbers that brave volunteers are pulling carts down suburban streets, begging people to "Bring out your dead Tiny Tots and the Teachers they infected!!"
Oh wait...
A relative tells me his kids might be going back to school on campus.
But that in many cases the kids will still be staring at a screen while the teachers are in another room.
But hey, the kids are back in school, right?
Good---and still willfully ignorant/stubborn. The science regarding social distancing is showing that there's nothing magical or necessary about "6 feet." The studies indicate that the rate of infection is almost exactly the same when they looked at populations that used a 3 feet (or a meter) strategy and those that used the always-arbitrary 6 feet standard.
So why is the CDC not simply changing their recommendations so that all standard public places ask people to maintain a 3 foot distance?
While we're at it, the science is clear that kids don't spread Covid, especially the very young. Why are we still being mandated to have 2 year olds wear masks? It's grotesque and abusive.
Clearly, anyone that has ever said children must stay 6 ft. apart to mitigate the spread of covid did not follow the science!
"The change comes amid a massive push"
IOW, they never had any evidence and were just effing with us all along.
Funny how the "science" changes when the political pressure gets too hot. Talk about BS!
"Blogger Mr Wibble said...
Once states started saying "screw this" the CDC and Fedgov had to follow or risk looking like idiots."
Too late!
Science! Or something ...
Is there a published study to support this?
I was holding out for two feet ten inches. Every bit as science-based.
The science is settled.
This is the same NBC news that independently verified the WaPo story that lied about Trump demanding Georgia SoS to "Find the Fraud".
The change comes amid a massive push
Because that's what it now takes to make any change at any level of government. A "massive push".
Used to be a massive push was only needed for massive goals, like defeat Germany and Japan, or overcome Jim Crow, or land humans on the Moon. Now it's needed in order to go to school.
I'm sure somebody has already stated that if it's okay to move kids to three feet now, IT ALWAYS FUCKING WAS OKAY.
After a couple hundred million person years of experience from Europe where the distance was 3 ft in schools, the CDC wakes up to the "science"
Oh who am I kidding, they just make shit up.
Interesting that children are safe at 3-foot spacing. I guess that's because kids don't sneeze and cough and fling boogers at each other.
In contrast, adults are not safe without 6 feet of air. Because reasons.
Seriously, though, you are watching how a pack of tyrannical, cowardly idiots tries to climb down from its now-untenable perch, one rung at a time.
What is the age cutoff for the 3-foot spacing? If I am 22 years old, 6'6" and 250 pounds but I'm a "student," I get 3 foot spacing? Whereas if I am 22 years old, 5'0" and 125 pounds but I'm a "teacher's aide," I get 6 foot spacing?
How does this work, exactly?
Since it's the government, I want about a metric ton of rules, guidances, interpretations, opinion letters and updates. Plus a web site and mandatory training. AND COMPLIANCE. I almost forgot that: the best part!
My grandkids (boy 12,girl 17) are taking sailing lessons on Sundays. 16' boat like a Laser but I forget the name.
So I went to watch last week. They were a couple hundred yards from shore (same boat), instructor following them in an outboard.
All three wearing paper masks. It's goddam stupid.
Seems dangerous too. Once that paper mask gets wet it is impervious. They went over a couple times, kept wearing the masks but were OK.
I've gone over in boats like that and sometimes you can only get your head up for a second to get a gasp of air before a wave pushes you under again.
Fuck masks. There is no science behind them. Fauci said so himself last week calling them "just common sense"
Common sense is NOT science. It is the opposite.
John Henry
It never should have taken COVID19 and the Centers of Disease Control to convince Joe Biden that he needs to stop touching and smelling children and women to whom he is not related.
The peer-reviewed evidence from a Wuhan military institute, is that expelled virus-laden saliva and mucous will reach 3 meters. And fecal transmission with viable viruses will linger in bathrooms and ventilation shafts. Shave your facial hair. Clear your nostrils. Don't forget your goggles. The eyes are a window to social and viral contagion. Meanwhile, in the cruise ship space with a greenhouse effect, the death toll reached, I think it was 4%, in a population with comorbidities and advanced age. Aside from Planned Parent/hood, and herd stampedes driven by social contagion, the infection rate is high, but disease progression, mortality, and side-effects are low and comparable to a season flue or cold. The collateral damage is excess mortality, social and economic dysfunction on a progressive basis.
There is no science behind them. Fauci said so himself last week calling them "just common sense"
Common sense is NOT science. It is the opposite.
Biden said in his "prime time" speech: "we all need to Trust the Scientists
Not Science....Scientists. Welcome to the New Religion
Meade said...
It never should have taken COVID19 and the Centers of Disease Control to convince Joe Biden that he needs to stop touching and smelling children and women to whom he is not related.
3/19/21, 11:20 AM
What in the wide, wide world of sports makes you think #BadTouchBiden has "been convinced" to stop touching/sniffing little girls?
convince Joe Biden that he needs to stop touching and smelling children and women to whom he is not related
Like father like son. Female visitors with "benefits". Delegates with "benefits". It's forward-looking social progress that leaves most yesteryear liberals and progressives behind. So, they take a knee and retreat to their quasi-religion to avoid reconciliation. That said, I want my baby, baby, baby-back ribs.
It's a personal flaw of mine—I give people the benefit of the doubt and 2nd chances.
It’s science! Hail Fauchi!
Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: a controlled study
Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers
Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses
The science (controlled studies, not models... hypotheses) behind masks dispels the sociopolitical myths backed by intuitive science.
here's a fun question, i haven't heard for a Long Time
What's the mortality rate for Covid-19 in the USA?
looks like there have been 30,365,645 "confirmed" cases
and looks like there have been 552,564 "confirmed" deaths
that comes to about 1.8% mortality
Which makes it, THE DEADLIEST DISEASE in the history of the world!!
[except for diseases that have a higher mortality rate]
Oh, and were those 30 million cases, ALL the cases? or, did more people have it, and not know it?
What IS the mortality rate for Covid-19 in the USA?
Given that the whole "6 feet" thing wasn't really based on any actual hard research... whatever... I guess.
Like Nonapod upthread I have read that the “6 feet” recommendation was based on zero research and fundamentally created out of a mix of thin air and an estimate of what people would tolerate. There’s a difference between “scientist” and “government scientist.” The latter has much more in common with standard-issue bureaucrats than true scientists.
In other words -- TRUMP WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG.
A big, fat lie to get the kids back in the classrooms, so the indoctrination squad can tell them some more big, fat lies.
Either that, or Biden's CDC is filled with Trumpist Deep Staters. Probably all White Supremacists who just want Black kids in schools to die.
BTW: For the ultimate in comfort if you have to wear a mask, I recommend these cleanroom foam rubber masks from Foamtec. They are foam rubber, about 3/32" thick and fit conformally over mouth and nose. Because they fit conformally, you are not rebreathing the same air in and out which my doctor says is thecause of my sinus problems for the past year.
I learned about them in January from a pharma client (I'll just say one of the big 5) which uses them in their plant.
They are washable and reusable and very comfortable. Almost like no mask at all.
Full details here
John Henry
The science (controlled studies, not models... hypotheses) behind masks
The World's EXPERT in epidemiology, and WORLD'S SMARTEST MAN* says that we HAVE TO all wear masks, or he'll move back to Vermont (or something, honestly i just kinda tune him out sometimes)
WORLD'S SMARTEST MAN* i KNOW he is; he's Told me enough times
The World Health Organization distancing recommendation was always one meter, from the very beginning a year ago.
Will the CDC get Twittered now? Will their account be shut down and tweets deleted if they try to publicize the move from six feet to three?
Mark said...
The World Health Organization distancing recommendation was always one meter, from the very beginning a year ago.
In other words, 100 of Napoleon Bonaparte's penises laid end to end.
virtual learning
virtual (adj.)
late 14c., "influencing by physical virtues or capabilities, effective with respect to inherent natural qualities," from Medieval Latin virtualis, from Latin virtus "excellence, potency, efficacy," literally "manliness, manhood" (see virtue). The meaning "being something in essence or effect, though not actually or in fact" is from mid-15c., probably via sense of "capable of producing a certain effect" (early 15c.). Computer sense of "not physically existing but made to appear by software" is attested from 1959.
Freudian slip. Every Child Left Behind.
Wouldn’t π feet be much more scientific than 3 feet?
"In other words, 100 of Napoleon Bonaparte's penises laid end to end."
So Napoleon got laid after the was dead?
Neat trick...
Nope. Just his penises.
Separation of 6 feet reduced to 3 feet. Next to 1.5 feet then to .75 feet. If we cut the distance in half every day - we still never get to touch anyone. Science.
What about spacing between students and teachers? Do we average it to 4.5 feet?
In Europe they used 1.5 meters. What was the basis for that? We rounded that standard up to 1.8 meters, which we called six feet, if you can fathom that.
Honestly- at this point do you think the people around the country are waiting for the latest edicts from the CDC? We've seen them jerk around their decisions, change them, and disregard actual science that doesn't agree with their political stance. Aside from governmental organizations, municipal standards, and education systems, the individual people living and trying to work in American can manage this quite well without these Grand Pronouncements.
Just...get the kids back in school. The science has always said this is what we should do. It didn't just come to that conclusion. The CDC just came to that conclusion.
Just...get the kids back in school. The science has always said this is what we should do. It didn't just come to that conclusion. The CDC just came to that conclusion
The teachers' union came to that conclusion that school should never resume, and got the CDC to go along for more than a year.
The new three-feet rule is based on science.
A two-feet rule would be too little
A four-feet rule would be too much.
So, a three-feet rule is just right.
It doesn't take a scientific study to comprehend that if you're dealing with a viral pathogen that effects the upper respritory tract and spreads through the dispersed exhalations of the infected, the farther away you are from an infected person the less likely it is that you'll become infected. So 2 feet is better than 1 foot, 3 feet is better than 2, ect. But specifically how much infections are reduced as distance goes up would require a more rigorous study, and probably would require a large number of people volunteering to be infected with Covid-19 (or whatever other pathogen). Does it follow some variation of the inverse-square law? Or some other formula? We just don't know for sure at this point.
I await the class action lawsuits against gov't for imposing so much anxiety and depression on the nation's schoolkids.
I await the class action lawsuits against gov't for imposing so much anxiety and depression on the nation's schoolkids.
Fuck the lawsuits. I want the heads of the teachers' unions.
On pikes.
@gilbar: What IS the mortality rate for Covid-19 in the USA?
The case-mortality rate is a completely useless number that only innumerate journalists (which is, apparently, all of them) use.
If you care about the risk of dying in the event of catching C-19, then you care about the infection-mortality rate. Unfortunately no one knows how many people have been infected. Assuming the infection:case ratio is three, then the risk of dying in the event of catching C-19 is about 0.45%.
However, if you care about the proportion of the population that has died of C-19, that is the coarse fatality rate, which, at the moment (unlike the other two, this rate will grow over time), is 0.17%.
And for this we underwent societal panic.
Well moving from 6 to 3 feet gets them half way to the actual reality of how kids are behaving in spite of guidelines.
Mike Sylwester said...
The new three-feet rule is based on science.
A two-feet rule would be too little
A four-feet rule would be too much.
So, a three-feet rule is just right.
I prefer the One-Meter Rule. That is really scientific!
The guidelines for children are just simply fucking stupid. They should be able to interact with each other (as I am quite sure they do anyway), and they shouldn't be wearing fucking masks. What we have done to the children in our panic is criminal psychopathy. We should be deeply ashamed, but the Karens are impervious to shame.
"Well moving from 6 to 3 feet gets them half way to the actual reality of how kids are behaving in spite of guidelines."
Exactly! People act like these guidelines are actually being followed- they aren't- the world doesn't actually work the way they think it does, but I am quite sure the children are hounded relentlessly by the school staff for not following the quidelines, at least those of the staff that are Karen Bs.
Oh look science flipping on a dime to support the political expedients of the dominant political party.
You forgot to say “Mother May I?”. Stay at six feet.
How long before a certain idiot chimes in to tell us the six-foot rule didn't work in lock-down states because people weren't following it anyway?
It was all garbage from the start.
There is zero science going on in any of this.
Now go wear your mask and repent. If you believe any of this you are worshiping at the alter of expertise.
"It never should have taken COVID19 and the Centers of Disease Control ..." to elect Joe Biden president. Amazing how it all came together with China and all. Lucky Joe.
Talking about personal failings: "It never should have taken COVID19 and the Centers of Disease Control to ..." make me accept that the majority of the people around me are totally self-centered and not that nice to others they don't know, and that has nothing to do with me or how I act or my race or my religion. IOW the isolation has always been there, and my sense of shared humanity and unity with all human beings has been a delusion.
Meade said...
It's a personal flaw of mine—I give people the benefit of the doubt and 2nd chances.
That is good advice.
I believe you actually mean it.
People act like these guidelines are actually being followed- they aren't- the world doesn't actually work the way they think it does
And that's what the controlled studies of politically incongruent past demonstrated. That, and the physics of the problem, disagree with the intuitive science.
Achilles said...
Meade said...
It's a personal flaw of mine—I give people the benefit of the doubt and 2nd chances.
That is good advice.
I believe you actually mean it.
3/19/21, 3:11 PM
I believe Meade does too. I think that in this case the "courtesy" wasted. When in the last [being generous] two decades has #BadTouchBiden shown he has ever learned ANYTHING that has made him a nicer, better, more honest individual?
Seriously, though, you are watching how a pack of tyrannical, cowardly idiots tries to climb down from its now-untenable perch, one rung at a time.
But they managed to get control of the Presidency. It was never about the disease. It was an opportunity to seize power by blaming Trump and legitimizing voter fraud, er fortification. If you think any of this was about concern for the populace..I've got a bridge for sale!
Getting the kids back in school is all well and good, but are they making sure the kids a wearing freshly washed tennis shoes? That's key.
Jim at said...
How long before a certain idiot chimes in to tell us the six-foot rule didn't work in lock-down states because people weren't following it anyway?
It's JUST Like Communism!
Communism Failed EVERYWHERE it was tried; but that's 'cause it wasn't Properly Implemented
Mandates Failed EVERYWHERE they were tried; but that's 'cause they weren't Properly Implemented
OK, this just makes me boiling mad. I mean, granted that we all knew "six feet" was bollocks, but it's a number, innit? The number. You Shall Organize Your Life Around This Number.
Do you want me to tell you how long teachers in my district spent calculating exactly how many children can fit in, say, an orchestra room of a given size? Obviously they can't share stands. Extra space for cellists? For bassists? Can you get one more bass in there if he tucks himself in a corner? What about getting the instruments at the beginning of class and putting them away at the end? For how long, exactly, may students be closer together than six feet, and what happens if the rules are traduced?
People spent hundreds of hours calculating these and other numbers for every room in every school in this district, and presumably in every room in every school in every other district in the entire country. And for how the students in their different "cohorts" are to move from place to place during the school day, and for which entrances and exits they are to use, and how many fucking minutes it will take for cohort A to get from classroom 11 to classroom 15. I am in no way exaggerating. Sure, everyone knew it was theater, but at the same time everyone also took it damned seriously. It all had to be right.
Now we are told, sorry, that number was wrong, here's a new one, drawn from just the same well-scrubbed ass as the last one. Just in time for spring break, too :-) Oh, joy! Oh, rapture!
You understand, in OR at least, there's a week of Spring Break (starting tomorrow, so nine days), then a week of "prep," and then the kids are supposed to be back in school, at the beginning of April more or less. And all the time devoted to this, and all the hundreds of people who have been working on it, turn out to be one big fucking joke. Sorry, guys!
I really hope that someone, somewhere, pays for this shit. But I doubt it.
At what age, specifically, does the virus travel from 3 ft. to 6 ft.?
I just want to understand "science".
"I just want to understand "science"."
I think "Shut up and do as you're told" is all you're expected to know.
My mistake, it's 4 meters "social" distancing.
Aerosol and Surface Distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Hospital Wards, Wuhan, China, 2020
To determine distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in hospital wards in Wuhan, China, we tested air and surface samples. Contamination was greater in intensive care units than general wards. Virus was widely distributed on floors, computer mice, trash cans, and sickbed handrails and was detected in air ≈4 m from patients.
Infectious SARS-CoV-2 in Feces of Patient with Severe COVID-19
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 was isolated from feces of a patient in China with coronavirus disease who died. Confirmation of infectious virus in feces affirms the potential for fecal–oral or fecal–respiratory transmission and warrants further study.
Be wary of back... black holes... whores h/t NAACP and unhygienic practices.
Don't forget the goggles. The eyes are a window to social and viral contagion.
I think "Shut up and do as you're told" is all you're expected to know.
Or the socially progressive equivalent: take a knee and beg.
I'm waiting for the Faucisti to exhume Zeno's "Paradox" and tell us that even if they halve the safe distance each week FOREVER, new covid virus variants will continually emerge, so the students will never be able to actually touch each other.
That's what Fauci's response to Rand Paul's comments yesterday sounded like to me.
the students will never be able to actually touch each other
Virtual learning, virtual touching, virtual relationships, virtual life, and a virtual Posterity, too. Just imagine.
Michelle Dulak Thomson @ 4:08: “...well-scrubbed ass..”. Made me laugh. And more generally: what an eloquent and well-informed comment. On behalf the commentariat duly assembled and by their unanimous vote,I hereby award you the Ranter’s Order of Merit, With Oak Leaf Cluster.
Ignore these “experts” they have been wrong every step of the way.
Where I live, private schools resumed in-person classes quite some time ago. I've seen no reports of major outbreaks of covid in any of these schools. I wonder if the wizards who decided that 3 feet instead of 6 feet was now OK studied the experience of the private schools. Maybe "back to normal" is actually OK. "Normal" is "0.0 M", btw, or at least it was when I was in school.
Yes, but what we really want to know is: was the method used
1. Ouiji Board?
2. Fortune Sticks?
3. Dartboard?
4. The entrails of a freshly slaughtered chicken?
5. Fauci's intuition?
6. A Certified Indigenous Way of Knowing?
7. Other?
4. The entrails of a freshly slaughtered chicken?
The entrails of a freshly aborted [human] baby. Different culture.
"I just want to understand "science"."
The first rule of "science" is; no one understands "science".
Who will rid us of fraudci?
"The first rule of "science" is; no one understands "science"."
The second rule is that it's never settled.
The first rule of "science" is; you can't understand "science". It's too hard. Leave it to us experts.
They should have never closed the schools.
"The first rule of "science" is; no one understands "science"."
The second rule is that it's never settled.
Science is, with cause, a philosophy and practice in the near domain, where accuracy is inversely proportional to offsets from the observer.
I explained to the moron nazi water Buffalo at Harbour Freight who was yelling at me about a mask as I walked into that dump that I would never enter again. She said “Good”. I’m gonna love it when they go out of business.
The airline industry with their zeal in stopping anybody from doing any goddamned thing without a mask has lost me too. I didn’t buy that Subaru for nothing. I fly more or did than 95% of the company. Watching them search up the Hitlerism has been disgusting.
We don’t have to wear them at high school baseball games. The coaches are making a show of shaking hands before games now. I love it.
But would it be bad if a school used 2 feet 11 inches in order to make a room work for teaching? If that was OK, would it be OK if a school used 2 feet 10 inches in order to help out a special needs student? If that was OK, surely a school shouldn't be shut down because it used 2 feet 8 inches? Then, why should a school close because only 2 feet 7 inches worked for them?
Teachers unions do not want to go back to work. period. They want the social distancing requirement to be the distance between their house and the school.
"Teachers unions do not want to go back to work. period."
That's cool. Here's your last check, thank you for your service.
I bet some of them would be changing their minds right about then.
"The change comes amid a massive push to get kids back in the classroom, from lawmakers to parents."
Follow the science I was told, yet to do so requires a massive push. Give the teachers the Reagan air traffic controllers treatment; that will wake up a few of them.
In an amazing mutation of the virus, COVID miraculously spreads half the distance it did last week.
"Teachers unions do not want to go back to work. period."
I won't argue about the unions, but this teacher would much rather teach in person than online.
(By the way most of us HAVE been working, and in ways new and difficult for many of us.)
I won't argue about the unions, but this teacher would much rather teach in person than online.
(By the way most of us HAVE been working, and in ways new and difficult for many of us.)
As I stated to Michelle the Kulak above when she whined about her husband wanting to go back to in-person instruction:
De-certify your union.
Threaten the heads with a snap election
Organize your fellows and force the School Board to notice.
Why do you do one person's bidding? Are you not the union? You know, United, the people, shall not be defeated or whatever the chant is now.
Otherwise, you're bullshitting and you prefer to stay at home.
We are not who we think we are. Mask wearers. Social Distancers. Obedient and docile. Craving for a vaccine to save us. So we can be safe. Stay safe. Safe.
Easily emotionally manipulated. We must be safe! We must stay safe!
40 years of Affirmative Action Preference in Educational and Employment Opportunity for Womyn.
Finally, we are safe. Safe spaces. Trigger warnings. Finally, we are safe.
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