February 19, 2021

"Supplied with Cruz’s address by a knowledgeable friend, I drove the fifteen minutes from my Houston apartment to the uber-rich River Oaks neighborhood where Cruz lives."

"From the street, Cruz’s white, Colonial Revival-style mansion looked dark and uninhabited.... [T]hen I heard barking and noticed a small, white dog looking out the bottom right pane of glass in the senator’s front door.... As I approached to knock, a man stepped out of the Suburban parked in Cruz’s driveway. 'Is this Senator Cruz’s house?' I asked. He said it was, that Cruz wasn’t home, and identified himself as a security guard. When asked who was taking care of the dog, the guard volunteered that he was.... I took a photo.... Some on Twitter have questioned whether the dog is in fact a poodle, suggesting alternative breeds such as a Bichon Frise. I couldn’t get close enough to tell, and I’m no canine expert, but 'Ted Cruz’s poodle' just sounds funny. As soon as I posted the photo on Twitter, noting that Cruz 'appears to have left behind the family poodle,' all hell broke loose...."

From "Ted Cruz Abandons Millions of Freezing Texans and His Poodle, Snowflake" (NY Magazine).

It's creepy going to someone's house like that, and the dog is clearly better off at home with a trusted person taking care of him, but Ted Cruz's trip to Cancún at this time when his state is in crisis has been deemed the top story of the day, and everybody always wants to hear about dogs. 

Dogs are at the top of the list of things deemed newsworthy that are not in fact newsworthy. Get dogs in your story and you'll have masses of readers. It's especially good if a dog saves a child, but the very best is when a Republican does something that can be presented as hurting a dog, like when Mitt Romney strapped his dog to the roof of his car and when mean old Trump offended all of dogdom by failing to own a dog. 

Now, we have Ted Cruz not bothering his dog with needless plane trips and confinement in hotel rooms. The heartless wretch!

ADDD: "'Ted Cruz’s poodle' just sounds funny." That is a microaggression! It is an old stereotype that a gay man would have a poodle. "'Ted Cruz’s poodle' just sounds funny" is a homophobic microaggression. 

Here's a 2014 article in the Village Voice, "Fifi or Fido? New York’s Gay Men Defy Worn-Out Canine Stereotypes": "The old stereotype held that like attracts like: the prissy hairdresser with a pampered, manicured poodle or Chihuahua; the growly muscle bear controlling a giant, ultra-butch Great Dane or mastiff...."

And years ago, Dan Savage, who is gay, told a story on "This American Life" about his anxiety about being seen with a poodle:

My dad liked to watch cop shows.... There was a recurring gay character on Barney Miller, one of the first on television. Very swishy, total stereotype, carried a purse, owned a poodle... And sitting in front of the TV, I made a resolution. I was going to be some kind of fag when I grow up, but I wasn't going to be that kind of fag.... I wasn't going to own a poodle. That's what I learned from television. Don't own a poodle. I made up my mind to be a different sort of homo, not like the gay people you saw on TV, which were the only gay people I ever saw....

Despite my exposure to all those swishy gay men walking poodles on TV during my formative years, I grew up to be a different kind of gay. And despite the girl-crazy little boys [Savage's young son] D.J. sees on the Disney channel, he may grow up to be a different kind of straight....

D.J. asked for a poodle a few years ago. And I know how awful that sounds. The son of two gay men begins to adopt the homosexual lifestyle, poodles and all. Purses are next. And he didn't want any poodle, he wanted a toy poodle. A poodle he planned to name Pierre.... Somehow, my straight son managed to get me out on the streets with a poodle.

AND: In case you're thinking of arguing that "'Ted Cruz’s poodle' just sounds funny" isn't a microaggression because Ted Cruz is straight: 1. There is collateral damage, microdamage, to any gay men who read the article, if they are familiar with the old stereotype, 2. It is a targeted microaggression against the straight man who is supposedly not measuring up to a heterosexual stereotype.


Rusty said...

Cruz didn't abandon anybody. The governor however has a lot of explaining to do. green energy is a con. Look to who has the most to gain.

Mr Wibble said...

Ted Cruz did the correct thing: get your family out of the area if you can, so that you're not a burden to emergency services and what limited infrastructure is up and running. He can make phone calls if necessary, and certainly fly back to DC if it's required. But this is ultimately a Governor and state officials problem, combined with a lack of competence in the response by the Biden admin.

Lurker21 said...

Mala óptica. Cruz didn't do anything wrong, except not realize that he's got a target on his back 24/7 and not have a manlier dog.

But Senator Urkel is glue and everything sticks to him.

Matt Sablan said...

I like how it is "the guard volunteered that he was," as if the person is accusing the guard of lying about it. It should have been "the guard said that he was."

Also: What is Cruz, a federal legislator who has no role in the local government, supposed to do for the local government?

Are we also analyzing everyone else who left Texas? What about all the liberals who left the cities during COVID? Anyone analyzing them? How long until there is a Congressional inquiry: "Mr. Cruz, why did you leave the poodle!?"

Also: Is the only reason the person is trying to insult Cruz on his dog choice because it is a poodle? What if it is Cruz's wife's dog? Or the kids chose the dog?

gspencer said...

Well, he didn't put the dog on the roof of his car as he took a trip as Mittens Romney did.

Mark said...

You missed the politics and children point you usually address, given Ted blamed his kids when this story blew up.

Mr Wibble said...

Also: What is Cruz, a federal legislator who has no role in the local government, supposed to do for the local government?

A Senator can put pressure on federal bureaucrats if he wants to, although that power is limited, especially nowadays. But that's about it.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Maybe he should have taken the dog on the trip - in a pooch carrier strapped to the top of the airplane.

Bob Boyd said...

Obama ate a dog.

wendybar said...

Joe Biden is President, and he called a lid for yesterday at 8:30am. They should be up in arms at THAT, not at a Senator who can't do anything about what is going on down there anyways. This is why we laugh at them.

Readering said...

#CancunCruz has a nice ring.

Captain BillieBob said...

Who was watching Cuomo's Dog when he shifted covid infected patients into nursing homes and long term care facilities?
Same for gov horse face (Murphy)

Birches said...

They can find Cruz's house in a day, but Hunter Biden? Right.

I thought Cruz wanted to be President. He should have known he wouldn't be able to get away with this, even if he can't do anything. He should have a camera crew following him around as he delivers blankets and soup to old ladies.

Chris said...

"It's creepy going to someone's house like that" Well, these are the kind of people you align with. Do you ever really look deep down at the kind of behavior you support? The left loves to go to peoples homes, especially those with whom they disagree. They go there to intimidate, harass, mock etc. Will you ever reflect on that when they come for you?

Rik said...

Cruz went on vacation. Cuomo killed hundreds.... And everyone is crying about Cruz. This is stupid.

Sebastian said...

"Ted Cruz Abandons Millions of Freezing Texans and His Poodle, Snowflake"

I realize progs need their propaganda and something to fill the Trump vacuum, but even by their standards this seems over the top. Or with DC under military occupation, is nothing over the top anymore?

Have we ever heard anything about any state's senators' whereabouts during any natural disaster?

By the way, I detect a sense of humor in "Snowflake." Snowflake, sit!

narciso said...

Youre off by a factor of 10, same with fat pritzker gruesome gretchen

Lurker21 said...

But the story keeps changing and so does my reaction.

1) He abandoned his state and people. That's awful.

2) The kids wanted it and he was just accompanying them. It's understandable and even praiseworthy.

3) But it was his wife's idea for a family vacation. That's awful.

Of course the media storm of abuse is ridiculous, but patience with Ted is starting to wear thin.


Thurber had that idea that Americans loved books about Lincoln, doctors and dogs, so the all time best seller would be "Abraham Lincoln's Doctor's Dog."

It seems like for some people, every political story has to involve a dog. Some of the Biden stories ought to involve doctors and their diagnoses -- and not just Dr. Jill's.

Bob Boyd said...

Cruz asked himself, do I really want to spend a three dog night fighting over the only poodle in the house?

Night Owl said...

You're right; it is very creepy how leftists stalk republican leaders.

mezzrow said...

Haters don't need a reason, but they do love an excuse.

You have to keep the customer satisfied.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

I can’t wait for the Snowflake speech. It should rival the Checkers speech. I wonder if Mrs. Cruz owns any Republican cloth coats? But Trump would never have gone vacationing in Mexico.

Paul said...

Aw come on folks... The Cruz "scandal" is no scandal. Cruz is a US Senator, not Texas STATE Senator... he has nothing to do with the power outage.

He can't do TEXAS STATE legislation (and this is where the action is.) He is federal... like in the U.S. Congress. And that governing body takes lots of time to even decide on where to pee. Texas STATE legislators are the ones that need to hustle and get the Texas guard and other state assets to get things done. And they are doing that now.

Hell man... I wish I had gone to say, Virgin Islands, for these last six days. So I don't blame Cruz's wife for wanting to go somewhere warm!

On the other hand, Cuomo is a mass murderer of old people. No more, no less.

WK said...

You need to have a negative COVID test result to re-enter the US and return from Mexico. So I guess he at least is not COVID positive. Planning to travel to Mexico in March. The hotel indicated the rate included “insurance” that covered 14 additional days if you tested positive and could not return. We will see.....

Temujin said...

The only story here is how the Left continues to show up at people's homes for no serious reason to shout and disrupt a neighborhood, and in some cases, threaten lives.

Ted Cruz is allowed to take his family on vacation. He's allowed to go some place that is not freezing and under snow. In the continental US that would mean Florida. They chose Mexico- an actual getaway. His choice. It's called freedom, folks. He does not run Texas. He has no mandate over energy in Texas.

Leftists continuing to kill trees, keeping the cardboard poster industry alive.

Leland said...

I'll accept that it is bad optics for Ted Cruz to take a vacation during this time, but there is absolutely nothing he could have done in Houston. I live here. If I was in Cancun, I could have continued my working virtually, as I have since the PANDEMIC! began. And that's the thing, the story is a "whataboutism" of Cruz compared to Democrat politicians. The difference is, Ted Cruz didn't order everybody to stay indoors and avoid social contact with anybody outside the home, before leaving on a trip to Cancun.

roesch/voltaire said...

Did Ron Johnson join Cruz? They are both creeps who care little for their constituents and deserve each other’s company.

wendybar said...

"ABC “World News Tonight” gave Cruz’s Cancun trip four times more coverage Thursday than Cuomo’s nursing home scandal despite revelations this week that the Democrat is under a federal investigation and was called out for bullying a fellow Democrat and threatening to “destroy” him."

THIS is why you should turn off the Pravda media. Killer Cuomo is protected, but OMG...Ted went on a family pre-planned vacation....He should RESIGN!!! What a load of Regressive BULL crap.

Night Owl said...

Stories like these ones about a republican taking a vacation are why I ignore the mainstream media news. It's all craziness all the time. What a waste of time. As always thank you for reporting, which allows me to ignore them and still be informed.

Fernandinande said...

(NY Magazine)

Their main page mentions "Trump" 9 times and "Biden" 8 times.

Matt Sablan said...

So: If Ted Cruz tried to help, like people are recommending, would it have been actually helpful? Think about it, last time he tried to help, he was accused of trying to murder AOC. It might have been less distracting for him NOT to publicly try to assist. Basically, it looks to me like no matter what Cruz does, he's going to be called evil for it, so I'm kind of tuning out criticism of him at this point.

Amexpat said...

Yeah, everyone is piling on Cruz. He's a smart guy and he should have seen this coming. He made things worse by trying to weasel out of it, first implying that he was being a good Dad and wanted to accompany his kids on the plane trip before flying back the next day. Turns out he flew back early because of the reaction.

If he truly believed that there was nothing wrong in taking his family to Cancun during a crisis in his State, then he should have explained why he thought it was OK to do so. As others have said here, a Federal senator doesn't normally get involved in handling a state crisis.

Don't see Cruz coming back from this as a National candidate. It may very well cost him the his Senate seat as well.

mockturtle said...

You need to have a negative COVID test result to re-enter the US and return from Mexico.

Maybe so but here in AZ the migrants being released this week have not been tested, just 'screened', which I assume is the usual quickie temp check and questionnaire.

tim maguire said...

What is the stance in Texas on travel to Mexico? If Cruz is in compliance with recommendations, then this is a fake scandal. If he is not, then he belongs in with all those Democratic hypocrites who the media generally ignores.

narciso said...


Matt Sablan said...

"Don't see Cruz coming back from this as a National candidate. It may very well cost him the his Senate seat as well."

-- It is a shame that Republicans aren't as willing to turn a blind eye to bad optics as Democrats, but yeah. The possibility for President Cruz took a big hit... which is why someone doxed his address and there was coordinated hit campaign against him.

Bob Boyd said...

The security guy was probably taking the dog home with him at night.

Iman said...

Biden-Harris 2021: intolerable incompetence and incontinence

narciso said...

Ya think, how much did they spend on skippy o'rourkes race 70 million, meanwhile they are giving citizenship to all illegals.

Aggie said...

US Congress is in recess, not so?

Creepy to stalk someone looking for a gotcha, almost as creepy as the fawning coverage for a US President calling a lid for the day in the morning hours because of - get this - the weather. I guess nobody expects the President of the United States to get involved with the weather in the heartland. Unless it's the former President, in which case he reacts with unsolicited offers of assistance and is handed vitriol in return.

Or maybe it's creepier to defend (with uncritical silence) politicians that send elderly sick patients to their doom in a panic to free up hospital beds, thus also dooming other elderly people. This, rather than sending them to the fully-equipped hospital ship helpfully provided by guess-who-wasn't-calling-it-a-lid-at-a-time-of-crisis.

wendybar said...

You need to have a negative COVID test result to re-enter the US and return from Mexico.

Unless you are an illegal that Joe Biden is letting come in no matter what.

narciso said...

New york magazine is so dead clay felker walked out of the early grave sally quinn put him in, to point it out, the real scarlet witch of the post.

Fritz said...

Because they need Ted Cruz to crawl up a power pole to fix a line, or get in a hole to fix a broken pipe.

Achilles said...

Don't see Cruz coming back from this as a National candidate. It may very well cost him the his Senate seat as well.

You can’t be serious.

Joe Biden just told everyone Genocide is just a cultural norm and you are going to throw Cruz under the bus for taking his kids to Cancun while school was out?

What is wrong with you.

alan markus said...

@ Matt Sablan: Is the only reason the person is trying to insult Cruz on his dog choice because it is a poodle? What if it is Cruz's wife's dog? Or the kids chose the dog?

And the irony of Biden sporting German Shepherds (AKA "police dogs"/"Nazi Dogs") is totally lost on conservatives as a comeback to the above kinds of nonsense.

Police Dog Attack on Black

Police Dogs Attack Demonstrators, Birmingham Protests

The Role 'Vicious Dogs' Play in Police Brutality Against Black People

CStanley said...

The stalking is creepy but not surprising.

I think I’m more disgusted by his wife’s “friend” who shared her text messages with the NYT. Who does that?

But anyone in politics should know that these are the rules they play by. Optics are going to bite Republicans in the ass every time. That used to be somewhat true for Dems too but not these days. I do think Heidi and Ted were dumb if they didn’t anticipate this blowup even though it would not have made any difference for Texans if he’d stayed home.

Iman said...

teh 0bama dog
feared being made an entree
constant pooch screwing

D.D. Driver said...

Just an observation. When Katrina hit, it was Bush's fault for the inept response.

During this winter storm, it's no one's scandal but the Texans.

Where is FEMA and why doesn't anyone care?

iowan2 said...

Propaganda media is worse the crack whores. The whores are honest.

It hard for me to still wrap my mind around the medias behavior surrounding the Kavanaugh hearings. The took known lies, expanded and sensationalized the lies and today pretend they should be taken seriously. All of the media, including FOX are doing nothing but propaganda.

We still haven't gotten any real science about covid. They have layered the lies so deep, truth is impossible.

Mr Wibble said...

Optics are going to bite Republicans in the ass every time.

It only bites them in the ass if they start groveling and apologizing. Own it, don't apologize, and it goes away.

JAORE said...

Editorial decisions can create a narrative that is heavily slanted even if every word of a story is technically correct.

Trump says something with someone disputing it? LIES!!!!

Biden says something like there was no vaccine when he took office.... well context.

Cruz isn't running Texas. This is a Bearded Man Bad story.

I'm Not Sure said...

"and when mean old Trump offended all of dogdom by failing to own a dog."

I'm as big a fan of dogs as anybody and I wasn't offended. In fact, I think Trump should be commended for not getting a dog he wouldn't have time for. Dogs are living, breathing creatures that require regular attention. They're not accessories to be used for photo ops, even though there are people who'd use them as such.

narciso said...

There is some actual investigating


iowan2 said...

Cruz needs to explain he is following the lead of Senator Barack Hussein Obama, when he refused to set foot in Washington DC to address the financial crisis in 2008.

I saw reporting yesterday of the hearings about GameStop. None of the congress critters were in DC. All were someplace participating in a video hearing. Proving you can be anywhere on the planet and conduct business, efficiently.

Cruz has learned nothing from years of Trump. Never apologize. Make a decision and stand for something. His ability to perform his duties were in no way hindered.

Tommy Duncan said...

Cruz is a US Senator. Other than getting in the way of local officials or mugging for photo opportunities, what is he going to do?

Let me know when Joe and Dr. Jill show up and spend a full day productively fixing frozen pipes or downed power lines.

Also, this is Texas. They can fix their own damn problems without a bunch of politicians in the way.

iowan2 said...

Of course if I catch a Dem doing it, I'll scream like a jilted 12 year old.

Not whataboutism. But glaring double standard.

Titus said...

Tom cotton is smiling.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cruz needs to build a wall around his compound - like Nancy.

That way the press or other hacks won't bother him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

democraticals care so much for their constituents

That why Hillary biden and Pelosi are all mega-rich off of their governmetn gigs.

Charlie Currie said...

Did Cruz actually take a vacation? My understanding is he flew with his family (he said daughters, but, whatever) to Cancun, got them settled in and flew back the next day. Was he planning to stay the whole time and scooted back when the situation got hot? I don't know.

And, to those who say, he could at least be calling people and get them moving. I say, cell phones. They work nearly everywhere. Even on planes. Even I have one. And, I believe Cancun has their own phone system. I could be wrong.

JAORE said...

My first reading missed the most important part. Cruz lives in a "white, Colonial Revival-style mansion".
White? Of course it was. Everything in Cruz world is white!
Mansion? Oh the carbon footprint AND lording it over us common folk.
Colonial? Bet he was part of the Belgian force that invaded the (then) Congo!

Titus said...

Texas asked the federal government for help, which they received. Everyone hates lying Ted, as trump remarked in the debate. Couldn't of happened to a more deserving creep

Wasn't the dog cold? And no water?

wendybar said...

Let me know when Joe and Dr. Jill show up and spend a full day productively fixing frozen pipes or downed power lines.


Remember how the media made fun of Trump when he was "throwing" paper towels to the people in Puerto Rico who went through the hurricane?? Where is Joe?? Why did he call a lid yesterday?? Will he be well enough to work today?? Did he activate FEMA?? Is he going to travel there to help?? Why not?? Isn't that HIS job??

Titus said...

Not to mention Cruz's outfit at the airport. Major muffin top.

Freeman Hunt said...

Dogs don't want to go to Cancun.

Joe Smith said...

Was the dog strapped to the roof of a car?

Did a president eat the dog?

Nothing to see here.

Gusty Winds said...

We have multiple Democrat Governors that basically sent small pox blankets to nursing homes in March and April 2020. Cuomo has his back against the wall and I’m sure the others are sweating as well. They killed tens of thousands via their arrogance, stupidity, and perhaps even an effort to save some $$$.

But the American Press and hyperventilating Hollywood cares more about about Ted Cruz going to Cancun.

We really are fucked you know.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He left the dog behind!

yeah so? When I go on vacation - I leave my pets at home. I hire someone to look after them.

Drudge is a hack.

farmgirl said...

Why is it anybody’s business what someone else chooses to do or chooses to go? I swear, this country’s mentality is 14. I say, lucky bastard- it’s a free country. I pray it’s thawing out in Texas.

Howard said...

They would turn the dog into a taco in Cancun. Eduardo Pendejo Cruz like every other latinx knows this and saved the poodles life. He's a Hero.

Joe Smith said...

I love the 'uber-rich part.'

Gotta keep that class warfare going.

Good thing liberals like Gates, Zukerberg, Cook, Bezos, etc. don't live in 'uber-rich' areas.

That would make them bad people. Oh, wait...

Joe Smith said...

Cruz is the wrong kind of Hispanic...the white kind.

Gunner said...

Ted Cruz might be smart as hell when it comes to the Constitution, but his social IQ is way below average. If he had run against Hillary, she would have beaten him in a landslide. More people would hate him than hated Trump.

chuck said...

Normal is the new abnormal?

tcrosse said...

And, I believe Cancun has their own phone system.

Taco Bell

narciso said...

Thats not the point, they attacked hawley' family they attacked rand paul, yet now they need 5,000 peacekeepers ala hungerganes.

Mary Beth said...

Also: What is Cruz, a federal legislator who has no role in the local government, supposed to do for the local government?

Stand around and talk like other politicians. Get enough of them together and you could generate enough hot air to unfreeze the state.

Mary Beth said...

The whole thing is stupid. I'd be in Cancun if I had the opportunity and my home has power.

If it were me, though, the worst part of this would be knowing that someone in my friends chat group leaked the texts. What kind of lowlife does that? Also, it's been reported that someone working with United Airlines has said that Cruz changed his return date (thus proving he lied about when he had planned on coming back). I don't care about his trip or when he planned on returning. I do care that a business feels free to give out personal information about a customer's travel arrangements.

JAORE said...

"We have multiple Democrat Governors that basically sent small pox blankets to nursing homes in March and April 2020. Cuomo has his back against the wall and I’m sure the others are sweating as well."

First of all the small pox comment is brilliant.

Secondly I just saw a comparison of coverage on Cuomo v. Cruz. Based on memory.) Bear in mind Cuomo's handling of the virus was just revealed as a target of a criminal investigation.

CNN: Cuomo 2.5 minutes / Cruz 20+ minutes.
MSNBC: Cuomo ZERO(!) minutes / Cruz 25 minutes.

That should help keep the sweating to a minimum.

Matt Sablan said...

"I do care that a business feels free to give out personal information about a customer's travel arrangements."

-- Bank of America handed over customer data without a warrant if you used your card in the D.C./VA/MD area on dates around the riots. If you are a target or potential target, you have no assumption of privacy. Accept the new reality and act accordingly. I'm getting very close to changing my Blogger ID and seeing if I can get all my posts deleted here and under my common aliases, but I also accept: A. That would be cowardly, and B., It wouldn't change things, if someone wants to find out my political opinions, it would not be that hard.

Sam L. said...

Them damned Dems sure do get their knickers twisted about the least little things...Well, small minds...little things...

Joe Smith said...

"Drudge is a hack."

Does anyone know yet who bought that site?

Howard said...

Cruz flinched because he knew he fucked up big time. I'm sure he is comforted reading your generous excuses for his bonehead behavior.

Retail Lawyer said...

Remember when Sen John McCain postponed his campaign so he could give his full attention to the financial crisis? I don't think we need senators in a crisis.

SGT Ted said...

The article shows that even creepy stalkers can have a good paying job doing what they love.

tim in vermont said...

Sometimes people with high IQs, like Ted Cruz, have a hard time anticipating how morons are going to react.

narciso said...

These are ghouls strigoi, new york magazine protected weinstein and epstein for years, they hounded roger ailes to an early death.

Matt Sablan said...

"Remember when Sen John McCain postponed his campaign so he could give his full attention to the financial crisis? I don't think we need senators in a crisis."

-- Yeah. He was promptly stabbed in the back by Harry Reid, and he was called out as being a distraction in the Senate, despite everyone saying he had abandoned his duties as a senator. There is NOTHING Cruz could have done that wouldn't have been received in a bad way.

narciso said...

They protected halperin from scrutiny, even when he repeated schmidt and wallaces utter falsehoods. When michael woolf went rabid during the iraq war...

Francisco D said...

Howard said...Cruz flinched because he knew he fucked up big time. I'm sure he is comforted reading your generous excuses for his bonehead behavior.

Please explain to me how a United States senator is involved in managing state government.

Browndog said...

Biden had not spoken to Gov. Abbott even once since the crisis began until after the Cruz shit storm hit the news.

Nonapod said...

Whether or not he could actually do much about the current situation in Texas, it certainly seems like bad optics to jet off on a tropical vaction while millions of your constituents freeze. Cruz is usually fairly savvy when it comes to awareness of how things will be interpreted, so I'm not sure what he was thinking here.

Yeah, obviously there's no shortage of high level Democrat pols behaving in far worse ways. There's no shortage of Dem governors and mayors behaving hypocritally or callously especially over this past year regarding lockdowns. But being a very well known, outspoken, high level Republican politician means you have to be very careful about what you say and do. You can't make mistakes like this. He has given the media an excuse/opportunity to shift their narrative focus off of Andrew Cuomo for a little while. Yeah, it's not fair. But that's the world we live in.

narciso said...

Lets consider the real issue


If it happened in new york they would resort to cannibalism in days.

Dude1394 said...

Wow Ted left Texas and left energy for someone else. Fascist democrats would rather someone die from cold.

Gunner said...

This stalker is a moron. Most people "abandon" their pets when they travel with their families.

tcrosse said...

This only hurts Cruz among those who hate him anyway (their name is Legion).

rcocean said...

Yes, heartless cruz left his dog at home because dogs LOVE To go to cancun. They love being packed in crates and put on airplanes. What are the chances to hotel that Cruz stayed at, allowed dogs? what was the dog supposed to do, when Cruz went out scuba diving? Or when they went out to dinner? Stay in the strange hotel room by himself.

The left-wing media, doesn't have trump to attack 24/7, so they've latched onto Cruz. Notice how they NEVER say a bad word about Mittens? Or McCarthy? Or McConnell? They identify any DC politician who'll fight the liberals. Those they go after. everyone else is safe. They probably know that Thune and Coryn are secretly helping the Democrats/liberals behind the scenes. So, they never get attacked. You hear ZERO about them.

Leland said...

Ok, I'll accept for a second that Ted Cruz was wrong to leave. He's one of a hundred Senators in our federal government, and he could do something, such as vote for a bill providing aid to Texas. By law, those bills have to originate in the House of Representatives. So, what is Pelosi doing to make sure aid is not delayed to the people of Texas? Didn't she Impeach Trump for delaying aid to the Ukraine?

rcocean said...

I suppose know that Cruz - a US Senator - has returned to Texas, the temperatures are back to normal and the electricity is back on. Because he was the KEY MAN. And just by being in Texas, his presence MAGICALLY fixed all the problems.

Of course, why isn't Cruz in DC? Isn't that where he would have to go to help Texas? Since he doesn't work for the State government? Oh but if he went there, he'd find everyone on vacation.

rcocean said...

Cruz wasn't wrong to leave. Stop giving the liberal/left credit. Quit enabling their games, and attacks. This is how it works:

Democrats do something wrong - Press doesn't report it. or whitewashes.
Republican do something wrong - Press exaggerates and screams bloody murder.

Taking the lofty, "well cruz was wrong to give them ammunition" is just STUPID. The press is not acting in good faith. You're not showing you're "moderate" or "The only adult in the room" or "Wise ol Greybeard" who can critize both sides. You're just helping the press destroy someone they don't like.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

"Nothing in Common"; a not-bad movie starring Tom Hanks and Jackie Gleason. Advertising guy (Hanks) is trying to shoot a commercial for an airline. Travel is good, kind of thing. Elderly cis-female (troglodytes may have said "little old lady") is depicted at home, looking forward to an exciting trip to visit grandchildren. What could be better? One genius suggests that there be a cute cat in her living room. Hanks goes on a tirade.

“Oh, I see, that’s a real good idea,” David says flippantly, “Let’s do a commercial about a sweet old grandma who abandons a cat in a freezing cold house in the dead of winter so she can go off and romp with the grandkids. That’s a real good idea, Rog! We could get coverage of the cat like clawing its way, trying to get out so he can lick snow and get some nourishment!”


alfromchgo said...

where does the reporter live, address, photos, phone please. ask that and see what happens.

stevew said...

I continue to be surprised and amazed (not in a good way) by so many people's fascination and obsession with dogs.

If only Cruz had stayed home in his mansion in Texas all the suffering of his constituents would have been avoided. He probably could have fixed the weather too. /s

Skeptical Voter said...

Creepy. That's what New York magazine does. Sounds like a stalker to me. When does the reporter go in and boil the small critters in the house? Good thing the security guard was there to stop him.

Greg Hlatky said...

Creepy. That's what New York magazine does. Sounds like a stalker to me.

The Cheka Never Sleeps.

Joe Smith said...

"where does the reporter live, address, photos, phone please. ask that and see what happens."

Shoe...other foot.

These smarmy fuckers need to get the same treatment they dish out.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Please explain to me how a United States senator is involved in managing state government."

Piece of cake. Here you go...

Cruz is a Republican. Something bad happened. Therefore, it's Cruz's responsibility.

Of course you're not supposed to notice that Democrat Joe Biden, the United States president, hasn't gotten involved in managing state government either and is not being blamed for anything. Move along folks, nothing to see here.

jim said...

Last I heard about Biden re Texas was governor thanking president for help. Sounds like what got Christy in trouble all those years ago.

Cruz has been caught making up silly lies, again. So what?

Joe Smith said...

"Last I heard about Biden re Texas was governor thanking president for help. Sounds like what got Christy in trouble all those years ago."

Nobody has an issue with a governor of the opposite party thanking a president for helping out (even though it's the president's job).

But the hugging part was a little over the top...

Oso Negro said...

I applaud Ted’s common sense. I myself fled Galveston for Cozumel last night.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Meh, tempest in a teapot. Or as rhhardin would say; more soap opera.

Wake me up when Botox Nancy, Chuck the Schmuck, Ocrazio-Cortex, and Fang Fang's Bang Bang go occupy a powerless house in Austin to show solidarity with the little people.

Nonapod said...

The media has given 4 times more air time to the Cruz-Mexican-Vaccation story than the evolving grandma-killer Cuomo fiasco. Obviously Cuomo's ineptitude is objectively far, far worse than this silly Cruz (non) story (especially now, since he's evidently resorting to threatening to "destroy" other Dem pols careers if they don't toe the line). It's frustrating but nothing new for conservatives.

Francisco D said...

Leland said... I'll accept for a second that Ted Cruz was wrong to leave. He's one of a hundred Senators in our federal government, and he could do something, such as vote for a bill providing aid to Texas.

The only problem with that logic is that the Senate is not in session.

He is on vacation!

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leland said...

I was a little suspicious of the "15 minutes from my apartment". 15 minutes to River Oaks covers a lot of ground. Michael Kerr Hardy lives in the Heights of Houston. His "apartment" is a single family home with a 2 car garage attached. I don't know how much he is paying for rent, but the unimproved land value of his "apartment" is over $500,000 in a city where the average home price is under $250,000. He's doing pretty good for a freelance reporter.

Oh wait a moment... that's just his "apartment" in Houston. His primary residence is a million dollar home in Austin Texas less than a 15 minute walk from the Barton Creek Golf Club. I found his Houston apartment by voter id, but his primary residence showed up when his name came back with criminal records. It's definitely the same person, since Mr. Hardy's website collaborates information found via county records.

narciso said...

This is some of his earlier work


Lucien said...

I don’t know about books but in the ideal C&W song you’d wake up to find your woman left you, taking your best coon hound with her, then drink some whiskey while driving your pickup down to the train station to meet Mama, who’s just got out of prison.

Leland said...

I suppose now that Cruz - a US Senator - has returned to Texas, the temperatures are back to normal and the electricity is back on. Because he was the KEY MAN. And just by being in Texas, his presence MAGICALLY fixed all the problems.

Well, I do have to admit that ever since Cruz came back to Texas, my power has been restored and stayed on. Stores are starting to be restocked and people are returning to work.

narciso said...

Yes he supports commissar hidalgo who killed businesses up along the coast.

Matt Sablan said...

I wonder if we'll get this headline: Cruz's Magnanimous Return Saves Texas.

Earnest Prole said...

Wait, Ted Cruz is straight?

Greg The Class Traitor said...


Gov Cuomo committed obstruction of justice to attempt to hide the fact that his orders killed thousands of people

Ted Cruz took his family to Cancun while life was bad at home.

Which one of these is worthy of major condemnation?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Earnest Prole said...
Wait, Ted Cruz is straight?

So, Earnest Prole is homophobic. I think we should cancel him

independent said...

What an unforced error. I would have thought he and his staff would know better. Know one ever called him stupid - till now.

He has many contacts in state and federal government. The fed government and FEMA in particular are helping with the crisis. Cruz can communicate with local leaders about what they need and then communicate those needs to fed authorities.

Regardless, it is a question of optics. The rich and privileged don't have to share in the despair and discomfort. Which is fine, but risky if your job depends on the vote of those less privileged.

Earnest Prole said...

So, Earnest Prole is homophobic. I think we should cancel him

"Prole" is a synonym for "cancelled."

Michael K said...

he originally planned to mail absentee ballots to every one of Harris County’s 2.4 million registered voters. That move didn’t sit well with state Republicans, who repeated Donald Trump’s unfounded claims that the unsolicited ballots would lead to election fraud. Texas attorney general Ken Paxton sued Hollins to stop the plan; in the end, Hollins mailed ballots only to residents 65 and older.

Good link, narciso. Typical Texas Monthly which should be "Austin Monthly. "

Lurker21 said...

Heroic Ted Cruz Travels To Cancun To Lasso The Sun And Bring It Back To Texas

narciso said...

I like to know where they come from, he wants to be the next mollie ivins, or whatever previous hack made the big time,

the federalist piece is why the squirrels have been screaming, to ignore what the consequences of the nude eel is about,

Bob Boyd said...

Is Ted Cruz a poodle snuggler?

Joe Smith said...

"I don’t know about books but in the ideal C&W song you’d wake up to find your woman left you, taking your best coon hound with her, then drink some whiskey while driving your pickup down to the train station to meet Mama, who’s just got out of prison."

Flyer on a lamp post: 'Wife and dog missing. Reward for dog.'

Howard said...

Ted Cruz looks better wearing face diapers. I don't think that makes him gay. The beard, however...

stlcdr said...

Does Cruz pontificate about people following the Elites rulings, then himself ignore those rulings?

Specifically, did he say that people in Texas are not allowed to travel to warmer climates, and then travel to Cancun?

Just because a Republican politician doesn't follow what a leftist politician spouts from their gob, doesn't mean that supporters of that Republican are hypocritical.

Danno said...

And, I believe Cancun has their own phone system.

tcrosse said..."Taco Bell"

Most excellent!

FullMoon said...

Going out on a limb, gonna imagine the dog belongs to kids and mamma.

John Cunningham said...

The idiots in the Party media must assume that our govt is like Cuba or North Korea, where there is a single hierarchy controlling everything. Cruz is a Senator, so he must be able to order around Texas officials

Joe Smith said...

I love how 'progressives' always go for the cheap gay slur.

How accepting...

Jupiter said...

"'Ted Cruz’s poodle' just sounds funny" is a homophobic microaggression."

Also, a dog-whistle.

Mikey NTH said...

Progressives have this creepy stalker slasher girlfriend/boyfriend vibe about them.

Rick said...

The only result of his return is depleting the local resources even faster. But it gave Dems and the other idiots something to attack him with so mission accomplished.

Are Americans generally this stupid? Dem supporters sure, but Americans generally? I don't think so.

Big Mike said...

More fake news. Fake news can be organized into a taxonomy of (often overlapping) categories. Type 1 fake news is where the “news” is entirely invented (e.g., the Russia Collusion hoax). Type 2 is where obviously newsworthy incidents are ignored by self-alleged journalists (e.g., Hunter Biden’s laptop, Cuomo’s order forcing nursing homes to accept contagious COVID-19 patients). Type 3 is when statements are taken out of context, or paraphrased, to give it a sinister spin (e.g., Trump’s statement about Charlottesville). Type 4 is when a normal action is blown up to appear as though something evil has occurred. The vacation of Ted Cruz’s family is Type 4.

And this is why Gallup’s polling finds that journalists have lower ratings for honesty and integrity than any profession except member of Congress. Not only do journalists rank behind lawyers, they are even below used car salesmen!

RichAndSceptical said...

A Senator has nothing to do with a state's energy policy. Reporters should be required to take civics 101.

Lurker21 said...

Wouldn't Trump be more "hands on" in dealing with the Texas trouble? Wasn't Trump more present and active in dealing with natural disasters, or whatever the Texas crisis is? Biden seems to be even more disengaged than Bush was said to be with Katrina.

There was a recurring gay character on Barney Miller, one of the first on television. Very swishy, total stereotype, carried a purse, owned a poodle.

I don't remember that. The Corner Bar, a few years before, had the first openly gay character on TV. Adults knew he was homosexual because he had a limp wrist. If you were a kid and somehow stayed up that late you probably just thought he was silly -- like Paul Lynde.

hstad said...

Ann, I like most of your articles they inform. But after I finished this one I got a poor taste in my mouth and thought about this guys need to visit Cruz's house. This is what SJWs do with their time? What does this idiot do for a living? Wait he's a journalist? No a 'Twitterati ' maybe a 'Paparazzi! This is what our once sane MSM now does - Tabloid journalism 24/7 - a race to the bottom for traffic, ratings, hits, etc.

narciso said...

so you see how this covers both the cuomo murder spree, and the push for green energy,

Skippy Tisdale said...

Cruz didn't abandon anybody. The governor however has a lot of explaining to do. green energy is a con.

I saw on the news last night that diesel-powered generators where being trucked into Texas in order to supply emergency power. Dirty, dirty diesel.

Skippy Tisdale said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skippy Tisdale said...

A Senator can put pressure on federal bureaucrats if he wants to, although that power is limited, especially nowadays. But that's about it.

Don't they have telephones or Zoom in Mexico?

Leland said...

What does this idiot do for a living? Wait he's a journalist?

He has a bachelor's from Rice University and a master's from Rutgers, which means about $200,000 in higher education. He's under 40 and has a million dollar home in the richest areas of Austin and a half million dollar apartment (actually a house with 2 car garage) in the metrosexual area of Houston. He's doing pretty good for a freelance journalist. Oh, and I forgot that his last full time gig was working for a now defunct, english language, newspaper in Sri Lanka. Who knew failing newspapers in Socialist Republics paid so well?

Eleanor said...

A standard poodle is a water retriever breed. The fancy haircut is to keep the dog's essential body parts warm while swimmming in cold water. The broad swath of hair around the chest, and the "pom-poms' around the ankles, the ones at the top of its head and the tip of its tail. Poodles rank in the top 5 smartest breeds of dogs- higher on the list than German shepherds. It's a very "manly" dog. The miniature versions are just as intelligent as the large breed.

readering said...

Cruz getting dunked on in part because of his past attacks. He mocked California power outages last year and mocked Democrats in Texas for flying to Mexico for wedding/vacation. To his credit, he is self-aware and is not really defending his conduct.

tcrosse said...

So does that make the owner of a labradoodle bisexual?

narciso said...

So hes like kevin williamson then

M. Maxwell said...

"It's worse than the Alamo" "It's worse than Katrina" The hysteria !!!!! And, all this because of ......snow ?????

They must be howling in Alaska, the Northeast, the upper Mid-West.

Joe Smith said...

Posobiec makes the case that Biden should put Hunter in charge of fixing the energy situation in Texas.

He's the smartest person he knows, and he has a lot of experience dealing with energy in cold climates.

He's not wrong...

JaimeRoberto said...

It seems there are a lot of people who think the Executive Branch should legislate and the Legislative Branch should execute.

donald said...

“continue to be surprised and amazed (not in a good way) by so many people's fascination and obsession with dogs”.

I dunno about obsessions, but there are few things in life as awesome as a damn good dog.

The damaged ones ain’t nothin to sniff at by the way.

tim in vermont said...

"Quit enabling their games, and attacks.”

One would think that conservatives would get tired of being led around by the nose by a media that hates them, but one would be wrong.

tim in vermont said...

"he damaged ones ain’t nothin to sniff at by the way. “

Tell that to another dog.

Leland said...

mocked Democrats in Texas for flying to Mexico for wedding/vacation.

Democrats, like the Mayor of Austin, that had executive power and ordered other Texans to stay home, cancel plans to see family, avoid social contact with groups outside the home, and then left the country to attend large family weddings or enjoy a vacation at a popular resort in Mexico.

Ted Cruz didn't tell people they couldn't go to Cancun, and then left on his own. Other Americans were on the plane with him doing the same thing. Indeed, that's another thing, he didn't use a campaign contributors personal jet to fly to Cancun. The Cruz family travelled commercial.

Thank you, readering, for confirming this is all "whataboutism", except without the self-awareness of what the Democrats actually did that was outrageous.

Jim at said...

Maybe one of you snarling leftists could point out just what exactly Ted Cruz should do to resolve the problem your policies created?

donald said...

Well if you’re a dog I suppose so Tim.

The Vault Dweller said...

As a Senator, Cruz couldn't do anything practically to help the situation. He isn't in any executive position in government. However he still should have stayed. It is bad optics to decamp for Cancun. And, as a Senator if he went out and helped in some small manner, it is possible it could have lifted the spirits of others. Most people like seeing people help out in ways they really don't have to. Plus, hard times become easier to bear, emotionally, if they are shared with other people. And keeping people's spirits, or morale up is important in hard times. All that being said, the amount of coverage the media is giving this seems wildly disproportionate the actual level of the story. I heard it on NPR in the car, both on either the local or national bit, but also on the international bit they license from the BBC. Ted Cruz taking his daughters to Cancun during an awful winter storm in an area that causes widespread blackouts is not international news. I won't say it was all motivated by Lefty antipathy for people on the Right though, because the BBC radio host led with, "In one of the richest states, in the richest country tens of millions are without power..." I suspect a bit of British schadenfreude for moderate levels of American misery was also a motivating factor.

Spiros Pappas said...

I think these people see Cruz as Trump's "attack poodle," vociferous yet utterly servile.

Also, the standard poodle can be intimidating.

Jamie said...

Geez. He was causing no trouble. He was not going to be useful at home. He WAS going to take up resources of some kind if he stayed.

But way more than half the commenters here are taking the "Catholic priest of the '50s" approach: if your husband beats you, it's probably because of something you did - so look deep into your own heart and root out the intransigence that's making him abuse you. Oh, and remember - divorce is a sin, so keep on putting up with it until you figure out what you're doing wrong to make him so angry. Say ten Hail Mary's and pray for a more temperate spirit.

I am sick of progressives' abusive-husband schtick - and of conservatives' enabling-priest one too.

tim in vermont said...

This is nothing but Democrat presidential politics, a spoiling attack on Cruz, who is a top tier prospect to run against Harris, it’s nothing more.

National security experts told me the Republican Party is functioning like a terror cell. One said, "If they were in Afghanistan, we would’ve hit them. Either a raid, drop a bomb on them."


tim in vermont said...

It looks like the big problem that sent Texas over the edge was frozen water pipelines so that coal, gas, and nuclear were unable to generate steam and frozen gas pipelines.

BTW, the grid is run by a non profit. Those are the highlights from this rambling thread by a guy who knows things.


narciso said...

Except the largest drops in powet were winfand solar.

Jim at said...

Regardless, it is a question of optics. - Leftist posing as an 'independent'

Optics? You mean like visiting a closed salon and parading around without a mask?
Or maybe packed into a swanky restaurant with a bunch of friends ... none of whom are wearing masks?

Those kind of optics?

I notice none of you have actually stated what Cruz did wrong. Why is that?

Rusty said...

D.D. Driver said...
"Just an observation. When Katrina hit, it was Bush's fault for the inept response.

During this winter storm, it's no one's scandal but the Texans.

Where is FEMA and why doesn't anyone care?"
In any natural disaster in which you are involved the first person there is you. have a plan. Not only to help yourself but also your neighbors. If you wait for a government agency to help you , you'll be dead. most Texans aren't whining and complaining. They're getting on with it. Government agencies generally exist to give jobs to loyal constituents. Don't expect them to be much use. The Confederate Navy and the Salvation Army helped more people than FEMA did.

RigelDog said...

Bob Boyd at 8:15---thank you for that post, I honestly have tears in the corners of my eyes laughing. Now, in the immortal words of Ron White, "It's going to be a good day, Tater."

The Vault Dweller said...

I notice none of you have actually stated what Cruz did wrong.

As an elected Senator of Texas, Cruz is in a leadership position. If you are a leader of a town, county, business, state, or nation, if your people are going through a short-lived, but dramatic rough patch, it is important to be present and a be seen trying to help out as best you can. People take solace in a shared burden. Their spirits can be lifted by seeing leaders make even perfunctory gestures of helping out. From kind of Nicomachean good act/bad act sort of analysis I don't think did any bad act that actually caused harm. But from duty analysis or perhaps a sin of commission/sin of omission analysis Cruz did fail to act in a way which could have alleviated some harm. Leaders are judged not just by what they do, but what they fail to do as well. In the grand scheme of things what Cruz failed to do probably doesn't amount to much, but it was still overall a net negative.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Liberals and their lapdogs (aka the mainstream media”) will not forget this episode in Cruz’s life. By episode, I mean both Cruz going to Mexico or leaving his dog at home. I mean, over 8 years later, people still bring up the story about Romney’s dog in the carrier on the car roof. Bill Clinton’s dog Buddy was left at home in 2002 by the Clinton’s and escaped from the secret service agents guarding their house. Buddy got hit by a car when he escaped. Nobody on the left remembers that “tragedy” today when they rip a Republican for leaving their dog home by itself. I wonder if Bill & Hillary submitted a bill to the Secret Service claiming a loss of companionship with Buddy’s death.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Dear leftists:

If you tell someone not to do something, and then you do it, then you are an evil hypocritical scumbag

See Kerry and private planes, CA Gov and the French Laundry restaurant, many Democrat Mayors and travel.

So, what did Cruz inflict on other people, and then excuse himself from? Nothing?

Then STFU about Cruz

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

@Independent: "The fed government and FEMA in particular are helping with the crisis. Cruz can communicate with local leaders about what they need and then communicate those needs to fed authorities."

Local leaders are doing this themselves, they don't need to play telephone with a US Senator transferring messages for them.

Francisco D said...

Skippy Tisdale said...Don't they have telephones or Zoom in Mexico?

Nothing like cutting through the crap, Skippy.

We have a thread winner!

Leland said...

Those kind of optics?

In my first comment here, I noted the bad optics. The fact is, Ted Cruz would probably like to run for President again in 2024. With that in mind, Cruz can be a powerful influence. He could go out in public and use his good name to do good things. If you need an example, search for JJ Watt and Hurricane Harvey. For that matter, look up Mattress Mack during any Houston disaster. Neither Watt or McIngvale are political leaders, but they know how to improve their brand during a disaster. Leaving the country at a time like this was a bad idea.

Andrew said...

In April 2020 Osama Binladen came to Gov Cuomo in a dream. Binladen bragged that he was the GOAT of killing New Yorkers. Gov Cuomo replied, "Hold my beer."

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger Mr Wibble said...
Also: What is Cruz, a federal legislator who has no role in the local government, supposed to do for the local government?

A Senator can put pressure on federal bureaucrats if he wants to, although that power is limited, especially nowadays. But that's about it.

Yeah, because every problem needs to be solved by the federal government.

Mark said...

Meanwhile in 48 hours AOC raised a couple million for Cruz's constituents.

Yeah, what could Cruz do?

His 12 year old demanded a trip to the Ritz in Cancun!

Gospace said...

independent said...
What an unforced error. I would have thought he and his staff would know better. Know one ever called him stupid - till now.

He has many contacts in state and federal government. The fed government and FEMA in particular are helping with the crisis. Cruz can communicate with local leaders about what they need and then communicate those needs to fed authorities.

Yes, because calling a middleman of the party that's NOT in power in Washington- is so much more effective than reaching out directly to the people you need to contact. He'll magically know all the local contact points to tell federal officials- and be fully equipped to answer any questions on unique local situations.

Yeah, okay. There's actually a chain of contact for all local authorities to contact all state authorities and/or all federal authorities in emergency situations. Senators and congresscritters aren't in that chain. They're not administrators. They're not agency heads. They have no idea where stockpiles of anything are. That's not their job. Staying out of the way and letting the people who (supposedly) know what they're doing handle it- that's their job.

Tina Trent said...

Cruz has a reputation for being an obsessively hard worker.

It is not his job to do the work of state government.

How does anyone know he wasn’t working on the infrastructure policy issues, remotely?

It is sleazy and dangerous to stalk politicians.

Tina Trent said...

Also, if my dogs could vote — heck, I’m in Georgia so maybe they can — they would vote to stay in their own house with a dog sitter visiting, rather than sit in a kennel.

Or maybe the poodle has a bad reputation and isn’t allowed to be boarded with others. It happens.

Like that Seinfeld show where Elaine can’t get a doctor because she’s been labeled a bad patient in her medical records.