December 11, 2020

Time wasted my time.

I'm so annoyed that I bothered with Time's "Person of the Year" finalist list yesterday, when it turns out Time picked an option that was not on the list

I'm not linking to their article this time. Please go to the update on yesterday's post if you want to understand the source of my irritation.


tastid212 said...

Does anyone read Time any more? Does anyone look to Time for insight?
Now it's only known for "Person of the Year," just like USN&WR is only known for college rankings. Newsweek doesn't even register.

Birkel said...

Caring about the tiny things.
The Althouse Blog has gotten more selective.

traditionalguy said...

Time is on my side, yes it is...rigged like the swing state vote count and for far less money.

MD Greene said...

Perfectly understandable choice. Employment in the self-regarding mainstream media now requires hating Donald Trump. AP and the UPI hate Donald Trump. USA Today really really hates Donald Trump. Time, traditionally the mildly right-wing yin to Newsweek's left-wing yang, naturally hates Donald Trump and must prove its bona fides.

When Trump dies, there will processions of "reporters'" and editors' cars traveling to his burial site to heap salt on his grave.

FWIW, I did not vote for either party's candidates in the last two elections. Just calling it as I see it here.

rehajm said...

Serves you right.

Fredrick said...

I reccommend "Reclaiming My TIme", or in this case your time, by avoiding Time in the future.

Another old lawyer said...
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Darrell said...

Biden and Harris the Commanders-in-Thief in the 2020 Coup. May God have mercy on their Souls.

Another old lawyer said...

A selection that didn't win the voting. A perfect metaphor for 2020.

Whiskeybum said...

Time magazine sucking up to the potential new administration. How brave and independent they are! Ass-kissing at its finest.

FleetUSA said...

Wait a Nobel prize is certainly in the offing for the pair in 2021

rhhardin said...

With another two miracles, at least one of them not a card trick, Biden can be named a saint.

rehajm said...

Wait a Nobel prize is certainly in the offing for the pair in 2021

They didn't get one yet? Must be COVID is holding things up...

Leland said...

Is there a "mainstream" news organization that isn't a waste of time these days? I admit, Time is hardly what I would call MSM these days. It is sort of relic that people recall only this time of year. If they didn't have "Person of the Year", they'd be completely forgotten.

rehajm said...

Serves you right.

I guess Charlie Brown never figured it out, either.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the Glossy magazines are pro Democrat Party Worship.

It's rather nauseating, isn't it.

I said the other day and again now - I stopped by an almost empty Barnes and Noble - stacks and stacks of Obama and Michelle books all over. All the magazine fronts (and backs!) were covered with Biden and Kamala.

Oozing Faithful Party Loyalty! The American Glossy.

It's not enough that we are inundated with Party worship on TV, cable and hollywood.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Democrat Party and its media machine morphed into the Chinese Communist State and its Virus.

Fernandinande said...

time Announces New Version Of Magazine Aimed At Adults

The kid at 1:11 cracks me up even though I can't understand her.

Temujin said...

Imagine sitting in your basement for a year and come out to find that you're the Person of the Year. Imagine how that will affect an ego already inflated beyond reason and actual productivity throughout ones life.

It's good to have surrogates working on algorithms and printing up extra ballots.

Imagine being Kamala Harris and getting thoroughly and embarrassingly rejected by your own party only to end up as Vice President of the nation to a Sack-O'Potatoes soon to be referred to a nursing facility, and for your troubles being named Person of the Year.

Time and the Nobel Committee have both managed to destroy any sense of credibility over the last few years.

tds said...

they/them of the year

Kate said...

Time's worst offense? The pick is so boring. Someday the bien pensant will tire of virtue-signaling and become interesting again.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Learn from it and ignore it every year for the rest of your life.

It’s always been a ridiculous PR exercise to sell magazines.

DanTheMan said...

>>Perfectly understandable choice. Employment in the self-regarding mainstream media now requires hating Donald Trump.

Someone commented yesterday that the choice would be whoever made Trump look the worst.
That seems to be what happened.

chickelit said...

I’m sorry for you, Althouse. This all seemed so avoidable.

D.D. Driver said...

Time is just trolling us at this point.

Eleanor said...

You need a more productive hobby.

Gusty Winds said...

It was a waste of time yesterday too. Who cares what Time Magazine thinks?

Kevin said...

Now do WAPO.

wendybar said...

CHINA is thrilled!! This is as stupid as Obama winning a Peace prize for being black.

Kevin said...

when it turns out Time picked an option that was not on the list.

Further reinforcement that when it comes to the left, your vote does not count.

rehajm said...

Some blue check mentioned all the awards are not for recognizing good behavior but for trying to legitimize the disgusting stuff.

rehajm said...

Cuomo getting the Ted Kennedy award takes the cake.

For murdering people and getting away with it?

mezzrow said...

But it's Biden this time
'Cause that's the kind of mag I'm
While other folks grow dizzy
We keep busy
Biden' our time

Next year, next year
Somethin's bound to happen
This year, this year
We'll just keep on mappin'

And Biden our time
'Cause that's the kind of mag I'm
There's no regrettin'
When we're settin'
Bidin' our time

Michael said...

Biden and Harris (plural) named Person Of The Year (singular)

What? Were they sewn together like a human centipede?

Dave Begley said...

Blogger tds said...

they/them of the year

12/11/20, 7:25 AM

robother said...

Two bodies, One Person. This is a pronoun split I did not see coming. They share one nature, mediocrity. Joe Blow, President/ Vice President. The Person-Elect will deliver the Inaugural in two-part harmony. Mala's in the Oval, blowing Xi, Joe's in the basement, thinking about the government.

This is big, Ann. Or as the Person-Elect might put it, c'mon, man, you're retired, time wasters are what you need.

iowan2 said...

We (sentient humans) have known for a long time that the media is leftist narrative setting.

Since Labor Day, it is clear the media is, now, nothing but propaganda. This is no surprise. Time had to do this to give these two political pawns some semblance of heft(can't use the word 'gravitas')

The classic Potemkin Village. Right here in the US, courtesy of a corrupt media. Perfect metaphor for the Democrat Party

MadisonMan said...

Time after Time. Listening to Cyndi Lauper now.

wild chicken said...

I'm still pissed about 2016. It was so obviously Trump's year, but Time couldn't even

Butkus51 said...

Only time I read Time is when it was forced on us in HS. Student discount. Nice business model.

Sam L. said...

I haven't had the time for TIME in yearsssssssssssssssssssssssssss. No interest in it.

Butkus51 said...

Forgot to mention, this was about 1975 or so, when the world was going to nd because of ice. Then you have the Hitler choice. Time, always on the money.

Earnest Prole said...


iowan2 said...

I was pre-destined to subscribe to Time. My mother always subscribed because it was delivered to the military in WWII. She called it the 'Pony' edition. Since her stint in Europe, Time was part of her weekly life. I lasted as a subscriber until I got married, got busy, and realized Time no longer was relevant to the world as it exists in reality. Its yearly flash of PR has done nothing but reinforce my conclusion

Big Mike said...

Shouldn’t you be angry at yourself for falling for their little game? You know — or should know — that lies and deceit have been Time’s stock in trade for decades now.

Retail Lawyer said...

Why is Ann paying any attention to this whatsoever, I though yesterday when I saw the post. Skipped over it. Who cares?

Ralph L said...

They wanted to give it to Biden alone, then realized they'd look pretty foolish when they demand he get the heave ho in a couple of months.

tcrosse said...

Kamala would have been more suitable for Miss Congeneality.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Time after Time. Listening to Cyndi Lauper now.

Tuck & Patti do a fantastic version too.

Jim Gust said...

I ignored yesterday's post on this, just as I always ignore Time itself.

I trust that this is the last time Time will be mentioned on the Althouse blog?

Francisco D said...

Temujin said...Imagine sitting in your basement for a year and come out to find that you're the Person of the Year.

It is the perfect metaphor for The Year of the Wuhan Flu.

DanTheMan said...

>>They wanted to give it to Biden alone, then realized they'd look pretty foolish when they demand he get the heave ho in a couple of months.

I suspect the plan is to drag him along for just over two years. Then, in theory, Harris can serve two full terms plus the slightly less than two years of Biden's first term.

Imagine Harris as president for an entire decade....

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I used to read U.S. News & World Report because my father read it. Dumped it decades ago. Use to read the Wall Street Journal. Dumped it 10 years ago. I just skimmed over the news coverage and only paid attention to the editorial page. Not worth the $350/year price. I read Scientific American for about 40 years. They were always left-leaning, but I dumped it when they dumbed down their content. Started reading New Scientist. Dumped it this year because of all their leftist claptrap about Climate Change. Climate Change is nothing but a fascist excuse to take over the economy.

Joe Smith said...

Time wasting time...

It's what liberals do, along with lying and cheating...

But they got a lot of people to amplify their story.

All about the clicks, doncha know.

wild chicken said...

I preferred Newsweek in high school, and subscribed all on my own. It wasn't a school thing.

Later I liked Time better but read both. Time was good in the Reagan era. In the Clinton years they they had the Washingtoon comic which I liked but don't remember much about now. Probably just warmed-oved Doonesbury.

Both seem pretty irrelevant now.

Clayton Hennesey said...

All of this lauding of Joe Biden is premature and unwarranted.

The ancients regularly sacrificed their kings:

"Clonycavan Man was disemboweled and struck three times across the head with an ax and once across the body and also had his nipples cut.

Cutting the nipples was more than torture. The aim was to dethrone the king. 'Sucking a king’s nipples was a gesture of submission in ancient Ireland,' says Kelly. 'Cutting them would have made him incapable of kingship in this world or the next.'

'By using a range of methods to kill the victim, the ancient Irish sacrificed to the goddess in all her forms. This manner of death is peculiar to the ritual killing of kings. It means that a king was being decommissioned.'"

Joe Biden is only the latest.

Although there is much gratuitous nipple kissing going on now, Joe Biden was picked to be nothing more than an imminently disposable stooge, a role his narcissism combined with his dementia made him perfectly suited for.

Now the nipple slicing and other dispositive mutilations will continue apace. The FBI investigations into the Biden family's corruption are no longer being quarantined, and other former protections will be systematically withdrawn as well until finally, Joe, his usefulness spent, can be neatly buried in a bog by whoever can get the job done.

Narayanan said...

Retail Lawyer said...
Why is Ann paying any attention to this whatsoever,
Why is Ann playing squirrel with her admirers?


Michael K said...

Blogger Mike of Snoqualmie said...
I used to read U.S. News & World Report because my father read it.

I used to read The Economist, mostly for their foreign news. Then they went bonkers, too.

Jupiter said...

"Time wasted my time."

You wasted your time. Time merely provided an opportunity, one among a multitude. A service you kindly extended to the rest of us.

sterlingblue said...

Hope you learned your lesson, Althouse. Don't waste time on Time.

The number of media outlets that are worth your Time is dwindling by the day. They have almost all devolved into dishonest propaganda for one side or the other.

loudogblog said...

Time magazine has been irrelevant for a long time. It's obvious that Covid is the most significant historical event in more than half a century and they pick someone who isn't really involved with the Covid crisis.

Gunner said...

If you seriously thought that lefty lapdog Time Magazine would "disrespect" the future Democrat President and Vice President by not giving them this award, after all this Trump hate, you are naive.

Rabel said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Blair said...

I'll have to pick up a copy next time I'm at KMart.

Lurker21 said...

Second year in a row that they passed over the pangolins. Some animals ... if that's what they are ... get no respect. They should fire their press agent.

Biden (with or without Harris) was the only choice more debasing and bootlicking than Fauci. I can understand why they did it though. They want Joe (and Kamala) to give them access. And they are building a blue coronation wall against election challenges.

I used to read my father's Time magazines when I was in grade school. I was quite the prodigy. It's been downhill for me and the magazine ever since.

Achilles said...

"Time wasted my time."


You wasted your time giving them relevance.

cassandra lite said...

Good metaphor for the election.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


This is as stupid as Obama winning a Peace prize for being black.

To be fair, that's not really why he got the Nobel. He got it, more or less explicitly, for not being George W. Bush. It certainly wasn't for anything he did, though; the nominations were in before he was even inaugurated.

Ralph L,

They wanted to give it to Biden alone, then realized they'd look pretty foolish when they demand he get the heave ho in a couple of months.

What Ann is complaining about is that, as of yesterday, "Biden and Harris" wasn't even on the menu; it was Biden alone. This way is, as you say, transparent butt-covering (if that's not a contradiction in terms). Biden is unlikely to last a full term, and Harris was such an embarrassment in the primaries that she dropped out before the Iowa caucuses. But, hey, it's "a Harris Administration with Joe Biden," which I would have thought was Kamala's slip of the tongue were it not for Biden himself immediately saying almost exactly the same thing. I'll beg off assessing his dementia or lack thereof, but obviously he doesn't have the physical stamina to run the country. Hell, the next encounter with that "little pup," Major, might easily prove fatal all by itself.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

bait and switch

Readering said...

First woman vp may have something to do with it. 36 years later. They would have done the same in 84 or 08.

Jack Klompus said...

Oh I'm sure Time would've made McCain and Palin the Persons of the Year if they'd been elected. What a ridiculous simpleton you are.

JAORE said...

Time Magazine Person of the Year
Nobel Peace Prize recipient
Academy Award winner
Olympic Gold Medalist
World Series Champion
Super Bowl Winner
NBA Champion

I'll take list of things I thought important 40 years ago, Alex (RIP).

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


What Jack Klompus said. "First woman VP," and "first Black VP," and (as an afterthought) "first VP of South Indian descent." Which actually matters to them about as much as it mattered that Tiger Woods' mother is Thai. What they're itching to say is "first black woman President," only Biden is still in the way, damnit. For once I'm pulling for the guy; I hope he gets through his four years, and Harris just does the usual VP stuff, or non-stuff.

And doesn't get to be Prez, despite it being "her time." It is never "time" for any individual. We can't escape that now, but we can try to make people understand that who gets the office is a function of, well, who got the most votes, and absolutely nothing else. Unfortunately "who got the most votes" is still and always will be undecided for many people, but all the same the idea that it is "time" for this or that group to have the office should be scotched.

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