October 4, 2020

"The Gun Incident (as it lives in my brain) has become a metaphor for what’s transpired for all of us this past year—since we’ve been threatened with death and disruption brought on by the coronavirus?"

"Lately, I have asked myself this question: Could I have moved forward from that moment without any assistance with my mental health and state of well-being?... We’ve sequestered ourselves for months.... [H]ow do we step out into this new world—emotionally? What about the mental health costs of the underlying anxiety of the times?... [T]he administration has overlooked a dire need—and that decision is a reflection of our values and priorities in this country.... We need the loud, culturally relevant presence of an expert in mental health.... A psychologist general at the forefront of mental health research and delivery would send a strong message that psychological well-being is prized on a par with physical health—a message in keeping with the phrase 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'"... And someone whom we trust. Someone who might become so familiar to us that she or he would turn into a regular character depicted on Saturday Night Live.... [A]ll we’re left with are fictional characters from television—paging Dr. Frasier Crane (Frasier), Dr. Jennifer Melfi (The Sopranos), Dr. Noelle Akopian (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), Charlie Brown’s pal Lucy, and, of course, all of Larry David’s therapists on Curb. In all seriousness, this speaks to a significant imbalance in our society."

From "The Forgotten F-Word in the Pandemic/Monica Lewinsky wonders if these times demand a prominent mental health czar" by Monica Lewinsky (Vanity Fair). The "The Forgotten F-Word" is feelings. "The Gun Incident" is that time in 2011 when she was stopped in her car and "someone... wearing a widely striped, bright turquoise and gray sweatshirt... gripping a gun, brandished [it] at his waist" in such a way that she was somehow "looking straight down the barrel of A Gun." The car was mightier than the gun, and she was able to "jam my Prius into drive, gun the accelerator, and move forward... [t]ires squealing." I didn't know you could jam and gun a Prius and get its tires to squeal, but Lewinsky deploys action verbs. I love that it's a Prius and that we're not told the color of the "someone" though we're told the color of his sweatshirt — bright turquoise! The point is, she had a traumatic experience in 2011, and she sought psychiatric care, which puts her in a position to recommend mental health care for those going through trauma, and since 2020 is so traumatic for all of us, the nation should have a Psychologist General, and it ought to be someone with such cultural prominence that she/he would get impersonated on "SNL." Instead we only have fictional characters as our centrally prominent psychologist, which is too bad.

That has me remember when the nation did have one most-famous psychologist, and it was somebody that got joked about and impersonated. Do you remember? It was Dr. Joyce Brothers!
Joyce Diane Brothers (October 20, 1927 – May 13, 2013) was an American psychologist, television personality, advice columnist, and writer. She first became famous in 1955 for winning the top prize on the American game show The $64,000 Question, the only woman to do so. Her fame from the game show allowed her to go on to host various advice columns and television shows, which established her as a pioneer in the field of "pop (popular) psychology".

Brothers is often credited as the first to normalize psychological concepts to the American mainstream. Her syndicated columns were featured in newspapers and magazines, including a monthly column for Good Housekeeping, in which she contributed for nearly 40 years. As Brothers quickly became the "face of psychology" for American audiences, she often appeared in various television roles, usually as herself. From the 1970s onward, she also began to accept fictional roles that parodied her "woman psychologist" persona. She is noted for working continuously for five decades across various genres. Numerous groups recognized Brothers for her strong leadership as a woman in the psychological field and for helping to destigmatize the profession overall.
Here's she is in what I'm just going to assume is the 1970s, talking to The Amazing Kreskin:

ADDED: As evidence that Dr. Joyce Brothers was material for the comedians, here she is with Andrew Dice Clay (in what looks like the 1980s):

AND: If you'd like the info in quiz form, here's "Can you name these sitcoms with Dr. Joyce Brothers as a guest star?"

I got 7 out of 10.


Dave Begley said...

How is it that Bill Clinton is attached to two crazy women?

I never watched any of those TV shows. That’s part of her problem. And she needs a man! And preferably for intercourse and not just oral sex.

At nearly every Dem rally, the candidates talked about mental health. Big applause. The Dems are nuts and their guy is senile. Hell of a deal.

tcrosse said...

Not to forget Dr. Bob Hartley (Bob Newhart) or Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

ga6 said...

First the mental health czar, then the Joseph P. Kennedy solution for the deplorables.

madAsHell said...

"someone... wearing a widely striped, bright turquoise and gray sweatshirt... gripping a gun, brandished at his waist"

As if she needed another 15 minutes of fame......

NC William said...

Liberals are the strangest creatures. I need the federal government to provide me with a national "daddy" that I can silently look to for guidance. Maybe I can call him "big brother."

doctrev said...

Making your personal issues into a national crisis strikes me as the most Lewinsky thing you can do.

Quayle said...

I know many who continued on in their normal pre-COVID patterns of daily care and spiritual devotional. They read scriptures, they prayed, and spoke often with their families and friends, as they always had. And their mental health is fine. But it certainly helps to have a worldview where there is a benevolent king fully in control, where the purpose of life IS the experience itself, where these kinds of things are expected occurrences (some even prophesied), and where death is not the ultimate evil (needless pain and suffering is.)

Maybe instead of more downstream remediation, one should rethink and reevaluate the stability and fruit of their chosen world view. Maybe THAT is the lesson of the times. When the rain comes and the wind blows, you’ll find out if your house is built on sand or on a rock. Maybe some thought to foundations would be helpful.

Ice Nine said...

>>Lewinsky: "A psychologist general at the forefront of mental health research and delivery would send a strong message that psychological well-being is prized on a par with physical health"<<

It's not, babe. But, oh yeah, let's be sure to promulgate the notion that everyone has been a victim, that that notion should linger, and that we should all be emotional cripples as a result of an epidemic. Bullshit. Buck up - as if that were even necessary, get going again, and forget this year.

Mikey NTH said...

Don't forget Mad Magazine, where psychiatrists showed up in the various cartoon panels.

Ice Nine said...

Here's some good advice, Monica.


chickelit said...

This is just crazy female (f-word) stuff. Best to ignore it.

walter said...

"a gun, brandished at his waist" in such a way that she was somehow "looking straight down the barrel"
I thought was in her comfort zone.

Paco Wové said...

Joyce Brothers as SNL fodder.

Carol said...

We used to have Laura Schlessinger, who wasn't really qualified because her PhD was in physiology, but she gave good advice. I think she was canceled but is on Sirius.

Also Joy Browne had a radio show and I internalized a lot of her ideas too. She had a PhD in psych. She never became that prominent though and passed in 2016.

I guess we can't all agree on things now and won't be schooled by someone else not myself.

Bob Smith said...

Just a reminder.

“ The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 20% of the US adult population is walking around with a diagnosable mental illness.”

I think they’re light in the pot.

Ann Althouse said...

Speaking of Bill Clinton, I think Dr. Joyce Brothers looks like Hillary Clinton.

JAORE said...

Wasn't Dr. Brothers censured by the Psych association for appearing in a bra commercial?

Real mental health professionals have, and continue to, helped members of my family. The work is long. Progress is sometimes elusive. But the long term results are something I am grateful for.

Pop psychologists. Feh. Diagnosis galore of "patients" unseen. Pop a pill as first resort for ills of any magnitude. Media parroting the nonsense of these so called experts.

If these people are the growing awareness of mental health it is an illness of its own.

tcrosse said...

Then there's Dr. Charles Krauthammer, who coined the term Bush Derangement Syndrome. If only he had lived to see TDS in all its glory.

Paul Snively said...

Dear Christ in heaven, if there’s one thing America doesn’t need, it’s doubling down on safetyism and therapeutic culture. Better probability education, yes. Better alignment of state and federal public health policy, yes. Reconsideration of allowing other countries to control the supply of vital medical supplies, yes. A more general reconsideration of “free trade” that makes the nation dependent, yes. Better systems for dealing with pooled risk (decoupling health insurance from employment, explicit pricing for services to the patient, political control over “interstate commerce” meaning insurance companies must compete in all 50 states), yes. Prozac Nation, no.

Yancey Ward said...

Our decline as a people may well be irreversible at this point.

Michael K said...

Then there was "Dr Laura" who turned out to be a doctor of Physiology or some such.

The only good radio psychiatrist I ever heard was David Viscott, but he eventually went crazy and convinced himself he had been abducted by aliens.

whitney said...

So fragile. I feel great

stevew said...

My daughter, wife and mother of two young children, and my son, husband and father of two older but also young children, agree that therapy is needed to address and overcome the affects of the Covid inspired social isolation. Their children returned to regular day care and/or school a bit less than a month ago. This is the sort of therapy that is producing positive results for them and their kids.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

She’s right. Mental illness isn’t taken seriously in this country. OTOH, hysteria has been removed from the DSM (because chicks got, well, hysterical about it being included) so she’s shit out of luck.

Jupiter said...

Maybe if some nice young men in uniform with guns of their own had grabbed that certain Someone in his turquoise sweatshirt and tossed his worthless Black ass in the penitentiary until he was too old for that kind of thing, Monica would not have these problems. Certainly worth a try!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

He is gripping a gun, brandished at his waist. I am looking straight down the barrel of A Gun.

You'll have to forgive Monica, normally in brandishing from the waist situation she'd be looking straight down the barrel of something other than a gun.

mikee said...

Dr. Joyce Brothers? To hell with that pile of cold oatmeal and old chicken bones.
Give me Dr. Ruth, or give me death!

Joe Smith said...

Was that what Bill Clinton did...brandished a weapon down her throat?

But he's an 'elder statesman' now, and the kind of president we need. In fact, liberal women (and serious 'journalists) were willing to strap on knee pads and let him brandish his weapon down their throats, too.

The good old days, sigh...

The Prius (don't want to figure out the plural) is a hybrid, and I'm sure the electric motors kick in if you try to 'gun it.' Electric motors have tremendous torque so I don't doubt they could chirp the tires, especially the skinny, low rolling resistance tires they have.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Times like this call for a real expert.

wildswan said...

Problem: I evaded all the Restrictions as if it were Prohibition. How can I talk as if I suffered with the rest?
Solution: A Czar. But listen, Gretchen, they're on to you. Oh, you're Nancy. Same, same.
Problem: I moved to the suburbs, telecommute, have lower taxes, good schools, lots of green, lots of walks with my family in the evening. Will BLM come for us?
Answer: A Czar. But know that BLM lives next door and goes into the city to burn out the black community because of theories. Reality is they don't want to see property values drop where they live, so you should be good.
Problem? I don't have room on my kitchen counter for a toaster that can handle bagels and also I can't eat real bagels because I have to be gluten free.
Solution: A Czar. The Toast Czar. Also, gluten-free was a fad so you can start eating Dunkin' Donuts soon. Disregard your doctor.
See the theme?
Have Problem?
Have Solution: Hunter Biden or a buddy, call them Czars.

MD Greene said...

I'd have more respect for Monica Lewinsky if she'd changed her name, developed a professional talent and left the past behind.

Sadly, she clings to that past, her only claim to fame, and comes out with commentaries that never would get any attention if written by Monica Smith.

I feel sorry for her, in a way, but not particularly interested in her point of view.

Quayle said...

“We need someone prominent, someone in charge, who can run things, get us focused on the right balance of principals and practices, and help us when we fall short”

How about God?

“No! Not that guy! Someone in Washington DC. Or New York or LA.”

BUMBLE BEE said...

I nominate, (posthumously), Gunnery Sargent R. Lee Ermey. To the effect of "shake it off crybaby".

Silence said...

If Biden wins it'll be great fun watching the left realise they control all of the elite spaces and have no ability to get through to the people they claim to want to help as they've thoroughly alienated them by their politicisation of everything. You can't talk about mental health properly in a world where the profession is partisans cesspit at the best of times and that's especially true in a world where many of it's members are willing supporters of the emotionally abusive CRT doctrine.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

"The Forgotten F-Word" is feelings

Am I the only one who guessed fellatio?

Bruce Hayden said...

She lost my sympathy a couple decades ago, when she snapped her thong to get Slick Willie’s attention. She voluntarily and intentionally performed sex acts on him in the Oval Office. What did she expect? He was married, and not about to divorce his wife for her. She was legally an adult at that point, over 21 years old. Yes, it was fun. And yes, she probably would have had a better life if she hadn’t gone after Clinton. But that is entirely on her (and Clinton).

Caligula said...

Moni-CaCa, no one Ca-ares what you think. About anything. Do you really think giving the ex-Pres. a blow job in the oval office somehow makes you an authority ... on anything?

Perhaps it's a shame that that one act has come to define your life, but, what else have you ever done that the public would care about?

Readering said...

Dumping on Monica Lewinsky in late 2020?

Michael K said...

Sadly, she clings to that past, her only claim to fame, and comes out with commentaries that never would get any attention if written by Monica Smith.

A friend of mine knows her father. He must cringe at these appearances. The mother took over her life and this is the result.

AllenS said...

As a psychologist without a degree, the best advice I give to people is: "Grow the fuck up."

M Alazon said...

Re: Qualye,

When I heard Chris Christie was positive I chuckled. My wife was like, "I thought you liked Christie?"

I replied, "I do but we don't worship people as gods on the right." Christie may have his uses but he's had opportunity to get himself in better health and he hasn't.

Gabriel said...

@Ann:I didn't know you could jam and gun a Prius and get its tires to squeal

Of course you can. It's not a Geo Metro. Electric traction motors have a great deal of torque and the torque is highest starting from rest.

Megaera said...

Gabriel: I'm more interested in why on earth she had to put the car in drive. Do Prii come with an actual standard shift? I know my nephew's is automatic, but I suppose anything is possible. Thing is, I've had both standards and automatics, and I don't recall ever taking a non-clutch car out of Drive to idle it, such that I'd have to SLAM that sucker back into D to rabbit it outta trouble.

It's just the odd detail that has that "Mikado" ring -- something about throwing in unnecessary info to lend verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.

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