I can't decide what's funnier: having the president sign a blank piece of paper with a giant Sharpie like a child, or sending the photos with the EXIF data that shows they were staged and taken 10 minutes apart: https://t.co/RROmRqBUZs
— Caitlin Murray (@caitlinmurr) October 4, 2020
The difference in Trump's complexion between Tuesday (left) and Saturday (right) is jarring pic.twitter.com/qNdKORSspt
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 3, 2020
Yes, now we — finally! — know the orange is makeup, not tanning or fake tan.
Missing completely the Fake News that Trump was on his death bed.
Can anyone tech savvy tell me what happens with that date on a JPEG when you upload the picture from the camera? I am asking in true ignorance here.
Nothing will ever be enough, but we knew that already Caitlin.
He's just fucking with you sweetheart, and you're all too happy to play along.
Live update on Trumps condition if you have your TV on or can find it on the web..
docs are saying opposite of eat a dick Drudge.
And, in any case, so what if the photos were staged? It could just be that Trump was working in both locations all day, and the photographers wanted to show examples of each location.
Media giddy over a drop in Oxygen from 99 to 93.
Currently there are 2 main conspiracies permeating the left/LLR-left:
1) Trump is completely faking this for sympathy and to get out of the debates
2) Trump is near death
The best part?
The lefties/LLR-lefties believe BOTH conspiracies simultaneously and seamlessly move from one to the other, usually in the same conversations!
It's the best.
Pay close attention and once you see the lefties doing it, you can never unsee it.
Not sure what that's supposed to prove.
Mightn't Trump have staff working in different rooms on different things simultaneously during a quarantine, and then move around to each room to review and put his signature on the work product after most have left work for the day?
The time-stamp is around 5:30pm on a Saturday.
That a photographer would take the opportunity to follow him as he does that would not surprise me.
I'll bet the Russians are involved somehow.
Not only is he on his death bed, but he's faking the illness. You decide.
Not only is he on his death bed, but he's faking the illness. You decide.
For the difference in complexion -- how do they explain the dramatic change in hair color? Or in how washed out his white shirt appears to be? Or even the shade of blue in his flag pin?
I'm not sure how all those colors could be washed out by Covid, but it's easy to see how a change in lighting or white balance could have that effect.
Althouse's adventures with sunrise photography demonstrate that the color in photos is adjustable, depending on the available light and the processing afterwards.
Aside from Rupar pretending not to understand makeup I don’t see the point. As for blank paper, they did that years ago and then another angle showed the text, so it looks like TV reporters pretending they don’t understand lighting.
If you look at T's hair in the 2 pictures, it's bigly lighter in the second one too.
Not saying he doesn't use makeup (so what?), but it can also be lighting, or filtering, or photoshopping.
The thirst for scandal is unquenchable.
aaron 'tractor' rupar, does it again
Jarring complexion issues!
When I get sick with even a simple cold - my color is off. If I get the flu or early stage pneumonia - (a few years back) I turn a pale green.
During a debate - Joe and Trump will wear makeup. Because... on camera. Of course we know Trump's make-up is a Russian spy.
I always suspected that the orange might be just makeup. I know a sales guy who always wears pink shirts. I once asked him once why he did it. "Its all about be memorable and building a brand".
Mark Meadows reportedly told some of the reporter pool yesterday that Trump had nearly died Friday night. Two hours later Trump tweets out a video message. It's amazing how the masters of disinformation can't see a possible disinformation op being run against them.
The contrasting pictures of Trump (presumably with and without makeup) look a bit exaggerated to me. Look at the hair color. Much lighter (blonder or grayer) in the right-hand photo. Can't imagine Trump's orange hair dye would have evaporated after only a few days.
Mostly differences in the lighting and white balance of the photos. That said, he does look unwell in the right-hand photo.
Also media: Trump's "infection" is a head-fake to avoid the next debate!
Remember the "I'm not dead yet" scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Remember how it ends, with the old man being killed by the operator of the body cart?
Dr. Sanjay Gupta and CNN remind me of the characters in this scene.
He sat in the same spot for 10 minutes.
Took his coat off.
Used a sharpie.
I fail to see how this makes the photos staged.
If they were staged it would be more like 1 minute apart at most.
Democrats are just stupid people.
this were the people who had problems with female biology 12 years ago, I don't think they've improved anymore in their rationality,
the 'comey rule' features the discredited russian hookers, who were probably over in hunter biden's suite,
"The lefties/LLR-lefties believe BOTH conspiracies simultaneously and seamlessly move from one to the other, usually in the same conversations!"
And as our host noted earlier, they simultaneously believe in science and karma. The shorter list is of what they don't believe when it comes to President Trump.
Wait, photos of politicians are staged? Wow...
Now imagine what the media would say if it was a 'real' paper..."He's endangering national security!"
How many photographers spent how many hours lining up shots of Obamas' head with a light or a glow in the background to give the creased pants one the 'anointed' look.
Obama was a secular saint and a god to the libs. The camera loved him because the photographers loved him.
The bright blue background in the 'before' pic also vibrates optically with the warm makeup color, making the skin look even warmer/oranger.
Scottish-German is the worst combination for paleness. We found my son in formation at Marine boot camp graduation by looking for the palest one there.
Are photos ever posed?
"Does he, or doesn't he?"
When you cut the cake at your wedding was the photo posed? Did you still cut the cake? Did you still get married?
Don’t ignore the possibility it’s a deep fake bionic Trump.
From the comments:
-photoshopped. Bad photoshop. Left hand reflection impossible!! Science! They think we're stupid!
-Not Walter Reed. Here's a 10 yrs old file photo to prove it!
Althouse is concocting justifications for voting for Biden.
As usual, the left seizes on everything it can go shout "lies" and the right uses whatever means it needs to say, "no, you're a ding dong."
Neither has anything to do with revealing truth.
The white balance is slightly too cool in the first picture, probably due to an LED klieg light on the camcorder used for the video. With that much extra light, the still camera used to take the two photos didn't use its onboard flash, in most prosumer cameras the flash is often calibrated to typical daylight white values. The second picture taken in the paneled conference room shows evidence of fill-flash, and President Trump looks substantially less pale. How does that happen, libtards? Did Trump suddenly regain his health? Did his make artist apply a new artificial complexion in ten minutes? Or is the explanation boil down to white balance and different lighting?
Scottish-German is the worst combination for paleness.
Nope. Scottish-Scandivanian has it beat by a whiter shade of pale.
Grossly irresponsible by the media. This is information that might steer the course of illness in another direction. Especially for a patient on steroids.
holy CATS! Where Would We Be?
Without EXIF data to show, that two pictures; of the President at different tables,
wearing different clothes, were NOT taken simultaneously!!!!
Here is some argument that the "blank sheet of paper" is another media miss.
Same argument about lighting.
"Nope. Scottish-Scandivanian has it beat by a whiter shade of pale."
Albino Scottish-Scandinavian is the all time winner.
Yancy asked...Can anyone tech savvy tell me what happens with that date on a JPEG when you upload the picture from the camera? I am asking in true ignorance here.
there are Several dates that are stored on a file (here are some real numbers from a pic of mine
Date Taken......8/22/2020 10:24 AM
Date Modified...9/27/2020 6:54 PM
Date Created....10/4/2020 12:07PM
which, if you notice, i modified (changed the color balance (with GIMP)) just before posting this
BUT the date taken doesn't change (although you EASILY can)
oops! i mislabeled the Modified Date, and the Created date (just to confuse people!
It was CREATED (downloaded) Sept 27, and MODIFIED TODAY Oct 4
Still 3 months left in 2020
You ain't seen nothing yet!
The only thing I think of with those two pictures of Trump is that lighting makes a huge difference. I think he looks better rested in the second, and a little flushed in the first. But the base color can be explained by stage makeup, lighting, and white balance of the photos. I spent a while yesterday "fixing" complexions on some pictures I took of my girls' friends at a horse show. Lowering the "orange luminescence" gives you a nice peachy glow where the straight-out-of-the-camera color is much pastier white.
It’s rubber turkey all over again
Limited blogger said...
Still 3 months left in 2020
You ain't seen nothing yet!
This is just the second act.
3rd act starts soon.
Ken B said...
Don’t ignore the possibility it’s a deep fake bionic Trump.
Rumor has it that Stormy Daniels will soon be marketing a DJT sex doll.
Trump hasn't paid taxes because he's living rent free in these people's head.
As for the 2 photos 10 minutes apart---probably a dumb idea if the White House people actually did it. You didn't need 2 photos to make the point, anyway, but that is so obvious I wonder about the whole thing.
As for his palemess, yeah, makeup vs. no makeup, studio lighting vs. whatever then lighting was at Reed... I have no idea what the virus has done to his color, if anything. And his color was not all that great at the debate anyway--too flushed.
Two big fat nothings.
The primary objective in EVERY MSM story about Trump is to make him look bad, or when he does something good or even great, to distract or change the subject or diminish it in some way.
So, if Trump continues to work, instead of sitting in his basement "With the lid on", lets not talk about THAT. No, lets talk about whether a photo of him at the table is blank or not. well, done!
The MSM uses all kinds of methods to constantly attack Trump. When they can't actually quote Trump or get a real story, they'll create one using Made up Anonymous "sources." There's the "The white house is in Chaos" fake story. And the "Republicans are fearful" fake story. Or the "WH aides disagree with Trump" fake story. Or the "Melanie and Trump are fighting" fake story. Not to mention the "Trump said or did something terrible or clownish in Private" fake story.
Its astounding. I've never seen such hateful, dishonest, reporting. But everyone just accepts it. Amazing.
BTW, you'd think Trump's 4 minute video would be all over the Press, but when it came out MSM's Bing, and Google search tried to hide it. Bing for example, when I clicked on "News" showed me "White house tell different stories about Trump" at the too. Trump's video was 7 stories down! Google did the same thing, and when I tried to google "Trump doctor's statement" got hits on various news items from the MSM, and results about a September news story. I had to go to Page 2 to get the recent Saturday written statement's by Trump's doctor correcting his remarks.
So these doofusses finally figured out that politicians wear make-up for television appearances?
Regarding his complexion, I noticed Fri night how pale he looked and was concerned until I realized we only usually see him with the makeup so have no idea what his normal skin tone is.
As for the photos, doesn’t everyone assume they’re staged and that the idea is just to show he is not bedridden or incapacitated?
It’s so disturbing that US citizens would hate Trump so much that they revel in creating anti-American propaganda.
but when it came out MSM's Bing, and Google search tried to hide it
Searching a.k.a. steering and Alphabet, Microsoft, Yahoo, NYT, WaPo et al use their market dominance to influence the elections. Democracy dies in darkness, indeed. Pass the Kleenex... I mean, tissue.
I can't decide what's funnier: having the president sign a blank piece of paper with a giant Sharpie like a child, or sending the photos with the EXIF data that shows they were staged and taken 10 minutes apart: https://t.co/RROmRqBUZs
— Caitlin Murray (@caitlinmurr) October 4, 2020
What's really funny is that "Soccer journalist" Caitlin Murray trying make out like she's an expert on EXIF data. EXIF data contains a lot of information. Dates, times, also (in many cases) GPS coordinates. It can also be edited or completely stripped from a JPEG file and, unless the exact chain of custody is known, means absolutely nothing in the long run.
Trump identifies as Orange? It's not enough to be a minority (of one), but everyone want to be a Minority. That said, Orange Lives Matter (OLM). #HateLovesAbortion
Photo Ops are always "staged".
You people love getting trolled by Libtards
Unknown said... It’s rubber turkey all over again
Another example of DNC journalism that did not start with Trump. It only intensified because he fights back.
Yup, but the “How Trump Lost Me” post was the one where she said Trump was right about CRT and Biden was wrong. That’s how little it took to tip her to Biden.
Now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense to release two different pictures, with different backgrounds and color schemes. An editor would be more likely to pick one of them that fits in better with the overall feel of the page or post they are designing. The PR team is giving the editors one less reason NOT to run a picture. "Don't like the white background? Fine, here's a darker one, too." That kind of thing. Seems smart and kind of aware, actually.
BTW, regarding the "10 minutes apart" brouhaha; Photos that were shared in social media wont contain the original embedded dates and times. They will contain the date and time they were actually posted to social media.
The helicopter sat on the WH lawn for an hour and they still didn't have time to pack his make-up kit?
One thing consistent on all of this is again Trump sucks the entire oxygen out of the news cycle, Dementia Joe calls another lid at 9:00am and its TRUMP BY THE BARREL FULL!!
Trump will shake this off like the common cold and leave the liberals frothing at the mouth "It wasn't really covid!"
By mid week the media scolds will tell us that Trump had the very best of care and that every day no bodies shouldn't dare risk leaving the house without a mask and following all the other nonsense they have been propagating since March. You can set your watch to how this will play out its so predictable.
"The helicopter sat on the WH lawn for an hour and they still didn't have time to pack his make-up kit?"
You want a makeup person doing a patient with covid? Aren't you big hearted?
Just read on NPR that this was filmed in front of a live studio audience who had all been tested for corona. They don't believe Trump should have a live audience even outdoors - but it is okay for a comedy show.If there really is karma the cast should now all come down with the corona for their hypocrisy.
The difference in color could be explained by different light sources with different light balances. The DNC media, but I repeat myself, are loathsome. They deserve tar and feathers overcoats.
More FAKENESS from the MASTER FAKER working g hard for the people! Please give us a break, FAKE PHOTO OP AGAIN.....
So, Not-Orange Man Not-Bad.
Howard said...You people love getting trolled by Libtards
I hate to break it to the man in his mommy's basement.
Your puerile humor is easy to ignore except when it is so stupid that it elicits a response.
As a Scot (Ayreshire) / Swede (Stockholm) descendant, Quaestor is correct. I have to take measures to gently build up my sun exposure every year, and I'm starting to get the 'old man skin' on my arms due to too much sun, but I'm also getting old, but I'll still blame the sun. All my red hair (mostly facial) went white before age 30.
I always assumed he did it himself because of the way it ends abruptly on the sides.
Reduced audience of first responders in masks.
Blogger Howard said...
You people love getting trolled by Libtards
Do you do anything else ? Asking for a friend.
The left wing is amazing in their powers of projection, as well as their lust for power.
The press is amazing in how they continue to lower expectations of their professionalism.
I'll be voting against lefties, and the wife and I stopped watching national news about 6 months ago.
Life is a blessing when you focus on the positive.
I don't know how much it happens, but just think about how easy it would be to get the media and Twitter to go viral with any anti-Trump story you might want to send up the flagpole. You could make them jump like trained fleas in a circus with almost no effort.
One more reason to vote for Trump - Covid-19 immunity. If you have a choice, do you want your president immune or vulnerable? Think how much fear of Covid restricts a president's options, especially if he's old and has dementia. He might be forced to stay in the basement his whole term.
Two pics. He took his coat off. So suspicious.
5:30 pm is 8 hours later than the end of a typical Biden day.
Blogger narciso said...
aaron 'tractor' rupar, does it again
Vox’s rupar is another one of Patterico’ favorite anti-Trump go-to guys.
them damn Trump critics
syphilitic parasitics
damn them all to Hell
Whoever this Caitlin Murray is, she either never had children or had nannies doing all the work. Sharpies are permanent markers. You don’t let them within 10 feet of one unless you don’t mind trying to wash it off their face and hands, buying them a new set of clothes, buying new sofas and rugs and repainting several rooms.
The helicopter sat on the WH lawn for an hour and they still didn't have time to pack his make-up kit? - readering
Congratulations. It took you longer, but you've reached Ritmo Scroll Status.
Please upload an avatar to make it easier.
Tyrone -- yeah, figured things were already moving that direction when she did that post about "if I were going to vote for Trump, here's why", because she's obsessive about grammar and usage and that mode is used in English most always to posit something which is contrary to fact. She's just hardcore left, despite the "cruel neutrality" rubbish so she was always going to come up with something. Of course, she doesn't HAVE to vote for Biden ... didn't she claim she didn't vote for Obama the second time, but went with the independent candidate, Jill Something, I guess to demonstrate her independence ... so I suppose we can look forward to some tortured explanation for why Trump deserved the Cut Direct.
The time on the EXIF data indicates when the file was created, so it could have been saved on a thumb drive or in a new location ten minutes apart. Taking the photo creates a file; doing a SAVE AS also creates a new file and new timestamp. There is no way to know if the photos were taken 10 minutes apart.
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