So why didn't you, Obama and Biden deal with it when you all had the power to do so? #STFUHillary
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) June 7, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
So why didn't you, Obama and Biden deal with it when you all had the power to do so? #STFUHillary
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) June 7, 2020
Biden's running mate will not be black.
Just so y'all know.
Billary's silly rant has capitalized Black and lower-case white people.
Perhaps that's in the latest AP style guide.
Wuhan-Hillary virus 2020
"deal with it"
What is "it," exactly?
Where is this system whereof you speak?
That's no way to speak to your future candidate, is it?
Long overdue. What a careless admission of failure.
we've been in a Terribly Racist society for HUNDREDS of years; RIGHT?
Donald Trump has been president for 3 and a half of them
(with the republicans 'controlling' congress* for 2 years of that)
It's CLEAR whose fault it is!!!! DONALD TRUMP!!!!!
right? i mean; Right?
congress* in my entire life, republicans have 'controlled' congress for 14 years, with a republican president for 6 of those. Democrats, Routinely have both houses AND the Presidency
I am happy that Clinton is not our President.
What we are seeing across the country right now is the power of solidarity. Many of us will never know the pain of having to sit our son or daughter down and have “the talk” about how carefully they need to act around police, because the slightest wrong move could get them hurt or even killed.
What foolish person does not have this conversation with their sons or daughters?
Let's start with the most systematic racist thing in our society. What is it? What is the solution? I'd like to know.
Hillary is emphatically NOT going away: she's waiting for her moment to cannonball back in.
Remember how every democrat and democratic candidate fell in line (unexpectedly) on Super Tuesday to support Joe Biden. I'm cynical enough to believe that will happen again with democrats and the media explaining how reparations are the healing balm that will unite the nation... and defeat Donald Trump of course.
I wouldn't say STFU! I say keep talking!
I get it that if you are black you may feel and may be targeted by police or by racist white people. I'm guessing if you are a younger black person in a poorer neighborhood, you are going to be much more harassed by police than I am going to be in my nice neighborhood.
But the reason people don't want the conversation, or don't want to be lectured to is that the conversation is do you feel about this racism I am accusing you of? Do you, white person, actually fear black people the way I am saying you do?
Do you, white person, actually have the bad thoughts about black people that I am accusing you of?
One thing I keep hearing is about how women are afraid of black men. Now, I only know my own mind. If I get in an office elevator during the day, I am not afraid of the man in there, white or black.
If I get in a deserted parking garage elevator in the day? If you are dressed for the area I'm probably ok with you, white or black.
At night? No way do I feel safe alone in a parking garage elevator with a man, no matter how he looks.
Ditto walking down the street alone in the dark. I'm not cautious of the black man walking behind me. I'm cautious of the man walking behind me.
I do not feel about black people the way you tell me I feel. People I know do not feel the way you tell me white people feel. So this conversation, Hillary, never feels like a conversation.
Now, go tell Vernon Jordan to clean up Bill's Monica Lewinsky mess.
Democrats are SO full of shit on anything to do with race.
That famous and vulgar LBJ quote about buying black votes with legislation (Civil Rights Act of 1964 I think?) exposed their cynical game, and they have consistently doubled down at every turn since then.
So just STFU Hillary, you have nothing useful to offer and neither do any of your race-baiting “allies”.
Democrats are SO full of shit on anything to do with race.
That famous and vulgar LBJ quote about buying black votes with legislation (Civil Rights Act of 1964 I think?) exposed their cynical game, and they have consistently doubled down at every turn since then.
So just STFU Hillary, you have nothing useful to offer and neither do any of your race-baiting “allies”.
Hillary is going to fight against her husbands criminal justice reforms that landed all sorts of blacks in jail for petty drug offenses and long sentences.
Please ignore Trump's attempts reform Bill Clinton's racist system of justice.
What happened to Ahmaud Aubrey was terrible, and the prosecutors who were gong to let it go need to be investigated.
I had white female friends who had to do their Facebook posts about him, about how with their white privilege they could jog whenever they want without fear. And I thought "can you , though". How many white women are killed or attacked while out running vs black men? I'd be really interested.
Talk about your unconvincing arguments. Barack Obama would have done more if Democrats had not lost the House in 2010. Hillary might have done more if she had not lost in 2016. And who is making this argument, the people who voted against the Democrats in 2010 and 2016?
BleachBit-and-Hammers said... "Biden's running mate will not be black."
Wow. I'll have to watch the betting sites. Seriously. What if the Dems start to panic, and worry white city liberals may flee, literally and politically, for law and order?
If there really is systemic racism, it must be inefficient and poorly run since I just checked 12 big cities at random and here are some stats:
Only 3 of the 12 have white police chiefs/ commissioners.
7 of 12 are black.
2 of 12 Hispanic.
Of the 3 who are white, 2 are men and 1 is a gay woman.
Of the 7 who are black, 4 are men and 3 are women,
Blah blah blah ... I stopped listening. That’s how ineffective all this is. Destructive, but ineffective in capturing hearts and minds.
But apparently disagreement = racism now.
Ignorance is strength
Freedom is slavery
War is peace
This whole things is to cover up the hearings going on now, implicating Obama and Hillary and the whole Obama administration of spying on Trump, trying to set him up, and failing and trying to cover it all up.... The Obama administration is going to prison. Wait until you see THOSE riots.
Hillary is a criminal. The real criminal.
While blacks rot in prison, Hillary walks free.
Only 3 of the 12 have white police chiefs/ commissioners
The whole point of having black police chiefs was to prevent this. And how are all of those black principals, school superintendents, and mayors doing in their jobs?
Hillary Clinton? Has her husband had affairs with, sexually harrassed, and raped only white women? Or has he also behaved the same with women of color? That would be the least Hillary could do for the cause of racial equality, encourage her husband's infidelities to be race-consciously affirmative in action. Otherwise, Hillary, shut up. And go away. And don't come back.
This is how Trump wins about 40 states. The low information voters will catch on that this whole "systematic racism" is just a catchphrase to get people all emotional and vote Dem.
“We didn’t deal with important problems when we had the power to do so, but if you return us to power we certainly will fix it this time.” Great political message!! Joe needs to rush this into TV ads immediately.
Did I ever mention that, unlike her husband, Hillary Clinton has a political tin ear?
“It is a mystery why anybody with a beating heart and a working mind still supports him,” she said.
Hillary, doubling down on the "deplorables and irredeemables" comment.
Many things are still "a mystery" to her. Starting with why she lost.
Billary's silly rant has capitalized Black and lower-case white people.
Authorities still disagree about that. Some capitalize both. Some capitalize neither. Some capitalize one, but not the other. The difference would be that "Black" is one ethnicity and "white" is a basket of different ethnicities. Not sure I buy it. If there's a trend, it may be to capitalize both, but right now however you write them, somebody will complain.
I had white female friends who had to do their Facebook posts about him, about how with their white privilege they could jog whenever they want without fear.
@MayBee, as you suspect, your female jogger friends are fools. No woman should ever jog alone, and not without pepper spray (bear spray, if you jog through wooded areas).
"And I thought "can you, though". How many white women are killed or attacked while out running vs black men? I'd be really interested."
I am terrified of getting into an elevator alone with any woman i don't know and trust. Any other room alone as well.
I am most likely ok but what happens to me if a woman screams and alleges I did something inappropriate.
I am totally fucked. There is no defense. And even if there is, I am still fucked in damage to reputation, money, time, angst.
Nope, you go ahead. I'll take the next elevator. I'm sure I'm ok. But why take a chance?
John Henry
"At night? No way do I feel safe alone in a parking garage elevator with a man, no matter how he looks."
Well, that's because you are sexist. You hold the irrational stereotype that men are more likely to commit violent crimes than women. That is known as "prejudice", and you are a very bad person for being aware of this elementary statistical reality. Check your pussy privilege.
What if the Dems start to panic, and worry white city liberals may flee, literally and politically, for law and order?
6/7/20, 9:23 AM
Worse for them, what if black city dwellers vote for law and order? They're the ones with the most to lose if cops are replaced with social workers and the smart ones know it. No sane person will dare open a business in their neighborhoods. Their property values will plummet. Black lives will not matter one bit.
I take this with a bushel basket of salt, but Rasmussen has a poll out showing the black approval rating for Trump is 41 percent. That seems improbable. If it's actually, say, 30 percent, the Dems are done.
wendybar said...
This whole things is to cover up the hearings going on now, implicating Obama and Hillary and the whole Obama administration of spying on Trump, trying to set him up, and failing and trying to cover it all up"
I think you're right about that.
"Hillary is emphatically NOT going away: she's waiting for her moment to cannonball back in."
Remember the dire warning of the late Christopher Hitchens about the inevitability of a Hillary presidency.
I am going to ask, for the umpteenth time, what new and concrete steps should the government take to combat systematic racism? To make it easier, you do not have to define systematic racism.
The unwillingness of leftists to answer this question is a tell.
Condi Rice is piling on now. Besides Bush. Must be a coordinated attack.
They just don't get the part about immigration and trade and talk right past us. It's declasse to admit things like that could affect you and yours.
They're that insulated.
Black crime is destroying public safety. Sexual/gender confusion, modern feminists and their porn sisters are destroying public morality. Democrat socialism, sedition and grifting are destroying our republican form of government. Universities are dumbing down our youth. The leftmedia is either provoking, concealing or complicit in all of it.
Even if Trump is re-elected, this will continue because a third or more of us are collaborators and/or useful idiots and a percentage of us - yet to be determined - are too stupid to notice or care.
Just a little sunny prophecy before church this morning. We will pray for the country asking God again for his grace since there is no longer any reason for him to salvage it.
Viruses are diversitists, rabid? Sometimes, yes. They do cue on certain genetic features and behaviors. That said, put down the processed food, moderate your consumption, practice good hygiene, exercise, sleep... you know, the usual for a healthy body and mind.
Biden's running mate will not be black.
Brown? Yellow? Albino? Orange, perhaps. Diversity and exclusion.
Obama could have done less. Less social justice adventures (i.e. elective wars), less [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, less redistributive change, less diversity and adversity, less conflation of logical domains (e.g. climate cooling... warming... change), less political congruence, less spying and collusion.
Remember in 2016 when Hillary talked about "Systematic Racism" and how we needed massive change? neither do I.
Remember when Hillary was a member of the Obama administration for 4 years and a Senator for 4 years and talked about "Systematic Racism" and how we needed massive change? Neither do I.
Remember when Hillary was first lady of the US for 8 years, and First lady of Arkansas for 12 years, and and talked about "Systematic Racism" and how we needed massive change? Neither do I.
But she has street cred on this issue. Yep.
And just remember - if someone attacks Hillary - Putin is behind it.
Democrats are SO full of shit on anything to do with race.
It all starts with selective-child, a colorful clump of cells, social justice, social progress, and wicked solutions.
Biden has no credibility either, but he's good at kneeling in front of black people. And wearing a mask - in every sense of the word.
I wonder how safely they could jog through the inner city riot zones?
>how with their white privilege they could jog whenever they want without fear.
Hillary----the old scold in a dated pantsuit. It's not a good look. I'm certain that when Hillary passes away--and is laid to rest in a Democrat party "state funeral" with thousands of the faithful passing by her open coffin, she will suddenly rise up in her coffin and say, "And another thing--spouting the current Democrat shibboleth.
There are those who believe it will take a stake through her heart--just to be sure, when she finally dies.
MayBee is correct. Every parent has the responsibility to inform their kids on proper police encounter procedures. I had the 'talk', and made each of my kids watch about a dozen episodes of 'Cops' so they could see how certain situations played out, some folks walking away with a handshake and a smile, and others thrown on the hood and cuffed. People need to be able to think like a policeman to respond appropriately to their requests.
"Barack Obama would have done more if Democrats had not lost the House in 2010"
Talk about your unconvincing arguments.
Barack Obama would have done more if Democrats had not lost the House in 2010.
Obama lost the House because he subordinated everything to a health care plan that cost many people their doctors and their insurance plans. Had he moved on sentencing reform or police brutality first, he could have done something about those issues. To some extent, the way Democrats acted when they had a majority in both Houses influenced how Republicans behaved when they had control of Congress. Not entirely - partisanship has been increasing for a very long time - but if your persistent argument is "Who won the election?" you may not be happy with what happens after you lose an election.
Hillary might have done more if she had not lost in 2016.
Or she might not have. Bill won in 1992, and gave us some of the problems we have today, and that was before he lost Congress. Nobody's saying -- I hope -- that Democrats on the internet should STFU about Republican failings. It's more about Hillary Clinton herself, and about Biden who sponsored the 1994 bill that has been blamed for so much trouble.
The system in this country has two parties and they alternate because the white community is convinced that politicians who can take your votes for granted will ignore your interests.
Remember in 2016 when Hillary talked about "Systematic Racism" and how we needed massive change? neither do I.
Remember when Hillary was a member of the Obama administration for 4 years and a Senator for 4 years and talked about "Systematic Racism" and how we needed massive change? Neither do I.
Remember when Hillary was first lady of the US for 8 years, and First lady of Arkansas for 12 years, and and talked about "Systematic Racism" and how we needed massive change? Neither do I.
But she has street cred on this issue. Yep.
6/7/20, 10:49 AM
She was more interested in bringing them to heel.
Let's start with the most systematic racist thing in our society. What is it?
It's not requiring that blacks balance power and responsibility. Woke society doesn't want to make them responsible for their own actions.
Darkisland said...
I don't blame you! Just wait until you get nominated for the Supreme Court!!! Yowza.
According to mapping police from January 2013 to December 2019 there have been 691 police-involved killings of blacks in cities run by Democrats and 64 police-involved killings of blacks in cities run by Republicans (or by both R and D during this period).
Also, policy-involved killings of blacks has fallen during the Trump Presidency, from 305 in 2015, to 279 in 2016, to 259 in 2019.
Think before you vote.
It is going to be fucking hilarious to watch Trump make Biden wear George W. Bush, also previously known as Chimpy McHitler by those same Democrats, around Biden's neck. Is there any limit to the amount of shit that Democrats themselves aren't will chew up and swallow just to try to defeat Trump. Do they really think Republican voters don't remember what Democrats said about W? Do they really think Republican voters are going to be swayed by Bush now crawling on his belly to help those same Democrats.
Let me put it to you this way- who was persuaded by Chuck? Bush junior is now in the same boat as Chuck.
Dave Begley said...
This is how Trump wins about 40 states. The low information voters will catch on that this whole "systematic racism" is just a catchphrase to get people all emotional and vote Dem.
Blacks are still 13% and 40% of them are figuring this out.
Whites are 50% or so and about 35% are so screwed up by bad education or leftist propaganda, that they are lost but might not turn out.
Hispanics are figuring this out except, of course, the illegals.
How does that add up? A lot is population clusters run by Democrats but, after this, I would not count on Minnesota or Michigan.
That adds up to a big win, I think. Unless the murder hornets get us.
“Biden's running mate will not be black”
A smart pol would pick a Latina. But it’s Biden.
"I had white female friends who had to do their Facebook posts about him, about how with their white privilege they could jog whenever they want without fear."
Tell it to the Central Park jogger, or any number of Caucasian women I know who might consider jogging through the Ghetto.
Elliott A said...
I wouldn't say STFU! I say keep talking!
she won't #STFU ; so it hurts her more as long as sentients say STFU!
“Biden has no credibility either, but he's good at kneeling in front of black people. And wearing a mask - in every sense of the word.”
Actually, probably less than zero credibility. He was one of the loudest voices for criminal justice ‘reform” in the 1990s, which resulted in greatly increased criminal penalties and more cops on the street. All that really needs to be done to defeat him is just keep running the clips of him screaming about how these things are needed to keep his wife from being raped and his sons murdered. Being a Democrat representing a Border State with significant pro-slavery sentiments, a lot of his rants during that time seemed to come across, at least to me, to having racial overtones. Who was he worried would be raping his wife or murdering his sons? Very likely Darkie from the projects. Kamela Harris has been ruled out for the VP slot by many for her hard-on-crime prosecutions. What about Biden who was a national leader in that area? Sure, that was almost 30 years ago. And people evolve. Esp when they are as ambitious as he is. But the videos of those pro law-and-order rants do not portray him positively, in the eyes of the modern progressive left.
even for The low information voters this whole "systematic racism" is just a catchphrase to get people all emotional and look for the system that results when you vote Dem.
Paco Wové: "Talk about your unconvincing arguments."
Elections are a barrier to leftists implementing their People's Revolutions, which is why whenever the lefties "win" they immediately shut down legitimate elections forever.
And the leftists/dems/LLR-leftists in the US have precisely the same mentality.
If the dems win control in November, its basically over. Open borders, drivers licenses for all illegals in every state, auto-voter registration for anyone with a DL, automatic mail in ballots for all "registered" voters, 500% turnout in solid blue precincts, employment of an army of "LLR's" who "see nothing amiss" in certain Detroit voting precincts, etc.
Excellent Point! Especially after what was done to Kavanaugh.
The Pence Rule is just common sense, for anyone who is not an important enough Democrat, such as Joe Biden.
>I am terrified of getting into an elevator alone with any woman i don't know and trust.
> Any other room alone as well.
>John Henry
Bilwick said...
"Hillary is emphatically NOT going away: she's waiting for her moment to cannonball back in."
has Trump drained the swamp enough that she will hit rocks instead of ooze?
Left Bank of the Charles said...
Talk about your unconvincing arguments. Barack Obama would have done more if Democrats had not lost the House in 2010. Hillary might have done more if she had not lost in 2016. And who is making this argument, the people who voted against the Democrats in 2010 and 2016?
Democrats have been in charge of every institution in Minneapolis that led to the death of George Floyd for the last 50 years.
Every single person in that chain of command was democratic.
Every person who voted for those democrats put their knee on George Floyd's neck.
Democrats have blood on their hands.
All of you.
I was born in 1956. For 16 years, 8 congresses, Democrats had the house, senate, and presidency. For 6 years, 3 congresses, Republicans have controlled all three. Nominally controlled. With McCain, Romney, and other RINOs in the senate, and a very slender majority, passing legislation that grassroots Republicans wanted was well, impossible. For 46 years, 23 congresses, Democrats controlled the house.
During those 6 few years of Republican control of all 3, I can recall the lamentations of the press about the value of divided government. During the 8 congresses that Democrats controlled all 3, it was wonderful, a united government able to work together. During the 13 congresses, including now, with a Republican as President and Democrats with one or both legislative chambers, divided government is good for the nation. And the rest of the time, with a Democrat president and Republicans controlling one or more of the legislative branches, divided government is a terrible thing.
News coverage has been so slantedly anti-Republican/Conservative and pro-Democrat/Liberal my whole life I'm actually shocked it's possible to get Republicans elected anywhere. The internet, blogging, online news sources, has changed the political equation. Dan Rather would have gotten away with his Texas ANG lies- outright lies and fabrications- were it not for the internet. It's why Democrats (and Russia and China and all of Europe) want to limit free speech. Information control is how totalitarians stay in power- and how they gain power.
There are those who believe it will take a stake through her heart--just to be sure, when she finally dies.
-systemic racism-
When the society of which you are part:
1) transfers trillions of dollars over many decades to your community to atone for past injustice
2) sets aside professional and educational opportunities for your community based specifically on race
3) passes numerous anti-discrimination laws at the local, state and national level to specifically protect/benefit your community
4) creates conditions in which a person videotaped being rude to you or someone that looks like you is publically shamed, loses their job and has their life ruined
Example- Despite my lower test scores and less impressive application, I attend an Ivy League college because of systemic racism which also allowed me to get my professor fired for saying "niggardly" in class.
Let's try this again.
I am going to ask, for the umpteenth time, what new and concrete steps should the government take to combat systematic racism? To make it easier, you do not have to define systematic or systemic racism.
Can anyone wake up our lefty commenters? This should be easy for them.
Every time I go to access my AOL e-mail I get a series of news stories, which--surprise!--are almost about bad news for Trump. Today's is that 86% of Americans say "Things are out of control." If one of those things were statism, I might agree. But I suspect they mean something else. So what's the current party-line this week? Trump: American Hitler, or Trump: Not Hitler Enough? It seems to keep changing. Maybe Inga, Howard, ARM or some other party-line Eloi could keep us abreast.
Every time I go to access my AOL e-mail I get a series of news stories, which--surprise!--are almost about bad news for Trump. Today's is that 86% of Americans say "Things are out of control." If one of those things were statism, I might agree. But I suspect they mean something else. So what's the current party-line this week? Trump: American Hitler, or Trump: Not Hitler Enough? It seems to keep changing. Maybe Inga, Howard, ARM or some other party-line Eloi could keep us abreast.
(Sorry if I already posted this. I'm having some computer problems.I should become a peaceful protester and steal me a new one.)
Is part of this "Systemic Racism" sending Covid infected seniors back to their "at risk" populations in the nursing homes? That is where minorities go to die these days isn't it. Well, in Whitmer's case it is.
I was told at an early age that if I ran from the police they were within their rights to shoot at me. A lot less crime in those days. A LOT.
Buwaya has been saying that the two sides in America hate each other so much that coexistence will become impossible. I am not convinced that Red America hates that much, but it is clear that the Blues do. This is why they attack monuments. They deface even Union monuments to black soldiers, because they hate any symbol Red America embraces. Now they want you to cull your bookshelves. Remove white authors. It’s hard to dismiss Buwaya now.
Can anyone honestly deny "systemic racism" ?
much better and more productive to further the dialog by draw attention to how and where such systems are initiated and sustained as some of the commenters are doing.
localize and granularize if you want to preach individualism and property rights.
don't make everything a federal issue.
Alice, Alice, Alice... Brats in batallions were ruling the street scene.
Alice the Prophet!
Meanwhile, back at camp deplorable...
"Don't read white authors" sounds more menacing in German: Nicht Lesen Sie weißen Schriftsteller! It has that
Kaufen Sie nicht von Juden! ring to it.
Keep reminding us, Howard. And if you forget, you can look it up in your copy of her 2017 best-seller, What Happened where she astutely explains that her comments on the "basket of deplorables" had helped lose the election for her. That, of course, and the fact — and I know I don't need to remind you — that Trump is a Russian agent.
Howard: "Meanwhile, back at camp deplorable..."
Howard is still angry that his Howard's Heroes only whacked a couple of cops in the last few days.
He was hoping for a little "better" result than that from his "mostly peaceful" city burners.
Go home Hillary, you're drunk.
"Barack Obama would have done more.."
Done what?
Howard said...
Meanwhile, back at camp deplorable...
Howard, time to get out of that blue state. Maybe the Berkshires will be far enough.
What makes you think they didn't do exactly what they wanted to do? They (and establishment Republicans) militarized the police, allowed no-knock warrants, protected the unions in return for political favors, and sent manufacturing overseas and allowed illegal immigrants to move in.
The Democrats did exactly what they wanted to do because they (and establishment Republicans) didn't care about the working class.
Trending? I've been tweeting it since 1993.
"This is how Trump wins about 40 states."
What about the other 17 Obama counted? The man went to Harvard in case you forget.
Barack Obama would have done more if Democrats had not lost the House in 2010.
So, shoving Obamacare and a $787 billion dollar stimulus package down our throats was more important to Barack Obama and the Democrats than civil rights?
Good to know.
"Let me put it to you this way- who was persuaded by Chuck?"
I nominate Althouse, our host.
Civil rights are important to Democrats when they can blame the Republicans for interfering with them. If Democrats were actually able to do anything about them (civil rights, not Republicans), it would negatively impact their ability to use them (again- civil rights, not Republicans) to beat the Republicans over the head.
I'm late to the thread, but I have to agree with MayBee: even well to do suburban white parents have "the talk" with their teenage sons unless they're total naifs. Granted, the odds are not as dire as they are for urban blacks, but they're not null.
Let's start with the most systematic racist thing in our society. What is it?
The most "systematic racist thing" is the poor education in the schools in the poor areas of the major US cities. 40 % of the 18-year-olds in the major black communities in the major US cities don't get even a high school degree and those who do are poorly taught and uncertain of the basics. From this springs disparities in college outcomes and in jobs. These disparities are unfixable without improving education and education is unfixable because the teachers union wants no fixes and the Democrats only care about the teacher unions, not the students and the black community keeps the Democrats in power. At least, I call that systemic racism - but it's what the black community votes for. Still, I voted for George Bush even though he allowed bad trade deals and allowed China to continue to grab away our manufacturing base. That's because I didn't understand that something could be done. There's usually a lag in a democracy between the emergence of the need for major changes and the public understanding that that need is real, not some PR phantom.
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