June 7, 2020

"Sleepy Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats want to 'DEFUND THE POLICE'"? Well... they probably won't quickly deny it.


Heartless Aztec said...

Well if they do defund police departments who will arrest the next rioters shooters? On the plus side that riot will be over in an hour or two.

TRISTRAM said...

Safe, legal and rare?

Spiros said...

What is going on? On this issue, the Biden team's politics are toxic to Latinos and Asians who feel like they are being targeted by the "indiscriminate" looting.

But what about the beating heat of the Democratic Party? The city. Property values in cities with severe riots will fall by about 5 to 10%. Insurance premiums are going to rise. More taxes for more police and fire protection (defund the police is hysterical!!!). These cities are also going to have difficulty getting municipal bonds. Stores are closing. Businesses and employment opportunities are moving. The wealthy are leaving. And don't forget the ugly, busted up buildings that are going to be an eyesore. We've been through this before, we know what's going to happen.

The riots and the looting are political liabilities. All of this bullsh*t over 5 to 10 unarmed Black men getting shot by police each year. And another dozen or so unarmed Black men having heart attacks while being arrested. And it's not just any Black men. It's Black men with a history of violence, drug abuse and pre-existing conditions getting "murdered" or "lynched" by racist cops. Also, three times as many unarmed White, Latino and Asian losers die in similar manners. Sorry if I don't care about meth addled creeps having heart attacks after a rager and a beat down by the cops.

rehajm said...

It's all explained in one simple tweet...

Bob Boyd said...

Biden was supposed to be the get back to normal candidate.

Bob Boyd said...

Defund the Comment Moderators!

Sebastian said...

Trump forcing the contradictions.

Electorally, two questions: will nice white women prefer to submit to the prog narrative? which way will Latinos turn?

Jim Gust said...

The same people who wanted to abolish ICE now want to defund the police. I just don't see either of those as sensible arguments. Why don't the schools teach critical thinking any longer?

MayBee said...

I haven't read his twitter feed, but I do hope he is also re-iterating that he has sent the DOJ to investigate civil rights abuses of George Floyd. Law and order does have to be well trained and bad seeds weeded out.

Gusty Winds said...

Liberals that live in woke Ivory towers won’t be the ones affected by Defunding the Police. The poor communities will suffer, as they do today. Increased crime. Increased drug and human trafficking. People will become their own police, and defensive vigilantism will thrive.

I’m sure this is a quite troubling development for those that educated, polluted, and indoctrinated the Millennials, and Generation Z. Must be satisfying to see the fruits on one’s own labor. The oppressed beta-male revolution is at hand. The faux altruism and mind control is now an obvious institution. Kanye became very famous for saying, “George Bush doesn’t care about Black People”. He was right. At some point he realized, neither do liberals. Malcolm X lost his life for figuring that out.

Hope the revolution for the protection of pensions was worth it.

MayBee said...

I would like one of the liberal women here to tell me what they think of defunding the police.

Gusty Winds said...

At what point does everyone start to realize that Trump is right about the escalation of violence by anarchists? That it is coordinated. If you can’t see that Defund the Police is anarchy, you’re either blind, stupid, or indoctrinated.

Meade said...

"Defund the Comment Moderators!"

*laughing out loud*

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, please, please, please, let the Dems run with this.

They're boxing themselves in. If actual Dem pols raise the hopes of the radical nutjobs by promising to replace the police with nice social workers, the harder it will be for them to back off without angering those same nutjobs who make up the rabid base of their own party.

I admit, the economic disaster wrought by the lockdown had me worried about Trump's chances in November, but the Dems seem bound and determined to reelect him.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Just a few weeks ago, the leftists were saying that any yahoo attending the lockdown protests needed to forfeit the right to medical care if they subsequently came down with covid.

Leftists who support defunding the police should forfeit the right to call 911 if they subsequently are the victims of crime. They should call antifa, BLM or maybe the Latin Kings instead.

Ken B said...

Federalism allows experiments. Disband the police in Minneapolis, Baltimore, Boston, all of Virginia, and San Francisco. Wait 6 months and assess.

Chicago too I guess.

Gusty Winds said...

It would be interesting to know what wealthy, white, woke liberals are saying to each other behind closed doors. You won’t see them in the Althouse comments. They can’t say it in public because they established the censorship rules of wokeness. Perhaps they can’t even say it in a small circle for fear of being turned in to the local Dane County Politburo. They’ve see due process on campus.

What are the real liberal Madisonians saying; thinking. You know…the one’s that go along to get along, and wear their altruism on their sleeve for social acceptance and protection. Too bad we can’t get a few of them on here to speak freely. Maybe they could take a knee.

Jeff Brokaw said...

This is the dumbest possible suggested “solution” to the toxic and violent cops problem. Let’s assume for a minute that any of these people are interested in real solutions .... I know, good one! But humor me for a moment ....

There is of course a real solution: police unions have too much power to protect jobs and that is a giant conflict of interest for jobs where using force against the public is part of the job, and the job itself does attract a certain number of unbalanced violent types who get off on exercising power.

There’s where the problem is. Fix that.

But then they won’t have a political issue to get people and the media all tiled up in an election year, so we know the chances of that happening.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Just a note that the exact same anti-2A people who tell us only cops should have guns are now advocating to get rid of cops, in the big cities, where gangs already rule the streets.

Anyone else see a problem here? Bueller? Anyone?

Tommy Duncan said...

I want great and well paid LAW ENFORCEMENT. I want LAW & ORDER!

So there it is. The Democrats will have to run against law and order, or provide some nuanced mumbo-jumbo that makes them sound weak. Say goodbye to the white suburban women, Democrats.

Did I just feel the Overton Window move?

Jupiter said...

"They should call antifa, BLM or maybe the Latin Kings instead."

In Mexico, a lot of people go to the narcos when they have problems. The narcos don't have a monopoly on force just yet, but they can sure as shit make your neighbor turn his stereo down.

John Marzan said...

Peace and Order is a better slogan.

mezzrow said...

In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning...

mikee said...

Sleepy Joe and the mayors of all the cities with riots have yet to realize that the Democrat Party is the party being protested against by Antifa, BLM, and random looting street gangs. The Dems are the city office holders, the local police union leaders, the very ones who created racial oppression in their cities for the past several decades.

Burn it down, indeed.

reader said...

Yesterday’s posts got me searching for New Mexico water wars because when I hear about lynching/hanging my first thoughts are of cattle and water. My grandmother was young when there was what she called a water war in the area of New Mexico in which she lived. I couldn’t find the one she told me about probably because it wasn’t a large enough conflict.

My search led me to a website that discussed range wars and feuds.


The violence created in these many battles often occurred where there was no law or the law was too “weak” to enforce any type of change. Similar to the vigilantes, those who felt they were unduly wronged, were prone to take the law into their own hands.

Sometimes these feuds were the result of long-running arguments between two groups of people, especially families or clans, and perhaps may have started decades earlier over the smallest insult. One thing leads to another until cycles of retaliation can last for generations.

However, the vast majority of the well-known feuds in the American West were the result of political confrontations or land control. For those involved, their actions were rarely seen as lawless, but rather a means to bring some kind of “law” to an area where chaos tended to prevail.

Regardless of the reasons, these “wars” resulted in hundreds of deaths, when vengeance was taken and bloody vendettas resulted in warring factions continuing to battle, sometimes for years.

The site goes on to list some of the more well know feuds/wars.


Rory said...

"There’s where the problem is. Fix that."

They can fix it by injecting some of the old spoils system in the process: win election to mayor or council, you get to nominate people to the police academy. If your neighborhood has a problem with a cop, take it up with your councilman. Problem fixed.

Of course, that system would result in more crime and graft, but the impact would be localized.

traditionalguy said...

Defund education too while you are at it. Then the private schools and Private Security will do a better job for the rich folks who have paid for their own. They can erect Private Walls and afford tutors galore. Why we can the designate titles of Aristocracy and really eliminate all that deplorable equality. Only problems to fix first will be trial by jury and elections by secret ballot.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

All caps will save us.

Inga said...

“I would like one of the liberal women here to tell me what they think of defunding the police.”

As I said on the “Sign posted...” thread...

Defunding the police is not a realistic idea. It won’t happen, nor should it happen, but reforms must happen, obviously, or should be to most people who care about ending police abuse and violence.

Jupiter said...

You know, it does seem like maybe it would work out better if the police were privately funded ....

I Callahan said...

There is of course a real solution: police unions have too much power to protect jobs and that is a giant conflict of interest for jobs where using force against the public is part of the job, and the job itself does attract a certain number of unbalanced violent types who get off on exercising power.

I used to feel this way, but after this? Not anymore.

If liberal politicians are going to throw cops under the bus every time something happens now, then police unions are going to be more important than ever. Having grown up in Detroit with a police officer father during the Coleman Young administration (someone known for his hatred of cops), I saw this coming a mile away.

Eleanor said...

One of the things that's great about this country is how many crucibles we have to do experiments in. Let the places that want to defund the police do it. The rest of us can watch what happens and decide if it works or not. Some places will try out using social workers instead. Some places will go full anarchy. Some places will have a lot of private citizens hiring their own security forces. If peace and love reign some of those places, we can implement it elsewhere. I do suggest offering tax breaks for people hiring one-way U-Hauls.

Yancey Ward said...

Gusty Winds wrote:

"If you can’t see that Defund the Police is anarchy, you’re either blind, stupid, or indoctrinated."

It isn't anarchy, nor is it being propagated by anarchists. This may sound like a "No real Scotsman" kind of argument, but anarchists traditionally aren't rioters and looters, or even instigators of such. I think all the evidence supports this being driven by closet Communists and Socialists- they just need to push the police aside so that they are physically unopposed inside the cities. Some of the Democratic politicians are starting to wake up to the danger, but it may be too late. I watched the video of Jacob Frey yesterday- he had the good sense to vocally oppose the defunding of the Minneapolis police force, but was forced to retreat from the scene like whipped and beaten cur. Other Democrats saw that video this morning, and so I don't expect them to be able actively fight back against Trump's assertion.

Tommy Duncan said...

"There is of course a real solution: police unions have too much power to protect jobs and that is a giant conflict of interest for jobs where using force against the public is part of the job, and the job itself does attract a certain number of unbalanced violent types who get off on exercising power."

So the police are the airport TSA guys with squad cars?

Chris of Rights said...

I'm a 2nd Amendment supporter, but I don't own a gun. If the police is defunded, getting one and getting proper training to use it will be my immediate reaction.

Then, if you try to break into my house or loot my business, I will shoot you. And I will leave your corpse lying out front as a warning to others.

Tell me how this is a net positive for anyone?

Wince said...

Maybe justice really would be better served by sending in new SWAT teams to respond to crime in the streets?

Social Workers and Technocrats.

'Cosmic justice', that is.

rcocean said...

Yeah, as Bob Wright would suggest that's pretty damn "Authoritarian" of Trump to want law & order. People who *Really* respect the law and have safe seats defund the police. Only fascists want to pay policemen well and have them ENFORCE the law.

BTW, its interesting that this "defund the police" campaign seems to be an alliance between well-to-do whites who are insulated from Crime and have private security guards or live in wealthy suburbs and Condos and Left-wing black folks who don't like the Police arresting the crooks. The Top and Bottom against the Middle.

Big Mike said...

Oh! DeFUND the Police. I had assumed they misspelled "deFEND."

Jupiter said...

It would seem to be axiomatic that a system with rules must have a means for enforcing those rules, or else the rules are simply suggestions, and can be ignored. I think, therefore, that what they really mean is "Defund Your police". So that Our police, can enforce Our rules.

TRISTRAM said...

And sort of completely firing all of them how's it going to work? They'll pull the "Close Washington Monument and Smithsonian," that is stop doing the useful and popular stuff to punish the public.

Francisco D said...

I don't know about other cities, but if you defund the Chicago Police, the street gangs will completely run the inner city neighborhoods. They already have a lot more political clout in Chicago than people realize.

The Mafia would have loved to become this powerful.

OldManRick said...

I seem to remember from reading "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" that the blackshirts and brownshirts were Mussolini's and Hitler's private police. They had more power than the police because they were arresting officer, judge, jury, and executioner all rolled into one. "Justice" was swift and there was no appeals court.

When the police are defunded, then gangs and antifa become the default "police" force, our new brownshirts. Your crimes are not a function of any legislation; they are a function of what the gangs and antifa decide. You support Trump, you get a concussion from being hit over the head with a bike lock. You stop shoplifters to preserve your business, it's looted. No matter what you do, if they don't like you they will find a crime. There are no appeals to your conviction.

Enjoy the brave new world of defunded police departments.

Drago said...

Inga: "Defunding the police is not a realistic idea. It won’t happen, nor should it happen, but reforms must happen, obviously, or should be to most people who care about ending police abuse and violence."

Gee, I guess 50 or 60 years of complete democrat control of major cities just wanted enough to create reform.

During the Freddy Gray riots in Baltimore, you had a black democrat president, a black democrat Attorney General, Black democrat District Attorney, Black democrat mayor, Black democrat city council, Black democrat police Chief, Black democrat police captains, majority black police force and on and on and on.

If only more of them had been black democrats instead of those horrible republican confederate flag waving white supremacist hawaiian shirt boogaloo instigators, justice could have been served.

BTW, those neighborhoods have never recovered due to the democrat riots.......in August of 2016.....and so what did the dems do?

They blamed Trump.

Because of course they did.

Achilles said...

Jim Gust said...
The same people who wanted to abolish ICE now want to defund the police.

And take away our guns.

MayBee said...

Defunding the police is not a realistic idea. It won’t happen, nor should it happen, but reforms must happen, obviously, or should be to most people who care about ending police abuse and violence.

Thanks, Inga. I agree. I'll go look to see what else you said on that thread.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“The Democrats will have to run against law and order, or provide some nuanced mumbo-jumbo that makes them sound weak.”

That ship sailed last weekend. If you frame the looting and riots as opposition to Trump, then it follows that Trump is opposed to looting and riots. Imagine Democrats surprise when they find that no amount of spin will allow them to have it both ways.

bagoh20 said...

There is no limit to the blind spot the left has to inevitable human nature. Without cops, gangs will become rich on theft, drugs, strong arm services and assassination. Elections would become a formality like in many places around the world run by thugs, and everything non-criminals care about will be gone.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

Defunding the police is not a realistic idea. It won’t happen, nor should it happen, but reforms must happen, obviously, or should be to most people who care about ending police abuse and violence.

Public sector Unions have to go.

Public officials that refuse to enforce sanctions on bad cops need to be charged with accessory.

Municipalities that fail to enforce civil rights and obey federal laws and the bill of rights need to be sanctioned by the federal government.

bagoh20 said...

Without cops, who will prevent the millions of legal gun owners from becoming vigilantes, and who will enforce stay at home orders?

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Defund education too while you are at it. Then the private schools and Private Security will do a better job for the rich folks who have paid for their own. They can erect Private Walls and afford tutors galore. Why we can the designate titles of Aristocracy and really eliminate all that deplorable equality. Only problems to fix first will be trial by jury and elections by secret ballot.”

Much better results too - for those paying for it. Running battle for quite some time esp in suburbia. People move to get better schools for their money. If they are successful, the left then figures out a way to loot their district to fund the child and juvenile care systems run by the teachers’ unions. Rinse and repeat. So, of course, upper middle class and above communities would love to have complete control over their police and schools - they could finally get their money’s worth, and not have the bulk of their taxes siphoned off to communities that cannot come close to paying their cost for fire, police, and schools.

As many here know, we chose to pay for private school for our kid. It wasn’t cheap. That meant that not only did we pay for educating our kid there, but also for educating them in the public school system, and probably a bit more because the libs figured that we could afford it. It was worth it, from our point of view. But I can definitely see the allure of not paying having to pay for pretending to educate adolescents who have little interest in learning academically.

Yancey Ward said...

We already know what an urban area in the US will look like without police- just go to the black populated areas of Chicago- a city I am quite familiar with having lived in it for 4 years as grad student. The police have a very limited presence in those areas- it is far easier to find a police presence in Lincoln Park or along the Gold Coast.

And, no, the rich white people won't hire private security to replace the local police if you defunded them- they would just leave for another place with local law enforcement.

Caligula said...

Is it really necessary to point out that at all times and places, whenever central authority has ceased to be effective the result has not been peace, love and anarchic freedom but rule by the most ruthless warlords/gang leaders/armed bullies to be found within or outside the community?

Bay Area Guy said...

1968: The Weatherman & Black Panthers

2020: Antifa & Black Lives Matter

One big difference -- in 2020, leftwing Mayors have hired liberal Chiefs of Police in deep blue cities, who issue "Stand down" orders when rioting, looting and arson occurs.

Big challenges ahead in the next 5 months. Probably, lotta middle class and working folks in blue cities are gonna vamoose to the surrounding burbs.

rightguy said...

The democrats are officially promoting anarchy. They should be made to own it.

tcrosse said...

This calls to mind Tony Bouza, who left the NYPD to become Chief of Police in Minneapolis from 1980 to 1989. Per Wikipedia:
"Bouza had a difficult relationship with the police officers he led in Minneapolis. Within weeks of becoming chief, Bouza reduced the number of police precincts from 6 to 4 and replaced two-member squads with single-member squads in most of the city. Officers blamed the 1981 murder of police officer Richard P. Miller on switch to single-member squads.[2] In a cost-cutting move, he also instituted a promotion freeze that affected hundreds of officers. The citizenry generally noted that Bouza was installed as an agent of change in the police department and that this was a cause of his unpopularity among the rank and file."

DavidD said...

M: This is an old strategy by local governments: cut funding for one of the few things that you are supposed to be doing. When people cry out for more police, you tell them , "Well, ok, but we'll have to raise taxes."

D: That’s just devious. “We need funding for ‘x’. ” “But we’ll never get them to agree to tax increases for ‘x’. ” “I know, let’s get them to agree to redirect funds from ‘y’ to ‘x’; we can always ask for more funds for ‘y’ later....”

M: The same thing happens nationally with the defense budget.

Paco Wové said...

"Some places will try out using social workers instead. Some places will go full anarchy. Some places will have a lot of private citizens hiring their own security forces."

When these places fail, it will be because of your "systemic racism".

This mob hysteria is an immense blame-shifting exercise.

Narayanan said...

this is beautiful fun - very creative

Aunt Teefa

Narayanan said...

Sebastian said...
Trump forcing the contradictions.
I hope you meant forcing Americans to face the contradictions!

the 3 parts of Atlas Shrugged

(Ayn Rand's Tribute to Aristoteles) [Gk meaning noble purpose]

jeremyabrams said...

Clever quick bid for police votes. And as for defunding the police, with the drop in urban property values and the flight to the suburbs, that's already happened.

Narayanan said...

defunding the police is interesting concept.

defunding the police pensions is even better.

Francisco D said...

Yancey Ward said...We already know what an urban area in the US will look like without police- just go to the black populated areas of Chicago- The police have a very limited presence in those areas

Street gangs already have a great deal of influence over aldermen in Black wards. If you take away more cops, you get the street gangs totally in control. Of course, the politicos will find a way to wok with them.

I suspect that is the future of Democrat controlled inner cities.

narciso said...

missing the point,


Michael K said...

As many here know, we chose to pay for private school for our kid. It wasn’t cheap. That meant that not only did we pay for educating our kid there, but also for educating them in the public school system, and probably a bit more because the libs figured that we could afford it. It was worth it, from our point of view.

I did too but cannot afford to send my grandkids to the same private schools their parents attended. The tuition in Orange County CA has exploded. The school my kids attended was basically funded by doctors in the community. My DiL was recently told by her GYN that she cannot afford that school now. Fortunately there are some good charters now.

effinayright said...

Drago said...

During the Freddy Gray riots in Baltimore, you had a black democrat president, a black democrat Attorney General, Black democrat District Attorney, Black democrat mayor, Black democrat city council, Black democrat police Chief, Black democrat police captains, majority black police force and on and on and on.

Robert Woodson, a long-time civil rights advocate and head of the Woodson Center, made this same point on Tucker's program last week. You can't blame whites for the dysfunctional cities that are largely run by blacks. Nor can you blame them for the chaotic behaviors that are not just tolerated, but encouraged, by the black bureaucrats and social workers the inner city poor interact with.

Woodson and Shelby Steele will both be on Mark Levin's show tonight.

Candice Owens points out that black Americans are the only ethnic/racial group that exalts and eggs on its worst people, calling low-level thugs like Michael Brown "heroes" or "innocents. She's not buying the idea that Floyd was any kind of a role model, pointing out that he went to jail in Texas five times for various felonies, including holding a pregnant woman at gunpoint while his pals robbed her apartment. If you want to listen to her eloquent rant on the topic, go here:


Drago said...

rightguy: "The democrats are officially promoting anarchy. They should be made to own it."

According to Inga and Howard its actually about 5 guys in Hawaiian shirts that are driving the millions of moron lefties to engage in behavior they would never engage in otherwise.

Inga and Howard believe this is a viable theory.

le Douanier said...

Maybe this works:


It’d be cool if this could work in many cities. If it did work, it’d be harder to argue against taking back power from public sector unions.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Well, I'm not young enough to know everything, but that seems anti-union.

Thing is, who's going to protect me from them? And if the answer is, "them," then who's going to protect them from me?

ALP said...

Liberals that live in woke Ivory towers won’t be the ones affected by Defunding the Police. The poor communities will suffer, as they do today. Increased crime. Increased drug and human trafficking. People will become their own police, and defensive vigilantism will thrive.

Does anyone else think that, overall, this will make things worse? If anyone is on the fence about joining the police force, they may be rethinking it. If anyone is on the fence about retiring - this may push them to 'yes'. If tighter hiring practices are instituted, fewer new cops joining the force. This puts more pressure on the cops already on the force.

This will then hasten the implementation of AI, drones or other digital law enforcement. The future protests will be about *Robocops*.


reader said...

When my husband and I were looking for a house we chose a school district first. Our son’s elementary school had a very active PTA and a strong parent foundation. Those two groups worked the parents and the community hard for volunteer hours and donations. Between the two our school managed to pay for a part time music teacher, PE coach, and a reading specialist.

Just about the time my son was finished with elementary school there were rumblings of complaints from elsewhere in the state that it wasn’t fair that certain schools had access to resources that other schools didn’t.

Yancey Ward said...

"Maybe this works:


It’d be cool if this could work in many cities. If it did work, it’d be harder to argue against taking back power from public sector unions."

Here is what happened in Camden, New Jersey- Sitter:

The city couldn't govern itself, so the county took over. Camden is about 50% black/50% hispanic today- was more black just 7 years ago. The county is still majority white, and much wealthier than the city. That is why the policing improved- the county is just better governed, and thus more competent at policing the city itself. This is a solution that can't be replicated unless the county is far larger than the city itself- a situation that isn't practical if the city is over 200,000 people.

I'm Not Sure said...

"According to Inga and Howard its actually about 5 guys in Hawaiian shirts that are driving the millions of moron lefties to engage in behavior they would never engage in otherwise."

Sorry to be a stickler for details, but you need to subtract the undercover FBI agents from your "guys in Hawaiian shirts" count.

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga cannot believe that Comrade Stalin would let these things happen, if he knew about them.

People are telling Royal ass Inga who they are; she refuses to believe them.
I hope she gets the results she enthusiastically supports.
I want photographic evidence after the fact.
Or a livestream.

Michael K said...

You can't blame whites for the dysfunctional cities that are largely run by blacks. Nor can you blame them for the chaotic behaviors that are not just tolerated, but encouraged, by the black bureaucrats and social workers the inner city poor interact with.

Robert Mugabe could not be reached for comment on black government.

Michael K said...

I don't know about other cities, but if you defund the Chicago Police, the street gangs will completely run the inner city neighborhoods. They already have a lot more political clout in Chicago than people realize.

The Blackstone Rangers run the city now.

Nichevo said...

Remember when Hillary was first lady of the US for 8 years, and First lady of Arkansas for 12 years, and and talked about "Systematic Racism" and how we needed massive change? Neither do I.

But she has street cred on this issue. Yep.

Hot sauce! Ain't no ways tahred! What don't you get?!

le Douanier said...


If the problem is local revenue in some parts of the country, then the feds should provide dough. In exchange for dough, policy changes can be demanded.

If we can subsidize farmers who can’t otherwise succeed in a free market, we can help urban folks with F-ed policing.

BTW, your jabber about race stuff was not useful. Obviously it’s possible for leadership of any color to be good or bad. It’s not that white folks are able to govern police, but black folks are not. People of any color, with the appropriate funding, can implement policies that work. Likewise, both minority folks and white folks can be terrible leaders, even if funding is available.

Find the policies that work and fund them:
