Fox News reports on a phone call.
What's the "something that people haven’t seen before"?
I tried some other news sources but I couldn't get an answer. I did find this response from Gretchen Whitmer, one of the governors on the phone call:
"The president’s dangerous comments should be gravely concerning to all Americans, because they send a clear signal that this administration is determined to sow the seeds of hatred and division, which I fear will only lead to more violence and destruction. We must reject this way of thinking. This is a moment that calls for empathy, humanity, and unity. This is one of the most challenging periods in our nation’s history, but as Americans, we must remember our enemy is racial injustice, not one another. Let us heed the powerful words of President Obama today to ‘channel our justifiable anger into peaceful, sustained, and effective action.’ It’s time for all of us to pull together and do the hard work of building a nation that works for everyone."And The Guardian has this additional material:
“New York is going to have to toughen up,” Trump said. “And we’ll send you national guard if you want. What’s going on in New York is terrible, it’s terrible. Philadelphia, you gotta toughen up … You’ve got a big national guard out there that’s ready to come out and fight like hell.”Also: Trump talked about getting a new law banning flag burning. Yes, the Supreme Court said there's a First Amendment right to protest by burning the American flag, but it was only 5-4, back in the 80s, so who knows, maybe take another shot... even though Scalia was one of the 5.
But Trump also repeatedly praised Minnesota governor Tim Walz, a Democrat, who he said “knocked [protesters] out so fast it was like bowling pins.” The president described Minnesota as a sort of “experiment” for how to handle the protests, saying the first part of its response was “weak and pathetic” but the second “was domination.”
But seriously, there isn't going to be a statute, so it's not going not going to court anyway. It's just a rhetorical bowling ball.
(Just accidentally ran into that image — from a WWII propaganda poster, here, at HistoryNet.)
Brian Cates could have the answer (read the whole thread). I used to think he was kind of looney, but a lot of his predictions over last 18 months seem to have been accurate. I take BC w/grain of salt because he's convinced DT is a genius.
Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day.
Where's the empathy for the business owners who've lost their livelihoods? What about the people that live in neighborhoods already classified as food deserts that can't get groceries at the Dollar General that was burned down?
Night one the Atlanta police stood and watched two police cars burn fifty feet from them. A pass given to mayhem which was accepted and used. Woke policing meant to show the cops are nice people.
Night two the Atlanta police and the National Guard deployed tear gas to push back bottle throwing thugs. Again and again. Arrests were made. Worked.
The police are in the unenviable position of having to resist violence without violence.
Trump is trolling the soft-on-crime governors.
Maybe Trump would team up with Hillary Clinton on the flag burning ban. She was in favor of that in 2005. They could lock arms together in a march against the First Amendment; that could be his bid to show himself as a unifier.
The president’s dangerous comments should be gravely concerning to all Americans, because they send a clear signal that this administration is determined to sow the seeds of hatred and division, which I fear will only lead to more violence and destruction.
I'm going into tin-foil hat territory here, but here's my analysis of the hard left's battle plan. The Hard Left, in the form of Antifa, BLM, etc, provides the brain trust & tactical planning for the insurrection (which is what this is). Disgruntled minorities provide the foot soldiers of chaos on the ground, lured by the offer of endless amounts of whitey's stuff. The only way to stop this is governmental violence, which the Democrats can't stomach because it's shooting their constituents. But, if teh Democrats don't use violence, their local economies, already weakened by COVID, will collapse. The hard left is essential extorting the Democratic leadership.
I'm sure that peace feelers have already gone out from the Democrats to the Hard Left as to what are the terms of surrender. It's going to involve more power sharing & a transfer of lots of money. Watch what happens in the next year or so among the Democrats. Look for lefty radicals to be quietly brought into government, foundations, think tanks & trusts set up for the radical leadership of the insurrection, and maybe even something as bold as Bernie getting named VP.
The reason the Left went after the blue governments is because 1) the local populace in red areas just might rise up against them (no commie wants another Kronstadt Rebellion), 2) the police would actually crack down, which risks important foot soldiers of the revolution (of which there aren't many) being captured & interrogated, thus putting the leadership at risk.
This is why Whitmer is bitching. Tough talk from Trump, with the accompanying threat of federal force that the Dems don't control being used from above, could easily queer the evolving deal with the Hard Left.
"the seeds of hatred and division"
WTF? The left is busy pouring hatred and division onto cities and businesses and America itself, and Trump is "sowing the seeds"?
And gov, how is empathy gonna stop the looters and Antifa? Or did you mean to express empathy toward the looters and Antifa?
Anyway, can't throw strikes unless you bowl. Trump's average isn't perfect, and I wish he had better technique, but at least he's in the game.
"as Americans, we must remember our enemy is racial injustice, not one another" --Whitmer quoted
Who would that "racial injustice" be coming from, if not one another?
That makes no sense. Because it is GIGO rhetoric. Hatred is coming at us and it is coming from very particular people who are being allowed to put it into full action with few, if any, consequences.
"The president’s dangerous comments should be gravely concerning to all Americans, because they send a clear signal that this administration is determined to sow the seeds of hatred and division, which I fear will only lead to more violence and destruction.
Lord have mercy! So it is "sowing the seeds of hatred and division" to protect the lives and property if innocent citizens?
I wonder how they would feel if one of these mobs showed up at their front door. I wonder if they witnessed their entire life go up in flames if they might have a change of heart.
Maybe not. Some people are just too stupid to be allowed out on their own.
"What's the "something that people haven’t seen before"
Electric Boogaloo: Part Deux
Blogger Inga said...
Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day.
6/1/20, 1:47 PM
Well, that's the point, isn't it?
That's the point of the drama. The impeachment. The Russia collusion story. The Pandemic nonsense. These riots.
Shhhhhh, vote for us Democrats if you want peace and quiet again...... shhhhh.... it'll be ok, just vote Democrat and it'll all calm down.
On substance, Trump is right. The Mayors and Governors (mostly Dems) are weak and tolerate the looting, and tell the cops to stand down, and then massive amount of destruction ensues, and scores of people get killed (about 60 lives lost in the Rodney King riots). Nobody seems to care, because justice!
So, that will happen here. Not sure the total amount of people killed in these riots, it might be "only 10". Maybe, if they test positive for Covid-19 on autopsy, they can attribute it to the virus. A twofer!
On presentation, he's a bit off. He needs Barr, and O'Brien, and Director Wray and his allies to get out there and steer the narrative and try to settle things down. He can't do everything. It can't be a funnel, where the nation parses his tweets -- while arsonists continue to burn down buildings and teenagers continue to steal all the Nikes they can from Footlocker, after bashing in the storefront windows.
Not saying I know what to do. No internet arm-chair quarterbacking from me. I do think, by analogy to war and football, you need equal and opposing forces to deal with an invading force. Chicago '68 convention had cops fighting back -- but that caused other political problems for the Dems and LBJ. Here, most major Democrat cities are being damaged -- but the Dem Mayors and Governors are mostly allowing it.
A gentle historical reminder -- in 1950, Detroit had 1.8 Million people. Today, it's down to 650K or so. Lotta riots in between, lotta folks voted with their feet. Cities don't always recover -- especially when white woman (cue Van Jones) no longer feel safe.
But barbers are enemy no 1
Governors and Mayors are ALLOWING rioters to destroy PERSONAL PROPERTY in city centers across the nation while holding back the necessary police/enforcement response to:
1. Stop the destruction from occurring
2. Arrest and prosecute the perpetrators en masse.
3. Protect the general public and police
This is one thing I see Trump commenting on and is not being discussed in the press. It's often framed as "Mayor told police to have a light touch" or "Police were told to withdrawl."
How about, "Police were told to allow rioters to destroy local businesses and property and not to perform their duties."
And Trump is being criticized. It's unreal. The CoC should be criticized for allowing our territory to be attacked and not adequately defended (Ala Benghazi). The CoC is not the patroller in chief of our nation's streets.
Either he's a dictator or he isn't. Just like with the virus, the Governors demand to have the power they are designated. He gives it too them. Now, they are overwhelmed and wonder where the federal government is?? THEY are in charge of their state. Not the President. It is up to them to do something...or call it an emergency...what are they waiting for??? Trump can't win no matter what he does. Lying Dan Rather is crying because he hasn't come out and spoken to the country. They would tear him apart if he did. The media would misconstrue, and hate would be spewing into the streets again. Jeez....It's getting old.
"What's the "something that people haven’t seen before"
I provide for your reading pleasure, the above link. TLDR: People seldom appreciate just how frequent - in a sense of a eralogical time scale - major social disruptions occur in human history and just how prone generations are to being present and living through such times that would require them to potentially depend entirely upon themselves for their own security.
Yes, societies can break down. Yes, law and order can vanish. Yes, factions and fractionalization are real and yes, they can happen here in the USA instead of that far-away-place-over-there.
I think that's what Trump is talking about. Yes, failure to come down hard on Antifa and their negro attack dogs can destabilize the country to an extent such that local and state governments collapse or are unable to conduct the peoples' business.
It makes me furious that people continuously bury their heads in the sand saying it can't happen here. I've fought and lived in countries far less stable where people said the same thing and it happened before my and their very eyes.
Yes. It can happen.
Toughen up!
Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day."
Inga approves wholeheartedly the weaponizing of federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies against domestic political opponents and framing them while running guns (purposely untraceable guns) to drug cartels in Mexico (one of which was used to murder an American federal officer) all the while having the IRS harass political opponent groups.
Also spying on the US Senate (Brennan admits under oath)
Also spying on reporters and their families (Chery Atkinson and James Rosen)
Also, Obama directed the CIA to assassinate an American citizen in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki, despite the fact that he had never been charged with (let alone convicted of) any crime, and the agency successfully carried out that order a year later with a September 2011 drone strike.
Inga is a big defender of MS13 machete "spark of divinity" murderers, Planned Parenthood selling off baby parts for fun and profit, and, of course, her islamic supremacist aligned-antifa international terrorist heroes.
And so much more.....
nga said...
Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day.
Yup. I can understand that as he put out another dose of pablum for you lefties.
First, the waves of protests across the country represent a genuine and legitimate frustration over a decades-long failure to reform police practices and the broader criminal justice system in the United States. The overwhelming majority of participants have been peaceful, courageous, responsible, and inspiring. They deserve our respect and support, not condemnation — something that police in cities like Camden and Flint have commendably understood.
Tell that to the black store owners in Minneapolis.
He doesn’t want to look like a Russian autocrat and send in the cavalry to cut down protesters. So he’s decided to be a federalist and let the governors send in the cavalry or not. Then the people can decide for themselves who handled the riots best.
“Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day.”
Not me. And not a bunch of others here, I would bet.
This is why I think that Trump’s chance at winning just went up again. Those are our monuments that Inga’s AntiFA and Black Bloc thugs just defaced. Probably just because they could. An allied “Egyptologist” has, apparently, published directions for taking down the Washington Monument. They are evil nihilists. I think, for a lot of people, it is going to come down to either condoning, or shutting down these domestic terrorists. Obama wouldn’t have, and couldn’t have done it. Biden’s staff bailed a bunch of them out. Most of the rest of the Dem candidates wouldn’t have done any better. About the only Dems out there who might, would be Crooked Hillary. She didn’t mind seeing four of her people murdered in Benghazi. If it meant her Presidency, I wouldn’t put helicopter gunships up to shut down the terrorism. Maybe even some AC130s.
"as Americans, we must remember our enemy is racial injustice, not one another" --Whitmer quoted
Diversity breeds adversity.
On presentation, he's a bit off. He needs Barr, and O'Brien, and Director Wray and his allies to get out there and steer the narrative and try to settle things down. He can't do everything. It can't be a funnel, where the nation parses his tweets -- while arsonists continue to burn down buildings and teenagers continue to steal all the Nikes they can from Footlocker, after bashing in the storefront windows.
I'm hoping he has Barr and maybe even Wray working on the networks that are dropping off pallets of bricks and setting churches on fire. At least the FBI has caught a couple Antifa types that Inga bot thinks are Boogaloos.
Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day.
The families of the five dead cops in Dallas would probably disagree with you.
"Night one the Atlanta police stood and watched two police cars burn fifty feet from them."
To be fair, it's not like the cars belonged to them, or that they'd have to pay to replace them. Plus- trying to stop people from burning the cars could involve the risk of injury and everybody knows the number one policy for a policeman is to go home safely at the end of her shift.
Maybe if Trump was to praise the looters we could get these governors to crack down on them. Maybe it's the masks. Good people wear their masks, so...
Trump's right about the riots and how to quell them, of course. The flag-burning thing? Not sure what that's about, except an open appeal to patriotic Americans who also hate to see the flag desecrated, but at this point it seems like overkill.
The desecration crowd has done a great job so far of identifying itself (and no, they're not white supremacists, do I really have to say that?), and all the normal people already detest them.
Michael said, "Night one the Atlanta police stood and watched two police cars burn fifty feet from them. A pass given to mayhem which was accepted and used. Woke policing meant to show the cops are nice people.
Night two the Atlanta police and the National Guard deployed tear gas to push back bottle throwing thugs. Again and again. Arrests were made. Worked.
The police are in the unenviable position of having to resist violence without violence."
To your last point I watched a line of Philly police stand by as firecrackers - including something quite large some folks thought was a flashbang - were lit and thrown at them to explode/go off among them. To me it's beyond the pale. When you are being assaulted with things that CAN kill or maim you, these are not "citizens protesting."
And if you are a citizen standing on a police line while those around you are assaulting the police, you are no longer a citizen - you are part of the wrong side of that line.
I give huge credit to what must be necessary to hold your aggression in those situations.
"We’re going to do something that people haven’t seen before."
"BET founder Robert Johnson calls for $14 trillion of reparations for slavery"
Imagine... Just imagine someone dumber than Governor Wretched Witless after a lobotomy.
Very kind of Michigan's Gretchen Whitless to prove Trump's point so quickly and clearly. Our country would be unified - if the Progressives agreed to admit that they lost 2016 election for President fair and square and allowed the peaceful transfer of power.
I think the funniest part of all of this is that lefties are calling for "revolution" as though it is common to have a true revolution without an attendant civil war. It's almost as though they know nothing about history.
it can't happen here.
Civilized society is surprisingly fragile and depends much on traditions and social habit. When those underpinnings are systematically undermined it can vanish. The US was already in parlous state because education has failed to produce people able to carry it forward. I don't know how to fix that.
Inga, Obama - the community organizer turned POTUS - is very much responsible for what's going on. I would say that the 'bucks stops' with him, but being the pussy he his he would never and will never accept responsibility for his role in destroying race relations in this country or willfully failing to take advantage of the golden opportunity he had to speak truth to his 'community'. He decided to throw an opportunity to be the greatest black leader since MLK on the fire trying to become the reincarnation of John Brown in the White House while collectively hanging both himself and his cause simultaneously.
He was a horrible president. A liar. And a failure. We have voted to undo everything his 8 years in office did and to undo all the things you voted for him to do.
Inga, it is my sincere hope that you do not change and that you continue down the path of accelerationism, accelerationism that justifies what's coming, the destruction of your ideology for all time, and the removal permanently of you political power.
We will never let someone like Obama back in the White House. And I don't mean black, I mean like him.
back then, obama was pouring gasoline on the fire, with holder and then lynch using the community resource service to agitate in sanford ferguson and baltimore,
Poor Gretchen. She's in the uncomfortable position of having to pander to, and make excuses for, Detroit. All while trying to sustain the illusion that she's competent. Or even sane.
Trump wouldn't be hammering this so bluntly if the voter feedback wasn't affirmative. The Donks have placed themselves where he wants them.
"You're all worthless and weak! Now drop and give me twenty!"
How about, "Police were told to allow rioters to destroy local businesses and property and not to perform their duties."
Isn't that policy in California: redistributive change with borders (e.g. $100, $1000 or some threshold)? As for burning witches.... property, dunking warlocks... #HateLovesAbortion
"It makes me furious that people continuously bury their heads in the sand saying it can't happen here. I've fought and lived in countries far less stable where people said the same thing and it happened before my and their very eyes." --Lucid-Ideas
Just walked around our block. In our big city, quite a few merchants are boarding up for tonight. Never seen it before in this neighborhood; we are not downtown. But supposedly the loonies are headed here tonight. I looked at some of the storefronts that haven't boarded, as yet, and they have such hopeful signs up in their windows. "We can get through it together!" Peace signs. Hate Has No Home Here placards. Black Lives Matter.
I hope they do not get a wake-up call tonight. But one part of me knows they need one, very badly. Will BLM and Antifa pass over them? We already know that answer. If these naifs escape, it will not be due to this city's enforcement. We have a Soros DA and a bunch of untested, unknowing, left-leaning Democrats all through government. No, an escape from the hatred will be strictly dumb luck; maybe a bigger, better target for looting and destroying somewhere else.
The time for mewling and equivocation is over. Trump is forcing the Democrats to take sides and he is purposely baiting them with the language he is using.
The lines are drawn.
I am letting everyone know they are being judged. If you support Democrats you are supporting the riots and the complete lawlessness of the left on every level.
Democrat voters are on the same level as the taliban from here on out.
Frankly, I'm skeptical until I see the transcript. They MSM CONSTANTLY takes Trump out of context, and exaggerates what he says or misrepresents it. As for the Michigan Governor, she's a political hack who's attacked trump every chance she's got. No doubt, she's hoping to be Biden's VP, as if that's possible.
BTW, did you notice that the "Neo-Nazi" trucker who "barreled into a crowd" per the Democrat Speaker of the Minnesota Senate, has now been found to be Ukrainian immigrant who was on the Freeway before any signs were posted and was completely clueless as to who the protesters were. The Democrat - some asshole called Ryan Winkler - deleted his lying tweet. That's what we're dealing with, Democrat Pols who just make up shit and LIE to the public, like its a game.
It's dangerous to tell governors to toughen up? Can they not handle that kind of language?
In the movies Trump would give the governors a glass of whiskey courage and send them out to do battle with the evil white supremacists. But in realitym there is a plot twist, the governors are in cahoots with the supremacists and don't want to shut down their allies. Sad.
BTW, the rioters had breached the White House fence that surrounds the grounds, a Secret Service agent was wounded by a projectile, so the Secret Service hustled Trump off to the secure location underneath the White House.
This, of course, is being paraphrased as "Trump hiding in his Bunker". Get it? Bunker - just like "Hitler's Bunker". And Billionaire, son a Rich Hollywood star, George Clooney is now telling us that America must "deal with its Racism". God, how these Hollyweirdos hate us and the USA!
Here's an interesting observation: Lots and lots and lots (did I mention lots?) of media "journalists" and opinion hacks are very, very, very (did I mention very?) concerned about Trump officially designating antifa what they actually are, an international terrorist group.
Because by officially designating antifa what they actually are, the DOJ/FBI is allowed to use the tools available to identify where the funding, coordination and leadership of antifa is coming from along with all the communications to and from for these antifa terrorist leaders and cells.
Which means that any communications antifa has been having with....."journalists" bound to turn up.
Well, I think we just identified the source of the legacy media concern, didn't we?
But don't worry lefties/dems/LLR-lefties, if you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about, right?
Remember, no one in above the law. Not even the democrats beloved shock troops/storm troopers and their democrat allies.
Trump is trolling the soft-on-crime governors.
Yes, get the Dems to emote with empty kumbaya rhetoric. I suspect an increasing number of apolitical Americans in favor of a hard-line stance on rioting disguised as protesting bullshit.
“What's the "something that people haven’t seen before"?
I tried some other news sources but I couldn't get an answer.”
Cotton: Trump should use Insurrection Act to deploy active-duty military to cities
Could this be what he’s planning?
All the White Liberal Talk show hosts, are standing with their "Brothers and Sisters". They're down for the struggle, and keeping their eyes on the prize. Destroy Whitey - speak truth to power! That's their motto. Just leave Marin, Beverly Hills and the Upper West Side alone.
This reminds me of Brando - I'm reading his Biography - and his support for the Black Panthers AFTER the Panthers turned violent. Brando loved the vicarious thrill of violence and rooting for the Panthers against those lower class white policemen. Later, he helped a Native American "activist" who killed a FBI agent literally get away with murder. Of course, once the FBI/Police got around to questioning him, Brando didn't know nothing about nothing. Discretion is always the better part of valor.
Whitmer just reversed her extension of the stay at home order. Instead of ending June 15, it ends today. According to her, in the past week, Michigan has made remarkable progress on the Covid front. I think she did it because it makes her look ridiculous that law-abiding, productive citizens are locked-down at home while "protesters" are ignoring curfews, breaking windows, looting, and setting fires. However, she did make sure that that barber in Owosso who started giving haircuts lost his license.
I read the thread Brian Cates. That Antifa had foreign aid (especially money) in fomenting the insurrection makes sense with what we're seeing. That doesn't mean it's true, but it fits.
Needless to say, before I'm going to accept that some of my fellow Americans, even the whack-job Lefties, are out & out traitors, I want to see some hard evidence.
But I can't say I'd be surprised.
The Democrats are in every position of power in the Floyd tragedy.
At every level Democrats created the systemic issues that led to George Floyd being killed.
Every single level.
And they are involved at every single level with the riots and looting.
This is just their plan to turn the US into Venezuela.
as Americans, we must remember our enemy is racial injustice, not one another
The racial injustice in question here is the treatment of minorities in Whitmer's state, Minnesota, by members of Whitmer's executive branch of Whitmer's Minnesota's government. By her own logic, Whitmer herself is the enemy.
Trump doesn't want to see the country destroyed. I think that as a builder, the vandalism really bothers him.
Whitmer and the like don't mind the destruction if it allows them a chance to virtue-signal about "empathy" and "humanity".
Trump to the governors: "Most of you are weak."
"You're all worthless and weak!"
Oh look, Crack heard the magic word.
"Racial injustice" is the enemy? Really? I thought the enemy was bad cops. Bad cops who happen to work for police departments overseen by Democrat police chiefs, mayors and city councils.
"Racial injustice" semantically boils down to: "Attention white people: give us money and feel guilty!"
My answer is: that cop worked for your police department, not mine. He was answerable to your chief of police, not mine. His superiors answer to your mayor, not mine. His (mis) training is on your community's political structure.
You want fewer bad cops? Great -- I do, too. You know how you get fewer bad cops? Consequences for bad cops and consequences for those who hired and trained them.
Put another way, if Minneapolis voters are okay with their current mayor staying in office, then they don't really care about making their city better. They care about virtue signaling and keeping their gravy trains running on time.
Inga: "Cotton: Trump should use Insurrection Act to deploy active-duty military to cities
Could this be what he’s planning?"
Why would a "dictator" have to use any silly "Act".
tsk tsk tsk
Inga keeps forgetting all of her previous narrative lies. Perhaps its smoke from burning buildings-induced amnesia.
Inga's fantasy's to the contrary, the Obama years set back race relations in this country by the most since Woodrow Wilson.
"How sickening to hear Obama go pious on us as if we don't know who cultivated the seeds of racial and economic division, who used Alinskyite techniques to sow hatred and intimidation, who gangsterized the government and the Democratic Party. He's the problem, not the solution." This is a quote from Dinesh D'Souza moments ago. I agree!
It's funny how leftist democrats are never asked or expected to disavow all the crazy and insane destruction and sociopath anarchist behavior from their own camp.
Inga said...
Cotton: Trump should use Insurrection Act to deploy active-duty military to cities
Could this be what he’s planning?
6/1/20, 2:55 PM
Fucking FINALLY. I thought I'd have to beat you over the head and read the secret plan to you.
The longer these riots go on, especially in swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, the more American (and even black people) will -enthusiastically- welcome military intervention, and only widespread demand will push Trump to such a Rubicon. If you think a Governor will keep their position after the military has to secure their territory, think again- and that will end any plans the Democrats had to press their political advantage in those two swing states. I doubt Adolf Whitmer or He-Wolf of the SS will face prison time, much less a well-deserved hanging, but I've been wrong before.
The interesting part is what Donald Trump will do in heavy blue zones with complete Democratic control. I suspect he's going to let Washington State fend for themselves.
Blogger Inga said..."...Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day..." REALLY - are you that delusional about your "Progressive Narratives"? ""Inga" did you not notice the (racially based) riots in Ferguson and Baltimore? The Oscar Grant Riots, in 2009, shortly after President Obama’s election, police officer Johannes Mehserle shot black transit passenger Oscar Grant in Oakland, California. Rioters took advantage of the situation anyway, trashing police cars and forcing Mayor Ron Dellums to take shelter in City Hall. Now that was poetic justice for the race hustler 'Dellums'. More examples: Trayvon Martin Violence; and the Kimini Gray Riots. "Inga" your "President Obama" comment is a non-sequitur.
I think that'Thomas Pain' said it best: "...To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead..."
Here's a link to a statement by the Richmond Police Chief about how some of Inga's antifa "heroes" set fire to a building with a child in it and then refused to allow firefighters access to the building to put the fire out.
I mean, once the dems/left/LLR-left committed to post-birth "abortion" (murder) and the selling off of baby parts, whats the big deal about doing a few really really late "abortions" by fire?
Right Inga?
Remember, these people are heroes to the left/dems and the lefties are happy to pony up cash to keep these fine upstanding citizens out of jail.
Obviously what Trump should say is that people should vote for Biden. That would not scare Gov Whitmer.
I was a franchisee for a big national retail service company for 10 years. The area where I could open stores included Philadelphia. I never opened a store there for a number of reasons, but they boiled down to a just one. I didn't trust the people who were running the city.
I didn't trust them to provide dependable services. I didn't trust them to let me run my businesses in a fair and responsible way that would allow me to make a profit. I didn't trust them not to bury me with arbitrary rules. And I didn't trust them to keep the city safe.
So I opened stores in the suburbs.
Two of my fellow franchisees did open shops in the city. Neither lasted a year. The horror stories were epic, One had to close because he couldn't retain staff. The city was constantly towing their cars away. Parking is a game played with no rules in Philadelphia. The second waited months to get the permits he needed to open, then was robbed twice the first week he was open.
Philadelphia hasn't had a Republican mayor in 71 years. Their city council is a laughingstock. They pass resolutions to end violence in Bangladesh, while young men kill each other on their streets every day, and their kids can't read.
How many of these businesses that were burned, robbed and vandalized will return? How many will never open because potential business owners will decide to just go elsewhere?
Flag burning is always one vote short of passing in Congress. They count votes and let vulnerable seats vote for it.
I favor flag burning as expression myself. Like Trump's tweets, it gets the right people mad.
No sacred objects. If you want to signal virtue, it will have to be by actually being virtuous.
"Could this be what he’s planning?"
Don't know. Let me check with Vlad and I'll get back to you.
Thing is, dominate or be dominated -- no getting around it. Even for progs.
Some of whom do want to be dominated by the far left, in the illusion that they're doing the dominating themselves.
@ANTIFA_US: ‘Tonight We Say “F*** the City” and We Move in to the Residential Areas...'
Will democratics disavow?
I'm hoping he has Barr and maybe even Wray working on the networks that are dropping off pallets of bricks and setting churches on fire.
Start with the lawyers bailing out antifa. We'll find they are employed in academia and the NGO complex. Publish their names and force their employers to explain why they employ antifa. Then pass a law saying any institution which employs them is ineligible for federal funds.
Whitmer has to make this seem like dangerous rhetoric because she doesn't want to stop the violence because someone might think she's racist
A few unrelated thoughts to add to the great comments above.
1) May 4 was the anniversary of the Kent State Massacre, which is still blamed on Nixon. I think that's what many of Trump's opponents are actually hoping for, across the country.
2) As Bruce H. said above, it would be fascinating to observe the narrative if Hillary were President, and she cracked down on the rioters. I actually think she would be hardcore, and the media would shrug off the casualties like they did at Waco.
3) Some store owners are putting out signs saying "Black Owned Business" to protect themselves. It's a secular liberal version of the blood of the Passover Lamb.
4) In Feb. 2018 two police officers were killed in my city, Westerville, Ohio. Their names were Eric Joering and Anthony Morelli. (Hey BLM, say their names.) They were killed by a man who was beating and choking his wife. The police were responding to her 911 call. There was a tremendous outpouring of community grief and support, but there were no riots. There never are, when police officers are killed in the line of duty.
Inga said:
Cotton: Trump should use Insurrection Act to deploy active-duty military to cities
Could this be what he’s planning?
No, it's just what some Trumpistas are whispering to stir things up. This is a replay of the call to open up the economy and end the shutdown. Trump is making sure all the blue state governors scream that his extreme measures must not be taken, then hurry back to further destroying their states to own Trump.
It's a cynical ploy: Lock up the Red State vote by making an example of the blue states and hope a few purples - Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania - support him as angry out-staters get fired up and urbanites sit home disgusted. We'll know in November if it works.
At any rate, I'd hate to be a blue state governor these days. At this point he can make them do anything, just by vaguely suggesting they do the opposite. This is a strange form of power, but it's power.
"I didn't trust the people who were running the city.
I didn't trust them to provide dependable services. I didn't trust them to let me run my businesses in a fair and responsible way that would allow me to make a profit. I didn't trust them not to bury me with arbitrary rules. And I didn't trust them to keep the city safe." --Jersey Fled
Bingo x 5.
Inga said...
Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day."
Different folks, different strokes. I was at Trump's inauguration and the best part of it was watching Obama fly of in the helicopter. Every day I'm glad that neither he or Hillary aren't president.
Trump is right about not speaking much. George Floyd was a criminal POS that was killed by the police. He was no saint and deserves no such false piety. That said, the cops stopped being cops and became criminals and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. So far as I can recall the on black that the cops killed that resulted in riots and wasn't a criminal Arthur McDuffie in Miami 1980. A businessman who bludgeoned to death by the cops when he was pulled over for a moving violation.The ensuing riots were horrific. If I remember correct at least fourteen killed. Rioting and looting are violent crimes that need to be put down harshly. This the the responsibility of governors, state AG's, mayors, police chiefs and local DA's. If they can't do their core responsibility they should resign. Trump did make a mistake, he should have call out the Army for the federal district of DC and told them to shoot looters and rioters. This would have ended immediately. That one is on Trump.
This is the CEO chewing out the district managers.
Crack's reparations went up in smoke last week. Just like the Cheech and Chong movie.
All gone, Crack.
Blacks made pretty good progress from 1950 to Obama. All over now.
Even Democrats like Clinton and Biden recognized that crime affected blacks as victims far more than whites. That's why the Congressional Black Caucus was pushing so hard for harsh cocaine laws.
All gone now. Back to 1950.
Just had a conversation with a progressive Democrat in Colorado. Major fundraiser.
“The protestors got a few blocks from my house. And I don’t know anybody who owns a gun.”
He’s buying one today.
The left is losing their base, folks.
People choose order over anarchy.
And why this very likely re-elected Trump.
rcocean said..."BTW, did you notice that the "Neo-Nazi" trucker who "barreled into a crowd" per the Democrat Speaker of the Minnesota Senate, has now been found to be Ukrainian immigrant who was on the Freeway before any signs were posted and was completely clueless as to who the protesters were. The Democrat - some asshole called Ryan Winkler - deleted his lying tweet. That's what we're dealing with, Democrat Pols who just make up shit and LIE to the public, like its a game."
If that trucker did that intentionally he could have killed hundreds of these low lifes. Like the jihadi in Lyon France a couple of years ago with a much smaller truck. Too bad he didn't put the pedal to the metal.
No, Whitmer, nothing Trump has said or done has forced people to pillage and loot and destroy and burn. That is on them. That is their choice.
Trump is not encouraging the violence, but you are.
I think Trump said the thing about flag burning for a specific reason- watch the riots tonight- they will prominently feature flag burning.
What is most disturbing -- and should be most to those who legitimately have a grievance -- is that so much of the Dems' response is to seek "justice at the ballot box," with the implication being to vote for Democrats.
The Dems' "answer" is "Vote for us. Vote for more of the same. Vote for your oppressors."
And Trump is laying the ground for the battle to come. What he told the governors was simple common sense- appeasement never works- the riots and the looting continue until there is nothing left to steal or destroy. All of these cities are ringed by a much better armed citizenry in the suburbs and exurbs who will shoot looters to protect their property if the police and national guard won't- this is what keeps the riots in the city centers. Walz, for all the praise Trump gave him, was 2 days too late.
The Democratic governors and mayors have to act- if they don't, then they get the blame. It really is that simple, and Trump isn't going to make it easy on them to evade their duties to the citizens, and he isn't going to let them escape the blame if they don't.
Inga said...
Makes me miss having a President like President Obama even more every day."
Yeah, because we lived in perfect racial harmony then. Never mind Ferguson or Baltimore.
I'm starting to believe Inga is as senile as Biden.
BTW, the rioters had breached the White House fence that surrounds the grounds
I seem to remember that during the Obama years, someone breached the fence and got across the grounds and wasn't stopped until he was through the front door.
Biden better get that chain out again.
Klobuchar needs to throw a Molotov stapler or two.
On September 19, 2014, Omar J. Gonzalez, an Iraq War veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder, jumped over the White House's fence and entered the building's front door before being stopped first by an off-duty security officer, and later multiple security officers, and arrested. . . . Gonzalez then overpowered a female Secret Service agent and ran into the East Room, where he was tackled by an off-duty agent who was in the process of leaving for the night.
In all the video I'm seeing on the news, national and local, the majority of the people seen are white males. The only video I saw that included black people was one of Floyd's brother asking, begging, for peaceful action.
Trump is 100% right. Things can only get worse when the state surrenders its claim to a monopoly on legitimate violence.
stevew said...
In all the video I'm seeing on the news, national and local, the majority of the people seen are white males"
Bear in mind that that is the video you're seeing on the news. While white Antifa guys are indeed prominent, onTwitter and the Internet, I'm also seeing a lot of black people looting and beating people. The networks, including Fox, are not as eager to show that.
My guess: the whites (and a few blacks) are Antifa. Most of the blacks looting are simply criminals and opportunists.
Well, Steve W, the POI is not POC, but those rummaging through the products are.
ATF releases photo seeks persons of interest in Walgreens arson on Milwaukee's north side
I've been thinking a lot this week about the riots. During my AF combat tour in Vietnam I flew 232 msns--100 North and 132 South and in Laos. I was shot down over Laos (a place where if you weren't KIA and unfortunate enough to be captured and become a POW odds were for the vastmajority you would never, ever, be heard from again. I was one of the lucky ones--I was picked up right away.) True, I volunteered for it all out of a sense of duty, loyalty to Country and patriotism, but I did put my life constantly on the line and had more than my fair share of close calls that were high in the "pucker factor." Looking back, I now view my efforts over there in a quite different light:
I was dropping my bombs on all the wrong people..
I've been thinking a lot this week about the riots. During my AF combat tour in Vietnam I flew 232 msns--100 North and 132 South and in Laos. I was shot down over Laos (a place where if you weren't KIA and unfortunate enough to be captured and become a POW odds were for the vastmajority you would never, ever, be heard from again. I was one of the lucky ones--I was picked up right away.) True, I volunteered for it all out of a sense of duty, loyalty to Country and patriotism, but I did put my life constantly on the line and had more than my fair share of close calls that were high in the "pucker factor." Looking back, I now view my efforts over there in a quite different light:
I was dropping my bombs on all the wrong people..
Much of hack-D press going full on to cover for leftwing Antifa terror.
"America is now Palestine, where they Palestinians blow up schools and then say, "It was really the Jews."
My guess: the whites (and a few blacks) are Antifa. Most of the blacks looting are simply criminals and opportunists
Don't know what you are watching, but your guess would be wrong in D.C. The crowd is 80 percent white. Probably a handful of Antifa, but overwhelmingly white and college age. White, privileged, progressives. Many of them white women.
This is a moment that calls for empathy, humanity, and unity.
... and 5.56 millimeter stomach aches.
Don't know what you are watching, but your guess would be wrong in D.C. The crowd is 80 percent white.
Is it possible that blacks are wising up in DC ? Do they suspect that they have been the cannon fodder ?
The ones that need to be arrested are the white organizers and abettors.
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