June 1, 2020

But I was progressive!


Lucid-Ideas said...


Please eat me last!

n.n said...

Progressivism, an unqualified monotonic ideology. #HateLovesAbortion

Paul said...

Yep... the mob will kill their own. That is the definition of a mob.

wendybar said...

Bahahahahhhahha!!! GOOD!! nothing makes me happier. The progressives are starting to eat their own. This is what they wanted....enjoy it. Cloward and Piven is being played out before our eyes.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Just a friendly reminder to everyone...

Remember these people and their names. I'm doubtful that this thing turns 'full boogaloo' (believe me...you'll know it when you see it) like all the rest of these temper tantrums have done in the past, but if it does, remember not to help these people. No matter how hard they ask, no matter how hard they plead, don't help them. Don't help them rebuild either.

You don't have to hurt them (they do that themselves), but in God's name you don't have to save them. They are mental infants, but that doesn't imply they ever grow up.

Do. Not. Help. Them. Not even if you see them on their knees getting brained.

"Life is hard. It's twice as hard if you're stupid" - John Wayne.

Temujin said...

They're always the last to realize what is actually going on right up to the point when they're put back up against a wall with a guy pointing a rifle at then from about 10 feet away.

She shouldn't feel embarrassed. Tens of Millions in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe fell for the same thing.

Tom T. said...

Next she'll be complaining about how hard it is to buy a gun.

Susan said...

It's almost as if she thinks her personal job and workplace is more important than the other hundreds of jobs and workplaces that have been destroyed because she practiced right-think. No doubt those other places deserved to burn because they weren't full of virtuous people such as herself.

She THOUGHT she was down with the struggle. But she was down with other people struggling while she watched from safety and cheered, admired and gave comfort to the criminals.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote it a few days ago- the rioters and looters will riot and loot where it is safe for them to do so- this means city centers of Democrat controlled localities where no one but the police and national guard are armed, and where the political will to do anything to stop left-wing rioters and looters is at the absolute minimum. The people in the suburbs, are much more heavily armed.

I have much more sympathy for the lady than I do for Chris Palmer, but even Hauss kind of stirs up my schadenfreude when she wrote "but we are a progressive newspaper"- that shows that she still thinks that destroying the business of a conservative paper would have been OK, at least to some extent.

Sometimes people need to get what they wish for nice and hard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just as the leftwing antifa mobs were fighting truth to power... burning the man to the ground for the common good, the media turned them into Boogaloo!

bam - "right wing extremists" and "white supremacists" and "Trump supporters" did it!


zipity said...

Karma = A Bitch

Dave Begley said...

One of my ex-girlfriends has a daughter that lives in a suburb of the Twin Cities. Her husband's comment was that they are safe because they are far away from the "protests."

The rioters have cars. The police won't protect him and his family. Liberals don't get it. No one is immune from lawlessness when it is allowed to thrive.

The veneer of civilization is very thin. I learned that in my French Revolution class in college.

Bay Area Guy said...

The idiot Leftists (only a few left in the commentariat) usually get shot first by the savvy leftists in any revolution. Too much deadweight. Stalin regularly purged even his Generals, once they did the job for him.

They are called "useful idiots" for a reason! Read a history book, Ms. Progressive.

YoungHegelian said...

Please tell me what I've done wrong and how I can atone. Here in the Lubyanka, I await your wise judgment.

Another Stalinist Terror favorite was "If Comrade Stalin only knew...". And, of course, not only did Stalin know, but he quite often personally signed off on the arrest/execution of some Bolshevik Hero of Socialist Labor who had now fallen afoul of his whimsy.

Trust me when I say that with the spread of the riots to Georgetown, Friendship Heights, & Chevy Chase last night, many a DC liberal is waking up this morning with a new appreciation for the 2nd Amendment & an understanding that their liberal bona fides will not prevent them from getting ravaged by the mob.

Ray - SoCal said...

There seems to be a belief among rioters that insurance will cover the damage they do to businesses.

I have noticed this in several stories and tweets.

Unfortunately most insurance does not cover damages fine due to civil unrest.

I'm Not Sure said...

"We are a progressive newspaper."

There's your problem, right there.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Poetic justice at work.

Progressives and others who are virtue signaling to the mob mentality and who are actively rooting for violence.....never ever dream that they themselves might get caught up in the violence.

Somehow they think they are immune and the rules of life don't apply to them. They think that they can fly harmless above the chaos that they have caused. The violence they have encouraged and unleashed...on other people. Not themselves...of course. OTHERS!!!

Ha ha ha. Rude awakening isn't it?

gerry said...

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!

Rory said...

"Do. Not. Help."

See, but they're in our families. One of the things the lefties have misunderstood is that normal people have bonds to break and inhibitions to shed before going full Bugaboo.

n.n said...

Some people say progressive, some people say monotonic. Other say fetus, and baby, too. The selfie-ish doesn't help.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Good. Now we just need to disband the police. Give the people what they want.

wildswan said...

The difference between protests and riots is the difference between day and night, white and black. In the day, led by various organizers groups protest the horrible outrage of the death of George Floyd. At night led by Antifa mobs loot and steal. The two are not the same but, in the ultimate use of blackface, Antifa is using the first to cover the second. Antifa even uses black masks so that it isn't clear that white people are leading black mobs into black areas and burning and looting black businesses. Using the excuse of the death of a member of the black community these masked whites harm the black community in the name of the black community. And the lefty big city mayors have acknowledged this. That is the meaning of Lori Lightfoot's 12 noon press conference on Sunday. The Chicago police superintendent stated that there was no question but that the riots at night were not led by the same people as the protests by day and did nit have the same goals. The riots at night, he said, were based on a nationwide plan to which he and other lefty black community leaders were irrelevant; and that he and the other lefty mayors and police chiefs had become certain of this.

This press conference in its meaning and significance has not been interpreted correctly by CNN and other media outlets. Welcome, Lori Lightfoot, to the world may of us have been in for quite some time. She gestures at me: "Avoid, avoid. This is just some mistake, I am not as you. My heart is broken as I see my communities cause and my communities young people being abused by unknown actors of evil intent. You wouldn't know how that feels." Oh, but I do.

Lucid-Ideas said...

@Yancey Ward

The anti-gun, progressive, democrat, liberal just doesn't appreciate how "well-armed" the part of the country they despise is. I know people who could arm every person in their neighborhood. I have personal friends that are Class 3 SOT's with access to belt-fed machine guns...lots of belt-fed machine guns. I personally have access to explosives and know how to handle them. There are people with deep connections within the US military that could access significant stockpiles of heavy weapons and know where large depots of them are located. There are people who know how to operate aircraft - armed and unarmed. There are people - like me - who can build nuclear weapons and know specific stockpile locations.

They talk about 'muh predator drone' while forgetting that their operators have homes, and families, and children, and that that doesn't matter much because I know who they are and quite frankly they're on my side, not theirs. I swore and they swore and others swore to defend against enemies foreign and domestic...of which they clearly are.

'Fight' is the wrong word. Fighting 'the man' would be about 12 hours followed by a bloodletting of unfathomable proportions. If the armed non-liberal portion of this country or the police really had enough, they'd know it.

TreeJoe said...

There are many (countless?) examples now of mobs looting stores - large corporate like Target or small independent shops owned locally - because they believe:

- They (the mob) are entitled
- It'll be covered by "insurance" as if insurance is all encompassing and a free check to anyone impacted that means they are totally reimbursed and their life goes on just fine and insurance rates don't at all skyrocket and make such businesses harder to operate.
- The shop owners are probably not part of their tribe

It's surreal. As others have said, taking part in such acts is literally a sign of no moral compass.

I AM NOT advocating violence here but we will not see a drop in looting until there is a significant risk/deterrent. Shopkeepers who fight back with firearms, a store filled with looters and a molotov cocktail gets thrown inside, other things that make people question whether they should be stepping inside.

Mark Jones said...

There are only two kinds of "progressives"/communists. Sociopaths willing to wade through oceans of blood to seize and hold power--and useful idiots. Useful idiots get a brick through the window today, a bullet in the brain tomorrow.

Original Mike said...

I've wondered my entire life how people turn out this clueless. I'm still wondering.

Anonymous said...

Revolutions rapidly eat their own. Either because of minor policy differences, a desire to eliminate rivals, or the naked need to fed more bodies into the arena to keep the crowd amused.

- ask the French
- ask the Russians
- ask the Chinese
- ask the Cambodians

Wince said...


Sahil said...


Bay Area Guy said...

As an obsequious aside, this is the type of post that makes me love Althouse. Short and powerful, exposing and unmasking a hard truth, tested by time, history and experience.

Carry on, my fellow Comrade Counter-revolutionaries.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I loved this twit from some NBA guy. The link was posted by someone in the comments in an earlier post.

Chris Martin Palmer:

Burn that shit down. Burn it all down.
May 28, 2020 (about the destruction of low income housing).

They just attacked our sister community down the street. It's a gated community and they tried to climb the gates. They had to beat them back. Then destroyed a Starbucks and now in front of my building. Get these animals the fuck out of my neighborhood. Go back to where you live.
May 31, 2020.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Indy Week used to be a huge weekly free tabloid filled with in-depth stories...this is going back to the 1970s. Traditionally liberal back in the day.

But in the last 10 years it has gotten smaller and smaller while getting more and more radical. It's being killed by the internet, and this might be its last gasp.

Paul said...

The way the communist think is...

“Better that ten innocent people should suffer than one spy get away. When you cut down the forest, woodchips fly.”
- Nikolai Ezhov, NKVD commander
(Roy Medvedev, Let History Judge [Columbia University Press, 1989], p. 603)

“[It is] better to condemn a hundred innocent persons than let one guilty person escape.”
- Dolores Ibarruri (“La Pasionaria”), Spanish communist politician
(Victor Alba, The Communist Party in Spain [Transaction Publishers, 1983], p. 256)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the media say stuff like this:

"protesters continue to demonstrate against police violence across the country.."

They leave out that many protestors are demonstrating with violence. lots of it.

Nothing says "we won't stand for violence" like a burned out police station and looted local businesses. That's OK - media ready with their boogaloo bullshit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Blue cities destroyed by blue ideology.

Blame boogaloo.

Calypso Facto said...

"But I was progressive!" The last gasp of the Intelligentsia since 1917.

Sebastian said...

"Please tell me what I've done wrong and how I can atone"

You are wrong for being you and in the way. Atonement is irrelevant; we'll decide on your punishment. You are a tool, like anything else. Reeducation or death, that is the question.

Big Mike said...

@Bill, from Texas, Chris Martin Palmer is an ESPN analyst for NBA games. Or he was. He was called out on Twitter over the self-evident hypocrisy, and he denies that there is any hypocrisy whatsoever.

Sally327 said...

Supposedly a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged except I don't think that's necessarily true. I think a liberal/lefty/progressive, wherever the person is on that spectrum, doesn't change his or her views because a bad thing happens, like this. She will probably excuse the mayhem as just so much rage, that it blinds the perpetrators to their friends and allies and is just more evidence as to how messed up the system is and how it needs to change. So people won't get so mad and go smashing and burning and looting everything in sight.

rwnutjob said...

Maybe talk to your progressive police chief.
“I will not put an officer in harm’s way to protect the property inside of a building. Because insurance is most likely going to cover that as well but that officer’s safety is of the utmost importance,”
Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown said.“

tim maguire said...

As I sometimes do, I went to the replies to her tweet to see what the reaction on twitter is. From there, I saw some other tweets from her and she remains...confused. She thinks the problem is that FOX news reported on her tweet.

Kevin said...

A real progressive would have thrown a brick through her own window.

Self-loathing is the fuel that powers the movement.

wildswan said...

I traveled from New Hampshire back to Wisconsin by car over a four day period. I passed through the Great America Desert of Lockdown America and lived; and then through Chicago and other riot centers without any incidents. I heard Lori Lightfoot speaking on Sunday at noon as I drove through Chicago. I was quite sure that I could travel through Cleveland and Chicago despite TV "news" because my prolife experience assured me that lefty demonstrators don't like to get up early after being up late, drunk and doped up. And these Antifas and their dupes proved to be just the same.

What is hard about travel now is that you can't sit down and eat anywhere except in your own car with takeout that someone has thrust at you from behind a plastic shield. I saw an episode about a prison in Ohio one night as I traveled and how they punished the worst by denying them human contact and thrusting their food in white plastic containers at them which these bad guys then have to eat alone in their cell. Just say "car" instead of cell and we weren't so different. And a car is freedom to go places but all the places are closed and the highway is lined with signs "Wash your hands", "Wear a mask", "Don't Text", "Closed", "If you plan to stay, quarantine for fourteen days" "The Welcome Center is Closed." Plus highway repair is going forward - some things are sacred (not religion) so there's miles of orange and white barrels and narrow lanes edged by concrete and more threats, "Fines double for speeding in work areas."

I knew perfectly well that normal life was going on just off the highway in small "village" communities that are keeping life going and I knew that these villages include diners where people were sitting unmasked and talking to each other. But you can't get there from here on the highway. On the highway you are, at present, functionally, on medium security lockdown. Even where you should stand at every hotel front desk and Burger King is marked with an X, just as for the prisoners in the TV show. I don't expect that this is the "new normal" but I think it explains why the "hospitality" industry won't bounce back while "hospitality" means lockdown and medium security prison conditions. Real travel is easy riders in search of adventure or fun, not vermin paying for being alternately hectored and shunned in Karenistan.

I think that on the highway I was experiencing life in leftyland as it would actually be - just like that editor of a lefty rag

wendybar said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Just as the leftwing antifa mobs were fighting truth to power... burning the man to the ground for the common good, the media turned them into Boogaloo!

bam - "right wing extremists" and "white supremacists" and "Trump supporters" did it!

6/1/20, 10:01 AM

But why would all those progressive celebritards want to bail them out....WHO'S lying???

pacwest said...

Can't we all just get along?

wendybar said...

Original Mike said...
I've wondered my entire life how people turn out this clueless. I'm still wondering.
6/1/20, 10:24 AM

Public school education after the Department of Education was formed.

wendybar said...

rwnutjob said...
Maybe talk to your progressive police chief.
“I will not put an officer in harm’s way to protect the property inside of a building. Because insurance is most likely going to cover that as well but that officer’s safety is of the utmost importance,”
Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown said.“
6/1/20, 10:54 AM

That's why it is time to lock and load. The police will not help you....

Chris N said...

Please eat me last, O fierce childish wind I have been worshipping

Tomcc said...

Lileks has a similar event featured on his site this morning: a Muslim store owner pleading with looters. Oddly, this is what the mobs think of as "equal justice for all".

Kevin said...

I'm sure in Hitler's Germany there were Jews who thought themselves not greedy and did their best to separate themselves from those who clearly fit the Furhur's depictions.

They went to the gas chanmbers too.

You can't keep yapping about "white priviledge" believing others will ignore the color of your skin.

Bilwick said...

Reminds me of a quote from the great, overlooked Irish Mob movie, STATE OF GRACE:

"The Flannerys are black snakes who move in the night, and they always, ALWAYS, eat their own!"--Burgess Meredith as an old Hell's Kitchen denizen, commenting on the Flannerys, king-pins of the "Westies" gang.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Biden Staffers Donate Money to Pay Bail of Rioters That Minnesota Officials Claim Are White Supremacists

Michael K said...

Tom T. said...
Next she'll be complaining about how hard it is to buy a gun.

My Bernie voter daughter who lives in Santa Monica called yesterday to ask if I could give her another gun. She does have one and might be thinking things over.

bagoh20 said...

Remember how they were fine with the destruction when it was happening to others - the other - the people not like them. Yea, that's the epitome of compassion, tolerance and justice. Just remember how you not only didn't care, but wanted people to suffer - other people. Now shut up and enjoy the fruits of your passion for justice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey Inga - care to Boogaloo-scape this?

M Jordan said...

Every brick through a progressive window is a red pill in disguise.

bagoh20 said...

"...that officer’s safety is of the utmost importance..."

Then wouldn't they be safer watching at home. Why are they there?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Senate Democrats ‘stand in solidarity’ with protestors; stop short of condemning violence in downtown Denver

Why would senate democrats side with Boogaloo?

so odd.

Greg Hlatky said...

Poor progressives. Always expecting to stand on the Kremlin Wall watching the parade. Always surprised to find themselves in the Lefortovo with a Nagant pressed against their neck.

bagoh20 said...

"Biden Staffers Donate Money to Pay Bail of Rioters That Minnesota Officials Claim Are White Supremacists"

Now, that there is funny stuff. That's virtue signaling in a crochet mask level of funny.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Someone should remind Ms Tauss that the Indy's main source of revenue back in the day was what later became Backpage.com.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"The anti-gun, progressive, democrat, liberal just doesn't appreciate how "well-armed" the part of the country they despise is. "

I enjoy target shooting and own 1 pistol for that purpose. I'm going gun shopping today.

A formerly anti-gun friend called me this morning and asked for advice regarding firearms. She lives in liberal Shorewood and was shaking in her shoes last night. I referred her to someone more knowledgeable than I am.

In liberal Bellevue WA, armed homeowners were guarding their homes last night, looking just like the deplorables they normally deride.

Watch gun sales go through the roof this week. I really hope the Dem pols continue to push gun control. That'll go over great.

bagoh20 said...

I wonder if the "protesters" broke into the Good Will, or the 99 Cent stores? Maybe saved them for last.

Probably the safest place would be the library, or employment office.

Rick said...

If white supremacists are controlling the riots how would being progressive protect you? So clearly left wingers on the ground know who is involved, which makes the NYT/Inga propaganda effort that much more amusing.

John henry said...

One needs a heart of stone not to laugh maniacally

John Henry

RobinGoodfellow said...

You must have a heart of stone not to laugh at this.

chuck said...

If she got bigger lenses in her glasses she would see better.

chuck said...

Every brick through a progressive window is a red pill in disguise.

As someone said a Instapundit, the red pill isn't taken orally, it is a suppository.

Big Mike said...

Supposedly a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged except I don't think that's necessarily true.

@Sally327, like Inga the Ignorant she will blame the destruction on white supremists (leading a black mob?) or Boogaloo Bois. Anyone but her fellow precious lefties.

mandrewa said...

Tony Heller: The Urge to Rule.

Tony is mainly talking about the sudden reversal in what the left-wing hive mind "thinks". That amazing phenomena which I have seen many times in my life -- I wish I'd been keeping count -- where the left is saying one thing, and then suddenly, and the transition happens amazingly fast, it is saying something opposite.

Drago said...

Leftists defaced the Lincoln memorial, a WWII memorial and burned down the 200 year old St Johns Church. Of course, this is all on top of literal mob beating the crap out of old ladies with 2x4's and launching molotov cocktails at police and basically burning out every city street they walk down.

Now, a lefty professor (self described Egyptologist) has also taken the time to post (on twitter) detailed instructions for how to pull down the Washington Monument. She labels the Washington Monument the "racist monument". She claims to understand alot about obelisks and her instructions call for hundreds of participants to work together in coordinated fashion to tear the Washington Monument down.

The Althouse lefties/dems must be so very, very proud of their brave and courageous antifa "freedom fighters".

BTW, the international terrorist organization antifa, (aligned with islamic supremacist groups, which is why they are burning down churches and synogogues), has also "helpfully" called for the rioters to move from the cities into the suburbs!

So good news suburban democrats, your pals are coming your way......just like they did in DC last night!

Here's a good chance for all those suburban democrats to get out there and support their team in action! Maybe set up a lemonade stand and offer refreshments as your neighborhoods burn with the fire dept unable to put out the fires.

That could be a real lefty/dem/LLR-lefty "win/win".

gspencer said...

"hahahahaha" plus another 65 "ha"

then repeat that endlessly

Marshall Rose said...



Bob Boyd said...

Seeing images of this woman and of all these burned out, trashed out Prog-run cities, I am reminded of Wily Coyote, Sooper Genius, all black and charred and frazzled and in shock after he tried to catch the Road Runner by strapping himself to a rocket.

Sebastian said...

By the way, I'm getting confused:

"Susan Rice Suggests Russia Could Be Funding Violent Riots."

"Biden staff donate to group that pays bail in riot-torn Minneapolis"

So Biden staff are doing Russia's bidding? Say it ain't so!

MadisonMan said...

Senate Democrats ‘stand in solidarity’ with protestors; stop short of condemning violence in downtown Denver
They'll stay there until the protesters torch the Starbucks at the entrance to their gated community.

Drago said...

Worth repeating:

"The same government officials who threw a woman in jail for opening a hair salon, arrested a pastor for leading worship, and accosted a mom pushing her kids on the swings are doing absolutely nothing to stop violent domestic terrorists from torching their cities to the ground."

D.D. Driver said...

How come I never-N.E.V.E.R.-see the phrase "without evidence" to qualify the democrats moonbat conspiracy theories? As in, a bunch of democratic politicians, without evidence, have blamed white supremacists and the Russians for starting violence.

This is a pretty standard qualifier when Trump says crazy shit, and even when he says not-so-crazy shit. It's almost like media bias is a real thing and here is more evidence of it.

Drago said...

Link to the lefty professor providing detailed instructions on how to pull down the "racist obelisk" (Washington Monument):


Hooray for lefties/dems/LLR-lefties! They are the true "patriots"!

.....pssst: remember when we told you that the confederate monuments were just the first step and were designed to provide the precedent for eventually going after ALL of the monuments to America's founding and settlement? An attack on the entire history of european presence in North America?

And remember how the lefties/dems/LLR-lefties at Althouse told us we were wrong?

Well here we are.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Supposedly a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged except I don't think that's necessarily true"

Correct. Now, it's a liberal who fakes a mugging and blames it on Nigerian Trump supporters in MAGA hats to try to spark a race war. (See, Smollett, Jussie).

wild chicken said...

There seems to be a belief among rioters that insurance will cover the damage they do to businesses."

It's all over reddit. I'm trying to enlighten them, one sub at a time.

You know if there's any question at all, the insurers will fight it.

Drago said...

MadisonMan: "Senate Democrats ‘stand in solidarity’ with protestors; stop short of condemning violence in downtown Denver"

Yep. According to Inga and Howard and the rest of the antifa-supporting lefty crew, Colorado democrats are supporting the fictional "far right" led violence!


When Hilariously Stupid And Contradictory Lefty/Dem/LLR-lefty Memes Collide!

Rick said...

a lefty professor (self described Egyptologist) has also taken the time to post (on twitter) detailed instructions for how to pull down the Washington Monument. She labels the Washington Monument the "racist monument". She claims to understand alot about obelisks and her instructions call for hundreds of participants to work together in coordinated fashion to tear the Washington Monument down.

Remember these protests are supposedly because one person was killed, life is that precious. What's the over/under on deaths if the monument comes down?

Bob Boyd said...

A real progressive would have thrown a brick through her own window.

That's right. It's a great way to show your solidarity with both the protestors and with those who have suffered property loss as a result. We are the ones we've been hiding in the basement from!


AZ Bob said...

A white female mayor said privileged, white males are to blame.

wild chicken said...

The news nets are still showing their sappy covid spots: "We're in this together!"


LordSomber said...

Probably the safest place would be the library, or employment office.

During the London riots a couple years ago the bookstores were left untouched.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Bagoh

I wonder if the "protesters" broke into the Good Will, or the 99 Cent stores? Maybe saved them for last.

Probably the safest place would be the library, or employment office.


Fernandinande said...

The other day I saw what might have been a white man making what might have been an "OK" sign with what might have been his hand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How do you film blacks breaking in and looting - with masked white-boy Antifa fascists on their heels - then blame BOOOGALLOOOOO???

Easy - if you're a Russian-under-every-bed conspiracy crank.

** Hillary's private server served her bank account with Russian dollars, Biden's top spot in governmetn made his son rich, but speaking to the Russians if you have an R after your name, is illegal.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

C'mon man! It's not complicated. The riots are being lead by white supremacists funded by Putin.

Hollywood and liberal Democrats have always been white supremacists. Remember Madison is the most racist city in the US.

And then once again, the Democrats are colluding with the Russians to steal an election.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Oh forgot to add:


Tom said...

So see how this ends, she needs to read Atlas Shrugged all the way til the end, especially to the professor that built Project X (cliff notes: not well)

mandrewa said...

Cassandra Fairbanks:

"People showed up at my house where I’m alone with my nine year old daughter and fired gunshots and fireworks at my house. After my address was posted online while I was receiving hundreds of death threats for 3 days."

See https://twitter.com/cassandrarules

"The person who posted my address also posted @JackPosobiec, @MZHemingway, and
@dbongino, but I had no way to reach them, other than jack obv. Someone should let them know."

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

A friend of ours who lives in a lovely neighborhood in one of the Twin Cities -- in fact the very neighborhood the Pants family looked at houses in and considered moving to -- woke up to bottles of gas and rags staged in the bushes in their front yard.

Sorry BLM. You got played. This is not even a little bit about you. I don't know who's pulling the levers here anymore but this is not about cops and traffic stops and brutality against black dudes.

FullMoon said...

I wrote it a few days ago- the rioters and looters will riot and loot where it is safe for them to do so- this means city centers of Democrat controlled localities where no one but the police and national guard are armed, and where the political will to do anything to stop left-wing rioters and looters is at the absolute minimum. The people in the suburbs, are much more heavily armed.

Heavily armed. So what? You gonna shoot them if they show up on your block today? Your neighborhood got a plan ready? You been practicing together just in case?

Here is real world. You shoot a looter, and survive. The cops gonna arrest you. You will go broke defending yourself. Social media put your name address and picture everywhere. Your family threatened and forced to move.

Unless you are mobile single man with nothing to lose, the deck is stacked against you, and me.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Seems like a pro-2A stance would have been more useful here than a pile of prog drivel.

mandrewa said...

Tim Pool talking about the Cassandra Fairbanks incident,

"I didn't think this would happen so soon...I was saying to my friends that at some point this will happen [but he didn't think it would happen this quickly]."

from Armed leftists shoot at conservative journalist's house

Earnest Prole said...

ask not for whom the riot tolls, it tolls for thee

FullMoon said...

Leftists defaced the Lincoln memorial, a WWII memorial and burned down the 200 year old St Johns Church. Of course, this is all on top of literal mob beating the crap out of old ladies with 2x4's and launching molotov cocktails at police and basically burning out every city street they walk down.

Now, a lefty professor (self described Egyptologist) has also taken the time to post (on twitter) detailed instructions for how to pull down the Washington Monument. She labels the Washington Monument the "racist monument". She claims to understand alot about obelisks and her instructions call for hundreds of participants to work together in coordinated fashion to tear the Washington Monument down.

Elderly relative in Arizona gets news from CNN and local. Intelligent but ignorant.Very concerned about virus taking off because rioters so close together. Also, cop intended to murder the guy.

San Jose put frontline cop on desk duty because video of him talking trash to protesters and making them feel uncomfortable inspired online petition against him.

San Fran news conference now. Four top law enforcement people, all minority. Community, healing, togetherness, not who we are. Now into apologizing for cops not always wearing masks to prevent virus spreading.

Closed Mall bordering San Jose looted by people showing up all at once in approx fifty cars.

BTW, most of looters and others arrested will be let go with a fine or less.

How many arrested during pussy hat parade violence did any time?

Ralph L said...

That's a Canadian news site. The main Raleigh paper didn't give her paper a headline (I'm not signing up, it might be in one of several articles on the riots). 8 pm curfew declared.

cubanbob said...

The faster the looters and rioters are shot, the faster this crap will end.

Original Mike said...

"Susan Rice Suggests Russia Could Be Funding Violent Riots."

The Russian collusion hoax worked spectacularly well for them the first time. Why wouldn't they go to the well again?

Nichevo said...

bagoh20 said...
"...that officer’s safety is of the utmost importance..."

Then wouldn't they be safer watching at home. Why are they there?

Mine is too, right? So why don't you pay me a couple hundred grand a year to cower behind a couple million dollars of NFA hardware, MRAPs, Kevlar, etc., and protect myself?

If you won't risk yourselves to protect us, you're of no use.

If you're of no use, we don't need you.

If we don't need you, we shouldn't employ, retire or pay you.

Nichevo said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
@ Bagoh

I wonder if the "protesters" broke into the Good Will, or the 99 Cent stores? Maybe saved them for last.

Probably the safest place would be the library, or employment office.



Officer Clancy: And what'll you be telling me is the trouble here?

Administrator Brown: They broke in and took everything. EVERYTHING! It was terrible!

OC: And what was it they were a'stealing?

AB: Jobs! Millions of jobs!

YoungHegelian said...


The faster the looters and rioters are shot, the faster this crap will end.

I wish I could disagree with this, I really do. But, it looks like the wilding black community has got the bit in its teeth & the Antifa lefties believe that this is the re-incarnation of the Paris Commune.

This cannot end well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

with idiots like Inga buying wholesale -> Russians! are to blame for all bad things!- it's easy to see why Susan Rice would spread more bullshit. the hivemind *arf arf arf* while nodding their pivot heads.

It cannot possibly be Occupy-Antifa-Brownshirts. No way, man. Even when caught on film doing it all.

the idea that Trump's patriotic supporters even have a can of spray paint in their garage is laughable.

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger Michael K said...
My Bernie voter daughter who lives in Santa Monica called yesterday to ask if I could give her another gun. She does have one and might be thinking things over.

"Sorry, Pumpkin, but I don't give guns to Democrats or people who vote for Democrats"

Kyzer SoSay said...

Any law-abiding adult who is currently without a repeating (preferably semi automatic) pistol of a caliber equal to .32 ACP or greater, and four functioning magazines for that pistol, is unprepared for what could be coming. I humbly suggest a Taurus G2C chambered in 9mm Para as a solid option for a last minute defensive purchase. I have no affiliation with or financial interest in Taurus, just passing along some tested wisdom. Won't break the bank, easy to use, and has a manual safety - cuz lets face it, if you don't already have a gun you're probably not the "gun type" and a manual safety is a good idea. It's a problem solver out to 15 feet for an unskilled shooter on a man sized target, and with practice you can land shots in the 9 ring consistently at out to 20 yards. YMMV, but it's been good for me so far. Look for the 15 round extended mags (same that a Sig 226 uses), and buy those to supplement the 2 12-rounders it comes with. The 15's are just as reliable, and the extra 3 rounds are nice to have on tap.

It's not my first-line home defense, but it's also no slouch.

Drago said...

Bill, Republic of Texas: "Oh forgot to add: #HollywoodSoWhite"

Speaking of this:

Leslie Jones, lefty woke actress heroine: “You want to burn down buildings? Burn down this fucking Constitution."

"Burn down this f***ing Constitution"

This is the very heart of the lefty/dem/LLR-lefty plan for the United States and precisely what they intend to do.

Greg the class traitor said...

+1 to Nichevo

Of course, what the police chief is actually saying is "look, you voted for the Mayor who let this riot go and get out of hand. Why in the world should we risk ourselves protecting you?"

And the response to that is: if you're not willing to do your job, quit, and go find a new job.

If you chose to be a police chief in a place where you're going to be answering to a left-wing Democrat, you don't get to whine when the easily foreseen consequences bite you in the backside

Michael K said...

Unless you are mobile single man with nothing to lose, the deck is stacked against you, and me.

Years ago, a cop told my wife, "If you ever shoot a prowler, be sure to drag him in to the house before you call the cops."

n.n said...

Senate Democrats ‘stand in solidarity’ with protestors; stop short of condemning violence

A peculiar church, Progressive (i.e. secular, Jewish, Christian, etc.), a peculiar faith, Twilight, a peculiar religion, Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent. #ConflationOfLogicalDomains #WickedSolution #HateLovesAbortion

Dust Bunny Queen said...


If you won't risk yourselves to protect us, you're of no use.

If you're of no use, we don't need you.

If we don't need you, we shouldn't employ, retire or pay you.

People in the suburbs and cities are figuring out what the hayseed rubes have already known. We are basically on our own.

No one is going to rush to save you when your home or property is invaded. Even IF they rushed...it would be at least an hour or two before anyone shows up. In a widespread emergency we are really really on our own. Depending on ourselves and our neighbors.

Every day, and more and more, I am thankful that I live where I live. Far away from the immediate core of this madness. Full Moon wants to know what are we to do. Whatever it takes.

FullMoon said...

Every day, and more and more, I am thankful that I live where I live. Far away from the immediate core of this madness. Full Moon wants to know what are we to do. Whatever it takes.

Now, there's that revolutionary hippie chick I fell in love with. Power to the people!

Bilwick said...

" . . .with idiots like Inga buying wholesale -> Russians! are to blame for all bad things!- it's easy to see why Susan Rice would spread more bullshit. the hivemind *arf arf arf* while nodding their pivot heads."

It's amusing that these bozos weren't all that interested in Russian skulduggery during the Cold War. I'm old enough to remember that is you expressed any displeasure over Russian skulduggery, people like Susan Rice and useful idiots like Inga would have accused you of "seeing Russians under every bed."

LA_Bob said...

YoungHegelian said, "This cannot end well."

If it ends with rioters and would-be rioters never rioting again, it will have ended well.

Jim at said...

Heavily armed. So what? You gonna shoot them if they show up on your block today? Your neighborhood got a plan ready? You been practicing together just in case?


Here is real world. You shoot a looter, and survive. The cops gonna arrest you.

Nope. Shoot, shovel and shut up.

effinayright said...

Wow. A whole lotta Russian names in the perp list published after last night's riot in Boston:



hstad said...

These riots are classic "cover your butt" time for "Progressives". They are hypocrites until they experience it first hand and then shock. The idea that a small 'Elite'will be exempt from the consequences of their own 'Progressive Ideology' is fascinating to me. Shades of the former Soviet Union when the old 'Soviet Apparatchiks' must've been a shock to their beliefs. "But I was Progressive"[part of the Elites] says it all.

Michael K said...

"Sorry, Pumpkin, but I don't give guns to Democrats or people who vote for Democrats"

Yeah, but she is the defense of my granddaughter who is worth saving.

The Vault Dweller said...

A mob is not a human being. People feel much more at ease anthropomorphizing a mob because it is made up of individual human beings. However it is not a human being. A mob has undergone a transformative effect. Mobs can not be reasoned with, mobs do not feel any empathy, mobs do not feel any responsibility, mobs a largely a confluence of feedback loops where each individual act of violence or destruction spurns more and more acts of violence and destruction. People make a mistake when they try to understand a mob or it's reasons for its actions. Once a group a group of individual people has transformed into a mob the only way to deal with the mob is to disperse it. Once people again revert to individuals they can then be reasoned with, they again feel responsibility for their actions. All these woke people cheering on the mob are idiots. They don't understand that a mob can not be on anyone's side. Because a mob has no thought process. It has no cognition. It can not think to even determine which side it would be on.

eddie willers said...

The faster the looters and rioters are shot, the faster this crap will end.

Keep in mind, after Kent State, the rioting stopped.

JaimeRoberto said...

I've long worried that the Dems' identity politics would lead to a Balkan situation. I'm afraid I was right.

rcocean said...

You laugh at this, but many "progressives" are sincere when they say this. Their religion is their politics. They are "true Believers" and the fact that other progressives made a "Mistake" by tossing them into the Gulag or burning down THEIR shop, doesn't make the "The cause" wrong.

Many of those shot in the Show trials, willingly signed their Fake Confessions since it was deemed best for the USSR and the Communist party. The ultimate sacrifice for The Revolution. "Darkness at Noon" gives insight into this mentality.

FullMoon said...

People in the suburbs and cities are figuring out what the hayseed rubes have already known. We are basically on our own.

Yeah, when you livin' in Nubieber and the law is one highway patrol guy an hour away in Bernie (if he at the station) you gonna be more likely to have the weapons loaded at all times. As opposed to living in the suburb with a hundred cops and a multi million dollar police budget and armored vehicle ready to lock you up if you show a rifle in public

FullMoon said...

Nope. Shoot, shovel and shut up.

Uh, OK. You are talking about the one man mob. Don't forget to bury the dead dog on top of the perp so to distract the sniffer.

Or, chop him up, run through the garbage disposer. Run lots of cold water so disposer don't get damaged.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

'Years ago, a cop told my wife, "If you ever shoot a prowler, be sure to drag him in to the house before you call the cops."

Incredibly bad advice that could get you and/or your wife imprisoned for life. The cop will be fine.

Brian said...

Heavily armed. So what? You gonna shoot them if they show up on your block today? Your neighborhood got a plan ready? You been practicing together just in case?

No plan survives contact with the enemy. But in general, an armed populace is going to be able to defend what's close to them, their individual business or home. If you notice a lot of the targets of the rioters are large corporations with big brand names: Target, Autozone, etc.

Nobody was at those locations and was allowed to be armed. Their Corporate HQ wouldn't have allowed it. The PR hit would be too much.

In short I don't have to stop them from looting every home. Just mine. Enough people like me and they'll move on down the road.

The good news about all these riots, there's plenty of evidence in the form of videos that you will suffer grave bodily harm if you become the target of these mobs and are unarmed. And in my state at least, deadly force is justified if you have reasonable fear of grave bodily harm.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Full Moon. Uh, OK. You are talking about the one man mob. Don't forget to bury the dead dog on top of the perp so to distract the sniffer.

Nah. Just load 'em into the dump trailer, bring the ATV's... and head out to Captain Jacks Stronghold...or similar terrain nearby. Lots of nooks and crannies in the lava beds. Recycling.

FullMoon said...

Full Moon. Uh, OK. You are talking about the one man mob. Don't forget to bury the dead dog on top of the perp so to distract the sniffer.

Nah. Just load 'em into the dump trailer, bring the ATV's... and head out to Captain Jacks Stronghold...or similar terrain nearby. Lots of nooks and crannies in the lava beds. Recycling.

Feed 'em to the hogs. Never done it, but seemed to work in Deadwood, back in the day...
Curious, though, do they eat the bones?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@FullMoon Feed 'em to the hogs.

Aw....Hell no. We might want/need to eat those hogs someday. Gross. Besides the lady who raises them has them spoiled by getting all the expired dairy goods from the stores. They eat yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, cream, etc... cereals and expired/wilted vegetables. Yummmy.

Your garbage disposal idea is wrong. Haven't you ever seen Fargo? Wood chippers! We have lots of those available. Big industrial sized wood chippers.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DavidUW said...

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.

Francisco D said...

Heavily armed. So what? You gonna shoot them if they show up on your block today? Your neighborhood got a plan ready? You been practicing together just in case?

My (life long Democrat) wife just asked when we were going to buy a gun.

Unfortunately, my ex got the S&W .357 Magnum and the Glock 17. Now I am looking into the Glock 19, but local Tucson dealers say that they are struggling with overwhelming demand.

JAORE said...

Imagine crowd approaches the rural town or a suburban neighborhood several miles from town. The crowd members are, by all appearances, the same people we saw on the news the past three nights rioting.Looting, beatings and burning.

They would have to be mighty stealthy or quick to even get close to where I live without most people here being aware of their approach.

Sure it would have been nice to have a plan for deployment positions, comms and more. But this area is heavy on military, ex-military, cops and hunters.

And the mob might have guns too. But I'll bet the numbers and types of guns are in our favor. And the ability to hit a target, especially at a distance is in our favor. And knowledge of the area/terrain is in our favor.

I'd say a dozen or so shots (perhaps some being warning shots) would end the issue. No one. And I mean no one would want it to go further. But if warning shots do not work, may God have mercy on their souls.

As to arrests, does anyone think a rural jury would not believe a howling mob like we've all seen on TV represented a threat to us or our loved ones?


Now,someone ask me if a civilian really needs an AR-15. (Mine fell off our boat a few years ago, dang it.)

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