"The mischief-makers, it would appear, do not believe that Madison police are institutionally racist. (In contrast to the folks who put up this ugliness on the boarded-up window of the State Historical Society directly across Carroll Street. We will not blot an otherwise beautiful blog post but you can see it here. Parental discretion advised. N.S.F.W.)"
Writes David Blaska, displaying a picture of the "We Support Our Madison Police" — which were gone this morning when we drove by — and declining to display this:
I'd been meaning to get a picture of that for you adults, so thanks to David for doing the dirty work.
That is homophobic.
I see what you did there.
We support our police as they let people riot and destroy!
I'd been meaning to get a picture of that for you adults,
Why? Nothing interesting just childish.
Are our institutions so rotten and hollowed-out that this sort of behavior is allowed and even encouraged by the very same leaders who are charged with maintaining order and enforcing the law? A core task of the state is to provide security for the citizenry, but many of our local, county, state and federal agencies have proven unwilling to govern and to maintain order.
When the government fails at providing security other actors will step in. When the judiciary fails others will step in to provide justice. When people sense that democracy is failing they will seek to make other arrangements for governance. Nature abhors a vacuum, and if existing institutions fail, other institutions will fill that void.
Why would the police want to risk their lives, to protect people who hate them and would kill them in a minute if they thought they could get away with it...like how they are getting away with destroying public property.
What's this "12"?
Is it like 5-0, except instead of referencing Hawaii Five-0 it's Adam-12?
I was told this morning that our Police Chief's excuse for why the police did not protect the Capitol grounds (and a State Senator, and the CCB) Tuesday night was that HE was out of town!!!
As a citizen of Madison, I request that the Chief's travel itinerary be publicly posted on-line so that I know when I should be out of town too.
"The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie" - J.A. Schumpeter.
The woke folk are hip to all the seventies cop shows.
The erect male member--territorial marking at its purest.
Since it's junior high redux (in ways far more profound and troubling than many seem to realize), I'll post some recalled graffiti from long ago days to lighten the mood.
Beat my meat on the toilet seat,
Doo-da, doo-da,
When my hands get tired I use my feet,
All the doo-dah day!
Here I sit all broken hearted,
Came to shit and only farted.
Coach R is a homo.
Classics of universal utility
Drawing penises all over everything is a 13 year old boy thing. It's right up there with fart jokes.
David Blaska is a treasure and a rarity in Madison.
@Achilles- the left often is. See: Anderson Cooper and "teabaggers". I can't tell whether they think they're being clever because they think we're all homophobes or whether they're just that juvenile.
On the image -- I love that he got the "Where is our protection?" on the bottom. There seems to be a real mental disconnect with the "defund police" protestors demanding police protection for their protests and the CHAZ/CHOP denizens complaining that the police aren't protecting them from crime.
What's the funny symbol on the penis? Should I recognize that as a well-known symbol of white supremacy or the like?
"The mischief-makers, it would appear, do not believe that Madison police are institutionally racist."
ICWYDT, Blaska.
David Blaska, it does not follow from the We Support or Madison Police sign message that the sign posters do not believe that Madison police are institutionally racist.
what a bunch of pussies.
where do we turn when our elected officials phallus?
Thanks WInce for asking and answering the question I had about "12".
You did not capture the scrawl beneath the picture. I have it on good authority that it read:
Howard was here!
Hard not to think that this is more a projection of frustration, fear and anger about the pandemic than the topic at hand. How else to explain the looting, shooting, burning and rage than as projections of internal discomfort? Yes, our public bureaucracies are overfed and generally incompetent, and, yes, we would like to live in respectful harmony with African Americans in our communities, but none these actions will change those situations.
This is not to offer excuses but an explanation. It takes maturity to understand what you are feeling at a given moment and then to decide whether/how to act upon your feelings. One might wish that a maturing population would behave, well, in a mature manner, but that isn't happening.
Self-control is an underestimated virtue.
Dick is a pun for detective.
endybar said...
Why would the police want to risk their lives, to protect people who hate them and would kill them in a minute if they thought they could get away with it...like how they are getting away with destroying public property.
Exactly. Democrat institutions are rotten to the core, or what would be the core if they had any.
@Bill, Republic of Texas said...
I'd been meaning to get a picture of that for you adults,
Why? Nothing interesting just childish.
But . . . our hero, Donnie "Trumpet" has never, into his 75th year alive, developed past the juvenile stage mentally - so his rabid supporters have seemingly opted to regress to his level.
I support the police. I support the rule of law applied equally to all.
I do not support any police officer killing a perp by cutting off his access to oxygen by sitting one his/her neck.
I don't know who that message is meant for, but in general, I support it. It's a good idea for both people I hate and some that I really like.
Madison police are just ornamental. They have no substance. Think of them as the Joe Biden of police departments.
Maybe it would be less offensive if it were painted in bright, vibrant colors.
I've seen that 12 associated with a lot of the CHOP/CHAZ graffiti. What does it mean?
They're all witches under warlock judgments. #FireThemAndDon'tSpareTheDonks
charged with maintaining order and enforcing the law
Legislated, upheld, and democratically approved.
Ellison? Ellison? Ellison?
re: law and order and stuff
Our sheriff is concerned with optics. Her statement on the "protests" and other purposes is we need more diversity.
"[S]ome miscreant(s) erected 50 signs declaring 'We Support Our Madison Police' on the lawn nearby the 'Forward!' statue’s base, that being on the State Street side of the Capitol."
Someone ought bust a cap in the ass on the person who wrote this along with that of the mayor, the city council, the prosecutor and the governor who have allowed the looting and vandalism and continue to do so while they defund the police. When that happens, who is going to enforce the law?
Original Mike said...
I was told this morning that our Police Chief's excuse for why the police did not protect the Capitol grounds (and a State Senator, and the CCB) Tuesday night was that HE was out of town!!!
As a citizen of Madison, I request that the Chief's travel itinerary be publicly posted on-line so that I know when I should be out of town too.
Where was he in a deep underground cave with no cell phone reception? And where was his second in command?
I was just perusing our Nextdoor postings, and something there reminds me a little bit of this.
Someone wanted to find out where to get the lawn signs supporting Equity, Justice, and Equality #blacklivesmatter. A couple people told her who was selling them, and a couple other people told her she should check with her HOA to see if yard signs are allowed.
"How could my HOA be against these signs?" she responded. "How could anyone? How can anyone be against signs who support people who have the least?"
LOLOL. The things I support are good, and nobody could be against them. Therefore my sign is good.
Archeologists found penises carved into ancient Pompeii's streets. The penises directed visitors to the nearest brothel.
Some, select, Black Lives Matter. #BabyLivesMatter
cubanbob said
Where was he in a deep underground cave with no cell phone reception?
Per Mark Sanford, "hiking"?
Ah those crazy kids. They'll do anything.
But if the summer of love & riotous behavior continues, there are those who will ask if St. Petersburgh in 1917 and the USA in 2020 have something in common. This is it may result in a significant change in our political and civic organization. Either the left will have its way or a seething silent majority (if in fact such a mjaority exists) will rise up and say Basta! Enough of this lefty horse hockey. Or maybe we'll simply go on muddling through.
"Where was he in a deep underground cave with no cell phone reception? And where was his second in command?"
Exactly. Fact of the matter is, his excuse is unadulterated bullshit.
I listen to sports talk radio station in Phlly. The Panic-demic always comes up and all the hosts are 1,000% behind govt crackdowns etc. How can that be that 100% of a group of people agree with the govt?
Yet, the fed govt has not done one thing right in the last 20 years...it f-ed up 911 by allowing hijackers to overstay their visas, waged futile wars in Iraq and in Aghan, let mortgage abuses cause 2008 economy meltdown, supported college student loan programs that led to obscene student debt and overpriced tuition, could not find WMD in Iraq eveb though CIA head said it was a slamdunk, crafted immigration policies that embraced Muslim terrorists to ettle in and kill Americans. So why the big confidence in govt policies?
I forgot to mention the 2000 Florida butterfly ballot fiasco and expect some variation of that election incompetnce / fraud will be coming here in November.
"That is homophobic."
In many cultures, perhaps most, the man who sucks the dick is regarded as feminized thereby. He is less of a man. But the guy providing the dick is still regarded as masculine. The act may even increase his perceived masculinity.
We sometimes forget how well things are running in the red parts of the country and are overly concerned about the dysfunctional blue cities and their complicit mayors.
I read a story about rural communities in Missouri volunteering and supporting their local sheriffs and putting together rapid response teams to deal with miscreants trying to block highways or riot in the main streets. I won't use the word "militia"but that is what we are talking about now. So come on you neck bearded, pudgy, antifa types, come on down to Hicksville and get a corncob shoved up your ass.
“What's the funny symbol on the penis? Should I recognize that as a well-known symbol of white supremacy or the like?”
Ah, someone who flunked biology class in HS.
Does the lesbian mayor see that as a penis or a dildo? Nevermind, no one wants to know.
"12" refers to drug cops, I believe
"Miscreants"? The writer was obviously channeling the ghost of Jane Austen.
Spiros said...
Archeologists found penises carved into ancient Pompeii's streets. The penises directed visitors to the nearest brothel.
I think you are referring to foot prints carved in the pavement with directions to the brothel inside the outline of the foot. I don't recall seeing them in Pompeii. They are in Ephesus. Certainly there are porno pictures on the walls of a brothel. I don't recall seeing the footprints in Pompeii and no penises in the streets,
To Narr:
John Cheever’s story “Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin” uses bathroom graffiti as a way of discussing a character’s alienation from a society he’s been absent from for too long. The story’s protagonist returns to New York from Europe only to notice an unusual style of prose scribbled on the walls of several public bathrooms. He begins to suspect that this graffiti is evidence of a new style of writing, and his reaction to it drives the story forward.
Stephen King likewise makes dramatic use of a character’s noticing of bathroom graffiti in his story “All That You Love Will Be Carried Away.”
Also, https://onthedanforth.ca/2009/06/dear-john/
Kilroy was here.
Kuato Lives.
What is it? It’s too small to be a dick.
Well the"Dick" pic begs the question: is it firing blanks?
"The mischief-makers, it would appear, do not believe that Madison police are institutionally racist.
You've seen the parking lots at the big box stores. In addition to spaces reserved for handicap, the reserve for Veterans, expected mothers, etc. Yesterday I spotted at Wal-Mart, they are reserving parking for "our friends in law enforcement". I haven't seen the historically retarded burning stuff down around Iowa, so they might be OK. But if they hear about in Chicago, they might burn down the other Wal Mart they have.
Also noted there were only 2 check out persons working. Saturday afternoon 5 pm. 2 manned checkouts working. Conservatively, 16 self checkouts.
The moral of the story? The retards demanding changes, have no idea of the consequences. Pelosi panders to the cognitively stunted, and tells them what they want to hear. Yes $15 minimum wage, (shhh, minimum wage jobs go robotic) Leftist ask for policy changes, and Pelosi and AOC give it to them...good and hard.
Spiros said...
Archeologists found penises carved into ancient Pompeii's streets. The penises directed visitors to the nearest brothel.
That seems backwards...
MayBee: "Someone wanted to find out where to get the lawn signs supporting Equity, Justice, and Equality #blacklivesmatter."
Do they have any that just say "OUR HOME IS A VIRTUOUS HOME"
Beat my meat on the toilet seat,
Doo-da, doo-da,
When my hands get tired I use my feet,
All the doo-dah day!
Dude - you need to see a doctor if it takes you so long your hands get tired. Maybe find a more inspiring place to beat off?
so his rabid supporters have seemingly opted to regress to his level.
We're not the ones running around painting dicks on things.
I hate to agree with Achilles, but how is that not homophobic? It’s like when gay basher Colbert made his cock holster remark. The implication could not be clearer.
I am confused. People who post signs saying "We support our local police" are "miscreants"? People who attack and burn the police station are "protesters"?
And the police agree?
""12" is a slang name whose popularity is on the rise currently. This name is used mostly by criminals or people to warn those indulging in crime or illegal activity that police officers are on their way. Although the term 12 is a police radio call code, urban slang has changed it into a warning phrase."
from the web so it must be true
It does not seem like the police is well run or that working as a police person is a good idea in general.
And does anyone really support the police? It seems to me that even well meaning people haven't thought this through properly, one example:
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
" I do not support any police officer killing a perp by cutting off his access to oxygen by sitting one his/her neck."
I don't think that it's clear that this caused the guys death -- if you take Fentanyl and other drugs, death can easily happen in many ways. I think we should wait for the court case before deciding what happened there. And if Floyd had not resisted, he would be alive.
Why do people think that a police officer should be expected fight perps or that they should be gentle on someone who is attacking them and only use proportional methods at great risks to themselves?
If you fight the cops that should be an instant 5+extra years imprisonment, damages for the cop and whatever dents the fight has resulted the perps body in should be considered as self-inflicted. Keep the cops video going at all times though so this cannot be gamed and everyone can convince themselves of what has really happened.
Speaking of videos, go and review the arrest of the bullhorn guy Ann posted.
What you see if one skinny, smallish dude half the size of Floyd who is requiring 5 cops to get him into the car (eventually) and then he hops out at the other side and they get to do it all again. Who wants to have their eye gouged, or get a disease from one of those nutters? But we expect cops to do this as a routine and get it 'right' every time. And we demand they stay calm and professional in situation where most people would just totally freak out (and rightly so. Imagine if you had to deal with Bullhorn guy yourself and could not call the cops.)
Signs on lawns aren't going to solve this issue of cops being viewed as professional gladiators cum superman X saint/demon. Same goes for the violent protests. Why are people fighting with the cops in the first place and then whinge about 'police brutality'? This is just silly. How about we fix perp brutality and then most of the problem is solved?
Cheever, eh? I've read a bit; King not at all.
Just FTR, I don't give a shit what other people do with and to their naughty bits. I find the whole beast with two backs thang pretty ridiculous regardless of the numbers, genders, and species involved.
I realized about 1975 that I'm neither moral enough, smart enough, or caring enough to regulate what others do if it doesn't involve me.
And that's how Pop became a libertarian
The penises don't point towards ancient brothels. Apparently that's just a clever lie told by Italian tour guides.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
" I do not support any police officer killing a perp by cutting off his access to oxygen by sitting one his/her neck."
if you watch the video carefully you can see that the cop is not putting any pressure on the neck ...
"The mischief-makers, it would appear, do not believe that Madison police are institutionally racist."
Point of order! Presents facts not in evidence!
I don't believe any "evidence" has been presented that shows the Madison police are institutionally racist.
You have to LOVE how a contrary opinion to the lefty position that they are is considered "mischief". How DARE you publicly state a differing opinion! Don't you know public opinion belongs to US!
I hope they are unable to locate the individual(s) that did that as they would be doxxed and in for a quite rough time.
We know it's not Dylan Maxwell's work..no testicle hairs.
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