June 28, 2020

"Donald Trump has deleted a tweet in which he approvingly shared a video showing one of his supporters yelling 'White power!' at a group of anti-Trump demonstrators."

"The US president, or someone with access to his Twitter account, deleted the controversial tweet at 11am Eastern time, more than three hours after it was posted at 7.39am," The Guardian reports.
White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere has issued a statement on Trump’s retweet, saying the US president “did not hear” the portion of the video in which one of his supporters yelled ‘white power’ in an argument with anti-Trump demonstrators.

“President Trump is a big fan of The Villages,” Deere said of the central Florida retirement community where the video was captured. “He did not hear the one statement made on the video. What he did see was tremendous enthusiasm from his many supporters.”
Here's the crazy video — very chaotic, including lots of ugly stuff from Trump haters, but there is a guy who yells "White power":


Achilles said...

Yelling White Power is bad. Yelling Black Power is good.

I think they are both bad.

So apparently does Trump.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Power to the People!

Wince said...

There's a reason Seinfeld loathed Del Boca Vista.

"Are you trying to keep us out of Del Boca Vista!"

Mattman26 said...

I’m feeling slightly charitable and thinking the “white power” guy was just goading the jerky protesters, but Jesus, talk about an unforced error for Trump to post that.

steve uhr said...

Even a habitual liar tells the truth now and then. The White Power comment isn't heard (twice) until 15 seconds into the video. Way beyond his attention span.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray said. "President Trump (LOVE THE GUY) really needs to vet the videos he retweets. My god that was a bad one."

narciso said...

There was a moby in that pic. Im sure of it.

Narr said...

That's comedy gold. God I love this country!

Mass second childhood

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who benefits from someone yelling "white power" in a crowd of mostly Trump-haters?

Francisco D said...

Cmon. It's just a bunch of bored retirees having fun. Those places get pretty boring when the divorcees and widowers can't get it on due to COVID.

Giving them something else to do will lower the high VD rate in Florida retirement villages.

jaydub said...

My friend down there told me this was a video of a Trump birthday parade of about 1000 golf carts versus Inga, Howard and a dozen other commies harassing the parade as it passed around the town square. The old bag who was trying to do the Tienneman-Square-tank-man thing could have been our princess herself. You wont find too many lefties in The Villages.

n.n said...

including lots of ugly stuff from Trump haters, but there is a guy who yells "White power"

The bad and the ugly or the ugly and the bad. Trump was right to feature the video, he was good to retract it. Diversity breeds adversity.

That said, white is a token to solidarity, inclusive of all the colors of the rainbow, albeit exclusive of low energy bands including black and brown.

we, the colored people, newly emancipated and rejoicing in our blood-bought freedom

Is it "colored people" or "people of color"? Or a diverse cluster of cells?

n.n said...

It's like yelling "Brown Lives Matter" or "alBino Lives Matter" in a group of woke and sleepy "protestors". Provocative, certainly, but less controversial then "Baby Lives Matter".

Limited blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stephen cooper said...

If you read about the kerfuffle on twitter, you get the added comedic bonus of seeing on the "trending on twitter" sidebar that someone named Beyonce has just "dropped" a new track, or set of tracks, called "Black is King"

stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcocean said...

Yawn! The Media and the liberal/left will cry RACIST at Everything Trump tweets or says.

Do.Not.Care. But I hope it makes Mitt Romney cry.

Gunner said...

Are people who complain about this stuff really this stupid? The old guy was clearly teasing the white guilt soaked Trump hater. If you call everyone you disagree with "racist", no one will take the word seriously.

gspencer said...

But if the shouts are of "Black Power" (complete with clenched fists and angry faces) the shouters will be feted in CNN studios the next night.

"nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws"

Yeah, yeah, I get it that the 14th applies against the state and state actors, but we're talking aspirationally here.

hstad said...

Blogger n.n said..."Is it "colored people" or "people of color"? Or a diverse cluster of cells?" 6/28/20, 11:31 AM

Yep, I'm old enough to remember words like "bums" now "the homeless","swamps" now "wetlands", and "prostitutes - now "sex workers". So generations of experience was erased so the new words are viewed in as reverential, as one might speak of shrines.

Temujin said...

Trump is a dolt. Twitter is his end. I'm sure he did not listen to that remark, just quickly retweeted.

He's just not smart. I don't even hit send on an email until I've re-read it, sometimes numerous times. As President? You'd think he would get it by now. But he doesn't.

Trump got himself elected and he's getting himself kicked out of office. They did not need all the charades of Russia or the other stuff. They could have just sat on their hands and let Wuhan, George Floyd, and Twitter do the rest.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It was obviously a sarcastic retort to nasty taunts from snotty leftists.

Koot Katmandu said...

Unforced error on PDT. Yikes. Why even show that video just reinforces the conflict? Dumb idea to show his supporters in conflict with the other side.

Drago said...

Golf Cart Transportation Matters!

Korean War Vets Lives Matter!

Amadeus 48 said...

Perhaps he was being ironic when he yelled "White power!"

Narayanan said...

How does Wayback Machine work? - won't people still able to retain and retrieve the tweet?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Things they do look awful cold
I hope I die before I get old

Freder Frederson said...

What happened to cruel neutrality? You make it sound like the only "ugly stuff", other than "white power", was coming from the "Trump haters". There was plenty of "ugly stuff" coming from both sides. They were all acting like a bunch of sixth-graders.

traditionalguy said...

That authentic guy did not yell The PC “white surrender.” Cancel him now instead of later on.

Michael K said...

teve uhr said...
Even a habitual liar tells the truth now and then. The White Power comment isn't heard (twice) until 15 seconds into the video. Way beyond his attention span.

Stave is an expert on liars. He is planning to vote for one if Joe lasts until the election

rhhardin said...

People should specify whether auctoritas, potestas, officium or imperium is meant.

Power is not a thing. Reification error.

mccullough said...

Cocoon — The MAGA Years

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Do Jews never tire of being lifelong annoying shits?

Inga said...

They got all that energy and youthful vigor after swimming in the pool with the space eggs.

Clyde said...

It is not going to be a good thing when white people, seeing the effectiveness of racial identity politics for other groups, decides to engage in it themselves. That way lies Yugoslavia.

A Voice of Reason said...

The golf-cart Boomer was obviously mocking the 'Black Power' fools. They can say it, so how about if we say the same thing? Pointing out hypocrisy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The woman in black and white inspires me to never use profanity ever again. Wow is she a horror show.

The old guy who yells "white power" was either reacting to that horrible woman, or he is in fact an old racist, or whatever. I do not really care.
Trump needs to get off twitter. He just gave the media a big gift.

Darrell said...

Obama liked those protesters that were chanting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? NOW"

That is much better.

Crazy World said...

Those screeching protesters are very disturbing, great example of tolerance.

tim maguire said...

One has to be careful navigating the hypocrisy. Black power, good, white power, bad. There’s about a 0.0% chance this guy was serious and not just trying to goad the TDS hysterics. In a sane world, it wouldn’t be a big deal. But in this one, Trump shouldn’t have posted it.

n.n said...

the liberal/left will cry RACIST

Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) and inclusion.

Freeman Hunt said...

A president obviously shouldn't post videos he hasn't carefully watched.

Freeman Hunt said...

We have a President who's shown no leadership on COVID-19 or on the current civil unrest, and our other choice is a guy whose party has decided that the response to the unrest should be to do absolutely nothing but allow people to burn, loot, and destroy at will. Great.

Mark said...

Retweeting videos you don't make it past a few seconds into is idiotic, unprofessional, and the mark of a weak mind.

Certainly not Presidential.

Remember when we criticized Obama for wearing a tan suit? Good times, good times.

Spiros said...

It would be so hilarious if Trump's summer reading list included William Luther Pierce’s 1978 novel “The Turner Diaries.” This is “the bible of the racist right” and lays out a plan to instigate a race war and bring about the federal government’s collapse. I hope that doesn't happen!!! If it does I'm going back to Europe to split time between Greece and Ireland.

Ann Althouse said...

My favorite part is when one of the heckler ladies slaps her own huge ass.

Marcus Bressler said...

I have a friend who lives in the Villages. I forwarded the video to him in a reTweet without even playing it. I suppose that makes me a racist and that the president needs to be impeached again.


Don't care what the opposition thinks or says. Screw 'em

cubanbob said...

Trump did not make an error in tweeting this. If he had not tweeted it someone else would have made it viral. If Trump had edited the video he would have been nailed for that. Some old guy tells some commie azzhole to eff of by saying white power. So what?

Leigh said...

@AnnAlthouse -- I noticed that, too. It was peculiar. What does that gesture even mean -- hitting your own bum? Perhaps I've lived too sheltered a life.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Certainly not Presidential."

Sorry your party's destruction of the peaceful transition of power and failed coup attempt and your Stasi-like weaponization of govt against domestic political opponents hasnt been as successful as you would have liked.

Btw, do you also blame Trump for your inability to perform basic google searches?

n.n said...

White power or hour? h/t NAACP

Drago said...

Speaking of Dumb Lefty Mark and what is or isnt presidential, by now in the campaign Trump should already have the CIA and FBI working closely together to spy on Biden and all members of his family, their business associates and the campaign.

That would be in addition to utilizing foreign intelligence services to run spies and frame up agents into the Biden campaign.

n.n said...

Or was it Matt Lauer? Or waiting in Broward? Watson! Come here. I want you.

n.n said...

So green.

"The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice."

White: purity and innocence power! OKi doki. #alBinoLivesMatter

Howard said...

The shit rolls downhill to Florida.

mikee said...

OMG! Someone yelled a vile epithet?!?!?

Get back to me when the White Power folk are holding riots over several days in cities nationwide, in a mad grab for power pushing a marxist ideology. I'll worry about White Power groups then. And not before.

Let's stop the white assholes rioting and burning Black owned businesses in inner cities in the name of two marxist front groups, supposedly in support of the Black race.

Patrick said...

NY Times is all over this. Headline portrays an elderly retiree as a white supremacist. It's completely absurd. Only an idiot can't see that the guy was goading the protestors. Senior citizen doxxing in 3...2...1

n.n said...


slaps her own huge ass


roesch/voltaire said...

Just like he deletes intelligence reports about Russian intelligence offering bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan, why he never saw that content. The mark of an empty mind.

rcocean said...

"We have a President who's shown no leadership on COVID-19 or on the current civil unrest"

Yeah, right. If only we had REAL leadership like Mitt Romney or Hillary things would've been OK. Please tell us what "Leadership" Trump should have displayed? Telling the Governors when to lockdown or re-open up? Putting the rioters in jail and using the National Guard even when unasked for, or letting them run free?

Or was Trump supposed to just sing Kumbaya, bring everyone TOGETHER and heal all the wounds in some marvelous, mysterious way?

rcocean said...

Every Republican crowd or tweet is scanned by the Democrats and the Media (is there a difference) for racism, sexism, homophobia, or wrong-think of any kind. If some is found its broadcast to the world 24/7. Meanwhile, the Media ignores any bad comments by Democrat supporters.

Its been that way for 20 years. You'd think people would've caught on by now. Its a scam. But the R's are still cucking, and the moderates are still being shocked.

M Jordan said...

The last place left for freedom of speech is the ballot booth. Of course, the left will try to stop it here as well. I seriously don’t know how anyone over 40 votes for a Democrat. Voting for a Republican is an exercise in futility but voting for a Dem is a vote for chaos and suicide.

The Godfather said...

Remember yesterday the clip of the angry woman yelling incoherently at two Black gentlemen who were trying to explain why a statue shouldn't be trashed? Now we know what people like that do in their Golden Years.

Greg the class traitor said...

Remember when we criticized Obama for wearing a tan suit? Good times, good times.

Remember when we criticized Obama from running guns to Mexican drug cartels, and getting a bunch of people, including Mexican citizens, American Citizens, and am American Border patrol officer murdered?

Remember when we criticized Obama for politicizing the IRS, and using it against his political opponents?

Remember when we criticized Obama for corruption the FBI and DoJ, using them to spy on political candidates, spreading Putin's disinformation, lying to courts, hiding exculpatory information, and generally violating every rule in "the book"?

Yeah, i remember those. The tan suit? Don't remember that one.

PB said...

I thought retirement villages were supposed to be peaceful?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yes - our current political class is a shitt-show. all around.

I like Rand Paul.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Heckler's grand kids are in Minneapolis. Where's the officer? Where's the officer?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Funny how ... if you're at a ball game and get beaned by a baseball, assumed liability. If you're at a golf tourney and get beaned by a golf ball, assumed liability. If you are part of a mob growing surly and are ordered to disperse by the cops and you get hit by a rubber bullet, POLICE BRUTALITY!

CWJ said...

Freeman Hunt,

I have always thought of you at the pinicle of rational thought. But your post at 2:29pm reeks of "save us Obi Wan Kenobi." I'm at a loss at what Trump was supposed to do in response to either of these "crises." These are out of control at the local level. It's up to them to ask for federal intervention. Absent that? We've seen what happens to an R administration when they act proactively; eg: Katrina. It's despicable that people who DON'T have the best interests of the nation at heart lay out these land mines, but that doesn't mean that the administration should tread on them willingly.

Wince said...

I finally could discern what the guy in the light blue shirt was taunting.

"Where's your white hood."

A better retort would have been, "I've never been a Democrat."

Nichevo said...

steve uhr said...
Even a habitual liar tells the truth now and then. The White Power comment isn't heard (twice) until 15 seconds into the video. Way beyond his attention span.

The more you run your cocksucker, Steve-O, the better White Power sounds. Of course, I'll get the bullet too, but if I ask nicely, perhaps they'll let me watch you go first.

FullMoon said...

We have a President who's shown no leadership on COVID-19 or on the current civil unrest,

Any responsibility of Governors and mayors?

Dave64 said...

If blacks can shout "Black Power", can't whites also shout "White Power"?

Nichevo said...

Temujin said...
Trump is a dolt.

Muj, baby, I love you, but you flap in the breeze. You're voting PDT, know it, own it. Is there a little hair on the cookie? Brush it off because the alternative is cow patties, flambé Molotov. Don't dwell on it. The man can't be afraid to take a swing.

Freeman Hunt said increasingly less valuable remarks...what are you worrying about? COVID is in the past. It doesn't matter now. The vile protests have to run their course too. PDT is enforcing quarantine, so that only infected cities are affected. For more serious symptoms like the Federal crimes, he's using the Federal medicine.

He is right to use a light touch. You want Special Forces to execute everybody in the CHOP? What do you want? I want people in the affected areas to get a load of what they are voting for.

Step in? Are you nuts? Freaking ANN ALTHOUSE is on the verge of waking up from her hippie dreams. You think she would be doing that if the 82nd Airborne moved into Madison and Mpls and Seattle and kicked ass? Hint: NO

bagoh20 said...

Did any Trump supporters stand in front of polling locations in tactical clothing armed with clubs? Did any polling location show votes for Trump at 110% of registered voters?

If this is terrible to you, and that was unimportant, then you should just shut up.

bagoh20 said...

"My favorite part is when one of the heckler ladies slaps her own huge ass."

I love when they wear the shirt that says it ain't gonna spank itself. Or the eminently disturbing "It ain't gonna lick itself".

boatbuilder said...

I have to confess that the guy saying "white power" went right past me without me noticing.

Perhaps that is because I am a racist and don't pick up on the obvious symbols and slogans of the white supremacy movement.

Or perhaps it's because there isn't a black person within 10 miles of that scene and my impression is that it's a bunch of of old white fools (my people) blowing off some steam and getting outside for a while.

I suspect that most of the people involved know one another quite well. I didn't see any black people on either side. I think the guy saying "white power" was trying to troll his neighbors who were heckling.

But maybe Trump or whoever tweeted that should have let that one pass.

bagoh20 said...

Using the history of slavery and Jim Crow, I'd assume it was a Democrat for Trump. Competing values can live one head.

boatbuilder said...

Unrest in The Villages.

Has T. C. Boyle written anything recently? Because this is right in his wheelhouse.

boatbuilder said...

Having reviewed the whole thing:

a) I agree with Althouse about her favorite part;

b) I'm going to delay retirement for a few years.

bagoh20 said...

A question:

Are Whites the only people not allowed to be proud?

I think racial pride is kinda stupid, since you get your race by accident, and every race has lots to be ashamed of, but it does seem like simple and profound racism to have just one that has no right to express pride in itself. The very idea of that would be highly offensive if it applied to any other race. If anybody wants to, we can discuss historical and current atrocities by race, and see if any race deserve special rights, or less rights.

If you are half Black, can you express pride in either race? To me, considering that question brings to light the stupidity of racial pride.

None of us should care if someone is proud of their race. It's just a dumb thing, not an evil thing.

rhhardin said...

What kind of power? Imperium, officium, auctoritas or potestas?

PubliusFlavius said...

"Who benefits from someone yelling "white power" in a crowd of mostly Trump-haters?"

Shh bruh.....question's are NOT allowed in Dumbfuckistan....

But DJT really should have a media aid do ye ol double check before letting media attached tweets fly.

I could benefit by ye ol double check :D

but honestly idgaf ;)

Butkus51 said...

3rd time I've seen the tan suit remark today from a DAL. They must have had a meeting.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Is this how "journalists" earn their living now? Read Twitter, then comment on it for their employers?
Cut out the middleman.

Darkisland said...

That reminds me why I am never going to retire.

You know something I didn't see in the video? On anyone?



OT but speaking of masks, I am in Rocky Mount NC and the NC governor has just required masks in restaurants.

I had breakfast in a Waffle House this morning. All the staff was wearing masks. On their chins, on their foreheads, over their mouths but not their nose.

Ditto at dinner tonight in a Tapatio Mexican restaurant (Very good food). I did not put my mask on and nobody asked me to.

Fuck masks.

I did buy a new one at Walgreens the other day. It is a stretchy cloth tube that can go over my entire head. It is thin enough that it that it offers no restriction on breathing. Thin enough that if I pull it over my eyes, I can still see pretty clearly.

Don't like it? tough shit.

John Henry

Narr said...

Picked up a packet of ten masks at the Kroger pharmacy yesterday.

Made in China! Noticed at home.

I hate it when that happens

Drago said...

r/v: "Just like he deletes intelligence reports about Russian intelligence offering bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan, why he never saw that content."


Already debunked! In record time. Try to keep up.

What a loser you are.

Drago said...

Reposted again for the idiot children r/v, Howard and Li'l Stevie Uhr:

BREAKING NEWS (from a real journalist):

Catherine Herridge Twitter, 1:56pm 28 Jun 20

DEVELOPING: A senior intel official tells @CBSNews the GRU/Taliban bounty allegations were not contained in the President's Daily Brief (PDB) which is the highly classified, daily summary of national security issues delivered to the President, key cabinet secretaries + advisers..

The official confirmed the NSC has been doing “due diligence,” and going back through their files since the story broke Friday, and they have not found the “intelligence assessment” described in media reporting. The official said the review is ongoing, but given current...

talks with the Taliban, intel about a GRU operation involving the Taliban, targeting US forces would have risen to the level of inclusion in the PDB. @CBSNews

Hey Skipper said...

Tomorrow, Trump needs to declare that he identifies as a black lesbian.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Narr... Have an older package of the same blue ones from Walgreens. Says this product will not prevent infection on the box. Made in China.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Too bad the sandbox wasn't caught in the pictures.

mockturtle said...

BB&H observes: The woman in black and white inspires me to never use profanity ever again. Wow is she a horror show.

I was hoping someone would run her down with a golf cart but they'd probably need a tank. I've known plenty of fat, bossy big-mouths just like her and go to great lengths to avoid them.

Temujin: If you think Trump foiled his re-election bid by tweeting this, you don't know Trump or his supporters. Those of us who know bloody well we are not racists no longer cower in fear from these aspersions.

sunsong said...

donald is a racist, just like so many of his core supporters

The Crack Emcee said...

White people make it so hard to like them.

Jim at said...

White people make it so hard to like them.

Right back at ya.

Jim at said...

donald is a racist, just like so many of his core supporters

Says the person who repeatedly uses the clearly racist term, Uncle Tom.

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