June 1, 2020

A quick review of what Trump is tweeting this morning.

I'll just link to the feed. These are all Trump's tweets this morning, going from oldest to newest.

He seems to have begun the day watching "Fox and Friends" and catching up on the riot stories. He tweeted 1h ago:
“I don’t see any indication that there were any white supremest [sic] groups mixing in. This is an ANTIFA Organization. It seems that the first time we saw it in a major way was Occupy Wall Street. It’s the same mindset.” @kilmeade @foxandfriends TRUE!
Continuing with the riots and segueing to the election, 1h ago:
“These were the people that trashed Seattle years ago. Who’s paying for these people. I was appalled that 13 of Joe Biden’s staff were donating money to bail people out in Minneapolis. They should have stayed in jail until this is over (and beyond).”
Making it clear that the topic is the election, 1h ago:
But he doesn't want to let go of the riots. He wants the riots spun to hurt Joe Biden. 58m ago:
Sleepy Joe Biden’s people are so Radical Left that they are working to get the Anarchists out of jail, and probably more. Joe doesn’t know anything about it, he is clueless, but they will be the real power, not Joe. They will be calling the shots! Big tax increases for all, Plus!
The scary thing isn't Joe Biden. Biden is "sleepy" and "clueless." The scary thing is these people who will actually be running things — calling the shots! — if Biden is elected. They're "so Radical Left." Be very afraid: Anarchy!

And it's on to the polls — responding to a Byron York tweet that asks if Biden support is "soft" after a new WP poll shows Biden with 10 points lead over Trump nationally, 50m ago:
“Trump” is leading in all swing states. Heavily biased Democrat Poll, just like 2016. Biggest “enthusiasm” lead ever! 


n.n said...

The left-right (totalitarian-anarchist) nexus is left-wing.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

“I don’t see any indication that there were any white supremest [sic] groups mixing in.

This is one of those times where it would *really* be nice if the President of the United States of America had, you know, an intelligence agency of some sort that he could trust and get reports from. I used to think reports from Pakistan and how the President there had to suspect anything from the ISI (when they weren't trying to kill him) were quaint.

Bay Area Guy said...

Althouse is parsing Trump's tweet about the riots, which is fine, but a more salient focus would be the damage to life and liberty and property caused by the riots, who orchestrated them, and how they can be stopped.

Just sayin'.

rehajm said...

The scary thing is these people who will actually be running things — calling the shots! — if Biden is elected. They're "so Radical Left." Be very afraid: Anarchy!

It is chilling that city DAs are working with these groups to make sure the wrong people aren't arrested and that city and state government works to ensure the alphabet government agencies doesn't pile on the fines for the brick delivery organizers.

I'm Not Sure said...

It's almost like none of the governors who shut down their states for Covid! made any effort to consider what millions of newly unemployed people might find to do with all the free time they'd have available in their unemployedness.

YoungHegelian said...

Polls this close to the events mean nothing. It's going to take some time for the events of the past few days to percolate through the national consciousness. The moderate Left/Democrats will desperately try to paint this as the work of anyone but their side. They will fail, because it's a hopeless task.

There will also be one overwhelmingly yuuuge fact that cannot be denied --- that the overwhelming number of the cities (if not all) where these riots really got out of control are run by Democrats. Not only can these Democratic politicians not control the mobs, their kids are out there with them, giving aid & comfort to mobs burning out people who just trying to earn a living.

It's not a good look.

wendybar said...

He's not wrong. WHO is planning this?? Who is sending the pallets of bricks to the cities?? Who will run the country if Biden wins?? This isn't just happening because of Trump.....how many riots happened during Obama's administration. This one is a set up though. Antifa is running wild, and the left and their celebritards are paying their bail.....

wendybar said...

Why would the Celebritards and the left pay the bails for White Supremacists???

Temujin said...

You know, I never like to hear Trump speak. But at this point, it's time he spoke. It's time we had a President who could address the nation and give a sense of control, strength, calm, and unity. He cannot do any of this, and instead is tweeting out his morning Fox & Friends news.

I voted for the guy. And I love much of what he has managed to get done. But if he can't do this...he needs to go. For me this is about leadership. He's not showing any. The Mayor of Atlanta is showing more.

TreeJoe said...

Talking to my wife yesterday we discussed the historical significance of...

What has happened historically when there are large amounts of unemployed young men?
What happens when you tell unemployed young men they are being held down by their society, true or not?
What do we think will happen in this country when suddenly millions (tens?) of young men, especially urban minorities, are suddenly unemployed indefinitely for something that doesn't necessarily impact them directly?

Bottom line is....powder keg go boom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How is Trump wrong ? He isn't.

Fernandinande said...


AllenS said...

But he doesn't want to let go of the riots. He wants the riots spun to hurt Joe Biden. 58m ago: -- AA

Sorry, but it appears to me that Slow Joe and his Associates are doing this spin on their own.

hombre said...

Nobody believes Biden is capable of running the country. All the useful idiots expect him to appoint “good people” to do it.

His campaign has not been appeasing “good people.” He has been appeasing the leftwingers. They, the Sinn Fein Democrat/Socialists, run the party and they will run the country if he is elected.

Yancey Ward said...


His power is limited. The people who have the actual power to act are the governors and the mayors. Trump can only act if his help is requested. The Democrat governors will never request the help from Trump in putting down the rioters and looters, and the Republican governors won't have to ask for the help.

You might not like his tone, but I am starting to think soothing words are actually the wrong approach this time- blunt language about the facts is the right approach- it puts the onus where it belongs. Right now, the media are hoping against hope that Trump sends in the US military unrequested- they are primed to say, "See, we told you- Trump is Hitler!!!" This is the only trap Trump needs to avoid, and it appears he is avoided it quite well.

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump needs to keep the narrative of Antifa is acting as agitators.

He does this through tweets.

If he does not, the main stream media will convince people / gas light, the riots are the faults of a bunch of White Supremacist.

Trump is changing / moving the conversation.

An example of why this is needed, was Marco Rubio stating it was extremists on both sides responsible.

The main stream media for years has been ignoring Antifa.

It’s not pretty, but Trump has the correct focus.

hombre said...

Nobody believes Biden is capable of running the country. All the useful idiots expect him to appoint “good people” to do it.

His campaign has not been appeasing “good people.” He has been appeasing the leftwingers. They, the Sinn Fein Democrat/Socialists, run the party and they will run the country if he is elected.

TreeJoe said...

Hombre said, "Nobody believes Biden is capable of running the country. All the useful idiots expect him to appoint “good people” to do it.

His campaign has not been appeasing “good people.” He has been appeasing the leftwingers. They, the Sinn Fein Democrat/Socialists, run the party and they will run the country if he is elected."

I expect a major candidate to be more "base appealing" during the primary. But now as the presumptive nominee? I see no sign of pivot to actually leading. Instead, Biden and his campaign are showing themselves to stay focused on pet interests.

Nichevo said...

Bay Area Guy said...
Althouse is parsing Trump's tweet about the riots, which is fine, but a more salient focus would be the damage to life and liberty and property caused by the riots, who orchestrated them, and how they can be stopped.

Just sayin'.

Just wait until it's her turn in the barrel. She can parse her own reaving.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trump needs to speak to the country and ask all people to calm down and let the judicial system deal with the 4 cops.

Trump also needs to realize his election chances are fading with each of these disasters. So he needs to say that out loud and say his re-election is far less important than the country and all of its citizens recovering from these body blows. That would make him sound like the bigger person in the political arena.

Achilles said...

Temujin said...

I voted for the guy. And I love much of what he has managed to get done. But if he can't do this...he needs to go.

Then you are on the other side.

hombre said...

@TreeJoe 10:02: You and your wife are oversimplifying dangerously.

Many of the unemployed are earning more on unemployment than on their jobs. Most people have expected the economy to recover rapidly once the lockdowns end.

These well-funded, well-organized, leftwing protests/riots are intended to prevent that recovery to keep the country and, incidentally, Trump weak to facilitate the Democrat Socialist “Sinn Fein” sedition.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"You might not like his tone, but I am starting to think soothing words are actually the wrong approach this time- blunt language about the facts is the right approach- it puts the onus where it belongs."

Absolutely. The Democrat game plan is apparently to tell people that what can be plainly seen is not real. Playing along with that absurdity in the name of "civility" would be foolish in the extreme. Both politically and practically.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The mayor of Bham, AL and the police chief are both African-American, have been at least since I moved here, decades ago. Last night there was rioting, looting, and vandalism. The mayor is pissed. He called out "activists" for not stopping it. Straight out said that if you don't have a problem with that kind of activity you need to check yourself. Also called out anarchists (didn't actually say antifa, but that was who he was talking about.) He has declared a state of emergency and a 7 PM to 6 AM curfew. He asked for people with videos of the rioting and looting to contact the police so that they can bring the perps to justice. The thing is, Bham was experiencing an economic revival. They built entertainment areas and nice parks. They snagged a minor league baseball team from nearby Hoover by building a really nice stadium.


Entrepreneurs were opening up all kinds of businesses, including craft breweries.


Its became a foodie paradise with one of the best restaurants in the country located downtown and plenty of other excellent dining options.


And its all very well policed so that people feel safe coming into the city. You can see why the mayor and the power structure in the city, most of which is African-American, would be upset by a bunch of unemployed white boys coming from out of town to destroy that.

Dave Begley said...

It seems clear now that Trump will win about 40 states, including WI, MN, PA and MI.

Bay Area Guy said...

Legal question for our esteemed Hostess:

Last I checked, the crime of Arson was a felony.

A lotta buildings have been burned over the weekend, including churches.

Is there an exception to the crime of Arson, if one feels real strongly about police brutality?

effinayright said...

I'm Full of Soup said...
Trump needs to speak to the country and ask all people to calm down and let the judicial system deal with the 4 cops.

Trump also needs to realize his election chances are fading with each of these disasters. So he needs to say that out loud and say his re-election is far less important than the country and all of its citizens recovering from these body blows. That would make him sound like the bigger person in the political arena.

You're not full of soup. You're full of something else entirely.

Trump didn't cause the protests or the rioting. He's not being blamed for them. He's not responsible for quelling them. On the contrary the public sees that the states and cities where all the violence is going on are run by feckless Democrats and their big-city machines.

Do you really think that all the law-abiding citizens in those states will blame Trump, rather than the corrupt pols who rule directly over them? Will the owners of small businesses who were NOT looted or fire-bombed vote for more Democrats?

iowan2 said...

What happened to sancuary cities, and federalism? The President of the United States has limited inumerated powers. None of those powers would allow POTUS to affect change in these thug riots.

I'm not confused at all about the medias sudden memory loss concerning federalism.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PhilD said...

YoungHegelian: "There will also be one overwhelmingly yuuuge fact that cannot be denied --- that the overwhelming number of the cities (if not all) where these riots really got out of control are run by Democrats. Not only can these Democratic politicians not control the mobs, their kids are out there with them, giving aid & comfort to mobs burning out people who just trying to earn a living."

I would also hope that people would start to realize that since these cities are run by democrats since years that the cause of the problems are the democrats responsibility.
It's absurd that those who are 'protesting' are on the same side as those who are protested against.

Kevin said...

So he needs to say that out loud and say his re-election is far less important than the country and all of its citizens recovering from these body blows. That would make him sound like the bigger person in the political arena.

Trump already gave a speech where he said all he needs to say.

The media have ignored it.

Instead they endlessly repeat one of his tweets that makes it look like he wants to shoot protesters.

Even Chris Wallace.

Michael K said...

Trump didn't cause the protests or the rioting. He's not being blamed for them. He's not responsible for quelling them.

Once more: Antifa/Democrats are trying to provoke him to do another Kent State. He is much more media savvy than Nixon was in a similar situation. These riots are all in Democrat cities.

One theory that may have merit is this is a desperate effort to stop the erosion of black voting Democrats. If so, I think it's going wrong.

Gk1 said...

Yeah, it sure would be nice to have a nice Father figure as president during riots like these but that ship had sailed long ago. But to be honest I'd much rather have a shit kicker in charge during times like these.

Rolling over and presenting our ass to these thugs only invites more rioting. That's pretty much what liberals do but I think their approach will be wildly unpopular in the days to come, even in the bluest of the cities.

Right now many liberals in California are finding out how tough it is to actually buy guns for their own protection (since the police have opted out of protecting anyone) This is a teachable moment in many ways.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Even Chris Wallace."

It's been obvious to me for a long time that Wallace is a standard-issue media liberal.

cf said...

I see nothing at all here that isn't true.

Looks like another great day of President Trump tweeting his truth to all the world in real-time, Huzzah.

Speaking of living history, somebody said here, i think, yesterday, that history will long remember SpaceX-NASA events of this week, otherwise phht.

#GoldenAge acomin, could be, might be. @realDonaldTrump is part of that rising arc.

Koot Katmandu said...

I think I seen Biden say We can't breath. Trying to start a riot chant? If Biden is bailing out the rioters what is wrong with calling it out? BLM is a big looser here. The whole world seen the murder and was with BLM. All they had to do was peaceful protest and suggest some changes to policing. Pretty sure they would have got what they wanted. It has become pretty clear that BLM wants the issue and not a fix.

Renee said...

Why do I have so many progressive friends who refuse to believe this is Antifa? Why? Being against Antifa and acknowledge them, doesn't make you less progressive.

PM said...

The more I look around, the more I want Trump re-elected. He annoys me on several levels, but he surpasses my expectations when it comes to identifying issues. Also, I wouldn't mind watching the sharing/caring left exceed apoplexy.

John henry said...

I would never tell anyone that I did not know, trust and believe to be sympathetic that I am a Trump supporter.

That includes a pollster.
Every day we see trumpistas and suspected trumpistas assaulted or worse.

Easier to tell them I'm for Biden. The worst thing that even the most rabid trumpistak will ever do to a peaceful Biden supporter is call them crazy or stupid. If that.

I suspect a lot of other people see the news and feel similarly.

The polls are shit.

Yeah, a pollster is supposed to be anonymous but why take a chance.

John Henry

Amy Welborn said...

Ron said:

And its all very well policed so that people feel safe coming into the city. You can see why the mayor and the power structure in the city, most of which is African-American, would be upset by a bunch of unemployed white boys coming from out of town to destroy that.

I'm in Birmingham, too. Did you watch the video, the live feed that was on AL.com about the looting? That ends with the reporters being attacked?


Those aren't "unemployed white boys coming from out of town." This was very much the crowd that had been in Linn Park earlier, trying to take a couple of confederate-related monuments down (something that the city had tried to do a couple of years ago, but was stopped by stupid interference from the state legislature - please note the city of Birmingham wasn't even founded until 1871...anyway...) unsuccessfully. Their energy didn't dissipate so they started walking south, hitting businesses as they went. There's not a lot of retail in downtown Birmingham, but there are banks and restaurants - many, many windows broken, including those of the children's science museum and two historic theaters.

The vibe is not protest or anger. The vibe is "break some shit." Police *nowhere* in evidence for most of this. It's being broadcast live. *No cops.* No one trying to stop anything. That was the most shocking part of it all, which is why Woodfin's Sad Face is having no impact on me today.

It's too bad. Birmingham saw two large peaceful protest events over the weekend. People were proud. People were hopeful that statements could be made without violence. And then, well, some got riled up by the continuing presence of these memorials to the Confederacy and took that energy to a destructive level and for some reason, were not stopped or discouraged from doing so.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Whole ssplaining:

Just my opinion that's all. I want Trump to be re-elected by a landslide but he's been flailing lately so he needs to score some points and connect on some of his punches.

Temujin said...

Yancey Ward- I'm not looking for soothing words. If we want soothing words we can call the dippy Mayor of Minneapolis. Or Obama.

What I want to see is the man who managed massive real estate deals, controlled millions in developments, negotiated with bankers and politicians (before getting into office), and used a strong force of will to get done what he needed to get done. The American people will stand behind someone who stands up for ALL OF US. Especially here and now with our streets filled up with recent grads from our higher education system, showing their newfound talents. These 'kids' are funded by some very evil people.

I want Trump to stand up to what's happening in the streets, put the force of the Presidency into the faces of the Gov. Waltz's out there. And if necessary, send in troops (yes, I know about Posse Comitatus- read Andrew McCarthy's article about this.). Then I want him to pull back the curtain at those funding and funneling help to the anarchists. Let's see the Professors and CNN correspondents. The Congresscreatures. The Senators. The...foreign influencers. The Hollywood stars. Let's see who pays for the destruction of our country.

I want to see and/or hear something out of Trump other than some stupid teenage twitter responses. Enough. Time to take on the job of being President. Time to play Chief Executive. Second term or not, it's time to lead.

And, Achilles, I'm on the side of free people who feel strongly about America as a country built for individual liberty. Built on the premise that within our laws, you can live your life for your own sake, as long as you do not infringe on my right to live my life for my own sake. You can decide which side I'm on. But if Trump cannot make this clear, then he's not doing what I voted for.

Nichevo said...

Gird your loins, Temujin. Be if good courage.

"Then I want him to pull back the curtain at those funding and funneling help to the anarchists."

This is actually the first best and perhaps only thing that is the President's, or a federal, role. Governors can call out the National Guard just like he can. I doubt they have less ability to order them to open fire, fix bayonets, load canister, etc., than PDT does.

What the President and the DOJ, and OGA as necessary, need to do is to find, fix and finish the head/s of the snake/s. His rhetoric is beside the point. He has already given proper speeches. Unless he commandeers all media, his words will not be well transmitted or supported. Twitter is his ace in the hole.

There are endemic weaknesses, gaps in the system. These are being used against us. Against him. And he is us and we are him. If you're not on his side, you're not on your own.

Some of this has to happen. "Gets out the bad blood."

There may be no solution because weak sisters, as I'm afraid you seem to be showing yourself to be, won't stand for the needed measures. And of course a big portion of the populace is lapping this up, for one reason or another.

Greg the class traitor said...

Churchy LaFemme: said...
“I don’t see any indication that there were any white supremest [sic] groups mixing in.

This is one of those times where it would *really* be nice if the President of the United States of America had, you know, an intelligence agency of some sort that he could trust and get reports from

He does. The trustworthy ones are all saying "this is antifa"

If you're not willing to accept reality, that's your problem, not ours.

Greg the class traitor said...

Temujin said...
You know, I never like to hear Trump speak. But at this point, it's time he spoke. It's time we had a President who could address the nation and give a sense of control, strength, calm, and unity

You can't give "unity" to people who don't want it.

The whole. POINT of "identity politics" is to divide people up/. "You have a different skin color than I do, so you're not 'my people'".

That's the Left in action

There's nothing Trump can do to get the Left to stop being evil. That's got to come from the Leftists.

What President Trump can do, should do, and is doing, is calling out their dishonesty and evil.

The Left refuses to accept that they lost the 2016 election. They're probably going to refuse to accept it when they lose the 2020 election. The proper response to that is to shove it down their throats until they finally accept that they don't have an inalienable right to rule the rest of us.

Bill Peschel said...

Trump is putting his words where they'll do the most effect: In the ears of the governors:

JUST IN: President Trump unloads on the nation's governors on a call, calls on them to step up enforcement: "You have to dominate, if you don’t dominate you’re wasting your time. They're going to run over you, you’re going to look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate."

In audio obtained by @CBSNEws, Trump tells governors: "Washington was under very good control, but we’re going to have it under much more control. We're going to pull in thousands of people."

MORE: Trump tells governors: "You've got to arrest people, you have to track people, you have to put them in jail for 10 years and you'll never see this stuff again," per audio obtained by

One person listening in on the call describes the president's words and tone as "unhinged."

On the call, Trump references Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Milley and Attorney General Bill Barr. "We will activate Bill Barr and activate him very strongly," Trump says.

MORE: Trump tells governors later: "You're making a mistake because you're making yourselves look like fools. And some have done a great job. But a lot of you, it's not -- it's not a great day for our country."

TRUMP ADDS: "You know when other countries watch this, they're watching this, the next day wow, they’re really a push over. And we can't be a push over. And we have all the resources -- it's not like we don't have the resources. So, I don't know what you're doing."

Greg the class traitor said...

Amy and Ron:

Those who wish to destroy history deserve to get their teeth kicked in.

Those who let others destroy history deserve to get their cities burned down.

I hope every single one of the rioters gets arrested, tried, convicted, and punished.

But the Mayor and Police should have shut down the rioters early. They didn't, and they got what they deserved.

"Those big meanies at the State level won't let us do what's right!"

Yeah, tell it to the pro-lifers who aren't allowed to do what they think is right, because of 5 thugs on the US Supreme Court

Krumhorn said...

The faux journalists on the tv are retching at Trump's 'divisive comments' when what we need is 'leadership that brings us together'.

The problem with this is that there is no combination of words, even if written for him by Our Savior Obummer, that the lefties wouldn't mock relentlessly and discount. Since this whole circus is a leftie circus, no words from Trump will bring the street clowns and anarchists back inside. In fact, even if Trump were to make an announcement tonight from the Oval Office that he accepts all blame for causing this mess and is immediately resigning from office and that no Republican will challenge the Dems in the next election, that would simply double the destruction in celebration for the BIG WIN.

Trump is doing fine. He's speaking the truth which is long past due.

- Krumhorn

Roy Lofquist said...


These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

-- Thomas Paine (The Crisis, December 1776)

Temujin said...

Roy Lofquist. Yes- exactly. It is time Trump come out of the basement, quit tweeting nasties to the press and governors, and at least stand up and speak to the American people so that they know someone in Washington gets it. Because from here, up to now...it looks like they decided this was a good week for a vacation.

Temujin said...

I wonder if Trump has ever read Thomas Paine?

Achilles said...

Temujin said...

And, Achilles, I'm on the side of free people who feel strongly about America as a country built for individual liberty. Built on the premise that within our laws, you can live your life for your own sake, as long as you do not infringe on my right to live my life for my own sake. You can decide which side I'm on. But if Trump cannot make this clear, then he's not doing what I voted for.

This is not a political difference.

This is war for our freedom.

There cannot be unity with Antifa and the power that is pushing them and delivering bricks to protests.

There can only be victory or defeat.

Right now Trump is doing a miraculous job being a leader. His situation since 2016 is more precarious than any mortal has ever had to deal with. The powers arrayed against him are legion and he is doing an amazing job.

At some point the responsibility falls down to us to fight for our freedom.

Everyone else is just an armchair quarterbacking bitch.

LA_Bob said...


The riots and destruction are really the governors' responsibilities, not the President's. Trump is right that the governors need to step up and take control.

I intensely disliked Obama sticking his nose into every state / local racial dispute, including the "teachable moment" triggered by the conduct of Henry Louis Gates. Obama added no value to racial tolerance, understanding, or acceptance.

If this country has a problem, it's the Federalization of every local issue that irks someone in the "protected classes".

What would you have Trump say?

cubanbob said...

Trump spoke today. He said what he needed to say. He now has to invoke the Insurrection Act.

Temujin said...

Achilles said: At some point the responsibility falls down to us to fight for our freedom. Everyone else is just an armchair quarterbacking bitch.

I agree with the first part. I absolutely get that this is the fight of each and every one of us. I am not one of those who looks for our government to do anything for me other than get out of my way. And run the judicial system. Oh...and defend it's citizenry. Defense of the national citizenry is the priority of government. Not education, not real estate, not social justice (whatever that is). National defense and/or local civil security. The locals are not doing a thing.

I do not look for Trump to inspire me. I look for him to be the chief executive. And at some point, when the state governments are failing, the chief executive of this country best stand up and manage this, take charge of this, or at the very least inspire those under him to do something to corral this, before it gets to be a guy like you, Achilles, or me- pointing our guns at some people coming down our street. I can see this happening. And I'm hoping our government can stand up and do their job before it gets to that.

Because there is one thing I can guarantee you. America is the most well-armed nation in the history of the world. And, like me, there are a lot of pissed off people out there watching our nation be destroyed, while our athletes, Hollywood stars, news readers, Journalists!, professors, and politicians cheer them on. They might as well be giving the finger to the rest of us. And they are.

As for armchair QB'ing? What the f do you think you're doing? That's all anyone is doing here. That's what this is.

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