March 4, 2020

What's wrong with this headline: "I’ve never seen anybody mount a comeback like this — ever"?

That's the headline at Politico, quoting Matt Seyfang, "an expert delegate counter who had worked for Pete Buttigieg."

A comeback was mounted, but did Biden mount it? Biden is on the mount, but how did he get there? If it was his own doing, can anyone explain how? If he did it himself then we should stand back and marvel, like Seyfang, I’ve never seen anybody do a thing like this, but I think it was done for him and in spite of him. If Biden did it, then he's really amazing, and it should add to his argument that he deserves the job of working for us. So can Biden proponents please explain why Biden deserves the credit?

Notice how my question goes along with the idea that if Biden becomes President, he won't really be the one who is exercising the power. Trump recently said that if Biden is elected President, "They’re going to put him into a home and other people are going to be running the country. And they’re going to be super left radical crazies. They’re going to be super left radical crazy. Joe’s gonna be in a home. He’ll be watching television and everything will be just fine."


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Stephen said...

A big theme in these comments is that some thing undemocratic happened in the days leading up to Super Tuesday.

That is BS. What happened was that a lot of people figured independently that having Bernie as the candidate would be a disaster and that the continued presence of four moderates in the race would ensure that outcome. Some of them were leaders in the party, some were first term representatives from swing districts. some of them were Republicans like Ross Douthat, some of them were cruel neutrals like Professor Althouse, and many were moderate voters trying to decide what to do. Over the course of a few days, the analysis coalesced and was trumpeted by a broad range of actors, including again Professor Althouse: the weaker candidates should get out. Following South Carolina, Klobuchar and Buttigieg showed a lot of good judgment and character by stepping aside and endorsing Biden. Moderate Democratic voters, including many African American voters, suburban women and older less educated voters knew what to do. They turned out for Biden. After Super Tuesday, Bloomberg did the same thing. This is actually a democratic coalition at work.
There is no guaranty that this will lead to a Biden nomination, or that Bernie and his followers will join the coalition. But there is hope that he will. It's too bad the Republican part couldn't have done something similar to block Trump in 2016. The country would be better off, and so would the party.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
“Then Inga fell in line.”

Inga has always said that whoever gets the nomination she would vote for that person, even if it was the dog catcher, as do the great majority of Democrats and liberals. This election is a referendum on Trump. Even Dementia Joe looks good compared to Dementia Sudafed Trump."

I like how resident dullard speaks for all...well most. But guess what dummy, a "great majority of Democrats and liberals" will not be enough.

And if "Dementia Joe looks good compared to Dementia Sudafed Trump", why did you lambaste Biden over and over? Why did you say he had to leave?

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