If Trump did a rally and 3,000 people showed up it would be called abysmally small, wouldn't it? And it would be abysmally small for Trump.
Bernie's crowd is "massive" only in relation to the crowds of other Democratic candidates — which are apparently so small that they're "dwarf[ed]" by 3,000. (If you read far enough into the article, you'll see the shockingly piddling numbers. For their Saturday events, Biden, Warren, and Buttigieg had crowd sizes "from 158 to more than 700.")
How big are Trump's crowds? Ten times Bernie's "massive" number? And Trump just goes on as a solo act. Bernie had some celebrities — including Michael Moore and Cornel West — and very significant musical entertainment: Vampire Weekend.
From the Quad City Times: "Vampire Weekend show for Sanders draws young fans, but not all feel the Bern."
“I keep forgetting Bernie is going to be here,” said Kamryn Ryan, a student at Drake University in Des Moines, and part of a trio at the very front of the line. “I want to support Ezra (Koenig, lead singer of Vampire Weekend) supporting Bernie.”There were also high school students, too young to vote, and "only here for Vampire Weekend anyway."
Two other students, Tanner Shade and Max Theurer, didn’t make it to the very front of the line, but they started loitering around the U.S. Cellular Center at 10:30 a.m. They’re “big Bernie fans” from Pennsylvania, have donated money to Sanders’ campaign and are involved with Pennsylvania State University’s “Students for Bernie” group. But they're bigger fans of Vampire Weekend....
IN THE COMMENTS: rehajm said:
A massive crowd the size of a small crowd.Comic reference: "Large boulder the size of a small boulder."
A massive crowd the size of a small crowd.
Goddammit Rehjam. Ya beat me to it.
We could get 200 people to show up at a party in a pasture with no toilets, with one days notice. (this was before the internet and cell phones.
I think I will contribute to the Sanders campaign. America needs to have it out with the young socialists.
Is the space for write-in candidates long enough for 'Vampire Weekend'?
How many precinct caucuses are those Pennsylvania Ringers going to?
"Bernie had some celebrities — including Michael Moore and Cornel West — and very significant musical entertainment"
Ah, don't forget about the booze part. Always helpful in drawing people in. And if it's free booze - Biscuit City.
These stupid bastards need to try to make a living in Venezuela for a year. Then if you come back and say you're a socialist, I'll hear you out.
Trump has better entertainment.
There were 100,000 ticket requests for Trump's rally in bright blue NJ last weekend. About 1/4 of Trump's crowds are typically registered Democrats. Wonder how many Republicans Bernie drew.
Jeez. I read the headline and saw a photo showing a large throng of people. Then I saw a photo of a close up of the crowd and no one looked over 20. Then I read there were at least....3000 people there.
3,000 people?
We'll have that today at our Super Bowl party. Ya kiddin' me? 3,000 twenty year olds is not exactly a sign of great things to come. Not one of them pays taxes. Not one of them employs another. Although they do support Vampire Weekend...so that's right up Bernie's sweet spot.
Wilbur said: "These stupid bastards need to try to make a living in Venezuela for a year. Then if you come back and say you're a socialist, I'll hear you out."
Hell, they could try to make a year living in San Francisco. Give them a taste of Future Bernie America.
Is there a robot that picks up poop.
When we visited in Poland in 2018 our driver/guide drove us through the Polish countryside. We were really surprised by the new well-kept homes and the prosperity we saw. When we commented on that, our guide responded "Well, it didn't used to be that way." Under socialism, no one really owned their home and you never knew when the state would take it away on some pretext. Even if you wanted to improve/maintain "your" home you could only get the materials to do it if you were politically connected or if you could bribe someone or if you had something people wanted to trade for building materials. Even then, you had no choice and had to take whatever you could get. This resulted in people's homes being pretty old and run down. We visited my father's family homestead southeast of Krakow - the family now lives in a lovely comfortable three story home.
These stupid bastards need to try to make a living in Venezuela for a year. Then if you come back and say you're a socialist, I'll hear you out.
I know this is the, go to, socialist disaster. But it is a real cluster of terrible autocratic governance.
You really need to use France. Yellow vest protests, have been going on for over a year, protesting socialist plans inflicted on the working class. They have been donning yellow vests and taking the to streets to voice their anger at the idiocy of it all. The media is hiding all the problems, but they are still there and very real.
You can also use half a dozen countries in South America that have not devolved into such an extreme hell hole has Venezuela. Those countries represent the thoughtful implementations of plans Democrats want to implement here. But in S.A. nations, the people are upset and voting the socialists out.
Dont SHOUT Venezuela, talk calmly about real problems, in real time, across the globe in dozens of Nations.
I liked the part about the dwarfs dwarfing.
rhaidin asks Is there a robot that picks up poop.
Now there is a great idea for an enterprising capitalist.
Invent a giant version of the Roomba to bounce around SF streets to scoop the poop. Call it some version like Poo-bah. Poobegone. I dunno. Someone with more creativity than I can come up with a winning name. Laslo? Laslo? where are you.
Some other kids were interviewed saying they thought Burnie's message was cool, VW's set was solid, the Molly was firee, and that his plans for free college really energized them, but that could just be the Molly talking.
’With live music and booze...’
Free booze? Asking for a friend.
’the Molly was fire’
Free Molly? Again, asking for a friend... :)
Worst russian mole evarr
"Bernie had some celebrities — including Michael Moore and Cornel West"
So, how many kids came for "celebrities" Moore and West?
It really doesn't matter who is elected, if so much of the media continues peddling exaggeration and lies.
Day ending in y:
I miss the good old days when socialist leaders could specify the exact size of the crowd, the length of the applause and the achievements of the 5 year plan.
Sean Spicer must be smiling about now.
Vampires only suck your blood after dark. Socialists 24/7.
. They’re “big Bernie fans” from Pennsylvania, have donated money to Sanders’ campaign and are involved with Pennsylvania State University’s “Students for Bernie” group.
Donated money?? That means they used Mom and Dad's money or their government loans
to donate to Bernie.
The next rally he'll book MGMT, this way they can immediately seperate the true believers from the choads. Anyone who says 'management' is a Narc. Everyone knows Burnie doesn't support 'management'.
This past Friday, my neighboring passenger on the flight from Detroit to Des Moines was a woman from Massachusetts who was being flown in by the Biden campaign to do volunteer work. Apparently she and her fellow traveler were local elected officials in MA., and there is some organized effort to get all these fellow office-holders to come in and do their bit for Biden. (She was being sent to canvass in "...some place called... Ankeny?") Being the affable midwestern sort, I gave her a rundown of how the Iowa Caucuses worked, while remaining mum about my own opinions. Presumably she wouldn't get to do any voting.
Good question, which is the draw to the event, Bernie or the celebrities (one might quibble that Moore and West do not fit that category) or the musical group.
Sunshine is deadly to Vampires and the Berns policies.
Ain't it the truth?
Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
rhaidin asks Is there a robot that picks up poop.
Now there is a great idea for an enterprising capitalist
You missed it?
Even better. Musk sells flamethrowers.
Must have accessory for SF.
Trump vs Bernie is the match-up America needs, and needs it now.
Time for America to make a choice. Free markets vs socialism.
No two better men to make their case. Both true believers. Let's get on with it instead of picking at the edges.
Isn't the real problem that pdjt's audiences are not very selective?
If you don't care who shows up, deplorables, climbers, mouth breathers, workers, non degreed people and so on, anyone can get 20-30,000 or more people to come wait in the snow to see them.
Biden's crowds are la creme de la creme. Just friday he did an event in a Dairy Queen and had 7 people. Count'em, 7. Now selective.
John Henry
Booze and a popular music act, and he can only pull 3000?
We could get 200 people to show up at a party in a pasture with no toilets, with one days notice. (this was before the internet and cell phones.
I know a couple that used to host an annual party at their place on the TN river. They did have porta potties and locked up their house. Sold T-Shirts to finance it. They probably had at least several hundred people show up.
Again, I'm so happy for the good news. You people are so much more pleasant when you're feeling confident about the prospects of your great hero Trump
Please don't forget to buy all of your post super bowl gear through the Althouse Amazon porthole
That 3,000 is one of the few times I've seen any count of a Bernie rally. For a typical political rally, by anyone not trump, anytime, anywhere, in the past 30-40 years is not a bad crowd size. With a very few exceptions.
We hear about everyone else's rally sizes and a couple hundred seems to be about Tops.
Bernie routinely pulls in thousands but the press never reports them. It's kind of like the yellow vests that have been demonstrating in France for more than a year now that iowan2 mentioned.
Massive demonstrations for more than a year and crickets. Ditto similar demonstrations in Holland where farmers are shutting down the roads with their tractors. And Germany, Chile and a dozen other countries.
I got to this via Insty a few minutes ago :
For the past year or so, a rumour on social media keeps resurfacing. Many British Facebook and Twitter users believe that our government has taken out a ‘D-notice’ to ban broadcasters and newspapers from covering the protest movements in France.
A D-Notice in Britain is an official govt prohibition on publishing a story
Fuck the press. They are NOT on our side.
John Henry
"South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China."
Its the menshevik/bolshevik question there were more of the former, but the latter was better organized.
It's okay, Howard: your secret is safe with us.
I am Laslo.
I think Vampire Weekend draws larger crowds when Bernie is not appearing with them.
The decembrists brought in the crowds for obama.
Vampire Weekend is basically the new model of Talking Heads.
The kids today just want to live "Life During Wartime", even if they don't know the actual song.
I am Laslo.
Youre right john henry
Vampire Weekend
They have a Monkees vibe which doesn't match their name.
Um, it might be massive within the context of Iowa primary campaigns. Were you aware that's what was going on right now with Bernie and the other contenders?
This might be masochism
It's massive for a campaigner who doesn't resort to Nuremberg crowd rallying tactics.
HoaxPPT: "Um, it might be massive within the context of Iowa primary campaigns. Were you aware that's what was going on right now with Bernie and the other contenders?"
I think we all are and I was wondering what your thoughts were on the clear manipulation of the process again as in 2016.
Particularly convention rules changes to allow super delegates to vote on the first ballot and the debate rules changes to get the little billionaire into the mix.
HoaxPPT: "It's massive for a campaigner who doesn't resort to Nuremberg crowd rallying tactics."
At least have the common courtesy to not go Full Godwin until the cocktail hour. After all, we are supposed to be civilized, wut wut.
Vampire Weekend. Ivy league rockers for socialism!
Personally I do not believe it is fair to the other dem candidates that Bernie has more attendees.
Therefore I suggest Bernie's attendees be duvided equally between all his competitors.
After all, he did not build that.
Wait a second. I thought you people believed in the mantra size doesn't matter?
Our media is a joke.
Indeed, or his supporters will liqidate the opposition, like his organizers have promised to do.
Way back when I was in college I was taking a mandatory art class. The teacher told us that if we attended an art opening at the college featuring works made by art majors she would give us extra credit. While there I found out that there was free booze (sparkling wine and cheap beer, but still free) and food. After that I never missed an art opening.
I think we all are and I was wondering what your thoughts were on the clear manipulation of the process again as in 2016.
I don't understand what's going on with you - other than perhaps you might find it challenging relating to anyone who's not a partisan party loyalist. Why should you expect I'd have anything better to say about the DNC or their henchmen in the media than in 2016? I know the DNC leadership is still contested and that the corporatists are unleashing the last embers of their fire breathing nastiness. That's how it goes. Only when a presidential candidate who's interested in taking party HQ in a different direction wins the general election does party direction change. Same thing with Trump and the RNC. That's just how it goes. In the meantime it falls on Joe Scarborough to remind Chris Matthews that Bernie probably wouldn't walk by someone needing help in the middle of the road without aid.
I have to agree with Drago pee pee tape. The comparisons to Hitler are very offencive. Hitler was a war hero and very highly intelligent and organized a nation in ruins into the most powerful juggernaut the world had ever seen until the United States in 1944. Trump is no Hitler
Particularly convention rules changes to allow super delegates to vote on the first ballot and the debate rules changes to get the little billionaire into the mix.
It shows you how stupid the Democrats are if they think they can resort to Super Dictocrats to change the campaigns and I'm pretty certain Bloomberg's lack of any charisma will keep him from hitting above 20% support even if there were only one other candidate in the race.
Very true, Howard.
We live only 10 miles from Nashua and I would definitely endure a Bernie rally for a Vampire Weekend show. I don't know about a Liz Warren rally. It might take The Red Hot Chili Peppers to get me to go.
Hey remember when the Media immediately decided to piss Trump and his supporters off by insulting the crowd size of his inaugural with Obama's without mentioning the possibility that Obama lovers are more likely unemployed or rich enough to miss work easily?
Vampire Weekend finished their set, then Burnie took the stage? THUD.
You people are so much more pleasant when you're feeling confident about the prospects of your great hero Trump
I never had any affection for Trump. I often wince when he speaks. I voted for him because he was not Hillary.
However, his crude personality has really brought the totalitarian and hysterical side of the Democrat party to the fore. The Kavanaugh hearings and the Sham Impeachment should scare any sane, fair minded person away from the Democrats. Trump is a "hero" in the sense that he does not fall apart when set up by the Democrats and their media propaganda machine, like most Republicans do.
They may not fall into the arms of Trump or the establishment Republicans, but they should consider that these Stalinists will persecute them some day just like they persecute their enemies today.
That "massive crowd" description is editorializing by the headline-writer, firmly putting their thumb on the scales.
It's massive for a campaigner who doesn't resort to Nuremberg crowd rallying tactics.
Right? I'm glad we're done with the rallies set with Greek columns like some kind of temple for the candidate. That was creepy.
However, his crude personality has really brought the totalitarian and hysterical side of the Democrat party to the fore. The Kavanaugh hearings and the Sham Impeachment should scare any sane, fair minded person away from the Democrats.
Just to be clear, Frannie considers "totalitarianism" the behavior to which government officials or nominees to their posts are treated. Not the behavior to which private citizens are treated. Or the behavior to which the Speaker of the House or other Democrats are treated by Trump.
Right-wingers are hilarious. For all their symptoms of Government Derangement Syndrome (GDS), they seem to be the ones pushing for a big powerful Trump-like government to do whatever it wants. And to demand respect for any of his loyal henchmen like Barf Kavanaugh, no matter how unfit that grabby frat boy was for the job.
Hey, but at least he cried and sniffed on that witness stand, right? That was impressive. And the way he resented being asked about his alcoholism by telling Amy Klobuchar, "I know you are but what am I?"
Just the kind of judge and judicial temperament America needs.
We are heading for a crossroads
And there is going to be a junction!
And I don't think it will bode well for the Democrats.
"What counts as a "massive" crowd for Bernie?
- Althouse
"It has always been ugly and a little nuts in our huge, complicated country."
- James Comey
"He does not have testicles and it appears like he has a vagina.”
- Weinstein accuser, Jessica Mann
Meanwhile, The corrupt left think the following is illegal to say:
“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son,” President Trump said, “that [Joe] Biden stopped the prosecution [of Burisma, the corrupt company on whose Board Hunter sat and from which he collected more than $50,000 a month] and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the attorney general would be great.”
He would say, "Do you like my big fat Jewish dick?"
Right? I'm glad we're done with the rallies set with Greek columns like some kind of temple for the candidate. That was creepy.
America was founded as an explicit effort to recreate ancient Greco-Roman democratic civilization you dumbass. Ever heard of Monticello? I mean, when you weren't falling asleep as they taught American history?
Anyway, Francisco's whine about how the left treats government officials, etc. is hilarious given how Trump treated Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz and all the others in his party in 2016.
If it's treatment of government people that's so awful and totalitarian maybe we should do away with Holocaust remembrance and replace that stuff with tributes to the Night of the Long Knives. Oh no! A government official or nominee to a government post was treated badly! I'm so triggered. Whine whine sniff sniff.
Lol. April Apple seems to be saying anti-bribery statutes are unconstitutional under the first amendment.
Or that's the charitable interpretation. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know what a constitution or an amendment is.
Whine whine sniff sniff. The dictator was treated poorly!
Ever walk down a street in town and a loud crazy man starts following you spouting bizarre shit until he sees somebody walking th other way? You do your best to ignore him and he does his best to refuse to be ignored.
Well "massive" is relative in a smaller state like Iowa. Although I'm certain you get a crowd several orders of magnitude larger at say the Iowa State Fair each year. They are there to celebrate agricultural corn and soybeans versus political "corn" and platitudes.
But parts of the crowd at Bernie's rally were truly "massive". Think Michael Moore. He weighs as much as (or is built much like) a prize Berkshire hog.
Then why didn't Schitt charge Trump with Bribery?
Do explain the bribery in Trump's words compared to the bribery in Biden's words.
Was that an abuse of power? Opinions vary. I do not think so. Nor do I think the president erred when he went on to tell Zelinsky that Joe Biden “bragged” he had stopped the prosecution of Burisma. He did so, and was gracious enough to be filmed doing it.
As Peter Schweizer has shown in meticulous detail in his new book, the Bidens’ corruption, like Falstaff’s dishonesty, is “gross as mountain, open, palpable.” This was not an abuse of power. Far from it. Indeed, I believe that Ted Cruz was right: President Trump, confronted with credible allegations of Hunter Biden’s corruption, had a “responsibility” to investigate Biden’s activities.
R. Kimball
Ever walk down a street in town and a loud crazy man starts following you spouting bizarre shit?
No, these days he usually does that in auditoriums with tons of admiring fanatical followers wearing red hats. At least when it comes to the loudest of them.
And those who can't fit in the overflow sections apparently roost over here and complain about how only one opinion (their own, which they can't defend) is sane.
No one's following you Aunty. No one ever follows you. Anywhere. And that person walking quickly to the bathroom wasn't following you either. It's just someone you made puke.
But it's interesting to think you have ideas and comments you find so challenging and penetrating that I would even have any interest in responding to them. Way to big up yourself there, girl! Who says only Trump should be his own biggest fan! You can be a narcissistic drama queen also. Don't let them tell you you can't be.
Who makes up the GAO bureaucracy?
Why won't GAO tell us Biden's recorded brag is a sign of his corruption?
Blogger narciso said...
Its the menshevik/bolshevik question there were more of the former, but the latter was better organized
"Bolsh" part is narrative engineer genius.
Trump's crowds are genuine bolsh.
Sanders' crowds are bolsh wrt all other Ds.
Weird that you thought I was talking about you.
Oh. The great "R." Kimball everybody.
April's scintillating seminar on constitutional law will conclude shortly.
Just covering your crazy bases.
You were doing so well Francisco until you went full Achilles insane using the Godwin-like argument "Stalinist"
McDonalds must be closed on Sunday morning. Our Fryolator Prince is posting his usual manic gibberish.
Biden wasn't on trial for impeachment, April.
I know you GDS (Government Derangement Syndrome) types get really kooky about who's in the government and who's not, but do try to keep up on how impeachment works. Next thing you'll be telling us (as Trump's other boosters have) that if they can do it to Trump, they can do it to you.
All Americans everywhere will now be impeached and removed from offices they never held. Oh the humanity. How can we do this? I thought holding presidential office was a cherished right for all Americans everywhere, whether elected to it (with a minority of votes) or not.
What a dream crusher you are, April.
Absolutely! I don't know what it is Auntie Trump but I just can't resist reading your posts. I guess I've always had a soft place in my heart for the clinically insane merchants who ply their trade on the streets or blogs.
Many people more accomplished than poor little humble Francisco were manic. Talented, fascinating people who contributed so much to society and humanity that those things can't be imagined without them.
But alas, I'm pretty sure I'm not manic. Just less lazy and less of an intellectual dullard than poor, boring Francisco.
What's it like going through life so boring, Fran? Do these silly opinions and biases you clutch on to help you make your short time on this planet more interesting, at least to your very uninteresting self?
Francisco is the very first shrink who petitioned his state board and the FDA to approve his use of sleep therapy on the patients.
You were doing so well Francisco until you went full Achilles insane using the Godwin-like argument "Stalinist"
The Schiff hearings were as close to Stalinism as I have seen in this country. His arguments before the Senator reeked of "guilty until proven innocent". His view of jurisprudence should scare people.
It's OK with liberals now because they hate Trump, but when the rule of law is gone what happens to people who do not toe the leftists party line?
The "D" in "Francisco D" stands for "dullard."
Were you looking for more, Francisco? Or is this enough mania for you to endure?
Oh no. The mania. It's so awful. Someone is actually capable of coming up with more creative things to say than me. How will poor little Francisco cope with this blow to his fragile ego and his safe little (tiny) world?
Let's create a fund for you, Francisco. Your dilemma is haunting to us and all the other buttoned up right-wing bores and snores out there sympathize with you greatly.
Howard Wait a second. I thought you people believed in the mantra size doesn't matter?
Well....the old saying "It ain't the meat. Its the motion. is often quite true. Quality over quantity if you will.
However, Trump's rallies seem to have BOTH the meat and the motion. I call that a winner :-D
Speaking of Stalin has anyone seen the death of Stalin? It's a black comedy and a joint production of all your favorite British and American character actors. Absolutely hysterical. Francisco it may help put the current situation in its proper perspective. I love it when the liberal elites of Hollywood entertainment slam Communists to the Bone.
If it floats your boat, who am I to argue DBQ.
It's been real fun folks but it's time for me to get working on that authentic Texas style chili. it's got a simmer for hours and hours and hours before it's ready for Superbowl
The Schiff hearings were as close to Stalinism as I have seen in this country. His arguments before the Senator reeked of "guilty until proven innocent". His view of jurisprudence should scare people.
Talk about Godwin. This is the McCarthyist equivalent.
Stalin killed tens of millions of people. How many did Adam Schiff kill?
Forget that. How many reputations and occupations did he disrupt? People just doing their jobs apolitically and professionally as they were supposed to until The Terror of Twitter tore them up in the publicity-seeking propellers of his crazy ego machine?
Impeachment isn't merely a legal proceeding. Due process is for people. Everyday ordinary people. Impeachment is for presidents. Learn the difference. And you should stop pretending that Trump is just some typical hapless person. Isn't he himself always telling everyone how great and wonderful and magnificent he is in the first place?
The House Managers sent the articles to the Senate. If you think Trump is so entitled to an unimpeachable presidency, let the people he's bullied, browbeaten, intimidated and threatened with all the power of his office to actually testify. Stop hiding the evidence and let it come to light. THEN, defend your vote in the Senate.
The simple fact of the matter is that you think due process and jurisprudence only applies to the big chiefs you suck up to. I've not once heard you complain about all the justice denied to Americans generally, because you don't care. It's sucking up to Trump that you care about. And I'm sure there's a disorder for that.
Howard is like the little dog that starts yapping when the other dogs are all barking, but he doesn’t know why.
I always knew DBQ had her weird qualities but that sexualization of the Trump Nuremberg rallies takes the cake. Wow.
I guess that explains a few things.
Germans used to do that with the Nuremberg guy too.
Enjoy, Bunny "Queen." When you're ready to determine the size of the market for Trump-headed mushroom tipped dildoes, let me know. Hopefully I can find a way to cash in on this sick Republican kink.
Wonder how many Republicans Bernie drew.
And no fair counting Bill Kristof, Jen Rubin, or Jonah Goldberg as “Republicans.”
We really should have a “Which Way, America” election. A choice of contrasts via Trump as a proxy versus Bernie as a proxy.
(A) The way of the Founders/Framers
(B) The way of the EU/USSR/PRC/UN/Islam model
There’s no middle road.
Under (A), rights are pre-existing and inalienable, inherent in each person by simply existing. Government is organized, with the consent of the governed, and most importantly with defined limitations, solely to protect those rights.
Under (B), rights are “granted” by government which exists unto itself regardless of the consent of the governed, acting as the final arbiter. Here, what government “gives” can as easily be taken away. And with (B), there are no limiting principles placed on governmental power.
That kind of election would give some clarity.
"Goddammit Rehjam. Ya beat me to it."
He beat us all to it, including Althouse.
This is a great clip from a Biden "rally" yesterday. He is blathering away to a highly selective crowd, perhaps a dozen or 2 people. He stops to greet some politician from Massachusetts with less sincerity than one would expect from a particularly sleazy used car salesman.
Then he tries to resume and can't remember what he was talking about. "I've forgotten what the Hell I was going to say. Pardon my language."
What is a Mass politician doing at a Biden rally in Iowa?
A twitter comment suggests that Biden is now trying to prove that he is not competent to stand trial.
John Henry
"Bernie had some celebrities — including Michael Moore and Cornel West"
Small celebrities.....at least figuratively.
Medical researchers worldwide are grateful to DBQ for coming forward with her own case study of a newly discovered Republican sickness: Trump Sexualization Disorder.
Women across America who fell a longing deep down in there for an admitted rapist who pays off Playboy bunnies and porn stars after fucking them bareback style.
Thank you for helping to explain to the rest of us normals yet another twist and turn in the ever-weirdening Republican psyche, DBQ. We knew there were a lot of creepy crawly things in the crusty crania of the conservatives, and we appreciate your demonstration to us of yet another one of their strange pathologies.
Hope it works for you.
pee pee - Hillary isn't president you nit wit.
Right- Because Biden isn't the president either. LOL. But somehow Biden's corrupt actions as VP - family enrichment via the US tax payer- and money laundering via the Oligarchs in Ukraine - where Hunter Biden makes more in one month than the average America makes in one year....
why - that's all off limits to the corrupt deep state that pee pee tape excuses.
got it.
Trump's New Jersey rally went un-noticed by the hack-D press.
If Republicans don't care about due process, libertarians even less so. Another one of the president's formerly bullied Stockholm Syndrome victims, Rand Paul, is so relentless on wanting retribution against the whistle blower that he even tried to out him with a question to the Chief Justice to be read aloud. And this is the guy who cares so much about keeping the government from abusing its power? Incredible.
But it's good to see a guy like that out himself. Any time in the future he talks about limiting the government's power, remember: He means anyone but the richest and most powerful in the government.
What a damn bullshitter.
The Democrats have a huge problem with Bernie going back to 2015. In 2015, when he said he was going to run as a Democrat candidate, the party should have immediately said "Uh-uh. Nope, no way. You are not now and never have been a Demmie. You have never paid party dues, never fundraised for us, never campaigned for other Demmies. We appreciate your votes and all but you are not a Dem and can't run on our ticket."
Had they done this then, and publicized it, there might have been a small kefuffle but I think 90% of the electorate would have agreed.
The problem was, then, that nobody else was willing to play Washington Generals to Hilary's Globetrotters. They thought Bernie would be a token opposition and would then go away. They never realized how much charisma he had and by the time they did, it was too late.
They CANNOT let Bernie be the nominee but they can't seem to stop him or even slow him down even with the media running interference for them.
What will it say about the Democrat Party that they can't even find a candidate in the party? That they have to import a non-party member for their candidate? It looks terrible.
Then if, God forbid, Bernie were to win, we would have a president that is not a party member and not beholden to either party. Especially not to the Demmies who did everything they could to stop him. If he were not so batshit crazy, and if we did not have PDJT as an alternative, I would love the idea of an independent president.
Especially if he picked an independent as VP. Perhaps someone who actually was willing to "preside" over the Senate on a daily basis as the Constitution requires.
John Henry
PPT I always knew DBQ had her weird qualities
pee pee - Hillary isn't president you nit wit.
Right- Because Biden isn't the president either. LOL. But somehow Biden's corrupt actions as VP - family enrichment via the US tax payer- and money laundering via the Oligarchs in Ukraine - where Hunter Biden makes more in one month than the average America makes in one year....
why - that's all off limits to the corrupt deep state that pee pee tape excuses.
If you want to impeach Hillary or Joe Biden - neither of whom serve in impeachable posts - then request your representative to start hearings on that.
What's the name of your rep? What district do you live in? And your own name? Hell, I'll send it in for you on your behalf.
"An ignorant American is against impeaching Trump because she doesn't like other people and thinks they should be... well, that whatever should happen to them. She hasn't ruled out heads on pikes, even though Americans don't (and can't) do that. But here is your wonderful constituent, Mr/Mrs Colorado Congressperson, April Apple, and she would like her ignorant concern dealt with.
But whatever you do, don't offer her free community college courses on civics or American history. She's very resistant to that."
It's those meddling Russians with their Facebook ads.
I've been plugging The Death of Stalin here and elsewhere since I saw it last spring.
Outstanding storytelling; dramatizing and telescoping events with superb direction and acting.
Funny as hell
It's all a happy coincidence that the Clintons and the Bidens get to international money-whore and Trump must be impeached for asking about it.
Here's the Vampire Weekend song I've listened to a bunch of times (because my son John ranked it as the 97th best song of the 2010s (the decade).
As far as an election pitting Trump against Sanders, I say bring it on. Let’s have this out. It looks like the DNC is trying to do what they did to Sanders last time though. Didn’t work out so great for them.
I would totally go to a Vampire Weekend/Bernie concert. As long as he wasn't the opening act.
Here they are singing This Land is Your Land.
Bernie does not know the words.
A-Punk is the song I love.
...international money-whore...
I realize that prostitution is a great interest of yours but if you have an actual crime in mind here that you're struggling to name to a prosecutor I suggest you come out with it.
"Corruption" doesn't mean "I don't like Joe Biden, say something unflattering about him!" It means what the actual government in Ukraine was doing.
Only conspiracy theorizing kooks believe that Trump had any interest in Ukraine and wasn't just furthering his political campaign. The only way corruption bothers Trump is if he's not in on it.
The Joe Biden story was debunked by everyone who testified to it. If you think Trump's corruption however was warranted, then let John Bolton testify.
Everyone who's testified has backed up the whistleblower. No one's made a "case" out of Biden. It's just a PR war that uneducated fools like you are ridiculous enough to fall for.
Trump's shutdown of his inner circle and refusal to let any of them testify is telling. As his attorney told a judge once, he couldn't let Trump testify because then he'd end up in an orange jumpsuit.
You have very silly beliefs. Why not ditch them and try New Age instead? Shamanism? Something just as kooky but at least harmless to your country.
"I'm pretty certain Bloomberg's lack of any charisma will keep him from hitting above 20% support "
Twenty billion US will beat charisma every time..
Al from Chgo
“Blogger tommyesq said...
I think Vampire Weekend draws larger crowds when Bernie is not appearing with them.”
Almost certainly, which is the crazy thing about the article. People mobbing for free loaves of Hearst Wonder Bread doesn’t necessarily translate into support for the SLA. I mean, they’re not going to actually show up for the Revolution. Unless there’s more free Wonder Bread.
I think Steyer and Bloomberg are going to be the poster children for the idea that campaign money spent on television ads and expensive staff is basically worthless in the age of the internet. It wouldn't be surprising if neither one gets a delegate.
Bernie Sanders = Jeremy Corbyn without the British accent, work ethic or party discipline.
I posted an explanatory version of my Iowa Caucuses on an earlier thread, but this seems like a good place to make my predictions:
1. Sanders
2. Bloomberg
3. Klobuchar
4. Buttigieg
5. Biden
Bloomberg will be the big surprise because he has a well oiled machine in place. Warren is toast.
Aren't Vampires so 2000s (the decade)?
I'm trying to think another band that named itself after a trend that became passe during their existence.
The Hula Hoops?
The Avocado Appliances?
The Dial Phones?
The Mullets?
The teacher told us that if we attended an art opening at the college featuring works made by art majors she would give us extra credit. While there I found out that there was free booze (sparkling wine and cheap beer)
The purpose of free booze at art showings is to reduce the viewers' ability to tell good art from bad and thus to garner more favorable reviews and more sales.
The haters seem particularly hateful today, sad!
Blogger Narr said...
I've been plugging The Death of Stalin here and elsewhere since I saw it last spring.
Outstanding storytelling; dramatizing and telescoping events with superb direction and acting.
Amen, amen and amen. Great movie and funny as hell.
John Henry
Denied is not debunked.
Also, denial is not a river in Egypt.
Althouse, thanks for that link to your son's top 100. I just heard Leon Bridges for the first time. Man!
Just as I got used to two Steyer ads in a row, yesterday there was a three-fer. Maybe Tom's next move is an All-Steyer 24/7 Channel.
This is a link showing Ritno's old, bigoted ways are over with, done. The bigots and haters have no power here anymore.
HT MM2 via JOM.
Ah, I'm enjoying the full-scale meltdown. I'd have been happier if a tenth of the Senate exposed themselves as Secret Democrats, because that would have advanced what I truly want. But this is almost as good.
One thing I can't get over is how reliant the Democrats are on celebrities and impromptu concerts to goose their rally numbers. Certainly, I could happily harvest data from anyone there and use it, but it's not the same as guaranteed tens of thousands with -fanatic- enthusiasm. By contrast, at our rallies Trump is the draw, and he is the purpose. And he's pulling them in, all over the country. It's a death sentence for the Democrats- Obama had similar rallies, but in 2008 at the height of Obama mania. Check behind the hype at this ancient Politico link:
Even in 2012, Barack Obama could draw good-sized crowds, and Mitt Romney clearly could not. But they're dwarfed, really humiliated, by the vast hordes that Trump invites- and looking to the overflow that will sit out in the blistering cold, this is clearly beyond anything but the most media-hyped presences of the past. It doesn't dovetail with votes. But it's a sign of something much greater. Sure, some are there because it's fun, and who can blame them? But it's the nucleus of an army that isn't going to take the corruptions and abuses of the deep state lying down.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
“I think Steyer and Bloomberg are going to be the poster children for the idea that campaign money spent on television ads and expensive staff is basically worthless in the age of the internet. It wouldn't be surprising if neither one gets a delegate.”
Not sure if I completely agree. The Dems in the two states we live in won the Senate race two years ago. Jon Tester is detested and reviled by a lot of Montanans. He had just lied about and insulted Trump’s black surgeon, a decorated member of the Navy. He comes into the state every six years, is hoisted onto the family combine for campaign photos, raises millions of dollars out of state, and swamps his opponent 2-1 or better with TV ads. Kirstin Sinema in AZ came across as a fire breathing leftist from when she was in Congress. And is LGBT, which is in unattractive to Bible thumpers, esp when bisexual pretty much guarantees promiscuity. Moreover, she ran against the first American woman to have flown in combat, and that was in a close in ground support A-10 Warthog.
What did the two have in common, Democrats in states that lean Republican? One thing is that both of them had probably a 2/1 advantage over their less well funded competitor in terms of television ads. Both of them routinely had ads bracketing ads from their competitors during single commercial break. At times, this would happen 3-4 times an hour. That went a long way to neutralizing their opponents’ TV advertising, since the first and the last political ads that you would see in a commercial break would be the Democrats’. Yes there were other reasons, but, as I said, Tester is reviled by everyone I have ever talked to about hi in MT. He is a morbidly fat pathological liar (in a state where honesty is still prized). Yet people he continues to win, much of it by massively out advertising his opponents on TV.
Right now, with Bernie’s surge, Bloomberg is seen by more and more Dem activists as the Democrat who could beat Trump, and the only way he could do that with the $Billion$ or so he would spend on winning, is with a lot of TV and Internet advertising. His TV ads are very professionally done. They completely obscure his serious charisma impairment, and that he is an inveterate meddler in people’s lives. I have little doubt that he could and would, run enough of his polished ads that he could do nationally what Tester and Senema did at the state level and consistently bracket Trump’s commercials.
Would it be enough to compensate for Trump’s advantage over everyone else with his mega MAGA rallies? Only time will tell.
Despite narratives to the contrary about the fear of a brokered decision there’s evidence the leftie powers are working mange just that. Lefties love a managed narrative. Their last one ends Wednesday but their next production will be in full swing starting tomorrow.
I live in southern AZ. I was surprised when Sinema won. IMO, it was mostly due to McSally's lackluster personality and campaign as well as vote harvesting in Maricopa county.
I saw roughly the same number of McSally and Sinema ads. Most of McSally's ads were a different version of Sinema making an ass of herself over the past 15 years. There was nothing that promoted McSally's appeal while Sinema looked attractive and engaged in her ads. Neither one addressed issues.
Being new to AZ, I also was surprised that quite a few conservatives disliked McSally. Her most brilliant moment was recently calling a left wing journalist a hack. We need more fire from McSally. I wonder if she left it all on the battle field.
I think the most interesting question in the Iowa caucuses is whether Elizabeth Warren carries Pocahontas County.
I consider him a blunt instrument who serves purposes, now I don't understand how the anti sanders strategy works, but this is coming from deutsche, Citibank and chase donors, the ones who laundered every kind of coin imaginable,
February 18th is the last day to register to vote in Florida or to change party registration. We have closed primaries in Florida. On the one hand, Operation Chaos could be fun, but on the other, I don’t want to put Lenin on the train to Moscow, so to speak. Plus I don’t want mailings from those people begging for money.
McSally hasn't particularly stood out, has she, sinema when it came to the clinch, didn't display a maverick spirit did she,
mexico did much the same with fidel, shipping him back to cuba in 56, and within less of a decade, they had their own insurgents, which they dealt with ruthless efficiency,
rehajm said..."...Lefties love a managed narrative. Their last one ends Wednesday but their next production will be in full swing starting tomorrow.''" 2/2/20, 12:20 PM
Donald Trump's appearance on the national stage has done a few things, but perhaps his most important and long-lasting success is the pulling back of the curtain. We see in its naked, pus-filled and evil glory the deep state, the corruption of our central government and the embarrassing lack of gravitas and wisdom among those who preen and crow and brag about how special and wonderful and elite they are.
I don’t want to put Lenin on the train to Moscow, so to speak.
A train to Petrograd. FIFY.
yes st Petersburg was the imperial seat, now it's possible if Kornilov had been unleashed, he might have solved the Bolshevik problem,
@Francisco D. , a few months back I received a piece of campaign literature and request for donations from McSally (I had contributed to her senatorial campaign last year). It. Was. Terrible.
Did you know she used to be a fighter pilot? And .... No idea what else.
of course, john reed who was possibly as dense as Herbert Matthews two generations later, couldn't grok that,
it is striking how the former handled the dissolution of the Menshevik assembly, by not focusing on it, because it would have interfered with the narrative,
Three thousand people? Obviously a referendum on Trump.
If you forced people to show ID at voting stations matching voter registration, use paper ballots, and mark their thumbs with 3 day permanent ink, Democrats wouldn't win more than 10 states ever.
There are not nearly as many people voting for democrats as there are votes for democrats.
Numerous precincts in Philadelphia routinely have hundreds of votes for democrats and ZERO votes for republicans.
This is statistically impossible.
His TV ads are very professionally done. They completely obscure his serious charisma impairment, and that he is an inveterate meddler in people’s lives. I have little doubt that he could and would, run enough of his polished ads that he could do nationally what Tester and Senema did at the state level and consistently bracket Trump’s commercials.
The Bloomberg ads are OK, but they're general election ads. Trump is a big meanie and "Mike" is a successful guy who "gets things done". These ads would probably appeal to swing voters in suburban Philadelphia, but how does that help him win the nomination?
Venezuela is an example of an incompetently run gangster - or caudillo - run banana republic regime; not any kind of socialism, however socialism is defined.
The young Bernie Bros are graduates of an education system that never told them about The Three Laws of Thermodynamics - they think Star Trek replicators really are possible. That is foolishly ignorant idealism, not socialism.
Blogger Achilles said...
If you forced people to show ID at voting stations matching voter registration, use paper ballots, and mark their thumbs with 3 day permanent ink, Democrats wouldn't win more than 10 states ever.
There are not nearly as many people voting for democrats as there are votes for democrats.
Numerous precincts in Philadelphia routinely have hundreds of votes for democrats and ZERO votes for republicans.
This is statistically impossible.
2/2/20, 1:32 PM
I had been reading about the 'well known voter suppression by Republicans' and wondered what voter suppression these left wingers were on about: showing ID to vote.
I think one now needs to show an ID to get a park stargazing permit in NY.
Go figure.
“Being new to AZ, I also was surprised that quite a few conservatives disliked McSally. Her most brilliant moment was recently calling a left wing journalist a hack. We need more fire from McSally. I wonder if she left it all on the battle field”
I don’t think that the military wants any more John McCains in the cockpits of their $30 million dollar planes. He probably got away with it because he was the son and grandson of 4 star Admirals (and planes were a lot cheaper back then). I shared an office with a former Navy A-6 pilot (too tall, supposedly, for F-14s) who told me that I real life, an unauthorized flyby I front of the Air Boss, as was twice done by Tom Cruise’s character in Top Gun would have earned him a permanent trip off the carrier, without his wings. Even after shooting down the MIGs and potentially saving the carrier. It was a safety violation, done blatantly in front of the entire crew, in front of his superiors.
What the military seems to want in their pilots these last several decades is good technicians. When I was working a patent attorney, one of the guys I worked with the most (I worked more closely though with his wife) flew RF-4s (the reconnaissance version of the F-4 Phantom). Which was initially surprising, because, of the dozen patent attorneys in the office, he was the most methodical engineer of us all. Well, not completely conservative - he drove a motorcycle on the weekend, but a BMW, and not a Harley (he claimed that no self respecting engineer would ever dive one). He was the one who told me that the Air Force doesn’t want Top Gun pilots like Maverick, but rather engineers and technicians. McSally is a graduate of the Blue Zoo (which is what it is affectionately known as in C. Springs), where the majority of their graduates are engineers. Same with West Point and Annapolis. Many AFA grads don’t get pilot slots, and one selection criteria is class rank, while another is apparently discipline record. They definitely don’t want John McCains flying their expensive planes. They much prefer methodical people like Martha McSally. Pilots with too much fire make mistakes, that crash expensive planes, and get the crew killed.
Still her recent departures from orthodoxy give me hope that she can survive being one of Bloomberg’s primary Senate targets (he apparently is also going after Corey Gardner and Mitch McConnell).
The Joe Biden story was debunked by everyone who testified to it
Therein lies the problem: The Deep State is investigating itself.
"There are bold pilots and there are old pilots . . ."
"But there are no old bold pilots"
Jersey Fled said...
There were 100,000 ticket requests for Trump's rally in bright blue NJ last weekend. About 1/4 of Trump's crowds are typically registered Democrats. Wonder how many Republicans Bernie drew.
2/2/20, 7:00 AM
A question that frightens the hell out of democrats.
Another thread hijacked by the lunatic left *sigh*
Vampire Weekend's music is a tad more melodious than their name would suggest. Still, if you drew a Venn diagram of habitual voters and Vampire Weekend fans, I don't think there would be much overlap....I wonder if any celebrity can truly influence voters in a positive way. Advertisers pay money for their endorsement of liquors and perfumes. Maybe endorsements work best for booze, perfumes, and cars but have less effect on politics and toilet paper brands. I've never heard any celebrities shilling for Charmin.
Maybe Taylor Swift could work out a crossover deal: "I vote for Bernie and clean up with Bounty. When you make a mess, they're the quicker, picker uppers."...I'm just spitballing here. Maybe feminine hygiene products with a Warren endorsement, although some might find that offensive. Maybe deodorants with Biden--to take the worry out of being close. There are possibilities here worth exploring.
Going with Bloomberg and his gun grabbing and fossil fuel banning ways basically writes off the midwest and south so I guess the electoral map would require a complete run of the board on purple states and every blue state.
I would think Mini Mike's best appeal could be for calling a truce to the ongoing culture wars and really acting like one by offering incremental changes and cooling it on big green programs until a consensus is built. If his "Big Gay Icecream" ad is any indicator it looks like he need to spend a few billion on getting a personality.
Vampire's for Bernie Rally:
I'm for Bernie. Bite me.
Roomba for Socialist shitholes:
Party pooper.
We're all Democrats Now:
Into the Valley of Death/ Rode Bill Kristol and his subscribers
All six hundred
Not though the Never Trumpers knew/ Someone had blundered and it was them
All six hundred.
Omg the Bloomberg big gay ice cream thing is unbelievable! In so many ways...exceeding Bloomberg Ban levels of sugar just for starters...
Achilles said...
If you forced people to show ID at voting stations matching voter registration, use paper ballots, and mark their thumbs with 3 day permanent ink
Gee, you mean like we do in Puerto Rico? Not just any id either but a pretty secure voter id card.
You know what we don't have in Puerto Rico elections? Allegations of election fraud.
In 50 years and a bunch of election cycles I have yet to hear my first joke about cemeteries or vote often or the like.
It's not a magic bullet. We still get incompetent corrupt politicians on a massive scale. Their corruption has been soooo bad that we now have the former finance minister of Ukraine supervising it.
Hard to believe but true.
But we do have honest elections even if nothing else in our govt is.
John Henry
Numerous precincts in Philadelphia routinely have hundreds of votes for democrats and ZERO votes for republicans.
This is statistically impossible.
And back in the land of reality, very probable. And likely.
You really seem to have a hard time understanding things. Philadelphia is 42% black. 14% Hispanic. Etc. Entire precincts that aren't even white - none of these people would have any reason to vote for the self-styled Great White Warrior of White Resentment now, would they? Especially if they have family that he wants to deport, like this obviously hateful, dangerous criminal (at least in the "minds" of Trump and his "people" - and the lines of people that stretch around her amazing restaurant the two days a week it can manage to stay open after a full week of preparation for all the customers flocking from around the country to it.
Trump hates cities. You know, the things that we'll be left for future archaeologists after all the people are gone. The things that were actually built, and that Trump used to like participating in building (at least when they involved his stupid name). He wants more mercury in the water, which doesn't go down well for the demographic poisoned by Republican Rick Snyder in Flint MI or still trying to cope with lead paint in old buildings that the federal government won't clean up. So no coal people there, and many of them going solar or at least painting their rooftops lighter to cope with the already hot summer heat, before the global warming that Trump wants more of jacks it up further.
You're talking about a city that is the birthplace of the first non-ethnic nation state, where reminders of the Constitution and Bill of Rights are everywhere. No, these people have no ideological identification with an anti-free speech rights disrespecting ethnic nationalism grievance mongerer. No way.
And then there's Trump's further fingers in the face. I know a Russian guy who liked Trump's so-called "anti-PC" act. Then he saw what Trump did to his taxes. Taking away deductions, fucking up the refund/withholding schedules, you name it. He thinks Trump's an absolute moron. You'd think a guy from the land of Putin would know a dupe to Putin when he sees one.
When it comes to our historical cities, Trump is actively hostile to these engines of the economy and our nation's culture and actual heritage. You're surprised there are precincts that don't vote at all for his weak-willed follower of a party, with lackeys that stand for nothing but allegiance to him? Especially in the wake of the Blue Wave House pickup against him last year?
What world are you living in?
You are not very bright and easily misled. Keep up all that talk of a civil war against the country that doesn't vote for the dipshit you love so much, and then acting surprised. They know he's as hostile to them as you are.
Take your violent rhetoric and your inability to run Trump's mouth - let alone anything else - elsewhere. It's not wanted here.
’House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned Democrat voters on Saturday that if they support the far-left wing of the party in the primaries, they are setting themselves up to lose to President Donald Trump in the general election.’
Nancy remains lucid enough to understand that Comrade Bernie would lose forty states to Trump. And lose the House. And add to the Rep’s Senate majority. She also knows that Milwaukee will burn if Sandernista is not the nominee. They’re boxed in - and it will have to get a lot worse before it gets a tiny bit better. Embrace the suck, proggies. Breathe it in deeply... :)
3ptp or whatever - I do not believe that you get to decide who is here or who is not, as this is not your blog. Maybe you should go troll a blog where folks are intimidated by your geometric logic and lack of knowledge.
Is there still a not far left wing of the party?
It seems last time the press went out of their way to describe Sanders rallies as huge as well https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2016/jan/30/iowa-caucus-2016-presidential-campaign-election-sanders-clinton-trump-cruz
Don't see descriptions of the size of Trump's rallies there but they don't seem to have been small https://www.c-span.org/video/?401735-1/donald-trump-campaign-rally-des-moines-iowa
No crowd shots but a bunch of other 2016 Trump IA rally speeches here it looks like https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCouOWDamaA2daMCahHVa60A/videos
Somebody's cranky! Must be the cold winter cold.
I thought (and said) months ago that Nancy P. was smart enough to see that letting Schiff, Nadler and Scoobs and the Gang go after Trump would backfire bigly; whether smart or not she lost control of the situation and has been humiliated.
Arashi, some people "aren't really here to hunt," IYKWIM
Where I live (Massachusetts), I see plenty of cars with Bernie bumper stickers everywhere I go. I haven't seen more than a few cars with Elizabeth Warren bumper stickers, and none at all with Biden bumper stickers or Buttigieg bumper stickers.
Where I live (Las Vegas) I see no bumper stickers at all. It's not a good idea to wear one's heart on one's bumper. Better not to piss off the other drivers who grudgingly share the road.
Which will it be for the Dems? A rerun of 1968 (piss off the left) or of 1972 (piss off the middle)?
Peak saturation. Have fun losers.
Dust Bunny Queen
The Name is obvious
The Piss Scat Away
Arashi, some people "aren't really here to hunt," IYKWIM
so, ypu're saying the rabid Dems have a humiliation fetish?
I saw three Bernie stickers driving through Iowa. All on the same bumper. Bernie 2016, Bernie 2012 and one in the middle peeling off.
TheDopeFromHope said...
I think the most interesting question in the Iowa caucuses is whether Elizabeth Warren carries Pocahontas County.
Iowa has rich Indian history with counties named Black Hawk, Keokuk, Mahaska, Winnebago, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Sac, Sioux, and Pottawattamie. We took field trips to the Effigy Mounds in elementary school.
But Iowa has a low tolerance for annoying busy-bodies and phonies like Warren.
Obama had a big crowd in Berlin before the 2008 election that was fronted by a free rock concert allowing the MSM to claim they all came for him.
Too big to fail?
The Lefty trolls are out in force today. Must have received their paychecks but not their meds from Soros.
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