Said Amber Heard to Johnny Depp, quoted in "EXCLUSIVE: 'I can't promise I won't get physical again, I get so mad I lose it.' LISTEN as Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots, pans and vases in explosive audio confession" (Daily Mail).
He's suing her for defamation after she published an op-ed in the Washington Post in which she portrayed herself as the victim of domestic violence. His lawsuit says: "She hit, punched and kicked me. She also repeatedly and frequently threw objects into my body and head, including heavy bottles, soda cans, burning candles, television remote controls and paint thinner cans, which severely injured me."
At the link, you can hear audio of the arguing and read a long transcript. I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is. For example, when he says, "I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the fuck else at me." She answers: "That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur."
I noticed this story because #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser is trending on Twitter.
Girls are allowed to hit boys. If she starts doing damage, it's time to leave. There's no need to go all #MeToo on it.
Paint thinner cans? For a project or for recreation?
A pox on both their houses. He throws cell phones. She throws paint thinner cans, pots, pans, vases. Sounds like she took object throwing lessons from Hillary Clinton. He pulls hair. She slaps faces (ah that was not a punch, if I wanted to punch you, you'd really feel it, you little baby!).
If a guy said what she did he would be a used of gaslighting.
Their don’t bring your dog to Australia PSA is their best work. On a trip she brought along her toy dog on without any documentation...and she’s the more intelligent one.
This should not be surprising to people. Women have no more inherent control over their emotions than men and certainly no greater inherent virtue. But they have the upper hand in the societal narrative in this epoch and so we celebrate their pathologies in story and song. I find Harvey Weinstein a loathsome human, but I would vote to acquit based on the testimony of this week's popsie in his trial. Oh, she wanted the benefit of his favors, but didn't want to suck his dick one more time. Yes, clearly a victim, but of her own choices, not his.
Is she Literally admitting assault,
But saying it was OKAY, because she did clench her fist?
Does she sound more intelligent than him? She knows bigger words, but she does not use them properly.
This is none of Wilbur's business.
Just don't kill the SOB, sweetheart. I don't want to have to avoid another weeklong mandated dirge for some celebrity.
One of the greatest tweets of all-time:
"Just heard there's an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood, a few blocks from where I live. Everyone better give their housekeepers, nannies, and landscapers a ride home tonight..."
Amber Heard 3/7/2018
He should've called the police and brought her up on charges. Drug addicts bruise easily so there should've been plenty of evidence - closed fist or not.
Does she sound more intelligent than him?
No, she just sounds very dishonest and manipulative. And violent.
He should've called the police and brought her up on charges.
He'd probably get arrested if he called the cops.
Maybe they should do a stage production of Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolfe.
I'm feeling abused after reading this crap.
My problem is with women who tickle.
It's important that she's more intelligent.
I saw aquaman, so its possible but hesplayed a gangster at least twice.
She is apparently intelligent enough to turn her abuse of her husband into victimhood for herself.
It would take quite a lot for me to pity Mr. Depp.
He did choose this insane woman after all, out of the hordes available to him.
It is a question of his judgment.
The old system was a sound one - of a proper wife (sane, vetted, of good stock, suited to be the mother of ones' legitimate children) plus such mistresses and paramours as may be required to service the needs and ego of a rich man. One can be rid of these ancillaries easily, and moreover one does not become dependent on them to fill public social roles.
This may seem cold and hypocritical, but it served well enough for millenia. Not all men are fortunate in their wives, or their wives in them. Wealth gives a man access to palliatives in such cases.
Johnny! Next time, check the hot-crazy matrix! Please!
She’s “more intelligent” than him? That’s what you feel the need to highlight here?!
Holy smokes. That is the worst possible take of all time.
They met on the hunter thompson roman a clef film, the rum diaries, ofcourse shes unstable, but he isnt the most even keel she took up with elon musk.
The intelligent thing is not to throw things at people when you’re mad.
Anyone who throws heavy objects at someone else for any reason (other than an urgent need to defend themselves from imminent harm) is a violent abuser. Their justifying it after the fact confirms what their actions have shown.
I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is. For example, when he says, "I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the fuck else at me." She answers: "That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur."
Being better educated (better vocabulary denotes better education) does not equate with more intelligent.
Would you describe a male that threw objects at and physically abused a female as being more intelligent than the female?
She may or may not be intelligent. How’s her aim?
"heavy bottles, soda cans, burning candles, television remote controls and paint thinner cans" If true, she is guilty of a serious crime.
I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is
Of course. She's a woman after all, while he's merely a splooge stooge.
He'd probably get arrested if he called the cops.
"She stole my pot!"
Who uses "negate" in a heated argument? A cold-hearted sociopath.
Someone was smart enough to record it. Only one of Harvey's girls did, that I've heard.
My comment - like many - was 'backhanded'. It's hard to have sympathy for Johnny. Heard is trash. Opposites do not attract.
“No matter how hot she is, a man eventually gets tired of her bullshit.”
Bless your heart, Buwaya. You are so bright and well-read and such a pleasure to talk to, but you want so badly for the whole world to be a Spanish possession in 1850.
“Einstein hit me!”
“It’s your own fault for not being smart enough.”
Johnny evidently did not know how to employ Daddy's Hand.
Do not confuse Daddy's Hand with simply hitting a woman: Daddy's Hand is not an outlet for anger.
Women know the difference, and order is restored.
I am Laslo.
“Heard - an ambassador for women's rights and outspoken domestic violence advocate [...]”
"Heard - an ambassador for women's rights and outspoken domestic violence advocate" Wait, what?
That is the worst possible take of all time.
Do you think that "take" would've been completely different if the sexes of the speakers were reversed?
A cold-hearted sociopath.
And one with a hand which moves on its own volition ... "I don't know what the motion of my hand was", which sounds like a variant of "look what you made me do!"
Can somebody fix that dude up with a speedball? You know the massive kind that John Belushi took at the chateau marmont
Throwing things is odd. Does entertainment give people the idea that throwing things will not cause injury?
My dear Fred and Ethel Stein, I know you people love to fetishize reversing the sex in these situations. That just makes you a pussy hat wearing feminist. The motherfuking rules are different. men get away with certain things and get punished disproportionately for other things and vice a versa. However you Cucks are consumed by pathological jealousy over the chivalry that women enjoy and that you covet.
I love a story with a good ending, so, I'm going with murder-suicide.
I get the feeling their 'private time' involved Amber pegging Johnny.
When too much time went between peggings Amber got a little angry, that's all.
Daddy's Hand or Pegging: Johnny needed to choose.
I am Laslo.
Laslo - I am soooo tempted to google “Daddy’s Hand”. But no, I think not today.
"Daddy's hand"
Indeed. The 'backhand' can also be metaphorical. I don't believe there's such a thing as verbal abuse, and if women can dish it out they can certainly take it. My fiancee knows when she's pissed me off, and the things I throw can't be held in the hand. Sometimes she actually likes it when I yell at her.
Her brain - :(
Her pussy - :)
Also, I peg Johnny as 'that type' as well...LaLaLand is filled with kinksters.
"That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur." is what you consider intelligent speech?
oh goodie. Can we be a part of this?
I care.
The intelligence difference speaks to the power differences between them. Besides being violent, she is manipulative, and he's manipulable.
At the link, you can hear audio of the arguing and read a long transcript. I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is. For example, when he says, "I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the fuck else at me." She answers: "That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur."
Oh, ok. Hopefully she will be better at repairing her reputation than O.J. was.
What kind of a nasty person reacts to abuse stories with their first impulse being to praise the abuser? Especially for a victim class likely to go unbelieved and ridiculed. Wow. You and Meade must be a real hoot behind closed doors.
"Does she sound more intelligent than him?"
No, she just sounds very dishonest and manipulative. And violent.
Lol, but for a lawyer like Althouse all of the above just = "intelligent."
lol @ people who think intelligent = good. you ever hear of evil geniuses? manipulative sociopaths who score high on IQ tests?
fwiw, that made me feel some sympathy for Depp, and also more antipathy for Heard: she's a calculating creature, and her attempt to portray herself as a victim looks especially bad when you realize she's intelligent. it would be other virtues, if you want to call intelligence one, that she's lacking. say, goodness of heart and character.
I once threw a glass of wine at my husband in the heat of a squabble. Just the wine, not the glass. Unfortunately, it was a red wine--a pinot noir, I believe--and it made rather a mess in our dining room.
If you can't find sympathy in your heart for Depp, a reflection of the human condition, maybe google pathological accommodation.
That's quite a web of pathology. Mutual assured destruction, but apparently he's the one whose career has suffered....I'd like to sympathize more with him, but they're both so stupid and self indulgent that it's hard to take sides. Maybe the make up sex made it worthwhile..... I don't think there's any useful lesson to be learned from their marital difficulties. They live in a different dimension than they rest of us. It's fun to watch them suffer though.
The lighter side of domestic violence, Tom Swifty genre:
"Hit me with your midpoint, she said meanly."
Unless she's defending herself, don't care her reasoning. She is abusive. And Althouse's ... interesting ... reaction is why more men who are physically - and emotionally and mentally abused - by women do not report it.
I'm familiar with this pathology. Unless she is straight up a sociopath, she exhibits classic behavior at first blush for a Borderline Personality disordered individual. Does mental illness excuse her behavior? It may be a reason - but it should never be an excuse.
"Wealth gives a man access to palliatives in such cases."
What about palliatives for women?
For a time, she was The Perfect Woman: Hot. Loved cars and guns. Bi.
I guess all that comes with a price tag. *sigh*
Keep in mind, at the divorce hearings, Depp's friend and caretaker (he was using drugs and alcohol and insisted on going out, often getting into fights which the friend finished testified that a drugged out Depp repeatedly attacked Heard in front of him, striking her in the face. "Not in her face, man, she's a model." The police were called, pictures were taken, and the scene matched Heard's (and the caretaker's) version of the story. She got the divorce settlement she was looking for as a result of this incident and others.
Now he has *proof* that she had been violent with him. That doesn't cancel out what he had done and won't get Hollywood calling again (as before) and get his endorsement deals back.
You're a stand-up guy Darrell. I don't care how fucked all your other opinions are you're okay in my book which I'm sorry if you take that as an insult.
Amber is one of those my way or the highway gals. And she gets away with it using sexy woman Privilege.
"Bitches get stitches."
A gender-free comment
"Not in her face, man, she's a model."
No results found for "Not in her face, man, she's a model"
"Holy smokes. That is the worst possible take of all time."
I agree, but if you are knee-jerk looking for something, anything to prop her up, you might as well pull something out of your ass.
"I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is."
That's certainly damning with faint praise.
"heavy bottles, soda cans, burning candles, television remote controls and paint thinner cans"
That could get interesting one day.
"No results found for "Not in her face, man, she's a model"
You don't get results for that unless you add 'bukkake'.
I am Laslo.
I could tell Kavanaugh was way smarter than Christine Ford.
What about palliatives for women?
Cats. Lots and lots of cats. And feminism.
How’s her aim?
Since Depp is still alive, she obviously throws like a girl.
Elder abuse.
I once threw a bowl of Rice Krispies (cereal, sugar, milk) at my husband. He was fine after a shower but the sofa was ruined. However, it was a cheap sofa--whereas he was a very dear husband.
How about searching the divorce trial testimony in 2016? Asshole. I'm going from memory. I did as much research here as everyone else.
His lawyers (and probably studio people) have flooded the search engines with pro-Depp pieces since the divorce was finalized. Maybe even bribed someone at Google. This is SOP in controlling the narrative and these teams are part of any big legal cases now.
Here's all you need to know when you decide who is the bigger asshole--Depp or Heard. She offered to walk away uncontested for $5 mil at the beginning and Depp insisted on not one penny! People told him he was stupid, it could cost him $100 mil. Not getting the $5 mil she took him to court. And that's when all the stories came out. She got $6.5 mil--and they goaded her into declaring that it would all be given to charity. But he hasn't even paid that. He says he gave $100K total to two charities. The divorce was finalized Dec. 13, 2016. What does it cost to have a cadre of lawyers, investigators, and PR people working this Depp BS for 3-4 years? In the meantime he has tanked his career with a series of bombs that only took in roughly thrice what they paid him.
"Anyone who throws heavy objects at someone else for any reason (other than an urgent need to defend themselves from imminent harm) is a violent abuser. Their justifying it after the fact confirms what their actions have shown."
Exactly. Far more women than men feel justified in using violence against their partners as well. The only reason they get away with this sort of thinking is the female privilege that men aren't supposed to hit women.
Feminism is not a palliative. By all appearances it is an intensifying agony and woe for all it's most loyal adherents
"...complete non sequitur." is intelligent speak, because half-complete or one eighth complete non sequiturs would be ridiculous.
Only complete deviations from the sequence apply here, as the semi-genius Heard declaimed.
Depp has been publicly humiliated over the last few years as his life and career went into a tailspin, and it was revealed to the world that he’d blown through his $450M fortune. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t a victim of abuse.
However you Cucks are consumed by pathological jealousy over the chivalry that women enjoy and that you covet.
Sorry, Jeff Brokaw, but that take is now the second worst. Howard blew it out of the water with the above bit of intelligence.
Men remember the first two rules of life, "Never play cards with a man called Doc” and “Never eat at a place called Mom's,” but for some reason they often forget the third, “Never stick your dick in crazy.”
#HerToo #HimToo
Earnest Prole said, 'Men remember the' first two rules of life, "Never play cards with a man called Doc” and “Never eat at a place called Mom's,” but for some reason they often forget the third, “Never stick your dick in crazy.”
Eh, two out of three ain't bad.
"How’s her aim?"
He claims that a thrown wine bottle severed the tip of his finger when it smashed, and that a MRSA infection contracted during reconstructive surgery nearly killed him.
It would be difficult to sound less intelligent than Depp.
Earnest Prole:
I thought the third was “Never pick a fight with anyone called ‘Tiny’.”
Guys that are fond of looking greasy - and not fond of bathing and acceptable personal hygiene - open themselves up to abuse.
I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is. For example, when he says... She answers: "That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur."
Only when the wind is southerly. Heard spouts an epic stream of nonsense before she gets to "... that's a complete non sequitur," which does not follow from her own argument, btw. Probably a term she learned last week by watching the Don Lemon show as if there is a distinct category of partial non-sequiturs.
The best evidence of Heard's superior intellect is the fact that she was canny enough to pick a very wealthy idiot to exploit and drain of cash.
“I once threw a bowl of Rice Krispies (cereal, sugar, milk) at my husband. He was fine after a shower but the sofa was ruined. However, it was a cheap sofa--whereas he was a very dear husband.”
What heavy object did you throw that finally took him out?
This is the pussy pass in action:
I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is. For example, when he says... She answers: "That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur."
Amazing. Althouse reads the article and the big takeaway is Heard is smarter. That means . . . well, it is unclear what she means. I assume she does not mean that she is entitled to beat him up. What then?
Then again, I always did wonder if there were anyone who thought the SDS guy in FOrrest Gump should be excused for hitting Jenny because "It's just this war and that lying son of a bitch, Johnson!" I suppose we found one.
daskol said...
The intelligence difference speaks to the power differences between them. Besides being violent, she is manipulative, and he's manipulable.
(Depp is German slang for "fool", by the way.)
“ I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is.”
Few are not...
I've never thrown anything at anyone, including food items at my husband, and he does not bellow at me and if he did my "pussy" would not be " :D ". I'm happy I found someone to marry who is as uninterested in dramatics as I am.
Some of you are misreading me. I am simply inferring that he is at a disadvantage.
Flying domestic objects were pretty common when I was growing up--not my mom and dad but widowed mom and asshole older brother. There are still some dings in the old place's walls and doors--no humans were ever actually hit: it was more dramatic than effective. Coupla drama queens.
For my part, my policy has ever been, hit me and you get hit back if I'm able.
fair is fair
River Phoenix could not be reached for comment.
At a disadvantage for . . . what exactly? Not smart enough to duck sooner? More willing to be abused? His skirt was too high and he kind of asked for it? Perhaps we are not misreading you. Perhaps your point was something else and is poorly written. So clarify: at a disadvantage for what?
Some of you are misreading me. I am simply inferring that he is at a disadvantage.
I"m inferring that the sex was full-on HOT, and when she's on, it sizzles. She's way on the cray cray spectrum, but damn! I'd say that was her advantage.
- Krumhorn
I once slammed a book on a table during an argument. I've never thrown anything at anybody. Well, maybe shade.
"Ann Althouse said @ 2/2/20, 1:55 PM
Some of you are misreading me. I am simply inferring that he is at a disadvantage."
Not at all... you simply didn't express yourself clearly.
Could this be a deep fake?
The only reason they get away with this sort of thinking is the female privilege that men aren't supposed to hit women.
Men are likely to cause damage when they hit, women aren't.
Why did he end up with an American woman. Bad choice Johnny.
Deep fake? Depp Fake?
No, they're too shallow
Johnny Depp is sweet, talented and beautiful. He’s even prettier than Amber Heard.
Depp got dropped by Disney because of what Amber Heard said about him. It’s a desperate move to release this tape, and this thread shows why. She kicked his ass.
Johnny Depp is sweet, talented and beautiful. He’s even prettier than Amber Heard.
Well, he is a talented actor. Most talented actors--and actresses--are assholes.
student accommodation handler,
Thank you, but I do not wish to accommodate luxury students. I have enough trouble with the regular ones.
‘I think you can tell that she is more intelligent than he is. For example, when he says, "I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the fuck else at me." She answers: "That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur."’
Ann, I think I know where you were going with this. However, I’d like to note that, of the two of them, he is the one who knows it’s not acceptable to be violent.
I was the victim of a gold-digging sociopath whore who (along with her friends in the local police department who were receiving oral sex for the first time) stole everything I had or ever will have via accusations that EVERYONE involved knew were false. $Metoo. #Believeallwomenlieformoney.
All women are whores. Napoleon was wrong about his mother.
Men are likely to cause damage when they hit, women aren't.
Amber Heard cut off the tip of Depp's finger.
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