November 3, 2019

SNL's one comic idea about Elizabeth Warren — "jacked up and ready to pop off" — is that she finds nerdiness sexually exciting.

If you want to watch her writhe, gyrate, and mime copulation at the mention of any wonky concept, feast your eyes:


Mary Beth said...

writhe (no), gyrate (no), and mime copulation (good God, no!)

Jaq said...

OK, that dragged on and on and on until I bailed.

Curious George said...

To be fair Kate McKinnon's miming of copulation is bound to be awful. There's a reason she looks like she's finger banging herself.

Temujin said...

I can't do it.

Kevin said...

Lets just jump to her clothes.

Is she planning on wearing the black pants and top with the rotating colorful sweater as President?

It screams, “I work in the basement of an important building and e-mail policy ideas upstairs hoping someone reads them.”

Jaq said...

Does this count as an in kind contribution? She sacrifices the comedy potential to push Warren talking points.

Kevin said...

Trump: the political class in this country is terrible.

Democrat Party: Hold my beer.

AllenS said...

The question that I have, Kevin, is that the same pair of black pants, or does she have others?

Wilbur said...

I'll pass, thanks.

Jaq said...

Earnest and drawn out pleas on behalf of particular politicians isn’t even comedy. Imagine the meeting in the writers’ room where they say “We have to do a Warren commercial cause Biden is toast."

Wall Street, meanwhile, is pushing Burgermeister Buttigig since Warren basically wants to seize all of the money that runs the economy.

Beasts of England said...

I was hoping for Samurai Futaba to appear and slice her in half.

Mr. Majestyk said...

I haven't watched the skit, but based on the description and past SNL performance, it sounds like a typical SNL attempt to "mock" a Dem politician: gee, isn't he/she just SOOOOOOOOOOO smart?

Darrell said...

Are 100% tax rates out of the question? Don't worry. The government will give you everything you need.

Just putting it out there.

--Zombie Elizabeth Warren

Amadeus 48 said...

Some things go past their pull-by dates before they are even put on the shelf.

gspencer said...

I've met people who, after I've gotten to know them through conversations and seeing their behaviors/reactions in different settings, I've concluded, "No way could this person ever have had sex. No way."

Ann Althouse said...

She's McGovern. Trump is Nixon. Everyone already knows that. Everyone who lived through it the first time. Trump will be reelected in a landslide. The impeachment business will go on (unless the Democrats lose the House), but Trump won't resign. He's not like Nixon because he's so outgoing and cheerful and because he has Twitter.

AllenS said...

He's not like Nixon because he's so outgoing and cheerful and because he has Twitter, and a yard of dick, and a bag full of balls.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gunner said...

Gyrating and miming are 80% of Kate McKinnons characters.

gilbar said...

Here in Iowa, they're going on and on, about how AWESOME Mayor Pete is!
It's like the Dream ticket
Lizzie Warren, awith Vice President Pete!
Now, THAT is something that Blacks and Hispanics could (WOULD!) rally around!!

It's the Dream Ticket; for President Trump

Mr. Majestyk said...

"She's McGovern. Trump is Nixon. Everyone already knows that. Everyone who lived through it the first time. Trump will be reelected in a landslide. The impeachment business will go on (unless the Democrats lose the House), but Trump won't resign. He's not like Nixon because he's so outgoing and cheerful and because he has Twitter."

Most everyone here seems to think Trump is a shoo-in. Personally, I hope thye are right. I am far less confident. Maybe I'm just a a worry wart. But last time the Dems thought Hillary was a lock. Last time they thought Trump had no chance. This time they know better. This time they are supercharged and motivated like never before. This time they will dial up the voter fraud to 11. So I urge all those in favor of Trump not to become complacent. If you have money, donate to his campaign. If you have time, volunteer to help get out the vote. If you know potentially persuadable voters, try to persuade them.

gilbar said...

i (because it was assigned,) watched the video

Serious Question
Is that how people in new york think people in iowa look?
Is that how people in new york think DEMOCRATS in iowa look?
Have they Ever SEEN a picture of an iowa democrat rally?

DavidD said...

“She's McGovern. Trump is Nixon. Everyone already knows that. Everyone who lived through it the first time. Trump will be reelected in a landslide. The impeachment business will go on (unless the Democrats lose the House), but Trump won't resign. He's not like Nixon because he's so outgoing and cheerful and because he has Twitter.”

Well, that, plus spying on a candidate you beat in 49 states seems pointless—let alone that getting caught seems awfully stupid.

Still, if Watergate hadn’t happened, would the Democrats have invented something else to use to get rid of Nixon? Hmmmm.

Bay Area Guy said...

Not a terrible skit, just not that funny. Warren still reminds me of my grammar school principle who was perpetually frowning and scolding us, because, well, we were obnoxious little twerps causing a ruckus. But, hey, at least we weren't boring.

Sadly (for the Dems) Warren is both unfunny and boring.

traditionalguy said...

Lizzie is the playing sexy teacher character. She has some show business in her, but she can never out do P T Barnum Trump's Greatest Show on Earth. It is playing in Lexington, Kentucky Monday night. It is appropriate to be held in one of the many Americans towns named Lexington.

wild chicken said...

That was pretty good.

People who ask follow-up questions ARE annoying.

Sebastian said...

If "wonky concept" means "insane socialism," sure. But then Medicare for All and the 6% wealth tax involve "finance," which our hostess hates, so let's focus on SNL "humor," a case of "women doing humor," instead.

Sebastian said...

"He's not like Nixon because he's so outgoing and cheerful and because he has Twitter."

Also, he's not like Nixon because he did nothing wrong. Doesn't matter, I know, I know.

WisRich said...

I haven't watched this one but McKinnon was pretty funny as Hillary. Of course, they weren't afraid she was going to lose so SNL did a pretty good job mocking her. We can only hope they're as funny with the Warren.

Big Mike said...

If you want to watch her writhe, gyrate, and mime copulation at the mention of any wonky concept, feast your eyes

I’ll pass if you don’t mind. Or even if you do.

Francisco D said...

She's McGovern. Trump is Nixon. Everyone already knows that. Everyone who lived through it the first time. Trump will be reelected in a landslide. The impeachment business will go on (unless the Democrats lose the House), but Trump won't resign. He's not like Nixon because he's so outgoing and cheerful and because he has Twitter.

Well stated Althouse.

It seems that you are not excited about Trump, but think the resistance Democrats are much worse.

Phil 314 said...

OK, I watched. A little funny. I did go on too long.

daskol said...

NYT Interviewer: what would your friends or colleagues say is your biggest flaw?
Warren: Oh, they might say that my relentless drive for perfection is an incongruous combination with my kindness and consideration

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

We should feel lucky. After the al Bagdahdi raid I was half expecting we'd see a burqa clad McKinnon sitting at a piano singing "Hallelujah" in Arabic.

William said...

It's a pretty funny take on Elizabeth Warren but nowhere near as devastating as the one she did on Hillary Clinton. There was that brief moment in time when SNL made sharper fun of Hillary than of Trump. It really happened.

Roughcoat said...

AllenS: Good one, mate.

buwaya said...

Its a non-wonks idea of what a wonk is.
She is rather a pseudo-wonk.
A non-mathematical person trying to seem mathematical.

Real economic wonks create and use supercomputer models.
And for the most part are much more humble about the whole thing.

Charlie said...

I made through a couple of minutes, was that supposed to be ......funny?

rcocean said...

Terrible impression.

Lucien said...

Since Ann voted for McGovern, does this mean she'd go for Warren over Trump? First time tragedy, second time farce?

Tommy Duncan said...

Liz Warren acts like an aging High School choir director trying to be cool and young when she is neither.

RK said...

The real Elizabeth Warren will appear in a future SNL skit alongside the comic one. It'll be so cute and funny. I can't wait!

Birkel said...

The comment in which I disagree strongly with buwaya:

Wonks who create computer models are the least humble sons of bitches going. They think the intricate math answers more questions than clear thinking while laying bare and challenging assumptions. It is mathematics and a poor understanding of mathematics that gives the charlatans like Jonathan Gruber a chance to exercise the political will to power.

Math is but a tool.
And it can be used for evil purposes.

A true policy wonk is harder to find than a person who is good at math. A true wonk thinks clearly about the problems, the real world constraints, human nature, and a host of other things before math ever intrudes on the thinking.

Roughcoat said...

According to a Fox News poll, "Biden leads Trump by 12 points in matchup, keeps president below 40 percent."

Is this true?

Ice Nine said...

That maybe could have been funny.

gilbar said...

Roughcoat asked...
"Biden leads Trump by 12 points in matchup, keeps president below 40 percent."
Is this true?

That's what they say!
Of course, they don't mention how many of the respondents were registered democrats

pchuck1966 said...


Michael K said...

I just watched a Tucker Carlson speech at the National Conservative conference.

It was pretty interesting. He described an Elizabeth Warren book as one of the most important books he's read. It was "The Two Income Trap."

Obviously has nothing to do with her campaign but sounds like it makes sense. Interesting points. Late in the speech.

Jaq said...

Is this a preview of the war of weapons grade memes that Warren’s people have been developing?

Jaq said...

Rasmussen, last I checked, a few days ago, had Trump over Biden 47 - 43. Rasmussen is not one of those pollsters that converge as the election gets close as they switch from advocacy for Democrats to protecting their reputation.

Big Mike said...

Related: does anyone know what Buttigieg did as mayor that has black people so riled up that even blacks living far away from South Bend (e.g., South Carolina) despise him?

DavidD said...

“It was pretty interesting. He described an Elizabeth Warren book as one of the most important books he's read. It was ‘The Two Income Trap.’ ”

And yet the Democrats do all they can to penalize stay-at-home moms. You can get a tax credit for child care if you have two wage earners but a stay-at -home mom gets no tax credit when she pays a sitter to watch one child so she can take the other one to an appointment—or when she pays a sitter so she can go to an appointment herself; either that, or the husband has to burn a vacation day.

bagoh20 said...

"She's McGovern. Trump is Nixon."

In a way, sure, but the country is quite different today. Socialism is much more popular despite all the intervening years of continued failure worldwide, becuase our young are much poorer educated and highly indoctrinated by those who liked McGovern, and those they infected with the dumbness.

When McGovern lost, the country was mostly still under the influence of the freedom-loving and pro-American indoctrination of the greatest generation and their teachers.

I have no faith in the millions of people getting their information from the current media and education leftist cabals. Just too many lies fed to too many uncritical minds for too many years.

Yancey Ward said...

The best clip I can remember of McKinnon doing Hillary! was the one where she had no lines at all- it was the one where she was trying to get an Elector to not vote for Trump with cue cards.

bagoh20 said...

Warran does not strike me as very thoughtful or wonky at all. Her fans don't really even want or understand that stuff. There are no facts that stand up to scrutiny. That's not wonky. It's all part of another Dem piece of fakery.

We are offered a:
White pretending to be a wonky Indian.
Indian pretending to be Black
Creepy career corruptocrat pretending to be a six pack regular guy.
Black pretending to a heroic Roman slave
Rich old Jew pretending to be a woke student leader.

I'm not even sure that Buttigieg is gay. Is there proof?

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, the country is different today- far more polarized than 1972. I do think a Trump/Warren matchup would result in a "landslide" for Trump, but that landslide would be 52%-48%. I think 52% is about the maximum vote total any Republican could get in an election today- the Democrats' maximum is probably 55. Trump's candidacy has challenged the Republicans to change to increase their appeal, but he hasn't finished the process yet.

I do think the matchup is likely to be Trump vs Warren- she is, by far, running the most professional campaign at this point in time. I think Trump will win unless there is a recession between now and the election, and I predict he wins with 350 electoral votes. Warren is just Hillary! without as strong an appeal for minority voters.

Yancey Ward said...

"I'm not even sure that Buttigieg is gay. Is there proof?"

Titus, pick up the damned phone!

Darrell said...

According to a Fox News poll, "Biden leads Trump by 12 points in matchup, keeps president below 40 percent."

Is this true?

As true as Hillary having a 98% chance of taking the White House at 9PM CST on election night.

gilbar said...

"Biden leads Trump by 12 points in matchup, keeps president below 40 percent."

Serious Question; have (m)any of y'all been polled?
I never have, 'cause i wouldn't talk to a pollster.
My Bleeding Heart Liberal Parents, get polled (LITERALLY!) every few days
And, THEY answer each question.
'cause they're Old, and they're Lonely, and they think they should

So, how about the rest of You? Who was polled, and how a long ago was it?

gilbar said...

Oh, Technically; i guess my last post counts as a poll; Please do NOT count it :)

IgnatzEsq said...

Is this a good thread to once again mention that Elizabeth Warren is *terrible* at policy?

The academic work she's most known for is related to "medical bankruptcy". She wanted to study how many people who would not otherwise be in bankruptcy, were forced into bankruptcy by a medical condition, or being unable to pay for a medical condition. What she found was, putting together a study is hard. Even though creditors are listed on each bankruptcy, the presence or non-presence of medical bills on the creditor list doesn't show causation. And even if it did, oftentimes creditors sell their debt to debt collectors. So a medical bill to a health organization could appear as a generic debt collector on the filing.

So her "solution" was to ignore the problem in her study and see if the creditors had any medical bills at all. And if so, let's just label it as a "medical bankruptcy". I mean, math is hard, studies are hard, and she's just a Harvard Law Prof. She can't be expected to actually delve into an issue in anything more than a superficial way! So nearly half of all bankruptcy are medical. QED.

That's the level of thought you get with her. Don't expect more.


Michael K said...

I have no faith in the millions of people getting their information from the current media and education leftist cabals. Just too many lies fed to too many uncritical minds for too many years.

Not to mention the new vote fraud called "Ballot Harvesting"

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