From "E. Jean Carroll, in Her Own Words/The writer who has accused President Trump of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s speaks to The New York Times" (NYT).
Would we ask of any other group, what do we need them for? It's fundamentally immoral to believe that other people exist for your purposes, but there are so many things you can say about men — as long as you're assuming that they're white — that you'd never say about any other group. (By the way, it's white supremacy — isn't it? — to always be assuming that, if race is not mentioned, the group is white.)
Carroll's book is titled "What Do We Need Men For?" and I wonder what Maureen Dowd thinks of that. I have her 2005 book, "Are Men Necessary?" in my Kindle.

I know you can't copyright a title, and you can get away with using exactly the same title as another book, but it looks disrespectful for an Elle columnist to use what seems like an awkward effort at paraphrasing the title of a New York Times columnist.
I say "looks" and "seems" because I don't really know what's in her head, and I want to emphasize the impossibility of mind reading because Carroll's book is a memoir, and that means she’s telling her stories as they've lived inside her head, and she's telling of an encounter with Donald Trump, and we don't know what was in his head at the time. Did he believe he was proceeding without her consent, or did it seem as though they were engaged in a playful acting out? The NYT interviewer asks:
In the book, you write that you and Trump recognized each other at Bergdorf’s, talked playfully about what gift he might buy for a woman and ended up in the lingerie department, challenging each other to try on a lilac bodysuit. It was there that you claim he pushed you against the wall, pulled down your tights and put his penis inside you. But why would you go into the dressing room with him in the first place?Wouldn't he think that sex was in the offing, even if she's "stamping on his feet, and I think I’m banging him on the head with my purse." I heard in the NYT podcast (blogged here) that she laughed the whole time and never said a word — no "no" or "don't" or "stop." What was in his head? You won't hear it from him, because he's taken the position that it never happened at all.
"I think I’m banging him on the head...." Doesn't she know? It's a memoir: She's viewing the old movies in her head and relaying what she sees there to us.
There's some honesty to the "I think." She's showing us that she knows she can't really know. What are memories? What is a memoir? But what is the morality of all this writing? One answer is that she consistently refrains from calling it "rape." She does not accuse him of a crime. Other people step in and do that for her, of course. That's the world we live in.
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»We don't care. We'll still undress you and have sex with you in our heads.
Both women are single now but E. Jean was married for a time. Maureen was associated with both Michael Douglas and Aaron Sorkin. She blew it and now is a bitter old hag.
>>Carroll's book is a memoir, and that means she telling her stories as they've lived inside her head,<<
A great description of her Trump changing room rape story. It lived in her head - and nowhere else. Well, except in an episode of 'Law & Order'...
It may be hard to remember for some of you, but this Family Guy clip can be fairly described as "timeless," and is probably one of my best memories of the show. A very good complement to the Dowd column, a feature which women over 25 should be profoundly ashamed of taking seriously.
Anyways, I am extraordinarily grateful that the NYT is trying to keep this stupid thing alive. People can effortlessly point to Law and Order as Carroll's obvious inspiration, and the Facebook post about her being a massive fan of the Apprentice. The more she's in the public eye, and I'm convinced she's a Trump friend who's running an op for him, the more the Democrats look pants-on-head crazy.
Wait a minute; why are we talking about this? Because Trump never met her. So what is there to discuss?
Did you misplace your era-of-that’s-not-funny tag?
Both Dowd and Carroll are childless and so in fact men did not need them. They are evolutionary deadenders. What a waste of wombs.
"It's fundamentally immoral to believe that other people exist for your purposes"
But that is CENTRAL to Islam and the imposition of the jiyza (Surah 9,29) by means of which Muslims are supported.
Dowd’s title is a play on a famous book by James Thurber and E. B. White, Is Sex Necessary?: Or Why You Feel the Way You Do:
“The first book of prose published by either James Thurber or E. B. White, Is Sex Necessary? combines the humor and genius of both authors to examine those great mysteries of life -- romance, love, and marriage. A masterpiece of drollery, this 75th Anniversary Edition stands the test of time with its sidesplitting spoof of men, women, and psychologists; more than fifty funny illustrations by Thurber; and a new foreword by John Updike.”
"What do we need men for?"
How about to sail across the English Channell to storm the beaches of Normandy to liberate Europe from the Nazis?
Fortunately for female bubbleheads like Dowd and Carroll, single moms have for decades been raising girly men - who really aren’t needed. This gives the bubbleheads who write such tripe intellectual cred that is unwarranted.
Unfortunately for them, girly men can’t protect them from the emergence of Muslim men who will remind them that their thoughts on the matter mean nothing. Non-girly men have no reason to protect them.
What do wymyn need men for?
For every fucking thing that keeps them alive and comfortable as they whine/bitch/complain their way through life.
THAT's the existential core of their rage: without men, they would be out working
in the fields stooped over from dawn, to dusk, to death.
And deep down, they know it.
It must be understood that the word "rape" is a euphemism when used for a sexual act. The word means "abduction." Violent sexual assault often involves some sort of abduction, so that portion is used as a name for the whole. The problem is whether there can be a rape without an abduction, that is if two people repair to a dressing room in Bergdorf's, what can one call any ensuing act. Carroll refrains from using the term "rape," perhaps from an understanding that the incident she describes, while within the legal definition of the term, fails to match the paradigmatic sequence of events for the term "rape."
We have been too nice to these women. They are too divorced from the world they live in.
They sit in their little cushy chairs pontificating about how useless we are.
OK. Fuckem.
Ship them to Afghanistan for a year. Or any other country where we don't coddle them and their bullshit pretensions.
"Would we ask of any other group, what do we need them for?"
Maybe if they were a basket of deplorables?
Trump never met her in the usual sense of the term. Being in the same room or ten seconds of introduction is not sufficient. He never played "octopus" with that woman on an airplane that turned out to be Hillary's secretary at her foundation--a fact that wan't mentioned by the crack Press, either. And for the record, I doubt whether Judge Kavanaugh raped 1400, 2500, or 5000 women, even though they said he did. And I'm pretty sure that Blasey-Ford's story is about the guy that came forward and said her details pretty much matched an encounter with him--except for the lack of mutual consent.
Chuck said...
Wait a minute; why are we talking about this? Because Trump never met her. So what is there to discuss?
While we are at it ship Chuck and the other globalist shills like Kristol and Stephens and French to Afghanistan too.
Beat these women with big sticks and cut their hair down to their scalps! How dare they?!
Bay Area Guy said...
"What do we need men for?"
How about to sail across the English Channell to storm the beaches of Normandy to liberate Europe from the Nazis?
Thus preventing the parents of the Remainers from being a part of the EU fully 60 years earlier. The United States. Always up to no good.
Who is this “E” woman and why should I care about her, or anything she says/writes, or anything the news or blogs write about her?
Truly, IDGAS
"Carroll's book is titled "What Do We Need Men For?" and I wonder what Maureen Dowd thinks of that. I have her 2005 book, "Are Men Necessary?" in my Kindle."
Yes, and your job is to read the NYT so the rest of us don't have to. Let us know how it comes out.
Inga...Allie Oop said...Beat these women with big sticks and cut their hair down to their scalps! How dare they?!
No, it's better to beat their bleats to a pulp without touching a hair on their heads.
"What do we need men for?"
And when the light bulb burns out?
It's such a funny juxtaposition.
She's dressed in Racey Sportscar Red. Did you know that red sports cars get more tickets than other colored sports cars? Yes you did, and so does she. She's dressed to catch the attention of a man ready for a fast ride.
She's wearing high heels, very uncomfortable, but they force the pelvis to tilt so that your backside and your chest stick out more in comparison to flats. This elongates the female body and accentuates one of the most desirable traits found by men: long legs. Because "from an evolutionary standpoint, a woman’s leg length is tied to the state of her health and fertility."
Her face is rouged up, blushed, to mimic the orgasm effect where women get flushed. It is an evolutionary way the body tries to attract the opposite sex. This is why women wear blush. And her lips are painted vaginal red. Likely botoxed to appear plump and inviting.
But she doesn't need a man. LOL.
Just to repeat. There's ZERO evidence Trump raped her. There's ZERO Evidence Trump knew her. There's Zero evidence this is fact in any way.
BUT, the MSM will repeat this over and over and over, until like Anita Hill's lies, its accepted as Fact.
The this is the liberal MSM - when Left-wing legend becomes fact; print the legend.
It's more of an embrace.
Inga: Beat these women with big sticks and cut their hair down to their scalps! How dare they?!
Please stop flirting with us.
No one likes you and we find your self-abuse fetish to be sick.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Beat these women with big sticks and cut their hair down to their scalps! How dare they?!
ahhh..terminally dense Inga conjures up physical beatings as the only response American men "really" want to engage in when confronted with this nonsense.
Except in the real world, it's Muslim men who have such attitudes.
I doubt there's ever been any man in your life, Inga, at least not any that wouldn't need a magnifying glass and tweezers to find his own balls.
According to the internet, EJ Carroll got her story from the 2012 SUV TV show. The show had an episode was about a rape in the Bergdof Department store dressing room.
It's very difficult to harmonize the Categorical Imperative or The Golden Rule with an active sex life....Her story seems too fabulous and the press seem too credulous. Jussie Smollett should have said that the incident happened the night after Trump won election and that he only now had found the courage the come forward and tell his story. Also, he was too traumatized by the assault to remember the location or the time.
Chuck: "Wait a minute; why are we talking about this? I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
You need men so there are thoughts that don't immediately short-circuit into a feeling but run deeper.
Short circuit example "What do we need men for?"
Well, you probably wouldn't need to storm the beaches at Normandy if there were no men- there would be no Nazis either.
However, a world without men would be subsistence farming or, maybe, just gathering and living in caves- you would literally be depending on women to evolve into men to take up that role.
Komodo dragon girls don't need men.
It's always been a silly question. I remember in college, my female room mate came home from class giddy with her knew knowledge that "soon we won't need men to make babies!"
I found it amusing, especially her confusion on where they planned to get sperm from.
But the question isn't "do women need men". The question is "does society need women?"
Female infanticide is a thing in most countries now, societies are keeping the male and aborting the female.
I think that's a problem, and a much more serious one than whatever The Most Spoiled Creature On The Planet is whining about this week. American women... SMH.
The indigenous Americans had their own answers. Women were for slavery serving men and raising braves. Men were for raiding parties that went out to capture other tribes' men , women and children and always did the following: they raped and enslaved the women, they adopted any kids over 6 or so, but killed the toddlers, and they ritually tortured the men in was so horrible that they were forever after thought of as savages to be killed by the Europeans.
A large part of the USA had to endure a 50 year clash of Empires between the Commanche Empire and the Baptists of Texas who were the only ones feisty enough to fight them.
"What do we need men for?"
Goalkeepers Union, LOL. Wish there was an app to notify all the plumbers in her area :)
"they adopted any kids over 6 or so, but killed the toddlers"
That's odd to me. Why not the reverse? I must be having a non-coffee moment.
In order for me to believe that E. Jean Carroll’s episode with Donald Trump ever really happened I have to believe that Bergdorf Goodman is some cheap schlock joint that allows men to enter the changing room in the lingerie department.
As to why women need men, every husband knows the answer — to open jelly jars, to scratch her back at night, to carry heavy packages, to mow the lawn in the summer, and to shovel the driveway in the winter. All we ask in return is now and again she undress, lay back, and think of England. A faked (or real) orgasm is nice, too.
“Dowd’s title is a play on a famous book by James Thurber and E. B. White, Is Sex Necessary?: Or Why You Feel the Way You Do:”
This up is true. She says so explicitly in the book.
It’s more playful than eliminationist for Dowd.
I think Carroll intends to be playful too, but she’s useful in a way that’s beyond humor.
I wonder, should I read her book? I am interested in what’s really in the text as opposed to the advance PR.
I remember having dinner with my Big Sis. In the parking lot we found that a jealous ex had slashed her car tire. She had no idea how to change a flat, so instead of just doing it myself, I took the time to walk her through it.
She placed the lug nut wrench on the air valve and couldn't figure out why it didn't fit. She felt like an idiot once I explained why that won't work. To soften the blow, I said "Don't feel bad, I did that my first time too". But it was a lie, to keep her self-esteem up.
The same woman who said men are all women care about.
"Inga...Allie Oop said...Beat these women with big sticks "
The same woman who made Charlie Rose blush by asking him about wielding his big stick.
How's her book selling?
She's only interesting because Trump might have fucked her
Another femimarxist icon
Where would your department store rape story be without men??
Let me guess, this woman is not married, has no children, and usually consumes a couple of Chardonnay with her Egg's Benedict.
“In order for me to believe that E. Jean Carroll’s episode with Donald Trump ever really happened I have to believe that Bergdorf Goodman is some cheap schlock joint that allows men to enter the changing room in the lingerie department.”
That shows where you are!
In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it. Or such was the case that I remember, back in the 80s in NY.
On the episode, Season 13, episode 11, a judge talks about his "rape fantasy" of going to the lingerie and raping a young woman (who's been hired to do that sort of thing). 42 minute mark.
I've never seen "Law and Order SVU" before. Going by the episode its a triumph of bad acting and bad writing. Here's the killer lines:
Meghan Weller: Holly, I thought you were my friend. You had someone rape me!
Holly Schneider: It's about time something bad happened in your life.
... to open jelly jars, to scratch her back at night, to carry heavy packages, to mow the lawn in the summer, and to shovel the driveway in the winter
You pussy.
BRB, she's out of Diet Coke, and life here will be unbearable if I don't swing by 7-11 STAT!
"In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it. Or such was the case that I remember, back in the 80s in NY."
Of course they allow men in - they're assumed to have $$ and there's always enough staff around to keep an eye on things. Which is why EJ Carroll's "The Store was empty" made no sense.
"What Do We Need Men For?
Stop looking at my dangling preposition.
A woman I knew claimed she had sex in a Lincoln department store, I believed her.
they adopted any kids over 6 or so, but killed the toddlers
"That's odd to me. Why not the reverse? I must be having a non-coffee moment."
Oh duh. Because the toddlers were a resource drain, and the 6 year-olds could be put to work.
My bad. Stray blonde there ;)
I'm not getting the book cover. A super-hot woman reading a book in provocative manner and the all the men eyeing her. Is the point that, she's ignoring all these guys to read her book? Or is the whole point, to sell books by having a rapey looking babe on the cover?
I think Carroll intends to be playful too, but she’s useful in a way that’s beyond humor.
I think she means to be playful but her history is depressing. Sexually abused as a kid more then once. She understands why an abused kid penetrated her with rocks when she was very young. Assaulted as an adult more then once. It's good she finds humour in stuff.
I found it depressing. Particularly the description of child sexual abuse.
I knew a woman who claimed to have sex with space aliens. I sorta believed her. After a quart of whisky.
In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it.
For the same reason that Fifty Shades is creepy if the male isn't "6 foot & 6 figures"
How tall is our God Emperor, btw? Google says 6'3.
She understands why an abused kid penetrated her with rocks when she was very young.
To clarify: in the excerpt of her book she clarifies that she understands why this kid penetrated her when she was quite young with sticks and stones. She says he wasn't horrible because he was himself abused.
The excerpt is horrifying. She has a breezy way of writing, but she's writing about a young child getting penetrated, assaulted by a coach, an adult women getting kidnaped in a car and thrown to the ground, a woman running away from her boss and locking herself in a hotel room. I hope it's not true because it's horrific.
She says he wasn't horrible because he was himself abused.
That keeps cropping up with her, this pattern of excusing horrific behavior because Reasons.
I wonder what it means.
In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it. Or such was the case that I remember, back in the 80s in NY.
Are you unaware of Target's unisex bathroom policy?
Are you unaware of Target's unisex bathroom policy?
Target is for the little people
Fen said...
That keeps cropping up with her, this pattern of excusing horrific behavior because Reasons.
I wonder what it means.
Because wwww voted for an actual rapist just like most of these leftists that bitch about Trump and cling to these fake rape stories.
It has to be OK to support a rapist and his wife who abused and assaulted his victims sometimes.
You know.
Because democrat.
That keeps cropping up with her, this pattern of excusing horrific behavior because Reasons.
I wonder what it means.
I think it's how that specific personality dealt with a history of abuse from childhood. She wasn't protected as a child. I think she normalized that behaviour. It's LOL men are horrible but she doesn't know how to expect anything better, she has no expectations, let's laugh it off. So it turns into "Why does anyone need men?"
& this is what is curious about her. She wasn't protected when young. She wasn't able to protect herself and keep herself out of future dangerous situations when she grew up. I wonder how common this is for people who were abused at young ages. It's as if that person cannot recognize the danger or abusive people and protect themselves from danger.
They sit in their little cushy chairs pontificating about how useless we are. OK. Fuckem.
Meh. Let them have the little fantasy. They hurt because a man scorned them or they couldn't control them or whatever but like the child what runs away from home they tend to show up sometime before dinner.
In the meantime men can hang out with the women from that special place in Hell Madeline talked about.
We complement each other.
Did your kids vote for Clinton?
I see somebody is still dining out on her antique Trump story. Oh, at last! At last! So much attention. Such excitement!
"I think it's how that specific personality dealt with a history of abuse from childhood. She wasn't protected as a child. I think she normalized that behaviour."
That makes sense: "I wasn't the victim of something horrible, it was something normal, therefore I have not been damaged and do not need to have a breakdown." And as you said, to maintain that self-delusion, she had to filter in abusive people with normal people.
It reminds me of something I learned coaching soccer (something I think most parents learn): the kid will catch a soccer ball to the face and, stunned, look at you. If you express horror, the kid will start bawling and need to be taken off the field. If instead, you laugh at him, the kid will laugh it off to and get back in the game.
It just goes to show that women can claim any damn thing they want, made up or not and there are no repercussions. None. Unless you think a best-selling book, talk show events and loaded up gofundme accounts are repercussions.
I think she was married twice..leaving at least one to get her freedom on.
If alive, might be interesting to hear from those men.
Good Lord, some people will believe any old pile of bs. It should be embarrassing to be that gullible.
Never ceases to amaze me how so many folks (on both the left&right) honestly&sincerely beleive that every bad thing said about their guys are fake stories yet every accusation against the other side actually happened.
To paraphrase Rick James: Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.
Can we finally get that damned fish off that stupid bicycle?
If you plan on getting rid of men, you are going to need men for all of the work involved in that process, just like a lot else in life. We're simply indispensable, and you know that, so just stop with the bullshit. It makes you sound stupid, and highly sexist.
Thurber's Is Sex Necessary is a great book.
See also, maybe somewhere online someday, the cartoon series The War Between Men and Women.
The women are dead serious; the men are willing to fight it but are still bemused.
You'd never eat anything out of a jar again.
The Pence Rule works. Act accordingly.
Never ceases to amaze me how so many folks (on both the left&right) honestly&sincerely beleive that every bad thing said about their guys are fake stories yet every accusation against the other side actually happened.
Oh to be you, above the petty fray, sagaciously virtue signaling that both sides do it...
Breaking news on MSNBC:
The FBI has been touched off to a possible secret hidden rape-room behind the women's dressing room at Bergdorff Goodman. The room has been sealed to collect evidence but early reports suggest that there is male DNA, and, there is also speculation the DNA belongs to Donald Trump and Brett Kavenaugh. Multiple women have come forward, and tonight on Maddow, they will give us a glimpse inside the 1990's secret rape rooms hidden behind a secret door, at the high end department store. Stay tuned.
Also, Russians.
She wasn't able to protect herself and keep herself out of future dangerous situations when she grew up.
Should she be writing an advice column?
In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it. Or such was the case that I remember, back in the 80s in NY.
@Althouse, you have to be putting me on! Bergdorf Goodman can afford to settle an eight digit suit from a wealthy woman assaulted in their unsecured dressing rooms? I find it easier to believe that the security was there, but very unobtrusive.
Oh, come on. You telling me that a writer can't figure out what their character is thinking? I thought that revelation of the characters inner life was a big part of being a serious fiction writer.
There are a group of sad f leftwing proggy females who need a brain like a fish needs a bicycle.
Their sons grew up to be antifa.
Never ceases to amaze me just how vicious the Jews and the Nazi were too each other. Nazis need to stop executing the Jew, and Jews need to stop making such a damn fuss about it! Be more like Fen - wise and elevated above both sides doing it. Look upon me and rejoice, for I have come to save you from your petty bickering. I shall now turn away as you warm up the ovens...
"go to towns named after women and ask women..." What.
It's such a funny juxtaposition.
She's dressed in Racey Sportscar Red. Did you know that red sports cars get more tickets than other colored sports cars? Yes you did, and so does she. She's dressed to catch the attention of a man ready for a fast ride.
She's wearing high heels, very uncomfortable, but they force the pelvis to tilt so that your backside and your chest stick out more in comparison to flats. This elongates the female body and accentuates one of the most desirable traits found by men: long legs. Because "from an evolutionary standpoint, a woman’s leg length is tied to the state of her health and fertility."
Her face is rouged up, blushed, to mimic the orgasm effect where women get flushed. It is an evolutionary way the body tries to attract the opposite sex. This is why women wear blush. And her lips are painted vaginal red. Likely botoxed to appear plump and inviting.
I just now noticed her body positioning - legs spread out awkwardly wide for a subway, ass pushed out and up, and she has leverage on the overhead bar. She's ready to be fucked right then and there. The artist made a conscious decision to draw her in that position.
Carroll's new version of the story, as explained by Ann, is enough to make the story go away. By the idiom of the time, the story describes consensual relations, and that is how Carroll seems to have understood it. Very similar, really, to Trump's claim that "you just grab 'em..."
Nasty, but we knew that already.
If the collective left want a manufactured story to be true, they make it so.
"go to towns named after women and ask women..." What.
Here, I'll do New England: Sharon, MA, Beverly, MA, Meredith, NH, Charlotte, VT, Chelsea, VT
The reason we have men is to have babies and to have abortions. Men are good for the Right and the Left.
This is stupid. Men fix your car, fix the plumbing, mow the lawn, kill vermin the cats bring in...sheesh these gals don't know anything.
AA's discussion concerning Carroll and Dowd, "...why do men need women..." is just another progressive set of comments which are worthless and tells us more about the state of today's Left and Progressives.
".....The Left is not just in disarray- - it is in complete collapse because the working class has awakened to the Left's betrayal and abandonment of the working class in favor of building personal wealth and power. The source of the angry angst rippling through the Democratic Party's progressive camp is not President Trump--it's the complete collapse of the Left globally....." ---Charles Hugh-Smith.
In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it. Or such was the case that I remember, back in the 80s in NY.
Now, we know why Althouse is a feminist who believes these wild stories.
Yale is slowly learning that not all rape stories should be believed..
Yale University and a former basketball captain have settled a lawsuit stemming from his expulsion over sexual misconduct allegations that he denied.
A federal judge in Hartford on Tuesday dismissed Jack Montague's lawsuit. Details of the agreement were not disclosed. Yale spokesman Thomas Conroy declined to comment.
Lawyers in the case issued a statement saying only that "the parties have resolved the case to their mutual satisfaction.''
Montague sought monetary damages over his February 2016 expulsion. He also sought readmission to Yale but went on to attend Belmont University in Tennessee.
Montague was expelled after a woman testified before Yale's Unified Committee on Sexual Misconduct that much of a 2014 sexual encounter with the player was not consensual. No criminal charges were ever brought.
Montague's lawsuit alleges that the accusations against him were brought by a Title IX officer who coerced the woman to cooperate with the complaint by informing her that Montague had received sensitivity training in another case. His lawyers contend that is a violation of the school's confidentiality rules.
It would be interesting to learn what this cost them. Not enough.
Rule of life #1. do not fuck Yale women. They are all crazy.,
The destructive power that Yale's and now Harvard's new sexual misconduct policies wield is immense and grossly underestimated. By giving to unsubstantiated accusations the confoundingly difficult-to-define title of "informal complaint" — and denying accused students an opportunity to clear their names — these policies place the entire weight of the university's reputation on the side of the accuser and against the accused. After all, if you didn't do anything wrong, then why has your school recognized a complaint against you, informal or otherwise?
> Here, I'll do New England
For those more interested in hiking, there are several mountains named after Mollie's Nipple. Supposedly the surveyor had a thing for Mollie, but I can't read his mind.
"go to towns named after women and ask women..."
I'll drive down US 59 to Corpus Christi and stop in Louise, Inez, Edna and Victoria.
"Other people step in and do that for her, of course. That's the world we live in. "
And how. I was listening to the Hollywood Crime podcast, and the author, who just published a book about the Manson Family, was giggling over Carroll and how she was "raped" by Trump.
(HC is a deeply creepy podcast as well. The "hosts" are two girls who have lived in L.A. for years, and they're terrible, terrible people. While I have a fascination with the Tate-LaBianca murders, I don't giggle over them, or the deeply sad, dysfunctional people involved in the culture that created them.)
Regarding Carroll, I'm tending more and more to believe her, but you know what?
I. Don't. Care.
I've come to understand that good people can and will do bad things sometimes. We've been lectured for decades that we should do what we want, and that whatever the Kennedy family did, and whatever Bill Clinton did does not matter. We've spend the last four decades dismantling judgment for anyone's actions.
You don't get to restore them, retroactively, to politically kneecap your enemies.
So when I argue that Bill Clinton helped destroy the middle-class, laid the groundwork for 9/11 through fatuous neglect, and created the economic crisis of 2007/2008, and made homosexuality in the armed forces a criminal offence, I won't bring up Monica or Juanita Broddick. I'll stick to the facts.
Rule of life #1. do not fuck Yale women. They are all crazy.
Good rule, but too narrow!
Don't fuck liberal women -- even the good looking ones. They are crazy, and it will come back to haunt you. Go for apolitical or conservative or libertarian. There are lots.
The artist did not make that decision (the depiction of a clear stand-in for Dowd), Dowd did. That woman was always schizo.
“Let me get in the car ...”
Already answered her question right there.
Women. Can't live with 'em. Pass the beer nuts. - Norm Peterson
Re Yale women - consider how many of them are going to end up ruling over you.
If they are too crazy and thus too dangerous to have affairs with ...
I sure hope she stopped along the way to same the joys of Fuck Creek and the Tickle Cunt Branch in Va. on her way to Sugar Tit, KY.
A little trick for everyone.
--Go to google.
--Type in "Men can"
check out the list. Here's the list I get:
men can get pregnant
men cancer
men can have babies
men canvas shoes
men candles
men can have periods
men can have babies now
men can cook
men can think about nothing
men can't multitask
Is that the Tom oneil book that blames Manson on nk ultra and the company?
'In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it.'
I have to agree. I've had sex (a quickie, of course) in a Saks dressing room, but the low end places keep a tighter watch. The three-way mirror is a nice touch. Just sayin'... 😎
Theres something about Jean seberg but that camt be it.
Th secret hidden rules behind the eureka moment for women not needing men is when the independent income level of women no longer needs a man. From that moment on , romance becomes the plan. Smart men understand the rules.
I tried on some clothes at Macy's at the Cherry Creek mall in Denver in the 1990's. Invited my gay male friend in. I was already dressed when he came in. I wanted his approval. Guess what, he felt awkward being in there. I don't think most men feel comfortable in or near women's dressing rooms - but what do I know?
Anyway, we were always laughing and goofing off, and somehow he managed to break the glass on top of the little chrome table that was in there. We left but then my conscience got the better of me and we returned to let someone know and apologize.
I want to know why E Jean's rape story didn't seep out as needed prior to the 2016 election?
Roads, buildings, plumbing.
I now understand the exhortation to never let women gain power. 100 years after women got the vote, they are going to bring down Western Civilization. Go look at the leadership of Sweden. The rape capital of Europe. Women getting power is a symptom of late-stage civilization. Feminists today think they are walking on uncharted territory when they're actually walking on really faded maps because when the civilization falls, it becomes too dangerous for women to be on their own and all gains are lost and we are just left with ancient tracts saying "don't let the women gain power"
I wonder if Dowd has ever changed a car's oil.
I want to know why E Jean's rape story didn't seep out as needed prior to the 2016 election?
In a previous post:
"Shocking as it sounds, I thought it would help him. And shocking as it sounds, I was correct... "
Schticking as it sounds, she only imagines she was correct.
A memory is something you embed after downloading an episode of Special Victims Unit.
@Dr. Michael K., according to this analysis of Montague's case, the situation is beyond belief. Here's the money quote:
"It’s undisputed that all but one of Montague’s sexual encounters with his accuser were mutually consensual. She accused him of sexually assaulting her on a night where she returned to his bed after the alleged assault, yet was reluctant to formally accuse him."
Think on that for a moment. She had consensual sex with him on numerous occasions before the episode she alleges was nonconsensual, and then voluntarily came to his bed later that night. I can see why Yale might want to settle rather than let the case go to a jury! Especially after Oberlin's jury told the crazy people who run academia how real people feel about their shenanigans.
But it gets worse. The administrator who prevailed upon Montague's girlfriend first, that she had been raped, and, secondly, to file a formal complaint, turned out to be the same administrator who chaired the hearing that expelled Montague. Pretty even-handed, there, Yale.
"Shocking as it sounds, I thought it would help him. And shocking as it sounds, I was correct... ",
Please tell me that not even the crazy women who hang around this blog believe this crap.
"Shocking as it sounds, I thought it would help him. And shocking as it sounds, I was correct... " That's E Jean, I take it?
How can anyone take this person seriously? Yikes. "I was correct" = Hi, my name is E Jean and I'm a delusional megalomaniac.
You need a thick skin and skull when you're at the Apex of the food chain. Articles like this just confirm the exhaulted status of men as far as even the most progressively feminist of New York City
Allegations of rape always help people get elected. That's why the left find so many as needed, with perfect timing.
You assume the story is true. I think her age and the SVU together suggest this is either a false memory or a false claim. You find this weird anomaly in her claimed recollection. Does that not support my theory?
There's a narrow part of the subterranean passageway to the Manson Cave (aka Stoner's Den) on the old Spahn ranch called Connie's Crack.
In highschool, we took our tomboy girlfriends there at night.
I now understand the exhortation to never let women gain power. 100 years after women got the vote, they are going to bring down Western Civilization. Go look at the leadership of Sweden. The rape capital of Europe. Women getting power is a symptom of late-stage civilization. Feminists today think they are walking on uncharted territory when they're actually walking on really faded maps because when the civilization falls, it becomes too dangerous for women to be on their own and all gains are lost and we are just left with ancient tracts saying "don't let the women gain power"
LOL yes, that's my theory of the Lost Matriarchy. Some ancient tribe experimented with it, and it went so bad that it was banished from the oral histories. All we are left we is an evolutionary memory that, at the mere mention of Matriarchy, twinges with "oh hell no not that shit again".
The German patriarchy spents generations trying to conquer Europe, from the time the tribes of Gaul stormed the Roman gates. Merkel has managed to destroy Europe in one.
So the crazy women don't believe the crap, just crazy men like Howard.
Allegations of rape always help people get elected.
(insert obligatory rape is horrible paragraph here), but when did it rise to the level of the Holocaust? Some jerk shoves his dick in you and your life is ruined? Please.
"traditionalguy said...
The indigenous Americans had their own answers. Women were for slavery serving men and raising braves. Men were for raiding parties that went out to capture other tribes' men, women and children and always did the following: they raped and enslaved the women, they adopted any kids over 6 or so, but killed the toddlers, and they ritually tortured the men in was so horrible that they were forever after thought of as savages to be killed by the Europeans."
This isn't right. You can read Hubbard's Indian Wars (1676), Mary Rowlandson's Captivity Story (same) or The Unredeemed Captive 1994. But - short version - the Indians were interested in adopting captives of all ages and sexes, including toddlers, into their own tribe to make up for losses or else in getting a ransom for their prisoners. Consequently very few women were raped, most men were not tortured and most very young children were adopted and loved. But when a town was attacked the Indian usually infiltrated by night and suddenly appeared everywhere screaming war cries at dawn; houses were burned with everyone in them; same with barns with cattle and horses; some men were seized and tortured in ways too horrible to repeat and hung up for rescuing militias to find; and - because they were holding up the march back to the Indian village - some pregnant women and very young babies died of stress and hunger while others were tomahawked. An Indian attack was meant to frighten as well as kill and there were always people who never forgot or forgave what they saw happen. That's one reason why the Indian tribes were never able to unite - each had been attacked by others around them in the same way the settlers were attacked and the tribal members usually could not forget or overlook or unite with a tribe whose members they had seen torturing their own relatives.
Bob Loblaw said...
I wonder if Dowd has ever changed a car's oil.
I suspect that handling the dipstick would conjure up unpleasant memories for her.
Dowd imagines that all men are fixated on her...
Carroll dreams that most men and women have rape fantasies...
Dowd is stuck in liberalville and Carrol progressed through a plate glass ceiling.
Take the feminists and masculinists, please.
Can women really do random sex or does it make them feel after awhile, as they get older, that men are "hideous?" And "hideous" - what a funny word to use. Isn't it what a man thinks of an older woman trying to be twenty.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
Rule of life #1. do not fuck Yale women. They are all crazy.
Good rule, but too narrow!
The craziness that we see at Yale and Harvard and Columbia (remember mattress girl,?) will do a lot to reverse Murray's worries about assortive mating in his book, "Coming Apart.
Young men are going to keep seeing how crazy these women are and go back to"the girl next door" which worked well for 200 years. If you must marry or sleep with girls who are classmates, stick to STEM or Medical School.
Not Law School, because they have big student loan debts and can be pretty crazy feminists, as we see here.
- If you don't mind me saying, Katie, you've always had such a terrible taste in men.
- I know. I've gone man vegan. They say after the first six years you don't miss them any more.
The Decoy Bride (2011)
Heck... what do we need women for?
Men excel in science and have the brawn for construction. Men are always the first explorers to boot. Men are warriors to. So just clone the best men and we can have robot sex dolls.
How does that grab ya Ms. Carroll.
There almost universal common wisdom today is that there is a goal we should strive for where men and women understand each other and reach some kind of prefect symbiosis. When I was practicing law, I acted in an extremely long and bitter custody case involving Orthodox Jewish clients. My client, the man, was a very bright, Talmudic type. During the breaks, we had lots of time to talk about the general anti-male and anti-religious bias of modern family courts. I remember him telling me that according to some scholarly rabbis, the original version of Genesis should be more accurately translated as "And God created Woman to oppose man."
rhhardin said...
- If you don't mind me saying, Katie, you've always had such a terrible taste in men.
- I know. I've gone man vegan. They say after the first six years you don't miss them any more.
The Decoy Bride (2011)
6/30/19, 3:36 PM
Speaking of romcoms, Blue Velvet is currently on cable. One of the best.
People who are fundamentally immoral have no compulsion against lying.
Setting aside the accusation literally being a script from a TV show; the structure of the claim is the same as against Kavanaugh. A woman comes forward 30 years after the incident, after having plenty of previous opportunities, to now make a claim of assault that they dare not call rape. The difference is this time, they made sure to have witnesses that would at least agree with the accuser. Unfortunately, they are not eye witnesses and have participated in other immoral activities with the accuser.
this carroll harridan was one who threw herself at roger ailes, by her own account, kind of demi moore and Michael douglas, in disclosure,
Wildswan....You must mean the more politically adept tribes along the Atlantic coast that were not able to run away after raids. They were on foot and could be easily tracked down and coup revenge taken.
But the tribes in the Plains had become superior mounted calvary learning the use of the spanish mustangs they had stolen them from the Spanish outposts where they learned to handle them as workers. By the mid 1700s the Spanish just gave up fighting them. Other than a strange Spanish General named Santa Anna, the Spanish all but abandoned Texas to the Scots Irish hard shell Baptist settlers that they had invited in as a buffer between them and the savage Indians. These mounted Indians prized stolen horses and human captives taken in raids. Their horses were used the primarily for the get away putting a hundred miles behind them in three days after the raid. No use following them and getting killed.
Horrible tortures of the captured enemy men were accepted and demanded behaviors. That's how it was done.
Men are good for sex and for lifting heavy stuff! [At least, up to a certain age] In addition, men design and build roads and I love roads! I love to watch guys doing guy things and am grateful we still have them around and, while I have always admired men, I never wanted to be one.
NYTs Fluffer: You wrote in the New York Magazine excerpt that you never had sex again.
Carroll: I dated people, I met people, I went out, I had what I called “flings.” But we never had intercourse. I just was not lucky enough to meet someone. The desire for desire was over. It was just pretty much dead. And I didn’t meet that person who could reawaken it.
Once you've had Trump, nothing else measures up? LOL.
Something the GOP Establishment will learn in 2024.
This all reminds me of something that crept into one of Peggy Noonan's better opinion articles, Welcome Back Duke! are back. A certain style of manliness is once again being honored and celebrated in our country since Sept. 11. You might say it suddenly emerged from the rubble of the past quarter century, and emerged when a certain kind of man came forth to get our great country out of the fix it was in.
I am speaking of masculine men, men who push things and pull things and haul things and build things, men who charge up the stairs in a hundred pounds of gear and tell everyone else where to go to be safe. Men who are welders, who do construction, men who are cops and firemen. They are all of them, one way or another, the men who put the fire out, the men who are digging the rubble out, and the men who will build whatever takes its place.
And their style is back in style. We are experiencing a new respect for their old-fashioned masculinity, a new respect for physical courage, for strength and for the willingness to use both for the good of others.
So far, so good. But then:
Let me tell you when I first realized what I’m saying. ...I went with friends down to the staging area on the West Side Highway where all the trucks filled with guys coming off a 12-hour shift at ground zero would pass by. They were tough, rough men, the grunts of the city—construction workers and electrical workers and cops and emergency medical worker and firemen.
I joined a group that was just standing there as the truck convoys went by. And all we did was cheer. We all wanted to do some kind of volunteer work but there was nothing left to do
Maybe pick up a broom and dust pan? we stood and cheered those who were doing. The trucks would go by and we’d cheer and wave and shout “God bless you!” and “We love you!” We waved flags and signs, clapped and threw kisses, and we meant it: We loved these men. And as the workers would go by—they would wave to us from their trucks and buses, and smile and nod—I realized that a lot of them were men who hadn’t been applauded since the day they danced to their song with their bride at the wedding.
And suddenly I looked around me at all of us who were cheering. And saw who we were. Investment bankers! Orthodontists! Magazine editors! In my group, a lawyer, a columnist and a writer. We had been the kings and queens of the city, respected professional in a city that respects its professional class. And this night we were nobody. We were so useless, all we could do was applaud the somebodies, the workers who, unlike us, had not been applauded much in their lives.
I love you Peggy, even after you went all wobbly, but damn...
American Women. The most spoiled creatures on the planet.
Shorter, via Larry Niven: The feminist movement died a millisecond after impact - Lucifer's Hammer
I wrote a book several years ago, it is titled "(For Many Women) Dogs Make the Best Husbands". It's short, I never got much further than writing the title. I decided that was pretty much all I wanted to say.
My wife of nearly 39 years has a ready list of why she wants/needs a man. Not only this man, but all the others that have and are in her life. I have a similar list about women, particularly her, but would add that my life so far has been enriched by all the women and men that have traveled in and out of it.
I do pity these people that write these articles to the extent that they are being truthful about themselves and their lives.
Can women really do random sex
Not really, and trust me, I was a Champion of that cause for many many years :)
What I learned is that it destroys something in them, that they hate themselves for it, and that they will hate you a little bit too for participating in their devolution.
Also dovetails with all the chatter about vibrators and sex toys. After the initial exploration into ground-shaking orgasms, every women I've "known" has preferred to go back to the intimacy of traditional intercourse, even if it's "meh".
Intimacy plays a much larger role for women than we would think. Even women conditioned to believe otherwise learn that through trial and error of experience.
Are men necessary?
Who builds the roads?
The houses? The cars?
The sewers? The mines?
The airplanes? The refineries?
The farms? The power plants? No need to go on.
If there is dirty dangerous work, with heavy lifting it's usually men.
That doesn't mean women don't carry their share to make the world go round. But the road to women empowerment is literally paved by men. Who were of course birthed and raised by women.
I hope women and men can develop gratitude for each other, rather than resentment end jealousy.
Aesop wrote about her as a fox.
I love to watch guys doing guy things and am grateful we still have them around and, while I have always admired men, I never wanted to be one.
And men of women. The feeling is mutual.
the book review interviewed greg iles, the southern progressive noir novelist, where did they park this silly column,
I haven't from her, since she cameo'd on doctor who some years back,
What do we need men for?
Filed alongside:
"Why do we need a police department anyway? There is so little crime..."
that's fox butterfield territory, or dangerously close to it, it fall into Taranto's 'questions no one was asking'
I think this was it:
A woman comes forward 30 years after the incident, after having plenty of previous opportunities, to now make a claim of assault that they dare not call rape.
There is a story that Blasey Ford was molested, not by Kavanaugh , but by the son of a big time local, a pol or a corporate bigwig. She and her mother went to the cops and got nowhere. They did not have the chops to take down a real big power guy.
She used that experience to fabulate the Kavaaugh story,
the other one is mentioned here, it's Donald freed level of crazy, who wrote a political Harold robbins type roman a clef, the spymaster, in the 70s,
"I love to watch guys doing guy things and am grateful we still have them around and, while I have always admired men, I never wanted to be one."
And men of women. The feeling is mutual.
I'm sorry. That was an empty sentiment. I should not presume to speak for others. That is the way I feel. I'm reassured when I meet people who are like-minded.
There is a story that Blasey Ford was molested, not by Kavanaugh , but by the son of a big time local, a pol or a corporate bigwig. She and her mother went to the cops and got nowhere.
That would be interesting. I think it would have made given her more sympathy. It might have also garnered her a claim of serial false accuser. Still, I wonder why that story did come out during all the background review and testimony. I recall that her parents were friend with Kavanaugh's parents, as in Judge Kavanaugh. She couldn't help?
Women don’t think ahead that well. To get rid of us of course means a war, which guaranteed we will win. We just won’t tell you guys how the weapons work, for one thing. Of course you guys have pussies, so you will always be able to pull a few over to your side, but then, we get back to “are men necessary?"
Still, I wonder why that story did come out during all the background review and testimony.
I forget where I heard that story. It had nothing to do with Kavanaugh but maybe the inconsistencies in her story were related. She walked home but Kavanaugh's house was far away, etc, etc.
There is a somewhat similar story about Anita Hill. That story is that she was molested by a chief of staff (I forget whose) and then was convinced to attribute the story to Thomas by a leftist friend. Ditto for Blasey Ford. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt as I suspect it was a lie made up of whole cloth.
A man needs a woman like a bicycle needs a fish. We like them, most of us, but we don’t need them for anything, We can actually make sammiches ourselves.
We can actually make sammiches ourselves.
But a woman can put better buns on your hot dog. And with relish, too!
If women went on strike for a month, it would be a major disruption. If men went on strike for a month, the utilities would stop functioning. Grocery stores would be empty within a matter of days. Millions of people would die. Too many people believe in magic. Flip a switch and the lights come on. Open a facet and water flows. Flush the toilet and your wastes disappear. Grocery stores and restaurants always have the food you want. Only, it’s men who make the magic happen. They work n the mines, farms, utility companies, and drive the majority of trucks that deliver our stuff. A little fucking gratitude shouldn’t be too much to ask.
“DNA belongs to Donald Trump and Brett Kavenaugh. Multiple women have come forward, and tonight on Maddow, they will give us a glimpse inside the 1990's secret rape rooms hidden behind a secret door, at the high end department store. Stay tuned.”
I hear that Al Capone’s vault is there too!
In fact, it’s the cheap places that keep men out and the expensive places that allow it.
Same with dogs and hotels. Go to a pricey enough hotel and your rare clumber gets treated like royalty.
Men have built a civilization so comfortable that women are completely clueless how it works, think its all magic, and that it will keep running without us. This is why women are about twice as likely as men to believe in socialism.
I think Carroll intends to be playful too, but she’s useful in a way that’s beyond humor.
I wonder, should I read her book? I am interested in what’s really in the text as opposed to the advance PR.
The question is not what Carroll intended. It is what the readers WANT to see.
I doubt it is 'playful'.
More 'shit talk to validate being unsatisfied with life'. Because men are always 100% satisfied with life.
At least women think so.
I hadn't heard that angle re anita hill, she was a little stalky re Thomas. It was ed Whalen who tried to rake the exercise literally.
"It's fundamentally immoral to think other people exist to serve us." But it isn't that the essence of statism? As I think Ayn Rand wrote, "I am not a means to your ends." No wonder statists of both "the Left" and "the Right" disliked her and tried to discourage people from reading her.
Anyway, we were always laughing and goofing off, and somehow he managed to break the glass on top of the little chrome table that was in there.
Wait a minute! You read that in Rolling Stone.
,,,Would we ask of any other group, what do we need them for?,,,
Moochers, looters ==>>> Law(fare)yers and politicians, feminist and variety of collectivist
Wait a minute! You read that in Rolling Stone.
It was an Eileen gray table. I forgot how he broke it. Now that I think back, Donald Trump stuck his head in the door of the dressing room and startled us both. He was looking for his missing hooker.
Narcisco wrote: "Is that the Tom oneil book that blames Manson on nk ultra and the company?"
It's the same book although I don't know the particulars. In the podcast, he accuses Bugliosi of prosecutoral misconduct for not disclosing exculpatory evidence to the defense team, such as that Terry Melchor visited Manson after the murders to beg for his forgiveness.
That's all I know at this point, although I know he drags in the CIA's LSD experiments in Haight-Ashbury for some reason.
We should ask Wonder Woman.
While waiting for her response we can read
David Brin here presents a world settled by radical feminist separatists, where through genetic engineering most reproduction occurs parthenogenetically, yielding clones of the mothers.
Brin's world "mirrors" Bujold's world in Ethan of Athos in answer to -why do we need women-
Interesting gender reversal of authors and questions I'm noticing only now!
Or such was the case that I remember, back in the 80s in NY.
That show where you are — or were. That was nearly 40 years ago if you haven't checked the calendar recently.
This thread is too funny in sad way!
Men here are answering in all seriously a question asked by woman author and pimped ( ==>>> offered for delectation) by woman blogger!
Fen. Love that column by Noonan. It also interested me that she said the gentleman is coming back. As a woman going to a faculty meeting, you'll fight other professors for a chair. At a Knights of Columbus meeting--insurance salesmen and cops--they will rise to offer you a seat.
It's a class thing, she said.
Then there's D.C. McAllister with her piece on strong men.
"I just had a wild idea. What do we need liberals for? Let’s get rid of liberals! But then I thought, 'Well, maybe we do need them.' So let me check.
Nope, we don’t.”
Men have built a civilization so comfortable that women are completely clueless how it works, think its all magic, and that it will keep running without us. This is why women are about twice as likely as men to believe in socialism.
Absolutely agree. Normal women understand and agree. We were talking the other night about that girl who was murdered in Salt Lake City. There are rumors that she was involved with him, some how, but my wife said, "All young women should have a gun and know how to use it." That is what normal people think.
Bugliosi proved himself a,jackalope in the Bush years, but I dont follow his logic.
It turns out, it was a Russian hooker.
I think Dowd kinda phoned this one in.
I get happy whenever I read that she gets depressed at the holidays because she cannot connect with family. I want her to die alone and unhappy because that's clearly what she chose. And she did have a choice.
ot: This is hilarious. I know who is having more fun.
Sorry, sis, but if I see you stranded along the road because of a flat tire or worse, you are on your own unless I see a prominent Trump/Pence bumper sticker. Otherwise, I'm going plum Galt on you.
Grammatically white supremacy and white supremacism seem like two different things.
I read that she gets depressed at the holidays because she cannot connect with family.
Gawd, what a pathetic spinster is Dowd (the noun form of dowdy). She still uses that faux-sexy banner portrait from 30 years back. She's neither witty or incisive, in fact, she not even clever.
Grammatically white supremacy and white supremacism seem like two different things.
More than just a matter of grammar. White supremacy is either a fact, or it is not, and as such, it is not amenable to civilized politics. White supremacism is an ideology that disregards realities as do all ideologies.
Conservatives should be skeptical and pessimistic, which is why they are always uncomfortable with the language of ideology, which always carries the tang of fresh manure.
It's so sad when middle aged (and older) white women realize they're just as useless as the middle aged (and older) white men they've cast off.
No one cares, Dowd, Caroll, Noonan whoever.
No one cares.
An old joke from my youth:
Q: Why did God give women a pussy?
A: So men would talk to them.
"White supremacy is either a fact, or it is not, and as such, it is not amenable to civilized politics."
What if it's the former, what if it is a fact. What then?
I found it amusing, especially her confusion on where they planned to get sperm from.
In the meantime, within the last decade we've discovered the answer: stem cells which can grow into wholly new (and young!) eggs and sperm. This (2013) piece in the journal Nature discusses certain of the issues here.
Furthermore, such (so-called “totipotent”) stem cells — which are thence capable of making any cell in the body, including eggs and sperm — can be created from one's own “reprogrammed” body cells.
Thus, “manless” women — both couples and singlets — will be able to make their own sperm, while “womenless” men will make their own eggs — all utilizing their own genetic heritage.
Mind you, women for the time being will only be able to make X-chromosome-bearing — girl-making — gametes. Men (carrying both X and Y) won't be so limited — sorry about that, girls! Men, however — until the development of artificial wombs anyway — will have to depend on female surrogates to gestate the embryo then baby.
"Other people step in and do that for her, of course. That's the world we live in."
Care to expand on this @Althouse. You just paraphrased Carroll's perspective in a good will interpretation, so to end on this insinuation is disingenuous, if you have got something you want to say then say it.
Nobody said...
Men have built a civilization so comfortable that women are completely clueless how it works, think its all magic, and that it will keep running without us. This is why women are about twice as likely as men to believe in socialism.
This needs to be repeated.
The US and Europe and the other places occupied by the US army are unique to world history.
As I said before these people need to be shipped to Afghanistan for a year or two.
Amanda said...
"Other people step in and do that for her, of course. That's the world we live in."
Care to expand on this @Althouse. You just paraphrased Carroll's perspective in a good will interpretation, so to end on this insinuation is disingenuous, if you have got something you want to say then say it.
I will step in and do that for Althouse, of course. Because that is the blog we are on:
There are a bunch of douchey toxic pieces of shit that will believe any bad thing said about a conservative man and turn right around and vote for a known rapist like Bill Clinton because they are completely amoral fucks that need a year or two in a Muslim dominated country to cool their heels before they get wiped out trying to:
1. take our guns or
2. implement socialism.
One answer is that she consistently refrains from calling it "rape." She does not accuse him of a crime. Other people step in and do that for her, of course. That's the world we live in.
I think she said exactly what she meant. People want it to be rape so that they can throw Trump in prison in NYC so that deplorables think twice about ever again voting for somebody not approved by their betters. Carroll says it wasn’t rape. It’s pretty clear.
Since you are so interested in rape, Amanda, maybe you can tell us all about Juanita Broaddrick and how hard you worked to get her story out to the people in the Democratic Party.
Achilles: "Men have built a civilization so comfortable that women are completely clueless how it works, think its all magic, and that it will keep running without us. This is why women are about twice as likely as men to believe in socialism."
As Camille Paglia said in Sexual Personae, "If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts."
Amanda's a warlock hunter, maybe a descendant of judge sewall.
Even though a couple of dozen women have stepped forward to declare that Trump violated them, nary even an offhand critical comment is ever generated from the keyboard of our hostess. Perhaps Scott Adams has to change his ways first?
I suppose that I am defending Betty Jean Carroll because she is from Huntertown, IN (population 4,854) and I actually lived there for a short time in 1996.
Just think if all of the electricity, plumbing, automotive and food processing in our country came to an abrupt halt.
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