June 30, 2019

At the Just Out Walking Café...


... get going.


rehajm said...

Wait- they talk?

BarrySanders20 said...

Forgot a line

Nice rat.
Snot colored.
Yes it is.
No it snot.
That snot funny.

Fen said...

So Antifa just recruited another 10,000 votes for Trump yesterday.

And I am noticing a sea change. Conservative sites have been hammering the outrage clickbait all day, that's normal. What's different is the comments. People are tired of hearing leaders on the right talk talk talk and do nothing.

Humperdink said...

Our Pastor was preaching on the book of Ruth today. During the message, he said (paraphrasing): "If you are looking for a mate, don't make your first choice a fixer-upper."

madAsHell said...

Undocumented Migrant Children face an Epidemic of Obesity, and Diabetes

Film at 11.

Yeah....I invented this headline!!

Fen said...

"That snot funny" said the feminist rat.

She's just out for a stroll: "My eyes are up here!"

Shall we name it?

Tank said...

Rat snot funny?

Humperdink said...

We have Cory Booker as Spartacus. Can we name the wildly gyrating, arms flailing, Beto O'Rourke ...... Spasticus?

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

They need to remember to seat them far apart so Booker doesn't trigger Buttelieg's gaydar.

Booker tries way too hard to remind us he is "fiercely" heterosexual. Not sure the LGBTQAALMNOP+ crowd will back a candidate still hiding in the closet.

Southpark should skewer him. With a stiletto? Sure.

narciso said...

From the long thread:


She is Peter Jennings window who I believe had an affair with Richard Holbrooke, the former was very pro plo

narciso said...

Somewhat of a parallel with wormbier, of course actual lieutenants like family cienfuegos were not soared either

Mark said...

"If you are looking for a mate, don't make your first choice a fixer-upper."

We are all fixer-uppers.

wild chicken said...

Happened to watch Greg Gutfeld's show on Fox today. Damn those are some funny comics. I LOL'd.

Maybe it's because last week provided them so much material.

commoncents said...

Trending Video - Trump becomes first US president to step into North Korea


readering said...

A small step for a man . . . .

Mark said...

So, 13 minutes into a brand new series about operatives with paranormal activities and there is already the gratuitous, nothing-to-do-with-the-story sex scene, complete with hip thrusts.

That is usually a sign that the series is going to be crap.

narciso said...

Oh the rook, well read the book by o'Malley who is some civil servant in the UK

Big Mike said...

Rats walking in slow motion.

narciso said...

Camilo (auto cucumber is very provincial) he disappeared in a plane crash in 1959,

Humperdink said...

"If you are looking for a mate, don't make your first choice a fixer-upper."

We are all fixer-uppers.

Of course that's true. OTOH, when my daughters brought male suitors, parental judgment entered the picture. "Fixer Uppers" that would drag down my daughters were easy to spot. And then guess what? You end up with two in the pit. It rarely, it ever, works the other way. Maybe your experience is different.

Mark said...

Speaking of a "small step" -- what exhibit at the National Air and Space Museum in D.C. do you think would be the most important, with the highest priority for people to see this summer?

Well, you think wrong. Or at least you don't think like the SFB people running things there.

For the 50th anniversary of humanity first setting foot on the moon -- the greatest technological achievement of mankind ever -- they have CLOSED the Apollo exhibit for renovations.

Only in our nation's capital. Does the government have to eff everything up???

narciso said...

Yes, next rhetorical question,

Mark said...

Might be good advice from a parent.

From a "Christian" pastor, it is disqualifying theology. That pastor is a fixer-upper too -- an imperfect human and a sinner -- and taking his own advice, it is time to find someone else.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

The book is worth checking out, because you find out the characters predicament as she does and theres a twist which they decidedly went sjw on, much like the blakeley lively spy priject

Humperdink said...

"From a "Christian" pastor, it is disqualifying theology. That pastor is a fixer-upper too -- an imperfect human and a sinner -- and taking his own advice, it is time to find someone else."

Did you miss the initial part of the statement? The "when you are looking for a mate ...."

I am sorry. You are in total error here. We, as Christians, are not to be unequally yoked. Choosing a mate that has different values is the foolhardy.

But thanks for the advice.

rhhardin said...

What Trump is doing with NK being Kim's pal is giving him slack to operate in his country. Kim has to pay off generals with favors proportional to how much trouble they could cause him. Any deal has to be a good deal for the generals too or the generals will kill Kim.

The stick side of the carrot is sanctions on NK that's bad for the generals too, so as to make the alternative more attractive even to the generals.

The pals thing is Trump and Kim being on the same side against the generals.

Fen said...

13 minutes into a brand new series about operatives with paranormal activities and there is already the gratuitous, nothing-to-do-with-the-story sex scene, complete with hip thrusts.

Probably for the best. Saved you some time.

After the Game of Thrones Season 8 trainwreck, I've decided not to become invested in any more shows. If they are really worth it, I'll catch them on a Walmart DVD collection 5 years later for $1.49

gilbar said...

"If you are looking for a mate, don't make your first choice a fixer-upper."

well, if Ruth hadn't made her 1st choice, she wouldn't have met Naomi, which means she wouldn't have gone to Israel; and she wouldn't had met #2 (Boaz?*) which means WE WOULDN'T HAVE HAD JESUS CHRIST!!!
Sounds like your 'pastor' is a SATANIST

(Boaz?*) I did this from memory, so i probably have all the names wrong... But just the same

traditionalguy said...

Come let's stroll. Stroll across the floor.But how can you remember the new dances when you were 6?

narciso said...

Oh how about rhat:

narciso said...

Harris working with wells Fargo lobbyist.

Humperdink said...

Pastor is a satanist? I knew the risks in presenting this tidbit from this morning. I should have known better. OTOH, God will not be mocked. Knock yourself out.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

rat rap

while i'm out perambulatin'
Trump be negotiatin'
Tensions de-escalatin'
but the Left keeps on hatin'

they gonna bury the lede, gonna issue a screed
gonna cash in on Otto like they just won the lotto

But Trump's dominatin', their hope's dissipatin'
'Cuz MAGA's his motto, he's gonna succeed.

gnome sane?

Humperdink said...

What is interesting is that I offered this minor message in another venue and it was met with complete agreement.

narciso said...

That um overbroad, do she think she can elevate him or he might bring him down, its always a gamble

BlackjohnX said...

re: Mark and Fen's comments: Check out "City Homicide". First two seasons are available commercial free with Amazon Prime streaming video. The rest of the seasons are available on Hulu. Almost no romance - strictly business. Extremely well acted, plotted and presented.

narciso said...

I remember black sails was quite risque even for a pirate tale, iykwim

Humperdink said...

They always think they can elevate the person. I sure haven't seen many examples. Allow me illustrate. Say the female is a believer and tithes on her income. Marries a non-believer. She wants to tithe "their" income. Spouse say nope. In fact, says you don't need to tithe either. This I have seen personally. Creates angst and discord.

Or the guy is a doper. She loves him and wants rehab him. What are the odds? And he has friends he wants to entertain at their abode.

BTW Mark she is a sinner also. On that I agree.

Humperdink said...

"That um overbroad, do she think she can elevate him or he might bring him down, its always a gamble

Why gamble?

Narr said...

"Women marry men they think will change, but they don't; men marry women who they think will never change, but they do."
(Someone smarter than me.)

Jupiter's bright again

mockturtle said...

To Whom it May Concern re: War and Peace. I forgot who it was who gave me the tip about kindle and translating the French. It works great! Most of the French I can read but the idiomatic expressions lose me. This makes it a much smoother read. Unfortunately, thus far the novel reads disturbingly like Jane Austen [whom I abhor] and I can't blame the translators, as they are my favorites: Pevear and Volokhonsky. I intend to finish it this time. Thanks again! [Ain't technology grand?]

William said...

I didn't rush to judgment. I've pondered the ending of GOT and my reasoned opinion is that it was just awful. How bad? Imagine if Arthur Conan Doyle had written a final chapter in Sherlock Holmes life and revealed that Sherlock, in schizo lesions brought on by heavy cocaine use, was, in fact, Jack the Ripper. Watson discovers the truth and stabs him. Then the book ends....On the plus side, the show did keep me fully engaged for seven seasons. Most shows I can't make it through one.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

AntiFa Terrorists in League with ISIS and Al Qaeda

"There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS. There is an urgent need to closely surveil the identified individuals."


mockturtle said...

BTW, up here in Alaska I seldom have electricity, much less TV, which I haven't seen in weeks. Haven't missed it, either.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Michelle Malkin drawing attention to another brutally beaten guy.
check out the huge gashes on skull from metal pipes

"Due to Adam’s quick thinking to protect another human life, this caused him to be hit 4-6 times in the head, legs, back with those steel pipes. As well as being sprayed with pepper spray."


William said...

I became a nicer person after I made a few bucks. Don't believe Hollywood. Poverty and suffering do not ennoble. Especially don't believe GOT. All those characters in the show became better people after they were raped, castrated, tortured, cast out, and abused. That's not the way it works.

JackWayne said...

Richard Fernandez is gloomy and pessimistic following the attack on Ngo.

Crazy World said...

Fen 9:02 i noticed the way lefties trying to distance themselves from the Dems, it was hysterical.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I didn't rush to judgment. I've pondered the ending of GOT and my reasoned opinion is that it was just awful. How bad? Imagine if Arthur Conan Doyle had written a final chapter in Sherlock Holmes life and revealed that Sherlock, in schizo lesions brought on by heavy cocaine use, was, in fact, Jack the Ripper. Watson discovers the truth and stabs him. Then the book ends....On the plus side, the show did keep me fully engaged for seven seasons. Most shows I can't make it through one.

This book has actually been written. In the 70s, naturally. It actually came up on another forum today:

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story by Michael Dibdin 1978.

I kept waiting for the *other* twist that would make everything right.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Anti-1A is garnering more than it bargained for. There will be payback, bigly.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Churchy LaFemme: said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Here's a funny but accurate summation of complaints re GoT Season 8.

No spoiler warning because, despite the low threshold, they still have to be earned.

(edit: link fixed)

narciso said...

Theres also the film 7% solution where Moriarty isnt really the villain its Holmes unlike the book where Kaiser Wilhelm actually is, but thisr arent canon, it was a very sloppy way of handling the character

narciso said...

Dibdin did the masterful aurelio zen series which was reasonably portrayed by rufus sewell.

narciso said...

About that:

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I liked 7% -- despite its premise, it does let Holmes be a hero in the end. The Last Sherlock Homes Story not so much. Hated. Hated. Hated.

narciso said...

Well If the people must be forced to feed on cats of they find any, well then needs must.

narciso said...

This is the same nicholas meyer behind wrath of Khan btw. There was a recent dan Simmons tale that subverted some tropes but not the main character.

narciso said...

Theres another series by will Thomas who is Holmes without saying his name.

Fen said...

And a more serious in-depth criticism of Episode 3 and Episode 4 ( <-best )

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I wrote a Holmes meets Nessie story in college. Wish I had an ecopy instead of just an old carbon .. somewhere.

Yancey Ward said...

"Can we name the wildly gyrating, arms flailing, Beto O'Rourke ...... Spasticus?"

I go with Ickarus.

narciso said...

Skippy Kennedy, they're going to have to return him to factory settings, it was a prettier bad crash and burn like star trek insurrection

narciso said...

Its Robert Francis o Rourke and hes got a rich developer father in law

Yancey Ward said...

From a distance of over a month now, my disappointment with the final season of GoT has just gotten deeper. That pitch parody linked above was hilariously accurate.

J. Farmer said...

If anyone would like to chip in a few bucks for Mr. Ngo, Michelle Malkin set up a Go Fund Me here

Jaq said...

I'm not worried about Willie Brown's influence on @KamalaHarris. From what I've read of his S.F. column, he became v-sensble--even wise--in retirement. I worry that he doesn't have enough influence. - Mickey Kaus

Fen said...

You sound like you are drowning in bitterness. Why do that to yourself?

narciso said...

It saves time,

We saw this is Madison, it was more directly focused on Walker and his staff, agitated by Chisholm's law fare

narciso said...

Seeing as there no political opposition in the mid west, really


rehajm said...

It takes less than thirty seconds to set up a hyperlink. A couple of hardcores here might cut and paste but not the many lurkers or those or those of us out of give a damn. No matter though, the big problem, and Ann has pointed this out on occasion, is it wrecks the flow of the thread. We’re having a conversation and someone talking to us literally speaks in code.

Narayanan said...

It Pays To Increase Your Word Power®

TACTURIENCY is the desire to touch something.

Usage: Joe Biden's preferred pronoun is 'The Ambassador of Tacturiency.'

Cutandpasted From Ace of Spades

stevew said...

Watched 'Darkest Hour' with Gary Oldman, quite good. Neville Chamberlain gets some well deserved opprobrium. The film makes clear the folly of the Chamberlain and Lord Halifax push for dialogue with Hitler. Though I find it interesting that no one, in the film, ever asks them to explain why Hitler would be open to accepting the terms they suggest. At the time he has all the power and leverage, he's winning, bigly, and so need not concede anything.

Speaking of walking, I'm setting out on a "Good Walk Spoiled" with some work mates today. Weather looks to be glorious (sunny, 70's, and dry).

tim maguire said...

GoT became less interesting around the forth season when they not only stopped killing off major characters, they actually brought some back. That wrecked the most fascinating part of the show—up to that point, no one was safe. Death had the randomness of real life. After the resurrection of John Snow, it became just another violent adventure story.

Narayanan said...

ITEM 3: The Daily Beast reported, "Fox News host Tucker Carlson was spotted with Donald Trump at the Demilitarized Zone on Sunday during the president’s historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jung Un

Via Don Surber

Robert Cook said...

"I didn't rush to judgment. I've pondered the ending of GOT and my reasoned opinion is that it was just awful. How bad? Imagine if Arthur Conan Doyle had written a final chapter in Sherlock Holmes life and revealed that Sherlock, in schizo lesions brought on by heavy cocaine use, was, in fact, Jack the Ripper. Watson discovers the truth and stabs him. Then the book ends....On the plus side, the show did keep me fully engaged for seven seasons. Most shows I can't make it through one."

I'm curious what everyone thinks is so terrible about GOT's finale, (or is it the entire season they deplore)?

I never watched GOT while it was current. We started with season one, episode one, in mid-April of this year (in fact, I think it was the same night the finale aired "live," as it were), and watched through to season 8, episode 6 by mid-June. Watching it such a compressed time, the story seemed to develop logically, and the finale did not seem to violate the story that had led up to that point.

stevew said...

Speaking only for myself, I was upset by the GOT story as told on HBO around the middle of the second season. At that point it had begun to diverge from the books. I thought the story in the books was quite good, perfect even, and disagreed that it was in need of change, even if done because of the different medium (video). After grousing about this one time (too many) my lovely wife suggested I abandon comparing the two; the HBO version was different, in fact a whole different thing. She recommended I watch it as it was presented and then if I didn't like it I should just stop.

I took her advice and ended up enjoying it through the finale.

Fernandinande said...

Q: "Spare change?"

A: "No thanks, I already have enough".


"In February 2017, an 18-year-old Cambridge University law student, Ronald Coyne, was filmed on the streets of Cambridge at night burning a £20 note in front of a 31-year-old homeless man, Ryan Davies, who had asked him politely for spare change.

According to Davies, Coyne said, “I’ll give you some change. I’ve changed it into fire.” ...

Before long, 23,000 people signed a petition calling for his expulsion from the university."


Sigh. My line is better and doesn't cost £20, but still.

rcocean said...

"After the Game of Thrones Season 8 trainwreck, I've decided not to become invested in any more shows. If they are really worth it, I'll catch them on a Walmart DVD collection 5 years later for $1.49"

LOL. that's what I do. Picked up breaking bad season 5 - for $7.50 vs. Original hot off the presses price of $35

I have GOT seasons 1-3 that I picked up at book sale for $4 each. I wouldn't buy Season 7 or 8 if I was given them for free. No worth the time.

Narr said...

There is no moment of GoT, nay, not a single instant, that I would rewatch for any reason.
I'm so disgruntled that I probably won't bother reading whatever GRRM eventually publishes, either.

I've still got the boxed set of "The Pacific" that I haven't even opened; got it as a gift about three years ago.

And unread books--don't get me started

Michael K said...

Neville Chamberlain gets some well deserved opprobrium. The film makes clear the folly of the Chamberlain and Lord Halifax push for dialogue with Hitler. Though I find it interesting that no one, in the film, ever asks them to explain why Hitler would be open to accepting the terms they suggest.

Chamberlain's disastrous mistake, in my opinion, was the Polish Guarantee. England and France were in no position to aid Poland and the public of both countries were not interested in war. Churchill was right about rearming but there was nothing they could do. In 1938, there is an argument that the Czechs might have been too much for the German army at that point.

Bilwick said...

Since these "cafes" are this blog's free-fire zone, I would like to raise a question that has been bugging me in a mild way for weeks now: whence came "pickle ball," and why its sudden apparent popularity? I first heard of it on "Bob's Burgers," and assumed it was a gag; but there's a real estate show here that I watch, and the salespeople at nearly every one of these Yuppie Housing complexes they showcase offer "pickle ball courts." Is this some sort of trendy Yuppie Thing?

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