Just to show how much bias there is in our news media, the Hill has two, top of the web page, stories about SNL skits last night and CNN has one at the top of their homepage.
Headline News stories about comedy skits that attack Republicans and Trump.
I'm a convince-able moderate Republican; they just need to offer an option that is better. I would like an election where the best thing I can say about both candidates isn't: "Well, at least they'll be a different KIND of disaster to the other."
That's a fallacious question. What would it take to lose support of Trump? Well, what is the alternative???
Trump may be an obnoxious blowhard -- many of his policies are good and even better than the worm-Republicans have non-guts to pursue -- but every Democrat is worse and most Republicans are worse, with other Republicans being unwilling to stand for anything or otherwise colluding with Democrats.
That was always the consideration. That was the reason he beat Hillary.
That's a fallacious question. What would it take to lose support of Trump? Well, what is the alternative???
That is the question. And did they have any role in spying, colluding, denying, and the witch hunts/warlock trials that may still be in progress. Also, animal, mineral, vegetable, or human?
Trump would have to do something to lose my support. To date, all the supposed ills that Trump has done are really just false allegations made by his opponents. They even admitted lying about Trump's tax cuts and are more recently starting to admit there is a crisis at the border.
So simple: A better alternative. Dems keep running the same candidate repackaged to appeal to their different factions. But they all espouse one value: Not Trump. A negative does not make a positive.
I was at a dinner party last night, and somebody said “Sarah Palin was the first sign of Trumpism” and it was all I could do to not say “The reaction to Sarah Palin was the fist mainstream move to attack an otherize fellow Americans as deplorable.” I didn’t. I should have, fuck them all, but there was somebody there I didn’t want to embarrass in the eyes of these completely un-self-aware losers because they are important to her.
Same thing happened when playing golf, apropos to nothing Trump bashing comes out from a guy and we are all supposed to go along. I think it’s like ants are supposed to do, feel each other’s antennas as they meet to make sure they are from the same colony. I just kept my mouth shut, but you know that’s enough with these people to out you as deplorable, if you don’t join in the politics. It’s sad, I like Vermont a lot, but I get along a lot better with the double-wide set than I do with the people with whom I supposedly have more in common. Maybe I should take up duck hunting, deer hunting, and ice fishing.
It's a month set aside to honor people who are rightfully proud of their weed-free lawns and custom painted hot-rods.
"We are proud to be part of a vibrant community which includes people from all walks of life including members of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual (2SLGBTQQIA+) communities."
Oh, well. And all this time I thought "Variety Village" was a thrift shop.
"I was at a dinner party last night, and somebody said “Sarah Palin was the first sign of Trumpism”"
-- If the concept of "hate f-----" Sarah Palin and physical violence against her and her daughters hadn't been the left comedian go-to routine on her, I think people on the right would have been more open to discussing her flaws. The Russia from my house lie, or what Snopes calls a "misattribution," only further made people on the right wary of the Left.
Then, when the left used *the same exact tactics against Romney and Ryan,* many on the right, notably me, realized that the left wasn't making a special exception for dangerous Tea Partiers or Idiots like they claimed, but that it was a standard line we'd deal with for any Republican from now until the next great political reset.
EDH: What’s pernicious about the sketch is the premise dictates the parameters of the humor.
It’s clear the humor suffered as the writers had to come up with repeated versions of the same joke dictated by a limiting premise.
Exactamente. Unfortunately for the Dems, being saddled with a "limiting premise" isn't restricted to their comedy writers.
The first step for Dems to win back the votes of the people who support Trump is for them to stop believing their own bullshit about why the people who vote for Trump vote for Trump. (Surely there must be *some* Dem operatives out there - even aspiring comedy writers! - astute enough not to have bought into these cherished idiotic delusions about the nature of "Trump support"?)
If he decided to invade a country that had given up its nuclear program and deposed its leader, who was then sodomized with an assault weapon, so that other countries would be sure to know what happens when people make deals with the US, yeah, at that point, I would stop supporting him.
If he went all in on global warming and shut down fracking and drove up the price of gas, and killed Keystone, I would stop supporting him.
If he declared that borders are fascist relics and shut down ICE, I would stop supporting him.
Lots of things....
If he went back on the NAFTA deal and resumed the practice of Canadian and Mexican companies laundering their dumped Chinese steel through those countries.
I really could go on an on. But nothing would lose my support faster than an unprovoked military attack on another country, a la Clinton and Obama.
What would it take for President Trump to lose your support?
The question is premised on the idea that Trump has done many shocking and terrible things that would cause any reasonable person to reject him. He hasn't.
What would it take for those who erroneously predicted Trump would do many shocking and terrible things to look at what he has accomplished, then stop and think, for even a second, I could be wrong about Trump?
Same thing happened when playing golf, apropos to nothing Trump bashing comes out from a guy and we are all supposed to go along.
Yeah, I see this quite often. I suppose in some ways, it is nothing new. I remember as kid making fun of Jimmy Carter, and indeed, I watched Top Secret yesterday and it drops a bash on Jimmy Carter. Still, those bashes seemed to be associated to the discussion; while I've seen normal people complain about Trump at times and venues when discussing national events just didn't seem appropriate. And you are expected to just agree or you are somehow being rude.
I hear you, Nobody. A few months ago at the doctor's office, the receptionist was going on about how she just found out her birthday was on the same day a Trump's, as if that were an occasion for horror. I was at the desk and just smiled thinly [I can smile very thinly, indeed]. She looked up and said, "Not that there's anything wrong with Trump". The ant illustration is a good one. But what is most annoying is the sheer presumption of people that everyone thinks as they do.
AllenS reports: Whenever anyone says something like that, I immediately state: "I like Trump."
I usually do, too, unless it's someone who might have my life, health or vehicle safety in their hands. ;-) It might be unwise, say, in a dental office.
There used to be casual insulting of the president/presidency. To the point where I recall in the Richie Rich movie, I think, the rich guy explaining to an obvious caricature of the president, "If you spend more money than you make, you get debt."
Whenever anyone says something like that, I immediately state: "I like Trump."
Likewise. Then watch them go into a tizzy about naziism, sexism, evil dictatorships, oppression of free speech, how much of a nasty person he is, and so on.
Trump has already proved he is for real--a Republican in thought, word, and deed. Unlike blowhards that can't wait to raise their hands for Global Warming or pushing any other Leftist scheme.
If Trump contracts a mental disease that makes him act like Chuck, I will reconsider my position.
If he was to be supported by ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, ABCLSD, NBCPMS, CBSBSBS. That, my friends, would really turn me off.
Yes. Trump's time will pass, just as Bush and Reagan. However, the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party will continue poison minds and distort the national debate with their increasingly leftwing narrative.
1. Having a Democrat opponent who wasn't batshit crazy, wasn't committed to expanding the size and scope of the government, wasn't committed to the widespread practice of abortion on demand, even post-birth, wasn't committed to having open borders, and massive voter fraud by illegal aliens in California, repudiated the totally bullshit Russian-Hoax investigation, and had a modicum of respect for the traditions, history and culture of our country.
I will also second Nobodys comment. It is the arrogance of knowing there is no consequence. The only thing worse is the projection. The bullshit that those who say whatever hate they want ("hate f--k Palin" is a good example) are the ones who are suffering from their stands. Bullshit. They know they are protected when they say what they say. They are acting as the boot, not the face.
I lurked here, and abstained from much commenting, for years. The tittering at the "Putin cock holster" comment really set me off. At one time, I could easily - readily - accept that people could have different views on fiscal policy or foreign policy or role of the State in citizens lives and I could value their perspectives because I could see where they could bring me great knowledge about so many other things I know less than them - be it medicine tech natural science business boats cooking local culture carpentry law music or the best transit routes to take in Omaha etc.
You can learn something from pretty much anyone, if you listen. But after a few years, you wonder: doesn't that lesson extend to everyone? Where does this arrogance come from, that you think you can say something that is evidently a matter of opinion and have it be taken as Truth, as if it was a law of gravity?
And if you believe it to be certain, can I really trust you about which bus route to take?
“Happy Mother's Day to Ann and the other mothers posting today.”
Apparently, you didn’t get the memo. “Happy Mother's Day” is transphobic. It discriminates against trans women who are incapable of bearing children. The proper non discriminatory thing to say is “Happy Appreciation Day”. I was forced to apologize to my partner when giving her a Mother’s Day card that Hallmark hadn’t become aware of the new paradigm until it had run and shipped all of its cards for the year celebrating only cis women today.
What could Trump do to lose my vote? What could he do to make himself more dangerous than the hard left coming to dominate the Democratic Party?
I don't know offhand what that would be. Trump is far from my ideal candidate, but he's done good things with the economy and seems to have a clear-eyed view of our interests internationally. He even supports Israel, which both parties used to do. Now the Democrats would cut Israel loose.
I don't like Trump as an individual, but I'm mostly pleased with the job he's done. He would have to get a lot worse before he would pose the risk to the country virtually any Democrat poses.
Made me think of a great line from Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors: "If it bends, it's funny. If it breaks, it's not funny." This sketch "broke".
Was it Governor Edwin Edwards from Louisiana who said he'd lose voter support if the citizens of the state found him in bed with a dead girl or a live boy?
Something along those lines might shake up Trump's base. But I don't think either one of those events is going to happen with Trump.
Whenever anyone says something like that, I immediately state: "I like Trump."
The night of the election, I had a business treat me and others to dinner in a hope to sell us something. As it was election night, one of the salesperson's brings up Trump in a negative light, and I said "I like Trump". They were stunned, so they turned to one of my colleagues, who happened to be a black woman, and stated "well you must support Hillary". My colleague asked "why would you assume that". They didn't make the sale to anybody.
The attitude to my colleague was absolutely horrible. They simply assumed she would support the Democrat because she was black and a woman. At no time was there a discussion of policy, and the assumption against Trump was that he was a womanizer because of the "Access Hollywood" tape, and that Hillary was fine, despite her support of her philandering husband. My colleague's view was simple, Hillary's policy statements would hurt our industry and business and thus my colleagues livelihood, so why would she support her? And if it hurt our business, it would likewise hurt the company trying to sell us stuff. Alas, bigotry hurt them first.
Just to show how much bias there is in our news media, the Hill has two, top of the web page, stories about SNL skits last night and CNN has one at the top of their homepage.
My local news site, SFGate, has two links to it too.
Where was Nadler? SNL could have had a field day with Nadler and his ridiculous hyper-ventilations, not to mention his, um, unique appearance. Instead we get recycled jokes and imitations about . . . something.
It must be nice for Democrats to have such useful idiots carrying their water.
This morning I fell for the bait and played the embedded clip. Great. Now I need to let go of the bile before I and Mrs. Ribbonguy go to church. As said above, the characters were amusing (with the exception of the obligatory Lindsey gay innuendo) but the writing was the shop worn "orange man bad".
Here's an interesting fact I just learned about Ted Bundy. After he had dumped the bodies of his victims in the woods, he would return to those bodies and perform sexual acts on those bodies. He would do this repeatedly until the body became too decomposed to have sex with.....Here's my question. If Ted Kennedy had taken Mary Jo's lifeless body from the car and had sex with it, do you suppose he would have lost the support of feminists? Here's another poser. If Bill Clinton had murdered Monica to keep her from testifying, would SNL have made fun of him. I'd like to see some edgy humor comparing Bill Clinton to Ted Bundy. Maybe Bill could have sex with Monica's decomposing body in the Oval Office. Hillary catches him and hijinks ensue. Comedy gold.
It's amazing how often people try to shove their TDS down your throat with little snide remarks and comments, even if they know you support him. It's uncontrollable, like a compulsion. Or they assume you hate Trump, and they find out you don't, how they blow a gasket. It just rocks their world.
"what is most annoying is the sheer presumption of people that everyone thinks as they do"
Yes. And that's how they get more Trump. As in 2016, part of the pro-Trump vote will be an FU to the prog annoyers.
It's Trump's greatest advantage with the Althouses. As Althouse's Trump's posts show, she is annoyed with the presumption that she must think as all good progs do. That's to her credit. Since she and her sisters in arms vote on the basis of personal sentiment rather than party preference or ideological conviction, it's also positive for Trump, since they will be able to rationalize their vote as a mark of intellectual independence.
So I hope the left keeps pissing off the non-left. My one political illusion is that they are sufficiently clueless to do what I prefer.
"If he decided to invade a country that had given up its nuclear program and deposed its leader, who was then sodomized with an assault weapon, so that other countries would be sure to know what happens when people make deals with the US, yeah, at that point, I would stop supporting him."
Yes, that's pretty bad. Anyone who would vote for someone involved in something like that is blind, stupid, or morally bankrupt.
"Those aren't wars, Cookie. Those are occupations. And they bother me a great deal."
They are wars. What is armed occupation but war in slow motion? Unfortunately, it is mostly the occupied who suffer. Except for those who are killed by extremists created by the occupations.
Why are we occupying them? What is our purpose, our goal, our long-range vision of how matters need to change for us to leave?
Robert Cook said... "If Donald Trump starts a stupid war, I won't vote for him."
The multiple wars we're fighting right now don't bother you?
Name a war we are in. We aren't at war WITH Afghanistan, are we? No, we are fighting a counter-insurgency in Afghanistan, against the Taliban. We aren't at war with Libya, Iraq or Syria, either. Fools that call Iraq and Afghanistan long "wars" have no clue what they're talking about.
What would it take for me not to vote for Trump? Pretty simple - have a better candidate. I don't know of any. Seriously, what other answer could there be for anyone? Ask yourself: 1) Wouldn't our enemies would prefer anyone else? 2) Who would do a better job juicing the economy? Who ever has? 3) Who could negotiate better trade deals? Who would our competitors take more serious in a trade war?
Cass Sunstein says groupthink makes you stupid and promotes extreme beliefs. It is difficult to not hate Trump or be a Trump supporter & be captive to groupthink, you are bombarded every day, all day by anti-Trump messaging. You are constantly told that you are NOT part of the group.
"Name a war we are in. We aren't at war WITH Afghanistan, are we? No, we are fighting a counter-insurgency in Afghanistan, against the Taliban. We aren't at war with Libya, Iraq or Syria, either. Fools that call Iraq and Afghanistan long 'wars' have no clue what they're talking about."
If we have armed troops engaged actively with opponents in other countries, we're fighting wars. Wars of occupation, as mockturtle reminded me. Wars of occupation that are creating resistance in the form of extremists who carry out acts of terrorism.
That was Libya, as we seemed to follow the plan Tomlinson and shayler detailed in 1999, as a result Islamist militias took charge and general hafter has vanquished most except around tripoli.
You cannot sit idly by and not respond to the anti Trump comments. You have to let them know that not everyone thinks like they do. To stay silent is to acquiesce to their view. As Pastor Neilmoler (sorry for the spelling) said "First they came for the Jews".
After he had dumped the bodies of his victims in the woods, he would return to those bodies and perform sexual acts on those bodies.
Bundy, while in prison in Florida, called the Green River Killer task force and suggested they stake out a body and see if he returned to do the same. Sort of like the scene in "Silence of the Lambs" where the villain helps the FBI with "Buffalo Bill."
Largely the problem of Afghanistan is the sanctuaries in Pakistan, which we really haven't done anything about, but do you think the Taliban is the legitimate govt therem
Why are we occupying them? What is our purpose, our goal, our long-range vision of how matters need to change for us to leave?
We do not have any idea.
We don't, Cookie. And isn't it the job of the Secretary of Defense [I was going to write SOD] to keep us informed of our 'progress'? As my mother was wont to say, "The whole thing stinks to high heaven!"
If I was part of the cool group that hates Trump, I would wonder why Trump has so far escaped challenge from within the GOP. If Trump was as stupid, vile, corrupt and incompetent as his detractors say that he is, there would be twenty Republicans in the running to take the nomination from him. Instead you have William Weld, and maybe that Hunter guy from Utah.
I might vote for a Nikki Haley, but not voting for Trump would require voting for a leftist or some other person who does not understand the challenges and dangers of the world.
"Largely the problem of Afghanistan is the sanctuaries in Pakistan, which we really haven't done anything about, but do you think the Taliban is the legitimate govt therem"
If you're asking a question, directed at me, I'll say: it's none of our business who the "legitimate" government is in Afghanistan, (or elsewhere). That's their internal business.
If the US was serious about isolationism, isn't it obvious what the result would be? The Chinese would co-opt the natural resources of the Old World. Maybe this is acceptable. The US would be a very rich nation if it confined itself to operating in the Western hemisphere. But at that level it is all about growth rates, if an isolationist US grows its GDP at 2% & Chinese GDP grows at 4%, in a century they will be able to buy us out with pocket change. But I'll be long gone then.
Afghanistan has a lot of "tribal areas" that are governed by hetmen. There is no "government" to speak of. It's not an internal matter because there is no internal authority, Bin Laden exploited this buy co-opting the weak national government and waging asymmetrical warfare on the US. How you gonna stop tht from happening again? I suppose you could put the clamps on immigration.
Yes its tribal, like the zadran who lie on both sides of the durand line, that's haquannjs outfit. The ISI set upon their Afghan strategy after thru lost their first two wars with india.
“ But at that level it is all about growth rates, if an isolationist US grows its GDP at 2% & Chinese GDP grows at 4%, in a century they will be able to buy us out with pocket change.”
I am not as pessimistic as you. The growth rate in China is declining, and they are rapidly heading for demographic collapse. Centralized control may be the way to go to bring a country from abject poverty to the point where it’s economy can take off, but after a certain point, when the economy becomes sufficiently complex, it starts to be counterproductive. China seems to be trying to give its economy some freedom, while clamping down on its population in political matters. I don’t see that balancing act working long term.
"I'll say: it's none of our business who the "legitimate" government is in Afghanistan, (or elsewhere). That's their internal business.
That's naive. It is our business if we care about ourselves. Normally, it's none of your business who rents out a house on your street, but if it's a gang using it for a meth lab, it might be your business. To ignore such things is irresponsible to your own interests, as we found out on 9/11.
Now taking the long view the Taliban are just the last manifestation of figures like the mad mullah of malak and the fakir of Waziristan the last escaped British scrutiny for 25 years, died in his sleep.
I am sympathetic to isolationism. But the two important examples we have from history show isolationist nations being economically overtaken by nations that embraced global trade & the military adventurism that global trade requires. The two important examples are Spain after the 1600s and China after the 15th century.
If our wars of occupation are stupid,how much dumber are Marxist wars of liberation? And even dumber than those are wars to institute Sharia law in Muslim lands.....At a conservative estimate, seventy percent of all wars are stupid and futile. The percentage is even higher for Marxist and religious wars.
In the 70s the Soviets sought to undermine the kingdom by supporting Marxist guerillas in Yemen, young Ali Saleh was a part of this, Qaddafi was a proxy for training PLO red army faction IRA against Israel germany and the UK
"If we have armed troops engaged actively with opponents in other countries, we're fighting wars."
Like Somia? We got Combat Action Ribbons for a humanitarian mission. So your definition does nothing but remind us you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
And its dishonest - I don't remember hearing a thing from you about warmongering during the 8 years of Obama's wars. You don't even believe what you're lecturing us about. It's just another situational principle you"ll adopt and then abandon when it's inconvenient.
But every time you talk about our troops I get to remind everyone that you called our boys "parasites" for serving during what you call "peacetime".
Stupid question. Better: What would it take to leave the Democrat Party? Hilary corruption. Attempted coup. Antifa violence. Abortion after birth. Jew hatred. Race hoaxes. And on and on and on.
""I'll say: it's none of our business who the "legitimate" government is in Afghanistan, (or elsewhere). That's their internal business."
The world is not that big. Fight them over there or fight them over here, those are the only two choices. Project power or retreat bebind static defenses. And our border has little defense.
South America has problems and 30 million refugees show up on our doorstep. And bring the problem along with them.
indeed and that is why Venezuela needs to be dealt with, sooner or later, using elections, nonviolent activism, and sanctions only goes so far, it is a major projection point for Russian through cuba, and also iran,
If you want to know where Robert Cook gets his debate tips from, read Noam Chomsky. The same idiotic half truths and outright falsehoods repeated dead pan. "Of course the US started the Korean War to gain control of North Korea's coal mines, Dean Acheson's family made its fortune in coal after they broke the West Virginia coal miners strike in 1923 . . ."
IMO, the best antidote for Marxism is Capitalism. Prosperity. Venezuela's resources have been sorely mismanaged but were doing quite well prior to Hugo Chavez. This doesn't work in Muslim countries, of course, but then neither does Marxism. Call it Imperialism but Western nations, especially the US and Canada, could help turn Venezuela's economy around if given access.
probably a little howard zinn, the analogue is Eduardo galeano, economic shocks like el caracazo in 89, led to the Chavez coup, and ultimately his election, once in power, he was able to distribute funds from argentina north, the kirshners were the beneficiaries, from the default that was a consequence of greenspan's first set of rate hikes, which made their foreign debt unmanageable,
Is it hypocritical if people support Trump no matter how much he may hypothetically change, or if they won't support him if he hypothetically changes in ways they don't like? What is the point of this skit?
"And its dishonest - I don't remember hearing a thing from you about warmongering during the 8 years of Obama's wars."
Well, you're either lying or you were on an eight-year meth bender, or you have suffered a serious head trauma and are suffering amnesia. I castigated Obama often for his war making, calling him, repeatedly and correctly, a war criminal.
Nobody, when someone throws out a gratuitous Trump insult, I don’t bite my tongue and keep silent. At 75 I don’t give a shit if they like me or are embarrassed. The more we keep silent the more it entrenches them.
Tangentially related, I never believed the high ratings Obama got in his last year. Just as there were “shy Trump voters”, I’m convinced many who were polled didn’t want to be thought racist for calling Obama what he was—- an incompetent out to wreck our country. He was our first black president, doncha know?
Did anyone make it through that? SNL is getting worse and worse.
Graham can't be impersonated by a woman. The others were just as bad. I suppose if the writing was much better it'd make up for the weak comedians - but the SNL writing is very weak. Maybe they could rehire Al Franken, he's unemployed.
As an addendum, in case you are confused: I did not vote for or care for Obama. He was (and is) a pompous phony, pandering to the progressive and minority populations, but betraying them throughout his two terms as he protected the interests of the power and wealthy elites.
Most people that know me, know my political views and don't bother me. That said whenever some Lefty starts with an anti-Trump-anti-Republican snark my reply is to quote Clemenceau. "If my son is not a Communist at eighteen, he has no heart. If he is not a Conservative at forty, he has no brain" to which I add "I'm over forty, what's your excuse?" When the grifter, criminal and traitor Hillary Clinton is the sanest candidate the Democrats could run at this point in time then there isn't any plausible reason for me not to vote for Trump. SNL isn't funny, and hasn't been in decades. Trump on the other hand can be and often is funny. When Democrats can plausibly convince me they won't tax me into oblivion and have a plan to grow the economy at an even faster rate than it's growing and bring the unemployment level even lower than it is then I will consider them. None of them have done so and none are going to do so. So there is nothing that Trump can do absent starting a nuclear war that would convince me to not vote for him.
The two important examples are Spain after the 1600s and China after the 15th century.
How about England from 1815 to 1915 ? They had "Splendid Isolation" as a policy and ruled world trade. I don't think your example is too valid. Their great error was the Boer War which eventually led to World War I.
The times were different as the Indian colony suggests but they avoided wars.
Spain spent all the wealth from The New World on religious wars, like the Netherlands. China was taken over by the Manchus.
You may not have been on this blog at the time but I well remember Cookie doing just that
Well, he's a marxist who doesn't argue in good faith and calls our boys "parasites" for serving in what he calls "peacetime".
I've decided I will no longer play fair with such people. I'm tired of abiding by a higher standard while they lie cheat and steal, and then watch the next day as they are treated as if they never did those things.
Cook's a good example. It's solid of you to defend him, for the sake of truth and honor, but he doesn't deserve it. He's being treated humanely when the marxist pos should be shunned. And apparently there is no consequence for his actions. So there won't be for mine either.
Let me read the script for this week's opening. Here it is, boss. These aren't funny lines, don't we have any FUNNY jokes. But boss, we have over-the-top mimicry of REPUBLICANS. But what about funny? The characters look clueless or cruel, and they are REPUBLICANS. But.... funny? REPUBLICANS! Funny? We have the laugh track turned up to eleventy. OK then, we have a winner!
mockturtle supported: Yes, Cookie, in all fairness, you did.
Cook did castigate Obama, and repeatedly so. The thing is, Cook has castigated every American president going back at least a century. I never heard him diss Lincoln, so maybe he was his gold standard?
Trump hasn’t *started* any wars, and he has worked hard to wind wars down. Have we had a president since Jimmy Carter who hasn’t started any wars? That should be something to liberals, but it’s not because reasons.
I voted for Trump because Hillary was a crook who preyed on taxpayers.
Will vote for Trump in 2020 'cause Biden, the plagiarist is gross: swam nude to harass Secret Service female agents; Sanders, the Socialist, is a crazy old white man; Fauxchohantas Warren needs some more Native American blood; Buttigieg: don't like his silly name, would rather vote for that Neuman guy with the silly gap-toothed grin.
This all reminds me of an Onion article circa 2004
WASHINGTON, DC—According to a study released Monday by the Hammond Political Research Group, many of the nation's liberals are suffering from a vastly diminished sense of outrage.
"With so many right-wing shams to choose from, it's simply too daunting for the average, left-leaning citizen to maintain a sense of anger," said Rachel Neas, the study's director
Cook: No, I don't have the slightest need to prove to you that I am telling the truth.
Whatever. My memory of your credibility is akin to a housewife who's caught her husband cheating 42 times. I took the time to document the first few and watched you more carefully to determine if your socialist sophistry was a deliberate attempt to be dishonest or ignorance made in good faith.
Around incident #11 or #12 I resolved it was the former. And tossed out whatever evidence I had gathered, as it was no longer needed. Now all that remains is an awareness that nothing you say can be trusted and that you are disingenuous at best.
When you say you're working late again tonight, I hear that you're hanging out with the Mistress another night. I don't even need to bring the detective back in, he's done enough amateur video of your antics to open a chain of Adult Porn Theaters.
Blogger Michael K said... The two important examples are Spain after the 1600s and China after the 15th century. How about England from 1815 to 1915 ? Mercantilist. A lot of the "British Empire" was coaling stations to feed the ships that kept the sea lanes free for trade. For reasons I am too ignorant to understand, the Brits of the 19th century wanted political control of India.
Clumsy names are an underappreciated obstacle to success in the US, especially in politics. Perhaps Peter Buttigieg should change his name to Peter Butt? Or maybe Peter Buttowski? Or maybe Buttson? As long as it includes the "Butt" part. For continuity.
Looks like SNL has come to the conclusion that they can't make fun of Trump to get him out, so they hope to attack just general republicans. Something tells me they will be unsuccessful as well. First of all they are attacking multiple targets how can you focus one person when there are numerous people to go after. Second, how can you go after the republican supporters, especially those that they focused on, (Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, and Mitch McConnel) when they are so low voltage compared to Trump? One thing people don't realize, is that Trump being so loud and in your face, has given amazing political cover for every other republican. Look at what happened in Georgia with there abortion bill, and how little coverage it its getting? That would have never happened with a demure republican president like Bush. Either one.
The left is angry because Trump is a person they don't know how to beat politically. Hence SNL blech.
”Cookie is/was a big October Surprise/Reagan colluded with the Ayatollah to hold Americans hostage longer to win the election conspiracy Truther.
“Ive never read Cookie take that back but Ill give him the opportunity to do so now before calling him out on that.”
I never have taken it back. I don’t know for certain it happened, but I long thought it was likely it did, and still do think it may have occurred. (The Reagan Administration were discovered dealing with Iran later with Iran-Contra, showing their willingness to conduct illegal secret deals with a state considered an enemy of the U.S.)
I did hear someone in recent years describe a plausible alternative explanation for Iran releasing the hostages right after Reagan was inaugurated: Iran released the hostages due to background efforts of the Carter administration, but they hated Carter for having given the Shah haven in the U.S., so they waited until Carter was out of office to release the hostages to prevent Carter from getting credit for their release.
I don’t which of the above explanations is true, but either is more plausible and likely than that Iran released the hostages when they did out of “fear of what Reagan would do.”
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The joke is Chuck Todd and three non-Democrats on MTP.
Everything else is an attempt to be funny.
The impersonations were good, the skit was not.
Sorry, couldn’t get past the first minute. A weak imitation of appearance and mannerism with poor writing is not going to do it for me.
PS I don’t its the Republicans who are reflexively claiming “COLLUSION!”
If Donald Trump starts a stupid war, I won't vote for him.
And of course, the funnier skit would be "What would it take for you TO vote for Donald Trump."
Just to show how much bias there is in our news media, the Hill has two, top of the web page, stories about SNL skits last night and CNN has one at the top of their homepage.
Headline News stories about comedy skits that attack Republicans and Trump.
SNL seems aware it needs to move from narrative to counter-narrative, but they will loose that opportunity over the summer break.
A trial by press. Novel.
Happy Mother's Day to Ann and the other mothers posting today.
The impersonations were good, the skit was not.
Trump will lose my support when he becomes half as crazy as the Democrats.
And the alternative will be .... Hillary!?
Use the words "diversity" or "inclusion" as the racists do.
I'm a convince-able moderate Republican; they just need to offer an option that is better. I would like an election where the best thing I can say about both candidates isn't: "Well, at least they'll be a different KIND of disaster to the other."
That was truly awful.
Old and tired meme. Truth to power would have been SNL doing this with Obama and black voters.
That's a fallacious question. What would it take to lose support of Trump? Well, what is the alternative???
Trump may be an obnoxious blowhard -- many of his policies are good and even better than the worm-Republicans have non-guts to pursue -- but every Democrat is worse and most Republicans are worse, with other Republicans being unwilling to stand for anything or otherwise colluding with Democrats.
That was always the consideration. That was the reason he beat Hillary.
What’s pernicious about the sketch is the premise dictates the parameters of the humor.
It’s clear the humor suffered as the writers had to come up with repeated versions of the same joke dictated by a limiting premise.
And of course, the funnier skit would be "What would it take for you TO vote for Donald Trump.
Yes. It would be funny to see man on the streets interviews with this topic in, say, Manhattan.
Become "Woke". Or even give a hint of becoming "Woke"
Start mealy mouthing and acting like a Generic Politician.
When he stops calling a spade a spade
Fernandistein said Use the words "diversity" or "inclusion" as the racists do
Also "intersectional" :kowtowing to the LBGTQXYZ crowd and radical femininsts.
recall all those times SNL mocked Obama. or any D.
Become "Woke". Or even give a hint of becoming "Woke"
Start mealy mouthing and acting like a Generic Politician.
When he stops calling a spade a spade
Bingo, DBQ!
That's a fallacious question. What would it take to lose support of Trump? Well, what is the alternative???
That is the question. And did they have any role in spying, colluding, denying, and the witch hunts/warlock trials that may still be in progress. Also, animal, mineral, vegetable, or human?
Trump would have to do something to lose my support. To date, all the supposed ills that Trump has done are really just false allegations made by his opponents. They even admitted lying about Trump's tax cuts and are more recently starting to admit there is a crisis at the border.
Weak skit.
Good point, Fernandistein. If Trump started back-pedaling and calling a spade a heart, I'd feel as if the rug had been pulled out from under me.
Also "intersectional" :kowtowing to the LBGTQXYZ crowd and radical femininsts.
Canada is pulling ahead of the U.S. in the acronym race: "2SLGBTQQIA":
"Nothing less than that is going to protect the safety of Indigenous women, girls and members of the 2SLGBTQQIA communities."
I could not finish a minute.
Such potential, but just not funny.
I'm part of the "WTF community".
What would it take for President Trump to lose my support, you ask?
If he was to be supported by ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, ABCLSD, NBCPMS, CBSBSBS. That, my friends, would really turn me off.
What would it take to lose support of Trump?
So simple: A better alternative. Dems keep running the same candidate repackaged to appeal to their different factions. But they all espouse one value: Not Trump. A negative does not make a positive.
I was at a dinner party last night, and somebody said “Sarah Palin was the first sign of Trumpism” and it was all I could do to not say “The reaction to Sarah Palin was the fist mainstream move to attack an otherize fellow Americans as deplorable.” I didn’t. I should have, fuck them all, but there was somebody there I didn’t want to embarrass in the eyes of these completely un-self-aware losers because they are important to her.
Same thing happened when playing golf, apropos to nothing Trump bashing comes out from a guy and we are all supposed to go along. I think it’s like ants are supposed to do, feel each other’s antennas as they meet to make sure they are from the same colony. I just kept my mouth shut, but you know that’s enough with these people to out you as deplorable, if you don’t join in the politics. It’s sad, I like Vermont a lot, but I get along a lot better with the double-wide set than I do with the people with whom I supposedly have more in common. Maybe I should take up duck hunting, deer hunting, and ice fishing.
It's a month set aside to honor people who are rightfully proud of their weed-free lawns and custom painted hot-rods.
"We are proud to be part of a vibrant community which includes people from all walks of life including members of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual (2SLGBTQQIA+) communities."
Oh, well. And all this time I thought "Variety Village" was a thrift shop.
"I was at a dinner party last night, and somebody said “Sarah Palin was the first sign of Trumpism”"
-- If the concept of "hate f-----" Sarah Palin and physical violence against her and her daughters hadn't been the left comedian go-to routine on her, I think people on the right would have been more open to discussing her flaws. The Russia from my house lie, or what Snopes calls a "misattribution," only further made people on the right wary of the Left.
Then, when the left used *the same exact tactics against Romney and Ryan,* many on the right, notably me, realized that the left wasn't making a special exception for dangerous Tea Partiers or Idiots like they claimed, but that it was a standard line we'd deal with for any Republican from now until the next great political reset.
EDH: What’s pernicious about the sketch is the premise dictates the parameters of the humor.
It’s clear the humor suffered as the writers had to come up with repeated versions of the same joke dictated by a limiting premise.
Exactamente. Unfortunately for the Dems, being saddled with a "limiting premise" isn't restricted to their comedy writers.
The first step for Dems to win back the votes of the people who support Trump is for them to stop believing their own bullshit about why the people who vote for Trump vote for Trump. (Surely there must be *some* Dem operatives out there - even aspiring comedy writers! - astute enough not to have bought into these cherished idiotic delusions about the nature of "Trump support"?)
If he decided to invade a country that had given up its nuclear program and deposed its leader, who was then sodomized with an assault weapon, so that other countries would be sure to know what happens when people make deals with the US, yeah, at that point, I would stop supporting him.
If he went all in on global warming and shut down fracking and drove up the price of gas, and killed Keystone, I would stop supporting him.
If he declared that borders are fascist relics and shut down ICE, I would stop supporting him.
Lots of things....
If he went back on the NAFTA deal and resumed the practice of Canadian and Mexican companies laundering their dumped Chinese steel through those countries.
I really could go on an on. But nothing would lose my support faster than an unprovoked military attack on another country, a la Clinton and Obama.
or what Snopes calls a "misattribution,"
Don’t tell Chuck that Snopes is partisan! Oh wait, Chuck hates Palin too! LLR!
What would it take for President Trump to lose your support?
The question is premised on the idea that Trump has done many shocking and terrible things that would cause any reasonable person to reject him. He hasn't.
What would it take for those who erroneously predicted Trump would do many shocking and terrible things to look at what he has accomplished, then stop and think, for even a second, I could be wrong about Trump?
Same thing happened when playing golf, apropos to nothing Trump bashing comes out from a guy and we are all supposed to go along.
Yeah, I see this quite often. I suppose in some ways, it is nothing new. I remember as kid making fun of Jimmy Carter, and indeed, I watched Top Secret yesterday and it drops a bash on Jimmy Carter. Still, those bashes seemed to be associated to the discussion; while I've seen normal people complain about Trump at times and venues when discussing national events just didn't seem appropriate. And you are expected to just agree or you are somehow being rude.
Nobody said...
I was at a dinner party last night, and somebody said “Sarah Palin was the first sign of Trumpism”
Whenever anyone says something like that, I immediately state: "I like Trump."
Yes the huntress, roger kimball's word according to what russians called her were the forerunner of this movement
Meet the Press = Meet the Loons. Pathetic. I haven't watched this left-wing rag tag bunch of losers in decades.
I hear you, Nobody. A few months ago at the doctor's office, the receptionist was going on about how she just found out her birthday was on the same day a Trump's, as if that were an occasion for horror. I was at the desk and just smiled thinly [I can smile very thinly, indeed]. She looked up and said, "Not that there's anything wrong with Trump". The ant illustration is a good one. But what is most annoying is the sheer presumption of people that everyone thinks as they do.
When Trump first called Sen Warren - Pochahontas - I laughed my butt off.
Trump can be genuinely funny at times.
Once upon a time SNL was genuinely funny, too. But the skit just ain't funny.
The ant illustration is a good one. But what is most annoying is the sheer presumption of people that everyone thinks as they do.
They did the same thing with Obama.
2014 SNL Skit: How's Obama doing? https://youtu.be/1VqgTdUFtq8
Truthful, but gently poking fun at a hero. Not intended to be critical.
Impropriety is the soul of wit. The skit was very determined to be proper. What a waste of talent.
AllenS reports: Whenever anyone says something like that, I immediately state: "I like Trump."
I usually do, too, unless it's someone who might have my life, health or vehicle safety in their hands. ;-) It might be unwise, say, in a dental office.
There used to be casual insulting of the president/presidency. To the point where I recall in the Richie Rich movie, I think, the rich guy explaining to an obvious caricature of the president, "If you spend more money than you make, you get debt."
Whenever anyone says something like that, I immediately state: "I like Trump."
Likewise. Then watch them go into a tizzy about naziism, sexism, evil dictatorships, oppression of free speech, how much of a nasty person he is, and so on.
I usually do, too, unless it's someone who might have my life, health or vehicle safety in their hands
Or is preparing my food.
Trump has already proved he is for real--a Republican in thought, word, and deed. Unlike blowhards that can't wait to raise their hands for Global Warming or pushing any other Leftist scheme.
If Trump contracts a mental disease that makes him act like Chuck, I will reconsider my position.
“Sarah Palin was the first sign of Trumpism”
Trumpism: Democrats losing their bleeping minds.
If he was to be supported by ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, ABCLSD, NBCPMS, CBSBSBS. That, my friends, would really turn me off.
Yes. Trump's time will pass, just as Bush and Reagan. However, the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party will continue poison minds and distort the national debate with their increasingly leftwing narrative.
But what is most annoying is the sheer presumption of people that everyone thinks as they do.
For the left that’s the role of the media and popular culture.
Then watch them go into a tizzy about naziism, sexism, evil dictatorships, oppression of free speech, how much of a nasty person he is, and so on.
They can hold the crowd captive while you refill your drink.
But what is most annoying is the sheer presumption of people that everyone thinks as they do.
Blogger Ray - SoCal said...
I could not finish a minute.
Ten seconds for me.
"What would it take to lose support of Trump?"
Hmmm. Lemme think about that. Ok, here goes:
1. Having a Democrat opponent who wasn't batshit crazy, wasn't committed to expanding the size and scope of the government, wasn't committed to the widespread practice of abortion on demand, even post-birth, wasn't committed to having open borders, and massive voter fraud by illegal aliens in California, repudiated the totally bullshit Russian-Hoax investigation, and had a modicum of respect for the traditions, history and culture of our country.
How's that?
Melania announces.
I will also second Nobodys comment. It is the arrogance of knowing there is no consequence. The only thing worse is the projection. The bullshit that those who say whatever hate they want ("hate f--k Palin" is a good example) are the ones who are suffering from their stands. Bullshit. They know they are protected when they say what they say. They are acting as the boot, not the face.
I lurked here, and abstained from much commenting, for years. The tittering at the "Putin cock holster" comment really set me off. At one time, I could easily - readily - accept that people could have different views on fiscal policy or foreign policy or role of the State in citizens lives and I could value their perspectives because I could see where they could bring me great knowledge about so many other things I know less than them - be it medicine tech natural science business boats cooking local culture carpentry law music or the best transit routes to take in Omaha etc.
You can learn something from pretty much anyone, if you listen. But after a few years, you wonder: doesn't that lesson extend to everyone? Where does this arrogance come from, that you think you can say something that is evidently a matter of opinion and have it be taken as Truth, as if it was a law of gravity?
And if you believe it to be certain, can I really trust you about which bus route to take?
Happy Mothers Day to all.
Hillary-Brennan-Strozk - Insurance policy 2020.
What would it take to lose support of Trump?
in short: if he stops being TRUMP
Trump is a force of Nature. Let Nature take its course
He's the white-water river raft ride of politics!
"What would it take for President Trump to lose your support?"
If he started kowtowing to the media and entertainment industry like most of the weasel politicians do.
When he becomes an self loathing identitarian pseudo Marxist.
“Happy Mother's Day to Ann and the other mothers posting today.”
Apparently, you didn’t get the memo. “Happy Mother's Day” is transphobic. It discriminates against trans women who are incapable of bearing children. The proper non discriminatory thing to say is “Happy Appreciation Day”. I was forced to apologize to my partner when giving her a Mother’s Day card that Hallmark hadn’t become aware of the new paradigm until it had run and shipped all of its cards for the year celebrating only cis women today.
What could Trump do to lose my vote? What could he do to make himself more dangerous than the hard left coming to dominate the Democratic Party?
I don't know offhand what that would be. Trump is far from my ideal candidate, but he's done good things with the economy and seems to have a clear-eyed view of our interests internationally. He even supports Israel, which both parties used to do. Now the Democrats would cut Israel loose.
I don't like Trump as an individual, but I'm mostly pleased with the job he's done. He would have to get a lot worse before he would pose the risk to the country virtually any Democrat poses.
Made me think of a great line from Woody Allen's Crimes and Misdemeanors: "If it bends, it's funny. If it breaks, it's not funny." This sketch "broke".
Was it Governor Edwin Edwards from Louisiana who said he'd lose voter support if the citizens of the state found him in bed with a dead girl or a live boy?
Something along those lines might shake up Trump's base. But I don't think either one of those events is going to happen with Trump.
I'd say if Trump left his wife and married Obama that might do it.
Somehow I just don't think it is gonna happen.
Maybe if he shot two or three people in the middle of Fifth Avenua. I dunno.
Already gone.
Vicki from Pasadena
The bias in the MSM is not about 'Journalism' anymore, it's about 'Clickbait' and Trump and his family seem to get the bulk of the MSM's time.
When Trump is no longer funny, he will lose support.
Trump will win re-election because without Trump, humor is gone in the United States.
The professional comedians aren’t funny. SNL isn’t funny. They are all cowards.
I got nuthin'.
Whenever anyone says something like that, I immediately state: "I like Trump."
The night of the election, I had a business treat me and others to dinner in a hope to sell us something. As it was election night, one of the salesperson's brings up Trump in a negative light, and I said "I like Trump". They were stunned, so they turned to one of my colleagues, who happened to be a black woman, and stated "well you must support Hillary". My colleague asked "why would you assume that". They didn't make the sale to anybody.
The attitude to my colleague was absolutely horrible. They simply assumed she would support the Democrat because she was black and a woman. At no time was there a discussion of policy, and the assumption against Trump was that he was a womanizer because of the "Access Hollywood" tape, and that Hillary was fine, despite her support of her philandering husband. My colleague's view was simple, Hillary's policy statements would hurt our industry and business and thus my colleagues livelihood, so why would she support her? And if it hurt our business, it would likewise hurt the company trying to sell us stuff. Alas, bigotry hurt them first.
it's about 'Clickbait'
Trump is the new Kardashian.
Just to show how much bias there is in our news media, the Hill has two, top of the web page, stories about SNL skits last night and CNN has one at the top of their homepage.
My local news site, SFGate, has two links to it too.
He'd lose my support if he cut a bad deal with China or NK, or gave up on the border.
Where was Nadler? SNL could have had a field day with Nadler and his ridiculous hyper-ventilations, not to mention his, um, unique appearance. Instead we get recycled jokes and imitations about . . . something.
It must be nice for Democrats to have such useful idiots carrying their water.
This morning I fell for the bait and played the embedded clip. Great. Now I need to let go of the bile before I and Mrs. Ribbonguy go to church. As said above, the characters were amusing (with the exception of the obligatory Lindsey gay innuendo) but the writing was the shop worn "orange man bad".
I used to LOVE SNL...but that was decades ago.
Here's an interesting fact I just learned about Ted Bundy. After he had dumped the bodies of his victims in the woods, he would return to those bodies and perform sexual acts on those bodies. He would do this repeatedly until the body became too decomposed to have sex with.....Here's my question. If Ted Kennedy had taken Mary Jo's lifeless body from the car and had sex with it, do you suppose he would have lost the support of feminists? Here's another poser. If Bill Clinton had murdered Monica to keep her from testifying, would SNL have made fun of him. I'd like to see some edgy humor comparing Bill Clinton to Ted Bundy. Maybe Bill could have sex with Monica's decomposing body in the Oval Office. Hillary catches him and hijinks ensue. Comedy gold.
It's amazing how often people try to shove their TDS down your throat with little snide remarks and comments, even if they know you support him. It's uncontrollable, like a compulsion. Or they assume you hate Trump, and they find out you don't, how they blow a gasket. It just rocks their world.
"If Donald Trump starts a stupid war, I won't vote for him."
The multiple wars we're fighting right now don't bother you?
"Old and tired meme. Truth to power would have been SNL doing this with Obama and black voters."
The multiple wars we're fighting right now don't bother you?
Those aren't wars, Cookie. Those are occupations. And they bother me a great deal.
"what is most annoying is the sheer presumption of people that everyone thinks as they do"
Yes. And that's how they get more Trump. As in 2016, part of the pro-Trump vote will be an FU to the prog annoyers.
It's Trump's greatest advantage with the Althouses. As Althouse's Trump's posts show, she is annoyed with the presumption that she must think as all good progs do. That's to her credit. Since she and her sisters in arms vote on the basis of personal sentiment rather than party preference or ideological conviction, it's also positive for Trump, since they will be able to rationalize their vote as a mark of intellectual independence.
So I hope the left keeps pissing off the non-left. My one political illusion is that they are sufficiently clueless to do what I prefer.
"If he decided to invade a country that had given up its nuclear program and deposed its leader, who was then sodomized with an assault weapon, so that other countries would be sure to know what happens when people make deals with the US, yeah, at that point, I would stop supporting him."
Yes, that's pretty bad. Anyone who would vote for someone involved in something like that is blind, stupid, or morally bankrupt.
"Those aren't wars, Cookie. Those are occupations. And they bother me a great deal."
They are wars. What is armed occupation but war in slow motion? Unfortunately, it is mostly the occupied who suffer. Except for those who are killed by extremists created by the occupations.
Why are we occupying them? What is our purpose, our goal, our long-range vision of how matters need to change for us to leave?
We do not have any idea.
Robert Cook said...
"If Donald Trump starts a stupid war, I won't vote for him."
The multiple wars we're fighting right now don't bother you?
Name a war we are in. We aren't at war WITH Afghanistan, are we? No, we are fighting a counter-insurgency in Afghanistan, against the Taliban. We aren't at war with Libya, Iraq or Syria, either. Fools that call Iraq and Afghanistan long "wars" have no clue what they're talking about.
If I find out he had sex with Hillary!!
What would it take for me not to vote for Trump?
Pretty simple - have a better candidate. I don't know of any.
Seriously, what other answer could there be for anyone?
Ask yourself: 1) Wouldn't our enemies would prefer anyone else? 2) Who would do a better job juicing the economy? Who ever has? 3) Who could negotiate better trade deals? Who would our competitors take more serious in a trade war?
Cass Sunstein says groupthink makes you stupid and promotes extreme beliefs.
It is difficult to not hate Trump or be a Trump supporter & be captive to groupthink, you are bombarded every day, all day by anti-Trump messaging. You are constantly told that you are NOT part of the group.
"Name a war we are in. We aren't at war WITH Afghanistan, are we? No, we are fighting a counter-insurgency in Afghanistan, against the Taliban. We aren't at war with Libya, Iraq or Syria, either. Fools that call Iraq and Afghanistan long 'wars' have no clue what they're talking about."
If we have armed troops engaged actively with opponents in other countries, we're fighting wars. Wars of occupation, as mockturtle reminded me. Wars of occupation that are creating resistance in the form of extremists who carry out acts of terrorism.
Do you prefer the euphemism "police action?"
"If Donald Trump starts a stupid war, I won't vote for him."
So, no Obama 2.0. Although, Venezuela is trending, and perhaps Iran will reemerge as a contender, if only by proxy.
That was Libya, as we seemed to follow the plan Tomlinson and shayler detailed in 1999, as a result Islamist militias took charge and general hafter has vanquished most except around tripoli.
You cannot sit idly by and not respond to the anti Trump comments. You have to let them know that not everyone thinks like they do. To stay silent is to acquiesce to their view. As Pastor Neilmoler (sorry for the spelling) said "First they came for the Jews".
After he had dumped the bodies of his victims in the woods, he would return to those bodies and perform sexual acts on those bodies.
Bundy, while in prison in Florida, called the Green River Killer task force and suggested they stake out a body and see if he returned to do the same. Sort of like the scene in "Silence of the Lambs" where the villain helps the FBI with "Buffalo Bill."
He'd have to shoot me in the middle of Times Square in broad daylight.
Wars of occupation that are creating resistance in the form of extremists who carry out acts of terrorism.
This is leftist nonsense but I agree with you that we should have left Afghanistan ten years ago.
Muslims hated the West from 570 AD. Charles Martel finally stopped the invasion of Europe which resumed a decade ago.
We "created resistance" by being alive and especially by the Industrial Revolution, which they have yet to figure out.
Largely the problem of Afghanistan is the sanctuaries in Pakistan, which we really haven't done anything about, but do you think the Taliban is the legitimate govt therem
Kind of like here:
Why are we occupying them? What is our purpose, our goal, our long-range vision of how matters need to change for us to leave?
We do not have any idea.
We don't, Cookie. And isn't it the job of the Secretary of Defense [I was going to write SOD] to keep us informed of our 'progress'? As my mother was wont to say, "The whole thing stinks to high heaven!"
If I was part of the cool group that hates Trump, I would wonder why Trump has so far escaped challenge from within the GOP. If Trump was as stupid, vile, corrupt and incompetent as his detractors say that he is, there would be twenty Republicans in the running to take the nomination from him. Instead you have William Weld, and maybe that Hunter guy from Utah.
I might vote for a Nikki Haley, but not voting for Trump would require voting for a leftist or some other person who does not understand the challenges and dangers of the world.
"Largely the problem of Afghanistan is the sanctuaries in Pakistan, which we really haven't done anything about, but do you think the Taliban is the legitimate govt therem"
If you're asking a question, directed at me, I'll say: it's none of our business who the "legitimate" government is in Afghanistan, (or elsewhere). That's their internal business.
If the US was serious about isolationism, isn't it obvious what the result would be? The Chinese would co-opt the natural resources of the Old World.
Maybe this is acceptable. The US would be a very rich nation if it confined itself to operating in the Western hemisphere. But at that level it is all about growth rates, if an isolationist US grows its GDP at 2% & Chinese GDP grows at 4%, in a century they will be able to buy us out with pocket change.
But I'll be long gone then.
It would take Harry Truman to rise from the dead and run against him.
Some may imagine some sort of "moderate" Democrat prez. But any calculus should go beyond the individual at the top.
Blogger Nobody said...
If he went all in on global warming...
I had concerns Ivanka would have his ear on that.
Afghanistan has a lot of "tribal areas" that are governed by hetmen. There is no "government" to speak of. It's not an internal matter because there is no internal authority, Bin Laden exploited this buy co-opting the weak national government and waging asymmetrical warfare on the US.
How you gonna stop tht from happening again? I suppose you could put the clamps on immigration.
Yes its tribal, like the zadran who lie on both sides of the durand line, that's haquannjs outfit. The ISI set upon their Afghan strategy after thru lost their first two wars with india.
Stick to posting music vids.
Yes China through Pakistan wants the rare earths in Afghanistan, other elements in the Congo, oil from Sudan and iran,
“ But at that level it is all about growth rates, if an isolationist US grows its GDP at 2% & Chinese GDP grows at 4%, in a century they will be able to buy us out with pocket change.”
I am not as pessimistic as you. The growth rate in China is declining, and they are rapidly heading for demographic collapse. Centralized control may be the way to go to bring a country from abject poverty to the point where it’s economy can take off, but after a certain point, when the economy becomes sufficiently complex, it starts to be counterproductive. China seems to be trying to give its economy some freedom, while clamping down on its population in political matters. I don’t see that balancing act working long term.
If I find out he had sex with Hillary!!
"I'll say: it's none of our business who the "legitimate" government is in Afghanistan, (or elsewhere). That's their internal business.
That's naive. It is our business if we care about ourselves. Normally, it's none of your business who rents out a house on your street, but if it's a gang using it for a meth lab, it might be your business. To ignore such things is irresponsible to your own interests, as we found out on 9/11.
Now taking the long view the Taliban are just the last manifestation of figures like the mad mullah of malak and the fakir of Waziristan the last escaped British scrutiny for 25 years, died in his sleep.
I am sympathetic to isolationism. But the two important examples we have from history show isolationist nations being economically overtaken by nations that embraced global trade & the military adventurism that global trade requires. The two important examples are Spain after the 1600s and China after the 15th century.
If our wars of occupation are stupid,how much dumber are Marxist wars of liberation? And even dumber than those are wars to institute Sharia law in Muslim lands.....At a conservative estimate, seventy percent of all wars are stupid and futile. The percentage is even higher for Marxist and religious wars.
"Maybe if he shot two or three people in the middle of Fifth Avenua. I dunno."
SNL needs to give Trump writing credit for their skit, and pay him.
Wars of liberation were Russian imperialism in another guise.
So Angela for the oil, support of the critical resources of south Africa through support of umkhonto du sizwe.
That's what Whitaker chambers ghost on the roof was about;
My very short list of items would be ...
Any Democrat promise to pull out of the UN and get nominated.
In the 70s the Soviets sought to undermine the kingdom by supporting Marxist guerillas in Yemen, young Ali Saleh was a part of this, Qaddafi was a proxy for training PLO red army faction IRA against Israel germany and the UK
First rule of holes: stop digging.
Huckleberry variation: invite your "friends* to come in with own shovel and you skedaddle.
"Friends* Europe, Russia, China.
"If we have armed troops engaged actively with opponents in other countries, we're fighting wars."
Like Somia? We got Combat Action Ribbons for a humanitarian mission. So your definition does nothing but remind us you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.
And its dishonest - I don't remember hearing a thing from you about warmongering during the 8 years of Obama's wars. You don't even believe what you're lecturing us about. It's just another situational principle you"ll adopt and then abandon when it's inconvenient.
But every time you talk about our troops I get to remind everyone that you called our boys "parasites" for serving during what you call "peacetime".
"What would it take- "
Stupid question. Better: What would it take to leave the Democrat Party? Hilary corruption. Attempted coup. Antifa violence. Abortion after birth. Jew hatred. Race hoaxes. And on and on and on.
support of the critical resources of south Africa through support of umkhonto du sizwe
Up to and including lynching blacks, and opening abortion fields for native South Africans.
So, the Dems are full on into mental masturbation. No surprise; They have been for years.
If Democrats stop telling lies about us, we will stop telling the truth about them.
""I'll say: it's none of our business who the "legitimate" government is in Afghanistan, (or elsewhere). That's their internal business."
The world is not that big. Fight them over there or fight them over here, those are the only two choices. Project power or retreat bebind static defenses. And our border has little defense.
South America has problems and 30 million refugees show up on our doorstep. And bring the problem along with them.
indeed and that is why Venezuela needs to be dealt with, sooner or later, using elections, nonviolent activism, and sanctions only goes so far, it is a major projection point for Russian through cuba, and also iran,
Better to ask Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff what Trump could do to win their support.
But that would never even occur to the SNL group.
If you want to know where Robert Cook gets his debate tips from, read Noam Chomsky. The same idiotic half truths and outright falsehoods repeated dead pan. "Of course the US started the Korean War to gain control of North Korea's coal mines, Dean Acheson's family made its fortune in coal after they broke the West Virginia coal miners strike in 1923 . . ."
IMO, the best antidote for Marxism is Capitalism. Prosperity. Venezuela's resources have been sorely mismanaged but were doing quite well prior to Hugo Chavez. This doesn't work in Muslim countries, of course, but then neither does Marxism. Call it Imperialism but Western nations, especially the US and Canada, could help turn Venezuela's economy around if given access.
probably a little howard zinn, the analogue is Eduardo galeano, economic shocks like el caracazo in 89, led to the Chavez coup, and ultimately his election, once in power, he was able to distribute funds from argentina north, the kirshners were the beneficiaries, from the default that was a consequence of greenspan's first set of rate hikes, which made their foreign debt unmanageable,
Is it hypocritical if people support Trump no matter how much he may hypothetically change, or if they won't support him if he hypothetically changes in ways they don't like? What is the point of this skit?
they want to see what his glass jaw is:
there were broad jibes against the Georgia heartbeat bill, but palomino, about this,
purloined documents, pshaw this is noble, of course Hillary's dirty laundry,
"And its dishonest - I don't remember hearing a thing from you about warmongering during the 8 years of Obama's wars."
Well, you're either lying or you were on an eight-year meth bender, or you have suffered a serious head trauma and are suffering amnesia. I castigated Obama often for his war making, calling him, repeatedly and correctly, a war criminal.
of course if we don't fight them over there:
It would be far more interesting to have a similar sketch with the Dems being asked what would it take to get your support?
Nobody, when someone throws out a gratuitous Trump insult, I don’t bite my tongue and keep silent. At 75 I don’t give a shit if they like me or are embarrassed. The more we keep silent the more it entrenches them.
Tangentially related, I never believed the high ratings Obama got in his last year. Just as there were “shy Trump voters”, I’m convinced many who were polled didn’t want to be thought racist for calling Obama what he was—- an incompetent out to wreck our country. He was our first black president, doncha know?
Did anyone make it through that? SNL is getting worse and worse.
Graham can't be impersonated by a woman. The others were just as bad. I suppose if the writing was much better it'd make up for the weak comedians - but the SNL writing is very weak. Maybe they could rehire Al Franken, he's unemployed.
if you don't crawl to them, they see you as stupid
may pays them a 39 billion pound ransom, and they still look down on her.
As an addendum, in case you are confused: I did not vote for or care for Obama. He was (and is) a pompous phony, pandering to the progressive and minority populations, but betraying them throughout his two terms as he protected the interests of the power and wealthy elites.
"Obama what he was—- an incompetent out to wreck our country."
Nope. He wasn't incompetent. He was doing what he was hired to do: serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful.
So why am I the one telling you we were in a "war" somewhere every single day of his 8 year administration?
I don't recall you ever having a problem witn that. Until Trump.
"castigated Obama often for his war making, calling him, repeatedly and correctly, a war criminal."
Doubtful. I would have found a Marxist coming out publicly against another Marxist to be noteworthy.
Link it.
I castigated Obama often for his war making, calling him, repeatedly and correctly, a war criminal.
Yes, Cookie, in all fairness, you did.
Fen, you may not have been on this blog at the time but I well remember Cookie doing just that.
Most people that know me, know my political views and don't bother me. That said whenever some Lefty starts with an anti-Trump-anti-Republican snark my reply is to quote Clemenceau. "If my son is not a Communist at eighteen, he has no heart. If he is not a Conservative at forty, he has no brain" to which I add "I'm over forty, what's your excuse?" When the grifter, criminal and traitor Hillary Clinton is the sanest candidate the Democrats could run at this point in time then there isn't any plausible reason for me not to vote for Trump. SNL isn't funny, and hasn't been in decades. Trump on the other hand can be and often is funny. When Democrats can plausibly convince me they won't tax me into oblivion and have a plan to grow the economy at an even faster rate than it's growing and bring the unemployment level even lower than it is then I will consider them. None of them have done so and none are going to do so. So there is nothing that Trump can do absent starting a nuclear war that would convince me to not vote for him.
The two important examples are Spain after the 1600s and China after the 15th century.
How about England from 1815 to 1915 ? They had "Splendid Isolation" as a policy and ruled world trade. I don't think your example is too valid. Their great error was the Boer War which eventually led to World War I.
The times were different as the Indian colony suggests but they avoided wars.
Spain spent all the wealth from The New World on religious wars, like the Netherlands. China was taken over by the Manchus.
I made it 13 seconds.
Political humor is mostly terrible because you can tell it tries too hard for one POV.
Good sketch comedy comes from what people just find funny or absurd.
The Indian mutiny of 1857, was the close call , why did the boer war go so far of course.
You may not have been on this blog at the time but I well remember Cookie doing just that
Well, he's a marxist who doesn't argue in good faith and calls our boys "parasites" for serving in what he calls "peacetime".
I've decided I will no longer play fair with such people. I'm tired of abiding by a higher standard while they lie cheat and steal, and then watch the next day as they are treated as if they never did those things.
Cook's a good example. It's solid of you to defend him, for the sake of truth and honor, but he doesn't deserve it. He's being treated humanely when the marxist pos should be shunned. And apparently there is no consequence for his actions. So there won't be for mine either.
Let me read the script for this week's opening.
Here it is, boss.
These aren't funny lines, don't we have any FUNNY jokes.
But boss, we have over-the-top mimicry of REPUBLICANS.
But what about funny?
The characters look clueless or cruel, and they are REPUBLICANS.
But.... funny?
We have the laugh track turned up to eleventy.
OK then, we have a winner!
mockturtle supported: Yes, Cookie, in all fairness, you did.
Cook did castigate Obama, and repeatedly so. The thing is, Cook has castigated every American president going back at least a century. I never heard him diss Lincoln, so maybe he was his gold standard?
Trump hasn’t *started* any wars, and he has worked hard to wind wars down. Have we had a president since Jimmy Carter who hasn’t started any wars? That should be something to liberals, but it’s not because reasons.
"Doubtful. I would have found a Marxist coming out publicly against another Marxist to be noteworthy."
In the equation you refer to, neither party is a Marxist. That you may think so just shows you are unhinged from reality.
"Link it."
Hahaha! No, I don't have the slightest need to prove to you that I am telling the truth. I don't tell lies. You can believe that or lump it.
I never heard him diss Lincoln, so maybe he was his gold standard?
Henry Wallace.
Cookie: "I don't tell lies. You can believe that or lump it."
Cookie is/was a big October Surprise/Reagan colluded with the Ayatollah to hold Americans hostage longer to win the election conspiracy Truther.
Ive never read Cookie take that back but Ill give him the opportunity to do so now before calling him out on that.
Don't have to support Trump to vote for Trump.
I voted for Trump because Hillary was a crook who preyed on taxpayers.
Will vote for Trump in 2020 'cause Biden, the plagiarist is gross: swam nude to harass Secret Service female agents; Sanders, the Socialist, is a crazy old white man; Fauxchohantas Warren needs some more Native American blood; Buttigieg: don't like his silly name, would rather vote for that Neuman guy with the silly gap-toothed grin.
This all reminds me of an Onion article circa 2004
WASHINGTON, DC—According to a study released Monday by the Hammond Political Research Group, many of the nation's liberals are suffering from a vastly diminished sense of outrage.
"With so many right-wing shams to choose from, it's simply too daunting for the average, left-leaning citizen to maintain a sense of anger," said Rachel Neas, the study's director
Cook: No, I don't have the slightest need to prove to you that I am telling the truth.
Whatever. My memory of your credibility is akin to a housewife who's caught her husband cheating 42 times. I took the time to document the first few and watched you more carefully to determine if your socialist sophistry was a deliberate attempt to be dishonest or ignorance made in good faith.
Around incident #11 or #12 I resolved it was the former. And tossed out whatever evidence I had gathered, as it was no longer needed. Now all that remains is an awareness that nothing you say can be trusted and that you are disingenuous at best.
When you say you're working late again tonight, I hear that you're hanging out with the Mistress another night. I don't even need to bring the detective back in, he's done enough amateur video of your antics to open a chain of Adult Porn Theaters.
chikelit writes: I never heard him diss Lincoln, so maybe he was his gold standard?
But..but didn't Lincoln start a war???
Cookie may be painfully naive but he is honest.
Robert Cook wrote: "I castigated Obama often for his war making, calling him, repeatedly and correctly, a war criminal."
That is true.
Blogger Michael K said...
The two important examples are Spain after the 1600s and China after the 15th century.
How about England from 1815 to 1915 ?
Mercantilist. A lot of the "British Empire" was coaling stations to feed the ships that kept the sea lanes free for trade. For reasons I am too ignorant to understand, the Brits of the 19th century wanted political control of India.
Clumsy names are an underappreciated obstacle to success in the US, especially in politics. Perhaps Peter Buttigieg should change his name to Peter Butt? Or maybe Peter Buttowski? Or maybe Buttson? As long as it includes the "Butt" part. For continuity.
Looks like SNL has come to the conclusion that they can't make fun of Trump to get him out, so they hope to attack just general republicans. Something tells me they will be unsuccessful as well. First of all they are attacking multiple targets how can you focus one person when there are numerous people to go after. Second, how can you go after the republican supporters, especially those that they focused on, (Lindsey Graham, Susan Collins, and Mitch McConnel) when they are so low voltage compared to Trump? One thing people don't realize, is that Trump being so loud and in your face, has given amazing political cover for every other republican. Look at what happened in Georgia with there abortion bill, and how little coverage it its getting? That would have never happened with a demure republican president like Bush. Either one.
The left is angry because Trump is a person they don't know how to beat politically. Hence SNL blech.
Also Happy mother's day to all mothers.
”Cookie is/was a big October Surprise/Reagan colluded with the Ayatollah to hold Americans hostage longer to win the election conspiracy Truther.
“Ive never read Cookie take that back but Ill give him the opportunity to do so now before calling him out on that.”
I never have taken it back. I don’t know for certain it happened, but I long thought it was likely it did, and still do think it may have occurred. (The Reagan Administration were discovered dealing with Iran later with Iran-Contra, showing their willingness to conduct illegal secret deals with a state considered an enemy of the U.S.)
I did hear someone in recent years describe a plausible alternative explanation for Iran releasing the hostages right after Reagan was inaugurated: Iran released the hostages due to background efforts of the Carter administration, but they hated Carter for having given the Shah haven in the U.S., so they waited until Carter was out of office to release the hostages to prevent Carter from getting credit for their release.
I don’t which of the above explanations is true, but either is more plausible and likely than that Iran released the hostages when they did out of “fear of what Reagan would do.”
SNL has moved to "thinking past the sale" persuasion
Adams has become boring/predictable - most of his show center on "you are not gonna like this" defending libs. Not much to learn.
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