Hillary. It’s her turn.I laughed and I got laughs:
But is it a joke? Someone else commented...
She's perhaps counting on a brokered convention that no one can win so they have to call her in to be their "savior". LOL.... and I said:
She's there in reserve. It's a joke until it happens. DJT was a joke until it happened. The funniest thing may be the most likely thing. All the other candidates are bad. I'm not sure the extent to which I was joking. You can't tell the difference between jokes and what's real in America anymore.I certainly think Donald Trump is by far the most likely to win the election. That's easy to say because his party is pretty much adapted to him. That fight is over. What Trump did to the GOP has played out and (mostly) resolved. The Democratic Party is currently going through some kind of crack-up or evolution. It's fractured and chaotic, and there are — what? — 20 candidates and not one of them is much good. None seems equipped to go head-to-head with Trump.
But John's question is not which party do you think will win the 2020 election. He asks you to pick out a person, and the Democratic Party side is this huge collection of candidates. How can you pick out one and think he/she is more likely than Trump?
So let's ask the question a little differently...
News from the future: The Democrats beat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. It was nothing in particular that he did. He stayed the same. And nothing changed in the economy or foreign affairs or domestic violence or anything like that. It's all about the performance of the Democratic candidate. Now: Who was Democratic candidate?
I'll stick with my Hillary answer!
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»Bubba from Wisconsin.
Biden - there might be enough people that will vote for his facade rather than for Trump's "out-in-the-open"ness
I'll stick with the 2016 answer. Hillary was the only Democrat Trump could have beaten.
Same goes for 2020.
Funny, I just came here from reading an article on how the more people see of Hillary, the less they like her. There’s nothing Hillary can do to increase her popularity. Even a party as pathetic and dysfunctional as the Democrats can do better than her.
If you assume the Democrats vote for the Democrat and the Republicans vote for the Republican, then the winner is the one who can pick up the most independents. IMO, that is Joe Biden. He’s least scary. (This is similar to the reasoning I used to argue Sanders could have beaten Trump—he would have split the protest vote. By nominating Hillary, the Democrats ceded the protest vote to the Republicans.)
Lee, I think you were right in 2016, but wrong in 2020. I don’t see anyone out there I’d give favourable odds to beat Trump.
I'll stick with my Hillary answer!
Hillary is today's "None of the above."
Every person who joins the race is a refutation of everyone already running.
Why do these people keep announcing when there are 10, 15, or 20 people already running? Because even people deep in the Democrat establishment look at that field and think, "they're all morons and I could do better."
Also, Hillary keeps calling and urging them to run.
Why, she's on the phone with Mike Bloomberg right now.
IMO, that is Joe Biden. He’s least scary.
To run against someone accused of being an entitled jerk, the Dems nominated Hillary.
To run against someone accused of foreign collusion, the Dems nominate Biden?
Trump was never a joke. He makes jokes, first owing to a sense of humor and second for a purpose against opponents; but that doesn't make Trump a joke.
I think the Dems should nominate Hillary.
Then she should get indicted by Bill Barr for colluding with foreign governments in the 2016 election.
Then she goes to jail and Trump wins.
That would be poetic justice.
I have watched snippets of Biden speaking recently. He has lost it. There is no chance he can beat Trump. The D's are going down the same over confident path they did with Hildabeast.
My father long ago wanted a "none of the above" choice in voting, and if none of the above wins, we don't have anybody in that office for that term.
The dems could run a "none of the above" and if it wins, we don't have a president for four years. Or eight years.
Dem candidates have yet to get substantive questions. Like what policies are going to improve the life of any citizen, more than a booming economy. With historically low unemployment, wages growing faster than they have for decades, for lower paid workers.
Dems say the words, but I don't see policies that would deliver.
"By Jove;I think she's got it!"
It's all about the performance of the Democratic candidate.
That's a strange qualifier. If nothing changes about Trump, maybe nothing changes about the Democratic candidates, either. Just apply the same party percentages we saw in 2016 and 2018 and Trump could lose the same way he won.
FiveThirtyEight has an fresh take about the crowded Democratic field:
Here’s How The Democrats Will Limit The Debate Field If Too Many People Qualify.
To qualify via polling, a candidate must reach 1 percent in at least three national or early-state polls from qualifying polling organizations. To qualify via donors, a candidate must have at least 65,000 unique donors with at least 200 donors in at least 20 states.
If more than 20 candidates qualify ... candidates [hit both polling and donor requirements] will get first dibs on debate lecterns.
The image that leads the article is a lineup of lecterns. They literally look like guillotines.
Interesting fact: Andrew Yang has hit both polling and donor thresholds. Gillibrand, Hickenlooper, and a slice of other established politicians have hit the polling threshold, but not the donor.
Answer: Sleepy Joe.
The Dems would like to win the election, but what really counts is the popular vote.
That's the race they have to win.
If they're not most popular, they just don't know what they'll do.
Sleepy Joe would fill the "he was a joke before he won" frame.
Gillibrand, Hickenlooper, and a slice of other established politicians have hit the polling threshold, but not the donor.
Gillibrand needs to get on a Manhattan street with a sign.
People get money doing that all the time, especially if you make the sign about feeding your puppy.
Like, "Give $1 and Sign this Form to Feed My Puppy".
Then have a really cute one next to you for people to pet.
To beat Trump, Democrats would have to go outside normal politicians, such as Trump. So maybe Bob Iger or Oprah. I suspect either of those names would at least poll as well as Biden and Sanders within the Primary. But here's the thing, DC hates Trump precisely because he is outside of politics. The GOP establishment tried to stop Trump, but the GOP has a history of being ineffective. The Democrat establishment stopped Sanders in 2016. They will likely stop an Iger or Oprah.
The Democratic candidate was Michelle Obama. Barack came out as gay in September. Trump made fun of her eating a hotdog in late-October.
By May 2020 with Biden only getting 40% of the delegates and his latest gaffe threatening his campaign, rumbles came about someone new entering the race to unite the party.
And then Michelle declared she was running.
MO mentum!
"It's all about the performance of the Democratic candidate. Now: Who was Democratic candidate?" This seems so wrong to me. It's not at all about the performance of the Democratic candidate. It's about, What fraction of American voters will not vote for Donald Trump under any circumstances at all and will in fact crawl over broken glass to vote against him?
The answer to that question determines who wins the election, regardless of the Democratic candidate. Right now I would guess that the answer is, Somewhat more than the fraction of voters who will vote for Trump.
Most likely it’d be a third party or independent candidate that’d put a Democrat in the White House over Trump.
DNC classified ad: “Centrist needed to put lefty in the White House.”
Given the state of polling today anyone should be very nervous about being the predicted winner.
How Donald Trump won in 2020.
The democratic race resolved to two Candidate, one a far left socialist, one a traditional center leaning moderate democrat. They could not resolve this contention. About half the state parties put one the ballot and the rest put the other.
The combined democratic popular vote was a little larger than Trumps. The election went to the House with Trump having a one state lead.
Hillary is going to run to inoculate herself against the coming investigation.
The GOP establishment tried to stop Trump, but the GOP has a history of being ineffective. The Democrat establishment stopped Sanders in 2016. They will likely stop an Iger or Oprah.
That's exactly right. The GOP establishment controlled the party by use of fundraising. Trump is a billionaire. And a businessman. He ran a minimalist campaign, utilizing free media, which eliminated the need for the money. He turned a weakness into a strength.
The DNC, through the use of superdelegates, was able to control the nomination process a lot better. The DNC establishments strength (reducing fringe candidates impact) turned out to be a weakness in a "change" election. Hillary was forced to run a "any change will be dark" campaign. It almost worked.
Oh and I was going to say Oprah too. George Clooney. Someone from outside politics. AOC was from outside politics.
The problem is that the DNC still has that control. And can't allow an outsider.
Hillary learned nothing from 2016, so if she ran again I would not expect a different result. Plus, lately she's gotten even more obnoxious than before.
EDH opines: Most likely it’d be a third party or independent candidate that’d put a Democrat in the White House over Trump.
Maybe Howard Schultz could be nudged into the Dem fold. While I don't think he'd beat Trump, he might beat Biden.
Zombie JFK.
Hillary is well past her expiration date and not due to her age. Has anyone, anywhere, heard a call for her to run? But I can almost hear her whisper to herself, "And still she persisted! And still she persisted! And still she persisted!" "Third time is a charm!"
Trump's win wasn't a joke from the start. That's only the narrative of the people who got it wrong. Trump was winning almost from Day 1. An interesting bar graph would be Trump's poll ratings at this point in the previous election cycle versus the other Democrats ratings in the current cycle,from now till the election.
Agree with others - Mrs. B.O. would be it.
"Trump's win wasn't a joke from the start."
-- Considering part of the reason I think he ran was to spite people like Obama and that one Comedy Central or whoever faux anchor who made jokes about his running, then, I'd say it kind of came full circle.
Because nothing represents today's "feminists" like running on your husband's resume. See HRC.
My 92-year-old mother supported Trump even before I did and Mom knows best.
What's in it for Michelle? Nothing that she doesn't already have in great plenty.
Flashback to 1863: Who but Lincoln would win in the midst of that great Civil War? It took Democrats 20 years to get back in the White House after Lincoln. 20 years. Hillary can never win again. The mere thought of her regaining power gives me pause. She is not a magnanimous healer. She represents malice towards some and charity for herself. The sheer level of retribution and State-level persecution which she would Foster and unleash is enough to scare off more than half the country.
And Harris is Hillary-lite which rhymes with Hitler-lite.
I've been saying that Hillary will be the Democratic nominee in 2020 since Nov 2016.
Michelle Obama.
Yeah - Go un-indicted felon! with a private server.
In that Future do you see Trump going home or being arrested on noon January 20.
The launching pad was supposed to be their speaking tour. Trouble is, rapist Bill and sister Hillary could not sell tickets and fill seats. Sure, some die-hards still pine for her->, but the rest of the world has moved on. Even Obama.
@Althouse, and between now and November 2020 how did she become less unlikeable, less corrupt, and lose her political tin ear? How is she managing to to campaign while behind bars in Leavenworth.
If Hillary were to get in, say hello to Brennan and the entire cabal of corrupt-mob governing. She would be on a revenge fit like nothing else, and our government would be filled with Strozks. Institutionalized corruption for generations. It's for your own good.
RE: Hillary "But is it a joke?"
What's going to happen in Nov. 2020? Too early. But we know the incumbent always starts with a 60-70% advantage. Predictions? It will be close. Most states will vote red/blue according to 2016 results. My guess: the only states in play are in the mid-west. Will be close votes in those states.
Trump is excellent at motivating people to vote. He brought out new voters in 2016 in surprising margins. Here's where predictions get tricky. Three factors: 1)Trump is also excellent at motivating his opposition in larger numbers then usual. 2) Hillary de-motivated people. A larger portion then usual voted 3rd party or stayed home in critical midwestern states. 2) Demographics slightly different in 2020 then 2016. Millennials are 4 years older, slowly voting more frequently. More 20-somethings voted in 2018 then usual. This trend will continue in 2020.
Prediction: Voters are highly motivated on all sides. 2020 will break turn-out records.
Agree with Big Mike. Hillary will be in jail. This whole Russia thing blows up on the Dems.
The More People See of Hillary Clinton, the Less They Like Her
"For the third time in her life, Hillary Clinton toured the nation, hoping to be loved. Hoping to break the cycle that the more people see of her, the less they like her.
The third time wasn't the charm.
This weekend, the Clintons took the Hill and Bill Tour to The Forum in Inglewood, Calif., in what amounts to home turf for them these days. Thanks to low demand, ticket prices plummeted to as low as $2 each.
And pundits who remark on the tour inevitably point out that she didn't visit Wisconsin this time, either."
You won't see Hillary in office until the Electoral College is abolished. She could carry CA and NY with a plurality of 10 million harvested votes and still not win.
In Re: performance ...
Hillary takes advice from Bill?
File me under the group of people who think that if Hillary had gone to Wisconsin, she would have lost by more. So I am not really afraid of her.
Hillary learned nothing from 2016, so if she ran again I would not expect a different result. Plus, lately she's gotten even more obnoxious than before.
I think Hillary would visit Wisconsin this time. See: she's not completely impervious to learning something when it's (ex post facto) sufficiently obvious!
Her sycophants on the Left keep reminding her she won the popular vote and assert that she was only kept from her birthright of First Woman President by small-margin victories in swing states where Vladimir Putin and Jim Comey brought just enough voters over to get the outmoded Electoral College to go Trump’s way.
For Hillary, we must destroy states rights voting and go to a California picks the winner system. Ironically, also known as "the Russian" system. Popular vote.
The destruction of our constitution never ends, when the Clintons are seeking revenge.
I still think that we can trace the whole thing to a $1 bet between The Donald and Bill Clinton that time they met. That’s why he supposedly threw that cell phone off the roof when the Hillary campaign refused to follow his advice, he knew he was going to lose that dollar.
Before I saw him take on that Univision heckler on live TV, I thought he was a complete joke too, he has always been kind of a cultural touchstone for buffoon, and I had no reason to doubt it.
only kept from her birthright of First Woman President by small-margin victories in swing states
They really have no clue about statistics.
And they weren’t “swing states” going into the election, they were “The Blue Wall."
LOL - She's a C-NT whom even Bill won't get near.
I give a big no way on Hillary. Too many dems dislike her to be a unifying choice at a brokered convention. Biden sort of has the mantle of the Obama era and is the safest choice.
If I had to bet even money, I'd bet Trump. I give Biden a 30-40% of beating him. I have a premonition that Amy Kobuchar will be Biden's VP choice and she'll be POTUS in 2024. Can't see Biden going two terms at his age. None of this is wishful thinking. Just how I'd handicap as a disinterested gambler.
What if Trump does as someone suggested on this blog a couple of days ago and runs in the primaries of both parties?
I don't think anyone has thought of the world becoming this crazy, so all that is necessary in most if not all states is x signatures to get on the ballot. This should not be too hard to achieve between disgruntled traditional Democrats, jokers, and the horde that will sign any petition put in front of them.
Trump might do it just to embarrass the Democrats and the fun of it.
And who knows? Maybe it would turn out not to be a joke at all!
"What if Trump does as someone suggested on this blog a couple of days ago and runs in the primaries of both parties?"
-- The Democrats don't have to let him run in their primary.
and if she were to steal the nomination again? Then what? When the polls insist she's way ahead, how will her-> voters feel? I submit - nervous breakdown feelz. What if the polls are .... wrong? ....again!
Biden is likable. Hillary, not.
“Michelle Obama.”
“Agree with Big Mike. Hillary will be in jail. This whole Russia thing blows up on the Dems.”
I expect that it would affect the Obamas too. Originally, I thought that they were smart enough to keep it on a wink and nod basis, and out of the White House. At some point, Strzok or Page will be asked who at the White House was so insistent on staying in the loop. Who was in the meetings there. And hopefully, the person utilizing Samantha Powers’ credentials to unmask the identities of US Persons, will have their own identity unmasked. And, of course, BHO knew all along that Crooked Hillary was violating the Espionage and Official Records Acts with her private email server, because they repeatedly exchanged email using it.
If we get Clinton v Trump: Round 2, I may take off during Election Day.
If they get lucky they have a deadlocked convention and settle on someone new. It happened before, when the GOP chose James A Garfield.
Hillary for President of Cellblock B 2020.
Make it so.
I agree with Hari. Saying Trump was a joke at first is a way of not recognizing your own error. Althouse makes it sound like the facts changed. They didn’t, only her understanding of them changed. I THOUGHT at the time he was a no hoper. That was my error, not a fact that changed. Good catch Hari.
Answer: William Weld.
It would take the Democrats to *EMBRACE* some liberal republicans like Weld and ask them to lead, and to cobble together a coalition of angry traditional democrats, socialists, and disaffected liberal republians.
-- The Democrats don't have to let him run in their primary.
It isn't their primary anywhere, as far as I know. The states run the elections so it must be done according to State law, whatever that might be.
I think they should run Peter Strzok. Or Jussie Smollett. There is something to be said for dropping the mask.
If I were an American I’d vote for Susan Collins if she ran as a Democrat. I think she'd have a shot.
The dems could run a "none of the above" and if it wins, we don't have a president for four years. Or eight years.
Among the great things about "None of the Above" is that the two-term limit in the 22nd Amendment would not apply.
BeeGee's I Started A Joke
Democrat's Island
I don't understand why some think that Hillary or Michelle Obama will run. Or Oprah! It's pretty clear Oprah has a great life and no interest. Also clear Michelle has a great life & no interest. Why would Michelle want to run? She wants to travel around Iowa and NH in January and sleep in mediocre motels? Life is too short for that unless you really want the office.
Hillary is off the stage. Two years from now this will be clear to any doubters.
I would love for Trump to pick one of the lesser Democrat candidates, one who has no chance of winning the primary, and just start pounding that person on Twitter. Trump could spend a week nicknaming, mocking and insulting the person. He could force the media to focus all its attention on some obscure nominee. Mike Gravel, for instance. Then the Dems will reflexively defend him, and his name recognition will skyrocket. And at least a few Dems will think, "Trump sure is scared of this guy. There must be something to him." Voila - another Democrat gets exposed to public ridicule, but also gets a place on the debate stage. Trump could pick a new Dem candidate every week, unleash hell on them that they never expected, and force all the other candidates to defend an also-ran mediocrity. Each time the chosen one's name recognition would go up. And the debate stage would grow to 25 people, most of whom spout drivel.
I have a hunch that if Trump ran for the Democrat nomination, he’d win.
Andrew, how about Jay Inslee? ;-D
@ wwww I believe MO was happy to get out of the White House. Agree that at this point she has most of the perks with few of the downsides. However, MO is very into her blackness and how blacks are perceived. That is her #1 issue. That Trump is erasing her husband's legacy has to sting. Just as Trump's win was viewed as a rebuke to BO, MO might feel the need to reinstall the Obama/black rule legacy.
I also think someone like JayZ could step into the race and win the Democrat nomination.
“Why would Michelle want to run? She wants to travel around Iowa and NH in January and sleep in mediocre motels?”
Last month, encumbered with my partner and a cat, it took us six days to drive from PHX to NW MT for this half year. The last night we stayed in the Presidential Suite in Butte. It was the Presidential Suite because Michelle’s husband stayed there when campaigning in town there in 2008. This was before the DNC convention, and Crooked Hillary was staying in another, likely nicer, hotel, and they would have had the Presidential Suite if she had won. She didn’t.
We are limited to where we can stay these days on the road with the cat. A lot of our formerly favorite hotels are not pet friendly, or up here in MT, might just be dog friendly. So, the cat cuts out probably half the hotels. We also like a suite so that one of us can sleep. He is getting better, as he gets older, but we have a ways to go... So, thanks to the cat, we ended up in the Presidential Suite in Butte. And I was completely underwhelmed. Smaller and a bit more outdated than we are used to. I had a serious time believing that BHO II, who would be moving into the White House within a year, would have stayed there. I could see Michelle staying there even less easily.
JayZ actually grew up poor and has significant accomplishments. He would bring much more to the table than BO did.
Hillary does not have the physical energy to campaign.
The only thing that drives her is bitterness over losing to Obama and Trump. I suspect that a lot of people sense that and worry what she might do as POTUS.
The Dem ticket will be Biden/Harris. Harris will take most of the spotlight, but Biden will assure moderate Dems that nothing crazy will happen.
The Democrat Party is not dead; its pining for the Hill.
...a Hill to die on
Hill and the Dems would cheat like mad.
The Obama's are good friends with the Knowles-Carters.
The American electorate is tired of all the backbiting. If Trump goes full Trump in the debates he is vulnerable to a Dem candidate who can keep an even keel and not engage in tit for tat. Buttigeig may be able to fill this role if he can make it that far. For any Dem to win they will need to count on the MSM to drag them across the finish line though, and a non-contentious candidate might not be the ticket to high ratings. If Schultz were running I'd say he was a shoe in (*exception noted below)
*Trump still needs another win somewhere, China, NK, immigration. I think that would put him well above 50/50. If China and NK decide to wait him out I think he is in trouble. China especially, considering they have targeted harm to the Midwestern agricultural states.
I don't understand why some think that...Michelle Obama will run.
I don't get it either. Has she ever indicated that she wants the position? Or is the thinking that she would be a figurehead while Barack gets to be President again?
Folks say that Michelle wouldn't want to give up the life of ease she now leads. I don't agree. People who want America to become Venezuela tend to hold that as a higher purpose and will make personal sacrifices for the cause.
"Or is the thinking that she would be a figurehead while Barack gets to be President again?"
She's thinking she gets to travel to Paris with her daughters and her Mom whenever she likes. Or hang out with celebrities, artists, fashion-designers. Or buy expensive funky boots. If she gets tired of travelling, she can hang out with friends, go to gourmet restaurants and hang out with her Mom and girls and friends. If she gets bored she can give book talks and make bank. She's retired.
Giving the occasional speech at a convention is one thing. Running for office is entirely another. You have to want it to do it.
If Shulz got the Democrat nomination, maybe possibly, but I don’t expect there to be a ladder to the moon in the next couple of years either.
...I have a hunch that if Trump ran for the Democrat nomination, he’d win...
Is that possible? Uniparty ticket? Electoral College win + popular win.
That's George Washington level.
“She's perhaps counting on a brokered convention that no one can win so they have to call her in to be their "savior". LOL.”
This is my prediction!
I think her plan is to lie low (as much as she can), engineer a fake crisis during the Dem convention, and have key folks waiting in the wings to beg her to save the party by accepting the nomination.
It’s her turn, damnit!
The Democrat Party is not dead; its pining for the Hill.
That's a misunderstanding of a significant portion of the D base. A lot of the vote for Bernie was a protest vote. Bernie is a 70 year old crazy guy. The reason he got traction was so many in the base disliked, personally disliked HRC. 3rd party voting was MUCH higher in 2016 then usual. People voted for Jill Stein or stayed home.
I have thought that Hillary has every intention of running in 2020 (and have said so here). She has taken the steps that every candidate takes, such as writing a book and going on tour. Nether went particularly well other than keeping her in a public light. Hillary is such a paranoid and ambitious person she really believes her own bullshit that the election was stolen and can convince herself she has a moral obligation to run.
If she does not run, she will be a thorn in the nominee's side. She can't help herself.
Here’s How The Democrats Will Limit The Debate Field If Too Many People Qualify.
To qualify via polling, a candidate must reach 1 percent in at least three national or early-state polls from qualifying polling organizations. To qualify via donors, a candidate must have at least 65,000 unique donors with at least 200 donors in at least 20 states.
Am I the only one who finds this ironic? One way the Democrats will winnow their debate field is whether a lot of money has been spent on them?
In Richard Nixon's first election, for Congressman from California in 1946, he ran in the Republican and Democratic primaries and won both.
And, of course, Happy Mother's Day to Althouse and all the great Mom's here!
I guess I even have with Happy Mother's Day to Hillary. Thanks for running an inept campaign that helped elect Trump!
If China and NK decide to wait him out I think he is in trouble. China especially, considering they have targeted harm to the Midwestern agricultural states.
I agree that they are convinced by the Democrats that there is a chance he won't be there giving them trouble. China bought Clinton 25 years ago. Biden ditto.
As for the trade war, Trump will subsidize farmers (AG Corps) with part of the money from tariffs. He has already proposed that. He may need legislation but Democrats will fight that at their peril.
In Richard Nixon's first election, for Congressman from California in 1946, he ran in the Republican and Democratic primaries and won both.
Crossover was common in CA then. Goodwin Knight did the same thing. Won both primaries for Governor.
Idle Question: Given their health issues and/or age, what makes y'all think either Clueless Joe or Felonis von Pantsuit will even be alive in 2020?
Clinton clearly wants to run, but finding the opening to do so is the real challenge for her this time. Waiting for a brokered convention is not the way to do it. There is almost no chance that none of the candidates gathers a majority of the delegates before the convention. You have to get 15% of vote to even get a delegate in a primary electin, and that makes it nearly impossible for anyone finishing below 3rd place to get a delegate. The race will be down to 3 people after South Carolina, and down to 2 after the first big multi-primary day- count on it.
So, what is the best way for Clinton to get into the race? If I were her, I would bide my time until about September- see how the polling settles out after the first Democratic debates, then kneecap the leader with a big behind the scenes attack in the media. Then, a month later, enter the race to "save the party". Will this work? I have no idea- it would definitely work if Michelle Obama did it, but I tend to think she really has no interest in elected office, but I could be wrong. This scenario works better for Clinton if it is Biden she torpedoes, which is now possible, but I still think by the end of the Summer it is going to be Harris who is the strongest of the Democratic candidates.
Definitely going to be fun and interesting watching the Democratic primaries, though.
One idea for getting to a brokered convention would be for a high profile southern black Democrat to enter the race just to snag the black vote in the South- that would be enough to win states like MS, AL, LA, SC, NC, GA, and maybe even VA. That could prevent anyone from getting to a majority. However, I don't see who that person would be- only Abrams looks to fit this model, and she is just a loser by all appearances, and might not get enough votes to even win a delegate.
Mike Rowe and Chris Evans on a "This is Your Grandfather's Democrat Party" platform.
Honest question; are there any states that Trump lost in 2016, that he might win in 2020 if he is running at that time?
I ask because of the triumvirate of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Unless Trump pulls that off again, when Democrats will certainly not be taking anything for granted, Trump will need to make up electoral votes elsewhere.
Get an RV, Bruce!
"Or is the thinking that she would be a figurehead while Barack gets to be President again?"
You mean like Lurleen Wallace?
Honest question; are there any states that Trump lost in 2016, that he might win in 2020 if he is running at that time?
Unlikely. Maybe New Hampshire?
The media successfully failed to report the news throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. The media portrayed DJT's presidential campaign as nothing more than a joke. Their success is proven in Althouse's statement, "DJT was a joke until it happened.". The fact that DJT's election came as a surprise to most liberals, progressives and Democrats as well as many Republicans, libertarians and conservatives across the country is proof of the media's failure to accurately report the campaign news. Their reporting failed as it was little more than a veiled campaign for Hillary. Even when the Democrats screwed Bernie Sanders during the primary the media failed to accurately report the news. Why? They were too busy campaigning for Hillary "because it was her turn". THe fact that Ann Althouse still does not appear to be conscious of the media's successful failure should be a warning for all. How many are still falling for the media's schtick? Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, shame on me.
Zero chance anyone but Trump wins. Zero.
Chuck asked a good question:
"Are there any states that Trump lost in 2016, that he might win in 2020 if he is running at that time?"
Yes, there are. Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, and maybe even Colorado. All of those states are more politically neutral (are better ground for a Republican candidate) than Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Gary Johnson won significant vote totals in all four of those states on the Libertarian ticket- and those votes came from disaffected Republicans who probably expected Trump to lose in 2016. Trump will regain most of those voters in 2020.
Indeed, I think Trump is far more likely to win VA and NH in 2020 than he is to win any of those midwest states, and I think if the economy stays where it is now, he will likely win the midwest states again, too. The model you should be using is the 2004 election. The electorate isn't all that different today than then- maybe only slightly worse for Republicans, but with no festering wars to defend (at least so far).
Trump losing support at double-digit rates in the battleground states.
RobinG: "I think her plan is to lie low (as much as she can), engineer a fake crisis during the Dem convention, and have key folks waiting in the wings to beg her to save the party by accepting the nomination."
This has also been my contention for quite some time.
If this presumption is correct, no other dem candidate can be allowed to take a commanding lead without getting knifed. Further, the dems will continue to encourage additional candidates to toss their hat in the ring to split votes.
If and when it appears that there is a targeted effort to get LLR-favorite SleepyCreepy Biden out of the race I will take that as clear evidence of the Michelle Gambit.
“Get an RV, Bruce!”
Seriously thinking about it. Cat is a trooper, but would still do better with a big place to play, instead of being caged up.
Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "Trump losing support at double-digit rates in the battleground states."
No he's not.
But nice try Maddow-fanboy......not.
I would almost agree that Hillary will be the candidate, except that the Clinton Machine is almost defunct now so she doesn't have the pull she had. The Democrats hate her (mostly for losing), and my guess is that Joe Biden will be the nominee.
Michelle Obama is an airhead. So is Oprah.
November 2018 a distant memory for many.
AllenS: "Michelle Obama is an airhead."
A far left airhead, just like Chuck.
But they both think they are geniuses and will do whatever it takes to deliver ALL the power to theur dem pals.
What worries me, electoral vote wise, is how many Californians are escaping their hive and moving to Texas. If Texas turns blue the whole country is screwed.
readering: "November 2018 a distant memory for many."
Says Team Left for whom history starts anew each morning.
Too funny.
Chuck has a fair question, and it points out Trump's main vulnerability.
The election, like so many, will come down to turnout. Trump's base must not be complacent, and the independents must be skeptical of the Dem nominee.
Also, the economic news near the election will have an impact. Regardless of the reality, I'm sure the media will be screaming about the weakness in the economy.
mockturtle: "What worries me, electoral vote wise, is how many Californians are escaping their hive and moving to Texas. If Texas turns blue the whole country is screwed."
That is certainly the plan and why the left/LLR-left are pushing so hard for open borders, drivers lucenses for illegals, motor voter registration and vote harvesting.
Texas going permanently blue is a LLR Chuck dream scenario as he would naver have to witness another republican victory which he termed "disastrous".
“Yes, there are. Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, and maybe even Colorado. All of those states are more politically neutral (are better ground for a Republican candidate) than Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.”
I don’t see Colorado flipping. The TDS is still thick there in the Republicans I talk to there (I only moved my residency from CO to MT in 2016, partially to be in the winning side that year). I think that NV may depend on illegal immigration. And VA may now be in play, thanks to the three top statewide office holders, all Democrats, having been exposed as either racists (Gov and AG) or sexists (Lt Gov). Still, though, they are likely to have the same problem as CO has, which is a lot of people with college, and probably esp graduate, degrees looking down on boorish Trump.
I can't find it online at the moment, but I am reminded of one of my favorite political cartoons of all time.
When George H.W. Bush was at his peak popularity after the defeat of the much clichéd "elite Iraqi Republican Guard" in the Gulf War, it was early in the 1992 presidential election cycle, and there was a large field of potential Democratic opponents. The cartoon was styled after the familiar Gulf War military briefings, with Bush standing at a lectern, dressed in Norman Schwarzkopf-style fatigues, standing near a display of befuddled-looking major Democratic presidential candidates, and saying, "And the elite Democratic Guard is completely immobilized."
Bill Clinton was not in the cartoon, as he was not yet on the radar as a serious candidate.
From David Forsmark via PJMedia: This weekend, the Clintons took the Hill and Bill Tour to The Forum in Inglewood, Calif., in what amounts to home turf for them these days. Thanks to low demand, ticket prices plummeted to as low as $2 each.
It won't be Hildebeest Panzoot.
Well, I called it for Oprah at the time of the 2016 election. It's still hers to lose. But she's running new "WW" commercials, so no dice so far. But she'd be the one not-anti-American first black woman Dem president who can unite the factions, peel off a small part of Trump's support, and get the gettable Althouses.
Michelle, on the other hand, is on a big pre-election tour, testing the waters. The waters are churning. Progs are excited. She's drawing full houses. She'll be Oprah-lite, Oprah-left. She'd lock in the minority vote and overwhelm the wannabes. But running against Trump would be no sure thing: it's hard to see the anti-Hill voters change their mind and go back to O-too, the gettable Althouses would have reasons for doubt, and Trump would run hard against a rerun of the O years.
PS. Somewhat to my surprise and disgust, I recently saw the first 2020 presidential campaign lawn sign in my neighborhood. (Do we really have to start with the lawn signs already?) It was for Biden.
“mockturtle: "What worries me, electoral vote wise, is how many Californians are escaping their hive and moving to Texas. If Texas turns blue the whole country is screwed."”
Scary thing is that that seems to have already happened to CO. Used to be that the Dems had to be fairly middle of the road to win there. Sure, the Congressional Districts that had Denver and Boulder in them were inevitably filled by wackos. But the left wing wacko who used to represent Boulder (and, unfortunately me, until I switched my residency to MT) is now the governor. OR and WA have also gone wacko the last couple years. People I know in E WA are desperately trying to figure out where to send their guns. The problem is that they have the income for decent gun collections, but only WA has no state income tax. Still, they are asking themselves if paying ID income tax and another 20-30 minute commute is worth moving to ID. And the really scary thing is that it seems that the first thing that Dems seem to want to do when taking over a state like these, is to institute measures designed to facilitate massive voter fraud.
Jay Inslee. Now there's a name to be reckoned with.
Kamala Harris. She's black, she's ready, and she's a woman.
A fate worse than death: Hillary beats Trump and you’re violated daily by a raging eight-year schadenboner.
Yes, there are. Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, and maybe even Colorado. All of those states are more politically neutral (are better ground for a Republican candidate) than Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Gary Johnson won significant vote totals in all four of those states on the Libertarian ticket- and those votes came from disaffected Republicans who probably expected Trump to lose in 2016. Trump will regain most of those voters in 2020.
Good analysis. Chuck is just wishing and imagining things. The Never Trumpers at Ricochet are down to one left. People like Andy McCarthy who were pretty negative are now supporters as they see the coup plot being revealed. Chuck is an example of confirmation bias as I'm sure he reads only stuff that agrees with his imagination .
Of course, anything is possible, but we haven't had brokered conventions for 50 years because there's no need for them. Rarely do other candidates just stay in the race, merely to keep the leader from getting 50.1% And when they do, they never succeed.
Trying to understand a Democrat, is like trying to understand a drug-addled fool. Who knows what's in their minds. Rationally, Hillary is dead as a door nail politically. But, who knows? Its Democrats. I mean, why did they nominate her in 2016?
Note that I've not the foggiest idea who will be the candidates left standing in the endgame and which will be roadkill. Anything could happen and probably will.
I agree. I thought Harris had the money behind her but she seems to be stumbling, Biden, to me, seems to be a wish for a non crazy party by a lot of older Dems. Can the crazies overcome that ? They did in 1972.
Besides, Biden is the Hillary of 2020. The old establishment candidate, who's safe, and liked by Wall Street, Big Labor, and Hollywood. The real story will be, who will challenge him. It won't be Bernie, his day is done.
"What worries me, electoral vote wise, is how many Californians are escaping their hive and moving to Texas. If Texas turns blue the whole country is screwed."
Its not the Californians but the Immigrants that are turning Texas Purple.
Damn, if I had known I could have gone to the Forum finale for two bucks I would have done it. Been meaning to see what MSG has done with the place.
At this point, any "Never Trumper" who's planning to vote 3rd Party, should just throw off the mask and call themselves what they really are - Democrats.
If you want Trump to lose, you need to be hoping for a recession between now and November 2020. This is definitely possible, but isn't a certainty, and likely not even probable. The government is deficit spending so much money right now, it makes it less likely you get a recession anytime soon. The Democrats could try to cut spending to hamstring Trump, but that will be difficult to pull off in time.
Joe Biden = former vp = automatic loser
People thinking Joe Biden (or any former vp against anyone) could possibly win the presidency = the triumph of hope over experience
John Henry
“Jay Inslee. Now there's a name to be reckoned with.”
Which is, of course, why most everyone in E WA is panicking over their guns. Gun control is one of those wedge issues where all the Dems seem to be trying to out flank everyone on the left. Not quite sure why they think that the national sentiment has shifted so far in their direction. Maybe figure that they will be able to tack back to the center after securing the nomination. Not sure that works with that issue.
“If you really want to know what to expect in the Democratic nominating process, you could do worse than to observe what happened four years ago with the GOP:”
One thing that has changed for the Dems is that they apparently no longer have Winner Take All primaries. This may mean that some of the Dems will have a route to the nomination a bit less longer. Or, maybe not. Should be interesting.
Trump didn't win. Hillary lost. The real reason is that she didn't campaign in toss-up states as much as she needed to (as Bill advised her) and lost the Electoral College. She will not make THAT mistake again.
OTOH, now Trump has a proven track record on the economy.
I think we can conclude hes a knace:
They do not need to get a lot of money. The dollar I sent to Michelle what's her name (confusion to the enemy!) counts just the same as $2000 someone else may have sent in terms of getting into the debate.
They asked me for more money and I replied, with MAGA! in the subject that I am Trump supporter, could care less about the candidate and only gave a dollar to help sow chaos.
I got a nice email back saying thank you for the dollar whatever the motive and if I get disillusioned with pdjt, please consider her as an alternative.
I thought it was pretty classy. It was signed by someone, not the candidate and did not seem to be a form email
Made me feel warm & fuzzy about the candidate. Though not warm enough or fuzzy enough to remember her name.
John Henry
Its not the Californians but the Immigrants that are turning Texas Purple.
Nope. Californians are moving to TX to avoid the taxes. While immigrants may account for part of the electorate it's not the part that shapes the state government or picks it's leadership.
I think the Dems should nominate Hillary.
Then she should get indicted by Bill Barr for colluding with foreign governments in the 2016 election.
I think it is just the opposite. If Hillary thinks Barr is getting too close, she will announce. It is much harder to indict a presidential candidate than a normal citizen. Hillary will be able to postpone any investigation by screaming it is all political and hope for either her victory or another democrat to win.
WAIT FOR IT! Michelle runs as Vice President with Biden. That gets automatic Democrat votes. The VP gets a mansion and all the perks but really does nothing.No real work..Michelle will take a many vacations (called diplomatic trips) as before all over the world, burning up millions of dollars.
“They do not need to get a lot of money. The dollar I sent to Michelle what's her name (confusion to the enemy!) counts just the same as $2000 someone else may have sent in terms of getting into the debate.”
Good idea. I would be willing to give $1 to the campaigns of several of the more marginal candidates, if it would mean that clown show remains popcorn worthy. Any ideas who we should start with?
I think the more interesting question is whether mom and son are going to vote for a 3 sigma candidate again.
What does it tell us that the focus of Democrat insiders in recent weeks is on recruiting a third party candidate to drain votes from Trump? They see the Democrats’ private polls and it is apparent that the poll results make them very nervous about their chances in 2020.
Hillary Clinton: the William Jennings Bryan of the 21st century Democrats.
Oh, wait, Bryan was a Democrat too...
Al Gore. He won in 2000 and he can win again in 2020
They should run the real last president again, ValJar, the Obamas roommate.
President Trump for the landslide!
Mockturtle said...
What worries me, electoral vote wise, is how many Californians are escaping their hive and moving to Texas. If Texas turns blue the whole country is screwed.
I live in what was once a small town on a lake east of Dallas. The population has doubled in five years and everyone I talk to seems to have come from a very blue State. California and the northeast.
Our town Facebook page is littered with liberals and SJWs. Rockwall is the smallest county in Texas and it used to be the richest. Now it's full of liberals that have moved in and are clamoring for Section 8 housing and more "diversity." And boy are we getting diversity good and hard.
Alfred E. Neuman. (The Real one)
Couple of points:
Hillary is so self-unaware that I believe that she believes she will ultimately triumph at the convention. We all think whoever is writing this stuff is delusional. She is serious.
Michelle will not run for anything . She has too good a life as it is now....and speaking of people who the more you know the less you like! It is true that if Biden survives the primaries (becoming more doubtful daily) he will need someone to carry him through the campaign.
The Dems certainly appear silly with their field of candidates and their "solutions" to America's problems. Then again, always keep 2016 in mind. Also remember that even though many thought Trump a joke he ran a very successful campaign against the most "tested pros" in the Dem party.
they didn't even care to review this matter during the election did they:
Last month, I opined that we would know the Dems were serious about winning if they did 2 things:
1. Embrace Biden
2. Bail on the impeachment nonsense.
They are doing both. The Dem elders and money guys are brighter than the young, loud socialists.
Another, close, 50-50 election - keep our fingers crossed that the economy stays hot.
I think it's still Kamala Harris' nomination to lose. Flavors of the month are fun, but there are still a lot of months to go.
I agree Trump is the most likely... but to my mind he is not odds-on, which means he is not likely (over 50%) to win. Different things.
But, way too early.
how's that Nadler broadway show going:
will the Super-Predators and Deplorables vote for that
rotting Cabbage-Patch doll in a Bond-villain suit?
She's Grisabella in the Dem herd of Cats
If her current tour with Bill ("An Evening with the Clintons") were a box office success, she'd be about to announce that she's running. It isn't, and she won't.
Martin said...
I agree Trump is the most likely... but to my mind he is not odds-on, which means he is not likely (over 50%) to win. Different things.
How do you reconcile this analysis with the fact that there are only 2 parties that matter? How is he most likely and yet less then 50% likely?
"Yes, there are. Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, and maybe even Colorado."
I don't think the numbers are there for Nevada, VA, or Colorado. Unless Ds elect someone crazy, which is possible.
In an ideal (poor choice of words) world it would be Michelle Obama who would win over Bernie.
Biden will have disappeared because of his creepiness, his son’s involvement in Ukraine and failing mental health.
The others will return to their comfortable sinecures never to raise their heads again.
The Democrats are in total disarray. They are not fighting to win an election, the are fighting to discredit Trump who, on all of the evidence, is doing a far better job for the nation and the people than any of his recent predecessors. He has their heads spinning and the vomit flying everywhere.
They would not want to run a lesser woman than MO against Trump because the certain loss will make it look as if a woman can’t run for President. However, they will want to run a woman so they can play the misogyny card. They will not want to run an old white man because he will ether implode or Trump will destroy him and all other likely male candidates are too marginalised or too flaky.
However, Michelle will not turn up because she is smart enough to know that her 2024 opponent will be such a distance from Trump that she will be a shoo in for 2024.
So, Hillary will be the candidate because she is expendable and couldn’t possibly do more damage than she has done already.
How do you reconcile this analysis with the fact that there are only 2 parties that matter? How is he most likely and yet less then 50% likely?
There are only 2 that matter, but 1% here, 5%, there, 1% here...it adds up.
"Biden will have disappeared because of his creepiness, his son’s involvement in Ukraine and failing mental health."
The son stuff isn't going to matter in the primary, the touching stuff might help him. It's not gonna play in the primary.
Trump: He speaks our language and gets things done in his "contract with America." Promises kept means a lot compared to the equivalcating herd of politicians who promise then renege once elected. Democrats still don't understand what got DJT elected. Many of us who watched "The Apprentice" and the name calling against those running against him proved that he was not afraid to say the words that haunt Hillary, Democrats, Republicans to this day; "Your'e Fired."
Word for analysis; Retaliation.
Don't insult the "Deplorables" and "Irredeemables" then act affronted when POTUS Trump and his supporters beat you using your own tactics and game plan.
Annie C: I'm sorry to hear about your town. It's a sad situation for all of us. I'm beginning to think the only solution is to divide every state into red and blue sections. Hard to believe but both WA and OR were once fairly conservative. Our major newspapers in AZ used to be conservative but have become downright embarrassing antiTrump drivel. No one subscribes to the Arizona Republic any more and I'm surprised they haven't changed the name!
Michelle Obama.
there is usually a broadly right party, and a left one, in the uk, the former is being eclipsed by the Brexit one, in france the gaullists, which are split several ways and the socialist, although the en marche faction, is mostly social democrat,
"Al Gore. He won in 2000 and he can win again in 2020"
The 2000 election was actually the first time that the democrats resisted turning over the power of government to the legitimate winning party, a prelude to 2016. That is, if you disregard/discount the coup of Richard Nixon.
this is how they are when they feel untouchable,
I like this take by Clarice Feldman on the coup attempt of Trump.
"As Spygate proceeds to its certain conclusion -- the trials of those who engaged in this scandalous coup attempt -- we receive the details of the scheme only in dribs and drabs. Too many were involved and have too much to lose at this point by not revealing to the investigators their role in exchange for more lenient treatment, which is why I believe all will soon be revealed.
So for the moment let’s turn to the broader picture that explains in large part why so many officials were so determined to keep Donald Trump from the White House and to oust him once he won the election.
To me, it has seemed they are clinging to the privileges and benefits of an order which is dying because its underpinnings -- the post-World War II order -- no longer suit the citizens of the countries involved, or the changing world."
indeed dreams, take the intelligence community so called, they issue as many bad calls as roger godell, state is rarely pushing the nations own self interests, so you have the most example of steele and his assistant, Tatiana duran, who had previously worked with the state department, but subsequently in a project with nigel ingster deputy director MI 6, they met with assistant secretary of state kavalec, who promptly dismissed some of the claims steele had made, re the Russian consulate in Miami (what is this burn notice) john Solomon notes other red flags in the presentation,
"It's a joke until it happens."
It's all in good fun, until someone gets their eye poked out, or Trump gets elected President...
Californians flee California but take with them that which made them leave.
Yes, it was naive of me to suggest that making Venezuela great again would bring order when there are so many terrorist Marxist groups. They would have to be wiped out and that would be as likely as Mexico wiping out the drug cartels.
wwww wrote:
"I don't think the numbers are there for Nevada, VA, or Colorado. Unless Ds elect someone crazy, which is possible."
Clinton didn't win a majority of the voters any of those states in 2016, and the bulk of the vote that didn't go to Trump or Clinton went to Gary Johnson and/or Evan McMullin. I see no reason to believe that the Libertarian/Other right leaning candidates won't return to their normal less than 1% of the vote, most of which will come from states that are largely uncontested by one or the other of the major parties in any case.
On the other side, you can probably put 3/4 of Stein's vote in the Democratic candidate's box, but the problem is that Stein only won just over 1% of the vote, whereas the Libertarian/3rd party Republicans won almost 5% nationwide.
All of those states have a bit of a blue tilt from neutral, but it isn't strong and is easily overcome if Trump wins the popular vote, which is a likely outcome as an incumbent. The key for Trump will be avoiding a recession- absent that, he is likely to not only win, but win quite handily in a manner not much different than Obama did in 2012.
In the last election Bill moved about the country during the primaries quietly pulling down the other candidates; and in my opinion this happening again. It'll be Hillary but as late as possible so she doesn't have to exhaust herself campaigning or show herself to the people. But what about Bernie? He, and still more his people, will not surrender again. The Dem vote will split - unless they nominate a communist. So real Dem candidates [Schumer,Tim Kaine, Cuomo] are afraid of running against Hillary and afraid of splitting the party by opposing Bernie. And then, then, THEN after all that - they'd be facing Trump.
Just to give you an example of what I am talking about- compare Gary Johnson's vote totals in a state Trump won in 2016- Michigan. In 2012, Johnson, as the Libertarian candidate, won 0.16% of the vote. In 2016, Johnson won 3.59%. Whoever runs on the Libertarian ticket in 2020 is likely go back to 0.2-0.3% in that state, and that 3.2 difference% is likely to go to Trump by 3 to 1 or more. In other words, given the state of the economy right now- I would guess Trump starts with 50% of the vote, and the Democratic candidate starts with about 49% after I assign the third party's their 2012 percentages. A recession would change that, of course.
I keep remembering Christopher Hitchens dire prediction of an inevitable Hillary presidency, and it chills my spine. I was going to reproduce the prophesy in his own words, but I couldn't locate it. The main phrase I remember is that he called Queen Cacklepants "one of those people for whom the meeting is never over." I did, however, find this:
“Everything about this campaign, and everything about this candidate, was rotten from the very start. Mrs. Clinton has the most unappetizing combination of qualities to be met in many days’ march: she is a tyrant and a bully when she can dare to be, and an ingratiating populist when that will serve. She will sometimes appear in the guise of a ‘strong woman’ and sometimes in the softer garb of a winsome and vulnerable female. She is entirely un-self-critical and quite devoid of reflective capacity, and has never found that any of her numerous misfortunes or embarrassments are her own fault, because the fault invariably lies with others. And, speaking of where things lie, she can in a close contest keep up with her husband for mendacity. Like him, she is not just a liar but a lie; a phony construct of shreds and patches and hysterical, self-pitying, demagogic improvisations.”
Or even look at a state like New Mexico- Johnson and McMullin had over 10% of the vote- and if Johnson isn't a candidate any longer, then that 10% is going to go mostly to Trump in 2020 which makes that state competitive.
And if Howard Schultz really does run a third party candidacy (I am not convinced he will), then he will draw off votes from the Democratic candidate. This normally wouldn't be a problem, but Schultz has the money to run an actual campaign, and could easily win 3-5% of the vote in a lot of states.
I'm definitely no Mick but I'll post my two Hillary scenarios here fr posterity: Number One: Biden snowplows the competition for the nomination then has a 'change of heart' bows out and leaves the empty dance floor for Hillary!...Number Two: Biden wins and picks Hillary! for Veep, Biden wins vs Trump, Biden is sworn in then hangs himself before lunch...
I'm definitely no Mick but I'll post my two Hillary scenarios here fr posterity: Number One: Biden snowplows the competition for the nomination then has a 'change of heart' bows out and leaves the empty dance floor for Hillary!...Number Two: Biden wins and picks Hillary! for Veep, Biden wins vs Trump, Biden is sworn in then hangs himself before lunch...
I like the Democrats in jail scenario but is there any evidence Republicans have any interest in actually following up on the threat? It's beginning to ring hollow...
Trump has interuppted the free flow of graft.
Two words: Kim Kardashian
Despite her protestations and excuse making, I don't think she's been forgiven for losing to Trump. And time only adds to her steaming pile of corruption.
You may want to make it a family maths project.
You will need tastier bribe than mere popcorn.
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